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Sept. 30, 2024

906: Is Big Tech Trying to Win Back Republicans? | Week in Review

@BNicholsLiberty & @HeyRemso discuss tech giants' sudden libertarian shift sparks debate on free speech, corporate influence, and the future of American politics as the 2024 election looms.

Is Mark Zuckerberg really embracing libertarianism, or is it just a clever PR move? What's behind the sudden political shift of tech giants like Zuckerberg and Elon Musk? And how could this reshape the landscape of social media and free speech? In this week's Amp America Week in Review of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the unexpected libertarian turn of Silicon Valley's elite and its potential impact on the upcoming election.



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Join host Brian Nichols and guest Remso W. Martinez as they unpack the shocking news of Facebook's strategy to win back conservative and libertarian users. Is this a genuine ideological shift, or a calculated move to avoid potential legal troubles under a future Trump administration? We explore the implications of Zuckerberg's newfound libertarian leanings and what it could mean for social media censorship and political discourse.


But that's not all - we also delve into the brewing storm surrounding New York City Mayor Eric Adams. As corruption charges loom and his stance on immigration puts him at odds with his own party, could we be witnessing the fall of yet another prominent Democrat? We analyze the potential fallout and what it means for the future of Democratic politics in major cities.


The conversation then shifts to a provocative claim: Is Elon Musk the most important libertarian figure in world history? We examine Musk's impact on free speech, his acquisition of Twitter (now X), and how he's reshaping the tech industry's approach to censorship and political neutrality. Could Musk's actions be paving the way for a new era of digital freedom?


Finally, we make some bold predictions for the upcoming 2024 election. From potential October surprises to contested results, we speculate on the twists and turns that could shape America's political future. Whether you're a political junkie, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about the intersection of Silicon Valley and Washington, this episode is a must-watch. Don't miss out on this riveting discussion that could change how you view the upcoming election and the role of big tech in shaping our political landscape.



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Brian Nichols  0:00  
Music. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to the Brian Nichols show. Well, happy Saturday. There, folks. Brian Nichols here on another at America Week in Review. Apologies. First of all, no Brian's briefing this week, because, as you probably can still hear, I'm recovering from covid. So that was a lot of fun. Had no voice, had 102 degree temperature, and maybe my temperature increase when I heard the news that Mark Zuckerberg is entering his libertarian era. Yeah, we're going to talk about that today. Plus we're going to talk about the sitting New York City Mayor Eric Adams, uh oh, something's happening behind the scenes. Looks like he's going to get indicted on some pretty big charges there. We're going to have to discuss that. And I can't do it alone. Joining me from amp America, Editor in Chief, remzo w Martinez, you can find him on marketer on the run. Ramzo, how you doing, buddy? I'm

Remso Martinez  1:03  
doing great. Brian, you know, it's not every day like a sitting Democrat Mayor actually starts getting attacked by other Democrats, but it is when they actually start to, you know, like recover from whatever brain damage is occurring, much like Fetterman in Pennsylvania, Senator Fetterman, and, you know, they actually start realizing, wow, you know, it's really hard to run a city when the city is being run into the ground. So it's, it's a fun time to be alive, isn't it?

Brian Nichols  1:30  
It's an interesting time to be alive. I actually, so I briefed, I briefed my Brian's briefing. I was getting it all ready to roll before I got sick with covid, and as I was getting it mapped out. That was actually one of the things we're going to be talking about, and I'll do this for next week. But like how the political divide right now is not so much red team, Blue Team, Republican, Democrat, conservative, libertarian versus socialist, communist, but rather, it seems like it is the folks who look collectively at where we are as a nation and how we got here, and then looking at the path forward, right? And it seems to be that you have the status quo folks, and then you have the the the shits broken folks, right? The status quo folks. You could lump in your establishment Republicans. You could lump in your, your live and let live do good libertarians. You could lump in the the Democrats who look at these institutions as a means to an end. So of course, they want to maintain these systems. They're the ones who control them, whereas the establishment Republicans are like these are these institutions. They're just taken over by bad people. But the importance of the institutions is still paramount. We need to have good people there, versus on the other side of the aisle. Remso, it is the folks acknowledging that the system is broken, the disaffected Republicans, Libertarians, who are like, yeah, the system is being leveraged against us. It's being weaponized against us. And it's not that we need good people in these institutions. It's that the institutions themselves are inherently flawed because they allow this to happen. And then on the left, you have folks like your your rfks, your Nicole shanahans, your Jimmy doors, your Brett Weinstein's, who all sudden are saying, Yeah, I was a, you know, anti war Democrat. I was an anti Big Pharma Democrat. I was aware of all this stuff happening, you know, behind the scenes, the crunchy moms that the anti Vax folks who all sudden look at the left saying, Wait, you guys love big government, you love big war, you love Big Pharma. What's happening here? Where's the Democratic Party? I know those folks who are all saying, Yeah, this isn't working, so I'm going to talk about this more in detail. My brain's breathing, but remso, that's where we are right now, right like and by the way, let's just jump right into it. Let's talk about Mary mayor. Eric Adams, let me go ahead and share my screen here. So as we're looking at this article, this article is over on valuetainment, which, by the way, valuetainment has become one of my favorite go to news organizations because Patrick, his team is doing incredible work over there. So kudos to PBD and the team. But let's talk about this. Remzo Mayor Eric Adams definitely a different Democrat. He's been vocally speaking out against the the influx of migrants into New York City. And it I mean, apparently this stuff has been behind the scenes, these bribery charges, these these corruption charges, but it really seems that the pedal got pushed to the metal as soon as he started saying, hey, Biden administration, maybe we shouldn't be having millions of illegal aliens flood our border, and thus flood New York City. What's going on here? Remzo

