Oct. 23, 2024

914: Why NFL Players Are Supporting Trump | Week in Review

As Kamala Harris's controlled media strategy implodes on Fox News and celebrity endorsements fall flat, Trump's surging support among minority voters signals a seismic shift from establishment politics to populist messaging that could reshape the 2024 election.

Why is Kamala Harris suddenly shifting her media strategy with just weeks until the election? As Trump's poll numbers surge and minority support unexpectedly swings in his direction, Harris's recent confrontational Fox News interview with Bret Baier may signal desperation from her campaign. But is this too little, too late?



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In this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into Harris's media meltdown and analyze her performance against tough questions about immigration, her past progressive policies, and her sudden attempt to reinvent herself as a moderate. Host Brian Nichols and special guest Kenny Cody from Human Events break down why Harris's carefully crafted "vibes" strategy is crumbling when faced with real journalism.


The conversation takes a fascinating turn as we explore why celebrity endorsements from Taylor Swift and Mark Cuban aren't moving the needle for Democrats, while Trump continues to gain organic support from unexpected places like NFL players Antonio Brown and Le'Veon Bell. We examine how the Republican Party's transformation from "country club" politics to populist messaging is reshaping American political dynamics.


Kenny Cody shares powerful insights about why Republicans need to stop "playing nice" in the face of what he calls cultural Marxism, especially following two assassination attempts on Trump. The discussion tackles how alternative media is becoming a game-changer for reaching younger voters and why traditional GOP messaging is dying out as new demographics emerge.


Don't miss this compelling analysis of how the 2024 election landscape is dramatically shifting, featuring exclusive insights on voter turnout in Tennessee, the impact of corporate America's retreat from DEI initiatives, and why 79% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on the latest political analysis that mainstream media won't tell you!



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Brian Nichols  0:00  
Music. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to the Brian Nichols show. Well, happy Saturday. There, folks. Welcome to another week, one review part of the Brian Nichols show. I am your host. Brian Nichols, we have some really exciting topics that are really focusing here as we go the next couple weeks, towards the end of the election, Kamala Harris and she's having her media meltdown as she goes on. Brett bear over on Fox News. Plus why endorsements like Taylor Swift or Mark Cuban really aren't making a difference. And then later, we're going to talk about why Republicans need to stop playing nice, and to do that today. Unfortunately, my traditional co host, good old remso Martinez. He's a little busy today, so I, I went to the archives, and I said, you know, we're going to call it the big guns. We're going to call out our good buddy from Cody's concerns. Kenny Cody from human events. Welcome back to the Brian Nichols show, buddy, how you been I've

Speaker 1  1:03  
been great, brother. It's great to be back with you. Like you said, go back to the archives. Haven't been on a while, but it's great to be back. It's

Brian Nichols  1:09  
great to have you. You've been busy. You've been writing a lot of bangers over at human events. I've been seeing them come out left and right and man, you're making a name for yourself there. I would say the right side of politics in that world. So besides that, what's been going on in the world of Kenny Cody? Yeah,

Speaker 1  1:24  
it's been, it's been pretty hectic here. You know, of course, you know, I live in East Tennessee, and we're here by, hear about that by the flooding pretty hard being on the border of North Carolina. So just now getting back to normal life. It feels like kind of post COVID here in in cock County and in western North Carolina, East Tennessee. But things are beginning to go back to normal. Still writing articles. I think I have another article published next week. Three weeks out from the election, Tennessee, turnout has been, you know, absolutely exploding. You know, in my small county, just full of about 33,000 people are already 3300 people have voted since Wednesday in early voting, so over 10% of populations already in total. So it's been, it's been great. I think we're in for a really, really great day come, come November, on election day. So we're, we're pretty pumped up, man. It's, it's going, it's going, Well, I think we're gonna be, I think we're gonna be okay. I really do. Loved it. Love to hear

Brian Nichols  2:15  
it, man. And by the way, we are live this morning, for folks who are wondering, yes, we are live. We're recording here, 8:30am Eastern. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Rumble decided not to to stream this morning for us. So we are only airing on Twitter. Which elephant in the room I'm okay with, because Twitter has been probably the best, or x, sorry, x has been the the best site I've leveraged here for for actually getting information out there without it being censored Facebook, looking at you, man, my Facebook account has been just nuked over the past few months with the election getting here. So Twitter, Twitter is where we're gonna be, x, x is we're gonna we're gonna be airing today's episode. But let's go ahead and dig right into the topic of conversation today. And really, Kenny, as we look at this, this next two weeks or so of the election. It is POTUS election, POTUS election, POTUS election. But it's not, I don't think where a lot of folks originally were looking at this election originally go back, way back Kenny. Wait, let's go to June of this past year, right? Biden and Trump. It looked like it was gonna be a, pretty much a cake walk for Trump. Up until that debate, everybody kind of knew that Biden wasn't 100% then that debate between him and Trump just answered the question everybody had. So all of a sudden you see, like, okay, it's Trump, right? You got Mark Zuckerberg coming out and be like, Wow, I never saw something more bad ass. When Trump got the assassination attempt, he stands up the fight, fight, fight. So you have that debate. You have the assassination attempt within weeks of each other. And at that moment, there was about a week period or so where it was more or less the writing was on the wall. Biden wasn't going to carry forward the election, somebody's taking over. It's going to be someone like a Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, or his sitting VP, Kamala Harris. Well, we got the answer right. It was Kamala Harris. Fast forward, there was a huge, huge bump with all the media apparatuses going through, supporting her, promoting her, asking zero tough questions. And on the flip side, the Harris campaign going out of their way to avoid any situations where they would have to face some tough questions. And yet, Kenny, here we are, as we're getting closer to the election, that approach, that strategy, doesn't really seem to have taken to some effect. And actually, we were seeing not just Kamala Harris really start to stall, but Donald Trump, especially this past two weeks, he started to skyrocket and making in route, in roads, with a lot of minority communities that folks never would have given him a chance to win going back into 2016 so fast forward to 2024 suddenly, Kamala Harris finds herself at a crossroads. Do I continue this same strategy I've been doing over the past two months, or do we maybe make a change? Do we start putting ourselves in positions to have uncomfortable conversations? So what happened this past. Be over on Fox News, Kamala Harris sat down for her first real big girl interview where it wasn't exactly a friendly interview. Now, yes, she did sit down with Bill Whitaker over on 60 minutes, but that interview was heavily edited. It was very obvious they were trying to get her over the finish line. Fox News, Bret bear, not so much so Kenny. We watched Brett bear just grill Kamala Harris not let her get off with her platitudes of Well, I was a I was born to a middle class household. Kenny, like is none of that kind of stuff. He actually asked her tough questions and expected tough answers. What was your feedback, Kenny, as you're watching that, that interview between Kamala Harris and do you think that she's taking the right step and trying to talk through some different audiences that, yes, are more confrontational, but maybe are going to be open to considering a different way of doing things with a Kamala Harris administration.

