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Civil Liberties/Free Speech Episodes

Oct. 4, 2022

598: Elon Musk to Officially Buy Twitter - (And Ruffles Feathers For …

On today's episode, I'm joined by John Odermatt to discuss Elon Musk officially positioning himself to move forward with his acquiring Twitter, PLUS we talk about him trying to avoid World War III/nuclear war over the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

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Sept. 22, 2022

590: A United Kingdom in Transition - How Have British Efforts to Enf…

On today's episode, I'm joined by British libertarian political content creator Jess Gill. Jess is a passionate advocate for freedom and equality, but she believes that the current wave of woke totalitarianism—which she calls "totalitarian equality"—has gone too far.

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Sept. 8, 2022

580: Enough is Enough - It's Time to End the WARS, Fix Our MONEY, & R…

We'll be discussing how the United States is currently involved in an endless war on terror funded by The Fed's endless printing of money that has cost us trillions of dollars while also infringing on our civil rights through mass surveillance, indefinite detention without trial, torture, and assas…

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Sept. 5, 2022

577: Without Choice, You Can't Have Liberty - Meet the Libertarian Ch…

Gavin is a Libertarian who believes that without choice, you can't have liberty. He explains why he thinks the best way to promote personal freedom and civil liberties is through limited government: less taxation, less regulation, and more personal responsibility.

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Aug. 29, 2022

572: Rethinking the Death Penalty - Why Should Conservatives be Conce…

Demetrius is an advocate for criminal justice reform and he's been working for years to get conservatives to rethink the death penalty. And you know what? He's right—there are plenty of reasons why conservatives should be concerned about the death penalty.

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Aug. 11, 2022

560: Can this Libertarian Offer Colorado a True Liberty Alternative?!

Brian thinks that Libertarians are the best hope for restoring the American dream—and he thinks it's time for Colorado to take the first step toward reclaiming its independence from big government.

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July 18, 2022

547: HERO 22-Year-Old Ends Mass-Shooting - How a Good Guy with a Gun …

When a madman with a rifle started shooting at an Indiana mall this past weekend, a good guy with a gun stopped him—and saved countless lives.

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July 14, 2022

545: The Alpha Mission - A New Vision of Black Wall Streets Across th…

How the "JUST DO BUSINESS" approach is the pathway for ending the generational poverty of black communities across the country, by proving that the Free Enterprise System works for everyone.

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July 11, 2022

542: What's Happening to Our Men? - How the "Average Guy" From Yester…

Why are men struggling now more than they ever have?

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July 4, 2022

537: Time For TEXIT!? - How Texas Is ONE VOTE AWAY From Declaring Ind…

It means that Texans get a government that begins and ends at the borders of Texas - most importantly, it means that for the first time in Texan's lives that they control their own destiny

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July 1, 2022

536: Proud To Be an American - Why Libertarians & Conservatives Need…

With July 4th approaching closely, Americans look to their inner patriot to reflect on why they are proud to be an American in celebrating our independence from Great Britain.

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June 24, 2022

531: THEY ACTUALLY DID IT: The Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade!!

What are the implications politically? And what can the Libertarian Party do to reach voter who have otherwise been weary of the LP's platform.

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June 1, 2022

514: Policing Bodies: Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg (w/ I…

Sex work occupies a legally gray space in Johannesburg, South Africa, and police attitudes toward it are inconsistent and largely unregulated. This results in both room for negotiation that can benefit sex workers and extreme...

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May 18, 2022

505: The United States and its Long History of "Misinformation" (w/ C…

Does this sound familiar? The looming threat of war hovers over the United States like a vulture circling its prey. A deadly virus is running through the population, forcing many to avoid highly populated areas. Furthermore, ...

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May 12, 2022

501: Did This College Student Really Get Expelled For Refusing The CO…

"My body, my choice" doesn't seemingly apply to those refusing the COVID booster.

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