Now Part of the Amp America Family!
Oct. 14, 2024

912: Silent Trump Voters & Kamala's New Ad | Week in Review

In this explosive episode, we dissect Trump's potential 'silent voter' advantage, Kamala's controversial 'man-focused' ad, and Biden's surprising hurricane response, while exploring the death of edgy comedy and the shifting dynamics within American politics.

Are pollsters underestimating Trump's support? Is Kamala Harris's campaign in crisis mode? And what's really behind Biden's surprising response to the recent hurricane? These burning questions and more are tackled head-on in this explosive episode of this week's Amp America Week in Review - part of The Brian Nichols Show.



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Join host Brian Nichols and guest Remso Martinez as they dive deep into the current political landscape, dissecting the latest polls and campaign strategies. They explore the possibility of a silent Trump voter phenomenon and analyze the potential impact on the upcoming election. The duo doesn't hold back as they critique Kamala Harris's controversial new ad targeting male voters, questioning its effectiveness and discussing the broader implications for her campaign.


But that's not all – Brian and Remso also delve into the fascinating world of political comedy and its evolution over the years. They examine why certain types of humor seem to be fading from mainstream media and discuss the potential cultural shifts behind these changes. From classic comedies to modern stand-up specials, they offer unique insights into how entertainment intersects with politics and social commentary.


The conversation takes an unexpected turn as they explore the concept of a certain type of "energy" in politics and media, offering a provocative perspective on current cultural trends. They also touch on the changing dynamics within the Republican Party and the potential realignment of voter demographics. Plus, don't miss their candid discussion about the struggles facing the Libertarian Party and its place in the current political landscape.


Whether you're a political junkie, a comedy enthusiast, or just someone trying to make sense of the current state of affairs, this episode has something for everyone. With its blend of hard-hitting analysis, humor, and unfiltered opinions, The Brian Nichols Show delivers an entertaining and thought-provoking look at the issues shaping our world. Tune in now and join the conversation!



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Brian Nichols  0:00  
Music. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to the Brian Nichols show. Well, happy Saturday. There, folks. Brian Nichols here on another fun filled episode of The Brian Nichols show. I'm looking at rems though he's already at backstage. I'm not muted today, so we're starting things off better than we did last week. Folks looking forward to our AMP America Week in Review, we've got a lot of things to dig into. First, our pollsters actually under polling Trump support. We gotta talk about that, which then leads to Kamala Harris definitely trying to reclaim any voters she can possibly find, which leads to this, I would dare say, the worst political ad I've seen in recent memory. And then we're gonna go ahead and wrap things up with Kamala Harris releasing her medical history and records, prompting Trump to do the same, but then raising the question, Wait, who's the current guy in the white house right now? Doesn't he have some medical issues? Are the lights on? Even upstairs? We gotta talk about that and more. And again, I already mentioned him. I can't do this alone, joining me from amp America. Remzo Martinez, welcome back to the show, buddy. How you doing? It's

Unknown Speaker  1:12  
the final count. Right tune

Brian Nichols  1:18  
from Europe, of all bands, by the way, by the way, that note, uh, that starts that song off as an F sharp. For folks who are playing along the home game, I have a little weird, uh, thing called a relative pitch. So when I hear a song, I know what the note is. I will forever be able to hear it. So F sharp. That's what starts the final countdown. There's your trivia for the day. Remzo,

Unknown Speaker  1:37  
we can end the show right there. There

Brian Nichols  1:38  
you go. That's all you need to know. Harris, Biden Trump, you don't need to know that stuff

Remso Martinez  1:46  
right now. It's like Ben Shapiro's wife. Let's keep going if we're better than

Brian Nichols  1:51  
her sister. All right, let's talk about, I

Unknown Speaker  1:54  
had to just

Brian Nichols  2:00  
that note, I have a friend

Speaker 1  2:01  
that has a whole collection of Ben Shapiro's sister memes. That's all other thing.

Unknown Speaker  2:07  
Oh, Ben Shapiro,

Remso Martinez  2:09  
you want to end sectarian violence in the Middle East, you just gotta stop. You just gotta start air dropping photos of Ben Shapiro sister. And then suddenly Hamas would be like, I'm, you know, I think we judge them.

Brian Nichols  2:24  
You know, they they have a point. They might

Speaker 1  2:26  
have two points. Come come together, come together, lots of coming together

Brian Nichols  2:32  
before we get started. Liberty lovers, mark your calendars for this coming Thursday, October 17, nine to 11pm Central. Are good buddies. Brian Piotr and the king libertarian are launching Liberty tonight on they're bringing a podcast party, I would dare say, remzo more explosive than the Boston Tea Party, and with mystery guests and Maverick humor, it's the most fun you can have without violating non aggression principles. So head to for the number four LIBERTY, and join the revolution of ridiculousness one more time. The number four LIBERTY Brian Piotr and King libertarian on liberty tonight. Really excited to have Brian Piotr and King libertarian helping us out here at the Brian Nichols show. With that being said, though REM so let's transition into today's gang topics for that, the gang sign for Liberty tonight. There you go, um, Trump, Trump, it turns out, might be, uh, doing better than we realize, which, by the way, if you look at the polling, Rem so Trump and Kamala Harris are running dead even. Which, when you go back to 2020, when it was Trump versus Biden, Biden was ahead in a lot of these swing states by 4567, points. You know, all well above the margin of error. Only two in the election win those within barely of the margin of error. Fast forward four years. We are now in a Trump Harris campaign, where we're seeing Trump running neck and neck with Harris remzo. That might mean, though, right, that Trump's doing a lot better than the polls actually suggest, if we're using 2020, as as a, you know, historical example here. So talk to us about what's going on over Adam at the Trump and Harris campaigns and behind the scenes. Is Trump doing better than the polls would say? Oh goodness, that's the wrong screen here. I'm going to share a different screen

Remso Martinez  4:19  
it. We're dealing with a weird situation, the fact that you have a lot of people compare comparing to the 2020, numbers in terms of the final month projections, which, as you mentioned, did go ahead and show Biden from anywhere from a two to six point lead in most battleground states. Trump led Georgia by like half a percent up until election night, and then, as the mail in ballots came in, he went ahead and would lose Georgia in 2020 but when people compare this to 2016 up until this point, Trump was leading in Arizona and Georgia and North Carolina, biased. But Hillary was projected to have this massive plus 270 Electoral College blowout. I remember, I was working the campaign for a guy who was a state senator. He would later become a congressman. His name was Tom gear in the Fifth District of Virginia. Fifth and Sixth District of Virginia were big red counties, but they had, you know, they were winning by less of a margin than they had historically, post Bush era. So as we were running phone banks and we were trying to do our own internal polling of, you know, low propensity voters, independents, folks that you know, had just recently registered to vote for the general election in 2016 what we saw, and this is when Trump was like, you know, for the most part, you have really two camps of people. You had the people, well, he had three camps. You had the people like me who were brainwashed by the media and we just hated Trump for the sake of it. Then you had the people who like didn't necessarily pay attention to any of the things I was paying attention to, and they just had this obsessive like love for Trump that just no one understood why they were so optimistic, because all the numbers were showing that he was not supposed to win, but they knew somewhere in like, their gut and their balls that he was going to win. And I to this day, I don't understand what they saw that I didn't. It'll always be a mystery to me. And then you've got the second camp of people who were, like, a lot of staffers, who were like, Yeah, you know, we want Republicans to win, but you know, at the end of the day, it's our guy, and we care less about Trump. We just care about our guy. So we were going and we were polling people across our district, and for the most part, at least when I was running the phone banks, we had a lot of people, lot of, you know, soft R or hard R, Republican voters that were absolutely going to go ahead and vote.

Brian Nichols  6:55  
You're not supposed to use the hard R anymore register.