Remso Martinez  4:31  
Adams has been the target for well over a year, and he ran as a, you know, tough on crime Democrat in the in the mayoral election, he ran up against Andrew Yang and a whole bunch of other people, the Republican Curtis Lewa, who's, you know, with the guardian angels, or that, that one, I'm not gonna call him a vigilante group, but you know, the community activist group he ran against him and very soundedly Beat him. But, you know, he ran towards the middle, and he had the fact that he was a cop going behind him. However, he was pretty soft on the whole immigration issue. He very much. Was like, Yeah, we're a sanctuary city and everyone is welcome here. Well, guess what? Everyone showed up, but we're not getting the immigrants that want to come here through the legal process like every other country and forces, we're getting people from Venezuela, we're getting people from Pakistan, El Salvador, you know, other Central American countries, and we're at the point where we're starting to wonder, okay, why are they all coming here? Well, everyone can remember last year when they went ahead and Texas said, You know what the sanctuary cities want all these people? Well, guess what? They can have them. So you go, you know, Florida's DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott were like, we're gonna start bussing them, much like the Martha vineyard situation. But when they go ahead and got to New York, you know, they, you know, a lot of them claim asylum status or something else. Ultimately, what you're seeing is a lot economic opportunism and libertarians and some people on the, you know, fluffy, right? Like, just say, Well, you know, they came here for a better life. But then you ask them, they're like, No, we were told we come here and we get benefits. I'm not saying that. They're saying that. They're saying Joe Biden invited us. Joe Biden invited us and told us that we would have homes and we would have food and we'd be taken care of, and then we could have jobs and do what we want. So what happens is they start putting them in motels. Then the motels start filling up, then they start putting them in hotels, and then the really kind of not so great hotels start filling up, and then they start put filling them up in the bigger hotels. I

Brian Nichols  6:43  
thought you were gonna say Holiday Inns. I got excited because we were in the motel to the hotel to the next is Holiday Inn? Yeah.

Remso Martinez  6:50  
So, I mean, they're getting three meals a day. They're getting cell phones, they're getting stipends for, you know, basic living. And what we've seen is that rape has gone up. Violent Crime has gone up. Theft, robbery has come up. Diseases that you would think have been eradicated on for, yeah, decades, generations are suddenly coming back, whooping, which is which is wild. And what you're having right now is you're having the communities in Harlem. You're having the communities in Brooklyn who are like, listen, we already had a housing crisis. We already had an affordability crisis and a job crisis and all the crisis you can imagine. Why are we going to take care of these people who should not be here, instead of the people who live here and pay taxes here and are American citizens. So Adams got to the point where first he tried to say it wasn't as bad, then it started getting bad, and he couldn't deny it. And then he saw it, and was like, shoot, this is actually pretty horrible. Last year, he approached the Biden administration and said that we have a crisis on our hands. Our city is being flooded with people. We have a border crisis, and since then, he's basically gone out and said that Biden Harris, because Harris is the border czar, was the borders are finally went to the border like yesterday for the first time in four years to talk to assess the situation that all of us knew about. And suddenly, because people in New York are starting to say, why would we want to vote for the person that is making this worse? Working Class Democrats are now causing a fit. So it makes me not surprised at all that a sitting mayor of New York happens to be corrupt, and suddenly, as soon as he starts causing a ruckus, suddenly this comes out, and then all the Democrats are going after him. I'm not saying that what he did if true, because it isn't so proven guilty if true isn't a bad thing, but I find the timing oddly suspicious. So that's where we're at and

Brian Nichols  9:00  
who's sitting there waiting in the wings with his nipple piercings. No, not Tim walls, but former governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo.

Remso Martinez  9:09  
I will not be canceled by the woke mafia

Brian Nichols  9:13  
slapping fannies and killing grannies. That's Andrew Cuomo, and here he is, one breath away, one step away from going into the mayor's mansion there New York City, which, by the way, what a career path for the cuomos. You got Mario Cuomo, he was the governor of New York State. You got Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General. Then he became governor of New York State, after Elliot Spitzer and that whole debacle, which, by the way, New York state politicians. What's going on there? But I'll really talk about that at some point, because it's corruption, corruption, corruption. Now you fast forward. You got Chris Cuomo. He had his fall from grace at CNN. Now he's like, I'm gonna be rebirth as this questioning, middle of the road journalist. It's like, okay, Chris. And then you watch the debate with Dave Smith, and you're like, Oh, you're still full of shit. Gotcha. Thank you for telling me that. I. Wild abuse. It was bad. That was, what a What up, just abomination of a debate like

Remso Martinez  10:06  
that South Park episode where the where the midget is beating up Cartman, and they're like, please stop. He's hard or dead.

