The Libertarian Party has made some successful efforts to expand its base and grow as a political force.
Exploring the Predictions of Ron Paul that Have Come True
Listen as we're joined by Captain Bob "Shoebob" Carey, US Navy (Ret), of Ready for Ron to discuss why he feels Governor DeSantis is the best candidate for President.
We will delve into the political climate at the time, the aftermath of the attack, and Chorin's thoughts on the current state of affairs in Libya.
The world has been shocked by the images coming out of China over the past few weeks, with millions of people taking to the streets across the country. These protests have been met with varying levels of force by authorities. Is this a sign that Chinese citizens are finally rising up against an opp…
On today's episode, I'm joined by Brian Vicente and Mason Tvert as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Amendment 64, which legalized cannabis in Colorado.
On today's episode, I'm joined by John Odermatt to discuss Elon Musk officially positioning himself to move forward with his acquiring Twitter, PLUS we talk about him trying to avoid World War III/nuclear war over the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
On today's episode, I'm joined once again by James Sceniak, Libertarian candidate for US Senate in Indiana!
We'll be discussing how the United States is currently involved in an endless war on terror funded by The Fed's endless printing of money that has cost us trillions of dollars while also infringing on our civil rights through mass surveillance, indefinite detention without trial, torture, and assas…
Tom Norton has a simple message: he's running for Congress because he wants to defend our values.
"I decided to run because, in March of 2020, I got out of the Marine Corps after serving five and a half years. And I got back in mid-March, March 15, and I went to go work my first job as a normal person again. And they laid me off right after my first day."
Returning to the program today is Professor Sarah Burns (Associate Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology) to give her report card grade of the Biden administration's foreign policy priorities...
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined once again by Mike ter Maat! However... this time, he's announced that he's seeking to be the Libertarian Party candidate for 2024! "I think that the big basket, of cou...
"A normal regular gasoline vehicle has somewhere in the region of 800 to 1000 semiconductors. An EV has more than double that."
What do you think about the current state of our union?