Remso Martinez  6:57  
I thought it was going to be soft. R we're thinking two different things. I don't even know what I was gonna say. Sorry. Sorry. Now I remember. Now I remember we had a lot of people that were gonna vote for my guy, Tom Garrett. However, we had a lot of folks who said, I am unequivocally not voting for Trump. It doesn't mean they were voting for Hillary. It just meant they were not voting for Trump. Well, so you have, you have that group of people, they're gonna vote down ticket R but they're not gonna vote Trump. Then what you had, and remember, we're not, we're not, we're not phone banking Democrats. We just need to guarantee Republican vote. You had a lot of people who on our systems were, you know, were Republicans. Had voted Republican, but they didn't want to talk to us. We could safely assume that they're going to go ahead and vote, you know, cross ballot Republican Trump included the number of people who we recognize as Republicans but would not speak to us, outnumber the number of people that were going to vote down ballot Republican, but we're not going that going to abstain from voting for Trump. That's that silent Trump voter. It was that massive number of people who I identified as Republicans but refused to participate in polling, which is why, back when we only had elections for like a day, at least Trump had such a massive blowout on election day, and it was like within two hours of polls closing, that he had 95% certainty of winning the electoral college. So fast forward to 2020 it's a different situation. I think a lot of people abstained. And you know, being in a battleground, say, Wisconsin, I know quite a few people that voted for Trump in 2016 but they voted for Biden in 2020 because it's not that they loved Biden, it's that every you know, they fell for four years of media bullshit, and then they dealt with the covid and the pandemic and everything else, and they just thought that maybe Black Lives Matter will stop burning down targets if We put the old dementia man in the White House, they did it not because they like to buy it, and they did it because they just thought maybe it'll stop. And now those people are in a weird position where they don't know, like they don't know why they got bamboozled. I could tell you why. It's because the massive media gaslighting, but I know more of those people who were 2016 Trump voters. And this goes back even further and about to wrap up in a second there. This is the unique voter. It's called the Obama Trump voter, Obama, Obama, oh eight, Obama, 2012 Trump, 2016 Biden, or split Trump, 2020 almost all those people I know, at least in my immediate circle. So just take one man's opinion for it a humble Milwaukee, and they're going back for Trump, but they're not going to say it, yep. So I think right now we're what we're going to witness is that the enthusiasm for Trump and. Is way more across the battleground states. Specifically, you just have a lot of people who don't want to interact with the pollsters, and I believe that they're going to go ahead and cast a ballot for Trump and Vance. So that's where we're at right now. I think the internal pollings tell you more than anything else, because Trump is confident. Trump is doing his thing, while Kamala is appealing towards hunters, towards men, towards white people, three people that they said they did not need. They're trying really hard to get corral with the union's vote, which you didn't think that they would have to spend ads for. I'm seeing ads targeted towards union members, encouraging them to vote Democrat. And it's like, why would you ever have to do those unless you were worried that they were pulling away from you, and as you and I discussed in September, you know, the teamsters went ahead and they were split and they refused to endorse. The bunch of Teamster councils across the country went ahead, endorsed Harris, but that only reflects the will of like maybe a dozen people. The downline Teamster union card carrying member is overwhelmingly, 60% across the board, going to vote for Trump. So when you look at that now, when you look at another story that we're going to talk about later, you can tell on your gut, when they have to, what do you say? Brian, when you're explaining you're losing bingo, when you're explaining you're losing bingo,

Brian Nichols  11:20  
no, 1,000% man, and we're going to show, by the way, you mentioned, some of these ads that the Kamala Harris campaign is trying to leverage to appeal to white voters. We're going to look at that in a second, because I think it might be one of the worst ads I've ever seen. But also, I just want to rewind to something you mentioned, these kind of like, tacitly accepted voters for the Democratic Party, right? The safe voters are no longer safe. You're seeing Barack Obama come out right now being like, hey, they're black men. You need to go vote for our girl, Camilla. You know, it's not, it's not cool. You go vote for the Donald Trump guy. He's you gotta go to economy. That was my economy. Like that is them saying the quiet part out loud, right? Internal polling not looking so good. And when you do the man on the street interviews, and you see, I mean, even folks like Don Lemon, Don Lemon go out to places like Atlantic City, which is not really, I mean, a Trump Haven, but he's in Atlantic City asking folks, hey, who you voting for? And when he's talking to black men, he's getting a lot of Trumps, and he's like, kind of deer in the headlights look. And it's like, Well, Don maybe you need to get out of your bubble. Maybe you need to actually look at and talk to your average person, not with trying to persuade them or convince them, but actually understand them. Know why they they're not jumping for joy at the prospects of voting for a Kamala Harris presidency. And you know, before we go to our next ad, I really quickly, remzo, I want to just highlight one more thing, and that is where we're heading right now, into 2024 and beyond. There is a realignment happening. It's happening behind the scenes. It's been happening now, I think for the past, like eight years, 2016 gave a lot of folks permission to step away from the Democratic Party and start evaluating options. 2020 to your point, was kind of a reversion to the mean that I think we're seeing right now. 2024 the realignment is really starting to show itself, where you have more of a working class American voter going back to the Republican Party, versus the decades, generations of supporting Democrat leadership, and with that, on the flip side, a lot of college educated, dare I say college educated white chicks, are now the party of the Democratic Party, right? That that is more or less who comprises that base. So you've seen a very interesting realignment over the past few years, and really started to show itself over, you know, the past few months, I think, especially, especially with the Kamala Harris taking over the ticket versus Donald Trump. So before we go to controversial

Remso Martinez  13:47  
take I'll just say real fast saying this because a woman told this to me. I was like, why is it these women who are as educated or as workforce experience as most men are? Why do they break for Democrats? And a female friend told me, because at the end of the day for a woman, for a woman, the best welfare program, the best fallback program for a woman is a man.

Brian Nichols  14:12  
With that being said, Brian, what do you have for your coffee? Today,

Unknown Speaker  14:14  
I saw your coffee. Brian, what's in here? This

Brian Nichols  14:16  
fun student, not systems coffee cup? Well, maybe it's from our brand new sponsor, clock 'em Kraft coffee. Let's take a listen. You sick of bland, bitter coffee that relies on sugar and cream just to be drinkable, you deserve better. Most coffees are over roasted, destroying subtle flavors and leaving you with a burnt taste in your mouth. That's where clock 'em craft coffee is different. Their carefully crafted roasts. Preserve every nuance, from chocolaty notes to fruity hints, rediscover what coffee should taste like, choose clock 'em, craft and wake up to flavor, not frustration. And by the way, Brian Nichols show listeners get 10% off your order using code B, N, S. 10 at clock 'em craft, dot coffee. Link in the show notes, and now let's get back to the show. All right, remzo, so we're gonna go, oh, maybe if I get rid of the ad here, there we go. But it's great coffee, by the way. Folks are always asking about the second cup. You're on your second cup today? Oh,

Remso Martinez  15:17  
I feel like there's gonna be a second cup type of day. I've got some I've got something funny, because I'm gone in the second cup. Brian, you remember I used to do a ghost hunting show

Brian Nichols  15:27  
with your brother? That's right. Good times. Yes,

Remso Martinez  15:29  
I am. For the first time tonight, I promise this will be the only plug I give. I work. I work with a local barber shop called the barber social. It's a men's boutique barber shop here in in Milwaukee County, and they're fun. We treat it like a reality TV show. They're on Instagram at the barber social. It's just hilarious. And they've been selling me for years because I was getting my haircut there for years as a customer before I became their marketer. But weird stuff has happened in that building. So tonight, tonight, from 10pm till 6am we're going to be investigating whether or not the barbershop is haunted, dude, I'm

Brian Nichols  16:07  
going to have to have you come down back to Indiana here, because so here, by the way, we're live folks, for folks who are wondering, I saw a couple chats come in. Yes, we are live. This is not pre recorded. So we are, you are joining us live here on a Saturday morning. Thanks for hopping in. But I'm here in Indiana, our studio space. So I share a studio space with our neighbors next door, the Boss Hog of liberty podcast. So literally, I just walked through a little door. I'm in their podcast studio. This building itself used to be an ice cream parlor. So you go down to the basement, you'll see, like, all, you'll Yeah, the all the old stuff that's down in the basement that used to help make it so, you know, you could go and have like, refrigeration back in, like, the early 1900s like, super, I mean, like, it's like, like, steam powered stuff downstairs. It's really cool. But I've been in here early, early morning, like, I'll start my day sometimes 334 o'clock, just to get things done before my daughter wakes up. And I'll be in here, and I'll hear some stuff like, I'll hear like, you know, people making noises and stuff. But I know the girl that's the resident upstairs, I know she's fast asleep, um, or she's not even here, and I'll just hear like, you know, people like stepping, like footsteps walking through the studio. So next time you're in Indiana, um, give me a shout, because we're gonna do some ghosts, some ghost stuffs here in the the podcast studio, sounds like a plan.

