President and Program Director
Marsha Familaro Enright, B.A. Biology, Northwestern University,
M.A. Psychology, New School University
An international educational entrepreneur, writer, and speaker.
• Founder and President of The Reason, Individualism, Freedom Institute, the foundation forming the new Reliance College,
• Founder of the international Great Connections seminars, 2009 - present,
• Founded and ran Council Oak Montessori School, 1990-2017, named a top private elementary school by Chicago Magazine,
• 1994-present Speaker and Seminar Leader at The Atlas Society conferences
• Speaker and Seminar Leader for Junior Achievement, Argentina and the Fundacion Para Responsibilidad Intelectual, Buenos Aires
• Speaker and Seminar Leader at the leading classical liberal Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala City,
• Writer on psychology, neuropsychology, human development, creativity and optimal experience, literature, culture, history, politics and philosophy: “Liberating Education,” in Common Ground on Common Core and numerous articles in publications such as Tomorrow’s Child, Montessori Leadership, Objectivity, The New Individualist, Real Clear Markets, The Savvy Street, and Free Voices. These include “Maria Montessori: Liberator of Children,” and “University Education As It Might Be and Ought to Be.” Writing at
Marsha resides in Chicago with her husband, John, a computer consultant, playwright, poet, and novelist, where they raised their two children who are Council Oak graduates: John, a research scientist and Principal Engineer for Amazon Robotics, and, Felicia, Assistant Director of The Great Connections Program. They have five children between them.