Feb. 17, 2025

943: Common Sense is WINNING (4 Viral Moments Show Why)

Brian examines four viral moments that perfectly demonstrate why political hysteria and theatrical outrage are losing their effectiveness in American politics, as common sense approaches gain momentum with voters.

Are you tired of seeing political hysteria dominate social media? What happens when common sense finally pushes back against theatrical outrage?



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In this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into viral moments that perfectly capture the state of American political discourse in 2024. From an unhinged encounter over a hunting hat to Jon Stewart grilling Pentagon officials about missing billions, we examine how theatrical outrage is finally facing pushback from everyday Americans.


Watch as we analyze four pivotal viral moments that demonstrate why common sense prevailed in 2024's elections. See firsthand how the "theater kid mentality" of progressive politics is being rejected by voters who are tired of emotional manipulation and virtue signaling.


Brian also provides an inside look at why The Brian Nichols Show is adjusting its format in 2024, moving to a weekly schedule while maintaining its commitment to bringing you the most important conversations in politics and culture. Despite reducing frequency, the show's impact and reach continue to grow.


Get ready for an episode that perfectly encapsulates why political hysteria is losing its grip on American culture, and why common sense approaches are resonating more than ever with voters across the political spectrum.



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Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Brian Nichols  0:05  
Well, hey there, folks. Brian Nichols here on another fun filled episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Really looking forward to today's conversation. A little bit different of an episode. We're going to go ahead and instead of just doing a week in review with my good buddy remzo Martinez, I have four videos we're going to share with you today, a couple of them over the past week. I think one of them is maybe a month or so old. And then a little bit of just housekeeping here. What's been going on at The Brian Nichols Show? Brian, where have you been? I know we haven't been doing three episodes a week as we were doing before the new year. So give you a little peek behind the curtain. What's going on there? What's going on for the future of The Brian Nichols Show and all that and more. But we're gonna go ahead jump right into today's episode, and first, we're gonna check out this video that really encapsulates where I think a lot of the left finds themselves today, predominantly losing their mind, and it's not even losing their mind over like, stuff that I would get it like, yeah, I understand you're losing your mind because you're losing control, but just people freaking out for the sake of freaking out. And with that, really, they're, they're channeling this freak out at people who are embracing what Donald Trump and Elon Musk have been doing to these federal bureaucracies. And there's this one video that is very, very telling, not only in terms of how the lady who is a subject of this video reacts to seeing a guy wearing a hat that she thinks might be questionable, but also, I think, the response that this young man has as a young man, he's probably my age, but he has to this lady something that we can all learn quite a bit from. So we're gonna go ahead check out this video really quick. I'll sprinkle in some commentary here, and then we'll reconvene afterwards. Let's go ahead and take a listen really

Speaker 1  1:52  
quick. We don't have to Hey, hey, alright. Why do you get so emotional? Though? Stop. Let's just have a conversation. We need to. We need to weed out of, hey, use free speech. Yeah, absolutely, we're talking. It's good, all good. You want to, you want to give your thoughts. So

Brian Nichols  2:09  
just for context for the video listener, or rather, to the audio listener, because we are watching a video here, if you want to check out the video, head over to YouTube, head over to Twitter, wherever it is that you consume your video content, we're going to upload the entire video episode of the show here, over there, but just for setting the stage here, for the audio listener. So there's this gentleman who's wearing it looks like a black to and he's interviewing an older gentleman who's wearing this, this navy blue Quarter Zip. And all of a sudden, this older, I would say, what probably in her early 60s. Somehow, some age frame of that this old lady, I'm gonna call her an old lady, just for the sake of the conversation today. You're in your early 60s. You're not old, okay, but we're looking at this video here. This old lady jumps into the the frame, and she she's trying to interrupt this, this interview that this, this man is doing with the older gentleman. So let's just go ahead, just, you know, continue the video. But that's that's the stage here that we're setting for this actual interaction.

Speaker 1  3:08  
It's just a US flag with the hunter stuff. It's a hunter's hat, by

Brian Nichols  3:13  
the way. Just again for the audio listener, he actually takes a picture of what he's wearing on his hat. So if you are watching here on YouTube, you'll see it's an American flag, but instead of where, like, the stripes would be relative to the stars, it's like animal heads, right? Which, take that conversation and have that conversation like, that's desecration of the flag, whatever. I don't care, but that's what this lady is freaking out over right? Is this guy's hat? Just, just as just, we're all on the same page here.