Unknown Speaker  17:21  
Hell yeah.

Brian Nichols  17:23  
All right. There you go.

Remso Martinez  17:23  
First. I'm doing it in four years. It's so funny because online, I have like, this whole subculture of people who don't know me for any of this stuff. They only know me as REM so the guy that used to lock himself in, like the murder bathroom, or like the murder bedroom, or like the suicide Jacuzzi or something like that. Just it's

Brian Nichols  17:42  
like our buddy, Aiden Mattis, he did politics stuff for a long, long time, then he goes over and he starts his podcast or his YouTube channel, the lore Lodge and dude, millions of, like, subscribers, and that's his world now. But like, he's got a whole political world that he used to be part of. And when he was on last time for conspiracy corner, we had a chat just like, can you? Can you just imagine, you know, Aiden, when we were hanging out together at the libertarian Republic days back in 2016 that you'd be doing this. I'd be doing this. Remzo is doing this. It's just life's funny. That's

Unknown Speaker  18:14  
funny. All right, let's

Brian Nichols  18:15  
look at the worst. On

Remso Martinez  18:17  
tangent, it's Halloween month. I have to go ahead. People don't even know. Like, people are like, how hardcore are you? I'm not sure. For the first time, not a tattoo of a of a freaking ghost.

Brian Nichols  18:29  
Look at that. How

Remso Martinez  18:30  
hardcore are you? I'm like, I'm inked motherfucker. It's,

Unknown Speaker  18:36  
oh shit.

Remso Martinez  18:37  
I could be a millionaire overnight and do anything. It would be traveling to haunted places. That would be my only that would be my life. There's

Brian Nichols  18:44  
our there's our mission, get remzo on the road being a professional ghost hunter. And hey, if things aren't working out, remzo, you can just go ahead and be an extra in the ad from which we are going to go ahead and watch now. Which, okay, yeah, I see remzo. He is gagging. Folks joining us along right now, live on Twitter and on Facebook, please. If you're having your morning breakfast, if you're having your morning coffee, just take a moment

Unknown Speaker  19:09  
pause your watches. Hi Joe wife.

Brian Nichols  19:11  
Now by the way, gentlemen, as you're listening to this, I want you to go into the comments and let us know. Does this ad appeal to you. That's all I'm gonna ask. And let's go ahead and take a listen. I'm a man.

Unknown Speaker  19:25  
I'm a man.

Speaker 2  19:27  
I'm a man, man, and I'm man enough. I'm man enough to enjoy a barrel proof bourbon meat. Man enough

Unknown Speaker  19:33  
to cook my steak rare. Man

Speaker 3  19:34  
enough to deadlift 500 then break it out of my daughter's head. You think

Speaker 4  19:39  
I'm afraid to rebuild the carburetor. How you carburetors for breakfast. I

Unknown Speaker  19:42  
ain't afraid of bears. That's what bear hugs. I'll

Speaker 2  19:44  
tell you another thing I sure kid, I'm not afraid of women. I'm not afraid of women.

Unknown Speaker  19:50  
I'm not afraid of women. They want to control their bodies.

Speaker 2  19:53  
I say, go for it. They want to use IVF to start a family. I'm not afraid of families. They

Speaker 3  19:57  
want to be childless. Cat ladies have all the. At you. One woman wants to be president, well, I

Speaker 2  20:02  
hope she has the guts to look me right in the eye and accept my old throat and endorsement, because I'm man enough to support women. Man enough to know what kind of donuts have I. Man

Unknown Speaker  20:10  
enough to admit I'm lost even when I refuse to ask for

Speaker 4  20:13  
direction. Man enough to not ban young women from reading little or one of those

Speaker 2  20:18  
pants books that the sisters like. I'm man enough to raw dog a flight. It sucked, not worth it. I'm man enough to be emotional in front of my wife, in front of my kids, in front of my horse.

Unknown Speaker  20:29  
I'm man enough to tell you that I cry. I love action,

Speaker 2  20:32  
goodwill, hunting, one side story and pray. I'm sick of so called Men domineering, belittling and controlling women, just so they can feel more powerful.

Speaker 4  20:41  
That's not how my mom raised. I love women. I love women who support

Speaker 2  20:45  
their families, women who decide not to have facts, women who take charge and I'm man enough to help them win.

Brian Nichols  20:52  
Oh, man, all right, hold on, remzo. So really quick. I just need to go back to

Speaker 5  20:58  
there he is. This, this gem kind of doing the timeline man enough to admit I'm lost, even when I refuse this

Brian Nichols  21:04  
this gen right here, if this man does not scream, the embodiment of masculinity while rems and, by the way, whoever wrote this fucking script deserves an Emmy, because I think they must have Been trying to be hilarious behind the scenes, because SNL

Remso Martinez  21:22  
could not have crafted a better skit who

Brian Nichols  21:25  
gives the quite obviously gay actor who is sitting very feminine, like, I'm sorry. Like, how else do you describe this guy and then say, Hey, by the way, when you're saying you're voting for Kamala Harris, don't just say you're voting for her. Tell them you're giving your full throated endorsement. Full throated, I mean, remzo this ad beyond being horrible, it screams desperation. It screams we're fucked with normal guys, that's how I read it. Am I off base?

Remso Martinez  22:05  
I sent you a I sent you a YouTube link. I don't know if we can pull that up, but like I saw this, and I've been saying this very deliberately, the fag energy Harris campaign is off the charts. Hashtag, fag energy, because it's just like the most neutered, castrated type of stuff. And are we showing this clip? Really quick, by the way, let's show this clip, because this is what when I saw this ad. This is a video that I remember. It started circulating again because they were like, when is this guy gonna go, you know, jump for Tim walls and talk to us about masculinity. Play this one, please.

Brian Nichols  22:47  
It's vaccination day. It's vaccination Damn. It's vaccination day. Appointments are open. I'm group four. I don't have to stay here. Man anymore. I'm sick of eating takeout on these plates, the time endorses got me stressed, but I just checked on CVS, find the lead there, giving me some dates. I'll see actual, real life people. It'll be totally strange. I might even get to go see again, the

Unknown Speaker  23:22  
first time. Day, forever,

Unknown Speaker  23:26  
I'll hang out with someone else. Love you,

Brian Nichols  23:30  
but for the first time in forever, I won't

Speaker 2  23:35  
watch sports by myself, because you don't like sports. You know, I could go to

Remso Martinez  23:40  
like the magic energy here is just I get mad watching this, this actually, and the rest of it is just as horrible, I guess, just angry two

Brian Nichols  23:53  
things. First of all, the the theater self of me, because I was in theater like I, trust me, I was the weird guy because I was also the gym bro who played football, but also was in theater. So like me and the theater nerds didn't exactly get along. As a matter of fact, the theater nerds used to look at me and be like, I really wish that you would take this seriously, and then I'd be like, watch this as I hit every note perfectly. Um, this guy's voice is actually really, really good, which breaks my heart, because then you add in the fag energy you're talking about plus, plus. First of all, I know, God damn it. I gotta even fucking do this. I have horrible ADHD, right? And I've been able to, like, actually figure out the best ways to utilize ADHD for me to be successful. I read a great book called them. I write it. I read a book called it all makes sense now, which I've been sending to a lot of folks. But, like, just to be like, ADHD is awesome. It breaks my heart because I'm like, God damn it, why is this the gay version of me?

So that's where I'm at today, using

Unknown Speaker  24:52  
his powers for evil.

Brian Nichols  24:55  
Like, if you got a nice voice, I mean, come on. Like, use your powers for good. Now. Just for making people feel that they need to go to CVS and get their 14th booster. Come on.