Brian Nichols  10:14  
It was in the one clip when, when he's like, I didn't make fun of Joe Rogan for horse door dewormer and Dave Smith's like, Dude, you were on camera, literally, like, it's there. And then PBD is like, yeah, we got the clip. They're like, roll the clip, and it's just Don Lemon and or not. Andrew, Chris Cuomo saying, yeah, how dare you go ahead and promote horse dewormer, ivermectin. Come on. Joe. Like, come on, you're so full of shit. But anyways, looking at Andrew Cuomo, yes, he is waiting in the wings, and this has been reported that he is very much looking at jumping into the mayoral race if something were to happen that Eric Adams is forced to step down and there's a special election. So lots of crazy stuff here. Remzo, what do you think for New York state politics. Does this represent a shift in New York state politics in any way, shape or form? Because the cuomos, I mean, they've been a power structure in New York state for a while, but it sounded like, and it seemed like they were kind of being pushed out to the side. Is this a resurgence of, dare I say, the common sense Democrat, despite them wanting to have all the power as much as they would in the past, as it has shown. But is there a little bit of a change away from the the wokeism that was seeping into New York state Democratic politics and more so to we gotta still make the state function? No.

Remso Martinez  11:33  

Brian Nichols  11:36  
On that note, let's go ahead and talk about in all seriousness, no, but no, I remember, no.

Remso Martinez  11:42  
I mean, I genuinely don't think that. I mean, I look at Chicago, for example, and Chicago ran full power time, all the problems you can possibly imagine. Lori Lightfoot. What do they do? They just bring in the new guy who's just not Lori Lightfoot. So that way they can go ahead and have the same problems, and be careful. Don't say your name one more time. She'll show up. She'll show up and stare at me. Beetlejuice, so it's like, you know, they, they Democrats, have this thing where they divorce their candidate from their candidate's policies, because they basically just reelected Lori Lightfoot. And, you know, if, and that's not the only time that's ever happened. So with, with this situation, I feel like, unless they really, I mean, the real solution is just leave the Democratic Party. Like, if they actually really cared about that, they would see that the Democrat party as an institution does not serve them. So if they actually genuinely cared, it wouldn't be, well, I'm gonna be a different type of Democrats. Like, No, just leave. Just leave. Because what they're going to do is, and whether it's Cuomo or somebody else, and I don't think it would be Cuomo, my betting odds would be low on him. I think they would just basically get somebody else to do it. You know, in DC, we had, when I lived in Virginia, DC had one mayor who, during my time living there, who I would describe as a good mayor, and his name was Mayor Adrian fensy. I was actually in an event last night, and I was talking to a gentleman about the DC mayoral politics and stuff like that. And we basically, I basically called fencey a cleaned up Marion Barry, because I will go to my grave saying this, Marion Barry was the best DC Mayor way before, my way before I was cognizant about this. Marion Barry was the best mayor in DC, crack and all. So when I moved there, in 2008 DC had Mayor named Adrian fency. And fency was a Democrat. He was a young guy, kind of Obama asked, but his big thing was, you know, truancy rates in school are pretty bad. Kids need to be in school. They can't be out. They're committing crimes. They're doing all this other stuff. We can't have homeless people all over our nation's capital. We have to clean it up. There was trash all over the mall. It was really bad. And then he also said, Well, you know, we need to address the family situation and the poverty situation. We need to address why we have all these single mothers. So what did the Democrats do? They went after him. They called him white. They went after his white girlfriend, and then he lost his election, and they ran him out of DC, and now he lives a quiet life as a corporate attorney or something in Northern Virginia. And then what we had was we had Vincent Gray, and Vincent Gray was horrible. And that's when we started seeing all the crime rates and all the homelessness went up, and people were like, wow, Vincent Gray is horrible. Let's go ahead and get rid of him. So who did they vote for? They voted for Mariel Bowser. Mariel Bowser, who was just Vincent Gray on crack and now DC is probably the most disgusting from a tourism standpoint, even from just a standard of living standpoint. And I worked in DC from 2015 until 2021 the most disgusting place you could possibly live, nonetheless, our nation's capital. So Democrats, they just swap people out, and then they wonder why things never change. I. Think, unless they elect a Republican, which is what the smart thing would be. And Republicans used to have representation in pretty big levels, like, they're, like New York state as a whole is, you know, majority Democrat, but they've got Republican legislatures in the State Assembly and everything move out, though, bro, that's why, I mean, they had, they had, they had Rudy Giuliani, not that long ago, before Bloomberg, before de Blasio and everyone else, they had a history of Republican mayors. They had George Pataki, who was a pretty freaking good governor of New York, by most standards, for, like, a moderate East Coast report, for, yeah, for New York State, yeah, absolutely New York standards. So, like, you know, this isn't alien it's not like, it hasn't happened before. I would say, No, Brian, we got to go a step further. This isn't a resurgence of anything. It's a it's an inflection point as to whether or not they're going to start realizing that Democrats are the problem. That's a very black and white fox news answer. I know some people will be like, you can't just speak in generalities. No, we're like, I don't know what else to say. If you elect Democrats, you get Democrat fucking problems.