Speaker 1  3:44  
It's no political. I promise it's not political. I promise this is just a brand Cabela's, Cabela's, oh yes, it looks

Brian Nichols  3:56  
political. She says, right? And by the way, just, just to set the stage again, that is where this lady is coming in. And I think this is where a lot of folks are entering into the the conversations today is they're looking for something to be upset about. Well, that looks political, right? That that was her, her first reaction to this guy, not to like, you know, go on the side of, oh, maybe I'm wrong. Let me just be genuinely curious, ask him, what's this hat leading in with your being political, I'm looking for you being political, and I'm going to attack you because of politics that that is absolutely spot on when he called this out here. But just, just let I mean, you'll see how this continues. It's wild, yeah. So, like, I've also

Speaker 2  4:39  
seen the flag used in ways that's very disrespectful. Okay? And my parents were both in World War Two.

Unknown Speaker  4:44  
I can see that I have, I think it's a symbol.

Unknown Speaker  4:47  
And I think that you're trying to make a statement,

Speaker 1  4:50  
I promise you, I'm not. I just honestly, I got this as a gift. Oh, honey, I promise you. Oh, wait, hold on, let me see what's you're so innocent. Yeah, I mean, it's got, it's got geese and. And elk. I mean, this is what organ is about. It's kind of like an

Speaker 2  5:05  
Oregonian thing. You don't, you don't like that. You

Speaker 1  5:08  
act like, you act like I have Trump's face on here or something. This is just, this is just a hunting thing. So innocent,

Brian Nichols  5:13  
you're so innocent, you're and by the way, again, it's this, it's this condom condescend condescesion. I always say condensation. I know that's not right, because that's, that's water. When it hits the window and it's, it starts to drip down, it's kind of kind of condescending, kind of, there we go. Condescending tone, condensation, condescending tone that she has here, and it is this, this holier than thou, like, how dare you, like you're lucky that I'm even talking to you. Oh, honey, you're so innocent, right? Like, just that mentality. And by the way, that is exactly what lost in 2024 it was this lady's mentality. It was the alphabet gangs mentality. It was as remzo and I have talked about here, this theater kid mentality. These all lost at the ballot box in 2024 and a lot of the folks in the left cannot come to grips with that. And apparently this lady is representing a bunch of folks who are in that camp,

Speaker 1  6:11  
honey. Come on, give me a break. Pretend I'm your mom. Okay, well, my mom died last year, so I would love that. I am so sorry. You really think I'm too. You really think this is like, I'm trying to, like, be malice out here, like a bad intentions with this hat.

Speaker 2  6:26  
No, tell me what you I think Elon Musk has bad

Speaker 1  6:29  
we can't talk about Elon until we get over this, because you're like, thinking I'm out here trying to

Speaker 2  6:33  
Elon Musk has his bad intentions. Thank you. I totally agree. Have

Speaker 1  6:37  
a great day. You know what? Elon Musk should be president in 2028 What do you think

Speaker 2  6:42  
about that? I think that Elon Musk has no skills and no ability. Well,

Brian Nichols  6:47  
he's the rich. He's gonna say this, right? He's the richest man in the world. Um, he has no skills. He has no abilities. That is what this lady enters into the the conversation with a a preconceived notion of who Elon Musk is, so that fits her priors, right? He has no skills. He has no abilities, the richest man in the world who has built a handful of top tier companies, of which this this gentleman is going to mention Tesla SpaceX. He was one of the early investors over at PayPal. He's got the boring company. He's got Star link, Twitter now. X, right. Please stop pretending that Elon Musk isn't successful, right? Like, like, whenever I hear somebody go in with this mindset, you can tell they have nothing. They have absolutely nothing of value to bring to a conversation, because they're just going on what they've been they've been programmed. This is the NPC, the non playable character mentality, right? This is my coding. I've been told that he is bad, and therefore, when he's bad, to attack him. We call him no he has no skills. He has no ability. Okay, that's my coding. Go into battle, right? That's the mentality, tried and true, and this is what we're seeing carry over this lady. But the problem is, right, that coding only worked when other folks are playing the game. And 2024 showed that when enough people say we're not playing your stupid little game anymore, all the sudden that coding doesn't work when it's actually leveraged in real life. And this is something that this lady obviously has not learned yet, and I pray that more folks like her continue this mentality, because this will only insulate the continued victories that we saw in 2024 from the, I would say, predominant right, both conservative, Libertarian, moderate, common sense folk out there right, this will only help strengthen their ability to win in 2026 in the midterms, and 2028 as well. But we'll let her continue.