Remso Martinez  25:05  
I bring this up because, like, this is like, the Doug emhoff Tim walls thing where it's just like, puppy dog energy, gay puppy dog energy. It's like they're playing like, Man bingo. It's like, what do men like? It's like, chicken wings, guns, trucks, and then they're just like, but you know what? I really love abortion. It's like, this is nobody talks like this. This is if chat, G, P, T created an ad. Yes, this would be it. But I mean, it's like, who does Trump have in his corner? I don't know, um, Conor McGregor, the entire Miami Dolphins football team, yeah. Like, you know, like, you look at the dudes like, Hulk, Hogan kid, rock like, and, you know, you can, you can laugh at that to a degree, but it's like all the guys who in popular culture are seen as dudes. Are dudes, dudes. I'm not gonna say like, you know, high net worth. You know, high worst. I

Brian Nichols  26:04  
mean shit, man. Back in 2016 Tom Brady was getting shit because he had to make America great a hat in his locker. And like, Tom Brady is the winningest quarterback, Love him or hate him, history. Like, the dudes got it figured out.

Remso Martinez  26:15  
Like, like, actual guys, dudes, dudes. Like men who it's like, whether we grieve them or not, like we respect their opinion, it's like they couldn't even get like straight men to pretend to be straight men in this, you know,

Brian Nichols  26:27  
be a more effective ad than than a bunch of these, these goofballs, right? Have an ad of someone like Mark Cuban, like I there's a lot I disagree with Mark Cuban on but like, at

Remso Martinez  26:37  
least Cuban on TV, more probably not he's been doing but, but

Brian Nichols  26:42  
hear me out. Remso, right? Like, if you take your average Midwestern dude, and you were to show him this ad that we just watched with, with all the the fun fellas there, um, versus, if it was Mark Cuban, who they probably know from Shark Tank, they're like, Hey, he used to own the Mavericks. He's still a co owner of the Mavericks, right? Like, he's a sports guy. He's got the persona of being a dude, he's a billionaire, like, which ad would have more of an impact and actually getting somebody to pique their interest and pay attention to what they're saying. I'm just gonna tell you right now, no doubt Mark Cuban will have way more of an impact in an advertisement than a bunch of these, these fairies. And the end of the day, this is not this is not me like criticizing the people. It's the fact that the the Kamala Harris campaign thought that this is what your average dude needed to hear in order to jump on the board. The Harris campaign and energy is not targeting

Remso Martinez  27:35  
any specific group of people. Anyone can be a fag. Everyone can be a fag. Fag is a choice. So when I say the fag energy is off the charts, I'm talking about like neutered people who take these bumper sticker ideologies and these men who just forego any independent thought because they're going with the DI woke mind virus.

Brian Nichols  28:00  
It's all NPC mentality, yeah.

Remso Martinez  28:03  
I mean, Zachary Levi is a senior kid, but he's a, by

Brian Nichols  28:09  
the way folks playing along the home game. He's the guy who was the main actor for Shazam. Yeah.

Remso Martinez  28:12  
Like, Zachary Levi has gotten so much shit, but like, when you here's the thing, and Zachary Levi voted for Biden in 2020 when Zachary Levi is like, I can't have anything to do with this stuff, and he's flamboyant and he's funny and all that stuff. Like, when you're losing those guys, it's like, are you I want? I want someone to say that Zachary Levi is toxically masculine.

Brian Nichols  28:39  
Do it. Yeah, 100%

Remso Martinez  28:40  
I want them to. I want them to do that. Yeah, it's one of the reasons why a lot of guys liked RFK when he was running against Trump. Because RFK, you know, while, while he definitely had, like, his liberal streak with some of the environmental stuff and things like that, and guns, like, they looked at him, they're like, this is a bros bro. There's something

Brian Nichols  29:01  
that's okay,

Remso Martinez  29:04  
sorry. Chase on RFK, like everyone knows, but let's, let's

Brian Nichols  29:07  
talk about this remso, because this is where libertarians miss the mark, right? I just did an episode of Brian's briefing, speaking of talking about stuff, oh man, you're gonna get some trouble. Um, I'm gonna get some trouble. But like, the the whole weirdo mentality, right? Of like, embracing weirdness for the sake of it being weird, that is not a campaign strategy. It's not a value proposition, right? And let's just break it down as black and white as possible, because I heard a lot of libertarians freaking out, like, why is RFK getting all this support? Because he just feels authentic. He just feels real. Chase feels contrived. Chase feels like calculated and like manipulative, like, how can I present myself in such a way that gets this, you know, this subset of people to like me? How can I, you know, talk about things that are not going to be appealing to certain folks, but maybe to this little, tiny subsection, whereas RFK is like, This is who I am. For better or for worse, you love some of the things I do, you hate some of the things to do. You know, where I stand, and I'm just going to be upfront and honest with you. RFK, at least presents himself as a normal, authentic person. It hasn't changed the fact that, yeah, he supported the green New Deal. He's been, you know, big proponent of gun control. Like, yeah, there's a red flags across the board, but when it comes to do you get the moment where we are right now, not just as a country, but as a world, as a planet, as a like a big population, a community of the Earth, like we are in a really big tipping point. And I just feel that there's the status quo folks like the chase Oliver's of the world, who they're, again, this squishy, moderate, you know, just trying to appeal to the weakest and most beta amongst us versus like dudes being dudes. Where has that gone? Where has that like, the acceptance of that is just a like dudes need to be dudes. We need to be able to talk like dudes, to interact like dudes with other dudes, like remzo, and we didn't even prepare to talk about this. But like, what do you see as kind of that split between the dudes, dude, um, versus the way that the Kamala Harris campaign frames the dudes, the way that Chase Oliver's campaign frames going after dudes. Like, is it? Is it just again? Pardon the expression. But is it that, that fag energy? Is it something like that, where like this, this theater mentality, has carried over into their outreach?

Remso Martinez  31:27  
And I think I need to defend fag energy in terms against government, for folks playing along the home game. Do you know? Do you know? I'm gonna point out two individuals that come to mind in terms of a dude's dude, because I know. I'm gonna get the people in the people in the comments. He was like, he said something anti gay. John Hospers, do you know who John Hospers is, John, you should know this. John Hospers was the Libertarian Party presidential candidate in 1972

Brian Nichols  31:53  
John, yeah, and then we were in the chick right,

Remso Martinez  31:56  
as the VP, yeah, yeah. Um, that was and you want to talk about a ticket that's wild, right in the 70s, an openly gay man running alongside a woman in 1972 John heard of, yeah, John Hospers from ever. I mean, I never met him, because he died in 2011 way before I started paying attention to stuff, but I know enough people who did like John Hospers was a guy's guy, and he did a lot for the Libertarian Party. And even though he openly gay when he was running for president, he focused on the economy, he focused on wars, he focused on civil liberties. It became a thing where it's like, that's a part of me, but that's not Yes. And I point out him, because John Hospers, when you look at his life and you look at his contributions to the liberty movement, that's a man that libertarians, that's a man that Americans, anyone that wants to live the American dream and do good for people, John Hospers is a man that deserves everyone's respect.

Brian Nichols  32:58  
And really quick, just really quick this, by the way, is where I see Chase's campaign do this a lot. They're like, why do people the first thing they point out is that he's a gay guy. It must be because they're homophobic. No, it's because, when Chase presents himself on camera, the first thing he leads with is like, I'm a gay man running ass. That's why, because you make that the focus you make that the priority versus exactly what you just outlined. That's a part of you, sure, but John hosperger, is that what you said? His name is on Hospers. Yep, John Hospers, like he didn't make that a part of the campaign. It was a part of him, but he didn't lead with that, because at the end of the day, that's not what people care about. I mean, sure, it's great that you're that. Okay, fine. What do you what's in it for me, right? We talked about this in business, the with them, statement, W, i, i, f, m, what is in it for me? You being gay does not tell me anything about how you're going to help cut my taxes, how you're going to help make my life better, how you're going to help get government out of the way. Like, yes, Chase talks about those things, but when you lead with the who I am first, versus the what I'm gonna lead with for solutions, people tune out because that's the first thing they hear. And back to this whole ad we

Remso Martinez  34:09  
watched right then that becomes the, okay, that's who you are, all right, under it's not about it's not about who you love or what your preferences are. It's about how you act Yes, and how you treat others and your view of yourself in the world. And I mean, Rob Smith from turning point USA, you know, like, 632, 100, something, muscular, black dude. US Army veteran. So, you know, Go Army on that end. You know, conservative has led the, you know, part of that, that movement of, like, you know, Log Cabin Republicans and stuff like that. It's like, listen, like we're men who happen to be gay, but we live our lives and, you know, we can't just focus on this. It's like, I look at that, and it's like, you know, I want to say it again. Fag energy has nothing to do with what people say it is. It's all about how they act and the fag energy in that commercial that. Harris put out the fag energy in the covid thing, and we see it all the time. Like, the white dudes for Harris, it's like, those aren't dudes, especially, like, let's look right now. Do you want one of those guys saving you from Hurricane floodwaters, or do you want an actual dude? Did you?