Brian Nichols  16:06  
I being the transplant from the Northeast into the mid Midwest, here in a red state, this has been one of the recurring battles I've had with folks, is the complete ignorance to the very real outcomes from democratic policies in very, very blue states, very blue cities. And I see almost this, this. I mean, like, it's almost gaslighting. Without realizing it gaslighting. They're like, well, it's not that bad. Because if you look at these statistics here, and I'm like, first of all, time out, because they haven't been taking accurate statistics in these big blue cities for the past three years because police departments stopped reporting that information to the FBI. Number one, number two is, I can absolutely help you lie with statistics very easily, but you cannot refute the anecdotal, lived experiences of people like yours truly, like people who are living in these big blue cities, who we saw it firsthand. It's not make believe. It's not some theoretical conversation or abstract principle. This is the shit people saw and experienced and lived through every single day. I had to watch as businesses got closed during covid. I had to watch as the drug problems increased exponentially. I had to watch, as you know, during covid, garbage just not being picked up and being left on the streets and rats everywhere, like I saw it. I lived it. I was in Philly for just short of a decade, and right during the tail end of my time there, during the covid Insanity, I watched people I got to know, over the time I was in Philadelphia, who were business owners, who they had, you know, their their Airbnb, or they had their restaurant, or they had their little grocery store, gone, gone, gone, gone. All the hopes, dreams they're in, all gone. And just to see the lack of context from folks who have grown up in these very red areas, listen, there's a reason I live here, folks. It's not because I just love planes and corn, which is definitely something you're gonna get when you live in Indiana, lots of plain land and lots of corn and basketball. I learned that too. But we're also focused. We forget, I think the political side of things. I'm not just here to go and support those other things. I'm here because the politics, it's incredibly different, and to pretend that, well, it's, it's, it's, you know, here in the red states, the Republicans are the bad guys, because they're in charge. No stop, full stop. Are there things that Republicans do that are bad and violate rights? Yeah, I'm not saying that. They don't. I'm saying the context of GOP leadership in a red state is night and day fundamentally different at its core than the the context of being in a blue city or in a very blue state. And as somebody who I grew up in New York State, I saw this firsthand. Then living in Philadelphia, I saw that firsthand. And then moving to Indiana, the discrepancy is night and day. Now, with that being said, I completely forgot to mention, as we started, we are live, by the way, over on Facebook and over on Twitter. So if you're joining us here today, please head down below in the comments. I did see one comment come in and they said, Brian, it's early morning. Are you drinking some coffee from that zip code should, shouldn't determine education cup right here and I am. Here we go. There's my cup. Um, if you want to know what type of coffee I'm having, remzo, I think you know, it's clock 'em craft coffee. Let's go ahead and take a listen to one of our new sponsors. Are you sick of bland, bitter coffee that relies on sugar and cream? Just to be drinkable, you deserve better. Most coffees are over roasted, destroying subtle flavors and leaving you with a burnt taste in your mouth. That's where clock 'em craft. Coffee is different. Their carefully crafted roasts preserve every nuance, from chocolaty notes to fruity hints, rediscover what coffee should taste like, choose clock 'em. Craft and wake up to flavor, not frustration. And by the way, Brian Nichols show listeners get 10% off your order using code B, N, S, 10 at clock 'em craft, dot coffee, link in the show notes. And now let's get back to the show. Are you sick? So bland? I love it. It repeats every single time too, because it wants you to know how good

Remso Martinez  20:22  
it's the most caffeinated ad ever. It

Brian Nichols  20:25  
just keeps going. It's the Energizer Bunny of ads. And by the way, clock and craft coffee is easily my favorite coffee. Thank you to Bill recklin, who is the proud owner and and he is bringing us all the clock and craft coffee you could possibly need. So make sure you use that special discount code links are in the show notes. But remzo, let's do a transition. We're talking about libertarian coffee. Let's talk about libertarian social media now. Twitter has become a air quote safe ish Haven over the past few years, with Elon Musk taking the reins of Twitter, but apparently, a social media site that's known and loved. Question mark, by most folks, the CEO there is now starting to say that maybe he's entered his libertarian era. Remso, talk to us about Mark Zuckerberg saying that, yeah, I'm a libertarian. Now it looks like you got some new programming. What's going on here? Reb zo

Remso Martinez  21:23  
the man's going through either an existential crisis or he knows he's going to jail it, you know, Oscar Peterson went ahead and wrote a piece about this, where he's addressing that, you know, yeah, if he's genuinely had a a turn for liberty, where he's actually going to stop being the tyrannical online overlord he's been that that would be great, but you can't just say these things. You have to act upon these things. And even then, what does it mean? It does? You know, conservatives love nothing more than a liberal actor who says one remotely non communist thing, and then they make them their heroes. Libertarians love to hear anyone say The L Word. And, you know, Austin Peterson on his wake up America show, was like, you know, I'm a libertarian. Gary Johnson's a libertarian. Pol Pot's a libertarian. Stalin's a libertarian. Like, when everyone starts kind of throwing it around, like, what does it mean? It's

Brian Nichols  22:15  
syndrome from The Incredibles, when everyone's super no one is.