Unknown Speaker  8:46  
Just man in the world. He's got some skills, right? He cheats,

Speaker 2  8:48  
he lies, he steals, and he bought a presidency. He has done nothing original other than to create things off of other people's ideas. You think

Speaker 1  8:56  
that Elon Musk is Tesla and SpaceX? Hold on, we don't mad. We don't. Oh, we don't have to. Hey, hey, alright. Why do you get so emotional though? Stop. I want to hear what you think, man, just I have a hey, ma'am, ma'am, oh, your Mama

Unknown Speaker  9:15  
died last year. Ma'am, sorry.

Speaker 1  9:16  
Ma'am, it's okay. Listen, ma'am, if you're that upset though, ma'am, okay,

Brian Nichols  9:22  
first of all, I wasn't I forgot about that part of the video. I wasn't expecting the transgendered man at the GameStop. It's ma'am. She comes in there. Don't call me ma'am. That is the epitome of the left right now you have biological men pretending to be women at a Gamestop, saying, call me ma'am. And then you have biological women who get mad at the fact that some dude is being respectful and calling them ma'am. It's just this is the goofball world that we live in, and the fact that the left thinks that that type of mentality. It, it actually speaks to your average person. It just, it's so great. But number two, right? And this is a greater point that the the interviewer, that this gentleman for the video again, the guy in that the khaki, the khaki jacket here with the black, black took like he's calling out exactly where so many folks have just lost their way in our political discourse today, and that is just this emotional, hysterical reaction to anybody who disagrees with you, like if you've been a long time listener here of The Brian Nichols Show, you know that we'll have conversations with folks on the show who we disagree with, who we agree with, who will challenge us, who we will challenge, and it's always a respectful dialog. I will call out goofballs for being in goofballs, absolutely. But if a goofball ever wants to try to, like, explain to me, to sell to me, why, in fact, being a goofball is the best way to go, go for it like, I'll let you make that argument. I'll let you make that that case. But I'm not going to just bend over backwards and say, Okay, well, just because you say your truth makes it the truth, and it is the the fact that we, on the more common sense side of things, will not validate the world as the left sees that it should be that creates this emotional outrage, because when you've, and this is the left in general, the progressive left, when you have so abdicated any personal responsibility, any personal morals, any personal personal ethics, outside of governance that would be normally, like in your own purview, right, like the people in your your life, your family, your friends, your church, your community, you start to instead, put all those, those the moral betters, into these institutions, right, and into into the government. All of a sudden, you start to realize, Oh no, that's not even realize. You start to pretend that you are being attacked personally when the institutions you have, you have so you know you've so confidently and arrogantly deferred to now are being themselves looked at with a skeptical eye. That is an emotional attack on you. And as he calls out here, it is this emotional like goofballness that the left is embracing right now that I think your average person is saying, y'all are goofy, right? They're seeing the goofball, and they're saying, No, I'm not listening to this, this lady who's more rational, right? If you were to show 10 people on the street, just 10 average everyday folk, they don't have any political priors, you were to show them this dialog, who do you think they would look at and say, Yeah, I'm on this person's side, the lady or the guy in the tuke. It's not even a question, right? It's the guy in the tuke. They would look at him and say, yeah, he's being rational. He's being respectful, and he's actually calling out a very real symptom right now of our culture, and that is this emotional knee jerk reaction to anything that doesn't go in favor of my political priors, specifically coming from our friends in the left. We're almost done with this video. We'll go ahead and let them bring out. Let them bring it

Unknown Speaker  13:03  
home. Don't call me. Ma'am. Sure call me sweetheart, sweetheart.

Speaker 1  13:06  
Okay, whatever you want to be called, whatever you want to be called. Why are you so upset? Why are you letting politics get you so upset? Like, don't you see that we're just human beings? Seriously, you think completely different for me. I don't think you'll have you. You've treated me so disrespectfully right here, and I still don't think less of you. Don't point your finger. I'm sorry. I didn't. I didn't mean this. I did certainly

Speaker 2  13:25  
mean that. No, I didn't mean Elon Trump, Trump, Trump. You. Elon Musk, Trump,

Speaker 1  13:33  
just because I have certain political beliefs, you think you're, you're going to treat me like that, is what you're saying. Okay, that's, that's insane to me. That is

