Now Part of the Amp America Family!

This Episode Was BANNED on YouTube!

Hey everyone, Brian Nichols here. Before we dive into today's episode, I wanted to take a moment to address something important. As you may have noticed, we're doing things a bit differently with this particular episode.

Due to the controversial and emotionally charged nature of the topic we're discussing today, we've made the decision to exclusively air the video version of this episode on That's right, if you want to watch the full conversation with Allen and Taylor Martin about their daughter Trista's tragic story and their fight for vaccine safety, you'll only be able to find it on

Now, I know that some of you may be used to watching our episodes on platforms like Facebook or YouTube, but unfortunately, those platforms have a history of censoring and suppressing content that doesn't align with the narrative pushed by the bureaucratic establishments and the so-called "experts." We believe that Trista's story deserves to be heard, and we don't want to risk having this important conversation silenced.

But don't worry, if you prefer to listen to the audio version of the show, you can still find it in all the usual places. Just head over to your favorite podcast app and search for "The Brian Nichols Show." You'll be able to listen to this episode and all of our other great content, without any risk of censorship or suppression.

I know that this may be a bit of an inconvenience for some of you, but I truly believe that this is a conversation that needs to be had. We can't just blindly trust the experts and the bureaucrats to make decisions for us when it comes to something as important as our health and the health of our loved ones. We need to be informed, and we need to be able to make our own choices.

So, if you're ready to hear the full story of Trista Martin and her family's fight for justice, head over to and watch the video version of this episode. And if you prefer to listen, make sure you're subscribed to The Brian Nichols Show on your favorite podcast app.

I want to thank you all for your support and for being a part of this important conversation. Together, we can fight for transparency, accountability, and the right to make our own informed decisions.

And as always, if you find value in the content we're creating, please share it with your friends and family. Let's spread the word and start a dialogue about vaccine safety that isn't censored or suppressed.

Thanks again for tuning in, and I'll see you next time.