Speaker 1  5:52  
Well, if you've ever watched the campaign with Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, there's a moment where during a speech at a town hall where Will Ferrell gets up there, I think his name is cam Brady in the movie, and he goes up there and he says, Welcome to the show. Use it as an exp live. That I'm not going to say, but that's kind of a way that I feel about Kamala Harris, like you. She did an interview in which Donald Trump has been doing for the last 10 years of his political career, any any sit down interview is going to be contentious. Any sit down interview is going to be him being held accountable to a certain extent, by fierce interviewer, and even even by those that you know are conservative, Leni like Brett bear, he I forget when he sat down with Trump, but it's not been that long ago. And if you go back and watch that interview with bear and Donald Trump, it's just as contentious, like it's just as strict, it's just as questioning and she couldn't handle it, and Trump can like the the amount of media that Trump has done over the last few months has changed politics forever. You know the fact, the fact, the fact that he he's going on with people like Theo Vaughn, people like Patrick bet David And supposedly, here the next few weeks before the election, you know, with Joe Rogan, like the fact that he has expanded the accessibility to alternative media in a way that no other presidential candidate has before, tells me that Kamala Harris wanted to kind of dip her toe into it, and knew she had to do something. But, but the problem is, the more people soft Kamala Harris, the more they despise her. And when she went on with Bret Baier, was somebody who literally the first question that he asked, but you know, you know, he did the pleasantries, and I think you'd be for being with us. And the first question was about illegal immigration and the little girls that have been killed under her administration. That is as tough as a question as I think I've ever heard asked to a Democratic candidate, you know. And you know, rare is so good this stuff too, you know, he and he broke Obama 2012 he, you know, he said Obama needs to quit filibustering. You know, that's a famous quote from Baird Obama. But I, you know, I think the more people see it come on Harris, the more they dislike her because she cannot explain her part. Explain her policy positions. She cannot be personable. You know, Trump is for the faults that people want to attribute to Trump. And you know, in the way that he combats the media, Trump is very likable, you know, very you know, he makes people laugh. He's a stand he's basically a stand up comedian. And you Kamala Harris couldn't make you, you know, laugh with laughing gas. I mean, she she is just so unbelievably unpersonal And just very cringe worthy, as the kids like to say. So it's just very The more, the more more Kamala Harris talks, the less people like her. And I think with that exposure in the lion's den with Brett bear. I can't believe I'm calling Brett bear a line, but he very, very much. Was this this week in this interview. So I'm very, I'm very happy that she decided, unfortunately, to do that, because I think, you know, Trump was already rising in the polls, already had the momentum, and it's just sustained

Brian Nichols  8:56  
it. So there's a couple of things I want to take back. I'm so glad you called out the fact that Brett bear, this wasn't like just a contentious interview to Kamala Harris because she's a Democrat on Fox News. This was Brett bear. And listen, I get it. He is not a libertarian elephant in the room. And yeah, he's actually, you know, an old school, legitimate journalist. He is trying to hold people in positions of politics to account. And he, to your point, did a really tough interview with Donald Trump, and he did a really tough interview with Kamala Harris. Now it's the outcomes of that interview that really speaks to, I think, the overall, the preparedness of the candidates, but also the tenor of where we are as a country, right? Kenny, because and remzo and I talked about this last episode, there was this vibes mentality in the Kamala Harris campaign that was really just, it was, it was the band aid that was holding everything together for the campaign. It was this joy. It was this, we're turning the page, we're turning the page. It's like, okay, turning the page towards what you're the same. Think VP and nobody was able to ask her these tough questions, right? Because she never put herself in a position where she would have to answer tough questions. And I think this interview, Kenny and I would love to hear your context, your and your perspective, this interview, was like, you go into the basement and you got the flashlight, and you shine the flashlight and you see the roaches, and the roaches are like they scatter, right? That felt like that's what happened to Kamala Harris with any of her coherent thoughts The moment she was pushed with a not friendly question, right? The moment she was asked to elaborate on something or to give some context, like, oh, I don't know, Kamala, you're running for office in 2024 yet you're presenting yourself as a moderate, despite the fact that four years ago, we saw you running for president, the exact role you're running for today with the exact opposite policies. As a matter of fact, the policies you represented were far left policies, policies that were open borders policies that were paying for trans surgeries in prisons, policies that are not popular with, I would dare say, Kenny, a majority of Americans. So all of a sudden, you get the person out of their group think, out of their echo chamber, and you posit, you position them on a stage to now answer tough questions to normal people, you now no longer can speak that contrived, you know, oh, elitist language. And think that it's just going to resonate with the average person. And I think that right, there was the kryptonite. What

Speaker 1  11:30  
say you Yeah, I mean, I think once, when this is going to be the turning point in the campaign, like, like I said, I mean, already the Trump, Trump was pulling a lot closer. You know, Trump's all close to swing states. You know, people wanna look at the popular national vote. We haven't like to work college guys. Doesn't really matter that much. But if you looked at swing states, Pennsylvania, like Nevada, like Michigan and Wisconsin, the most majority of us are undecided. You know, are not undecided voters, but the underside voters are the ones inside the election. And the one thing that people get exposed to in deciding who's going to win or who they're going to vote for, it's watching how they do in media. You know, that's why people criticize Trump so much in the debate, because people Trump, Trump came off to some independence, is very aggressive. And now, of course, I loved it, right? But, but, you know, I think my hair is deserved it. In that regard, everything that Trump said was that was accurate during that debate, you know, and but she doesn't know how to, how to grab moments, and it's, it's such a bad skill set to have as a politician, you know, if she, if Trump had such a bad debate, the media want to say he had back that, you know, back in September, you would have those viral moments. You would have, you know, you'd be in jail. You would have your your SIR, you're no Jack Kennedy, but we did not have that. And Harris is many times during her career, cannot get capture the moment like she she can't. She can't catch the ball, like, no matter how easy of a layup that she has in terms of media interviews, in terms of literally, food on it on a platter, like she can't do it, like, it's such a weird it's such a bad attribute for a politician. Like I've never seen anybody who is has mean. Joe Biden, you know, for all of his faults, was a seasoned politician for 50 to 60 years in US politics, and kept the ship steady like he kept it in the road, as people like to say, like he was not pressed by the media, by law and what he was pressed by. He was just this old man, you know, old Catholic, the old Irish Catholic that people enjoy like they he was like their grand Come on man. He Right, exactly like he said. That's the mantra that he always carried. And like, when you are Kamala Harris and you are from the far, the most far left wing state country, your you had, don't have a great reputation of going from a far left progressive now to being a moderate that's now going to all of a sudden get the endorsements of union workers like you. You can't afford to not have moments, and she's not had a moment like we've only got a few days of October left, and maybe I'm going to be wrong, and there's going to be something that comes out, and Kamala Harris just has her moment and wins the election. That could absolutely happen. It is US politics, but you know, it's I've never seen a candidate that has had more opportunities granted to her by the media, by the by her own party, and propping her up as the nominee without ever receiving a single primary vote, I've really never seen so many opportunities squandered, you know, like I said, even in a debate where most of the media thought Trump lost, I personally didn't and needed independence, but she the fact that you didn't have a moment then the fact that you not had a moment at a rally, the fact that you haven't had a moment in. Do interview. All of them have been bad. Every opportunity she has squandered, she has squandered like it's, it's so it's so unbelievable. It's great for us, great for Republicans, and great for Trump, especially you know him, her being the second President nominated he's actually had run against, which is an insane sentence, but I'm, I just don't see a pathway for her to redeem herself in terms of PR Republic relations or perception. I hope I'm, hope I'm correct and and she, like I said, Brian, she might turn around and win in November. I don't know. I mean, I think Trump's in a pretty good position right now, especially with turnout. But, you know, I can't believe the amount of immediate opportunities that she squandered, and she just keeps on doing it and doing it and doing