Brian Nichols  13:40  
insane to all of us. David, I guess that's the gentleman who did the interview. David, it is insane. It's absolutely insane. And the fact that that you know, the fact that he's able to capture that on tape, I'm personally thankful for David, because the fact that you caught that and you were able to show the actual left reaction when, when they're not having an audience of friendlies around them, to feel confident in the group, right? And this is where the left, really, they used to find their support structure was in this mentality that I'm saying something that the collective also believes. Therefore, even if I start to say things that are bat shit crazy. The the collective is afraid to call me out because they believe the larger collective that they need to stay on the, you know, on the path, and not step out of line to then get the the theory fired at them. And what happened was folks on the right started to say, No, this is insane. And actually, I think we should be able to have a real dialog, a real conversation about issues that matter, using language that actually it makes sense, right, and talk about things in a common sense way. After more and more folks started to speak out from the right, from the more common sense side of things, that then in. Enabled folks in the more that the squishy middle who were just going along to get along, to start to say, yeah, no, this is, this is effing Crazy, right? We're gonna jump ship and not even jump ship. We're just gonna stop pretending that this is okay and accepted discourse. So I say to this video, thank you David and thank you, crazy lady for jumping in and showing exactly why the left lost in 2024 Speaking of which, by the way, and this is just the left. This is the left, plus federal, federal bureaucracies, plus the the overall DNC, RNC establishments that had taken over our American political system for decades. In this next video, we're gonna listen to someone who I've definitely had some issues with, but also someone who I think serves a very important role in our political discourse. And that's one Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart was over on stage with. I forget the lady who it was, this woman from the Pentagon. I believe this is a little bit older a video, but this is Jon Stewart calling out the fact that the Pentagon has failed. I forget how many audits in a row, and can't articulate where the money has gone. And just this lady's reaction to Jon Stewart actually saying, hey, where, where is the money, right? And this, by the way, is setting the stage to how we got Doge with Elon Musk looking at all these federal agencies. So let's go ahead and take a

Speaker 3  16:24  
listen. If I give you a billion dollars and you can't tell me what happened to it, that, to me, is wasteful, that that means you are not responsible. But if you can't tell me where it went, then what am I supposed to think an $850 billion budget to an organization that can't pass an audit and tell you where that money went like, I think most people would consider that somewhere in the realm of waste, fraud or abuse, because,

Brian Nichols  16:52  
and by the way, her reaction to to Jon Stewart even setting the stage here and the uncomfortable giggling, right? You can tell right from the onset that you're not supposed to ask these questions. John, this is the, this is the, you know, the the Nudge, nudge, wink, wink mentality we have here in DC. It's not my fault that a billion dollars is missing. It's not my fault that I can't explain where these government contracts are going It's not my fault that we can't pass an audit. No, that's just, it just is right. And this is exactly part of the problem with these democratic folks in the bureaucracies. And you know what, Brian, get better. It's not just the Democrats, right. This is the Republicans from yesteryear, the bill crystals, the Mitch McConnells, the Lindsey Grahams of the world, who Lindsey Graham has seemed to have a come to Jesus moment, which I think the come to Jesus answer for him was either step, step in line or face a primary in South Carolina. But that's a different conversation for a different day, but all of those political folks from yesteryear, both in the left and the right, and I would say on the left, even up to today, because they are the ones, predominantly in the past four years, who've been leveraging these these institutions to basically become big money laundering schemes. And it is this lady's reaction who, I wish I had her name here, that is her reaction that is so representative of the mentality of all of these bureaucrats in DC that they just they had this gravy train, and it never shut off. It was Oscar from the office telling Michael why they need to either get a copier or get new chairs with their budget. Because once the budget runs out, at the end of the year, Mommy and Daddy, you're going to see that you didn't need that much money for running the lemonade stand, so they're going to give you less money. So we need to spend the money now. Doesn't matter where we spend it, right? And this is the mentality here, doesn't matter where we spend it. And how dare you for asking us where we spent it. We did what we had to do. John, let's take a listen,

Speaker 3  18:58  
because they would wonder why that money isn't well accounted for? But I'm a human being who lives on the earth and can't figure out how $850 billion to a department means that the rank and file still have to be on food stamps, like to me, that's fucking corruption.

