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Civil Liberties/Free Speech Episodes

Jan. 10, 2023

656: A Look at the Libertarian Party's Success and Growth Strategies:…

The Libertarian Party has made some successful efforts to expand its base and grow as a political force.

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Jan. 9, 2023

655: Standing Up for Small Business - The Inspiring Story of Beloved …

Small Businesses Matter: One Owner's Inspiring Journey of Resistance and Persistence

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Jan. 5, 2023

653: The Prophecies of Ron Paul

Exploring the Predictions of Ron Paul that Have Come True

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Dec. 9, 2022

640: The Road to Texas Independence

On today's episode, we're joined once again by Daniel Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, to discuss TEXIT, the movement advocating for Texas to become an independent nation.

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Dec. 7, 2022

638: Elon Musk & "The Twitter Files"

Jack and I talk about the corruption that has been exposed, including how Twitter censors conservatives, how they use their power to get Democrats elected, and much more.

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Dec. 5, 2022

636: Is this the End of the Communist Chinese Party!?

The world has been shocked by the images coming out of China over the past few weeks, with millions of people taking to the streets across the country. These protests have been met with varying levels of force by authorities. Is this a sign that Chinese citizens are finally rising up against an opp…

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Dec. 2, 2022

635: Did The Science™ of COVID Change? Or Did The Science™ Move the G…

Nick's message was powerful and clear then as it is now: that the science was not "settled" when discussing COVID-19 as The Science™ tried to claim back in 2021, and that it was essential for us to keep fighting for justice in the name of all those who had died and suffered.

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Nov. 17, 2022

626: Building a Culture of Liberty with Black Guns Matter

On today's episode, I'm joined by Maj Toure from Black Guns Matter to discuss the importance of building a culture of liberty when reaching out to black Americans.

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Nov. 15, 2022

624: Americans HATE Each Other - And That's a Problem

The United States is often thought of as a melting pot, where people from all over the world come together and work together to build a better future. But it looks like that ain't happening anymore.

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Nov. 14, 2022

623: JUSTICE for Workers Injured By Employer-Mandated Vaccines

On today's episode, I'm joined by Ben Carlisle, the worker’s rights attorney for New York seeking to obtain justice for workers who were injured by the COVID vaccines.

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Oct. 31, 2022

614: Do We Need to Declare a Pandemic Amnesty?

Emily, who forced her kids to mask while hiking OUTSIDE now says we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were "in the dark about COVID". Today, I outline why my answer to her plea is an emphatic "NO".

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Oct. 21, 2022

611: Fighting for What Matters - Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated Write-In f…

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated Write-In for Governor of Maryland!

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Oct. 20, 2022

610: 10 Years of Legal Recreational Cannabis

On today's episode, I'm joined by Brian Vicente and Mason Tvert as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Amendment 64, which legalized cannabis in Colorado.

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Oct. 18, 2022

608: Eternal Spring - The Falun Gong's Fight Against Communist Chines…

Today, we discuss the Falun Gong's fight against Chinese Communist Party propaganda and persecution, as we dig into the story of a group of heroes who sought to highjack the CCP corporate television broadcasts in 2002.

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Oct. 6, 2022

600: Black Liberation Through the Marketplace - Hope, Heartbreak, and…

If we face America’s racial history squarely, will it mean that the American project is a failure? Conversely, if we think the American project is a worthy endeavor, do we have to lie, downplay or equivocate about our past?

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