Remso Martinez  22:19  
And I have a theory. I think the theory is he knows that Trump is coming back, yep, knows that Trump, in his own book, was like, I will send this man to jail. And he knows that he can't come out full swing and say he's like a conservative Republican. So the middle ground with that is, I think there's a PR stunt. I think he's going to go libertarian, because, if

Brian Nichols  22:41  
he can, by the way, let me interrupt. But part of this PR, as you say, is he literally is hiring a Republican libertarian strategy company to help figure out how to earn back the trust of Republicans, conservatives, Libertarians on the platform. Let's, let's

Remso Martinez  22:54  
go ahead and like timestamp this segment right here, Brian, because I'm going to make a prediction. September 28

Brian Nichols  22:59  
2024 11:44am,

Remso Martinez  23:02  
on the east coast, right before the election. Right before the election, reason magazine will discuss how Mark Zuckerberg libertarian turn is the best thing since Jesus Christ. And the Cato Institute will begin publishing white papers discussing why censorship is good.

Brian Nichols  23:23  
I Oh, man, I would disagree, except we saw what happened during covid. We saw what happened with Malay, like and for folks playing on the home game who aren't aware. Reason was like, I forget who they the lady was, but they posted this article of like, is Javier Malay really libertarian, or is he just another Maga extreme, and they're like, they're trying to make Javier Malay, arguably, like, the most prominent, actual, Big L libertarian that's ever been elected, ever anywhere. Okay, so reasons going after him, and then you have Cato magazine or Cato Institute supporting the idea of covid vaccine mandates in a libertarian society. It was

Remso Martinez  24:09  
really the passports. The passports was really the big thing, which is like, well, it'll be blockchain. It was really a right. It was Ilia. I had a guy who brought the independent Institute on my on my old podcast, Ilya Shapiro, I think, damn, yeah, thank you. I had a guy on my old podcast during 2020 from the independent Institute. It's the only time I ever had a guest on my show. And I actually called them a dumbass, because they were like, well, you know, there's some libertarian features to the vaccine, passports, it will be blockchain based. I'm like, what? So? Because they use a freaking app. It suddenly means that they could be like totalitarians, like, that's one of the dumbass things I've ever heard autism,

Brian Nichols  24:46  
the the embrace of the ISM as the justification for the action is what drives me crazy. But here,

Remso Martinez  24:55  
here's, here's where the line ends. So you get the libertarians, the Libertarian. Especially the DC types, are step away from the Republicans, the Republicans own Fox News. You start getting Zuckerberg doing interviews without his lawyer sitting next to him, and at that point, you know you can get him to basically take some photos and do some interviews, and he might be like a CPAC speaker and stuff like that. And then suddenly it's like, Trump, you can't go after Mark. He's so silly, you know? He's just That was then, this is now. Maybe he could be president one day, because he says he's a Republican. Now, it's a it's a gradual thing, but it's slowly, you know? It's like John Cena is actually a really smart business guy. John Cena is actually trying to do the same thing with his career that The Rock did and what Jason Momoa did, which was leave as a heel, go into kids movies to make yourself family friendly. But for that start of like the be action movie stuff that no one really likes. So you can bet yourself, yeah. So that way you can go ahead, you know, like the marine and those movies that Cena did, then you start doing like, you know, the Disney kids movie. So that way you're family friendly, and then you're a big movie star, and you're in Suicide Squad and all this other stuff and fast and furious, and you're making all the money, and now everyone wants to have you on your show. And you're not just the wrestler turned actor. Now you're the wrestler turned to actor and mogul, yep, so, and now you have something to say, and everyone wants to talk to you. You know, it's it's formulaic, and it works, and you apply that to anything, politics or not, and that's the gradual, you know, sponging of the blood of the 1000s of hundreds of 1000s, millions of people whose accounts and careers and reputations have just been destroyed. I mean, I want to see Facebook. I want to see Facebook reinstate Kyle Rittenhouse. I also want to go ahead and see Mark Zuckerberg issue Kyle an apology for keeping up all the lies about Kyle Rittenhouse and taking down his fundraisers and inadvertently, you know, keeping the lies up about him. That's just one case, maybe because I'm only 45 minutes from Kenosha. But like, you can't just say this and do some MMA. And, you know, say that Trump pumping his fist in the air after he got shot in the face, suddenly was like, most American thing ever. Austin Peterson is correct. Say what you want actually do something

Brian Nichols  27:33  
well and like, let's just to your point, look at the track record. The whole issue with Kenosha, or the Kyle Rittenhouse thing from Kenosha. I mean, how many countless Facebook pages have been nuked over the

Remso Martinez  27:46  
past? My Facebook page has about 3000 followers on there has basically been a ghost town Since 2020