Brian Nichols  35:18  
Did you see the meme? Do you remember the meme of, it's all the like, I say something mean about Trump, the comment section looks like, and then it's like, the grid of all these, like, Boomer dudes wearing the Make America Great at hats, and they got the big beards. I saw the exact meme. And it's like, when there's a hurricane and your town's underwater, these are the folks coming to save you. And it's the exact same picture, because that's exactly at remzo, right? You don't want the the theater dude singing the vaccination song that's that's to the tune of frozen you don't want the dude sitting with his his arm all positioned properly telling you he's deep throating it for Kamala. Right? What we need is like real dudes talking to real dudes. And again, I go back to the man

Remso Martinez  36:00  
who has memorized the entire soundtrack to the greatest showman,

Brian Nichols  36:04  
oh, that's like, best so good. It's come alive. Is one of my bops, dude. If I ever need to get some energy going, listen to some come alive. Hugh, Jackman, you can't go wrong there. I swear to God, this is, this is my theater side coming out, man, you hit me the Yeah, the easy part, but there's,

Remso Martinez  36:22  
there's liking, like, those more, like, you know, creative things, and then there's just what we've witnessed, which is just dangerous amounts of fag energy. So that's my ideology. When I explain what fag energy is, it's a mindset. It's not anything else. It's fag energy. And we have to call it out for what it is. We're

Brian Nichols  36:39  
gonna get so many title Yeah, no, no, don't worry. I want to make sure this video stays on YouTube. So if you're listening to this episode and you're like, Wow, remzo and Brian are really dancing on the edge here, they better be careful. Don't worry, we have insurance. And with that, let's talk about our brand new sponsor, policy engineer, something important, like your family's future. You're starting a family. You're starting a family. You know how overwhelming it can suddenly every decision and it's scary to think about financially vulnerable. That's why today, well, that's why today. I want to tell you a brand new sponsor here on the Brian Nichols show policy engineer. That's a company that's changing the insurance. But they don't just, they don't like offer life, and they engineer, they engineer persons by solutions. They grow with your savvy approach, your family's future as ordering takeout. Ordering takeout. It's September. It's September. Insurance. Insurance, take that first step, piece of peace of and check out how they can build a plan as your trust me, it's just not just insurance. Promise matters most. Matters most. One more time, one more time. Head over to and when you visit that Brian, that Brian Nichols show sent you, let's make sure. Let's make sure our families are protected. And now and now, let's get back to the show. Get back to the show. There you go. Yeah, and that was from September, by the way, because it was life insurance Awareness Month, something like that. So go ahead and check out policy engineer, and again, make sure you let them know that Brian Nichols sent you. And by the way, rams out. Yes, I am, if anything, a professional. That's what we call a segue in the industry, which, by the way, speaking of which, rumor is, medical history has been released because, you know, we're talking about, you know, your health insurance. And let's talk about the health. See that remso, that's called the transition, the health of the two leading candidates here for both the Republicans and the Democrats Harris. Kamala Harris's campaign has released her medical history. And a lot of folks saying, Well, now it's going to force Trump to do the same. But Ramsay, I don't know. I'm just saying this out loud. Who's this current President of the United States? Is that something that we should be concerned about?

Remso Martinez  38:56  
The people who told you that Biden can ride a bike. The people that told you, up until the day she died, that Ruth baders Ginsburg was doing CrossFit, the people that told you that that old senator, lady from California, Diane, Diane Feinstein, was, you know, just at the top of her game as she went to go cast her last vote that she had no clue anything about. And then, like she thought, she already voted for Yeah, and then they pushed her back into the corner and died. The people who told you that John Fetterman was the ideal peak cognitive person ever because now those words made sense the Eagles, they're suddenly looking at Donald Trump and saying, Well, he's too old. He's not fit enough. It's like, I'm sorry. This is as we were talking about in the first segment. This is another plea. It's like, oh, they they're trying. Now that they've tried everything, they have to go to. Like the top of the stack. So first it was, you know, make sure that he can't run again. Then it was make sure he can't get on the ballots. Then it was bankrupt him. Then it was sue him into oblivion. Then it was try and put him in jail. Then it was try and kill him. Then it was try and kill him again. Then it was try and force him into as many debates as possible. Then it was, you know, try and have Iran shoot down his jet. And now that they've gone through everything possible, and he is leading everywhere, they have to start from the top of the stack again and say, well, he's old.

Brian Nichols  40:40  
It's like, now that's an argument they can try to use, because they couldn't use that up until mid July, right? Because it was also a critique of Biden, yeah, I

Remso Martinez  40:49  
saw Trump do like, three hours of Andrew Schultz's podcast, which, what

Brian Nichols  40:54  
a what a sit down. That

Remso Martinez  40:56  
was the most recent one he does. He does like five interviews a day. Yup. And Kamala has done like, less than 20 since becoming the nominee, and she can't do a town hall without a teleprompter. Like, really start telling, like, just, just tell me that you've lost the you've lost the game. You don't know what you're doing. There's nothing left. There's nothing left. And inside, inside Kamala zone team, they're already telling her that she's going to have the worst electoral turnout in modern history. Yep. So the fact that we're seeing this now, it's like they they don't know what else to do. They don't know what else to do. They're

Brian Nichols  41:45  
afraid. It's afraid. I say it's being the machine, right? The machine is afraid because they, they, and I was just listening to this podcast earlier. They were talking about how the arguments about Trump's age, when you look at the current president united states. Why are they not carrying over to the guy who's going to be president for at least the next two and a half months, like he's not running for President because his brain was so broken he couldn't get through an hour and a half two hour long debate with Donald Trump, so the fact that he is still the sitting President of the United States, and now the Democrats are trying to leverage this argument that Trump's too old. Okay, let's here. I'll see your Trump's too old, and I'll raise you a What does that make Biden then? Because if you're gonna simultaneously, Democrats argue that Trump is too old, therefore he cannot be running for president the United States, because he's going to be senile, then that requires you, right now, to be logically consistent, if that's the case, which we know they're not. But if you were logically consistent, then you would say 25th amendment time, because Biden obviously is not running the show. And I go back to it's scared the folks behind the scenes, the deep state, which does exist. I think we all acknowledge that. Now that they've said they exist, there was a whole article written after 2020 about the deep state and how they were able to help get Trump out of office. When you look at that, they like the fact that there's no head of state, because that means they're the heads of state. They're the puppet masters. They get to control what's actually happening from a policy perspective, and they're the ones steering the ship, not the guy who's supposed to be the front runner, which remzo speaks to exactly why they want Kamala Harris to win. All should be is another copy and paste of Biden, not from the faculty standpoint, but from the puppet standpoint. She will say and do whatever she needs to to keep that deep state apparatus happy. Because, as you saw back in 2020, every position, every fucking position she had leading up to that election, has completely turned to the dime. She no longer supports Medicare for all. She no longer supports the green New Deal. She no longer supports open borders. Why? What changed Kamala? I went across America and I talked to I grew up in a middle class family. I grew up in the middle class family. I heard the hopes, the dreams, the ambitions, the aspirations of America. No, Kamala, I'm sorry. It's because you are completely malleable to whoever is pulling the strings. That's the truth.

Remso Martinez  44:21  
I think my, I've, I don't think I'd ever say this about Joe Biden. But, like, my favorite era of Biden is, like, right now, because Biden is, like, so gangster, the stuff he is throwing like, I love reading, like, the liberal magazines that are talking about, like, the open warfare between Biden's team and Harris's team hate each other, dude.