Brian Nichols  15:47  
it. She's a substance to this Obama, um, like, at least Obama, when he would go on these, these, uh, these different news shows, right? You got the Obama charm, right? He can present things in a great package. But guess what? Obama actually knows his shit, right? Like that. That is the piece that is so important to pay attention to. Obama isn't just an empty suit. He actually believes a lot of this stuff. Now, I'm not saying Kamala doesn't believe some of this stuff, but I don't think she really understands a lot of this stuff. She's been told these are the things that you're supposed to believe. And she can absolutely regurgitate a talking point. But when we talked about this, I forget the gentleman's name, who's on the show, but he talked about iceberg selling, right? And you think of an iceberg out in the ocean, and you see the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole bunch of iceberg that you can't see below that water line, right? And that is representative of Kamala versus, like somebody like Obama. Obama, yes, he could talk about the surface level stuff, right? The tip of the iceberg. And then, if you ask him a follow up question, yeah, he could give you some context, the behind the scenes stuff, the rest of the iceberg. Kamala Harris, you know, keeping in this floating analogy, right? Think of a buoy out in the ocean. The buoys, you can see the tip of the buoy, but there's nothing underneath, right? It's just, it's just a buoy sitting in the ocean. There's no substance. There's nothing beyond it. From what you see, that is Kamala. Kamala knows enough what to say, but when pressed, or when, when she's actually asked to explain or to help elaborate what she believes. You can instantly see, it's the does not compute NPC face and that right there. And by the way, this is very obvious in the Bret bear interview, she gets mad, she gets frustrated, she starts to turn into, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. Can I finish Brett, that kind of stuff. And by the way, this goes back to the episode with Ken with remzo and I last week, where there is very much a reality that the Harris campaign needs to face, that that approach, it just does not jive with men, right? This, this scolding, this belittling, this, I'm talking perspective. Good luck. Like, go for it. If you want to run as that being like your approach, by all means, go for it, but good luck in trying to get your average dude to support your campaign. Which goes to why the ad we shared last week, I'll save the the descriptors of that ad, because remzo had a great terminology for a certain type of energy that was represented by that ad. But that ad speaks to how the Kamala Harris campaign does not understand how to reach out to men. Do not understand that this approach not only is very unappealing to men, but will instantly turn that off. And by the way, Kenny speaks to why so many black men are starting to jump ship from the Democratic Party establishment. They are supporting Donald Trump in mass. I'm I've never seen this happen before in my adult life. Kenny, I'm seeing former NFL black prominent NFL players like Antonio Brown, levy on Bell, and former players like to attack of a low a quarterback for the dolphins like the Tom Brady, right? These are quarterbacks and players who very noted in the NFL, and two of them black, or two black. No, he's he's Hawaiian. But like you have, all of a sudden, these prominent athletes who never, never really put their their toe into the political world, much of Travis Kelsey, but like the fact that all of a sudden you're seeing a change, you're seeing a flip, and your average dudes, black white, mix the colors together. They're just tired of it. They're tired of the scolding. They're tired of being told you're bad for feeling like a man you're bad for not just bending over backwards to support the she, the she boss, right? Like, sorry, that doesn't work. So we're gonna, we're gonna move forward to, and I'm gonna change things a little bit. Kenny, from the the approach we took earlier. So just a heads up. Um, because we do need to talk more about what Republicans need to do when they're addressing. And not just Republicans, Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, when you're trying to actually fight back against what the Democratic establishment and in this case, the Kamala Harris campaign have been doing. But before we do that, Kenny, we're gonna go ahead and give a shout out to one of our phenomenal sponsors here on the Brian Nichols show, and that is our good friends over at clock. Let's go ahead and take a listen if you think you're supporting small farms with your coffee choices, think again. 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This going back to what we saw happen down in Florida, but also caring for what we just talked about with the assassination attempt in Butler PA. So let's talk about this. Kenny kind of what's your perspective? Why? Why do Republicans? Why do you, and I'm going to carry it forward, libertarians, conservatives, the the political right, why do they need to stop playing nice and start fighting back? Well, it

Speaker 1  21:54  
just blows my mind. In an era where Democrats are trying to kill our president nominee, that people want to have the rhetoric that we need to have, as if we're in the modern the mid 2000s with with George W Bush, like the left of today and the Democrats of today are not the Democrats they were 10 years ago, five years ago, 20 years ago, whatever you want to say, they are violent Marxist extremists, and we need to be able to call them that. And it's not going to cost anybody an election. To people who are wanting to transgender. Mine, you know, transition minors to being transgender, that these people are not normal. Like, like, I don't know what to tell people, especially, like a lot of Republicans on my side, they're like, Oh, well, you know, we're the ones that tried to vote for Ron DeSantis. You're all the ones that got Donald Trump. You know that that whole mantra we need to unite behind a message that these people are not just moderate Democrats. These are not, this is not the modern Joe mansions. Okay? These people are are legitimately cultural Marxist, evil doers like that, and we have to punish them like we have to punish them at the ballot box. We had to punch them in policy in rhetoric, on podcasts, in media and writing like from every single aspect, Republicans have got to stop saying, you know, we don't need to call them unhuman. We don't need to call them these, you know, cultural Marxists and evil and, yeah, we do. We like they've tried to kill our dude TWICE, Like I they've been, they've been paying us as fascist for the last 10 years, and even before that, you know, we bring them all the time. Like, when Joe, when Joe Biden the Mitt Romney, when he said that Mitt Romney was, you know, the Joe Biden and, you know, Mark Obama told the MIT, Romney and Paul Ryan were gonna put black people back in chains. Like this has been escalating for more than 10 years, and now we've got to a point where we all knew it was going to go right, like we all knew after the Ram politick assassination to temper he was assaulted after Steve Scalise was sharp at Gretchen baseball game, when Nancy Mace was sent white powder in a you know, envelope to her house and to her children, like we know this is going to happen. I mean, I mean, even people back home, like here in Tennessee, like, I hope they don't try to kill him. That was he was so on it. Trump was so honest about the establishment, about the CIA, about the NSA, about the deep state, everybody's like, Man, I love what he's saying. I hope they don't try to kill him. And they finally tried twice, but then within three months, and I have to sit back and hear moderate Republicans talk about how the rhetoric should change and how we can't, you know, we can't be willing to make the efficient change. You know, we can't be willing to paint them for how they are, like it's, it's the same things that I said in 2022 when we don't have a message besides with Trump, and we gotta, we got to get a message that is still fighting, that is still nationalist, that is still populist. When Trump is done like Trump, Trump is going to serve another term, in my belief, until 2028, and then what do we do? We can't revert back like we can't have eight years of Donald Trump and really, really 14 years in 10 family in terms of. The of him, you beat being, you know, campaigning since 2015 and then all of a sudden go back to, okay, now we're gonna go back to the Gnostics, moderate banker politics. Okay, it, it's not the way we need to go. So I It frustrates me to such a certain extent with the GOP, with Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, the same people who are going to write in a candidate, the same people who are going to, you know, vote third party, and the same people that are going to, you know, skip out, or the same people say, I'm going to vote for him, but I don't like it. Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you like voting for the most anti establishment candidate in American history that is literally preventing people from transgendering prisoners. Let me answer that. Yeah, let me answer this.