Brian Nichols  27:53  
Dude, my show, my page has 46,000 followers over on Facebook since, let's see, like a year ago, six months ago or so since I it was election season, realized what it was. They have throttled. Throttled the reach I'm getting. I used to get like 11,000 likes on one random post a week. I'm lucky if I get 40 on on a specific post nowadays, and it's, it's just like, Okay, I see you saying you've entered your libertarian era there, Zuck, don't tell me, show me right. Like, like, let's, let's go the we are libertarians. Old Facebook group. They had, they had well over, like 10,000 people in that group. Newt gone being libertarian had almost a million followers. Newt gone Liberty memes. They had multiple pages over the past decade that had been nuked, that were reaching like mid six figures, close to a million views or followers, and just completely nuked. So we're seeing that there is one side of the aisle, the conversation of, yeah, we're seeing a change in Facebook. We're seeing a change in Zuck. The other side of me saying, Okay, let's wait and actually see it now, which, by the way, if all this is making you feel a little uneasy and you're like, you know what, I think, when you start planning ahead for the future, definitely check out one of our new sponsors here on the Brian Nichols show, policy engineer. Let's go ahead and take a listen. Hey everyone. Let's talk about the elephant in everybody's room, insurance. Does all that insurance jargon make your head spin? If so, you're not alone. It's tough to make smart decisions about your family's protection when it all sounds like gobbledygook. Well, I recently discovered a company that's changing the insurance game, and that company is called policy engineer, these folks are on a mission to make insurance understandable for everyone. They offer free, educational webinars, personalized consultations and easy to digest resources to help you become an insurance Pro. Here's their approach. They explain you decide. Right? They'll walk you through your options, answer all of your questions and empower you to make confident choices about your family's future, because when you understand your coverage, you can rest easy knowing you made the right decision all along. Ready to take control of your insurance? Head over to and start your journey to becoming an informed, empowered policy holder. And of course, don't forget to tell them. The Brian Nichols show sent you policy engineer redefining insurance one member at a time. And now let's get back to the show. So remzo, I have a question I'm gonna ask, and that is this. Zuckerberg, has entered his libertarian era. You're seeing folks like The Rock go on Patrick bet David's podcast, PBD, I would say is maybe more of a small l libertarian. You see Darryl Cooper. He's making the rounds right now because he's daring to question the official narratives from our history textbooks, specifically about World War Two, which has definitely got him in the the crosshairs of the traditional establishment. And I would say he is leading with an approach that many libertarians lead with, which is we should question the status quo that we've been presented throughout our entire our lives. So my question is this, remzo, back in 2015 I think it was Time Magazine ran an article about Rand Paul, saying we have entered the libertarian moment. And that was obviously not true, because Rand Paul's campaign crashed and burned the moment that Donald Trump made fun of his hair on the debate stage that first debate in 2015 but let me ask you this remzo 2024 is it the libertarian era? Have we officially entered an era where it's not one person leading with a movement, but now we're seeing different areas across the board, social media influencers, noted celebrities, tech bros, all a sudden starting to echo the same tune. What's going on here, bud?

Remso Martinez  32:03  
It's not about the people who run freely and don't have to worry about catching Flack. It's about the people that lay down on the barbed wire and allow others to go ahead and run across their backs, the people who don't get to see that sunshiny tomorrow, those people that don't get to just enjoy the benefits of the achievement of others. It's the era of Elon Musk, and if it weren't for musk, we wouldn't be having these conversations. If it weren't for musk, we wouldn't know that they're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs. They're eating the pets in Springfield, it's because of Elon Musk. And I don't believe Twitter, and this is me as a marketer, as as a professional, I genuinely do not believe that within Elon Musk's lifetime, that x will ever generate a profit. I don't believe it will. Now there's an argument, well, Musk doesn't run most his companies out of profit. That's actually by design, that's by design. But do I believe that x will ever be capable of doing so? And I don't believe it will, because the platform, unless it goes through some drastic changes, will not be able to be as significant as a lead generator for sales, as Instagram, as Tiktok, even Facebook, to a degree X, even it's Twitter. Days was not great at that, and I don't believe that enough has changed to necessarily make X that beneficial. However, he didn't do it to make money, and that's a weird thing to say. As a capitalist. He did it because he knew that Twitter was important. He knew that Twitter was the global town square, and he went ahead and put his money and his reputation. I got something in my nose. I'm so horrible today. Sorry. He he put his he put his reputation. I don't want to be remembered for that one thing. It's fall here in in Milwaukee, you know, he, he was a Democrat darling for years. He considered himself pretty progressive. I mean, his one was an Iron Man, yeah?

Brian Nichols  34:12  
I mean, he was, he was the the tech bro, who was like, Oh, he's our tech bro,

Remso Martinez  34:18  
yeah, Libertarians and Republicans used to go after him, because he was like a utopian and, you know, he he was pushing the whole electric cars thing, and he was taking, you know, massive, you know, grants and loans and, you know, subsidies from the government for stuff like that. So they hated him. And then it flipped overnight, and then suddenly they're trying to get must canceled. I mean, if anything, I would say that, not just right now, but I would say just in general. Musk, I would put him over. Javier Malay, here's why. Because if you cannot speak, if you cannot be heard, if you cannot communicate, if you cannot debate, if you cannot get your idea. Is out there. It doesn't matter. I would say that Musk is not just the most and I'm not a call him a libertarian. I don't know if he's ever even called himself that, but I was just say, just by actions, Trump is the most important libertarian. Trump, you mean musk? Musk, yeah, Musk, right.

Brian Nichols  35:19  
It's okay. You're gonna get a lot of, a lot of fun, fun, fun mail.

Remso Martinez  35:23  
Musk is the most important libertarian in world history.

Brian Nichols  35:34  
We're gonna leave that one right there.

