Elisha Daeva explores how understanding historical trauma and gender dynamics can help us heal individually and collectively, offering insights from her personal journey and latest book.
Michael Pickens returns to share his insights on reprogramming your subconscious mind for success by setting clear goals, breaking them down into actionable steps, and using powerful tools like affirmations and visual reminders to stay focused and motivated on your journey towards creating the life…
AI expert @JoeGulesserian returns to explore the potential consequences of AI on democracy, employment, and society, warning of a dystopian future marked by mass unemployment, corporate-government collusion, and the erosion of individual freedom, while offering strategies for adapting and resisting…
In a heart-wrenching episode, the Martin family shares the tragic story of their 18-year-old daughter Trista, whose vibrant life was cut short by the COVID-19 vaccine, and their mission to raise awareness about vaccine dangers to prevent other families from experiencing the same devastating loss.
@PeterGillooly, CEO of @twc_health, joins the show to discuss how their innovative approach to personalized, patient-centered healthcare is revolutionizing the industry by empowering individuals to take control of their health through naturopathic solutions, transparent treatment plans, and afforda…
Through candid insights on overcoming adversity, embracing empathy, unlocking one's purpose, and consciously parenting, transformational coach Carol Szuky outlines her journey of profound self-discovery to guide others in manifesting the abundant, fulfilling lives they deserve.
This investigative journalist reveals how natural metabolic therapies may effectively treat cancer's root causes yet remain suppressed by profit-driven forces blocking real progress.
With waste generation set to rise steeply in the coming decades, pioneering data expert Electra Coutsoftides unveils how emerging technologies can empower cities worldwide to get ahead of the crisis and accelerate the transition to responsible, zero waste communities.
@wirtzbill challenges the self-appointed "fun police" who aim to restrict personal freedoms and ban vices through morality-based prohibition movements.
@Kevdjenkins1963 on how RFK Jr. can disrupt the two-party duopoly in 2024 by staying laser-focused on "America First" issues and his proven fight against medical tyranny and corporatocracy control.
@HadarDr provides an native-Israelis account of the crisis in Israel + outlines holistic solutions to treat health problems at their root cause.
@BenCarlisleLaw returns to outline the legal recourse for employees injured or fired over employer-mandated COVID vaccines.
@TheClayClark returns to explore the current political ideology of the average Democrat and discuss the concept of human beings as hackable animals, along with the controversial potential of Elon Musk's brain implants.
@EcoSenseNow returns to the program to debunk the debunkers and challenge the climate change conversation, revealing the truth behind the modern warming period, the role of CO2 in our atmosphere, and the fascinating connection between fossil fuels and the environment.
John Helwlett discusses the life-changing power of nitric oxide and the revolutionary Cardio Miracle supplement