Brian Nichols  25:43  
So let me, let me answer this for you, because I had same church, different pew conversation. I was on a podcast Thursday night, as we're recording here today, on Saturday morning, which we are live on X, by the way. So thank you for joining us. Head down below into the comments. Let us know your thoughts. But this was a conversation that turned into more of a debate on that podcast, and the argument on the I would say, the more moderate, independent centrist perspective. Two things they argue. One, we're tired. We're tired of three elections now in a row of A Trump that's the one argument, and that all that comes with them, right? The chaos in America, people not loving each other, hate each other. That's number one. Number two, Kenny, and this is something I'm still stuck on. There are a large number of folks who only get their news from those three letter organizations, CBS, FOX, MSNBC, well, I guess that's three letters or four letters. CNN, go through the list. PBS, NPR, so for them, the context of real life is what they see when those arbiters of truth are presenting it to them, right? So when they look at things like January 6, the official narrative becomes the narrative versus I just listened to a very in depth podcast with folks like Steve Baker, Adam Oh, his name escapes me. He was the lectern guy. He was on my show. Adam Johnson. Adam Johnson, and there's one other gentleman over on Tim pool's culture war podcast, talking about what they experienced as actual, you know, boots on the ground. You know, lectern guy, obviously known for the lectern photo, smiling. He was, he was the was the, the HGTV chip Gaines wish version, right. Go ahead and get him. You got, you got Steve Baker, journalist from the blaze, who just there doing journalism stuffs all of a sudden he's finding himself facing, I think it's like eight years in prison just because he was doing his job and reporting what was happening, right? So you had that, coupled with the what hours and hours and hours of security footage that was released, you have the the transcripts. You have Nancy Pelosi walking down the hallway videotape saying, This is my fault. I should have, I should have helped increase the security like I was asked to, like, you have all these things that we know, right? We pay attention. But that doesn't make it. Kenny to the official narrative. The official narrative is, well, we had this House Oversight Committee led by Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, okay, who are saying that this is the worst thing ever, right? This is, this is the worst thing. Is the worst attack on America since 911 Kenny, since 911 and this mentality carries forward to your average person. So to go full circle here why I went down this rabbit hole back to why I think a lot of folks in the GOP, Republican, conservative, libertarian camp are weary of doing what you're talking about and fighting back and starting to use the more aggressive tactics of the left is that they are afraid that those tactics will will be married To the narratives that have captured a large group of folks, like my friend, who I had a podcast with the other day, where they see only what they have been presented versus what's actually there. Again, going back to the iceberg analogy, right? What's actually below the surface, and there is no desire to dig below that surface to understand the context, because they're tired, they're burned out. Going back to the first point, they're like, this is the third election I've had with Trump. And I've also heard the narrative of like, well, he's not going to give up power. He's going to he's going to, you know, even if he loses, he's going to run again. I'm like, Dude, he's going to be 82 years old. Number one, if he loses, and he wants to run again, I don't think so. Number two, if he wins, he's term limited out. So if in this whole like he's a unique threat to the American democracy, I'm sorry he's a unique threat to the establishment control, that's what he's a unique threat to. But going back to your point here, can in this article, I think that is my 35,000 foot perspective on why so many folks. Are weary to this approach. What say you

Speaker 1  30:01  
Yeah. I mean, I think, I think it's that Country Club mentality, you know, people who say, yeah. I mean, I think it's been a problem in the in the GOP for so long. And I'm kind of glad it kind of connects back to the point of where we're talking about interviews and media. I am glad the alternative media is there and but like the shows, like yours, like jackal so big, like Tim pools, like Joe Rogan like Patrick bed David Theo Vaughn, impulsive, whatever you want to talk about, these people have so many voices, and it's becoming, I think, that you, you know you said earlier that you that it's shocking to see the inroads that Trump's with young black men, and I can't attribute this every bit to it. I think Kamala Harris is, you know, unlikability. You know, her unpopularity is unfavorable with whatever you want to whatever adjective that you want to attribute to her, you know, I think has a lot to do with it. But what I think more than anything else is the amount of outreach that Trump has done on these podcasts. I mean, look at the audiences of Theo Vaughn, Joe Rogan, Patrick met David Logan Paul was the guy. Lex Friedman, if you look at all of these men and all of these people that he's interviewed with Andrew Schultz with flagrant Guess who their main demographic is? It's 18 to 25 year old men,

Brian Nichols  31:24  
like which, by the way, that's the group of men there's that video Kamala Harris being like 18 to 24 year olds. I mean, let's be real. They're stupid.

Speaker 1  31:34  
You're exactly right. I mean, that that's, that's, I think, those inroads, you know, I think in the same way in 2016 you saw Clinton, you know, not go to Wisconsin, and she didn't appeal to the working class. You're seeing teamsters that are, you know, basically endorsed Donald Trump. Like everybody says they make a fish on door. They did release the polling. Right? It was 5841 Trump to Harris, which was, by the way, a complete

Brian Nichols  31:59  
flip from it was Biden, Yes, Paris or Biden Trump. Biden was those high numbers, and you just see a complete flip from those. I'm gonna say those Biden guys, like, 20% of them went right over to Trump instantly, just because they're like, Nope. Can't do it, yep.

Speaker 1  32:13  
With the working class was, you know, and Biden was appealable. Like, like, being from Scranton, being from, you know, being that, that Irish Catholic he was, he was viewed as a working man and being for the like, an old school Democrat. And she is not, like, I mean, I know she's 60, but she's somehow viewed as young in terms of politics. And, you know, you see that progressive left mantra that she fights for and but, you know, a lot like I was saying, like, the with the alternative media. Like, I think that's why Trump's made those inroads, is, I think that there's this new identity in Republican politics, that alternative media is becoming one, the most one of the and we can attribute this all to Donald Trump. Like, I'm gonna give it to the alternative media. Like, of course, like the people, the people they've had on on multiple different shows. And, you know, amazingly enough, I think Joe Rogan has been the intellectual leader of that, in terms of sitting down with literally anybody but the man, the thing that, the thing that like, but Trump being willing to go on that like I can't imagine, as a 77 year old man going on these podcasts and sitting there for 30 minutes at a pop going from show to show to show to show to show. Along with all this TV, it's a lot to do, man. I mean, I I go on probably, I go on TV weekly now with Jack, and it's, it's a hassle for me to, like, go to my location, go film. I'm recording my house today because it's, it's going to be somewhere today. But, you know, going going TO to my little studio, I guess you call it with a microphone and a cat webcam. I mean, it's a house for me to do that. I can't imagine, as a senior presenter candidate, going around and doing that, and giving the opportunity for that as demographic to watch it. And that's, that's why I think where the republican party may need to, you know, at least have an olive branch out to where we didn't before, is we're always going to either struggle or succeed with these country code tokens that watch the mainstream media. But where do you make inroads with minorities? Where you make inroads with young people? And to me, that's going to change the election, like, where these young people that are voting now these, these young college men are conservative, which is insane. Like even back when I was in college in 2016 and 2018 like I went to university Tennessee and went to Washington Community College, like when I was there at those two colleges, it was dominantly, dominantly liberal, like from every young person, but now it's this unabashed, like, I'm a conservative and I'm proud of it, and that was not the way that it was even 10 years ago, or even eight years ago, like, and now you're seeing like the frats the sports fan, like you're saying with the athlete. Elites like this embrace of masculinity, the embrace of just common sense, is becoming so prevalent within the Republican, and not even Republican, it's kind of like the bar stool conservatives like it's it's really resonating. And I think Trump's outreach to the alternative media is really turning the page on hey, this Old Country Club public is dying out, either literally or ideologically over the next 10 years, because alternative media is going to continue to to not, do not, not necessarily dominate, but have such a, such an essential role in opposition to the mainstream media. And I think that where conservatives can make inroads, if they just be honest, like be personable. Don't act like all prim and proper when you're going on this pockets. Lay back, sit down. JD Vance, and the same thing with the nail boys. Like he's doing, he's he's been awesome as a media surrogate, as the VP nominee. So if we just continue to do things like this, I really think Republicans can succeed and start forgetting. But if you don't want to fight, then get then, then get out, get out of the way. Like if you don't want to fight, go to bat box and get out of the way. Out of