Remso Martinez  35:36  
I I've just got, I've got no I've got no other comparison, he just is

Brian Nichols  35:43  
Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller, all those noted libertarian icons, right? Sure, by the way, I think, I think you're on the right path here, because you look at like Jack Dorsey. When Twitter first came to the the mainstream, Dorsey was very much kind of, like in this libertarian mindset, and then, just like, absorbed by the woke mind virus and Twitter turned into a leftist cesspool the folks that Jack Dorsey empowered, and he very much, like, just pans up, I'm out. I don't want to be part of the the infrastructure, because I, you know, I'm now becoming part of the narrative in Jack Dorsey, so he removed himself. But like, to your point, and this kind of goes to where I think Zuckerberg is right now, and you're spot on right. Like looking at Elon Musk setting the the standard, really, he's he's the one laying down to allow folks to walk across, right? He is saying it's okay to stand up and believe what you believe, even if it's not the popular thing and and by the way, I apologize, folks, I'm struggling with the post covid Insanity right now. In my voice, I know I sound so nasally and fun, but no seriously, look at Elon Musk. He has really helped pave this path. So if you do have values, if you do believe something, don't be afraid to speak it. And now we're seeing a complete reversion from the old dei ESG approach to big government in the corporations. Now we're starting to see folks starting to say no Robbie stardo shining the light on all these different organizations like John Deere or Tractor Supply or Toyota, and you watch as soon as he opens the door and shines the light on all the just the progressive, leftist gobbledygook that's been taking place behind the scenes at these very large corporations, many time being pushed through the back channels of ESG governance. People are tired of it, right? And it's everywhere in these companies. So now we're at, we're at this, this collision point. You have the the woke progressive leftists in these, these corporations, who are either going to have to face the reality that these ideas aren't as appealing as we tried to promote them to be. And let's be real, they were being promoted through the strong arm of government in many cases. So all of a sudden the writing is on the wall. Reality is slapping him in the face. So I think we're at a point where we might see a very real fundamental shift. I mean, Jamie Dimon, head of Chase, saying, Hey, I might consider voting for Trump, because we're not getting real answers from Kamala Harris on what her real economic policies are. And by the way, we acknowledge that if we are going on what we think she's going to do based on what she said in the past, not only are those not good economic policies, they're very unpopular and they're destructive. So the business world's going to start to step up. I believe we're going to see more and more folks, just in the traditional sense, take a step back away from all the insanity. The left is gobbledygook. And I think we're seeing a reversion to the mean remso, right? We talk about the pendulum swinging back and forth. I think we're having a steady swing back to the right, right now, the 2020, era, the covid era, that was a very big swing to the left and to government power. So I know we're hard pressed for time here. Remzo, what does the next? Well, a couple months here month, as we're going towards the tail end of the election, ship, October is next week. What do you see taking place? The rest of 2024 and where is 2025 begin?

Remso Martinez  39:17  
Imam ama makes some imamic Four hard predictions. Do it Okay? One, there is no October surprise against Donald Trump. I do not believe that this go around. They're even capable of pulling an October surprise on him. I do believe that there is an October surprise moment for Kamala Harris, I think this comes in the form of Joe Biden. I think something about Biden being basically incapable of making decisions falls on some stories, whether it's about the border, whether it's about, you know, Ukraine or Israel or something. I think something happens where somebody says, yeah. Joe didn't have anything to do with this. Kamala decided this, and they go ahead and it's a staffer that goes ahead and throws this out, much like how you had a CNN staffer say that Kamala got the the questions to the last debate in advance. I think something happened so bad, and I don't think it's going to be because Republicans found it. I think it's going because a Democrat leaked it. I think Joe Biden will be the final reason why Kamala Harris does not become president third. I predict that Trump will win every battleground state, sadly, except Wisconsin, but he will easily be passed 300 electoral votes. I believe he takes Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia. I believe he takes Michigan. I believe he takes Michigan. I believe he takes Arizona and Nevada. I believe and this is my fourth my fourth claim. I believe that it will take several weeks, but we will know. We will know, basically on election night who the president is but they will say it will take several weeks. And I believe, and this is my fourth prediction, that Democrats will say that the 2024, election was rigged. I believe they will say that. I believe they will attempt to audit and Sue and do everything they can, all the

Brian Nichols  41:23  
things that they were freaking out about the Trump administration doing back in 2020 Yeah,

Remso Martinez  41:28  
I believe that they will do what the Clinton administration did on their way out in 2020 I believe that as they're moving out on probably the day before the inauguration, that you know, they'll take the furniture, they'll take the w's off the keyboards, they'll trash it. I mean, when, I mean when the Obamas left, Melania Trump held, you know, she basically held, like an exorcism of the White House, like it was pretty funny with a priest. So I believe that, you know, my fourth thing is that, you know, they will contest the election. They will, because they did that in 2016 they tried to do that. They try and do that literally all the time, like they literally tried to do that in 2020 we I'm sorry, not in 2020 they tried to do that in 2000 I would say that the decertification efforts, it went all the way to the Supreme Court, sure did the 2000 election, I'm sorry, forget all the January 6 bullshit stuff, the 2000 election, we literally did not know who the President was, and it came down to a few 100 votes in the one county in Florida to flip the entire state. 2000 was way worse than 2020 so I believe that they will then make this the narrative, because there are no other narratives. So after this, especially because they know that this is Trump's last dance, they will run for four years of Republicans are the biggest threat, because Republicans stole the 2024 election. And there's