Brian Nichols  44:42  
They hate each other. I

Remso Martinez  44:43  
just want him. I like, you know, I thought the Maga hat thing was genuinely a joke. I don't think there was anything subliminal about it, but how he's how he's responded regarding the hurricane stuff, yes, there

Brian Nichols  44:54  
we go. Yeah. Tell, tell a story about um DeSantis. By the way, she Kamala Harris called him. Didn't take her phone calling.

Remso Martinez  45:01  
Yeah, she's trying right now to make it appear as if she's the sitting US President. She's trying to do it that way. And, you know, she's not really going anywhere. The places she's going are like, super photo ops. And then she tried to go ahead and have a phone call with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and he's like, why am I talking to her? She's a political candidate. She's not the president. She's trying what she wanted to do. I think you and I have talked about this at some point. She's trying to pull a Hurricane Sandy, Christy Obama, 2012

Brian Nichols  45:34  
I think we talked about that last week. Yeah. Playbook, yeah. The

Remso Martinez  45:37  
story was in 2012 there were two moments in which my father, the the the middle class, I don't pay attention, Oracle of all elections, said that Obama was going to win. One, it was when Biden completely destroyed Paul Ryan in the VP debate. And second was when Christie went ahead and basically open mouth, tongue kissed Obama during the hurricane Sandy, big old bear hug. That's right, and she is. She's trying to do that. And so Santa's is just like, I'm not gonna have anything to do with this. I don't need to take her call. I'm busy trying to save lives. And somebody tried to bring up that to Biden. And Biden and DeSantis have sparred a lot, but notice what he said? It was like Tuesday, I think he went ahead and said, when somebody was like, you think it's wrong that she's not that he's not responding to uh, Vice President Harris's call. He didn't, he didn't answer that. What he said was he and I have been speaking regularly, and he knows that he can get all the resources and support that he needs, and he's doing, to paraphrase, he's like, he's doing the best he can, and he will get from me whatever he wants. And that was it. And it was in that moment where everyone on liberal Twitter, my wife showed me this. She's, she's like, my wife is like, embedded liberal tick tock. And it's so funny. It's so funny because don't always have conservatives or libertarians tell you how the left is thinking, just go to the left, where the left now, and they're, by the way, that's what

Brian Nichols  47:03  
they hate libs of Tiktok, because she just says, Look,

Remso Martinez  47:07  
yeah, they they are panicking. They're like, the comments on one of the screenshots she showed me of this one video of of Biden not helping kamala's Cause at all, was like, Is he trying to throw her under the bus? And that another one was like, he gives no shits anymore. It's like, why should he? Why should he? Joe Biden is a lot of things. The one thing that no one can say about him, and this is almost like a Rubio line from 2016 where he was talking about Obama. It's like people act like Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. I say the same thing about Biden, even with all of his cognitive ability gone, he might, there might not be a lot going up on there, but he knows exactly what he's doing. Joe Biden is, and never has been, a stupid man. Dude,

Brian Nichols  47:54  
you don't go in in the US Senate for 40 plus years being a stupid Oh, he is. I might eat my words, because we got, you know, Diane Feinstein and all that. So he is

Remso Martinez  48:03  
like the most like he is the most criminal president we've ever had, the most criminal president we've ever had. But he's not stupid. So with him doing this, he knows exactly what he's doing, and I'm here for every second of it, which is why, also to kind of derail it off the other end. I also think that Libertarian Party members are psyopt, hmm, because all this, you know, we're already seeing early voting. It's like, you know, you're just falling for the shit. You know, I won't bring up the fag energy again, but it's like, I've gone ahead and said, and this has pissed people off, a vote for Chase Oliver is a vote for Ross Ulbricht to die in prison, and people lose their minds. And it's like, I'm sorry if you have not viewed what has gone on with the Democrats and how they literally pulled a coup over a sitting president, if you have not witnessed what they did to Trump, if you have not witnessed what they did to RFK, if you have been living under a rock the past 20 years, and you don't think after 2016 which love or hate Gary Johnson Bill Weld was probably the last attempt to have a third party movement to fight the Deep State. Do you Do you people genuinely think that by voting for Chase Oliver and potentially not put her in the White House, keep her in the White House, because she is the de facto president, and it's not even really her, it's all of Obama's former alumni and staff and campaign and administration veterans. If you want to vote for and keep and maintain the authoritative state and damn yourselves and your children, go vote libertarian, because Donald Trump is the only thing stopping all of that getting to you right now.

Brian Nichols  49:53  
So I want to take a step back, and I just want to make sure folks understand the context of everything we're talking. About today. So back in 2022 2122 I moved here already. Chase Oliver's on the show. I had chase in the show, and you know, I pushed him to ask him who he thinks our ideal voter is, what ideal or what main issues we as libertarians need to lead with. And folks go listen to the episode. Is a very cordial conversation. I disagree with Chase vehemently, but his his opinion was we need to go after young folks, which I do agree with, by the way, but leading with climate change, leading with social issues. And it just hits me that there is a fun and I think we've realized that rams always as a movement, have never acknowledged. The elephant in the room is that libertarians are not just split on libertarianism. It's the culture of Americanism that also needs to go in line with the libertarianism. There's a lot of folks in the libertarian movement who are intoxicated with the idea the ISM of libertarianism. But what happens is, when you are fixated on the idea, when you are fixated on the ISM, without any guiding like values or morals or North Star, then you're just constantly in pursuit of perfection in the ISM, whereas what we need to, and I think this is where the split comes in Libertarian Party circles is that there is a demand, slash a need, for American Americanized libertarianism, where it is libertarian values and principles in tandem with An understanding of Americanism, the values that make America America, the principles that we stood for back in 1776 that ethic, that ethos of 1776 coupled with libertarianism, is, I think, where we will win. I see, and I see that's where the Libertarian Party, it feels, really has this split. Because if you're always in pursuit of the social issues, if you're always in pursuit of what makes you feel good, right, then you're never in pursuit of something greater. If you're looking at winning as I can go out and wear, you know, a rainbow colored shirt and shout my sexuality to a group of four year olds. I don't think that's a win. I think actually it's a very cultural lose. Whereas if we were to again reframe it to an American idea of libertarianism, that would be, yeah, you can do that, but I'm gonna vocally and vehemently say, Don't you dare do it in front of four year olds. And as a matter of fact, I will fight you on that you are not to do that in front of my child. Who do you think you are? And shame on parents who bring their kids to areas where this culture is seeping into what made America America. So I say this remzo, the split in libertarians is not so much of who is more libertarian than the other, but who understands that libertarianism itself will not succeed unless you have some guiding moral, cultural value that you are in pursuit of with libertarianism as the means to achieve it and obtain that? I'll get off my soapbox now. I

Remso Martinez  53:17  
have, I have a story, and I'll, I think, I think this is going to be a first time I actually talk about it, Brian, so you get it here, right? I never used to think it was that big of a deal. But apparently it was when I was at the Washington Times, you know, I was head of social media, but I was also, I was social media coordinator, and I was also head of outreach to try and work on influencers and try and bring in people to, you know, be it within and share watch times content, because I believed at the time, we were putting out the best content in news and journalism. And, you know, that was a different era. But, you know, one of the groups that became probably my closest allies on Twitter was the Log Cabin Republicans. And it was the Log Cabin Republicans nationally between 2019 2020 it was a lot of state affiliate groups for the Log Cabin Republicans. And we didn't just coordinate the stuff that mattered to, you know, the LGBTQ community. They wanted stuff on taxes because they had an opinion on taxes, which was the conservative opinion they want to talk about guns, which wasn't the gay opinion on guns, it was the conservative opinion on guns. The Log Cabin Republicans fought for decades to be seen as relevant because how they were viewed in the old GOP, which I'm glad is mostly dead at this point, refused to even acknowledge that they could be gay and they could be conservative, yep, and they had fought for many years to not just be seen as that, but to give a voice to those who are willing to see them as people and the Log Cabin Republicans. When I. Needed to boost numbers, when I needed to get a piece out, when I needed a statement or something, they were the first people for almost the year and a half I was there before I went on to work at parler, who I could rely on for them. And the best thing about them is that largely, they have pushed the GOP, but also the political movement that targets people like them in a position of take it out of the arena as a political issue. You'll look at the abortion thing, and why do Lila rose and all of these pro life organizations, which I have said for years, are money laundering schemes to keep people employed, to shoot down heartbeat bills. Susan B Anthony's listen others. Why are they advocating? Because at the time, there was stuff where they were saying, like the heartbeat bills and stuff were too extreme. Suddenly they're going after Trump, because he's just saying, I don't want this to be a political issue anymore. Became a how do we keep our jobs? By keeping the fight ongoing instead of seeking victory? The purpose of a of a political advocacy nonprofit, the end goal should be to eliminate itself, because you succeeded. Yeah, Log Cabin Republicans are no longer really like this group that's trying to push for that. They're in your local committees. They're RNC rep delegates. They're running for office. They're actually, like, focusing on things, because people have gotten to the point where it's like, it's no longer a political longer a political issue. Are we creating an environment where we could be free to choose the course of the direction of our lives or not? And they're the ones who have gone out and said the drag queen thing is ridiculous, the trans issue thing is ridiculous. Meanwhile, the Libertarians are just like, well, if you don't vote for Chase Oliver, you're a bigot. It's like, how are you any different than the Democrats? You're