Brian Nichols  36:03  
the way. Yeah, you mentioned something like the old country club mentality, and that seems to be going away. We talk about this in sales, right? And everything is sales. I've said a million times during the show you talk about existing logos versus new logos. You always need to be going after new logos because, yeah, your base of business is great. But unless you're growing that base of business, which one vote is one vote? Sorry, you can't, unless you're the Democratic Party, in which case, one vote could be four votes. Who knows. But when you look at the existing voter base, so the Republican Party, it's dying, it's going away, right? It's, it's, it's the companies, the companies are going out of business, so you're losing that customer base. So what are you doing to bring it back up, right? And in this case, it is going out finding new voters and new logos in this case, that you're bringing on to become buyers of, in this case, a Republican, conservative, libertarian perspective. Now this is not to say to your point that they're all like rock ribbed conservatives or Republicans, but there's just, and maybe this is the way to kind of capture all this, is that there just hasn't been an appeal to the average dude bar stool, just average, like your union dudes, you're, you're just, you're, you're guys, guy, right? There has not been an appeal to that type of person. Republicans have always gone after the country club folks, right? Think of the Mitt Romneys of the world, the John McCains, the George bushes. It was always this. But hey, my dad was President. Well, I was in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Well, I did. It's always like rubbing elbows, buddy, buddy. But in terms of like taking that and appealing to a different voting base. Who does that appeal to no one, right? And as a matter of fact, that was one of the main like attack points from the Democrats towards the Republican Party back, I mean, over the past 20 years, I think of Family Guy. I used to think of all the different episodes where they would have, you know, some, some hoity 20 Republican going off to their country club to go play around a golf with another CEO somewhere, right? That is the perception of the Republican Party. And what I think the overall like Trump going on these different podcasts and stuff Kenny is showing that that mentality is gone now. Like, yes, Trump is the epitome of that from Trump. I mean, think all the different golf clubs in the or the golf resorts he has and the towers with his name on it, like he is the epitome of that, yet he takes that like he takes a step back and still meets the average person on a level that they can relate to. That's a that's a that's a skill, right? Like to be a multi, multi billionaire, be the person who has been helping build these institutions, and to be like, but I still relate to you. I can still have a conversation with you. That is where it's changing. And you mentioned the bar stool kind of mentality, this, like the dudes do, the college fraternity kind of mentality. I think that's going to come back, and it's going to come back strong. And we're seeing so right now. So I'm really curious to see what happens here over the next few weeks, candidly, Kenny, so while as we're all sitting there trying to think what is going to be happening next, I'm sure your heart is getting some palpitations. Will Have no fear, I have a great solution to help give you the strongest heart possible, and that is with an awesome supplement I use twice a day every day, have been for the past year and a half with amazing results. That's called cardio miracle. Take a listen. Hey, folks, I want to take a moment to talk about something that has truly changed my life, and that is cardio miracle, our incredible studio sponsor. 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Head to cardiomyocol.com now and use code TBN s for 15% off your order your journey to a happier and healthier heart starts today. And now let's get back to the show. I've been using cardio miracle, not kidding, for like, just about a year and a half going on two years at this point, Kenny, I rarely will, like, just plant my flag on the mountain and say, This is an amazing product. Cardio miracle is an amazing product. I could not believe watching, genuinely, my heart rate just plummet. It was like average resting, upper 60s, low 70s, down, like high 40s, low 50s, my blood pressure. Thanks, Mom and Dad. History of high blood pressure. I work out six days a week, and I still was having high blood pressure. And I'm like, What do I do? Took cardio miracle. Within a month and a half, my blood pressure went from like 140 over 90 down to like 120 over 80. Consistently, I'm sleeping better my pump at the gym. So I'm just, I'm saying all this, I love cardio miracle. And I was actually out in Utah where their HQ back. I've been out there like three times in the past six weeks for work, but like, I actually saw a billboard for cardio miracle. So it's been one of those supplements that has been slowly but surely starting to get that Atlas stone going down the hill. And I'm seeing Russell Brand. He was promoting cardio miracle the other day. So don't just take my word for it. There's other folks out there who are experiencing the cardio miracle benefits and differences from themselves, yours truly as well. Um, so you want to go ahead and ask me about it, get some some insights, email me, shoot me a message here on Twitter. And by the way, we are live. So thank you for joining us here live on x. This morning, we tried to live stream over on Rumble. Rumble said nah, and I couldn't get the the links to work. So we're, we're only going solo today on x. So thank you for joining us. I see we have had a couple, a couple 100 folks jumping in and out of the episode this morning. So yeah, we start 8:30am Eastern, bright and early. And with me today is Kenny Cody from human events. Kenny, we're gonna go ahead and talk about the last article here today, because I know you gotta get running. And that is talking about this, this approach and this kind of goes to book in the conversation we were having last segment, there is still this appeal by the Democratic Party to try and get the average person to pay attention, or maybe not the average person, but more more of the how do I say this nicely, your average person who is politically unaware, but aware enough that they'll still go vote, right? The Normie right? The Normie vote. So they've gone out and they've gone out, and they've tried to bring folks like Taylor Swift to the table to convince all of these different voters that, well, Kamala Harris is the best, or Mark Cuban, right? Mark Cuban is going around right now, and he's on all these different shows and and he's, he's, he's got pictures somewhere himself or something that the Democrats have, and they let him know about it. Or he's just positioning himself for 2028 which I think that's the more likely of the scenarios. But Kenny, we're seeing this. There is an attempt and an appeal right now the Democrats to try and bring these big name celebrities, Taylor Swift, Mark, Cuban, throw them at the problem, and hopefully that solves it. But you're saying and you're arguing, and I want to hear your thoughts here that that approach, it won't work. Hit us with it.

