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Aron Lam

Aron Lam Profile Photo


Aron Lam- Mayor of Keenesburg, Colorado
•Primary profession: Nurse Case Manager (Liberty University 2011)
•Ron Paul spoke at my university twice while I attended which got me started down this path.
•Joined the Republicans and was a delegate to the Virginia state convention for Ron Paul’s 2012 run.
•Discovered you when you were filling in on Peter Schiff’s show and watched every episode of your podcast for years once it started.
•Moved to Colorado for career advancement reasons
•Joined the LP in 2018 after the Mises Caucus was formed and Dave made his video encouraging us Ron Paul type small “L” libertarians to join the LP and begin the takeover.
•Lost my job over not getting the covid jab and switched to remote Nurse Case Management.
• My wife and I then escaped the Denver metro and bought a home in a small town called Keenesburg.
•I attended a town Board meeting in December 2021 after the town raised our water rate by 30% in one month and discovered that the Mayor/Board were looking to create a police force for the first time in town history and rapidly expand growth in our town from roughly 1,200 home to 13,700 new homes.
•The incumbent Mayor won reelection in 2020 126-82 votes.
•I won in Nov 2022 with 402-265 votes against the incumbent in my first political race.
•Our board has 6 trustees and the Mayor and in this election I was able to get three of my allies elected, giving me the majority.
•I am happy to allow the conversation to go in whatever direction you desire but my goal with being your guest is to focus on inspiring other Libertarians to run and win nonpartisan municipal elections by discussing what I have learned and how others can emulate my success.

Aug. 25, 2023

760: Libertarians Can WIN - How This Nurse Became Mayor as a Libertarian with Over 60% of the Vote

@Aron_Lam, a nurse turned Mayor of Keenesburg, Colorado, shares how he won his local mayoral race with 60% of the vote as a Libertarian.
Guest: Aron Lam