On today's episode, I'm over on Chis Goyzueta's podcast, "Making it with Chris G", where I'm helping explain how sales strategies can help musicians and artists take their craft to the next level.
"Doing the right thing is always harder than doing the wrong thing."
Libertarians are fighting for something great—something worth fighting for. That's why it's important for libertarians to understand how to connect with their target market. In this episode, I'll show you 3 ways you can WOW your target market so they know what you're all about and get on board w…
On today's episode, I'm joined by John Odermatt to discuss Elon Musk officially positioning himself to move forward with his acquiring Twitter, PLUS we talk about him trying to avoid World War III/nuclear war over the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
What is a culture of liberty? It's not just the principles that we stand for, but also the way in which we implement them. How can we make sure that our actions are consistent with the values we espouse? And how do we build a culture that reinforces those values?
Today, Mikkel returns to the program to reintroduce expatriation, why so many folks are looking to live elsewhere, and how the Expat Money Summit and it's 30+ speakers will leave you with a wealth of knowledge at this FREE event!
I've known Remso for about a number of years and have been thoroughly impressed with his ability to connect with others and create meaningful relationships with them. This quality is what drove him to start Club Memos—a group dedicated to connecting like-minded individuals who want to be part of so…
Empathy is one of the most important skills you can develop in sales, politics, and life in general. But what does it mean to be empathetic? And why should you care?
How we can use technology and change our collective mindset to make our government more relevant, decentralized, and flexible?
No matter what your political persuasion is or what your beliefs are on any particular issue, it's important to remember that if you're trying to persuade someone who doesn't agree with you, it's not enough just to tell them what they should be thinking—you have to meet them where they are, and ask…
Ron Paul was an outsider in the 2008 presidential race. He wasn't part of the establishment and he had a lot of so-called "controversial" ideas that didn't seem to appeal to many people. But despite this, he managed to get a lot of votes—and even more importantly, his message resonated with people …
You don't want to be an echo chamber—you want to break past the "little fish in little pond" syndrome and build coalitions with people who aren't exactly like you.
(From the "Where''d You Go" podcast w/ Hunter Wynn)
Chris Goyzueta has been in the content creation business for decades, and he's seen the industry evolve dramatically. In today's episode, Chris returns to the show to talk about The Power of Retaining Creative Independence. W...
On today's episode, we're talking about how politics have changed since the election of Donald Trump... PLUS... I'll be answering questions from the audience and discussing how I think politics will change in the future. We'l...