On today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show, I'm once again joined by Kenny Cody to discuss " The Rise of Celebrity Conservatism ".: "I think we really have to look at how much we can capitalize on Republicans and people who...
The only truth is reality. Unfortunately, it is often the first thing to be forgotten.
The fight for the Second Amendment is a fight. It's an ongoing fight.
Is it by showing people how right we are? Do we have to show them all of our principles and ideas to get them interested in the ideas of liberty?
Enabling education funding to follow students instead of going to bureaucratic school systems that are increasingly unresponsive to parent needs
"Brian Nichols (host of the "Brian Nichols Show"), fresh off his appearance on "Timcast IRL" joins Free America Now to discuss parental rights in education and Elon Musk, the new King of Twitter."
Making things a "right" doesn't make them magically good. It makes the magically expensive.
There's a massive cultural revolution occurring. And it impacts all of us.
Educating, developing, and empowering the next generation of leaders for liberty.
“I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.”
The past few years have truly exposed how far away from common principles and values we have drifted. Whereas we use to look back to commonalities, we now see constant division, the misinformation, and manipulation. Thankfull...
Talking about difficult topics doesn't have to be as bad as we think.
The Denver Broncos are officially up for sale, and a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts are planning on putting their hat in the ring!
Your intellectual freedom is at stake, threatened by everything from academia and Big Tech to the media and government.
How can FREEDOM help us fight rampant addiction in our society?