History doesn't necessarily repeat itself... but it certainly rhymes.
Eric Brakey and Brian Nichols break down the top stories of 2021!
We need to be realistic vs. idealistic when talking foreign policy.
Don't try and be something for everyone.
How are these libertarians helping veterans in need?
Original Show Notes: Listen as Hillary explains how Chavez and the concepts of socialism took control of Venezuela through the use of divisiveness, cause by building resentment between the differing wage classes. Later, Hilla...
Why does this Gen Z activist want to keep Afghanistan in the national discourse?
How did a 20-year war crippled the American Empire?
"We don't need governments involved in this uprising... We need people."
How can a plant known as the "vine of the dead" help heal instead of simply treating symptoms in the living?
When art meets defensive security measures, creativity wins the day.
Have you heard about what's happening in Myanmar? Don't worry, if you said "no", you're sadly not alone. Joining me today is a panel of young activists raising awareness to the tragedy unfolding in Myanmar as the military coup continues.
We all accept that the government doesn't tell us certain information. Now, government will say it's due to "national security" or some other reason, but what about the government using the media apparatus to actively misinform the public? Donnie Gebert is a former government insider who outlines…
With COVID at the top of every news program, the discussion on foreign policy/affairs has decreased significantly, with many folks unaware of the happenings in the across the world. One such region that hasn't received as much focus us that of the country of Israel and the greater Middle East reg…
Will Joe Biden's Foreign policy be more like that of a Trump administration, or are we going to see a return to a more Obama-like foreign policy? Sarah Burns, Associate Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, joins the program to specifically look at what to expect…