Brian Nichols  56:48  
not. They're not. They're not. And by the way, the culture is changing across the board, not I mean libertarians where the autism will not, unfortunately, let libertarians acknowledge when they are right or wrong, they'll just fight. But I'm seeing it in the normies. I called this out back in my last episode with the Brian's briefing the disaffected normies, of which I will and just you know, for the conversation today, I'm going to highlight one person in particular is very near and dear to me, my wife, who we are watching in one of our favorite shows to watch. By the way, I don't watch like TV anymore. I canceled my XFINITY subscription, and now I only have NFL Sunday Ticket to watch football. But beyond that, we watch YouTube. That YouTube is our platform to watch shows. So we watch and the number one show we watch is good, mythical morning with Rhett and Link. Love that show. We watch it every night, and it's definitely left of center, like the culture on the show. I mean, they're based in fucking SoCal, right? So, like, they're lefties, through and through. But I noticed something that was very interesting, and I hope my wife's listening, because she pointed this out the other night. We're watching the show, and they have this, like it was five different generation prosectomies.

Remso Martinez  57:59  
What's that? They got vasectomies together. They

Brian Nichols  58:03  
did they got brosectomies and they got, what's the one up the butt colonoscopies? They got that. Yeah, brolinoscopies. They called it again, but don't do it. Don't do it. We're gonna get in trouble. But anyways, so they did this special where they had it was like, which generations is the funniest? They had Gen alpha, Gen Z, Gen millennial, Gen X, and then boomers. So each one had a person representing the generation, and then they would give them a topic, and they would do a stand up comedy bit for like 30 seconds on that topic. And the Gen Z er was this sassy gay guy, and there was a moment like it was probably three or four cycles through on the jokes, and every time, his jokes always went back to something about him being a sassy gay guy. And there was a moment my wife was kind of and I turned and I was like, what she goes, he's not funny. And I was like, Why? Why isn't he funny? Now, mind you, my wife is completely agnostic, usually to the political process, like she's just, she's my North Star to what your average person thinks. Because she just, she doesn't read this shit every day like we do. She doesn't watch the videos or listen to the podcasts. So I just want to see where she's at. And she's like, well, everything just goes back to him being gay. And like, every joke is, is like, around that like, and it's not funny, like, he's trying to force the joke based on his gayness, and it just, it was, it was completely unappealing. And I just kind of sat back and I smiled a little bit because I realized that this, this force feeding culturally of it's the joke I had one of my STRS back in the day at my old company, and he used to make the joke about, like, look, Brian, there's an advertisement I found with two white people in it, not a husband and wife that are mixed race. Because think about from like, what the mid 2010s to just a short I mean, even today, they're still doing it where you never see an advertisement where it's two white couples ever. And this, this force feeding of this cultural dei mentality. And you know what? I. We said that the fag energy, I think it's the DEI energy remzo. That is exactly what we should Brian, I don't wanna get in trouble anymore, no, but, like, this is exactly what it ties up with the bow, right? It is this dei mentality. And this is where I think, you know, we are seeing the cultural spit split from your average person, too. They're tired of it. They're tired of the insanity. They're tired of it being just like force fed. People want jokes to be funny because they're jokes. I mean, the Michael Scott quote, right? There's no such thing as an offensive joke. That's why it's a joke, and that's why we're seeing shows like kill Tony. You're seeing stand up comedians like Shane Gillis and Andrew Schultz, like they're having success. Why? Why are these guys who are so against this dei perspective? How and why are they having success? Oh, because the market is demanding it. The market is saying, Give us normality again, please.

Remso Martinez  1:00:56  
I think my favorite stand up special in recent memory was from four years ago. It was the Dave Chappelle skit when he came back to Netflix, and he's the one where he's in the jumpsuit, and he's talking about living in, like, Wyoming, or wherever the hell he's in, and he got in trouble because of the alphabet people jokes. But like, I feel like, you know cold, cold humor, and everything died with three, with three things, the office tropic, thunder and the hangover. I think those were the last vestiges of true comedy, which was true honesty. Because if you can't talk about things openly and call things for what they are, even when it's mean that that's where it goes down. And I mean, I say this with the best of intentions, but like the Libertarian Party, is the least happy thing ever, no matter what they say, no matter how they've tried to market themselves, and I saw that Chase Oliver recently ripped off the Rand Paul tax code chainsaw thing. Yep, it's like, notice how it's the people who are talking about how happy and how awesome, how cool they are. Who are the most miserable people? The campaign of joy is miserable. The campaign of, you know, freedom and liberty and all this stuff is miserable because they all know they're living a lie at the end of the day, whereas, for once, and this is why I call it the old GOP versus the new GOP. The new GOP ain't perfect, but the new GOP actually reflects a person like me, which is somebody that wants to pursue living in a diverse country, and this is where we're at.

Brian Nichols  1:02:31  
I'm trying to find the video. Um, let's see. Yeah, I can't find the video. So for folks, just go, go watch it was Vince Vaughn on the YouTube show hot ones, where they sit down and they eat the chicken wings and they progressively get hotter and hotter. There's a question that was asked to Vince Vaughn, and it was about the decline in funny movies from Hollywood, specifically at the end of the 2010s and you go back, I mean, think of the 2000s remzo Super Troopers, 40 year old virgin, super bad. I mean, Wedding Crashers, Beer Fest, old school, all tropic, Thunder the head over school

Remso Martinez  1:03:11  
with my wife and I thought, Oh, she's gonna hate this movie. She freaking loved old school and and this right

Brian Nichols  1:03:17  
here, right? This question, dodgeball, yeah, 2004 right? Like these movies, Step Brothers, I mean, Talladega Nights, all these movies, right, from the mid 2000s to, like, mid 2010s they were funny. They you would laugh your ass. I remember sitting in the theater like 17 year old Brian, crying my eyes out, laughing at super bad right? Like these movies were funny, and now we get to this point where it's like every movie just feels like kind of the same version of itself, but with a little different twist. And Vince Vaughn covers this in the hot ones interview, but I'm going to paraphrase and he outlines how there is this corporate mentality nowadays with movies, in terms of when you're trying to create an idea for a movie you're looking for the safest, most like, templatized version of that movie you can make. So the person who's like, listen, we follow this steps. This is how you make a $200 million movie at the box office, right? And he says this, he goes, nobody's getting fired for following that process, right? So it's not even so much of, hey, let's make a great movie and have it be funny. Have it be its own thing. Like, there's no movie like super bad, there's no movie like Tropic Thunder. They're their own movies. There's no movie like step brothers. And yet, those movies don't exist. Like, nobody's trying to make those movies anymore, except the daily wire making lady ballers, right? Like, that's the, probably the closest thing we have to an actual funny movie. I

Remso Martinez  1:04:45  
haven't watched a Will Ferrell movie in a while, because the last Will Ferrell movie I saw, in terms of, like, recent stuff, because I'll go back and, like, Blades of Glory is one of my, one of my favorite Will Ferrell movies. And then he did another one during the job. A different too. Yeah, there was another one, and then called, it was where he was a, he was an Icelandic singer, Eurovision. Eurovision,

Brian Nichols  1:05:08  
that's right with Rachel McAdams. I forgot about that one that

