The Reno Reset is real! And with it, a new leadership at the helm of the third largest political party in the United States - The Libertarian Party.
On today's episode, I joined Kyle Matovcik over on his program, "In Liberty and Health". We covered a TON of topics (like my weight loss, my move from Philly, and more!), but we spent a vast majority of our time focusing on f...
Returning to the program today is Tim McMaster, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania! "It's really good to be out front and center with the local people. And as they say, 'all politics is local'. And ...
Where do Libertarians drop the ball when trying to win people's hearts and minds?
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Tara Murphy (candidate for Branchburg Township Committee, NJ) joins the program to outline what issues she's focusing on during her candidacy, namely how she is taking on career p...
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Morgan Bonwell (Founder, Right Strategies) to discuss the importance of building a storybrand to help candidates and campaigns effectively meet their constituents wh...
What do you think about the current state of our union?
Congressman Massie has been fighting back against government overreach from the start.
A throwback to June 2019 with Congressman Justin Amash.
In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton by 13%. Fast forward to 2016; they voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40%. Why?
I had the chance to join good friend Eric Brakey on his new program, "Free America Now", where we discussed the "unquestionable" federal power being cited by Jen Psaki in regards to enforcing mandates. Find the original episo...
Libertarians never win, eh? Well, what if I told you that today's guest not only is a Libertarian, but also WON her election!? Meet Trisha Butler, Councilmember from the Clarksville, TN, who joins the program to teach Libertarians how to be human to your average peson!
A proposed section of the public health law in New York would allow Gov. Andrew Cuomo to detain ANY person he believes poses a danger to public health, meaning all it would take is a single order from the governor, then *poof*, quarantine camp. So... how close is this to reality? Assembly Mark W…