Brian Nichols  19:19  
And we didn't this video didn't have her reaction, like her solo reaction. I wish it did, because the actual video, and I have to find this, maybe include this in the show notes, the actual video of her reaction is saying, well, that's not my fault, right? That's not our fault. And it just, again, it speaks to how there is such a disconnect between these folks who live in this bubble in DC and the folks that like when we live in our own lives, and we saw something like this, even on a micro scale, in our own in our own personal lives, we would call it out for being corruption, for being fraud, for being for being waste, um, fraud and abuse, because that's what it would be, right, just because you you. You say, Oh, I can't tell you where that money went, right? And she says, Well, that's not my fault, and that's not really waste or abuse. That just means we don't know where it went. We can't, we can't just trace it from one one payment to the next. What? What? Like the fact that she can say that with a straight face and think that that's an astute observation, that that she's making a rational point speaks to just how there are folks in this bureaucracy. They have no semblance, semblance of what real life actually is, and they pretend as though this monopoly money, it can be spent with no consequences whatsoever. And as a matter of fact, hey, let's spend this money so a way we can enable our friends and empower our friends, right? Which is, by the way, why so many folks in DC are also freaking out. Because now that the spigot of money is turning off, so the slush fund is ending, and they're saying, uh oh, now what? Now I actually have to, like, do something of value. What I know, Shocking, I know, um, but that was a good, a good little clip there from Jon Stewart. Uh, next clip we're gonna go ahead and check out. Um, this is just a reminder of how bad things could have been. And in this case, we're gonna go ahead and check out a video. I don't know who this guy is. Is it sono something I don't know. It doesn't matter. This is when rems and I were talking about the theater kid mentality of of the left that they wanted to see become the future of American politics and the larger voting demographics, right? There's this gentleman here who, I think he speaks to, yeah, for the video. Listener, yeah. You know where this is going to go, because you can just guess by the look. It's usually the septum piercing. That's the red flag. Let's take a listen to this champ and his 40 seconds of calling for hope. There's still

Speaker 4  21:46  
another chance for you. There's still tomorrow. Don't give up. Not yet. Be hopeful. Be happy. There's still tomorrow. Don't give up. Never give up. No no, give up no, no, no, You

Unknown Speaker  22:09  
never give up no,

Brian Nichols  22:19  
okay, so just, just a couple things. I actually was a legitimate theater kid back in the day who used to get in trouble with the other theater kids because I said, y'all are fucking goofballs at times. They didn't like that and oops. But just, let's, let's be critiquing this guy from a musical standpoint to start, because I have to number one, no words were spoken there. Um, diction, apparently, is not something he was ever taught. Keep those side comments to myself, um, but when you, when you listen to him sing, there was literally nothing that he spoke. It was just one, no, that's not singing. That's not words. Number one, number two, um, absolutely terrible in terms of his, his like, his styling of the music is very nasally, just just f minus f minus, and then just going to the overall ethic that this is remzo and I's main point, this theater kid mentality, right? This type of dude. Am I allowed to call him a dude? Is that hate speech? I don't know. The fact that the left in general, the Kamala Harris's of the world, the AOC of the world, the the the Ilhan Omars of the world, right? The fact that they look at someone like this, this, this chap, and imagine them as a slam dunk representative of who their voting base should be, again, speaks to why so many folks on the left just got destroyed in 2024 your average person said, Nope, sorry. You're not going to lecture me about morals, ethics and what's considered normal when you're representing your normalcy with this. This isn't normal. This is not how your average everyday person interacts with folks. And by the way, this isn't at all how your average everyday person just exists in the world. Nobody's sitting there just like crying to themselves because Kamala Harris lost and therefore I'm going to create a Tiktok video to nasally and without any dictation whatsoever, sing a song to my followers to say it's gonna be okay? No, this is, this is mental illness being put on public display for for clicks, for other folks who are also probably not doing so great up top to think that this is normal? No, this isn't normal. And this is that old lady from the clip before that is what she would have been today. Were she a younger voter, right? She would have been embracing this goofball, theater kid mentality, right? And you saw this with the way she approached. Oh, sweetie. Oh, you're so in this. Honey, right? That that, that just that, not condensation, the condescending tone she had, and layering that in, you could absolutely see this, this chap here, doing something like what she did with somebody else, if they were doing a man the street interview, and just being downright like, just disgusting and vile, and having their words drip with with just, just hate. And it's what's funny is that it is our friends on the left who they they stand up and say, you know, and hate. Say, stop to hate all these just silly bumper sticker slogans. And yet, it is the folks on the left, by and large, who are carrying these banners of hate forward. It is these folks on the left who are actually leading the charge with hate versus trying to end hate. I had a meme, and it was, you know, back during the 2024 election, and it was after Trump won, and then people freaking out afterwards on the left, and the caption just said, so I guess those coexist bumper stickers were bullshit, huh? Yep, sure were. And that is exactly the thing that the folks in the right need to realize, is that the folks in the left will lead with this whole coexist. You know, we are one type of mentality. They don't mean it, right. They mean it. So long as you echo back their priors. You echo back what they believe. And it's not a matter of Oh, like, oh yeah, let's make the world one big happy tent. It's, we will make the world one big happy tent. Asterisk, asterisk, no republicans or conservatives or common sensitarians allowed. Okay, that's and that's what we're dealing with. So before we go ahead and finish things up, we do have one other video. So this video is one of my favorite videos. I'm sorry to the audio listener, you just you gotta go onto the YouTubes to watch this. This is I'm gonna just sit down and shut up for this entire one minute and 20 seconds. This caption should tell you all what you need to know of what you're getting yourselves into here when cars don't stop for protesters, let's go ahead and take a listen,