Speaker 1  44:23  
Well, I mean, if you look back to 2018 this will mean what the article talks about, you know, silly endorsements. I mean, I think they can help in some areas, like in terms of voter registration, getting people involved. But you know, first of all, you're seeing Trump organically do it. You know, he's not going out and, you know, asking for Antonio Brown or lady on Bell, or Guinness Quaid, or any of these men who have come out support him. He's just organically doing it, you know, and it's from the most unlikely sources imaginable. And you see this plea of the Democrat, oh Taylor, please endorse us. Please, please get your your fans, your Swifties, to come out and support us like. 2018 so in 2018 Marshall Blackburn, our great US senator from Tennessee, was elected to the United States Senate, and people actually thought that the person who was running against her, a guy named Phil Bredesen, who was the former very, very, very popular governor, who was a Democrat from Tennessee, ran against her for the US Senate in 2018 and it was the best candidate they could field. I actually probably agree with that. I think he was probably the only candidate that could come within 25 points of Marshall Blackburn, and he came within 25 points. But after ka swift endorsed him, all the mainstream media did the same thing to him with Kamala Harris, like Oh, her endorsing her and telling her fans to vote for Kamala Harris. Is going to change the election. Is the same thing. Oh, oh, Taylor Swift endorsing field breast and is going to change the election because swifts from Tennessee. It's her adopted home state. And you know how much it mattered? Absolutely zero. It had no sustainable impact whatsoever when you rejected, he him and rejected the Democratic Party, even as popular. This is, this is what I mean. Phil Bredesen won Tennessee by 65% or more as a Democrat in 2000 and I mean, in early 2000 2006 like and we were still a dominantly presidential, wise, we're still a dominantly Republican state. And he won the state. I mean, he was, and was a very popular governor, and even in rural, especially rural county series Tennessee, but the fact that Taylor Swift couldn't even help him like he got beat by three to four to five points more than people thought he was going to get beat like he ended up being an 11 point race when people had within, had it within the margin of error, or had it Within five or six points. And I think there's this craving of celebrities and politics. And I understand to an extent in saying, you know, we want this for voter registration reasons. We want it as an outreach to young people. But if you can't organically do this like we all know, the Taylor Swift is begged like we all like she's it's not like she's like a lot of these musicians going out and playing concerts to come on here, she isn't having voter registration rallies at her concerts, like she's not doing that, like she's not really passionate about who she's endorsing. I think it would be different if you had a celebrity that was just all, you know, it's just like with Elon Musk. I think Elon Musk makes a difference. He's going out and campaigning and rallying for Trump, like, literally going out on the front lines and rallying for him with RFK and Tulsi Gabbard, but swift isn't doing that like Lady on Bell Antonio Brown is doing that for Trump, like they're having a voter registration rally at the Pittsburgh Steelers game this weekend, but you're not seeing Taylor Swift, and it's just fake juice. Like, I don't know if you ever heard that term, but you know, fake juice is, like, this idea that you're saying all these things and you're being paid, you're trying to be passionate, you're trying to be for a cause or for a person, and if you just need to just read right through them, oh, this is just fake dude. Like, you don't really mean this. You don't really believe this. You're just doing this for the either line your pockets or to come off as a supporter, come off as an antagonist, like you're not actually believing things that you're saying. And that's all the endorsement came off to for me, like, I mean, I met like, maybe, like the Lizzo and the Megan's of this, Megan of this, whatever her name is, this, Megan the horse man, this, down whatever

Unknown Speaker  48:21  
name is, oh, Megan, yeah,

Speaker 1  48:23  
whatever her name is. I don't listen to rap music box, but, you know, going out and doing the, you know, maybe, maybe get through them, or going out and doing concerts, and you know that being the reason anybody shows up to a political rally. But, you know, in Atlanta, but I just don't, I don't think the celebrity endorsements matter in Hollywood's always been Hollywood, and Nashville and other music centers in the world have always been liberal, and I've always been Democrat. That's why the Republican celebrity involvement oftentimes makes a difference. Because people's like, oh, wow, the Republican Holy, holy crap, you know, like it's, that's the impression that Republicans get, and that's how that is. How much celebrity endorships Don't matter for Democrats, because everybody already assumes that these musicians, these actors, these celebrities, are pretty much nothing. But Democrat liberals, like, it's not surprising. Like when Taylor Swift said, since he was endorsing Paul Harris, you know what Republicans did? Like, yeah, of course, of course, she is right. Like, what's, what's she endorsed Biden. Like, what's, what's the big shock here? Like, there's no shock whatsoever. The same person who raised money, you know, for the George Floyd rights and the same person that was, you know, in promotion of an assault weapon ban is voting for Kamala Harris. Wow, wow. Shocking, like it's, I can't believe people were surprised by it. And like I said, I mean, I think celebrity things our uncle does help Republicans and definitely help Democrats. It's because people already assume that that Democrats are the suburbs are going to support the Democratic Party, but it's always surprising people, like you said, with Antonio Brown lady on Bell, Dennis Quaid, John Voight, you know, all these people come out and in full throated support of Trump, but like, people are saying the same thing about Democrats. So it doesn't really matter. And you can just ask my state how much damage to endorse matter. Doesn't matter

Brian Nichols  50:21  
at all. You know, I didn't even really think about this, Kenny, until you just brought this up, right? Like nobody is changing their vote from independent to Kamala Harris or from Trump to Kamala Harris, because Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker, was like, the force is with Kamala Harris, because the force is female. Like, nobody's doing that. They're saying, okay, Mark, we get it like, and you, you hit something Kenny, it doesn't mean as much, because the preconceived notion is that, if you're in Hollywood, if you're an elitist, yeah, you're probably going to be Democrat, right? That's just, that's just like, baked into the cake here. So when somebody does step out and they're like, actually, no, I don't believe is this gobbledygook. Like, that's why I think Chris Pratt got such a positive feedback from folks on the right side of the aisle, because he is very proudly Christian conservative. Well, maybe not conservative so much proudly and openly, but at the very least he's very open about his religion, and that definitely ruffles some ginnies, right? When it comes to the Hollywood elite, right? How dare you not echo it back exactly what you heard at church today, right? And our church is the government, so how dare you stand up, you blasphemous little jerk, go back and march in your line. You're not supposed to question what we believe here. You're supposed to you're supposed to sing from the same book, right? Like you go to church and you open up your hymnal and open the page 264 let's all sing together, right? And everybody's they all sing their song. That is what the Democratic Party expects from its members. We're reading from the same hymnal. We're singing the same song, you step out, you're dead to us, right and right now, I think we're in a perfect point. Kenny, more and more folks are saying, Nah, I'm good. The country is not looking too hot. Going back to the Bret Baier interview with Kamala Harris, 79% of Americans say that we are on the wrong path, the wrong track right now as a country. That's a real number, right? Like that. That happened. It is happening. And I think you're getting to a point where the average person, Kenny, they're just so tired, there's just they're looking at everything that's happening in the world, from COVID to the just the insanity of today, all the riots, the Black Lives Matter, riots, the wars. They're burnt out, they're tired, and they're just like, Can we, can we please just kind of go back to normality? Right now, elephant in the room, normal is gone. It's never coming back. But right? What we can do is change what the future looks like so it at least is more normal. Ish, right? Like we can try to undo what has been done. I'm turning the Kamala over here because we have been burdened by what has been but with that being said, right, like it gives us a chance to set a new a new pathway. And I think the new pathway Kenny is going to be one of not necessarily cultural conservatism, but cultural normality, right? No more of this goofy stuff on the left. No more dudes can be girls and girls can be dudes. No more like, love is love and knows no age, nope. That's pedophilia. Like all this kind of nonsense that has been embraced by the left, I think is going to, over the next few years, really just start to kind of be yeeted out the window. You're already seeing it with the big corporations being like, Ooh, maybe we shouldn't be promoting dei practices as Tractor Supply Company. Does that not resonate with our market? Oh, maybe we shouldn't be promoting dei activities as John Deere, right? Like, all of a sudden these companies out there are saying, Yep, maybe this isn't as effective as we thought, and maybe it isn't productive as we thought. So they're jumping ship. I think next is going to be a celebrity class, and we're seeing that happen right now in real time, celebrities, athletes. They're like, Yeah, this woke stuff is goofy, and they're jumping ship. So I think inevitably is going to happen is from 2024 to 2028 2028, to 2032 that feels weird to say, um, but like when we get to 2032 I think America is going to look very different. And I the optimist in me, Kenny, the eternal optimist is I think it's going to look better in the best of ways. Now, before I get your final thoughts today, Kenny, we will go ahead. I know lots of folks listening. They're getting they're getting nervous, right? They're like, Okay, we're talking about four years, eight years in the future, eight years in the future. Where will I be? Eight years in the future? Will I be happy, healthy, successful? Well, you never know, right? So that's why you need to have insurance to make sure you know, just in case things go wrong, somebody's got your back, and I have a brand new company. You've all heard of the big insurance companies out. There. I hear them all time on podcasts. Our new sponsor, policy engineer. They're doing things in the insurance game differently. Let's go ahead and take a listen. Hey folks, let's talk about something important. I don't know. Like protecting your family's future. If you're starting a family, you know how overwhelming it can be. Suddenly, every decision impacts more than just you, and it's scary to think about leaving your loved ones financially vulnerable. Well, that's why today, I want to tell you about a brand new sponsor here on the Brian Nichols show policy engineer, a company that's changing the insurance game, but they don't just offer life insurance. They engineer personalized solutions that grow with your family and get this their tech savvy approach makes securing your family's future as easy as ordering takeout, and it's September, meaning it's life insurance Awareness Month. So why not take that first step towards peace of mind? Head over to policy engineer.com and check out how they can build a plan as unique as your future, and trust me, it's not just insurance. It's a promise to protect what matters most. So one more time, head over to policy engineer.com and when you visit, tell them that Brian from the Brian Nichols show sent you. Let's make sure our families are protected. And now let's get back to the it helps, but I remember how my actual ad goes, Kenny, we're gonna wrap things up here. Let's put a nice, neat bow on the episode. So take us home. Where did we get things right? Where do we get things wrong? What should people be paying attention to as we go forward to the election? It's been a while since you were on the show, Candidate Lee, so I hope that we get you on again before the election. But just in case, what should we be prepared for here, Kenny,

