It's not the libertarians who are failing, but rather, the failed policies of the common good conservative.
Gov. Jared Polis (D-Colorado) has often been cited by libertarians as being "one of the most libertarian governors in the country". But does his governance in Colorado actually hold up to his supposed libertarian bona fides?
The blueprint is simple: Expose Mr. Biden for his litany of failures since January 2021 — drive the point home, again and again. Why? Because Mr. Biden is the worst American president in decades.
People are hurting out there. Inflation is is is really hurting people. It's universal - from truckers to soccer moms.
"I decided to run because, in March of 2020, I got out of the Marine Corps after serving five and a half years. And I got back in mid-March, March 15, and I went to go work my first job as a normal person again. And they laid me off right after my first day."
It's one thing to say everything controversial you can to get yourself trending on CNN or Twitter, Instagram. But it's another thing for soccer moms to go vote for you.
Kelly Carden has been in Kern County for most of his life, and is so much a part of the community that he is willing to put his name on the line to fix its problems.
On today's episode, I joined Kyle Matovcik over on his program, "In Liberty and Health". We covered a TON of topics (like my weight loss, my move from Philly, and more!), but we spent a vast majority of our time focusing on f...
Returning to the program today is Tim McMaster, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania! "It's really good to be out front and center with the local people. And as they say, 'all politics is local'. And ...
Where do Libertarians drop the ball when trying to win people's hearts and minds?
Where's all the baby formula!? Store shelves are empty, and the Biden Administration was caught seemingly off-guard by the nationwide baby formula shortage.
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Tara Murphy (candidate for Branchburg Township Committee, NJ) joins the program to outline what issues she's focusing on during her candidacy, namely how she is taking on career p...
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined once again by Mike ter Maat! However... this time, he's announced that he's seeking to be the Libertarian Party candidate for 2024! "I think that the big basket, of cou...
On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm joined by Morgan Bonwell (Founder, Right Strategies) to discuss the importance of building a storybrand to help candidates and campaigns effectively meet their constituents wh...
"Brian Nichols (host of the "Brian Nichols Show"), fresh off his appearance on "Timcast IRL" joins Free America Now to discuss parental rights in education and Elon Musk, the new King of Twitter."