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Activists Episodes

Aug. 17, 2022

563: How is Executive Order 14067 Actually Communism in its Purest Fo…

Is Executive Order 14067 actually communism in its purest form.!? Well, today's episode is a great place to start. Clay Clark, CEO of and host of the Thrivetime Show, returns to the program to explain how Executi...

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Aug. 15, 2022

562: How Can Libertarians Break Past the "Little Fish in Little Pond …

You don't want to be an echo chamber—you want to break past the "little fish in little pond" syndrome and build coalitions with people who aren't exactly like you.

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Aug. 12, 2022

561: What's it Like Playing Basketball in Europe!?

(From the "Where''d You Go" podcast w/ Hunter Wynn)

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Aug. 11, 2022

560: Can this Libertarian Offer Colorado a True Liberty Alternative?!

Brian thinks that Libertarians are the best hope for restoring the American dream—and he thinks it's time for Colorado to take the first step toward reclaiming its independence from big government.

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Aug. 10, 2022

559: The Power of Retaining Creative Independence

Chris Goyzueta has been in the content creation business for decades, and he's seen the industry evolve dramatically. In today's episode, Chris returns to the show to talk about The Power of Retaining Creative Independence. W...

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Aug. 9, 2022

558: How Have Politics Changed Since the Election of Trump? (Audience…

On today's episode, we're talking about how politics have changed since the election of Donald Trump... PLUS... I'll be answering questions from the audience and discussing how I think politics will change in the future. We'l...

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Aug. 8, 2022

557: Young Americans For Liberty Revolution 2022: RECAP

I had a GREAT time joining our friends over at Young Americans For Liberty at Revolution 2022 this past weekend! Today, I recap some of my favorite takeaways from the event, and why I am SO EXCITED for the prospects of libert...

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Aug. 6, 2022

556: Meet the CYPHERPUNK STOCKBROKER Running for US Senate in New Ham…

Bruce is running on a platform of privacy, decentralization, and digital freedom. In this episode, we talk about his campaign and how the principles behind those ideas can change our world.

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Aug. 2, 2022

554: What Has Government Done to Our Money?

Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we most need perspective.

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July 19, 2022

548: Why Does This Libertarian Think Florida Deserves a More Pro-Libe…

Hector Roos is running as a Libertarian to offer Florida a more "pro-liberty" candidate than Ron DeSantis.

Listen to the Episode
July 18, 2022

547: HERO 22-Year-Old Ends Mass-Shooting - How a Good Guy with a Gun …

When a madman with a rifle started shooting at an Indiana mall this past weekend, a good guy with a gun stopped him—and saved countless lives.

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July 15, 2022

546: Why Don't Libertarians Ever Win?

In our society, we're taught that winning arguments is the most important thing. But what if it's not? What if the most important thing is actually helping your fellow Americans on the issues that impact them the most?

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July 14, 2022

545: The Alpha Mission - A New Vision of Black Wall Streets Across th…

How the "JUST DO BUSINESS" approach is the pathway for ending the generational poverty of black communities across the country, by proving that the Free Enterprise System works for everyone.

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July 12, 2022

543: Evolution 2.0 - Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design

Tackling the hard questions about evolution with precision, making it clear when information is proven with hard data and when it can only be inferred.

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July 11, 2022

542: What's Happening to Our Men? - How the "Average Guy" From Yester…

Why are men struggling now more than they ever have?

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