Brian Nichols  42:59  
the narrative going forward into 2026 2028 it will be the it will be that the flag by which the left will rally around. Oh, yeah, no, man, I can see that 1,000% and to your point one, look no further than a short, what, nine years ago during the Trump administration, and 2016 or eight years ago, I guess, at this point in the Trump administration, day one, Russia collusion. Russia collusion. Russia collusion. We heard it all the time. Did that ever get found out? Oh, it turns out was all a bunch of bullshit. Okay, yep, and that's where we're gonna be 1,000% remzo, and we can't let him get away with it. I think we're at a point. I hope we're at a point where we have enough independent media who can hold more and more of these folks to account, or at the very least, we can start to shine light on the gas lighting. So we just can't have these one size fits all narratives being pushed down through the traditional corporate media. That's where we come in. That's where if America comes in. And folks, if you've enjoyed today's amp America Week in Review. Do us a favor. Please go ahead. Give us some love. Give the show a, subscribe. Give amp America a subscribe. Give us your email address. You'll have amp America in your inbox with all the news that's been happening throughout the week that you need to know without that corporate media bias or fluff. And of course, yes, we do go live. I think we're gonna start doing this remzo on Saturdays. We usually get pretty good traction. Here. We've had quite a few folks going in and out of the live stream. So thank you, folks for joining us today. And of course, please go ahead and as you're going out and talking to folks in the world, ask questions. Make people start to look at things in a different way. Help break the programming and start to point to folks like Mark Zuckerberg be like, Yeah, even Mark Zuckerberg is like, a lot of this stuff is insane, like, start to meet them where they're at, on the issues they care about, in the way that they actually can communicate. So I'm going to go ahead and put a pin in conversation today, because nobody else wants to hear me and my nasally voice recovering from covid anymore. With that being said, please go ahead and support the amazing folks who support the show. Here at the Brian Nichols show and amp America, like policy engineer, clock coffee, plus our awesome sponsors, the expat money Summit, which, by the way, rems, I'm going to have our good buddy Mark Claire on the show here next week. We're going to learn all about the expat money summit in very specific detail. I didn't play their ad today. I wanted to just give a quick shout out for that upcoming episode, because it is. It's a very weird time right now in America, in our world. So if you're sitting and you're like, I don't know if America is the place for me, I want to look at other options. The expat money summits coming up here next weekend. It's going to be a great, free, virtual Summit, some amazing speakers, folks you know and love, like Dr Ron Paul, Doug, Casey, Scott Horton and more so again. Mark Claire, he'll be on the show next week. We'll go ahead and promote that otherwise. Remso, any final words and we wrap things up today.

Remso Martinez  45:51  
Register to vote. I only I have a feeling that I might not be able to actually be here in my precinct on election day. So what I did was I went down to City Hall, I went to the clerk's office, I registered, getting absentee ballot. I got my absentee ballot in the mail within a week, and I went ahead and voted. For the first time in my life I voted straight ticket Republican. Wow, wow. And I mean that I've never voted straight ticket Republican, any party in my entire life, there's a first election where I voted straight ticket Republican, because the stakes are that high.

Brian Nichols  46:31  
How hard was it not to vote for Chase Oliver?

Remso Martinez  46:36  
I saw RFK still on the ballot here, so I was just like, No Trump. I can hear, I can hear RFK in the background. No, no. Maha vote for Trump. Vance,

Brian Nichols  46:49  
okay, Bobby, Olivia knows he's in the background saying yes, yes, no, I

Remso Martinez  46:55  
vote. I voted. I mean, I'll straight up say, like in my district, I voted for Donald Trump. JD Vance for president, vice president. I voted for the mustache King, Eric hovdi for us. Senate. I voted for Scott Fitzgerald for for Congress, as my congressman. And I voted GOP for all the, you know, county court and clerk positions and everything, just, I don't even, I don't even need to know anything at this point. I've seen two parallel Americas. I want this one. I choose this one. You

Brian Nichols  47:29  
can find remso at Go. Remso on Instagram. Hey, remzo on Facebook and on Twitter, buddy. It's always a pleasure having you on the show. I love our weekly reviews here. So folks, if you love the weekly reviews as well, make sure you give us some love. Hit that subscribe button. We go live on Facebook and on Twitter. You can find the show on ya tub. What was that? I'm okay. I didn't have a stroke. YouTube and rumble. I tried to say both at the same time, and both turn into yatob. So don't worry about me. I'm okay. I'm definitely gonna have a stroke on a hair, a mini stroke, just a mini one. YouTube, Rumble, Twitter, Facebook and go ahead, watch the show. Listen to the show on your favorite podcasting platforms, Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube, music, wherever it may be. That's all we have for you. Brian Nichols, signing off for remzo W Martinez, he's our marketer on the run, and we'll see you next week. You

Transcribed by

Remso W. Martinez

Digital marketer

Digital marketing expert and podcaster.