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Richelle Voth, PA-C

Richelle Voth, PA-C Profile Photo

Richelle Voth is a cerƟfied Physician Assistant with eight years of hospitalist, internal medicine & criƟcal
care (ICU). Over the last three years, she specifically treated paƟents with acute COVID, long-haul COVID,
and COVID-vaccine injuries. Working through the pandemic and its aŌermath opened her eyes to novel
medical community challenges. RestricƟons to early treatment of outpaƟent COVID-19 therapies, the
uƟlizaƟon of disadvantageous inpaƟent COVID-19 treatments, and the missed diagnoses of post-COVID
vaccine injuries grew apparent. PaƟents needed easier access to outpaƟent medical care, criƟcal thinking
provider-paƟent conversaƟons & integraƟve wellness strategies that extended beyond prescribing a “pill
for every ill.”
Seeking to align herself with a medical team dedicated to remedying these challenges, Richelle came to
join MeehanMD. She now provides targeted therapies & holisƟc wellness strategies to MeehanMD
paƟents in 34+ states who suffer physically from either COVID sequelae and/or COVID vaccine adverse
events. Using re-purposed pharmaceuƟcals, nutraceuƟcals, and lifestyle modality techniques, Richelle
equips paƟents with immune-supporƟve therapies to restore their opƟmal health. She and the
MeehanMD team believe that by honoring their paƟents’ innate scienƟfic design and upholding the
ethics of paƟent-centered care, they will conƟnue to offer innovaƟve & integraƟve scienƟfic soluƟons
addressing our modern-day health challenges.
An ongoing learner, Richelle is pursuing an addiƟonal master’s degree in healthcare law. When not
acƟvely engaged in the pracƟce of medicine, she can be found enjoying LaƟn Rhythm dancing,
renovaƟng her 100-year-old home, and serving on both the Tulsa Ballet & Oklahoma AmeriCorps Boards.

Jan. 11, 2024

800: The COVID Awakening - When Doctors Started Asking Questions

After witnessing concerning medical reactions to COVID protocols and vaccines firsthand, Richelle Voth resigned from hospital care to open an integrative clinic helping patients reclaim their health through creative, personalized solutions.