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Free Markets/Economics Episodes

Oct. 14, 2021

350: BONUS: Questioning "Unquestionable" Federal Power (feat. Brian N…

I had the chance to join good friend Eric Brakey on his new program, "Free America Now", where we discussed the "unquestionable" federal power being cited by Jen Psaki in regards to enforcing mandates. Find the original episo...

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Oct. 8, 2021

344: We Need to Talk About the Hysteria from the Left -with Brad Polu…

How the left "cried wolf" one too many times for the American public.

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Sept. 26, 2021

332: THROWBACK: Economics and Liberty (feat. Steve Horwitz)

The late and great Steve Horwitz on the economics of liberty.

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Sept. 5, 2021

313: THROWBACK: Collectivism in America (feat. Jeffrey A Tucker, Augu…

How has the collectivism outlined in this 2018 episode manifested in 2021?

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Aug. 13, 2021

297: The Infrastructure Bill, Inflation, and Andrew Cuomo -with Brad …

How bad is inflation getting? What's in this new infrastructure bill? And Cuomo resigned for what?

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July 9, 2021

278: Why Does it Cost So Much To Build a New Home? -with David Belman

How does government increase the cost home by over 25%?

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July 7, 2021

277: Money and the Rule of Law -with Alex Salter

What if The Federal Reserve had to abide by the basic rules of economics like the rest of us?

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July 2, 2021

274: Selling Free Markets with Gen Z Storytellers -with Hannah Cox

How can empowering Gen Z storytellers help promote free markets?

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May 14, 2021

246: What's Happening to the Economy? -with Daniel Di Martino

Rampant inflation. Unemployment benefits run amuck. Supply chains being tested. The economy is being tested like it hasn't been in decades, leading many to be weary of its future prospects. Economist Daniel Di Martino joins the program to help give some clarity into what's happening, how we got …

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May 5, 2021

241: To Sell Freedom, Tell Better Stories -with Matt Kibbe

How can telling better stories help #SellLiberty? Matt Kibbe returns to the program to show how storytelling is a crucial tool in the toolbelt in helping illustrate our ideas and our solutions to a market of non-libertarians who are looking for answers.

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April 30, 2021

238: How the Lockdowns Stockpile Pain -with Clint from Liberty Lockdo…

"We're all in this together!" Easily the most tone-deaf line from the entire pandemic. No, we're not all in this together. And as the lockdowns go on, the stockpiling of the amount of pain only increases. Clint from Liberty Lockdown started his podcast to address the concerns he was seeing, and t…

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April 26, 2021

236: Did we go too far with COVID Lockdown Messaging? -with Max Gulker

The COVID lockdowns have been one of the most divisive aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many libertarians (like yours truly) raising the alarm to the threat of unintended consequences in blindly following the government's approved list of experts. But did I go to far? Did libertarians scare …

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April 23, 2021

234: Free Markets Destroy -with Chris Cargill

Wanna learn how the Free Market DESTROYS... Climate change? Poverty? The Housing Crisis? ...and more? Check out today's conversation with Chris Cargill to learn all about how Free Markets Destroy the problems we face!

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April 16, 2021

230: Good Intentions Aren't Enough -with Nolan Gray

"The goal of the proposal is ...." Now, to judge how a proposal did, one would want to look at the actual outcomes of said proposal, versus just looking at the intentions of the proposal. And yet, when it comes to government programs and policies, it is the intentions that lawmakers seem to focus…

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April 9, 2021

226: Everything is Infrastructure! -with Brad Polumbo

The Biden "Infrastructure Bill" is out, and guess what... EVERYTHING IS INFRASTRUCTURE! Roads and Bridges? Yup! Childcare!? YUP! Climate Change!? YUP!!! Sound a bit... much? Don't worry, you're not alone in that feeling, as Brad Polumbo from the Foundation For Economic Education (FEE) return…

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