just all the folks in the streets thinking that they can just block traffic. And folks in traffic are like, Nah, yeah, you got, oh, man, I thought this beat. Was that Mercedes? I thought he was gonna smoke this guy. No, he's just gonna keep going knock him over, and the guy lays down like he just got run over. Yep, you got a Kathy, the Karen here, sitting in front of literally trying to sit on the hood of a car. Sorry, sorry, Kathy, you cannot stop a car and a Chad in the back seat there, you know, telling them to get going. You got, you got the these are all, you can almost guarantee these are climate activists, right? We're gonna save the world. Two people are gonna push this car back up a hill.

You love to see it. Oh, yeah, your average person, your average person is so done. So done with the goofball, which, that's something I think we all learned in 2024 if you didn't learn you didn't learn you definitely learned it at the ballot box. Congratulations. Like this. This is something we need to take away from this election. Is that when the normies, when the common sense folk, speak up together and say, Nah, no, this is enough, stuff happens, and most cases for the better. You know, I've had this battle with a lot of my libertarian friends who argue against the ideas of populism. They say populism is dangerous. Brian. Populism is how we watch principles get destroyed in the name of some collective, collective mentality.

No, like we need to take a step back here and understand, first and foremost, the game we are playing. We are playing this democratic republic type of game where we have to win elections with using the tools at our disposal, in this case, the ballot box, right? And that is nothing more than a democratic election in the trues for form, right where you are voting for one person over another, and you're trying to have them go to office, and the only way to get that that higher percentage of votes is to appeal to a larger group of voters, which, by definition, means you have to be popular in your your position. Conditionings and in your delivery, therefore echoing a pop you list type of message. And this is where folks in the left and on the right have gotten so lost. Is that they keep on thinking that if only we tell people exactly the right way to live with our principles and to convince enough folks that need to live the exact same way we do that, then we'll have our utopia. Then the world will be perfect, right? Because if everybody's living by libertarian ethics, then oh my goodness, we can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. And by the way, on the left, they have this exact same mentality, right? If everybody just treats everybody the way that they want to be treated with dignity and love and respect, to the point that we ignore reality, we ignore biology, and we live in an equitable world, versus a world where we embrace the idea of meritocracy that that, in turn, will create our utopia. When you are on the right and you echoing the opposite of that, but still from the mindset that if we only had our utopian vision, that everything would be perfect, you are not living in the real world, and this is where the bell curve, right? The bell curve of politics really like it matters, and why Trump is doing so well. Trump is leading on these 80% issues in the world of business, we talk about 8020 rules, right? You have 80% of your market. That's they're not really searching for you, but that 20% that's your golden goose. Like, you go after them and you look at Trump, what's Trump doing in the 8020 rule? I'll flip on the inverse. Trump is talking about the 80% of issues that people agree with, and then like the 20% of the issues. It seems like the left is going ahead and trying to defend tooth and nail, and that is where Trump is winning, because while the left is defending the 20% the stuff that loses, and it only appeals to the folks on the the margins of the bell curve Trump saying, I'm going to embrace the stuff that a majority of folks agree with. A majority of Americans already kind of like live their lives by. And it is this common sense approach which, by the way, when you start to incorporate libertarian ideals and principles into a common sense approach where you're trying to reach more of the masses, instead of saying you have to meet us where we are in the world of libertopia. Instead, let's say, let's bring libertopia to the real world and start putting it in practice in areas to help show the common sense folk that our ideas aren't utopian, but actually they are the common sense values that the left pretends theirs is right that then you can not only start to get more people on board with your approach, but objectively make things better, start to solve problems today by leveraging the populist movement of today for tomorrow. And that is something I think we can take away, not just from the 2024 election, but now looking forward in terms of where the left is spending their time, trying to reframe their messaging and reframe their outreach to where the right can continue to build upon what they've just accomplished, the Make America Great movement with the Make America healthy movement, you couple that with a libertarian ethic, guys, I think that there is definitely something of worth to be built upon here, and to pretend otherwise is to