Speaker 1  56:40  
don't get complacent. I know the bet markets look great. You know, triple 6040, Betty mark at odds, favorite. And of course, the people say all the time, you know, why? How can you trust those markets? They're more reliable than poles are. To be quite honest. They really are that they predicted every winter but two since, like 1846 I think something went somewhere around there. So, and it's, it's it's pretty, pretty, pretty, looking pretty good for us. But don't get complacent. Go to your voting booths. I don't think people are. I mean, like I said, here my own county, where 10% of our entire population, not our voting population, but our entire population, is voting their early voting. I think it's a really, really, really good sign through three or four days of early voting. But yeah, that's the only me complacent, you man. I mean, we are finding a really culturally Marxist. I know I say that word a lot, but they truly are evil. I do want to get back to a sense of normality, and I know that this the word normality and national, pop, nationalist, populist, doesn't really come off the tongue too well to some people, but that's where we need to be. You know, get back to the 2016 2017 through 2021, Donald Trump era. And I think that's what's going to bring normality back to our country. And we can't afford to be complacent. We can't afford to say she's nothing. You know, she's awful. Watch your interview, watch your appearances. She's not going to beat Trump. You never know. I mean, I personally think Trump's going to win the election. That's the where I stand right now. And I was with you, like, like early on in 2020 I didn't think we were going to win in 2020 now, I think there were some things done that shifted the election towards Biden and mail in ballots and things like that, but I've never felt the way that I do now. I've never felt as confident. I didn't feel like I'm in 2016 didn't feel confident 2020 and I now feel confident. And I feel confident ever since Trump announced he's been run for the election here in 2024 so I really just think we need to have a understanding that we have to fight. We have to fight, fight, fight, like Trump says. I think that's a monster we can all adopt. You know, if he's willing to take a bullet in the ear and willing to risk himself and put himself out there in the public to get assassinated, I think we should be able to say, hey, this, you may disagree this dude like said, I agree with him on most things. But even if you disagree with him, be like, Tulsa Gabbard. Be like, RFK. Find the things that you agree with him on, because I promise you him being a populist, you will find them. And let's change the country. Let's let's actually have some sort of ambition to us. Let's have some sort of idea that we have to fight and we have to reject this culturally Marxist evil that the Kamal Harris campaign and the Democrat Party embodies, you know, and keep the for your riders. Keep writing for your show hosts, keep posting people that are going to expand mods for alternative media, be that alternative that gives the access to the people that need it. And for for voters, go vote. I don't care if you, my county has went through a disaster, and I'm seeing more of a of an absolute voter turnout than I've ever seen before in my lifetime as a GOP chair. So if we can do it, you can do it, I promise you, if people who have lost their homes and lost everything can go to the ballot box and want to change this country so can you. And that's my last encouragement. Is there's no excuse to go vote. I'm

Brian Nichols  59:57  
going to give my final thoughts. Year, and then I'll I know we have to wrap things up. Kenny, my final thoughts are echoed of what I said on a podcast I was on recently, actually this past Thursday, and also Brian's briefing episode that will be airing today. Actually, it's going to air after our live stream today. So folks, go ahead, make sure you hit subscribe to to catch that. But just to give you kind of the Spark Notes version, I get very frustrated personally when the conversation is always about this, this, this perception of how much of a unique threat that Donald Trump, Donald Trump represents to the American democracy and and I on the show that I was on this past week, I said this. I was like, it's frustrating that we focus on this. This is the mentality and yet, and yet, we never talk about how dangerous the Kamala Harris campaign is. We never talk about what the actual outcomes of a Biden Harris administration have been. 13 million illegals crossing the border over the past three and a half years, inflation the highest it has been in 4550 years, we're seeing the cost of living skyrocket. The cost of homes skyrocket, the quality of living decrease. These big cities are completely collapsing. We see rampant drug use. We see cartels at the Mexican border bringing all these illegal drugs over to the United States, there is a very real negative impact, negative consequence of a Biden Harris administration. We felt it over the past three and a half years, and this mindset of just pretending that that doesn't exist because Trump is some unique evil I'm sorry that is the epitome of privilege. I know that word means a lot to some of you. Folks on the left. You are privileged if you are voting against Trump simply because in your mind, he represents some unique threat to American democracy. Okay, if that's the case, actually dig what? What unique threat does he pose? What actually happened on j6 you want to dig into some of that stuff. I have archives, archives of past interviews we've done here on the show, digging into exactly what happened on January 6 from people who are both pro, um, I say pro Trump and anti Trump, right? But getting a complete context of what happened. Go listen to the culture war podcast with Tim pool this past week, or maybe the week before, where he interviews Adam Johnson and Steve Baker, and they talk about what actually happened there from a journalist perspective, right? Like, understand what you believe before you get onto your podcast, or you get onto social media and start spouting off nonsense, right? Because that right there, again, speaks to the privilege that you have as someone who is just looking at the world and saying, I'm only going to vote based on this one issue that really doesn't impact you at all, first of all, but second is completely contrived and has been built by the corporate media and the deep state apparatuses to be presented to the American populace in such a way, but to look at the other side of the aisle, the folks who and not the aisle, just the other side of the reality, the folks who are suffering, right that they their families have been impacted by illegal immigration, Haitian gangs, Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes, which is happening. The argument is not happening. That's all contrived. No, it's It's happening. It's been admitted to and discussed by these, these leaders in their communities. It's happening. Talk about the the increase in healthcare costs, the increase in the grocery costs, the increase in in your insurance costs, plus all the nonsense has been taking place over the past four or five years, your business is being shut down because you didn't get a jab fast enough, because you losing your job because you refuse to get a jab. You're seeing your neighborhoods burn down because Black Lives Matter, so we're going to burn down our neighborhoods. Sorry, these are all very real impacts that hurt your average person, and it matters, right? And this pretending that, well, this one thing that we're going to wrap our arms around is the most important issue, Trump, January 6. I'm sorry. I'll repeat myself one more time. You are privileged if you think that that is something that really matters to your average American. And you are privileged if you are going into the voting booth voting with that as your number one thing in mind. Um, with that being said, Kenny, I, I go ahead. I'll, I'll take a step back from my, my, my soapbox here. I'll let folks, uh, first of all, get to know where they can go ahead and find you. But give me, I know I saw you getting ready to jump in there. Give me your final thoughts here as we wrap

