As schools and universities closed their doors, many educators took the opportunity to start their own businesses, providing online learning resources and services.
Persuasion is a crucial skill for anyone in business—whether you're convincing your boss to give you a raise or trying to close a client on the phone. But it's not as easy as it sounds. In fact, some people spend years learning how to persuade others and still don't get it right!
While the "facts over feelings" approach to selling politics may be the favorite of some conservative talking heads, let's look at the fact that the most persuasive people in the world use emotions.
Psycheceutical is focused on developing innovative solutions to society's most pressing problems using psychedelics as medicines. Through their research, they've found that psychedelics are a powerful tool for treating mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
On today's episode, I'm joined once again by IFBB pro Marc Lobliner, this time discussing the culture of the GOP and what's next for MAGA and Donald Trump.
On today's episode, I'm joined by Maj Toure from Black Guns Matter to discuss the importance of building a culture of liberty when reaching out to black Americans.
On today's episode, I'm joined by Ben Carlisle, the worker’s rights attorney for New York seeking to obtain justice for workers who were injured by the COVID vaccines.
On today's episode, I'm joined by Matt Hackenburg, Libertarian candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. Matt is running on a platform of liberty and freedom. He believes that the state should not be involved in any way in people's lives, except to protect their rights.
Emily, who forced her kids to mask while hiking OUTSIDE now says we need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were "in the dark about COVID". Today, I outline why my answer to her plea is an emphatic "NO".
On today's episode, I'm joined once again by Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated Write-In for Governor of Maryland!
On today's episode, I'm joined by Brian Vicente and Mason Tvert as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Amendment 64, which legalized cannabis in Colorado.
On today's episode, I'm over on Chis Goyzueta's podcast, "Making it with Chris G", where I'm helping explain how sales strategies can help musicians and artists take their craft to the next level.
Market-based solutions that create change, and how they're working to make people aware of the power they have to change their government.
If we face America’s racial history squarely, will it mean that the American project is a failure? Conversely, if we think the American project is a worthy endeavor, do we have to lie, downplay or equivocate about our past?
Libertarians are fighting for something great—something worth fighting for. That's why it's important for libertarians to understand how to connect with their target market. In this episode, I'll show you 3 ways you can WOW your target market so they know what you're all about and get on board w…