be searching for perception perfection in the name of idealism versus trying to actually make tangible steps forward. So we're gonna go ahead and put a pin in today's Week in Review. If you want to go ahead and drop off, feel free. Or if you want to learn more about what's coming down the pike here and where I've been over the past month or so, where remz has been, stick around. We're gonna go ahead and talk about that now. So, yeah, elephant in the room. We've been doing three Shows a week up until the election. We work on our butts off. Remzo and I doing our Week in Review, doing my once a once a week conversation with a guest, and then doing, usually my Brian's briefing or something therein. And we got to the holidays when I visited family in Northern New York. For folks who, again, have been playing along in the home game, I have a little girl now, so that's obviously number one priority in my life, is my family. And as I'm kind of looking at the bandwidth, both with the day job, with the side hustles, all that, and then just being a dad, just don't have the bandwidth. Like I used to to put forward, you know, three solid episodes a week. I want to do more, but I just, I don't have the the bandwidth. So I think what we're gonna see happen here for the foreseeable future is we'll do one episode a week, ballpark, right? And like, for example, this is this week's episode. No guest interviews here this week. And going forward, I think we're gonna probably have something similar, right? I'll do either a guest interview, maybe I'll do a Brian's briefing, or we'll do a week in review, but I don't know if we're gonna be able to do all three. And by the way, like we went hard in the paint back at the end of the year, and I think we're really paying for that in a positive lens right now, with what we've seen from both the continuation of our audience growing, but also now these social media platforms starting to take the their fingers off the weights off the scale and actually letting us compete like I've done nothing different for the show since. Election, the only thing that's changed is that our numbers have been increasing. I've actually done less shows and it, I would dare say, all due to the fact that YouTube started to say, Okay, we see the market reacting in the election. I guess we have to react as well from the content that we're allowing to be hitting the main feeds. You know, same thing on Facebooks and Twitter. Thankfully, has gotten better ever since Elon took over. So, you know, thank goodness for that. But in terms of where I see the show going right now, you know, unless there's a big change, which I would always welcome, right, like, if we can get a couple of sponsors here that are our big sponsors who can help not only just pay for the show, in terms of helping with the bandwidth and resources we need to do the show three times a week, for example. Like, unless something like that happens, I think we're gonna see the show go back to a once a week mentality, which is very much like what we were doing when the show started back in 2018 and this is not to try to end the show. I'm not in that mentality of like, Okay, it's time to start shutting things down. Like, gonna pick up my buddy Jason Stapleton for a second. I remember looking at his podcast feed and just being like, Where'd Jason go? And then I was like, two or three months later, he released a like, 10 minute episode, being like, yep, show's done. No more podcasts, and he just ended it right. We're not, we're not doing that here at The Brian Nichols Show. We've been doing this show since 2018 I love you as the audience. We've had some amazing episodes here with some amazing guests, and afterwards, we've always had some amazing dialog and conversations behind the scenes with you guys on social media or in emails or letters or what have you. So we're not going anywhere. Just want to set that, you know, set that stage to start show is not going anywhere. But in terms of just the bandwidth, I genuinely think we're gonna see the show probably do once a week. So you know, if you you're looking forward to the three shows, I'm sorry, you know, hey, become a supporting listener. Help support the show. You know, 510, 20 bucks a month. If you can do that, if you listen to the show every episode, and you get value from the show, you want to see us do more. You know, hey, go ahead. Support the show that way financially, it allows me to start bringing more folks on for my team to help do those extra things. But just until then, hey, I'm one dude. I only have the bandwidth as much as I do. I do have a team behind the scenes. You know, Chris, not Chris Bangle. I do like Chris Bengal, but no, my buddy, Chris Long mag Nolan. She's been awesome, helping me out in the marketing world. And then, you know my team, TBN s I got my folks over there. Chris goyzta, Jeremy Todd, Frankie, all you guys are incredible. Kenny Cody, so just thank you for continuing to support the show, helping us reach out to get more folks you know, in the world of liberty, both aware of the program and our approach of helping meet people where they're at on the issues they care about selling Liberty versus expecting people just to say, Wow, this is a great idea. I'm on board how sales works. So with that, I appreciate the love, the support, but also the questions