Remso Martinez  1:05:11  
was so funny. But like he did Holmes and Watson, yep, which was a horrible, which was just like a DI political pander fest, yep, and it's like he will. Ferrell has also kind of gone into this because, like, one of my favorite shows is, is secession succession. And succession actually has Will Ferrell as a co producer, and you see some of his humor in there, but, like, you definitely pick it up sometimes. And then he also did with McKay, Adam McKay, or Adam, whatever his name is, who did the movie? Vice about Dick Cheney. I think how they did the movie was good. I think that they go, I think, yeah, I think that they give Dick Cheney credit for a lot of things Dick Cheney did not deserve credit for. They just wanted to really go after him, but like, it's not being funny. But became, like, it became liberal comedy. Liberal comedy is not about laughter. I think it was Dave laughter. It's laughter. Yeah, it's

Brian Nichols  1:06:10  
like, I agree. How brave. And by the way, I

Remso Martinez  1:06:15  
have an unpopular opinion. I think Glazer is actually funny. She's funny,

Brian Nichols  1:06:19  
and I'll take her over. Ken Jong. Remember the guy from the hangover I stopped up, dude, I will tell you. And I did find the clip. I'm going to share this clip really, really fast, but one of the most disappointing stand up comedy routines I've ever seen was Ken Jong on Netflix. Horrible, horrible. He's like my doctor. My wife is a doctor. The clapping seals in the audience are like, he's like, she is way better than me. She's incredible. It's like, Dude, we get it like, we know you got to do the DEI thing. But really quick. Rem so I want to share this video. I did find it here on on the YouTube so just, it's a 45 second clip. This is Vince Vaughn talking about why R rated comedies are on life support in Hollywood or old

Speaker 6  1:07:03  
school? What if I got to go back and, you know, be in a fraternity now, at this stage of the game, the people in charge don't want to get fired more so than they're looking to do something great. So they want to kind of, you know, follow a set of rules that somehow, like, get set in stone that don't really translate, but as long as they follow them, they're not going to lose their job, because they can say, Well, look, I I crunched the numbers. Yeah, I made, I made a movie off the board game payday. So you can't, even though the movie didn't work, you can't let me go, right? So people want to laugh, people, people want to look at stuff that feels a little bit like it's, you know, dangerous for pushing the envelope. And I think you're going to see more of it in the film space sooner than later. God, I

Brian Nichols  1:07:48  
hope he's right. Remzo, God, I hope he's right, because the culture needs it. We and the culture is demanding it. Man, like, whether it's going to be an organization like daily wire who's just kind of doing their own thing. I mean, what is a woman, Lady ballers? Am I racist? Which actually surpassed Supersize Me from total grossing revenue for for, for documentaries,

Unknown Speaker  1:08:10  
and it's better than Joker two at this point,

Brian Nichols  1:08:13  
it should do better than Joker to God, what an abomination. I didn't watch the movie yet, but I just watched him clips. What did they do. I want to,

Remso Martinez  1:08:21  
I want to watch. I spoiled the movie for myself. I know exactly what happens, but I want to watch it just to kind of like, you know, just kind of like, face, face existence. It's like, I'm forced to watch so others don't have to. It's bird box. They're

Brian Nichols  1:08:32  
going to hold your eyes open like this and just, but like, you

Remso Martinez  1:08:35  
know, and I agree with what you said about daily wire and stuff like that, but like, I want to get to the point where it's like, none of this stuff has to have a political bet, like, Why can't stuff be good just to be good? Yes, and I think that's, I think that's where a lot of conservatives lose me, it's like, I'm not gonna pay to watch subpar conservative comedy, right? Like it's just that, like the blaze tried doing that with some stuff. And it's like, you know, people, and we don't like to admit it, but the truth is, is that we will support things purely because we just like the effort. So I'm actually Angel studios. Actually went ahead and did you know a private equity round for accredited and non unaccredited investors, and I actually bought shares in Angel studios. Why is that? Because of films like sound of freedom, because of films like it was, it was with Christopher palaha And Neil McNeil McDonough. It was, I feel horrible. It was where it's basically like a twilight zone type film. It came out like a year ago. It was really, really good. And they've done other films too, like they're doing Bonhoeffer, they're doing stuff that is obviously more towards a Christian audience, but the shift, that's what it was called, Neil McDonough, and Christopher palaha Did the shift, which my wife and I saw in theaters. And we're like, this is a sci fi film that's based off, like, biblical principles, but it's like, it's not like the Kurt. Cameron Christian movies, like TVs, like, these are good, multi million dollar like action flicks and dramas and like, they're genuinely good. And it's like, I will put my money towards that, because one, yeah, it has a it puts out good message and aligns with more of me. But it's like, if they weren't doing if they weren't making good movies. I would never invest in that. But, you know, I did that, not only from a fiduciary standpoint of I think it's a good investment as a customer, my thing is, like, I will want to invest where I'm already spending my money, and it's like, it's just genuinely good, it's good for goodness's sake. It's just good shit.

Brian Nichols  1:10:39  
Yes, preach, by the way. Speaking of fiducias, here's a tweet that went viral on my end. I just wanted to share this today, 1.6 million views. Bernie Sanders, if you held the right for health insurance, asking you to fight for those who don't. Except I shared this post that eliminates every time he says the word fight with the word pay, because, you know, that's actually more accurate. So if you're checking this out on on the video screens here, you'll see quite a few engagement 1.6 million views. Thank you, Elon, thank you for giving us a platform where I can point out the fiducia silliness. You said fiduciary and just instantly made me giggle, because it has the word

Remso Martinez  1:11:18  
I've been reading all I've been reading a lot of like, financial statements and stuff recently,

Brian Nichols  1:11:23  
and I'm a child, so yeah, good times. Remzo, we are over the hour so that we're gonna go ahead start to wrap things up today. So yes, we have been live at our cardio miracle studios here part of the Week in Review. Amp America show every week. REMSA and I are going through the top two or three articles that have been going throughout the past week of news giving our insights, yes, talking about the DEI, dare I say fag energy, that has been coming up repeatedly on this conversation. And I just want to put a little pin in that piece of conversation. Libertarians wake up. It's time to start like playing in the real world versus this make believe world. I'm hoping that more and more folks are going to start to pay attention to a different way of doing things. We're seeing Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance, like these are some of the folks now taking over the Republican Party leadership, which, even though I don't agree with JD Vance and a lot of like more of his nationalist perspectives, I know for a fact that he and the vakrama Swami were like BFFs back in college. So I can tell you to trans your kids, no. And we can have at least a cordial conversation about where libertarianism and nationalism, from a Republican standpoint, will disagree. And this kind of goes back to the Jason Stapleton perspective, right? We are on this, this school bus through space going towards libertopia. We got a quite a few stops between then and there, but we are in pursuit of this direction. So if anybody's on that bus that's in the same pursuit of that end destination, I'm on your team, right? And if you need to get off the bus a little bit before we get to libertopia, because you're like, I don't want to go this far, that's fine, but at least be on the bus with us as we're going towards this destination. Don't, don't go on the other bus, which is going to, like, wacky waving, inflatable arm filling tube land. So, like, let's pay attention to real world where folks are actually going to have real conversations are going to impact things for our society going forward in the best of ways. That's my final thoughts today. Remzo anything as we wrap things up, I think I've said enough, Brian. I think you have to, don't worry. So as remso gets canceled, please go ahead and make sure you follow him on all social media platforms. Go remso, over on Instagram, hey remzo, over on Facebook as well as Twitter. Rems, those links will all be in the show notes. If you want to go ahead and give him some love or give up a piece of your mind, email him or message him again. Hey remzo And go remso. You can find yours truly at B Nichols liberty, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, as well as over on YouTube and on rumble. We are airing the show live today on Facebook and Twitter. So you joined us today. We had a couple 100 folks popping in and out of the live stream this Saturday morning. Thank you, and make sure you hit that subscribe button to him. It's a single time we go live. Other than that rams, I think we're going to wrap things up for amp America Week in Review, great talking to you, buddy. Have a great weekend, and we'll reconvene next week. You too, Brian, you.

Transcribed by

Remso W. Martinez

Digital marketer

Digital marketing expert and podcaster.