Speaker 1  1:04:39  
things up. Yeah, final thoughts, like I said, Go vote. You know, Brian's completely right. The Democrats have this false sense of democracy falling if Kamala Harris doesn't win, but it's the same thing they're always going to have for the same mentality going to have for us until the day that populism and nationalism dies in our party. So don't let it. Let's never go back to the moderate politics. Let's never go. Back to the country club politics of old. Let's stay with the idea that we have to find conservative solutions to the issues the people are the most passionate about. Let's go back to the mantra of adopting an idea that is prioritizing our country first before anybody else, and the way that we do that is electing not only Donald Trump, not only you know, people like JD Vance as vice president, but those in our local state and federal politics that embody this idea that their districts are going to come first, their states are going to come first, and ultimately, our people are going to come first. And hopefully this, this idea of, you know, complacency is not just a not just applied to not voting, but hopefully it's applied to the idea, let's just not give up and and hand the power back to the people who put us in this position in the first place, before Donald we need to Donald Trump. Let's never go back to that. Let's never revert back to the to the bush Republican Party. Let's, let's always stay in this idea that we are wanting to go out to voters and find what we have to be passionate about and try to find conservative solutions to the issues that people care about. As you always say, Brian, so I really, I really want to make a pre let's not stop fighting. Let's keep the foot on the gas and let's create a movement that was started by Donald Trump. Yes, but let's continue even after he's done. When he wins, is it when and if he wins this election here in under three weeks? Let's go. Let's Let's keep on. Let's drive out the vote. Let's appeal to these new sets of voters that we have obviously got over the last 10 years, these new demographics that have changed, and let's create a dominant party that can bring the needed change to this country that we have to have. And you know, again, to the podcasters, to the show hosts, to the writers, to the journalists, to the political activists, the people like Scott presser who are knocking doors the RNC that is the new RNC leadership that is prioritizing election integrity. Let's keep on doing let's not just do this for 2024 let's do this for every election year for the rest of our careers. Let's, let's keep their food on the gas. Let's win some elections. Let's unite as a party, not under the mantra of moderation, not under the mantra of centrism. Let's fight. People won't fight. Let's bring it to them, and let's the roles that we have now. Let's let's adapt like I'm not just become a writer, I'm an activist. Let's not just be a podcaster, be an alternative media of a voice, and that's the mantra that I can give to people, is try and adopt an idea of thought. And if we can do that, our part, our not only is our party going to change forever, our country is going to change forever. Kenny

Brian Nichols  1:07:52  
Cody, you can follow him on Twitter at KD Cody tn, by the way, go ahead and support all of his great work at Human Events. Kenny, all the love and prayers to Cox County, Tennessee, I know you guys been going through just some some horrible stuff there. Post Helene, I'm so thankful that Milton missed you guys as well, because that just could have been exponentially worse. But with that being said, Just do me a quick favor, Kenny, is there any way for the audience to go ahead and support you folks there in cock County, as you guys are still

Speaker 1  1:08:20  
rebuilding? Yeah, absolutely so. Mountain ways org is a is a charity organization that you can go to to donate to the county's favorites such as Unicode green cock and severe County and then Carter and Washington County. The Codd county Partnership, which is our chamber of commerce, has a donation link at its website. If you want to tap in Codd county partnership, you will promise you, you will find the donation link. If any of your viewers want to go there and donate. You know, just keep on support. If you have any donations, if you will have any water, you know, I think we're almost overloaded with donations at this point, thankfully. But you know, just, just keep us in your prayers. You know, the Almighty Lord is, is who can give us the the most opportunity to prosper post post hurricane Helene. So I'm thankful to the Lord for protecting us and make sure that there's not more, that we only had two deaths here in Codd County. Thankfully, our neighbors in Newport County and western North Carolina were not as lucky. So I'm thankful that we stayed as safe as we did. But yeah, just go to those websites see how much you can give back to us. If you, if you have anybody has it in their heart to donate. Those are those go straight to cock County. Those go straight to our our designated areas. So just keep it and just mainly, just keep us in your prayers, your

Brian Nichols  1:09:30  
thoughts. Thank you for that. Kenny, no, I know I've been watching what's been going on down there in holy cow, it's been like eye opening, horrifying and like just gut wrenching, the devastation, the human capital, like, just the fact that this has been so I won't say ignored. It definitely has been in our purview. But like the the average person is not at all aware of the very real impact that has taken place over the past few few weeks here into the past few months. Us with all the hurricane devastation. So please go ahead support our good friends there down in cock County, but also throughout the southeast. Send your love. Send your dollars if you can. Kenny, it's always great talking to you. It's been a while since we've done a show here together, so looking forward to doing this again in the future. Thank you for filling in for remso today. And with that being said, Folks, if you got some value, yes, we were live here on Twitter. Was trying to get rumble set up. For some reason, Rumble said, nah. So we were just solo here on Twitter today. So if you joined us on the Twitter live stream, thank you for joining us. Go down below. Give us some love. Let us know your thoughts. Also, please share the episode. Give it a retweet. Give it a heart. That's how we help get the show in front of more folks, reach more people. Show them how to meet people where they're at, on the issues they care about. That's how we win. And yes, Kenny, hit the nail on the head. When you're going out and meeting people where they're at, you are not just selling an idea. You're transferring the enthusiasm of what that idea can help solve. So go out, be enthusiastic, have the energy, have that passion. And with that being said, we're gonna go ahead and put a pin into today's conversation. So Brian Nichols, signing off here on the Brian Nichols show our AMP America Week in Review for a good friend, Kenny Cody, we'll see you next week. You.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Kenny Cody Profile Photo

Kenny Cody


Chairman of the
Cocke County GOP.

Columnist for
Newsmax.com and Townhall.com.

Representative-at- Large for The Tea Party Project.

Economics & English Teacher @ Cosby High School