that you guys have been raising over the past few months. You know, Hey, are you in rems? Oh, good, yeah, no, remzo and I are great. REM is getting ready to move to Vegas, so he's a little busy right now on his end. So, you know, obviously, you know, I know remzo And I, We're BFFs. He's one of my best friends. I've had now for well over, what, a decade, which is bonkers. He and I were talking about that off air the other day that we've been buddies for 10 years in this world. And just, man, 10 years sure flies by when you're having fun. But no, everything's great between remzo and I. It's just a bandwidth issue. And by the way, this is just life, right? Like, I have a family remso That he's moving with his his wife, out from the Great Lakes to the southwest, like just life happens. I'm traveling a lot for work. I was out in Philadelphia, in New York last week. I'm going to be going all over the, you know, the East Coast, the North Central Great Lakes region. Here of the next month, gonna be down in, like, Florida area in April, like, I'm gonna be everywhere for work and like, it just it comes down to, I am one person. I need to, you know, make sure I'm using my bandwidth as efficiently as possible. But also I just, I can't get burnt out like I was. I was definitely getting burnt out doing three Shows a week, plus the day job, plus other side hustles. I produce another podcast in the side I host another podcast in my business world, you know, just, just with that, plus the side business I have for BNC technology advisors, which helps reach out to folks helping with their technology issues. Like, there's just a lot on the the old, the old, the old proverbial plate there. So no, I appreciate you guys reaching out. Just understand. I love y'all, and I'm not going anywhere. But just until we're able to to get some bandwidth issues figured out, which fingers crossed, by the way, like looking forward over the next calendar year or so, probably some big changes coming in the The Life of Brian Nichols, but also just in my family's life, and in terms of maybe where we're located, I don't know, there might be some stuff happening that's going to help open up some more bandwidth to get more shows back on the books. And by the way, we might do a couple extra episodes here and there throughout the week. So if I get a guest episode in the bank and I say, hey. So I can do a weekend review with remzo On top of that. Okay, we'll go ahead and we'll air both. I'm not adverse to that in the slightest. So I say all that, thank you for sticking around. I know you're listening to this right now. It's because you actually want to see what's going on with the show and where we're headed. So I appreciate that. But no with that being said, thank you just for being an awesome, awesome audience. I love and appreciate you guys. And by the way, can't speak to it enough in terms of how our show, like, actually helped push the needle. You look at the work of the REMS Oh, and the team over at Citizens United was doing up in in in the PA Chase right to help get Pennsylvania into the red column. That was what we're doing here to help raise awareness, to talk about the stories that matter. You know, we were getting, on average, between five to 7000 views on YouTube, between like 10 and 15,000 for the actual podcast during the the the heat of the election, and to see that number continue to increase afterwards, it's pretty darn cool. So just know that you as a member of the audience, you're helping us reach more people, you know, helping us make a real, legitimate difference. And it really does mean the world to yours truly, but also to the amazing team here at amp America, which you are also supporting. So with that being said, gonna go ahead and put a pin in today's conversation. I've been talking quite enough. We're over 40 minutes today of a solo episode. So hopefully you guys got some value from this. This was very much an off the cuff episode. Didn't have any scripts or anything recorded or written out to read off today. It was just a you and me having a heart to heart, going through some fun videos. And if you like these kind of episodes, by the way, let me know. We'll go ahead and do these more in the future. Maybe this will become the standard, right? We'll do this live, oh, Bill O'Reilly effort. We'll do it live. We'll do it live, classic. I'll wrap up, you know, if you stick around, I'll include that clip of Bill O'Reilly afterwards. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and say goodbye. Thank you guys for sticking around today. With that being said, hit the subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform if you're joining us here, live on Twitter today, or on Facebook, wherever it may be. Hit, subscribe, hit, follow. Also, make sure you go down below and comment your thoughts on today's episode. Would love to hear that as well. But hey, otherwise, I'll go ahead and talk to you guys later. With that being said, Brian Nichols, signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show, oh yeah. And go ahead support our amazing sponsors like cardio miracle scan that QR code over my shoulder or head to Brian Nichols show.com forward slash sponsors, all right, I'm done. Brian Nichols, signing off. We'll see you next week. Bye.

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