What is the scientific basis for the perception of time and beauty?
Are Affirmative Action policies officially on their last legs?
We need to be realistic vs. idealistic when talking foreign policy.
"The word freedom is very important, because it's not discussed freely and openly and courageously in academia."
The late and great Steve Horwitz on the economics of liberty.
Learn how college students are fighting back against campus administrations and their restrictive COVID policies.
Freedom makes sense because not freedom is not only nature... freedom is science!
Have you heard about what's happening in Myanmar? Don't worry, if you said "no", you're sadly not alone. Joining me today is a panel of young activists raising awareness to the tragedy unfolding in Myanmar as the military coup continues.
What are the two emotions that drive buyers into action? Love and...? Fear. Knowing that, how is fear being using to sell us on massive government policies with price tags ranging from the billions and even trillions of dollars. Dr. Patrick Moore is one of the co-founders of Greenpeace…
Free speech is one of the fundamental cornerstones in American society. However, in recent years, we've watched as free speech rights have been focused on and attacked by those saying speech can be dangerous. But do they have a point? After all, can't hate speech lead to hateful actions? Join…
Finding common ground is one of the most challenging aspects of political discourse in 2021. In a world where "the others" are looked at with skeptical eyes, it's more important for us to enter into good-faith dialogue whenever and wherever we can on issues of agreement. One such area the left a…
Why school choice? Right now, many Americans are realizing first hand the value of being able to pick where their children go to school, as public schooling institutions still find their doors shut. With the impact of public teacher's unions being felt first-hand, many families are look for alte…