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Free Markets/Economics Episodes

Nov. 1, 2022

615: Can this Libertarian Candidate for Governor Help Free Pennsylvan…

On today's episode, I'm joined by Matt Hackenburg, Libertarian candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. Matt is running on a platform of liberty and freedom. He believes that the state should not be involved in any way in people's lives, except to protect their rights.

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Oct. 12, 2022

604: How Does this Libertarian Candidate Plan to Take back Our Rights…

Tonya is running for U.S. Congress and she talks with me today about the Libertarian Party's beliefs on healthcare, taxes, the federal government, and more!

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Oct. 4, 2022

598: Elon Musk to Officially Buy Twitter - (And Ruffles Feathers For …

On today's episode, I'm joined by John Odermatt to discuss Elon Musk officially positioning himself to move forward with his acquiring Twitter, PLUS we talk about him trying to avoid World War III/nuclear war over the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

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Sept. 30, 2022

596: Winning Libertarian Solutions For Indiana (And Beyond!)

On today's episode, I'm joined once again by James Sceniak, Libertarian candidate for US Senate in Indiana!

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Sept. 28, 2022

594: Saving Our Cities - How Market Urbanism Brings Free-Market Polic…

On today's episode, we're going back a few years to a conversation with Scott Beyer from the Market Urbanism Report. Scott is an expert in urban policy and has been writing about the issues facing our cities for years. In thi...

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Sept. 15, 2022

585: Remaking the Federal Government - From Big, Bulky, & Misguided t…

How we can use technology and change our collective mindset to make our government more relevant, decentralized, and flexible?

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Sept. 14, 2022

584: What Venezuela Can Teach Us About Inflation

On today's episode, I'm joined by Jorge Jraissati, Director of Alumni of Students For Liberty, to talk about the impacts of inflation and what we can learn about inflation from his home country of Venezuela.

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Sept. 13, 2022

583: Why Modern Monetary Theory Loses to Basic Economics EVERY TIME

We go over the basics of MMT—its ideas of fiat currency, how it's different from other forms of money, and why it's so popular with politicians who have no idea what they're talking about.

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Sept. 8, 2022

580: Enough is Enough - It's Time to End the WARS, Fix Our MONEY, & R…

We'll be discussing how the United States is currently involved in an endless war on terror funded by The Fed's endless printing of money that has cost us trillions of dollars while also infringing on our civil rights through mass surveillance, indefinite detention without trial, torture, and assas…

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Aug. 25, 2022

570: Teaching Freedom - To Restore American Liberty, We Need Colleges…

If we want to reverse America’s current slide into authoritarianism and actively move towards a fully free society, we need to be as clear about our goals as the collectivists have been about theirs.

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Aug. 23, 2022

568: Biden Leaning Toward CANCELING Student Loan Debt - $10k/borrower

President Biden reportedly plans to announce a long-awaited plan to forgive up to $10,000 in student loans and extend the COVID pause in repayments one more time.

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Aug. 19, 2022

566: Why Libertarians Need to Know Their Market & Meet Them Where The…

Libertarians need to know that there are many people who have never been exposed to libertarianism before, so we need to meet them where they're at on the issues that matter most to them.

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Aug. 17, 2022

563: How is Executive Order 14067 Actually Communism in its Purest Fo…

Is Executive Order 14067 actually communism in its purest form.!? Well, today's episode is a great place to start. Clay Clark, CEO of and host of the Thrivetime Show, returns to the program to explain how Executi...

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Aug. 2, 2022

554: What Has Government Done to Our Money?

Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we most need perspective.

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July 19, 2022

548: Why Does This Libertarian Think Florida Deserves a More Pro-Libe…

Hector Roos is running as a Libertarian to offer Florida a more "pro-liberty" candidate than Ron DeSantis.

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