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Joe Gulesserian

Joe Gulesserian Profile Photo

He is an Author- A former Professor-Entrepreneur-Consumer packaged goods
He has spoken at Companies including Sun Life, has appeared in the media including Wayne Allen Root Show- Andy Tanner’s Cash Flow Academy- Greg Krino- Todd Schowalter, Brian Nichols...
He is the Author of the Practical MBA on Economics- What they do and don't teach you at Business school.

"In his upcoming book, 'The Guerrilla Guide for Entrepreneurs,' due out in Joe Gulesserian takes the reader on a fascinating and indelible journey to the boulevard where old school meets AI cumulating in a wealth of knowledge that delivers results. With a blend of humor, insight, and occasional wit, he presents a quintessential unique perspective forged from 30 years as an entrepreneur and insights of a former professor of business management.
This book not only enriches and sprinkles the reader’s mind with hard-earned wisdom but also stands as an “essential reference in any library."
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May 27, 2024

853: What Does "Woke" Actually Mean? - The Truth Behind the Buzzword

@JoeGulesserian breaks down the true meaning of "woke" and its far-reaching implications, from its denial of rationalization and empiricism to its financial impact on businesses, the economy, and America's global competitiveness.
April 12, 2024

834: AI Apocalypse? - Navigating the End of Work as We Know It

AI expert @JoeGulesserian returns to explore the potential consequences of AI on democracy, employment, and society, warning of a dystopian future marked by mass unemployment, corporate-government collusion, and the erosion of individual freedom, while offering strategies for adapting and resisting…