Sept. 20, 2024

902: How to Talk Politics Without Sounding Like a Nerd

Libertarians must shift from selling features to solving problems, ditching the "autistic approach" for emotional connections, to effectively communicate their ideas and win hearts and minds.

Are you tired of struggling to communicate libertarian ideas effectively? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to resist even the most logical arguments for liberty? In this Brian's Briefing episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols reveals the crucial mistakes that libertarians make when trying to sell their ideas and offers invaluable insights on how to connect with your average person.



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Nichols begins by dissecting a fascinating video clip featuring a salesman attempting to sell Grant Cardone a glass of water. Through this example, he exposes the common pitfall of focusing solely on features and benefits rather than addressing the underlying problems that people face. Nichols argues that libertarians often fall into this trap, losing their audience before they even have a chance to make their case.


The episode takes an intriguing turn as Nichols introduces a clip from comedian Theo Von, which highlights another critical issue in libertarian communication: the "autistic" approach. Nichols candidly discusses how this hyper-focused, logic-driven style of presentation can alienate potential supporters and hinder the movement's growth. He emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience and tailoring your message to resonate with their emotional needs.


Drawing from his extensive sales experience, Nichols offers practical advice on how libertarians can improve their communication skills. He stresses the importance of asking questions, uncovering problems, and presenting libertarian solutions as valuable outcomes rather than abstract ideas. Nichols challenges listeners to rethink their approach and focus on selling solutions instead of merely promoting ideology.


This episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about advancing liberty and freedom. Whether you're a seasoned libertarian activist or new to the philosophy, Nichols' insights will transform the way you communicate your ideas. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to effectively sell liberty in a world that desperately needs it. Tune in now and discover the secrets to becoming a persuasive advocate for freedom!



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Brian Nichols  0:00  
Welcome to Brian's briefing part of the Brian Nichols show. I'm Brian Nichols, and in these focused episodes, I dive into key issues, ideas and principles that shape our world. No frills, no fluff, just straight talk on matters that count. Now let's get started. Hey, what's up, folks? Brian Nichols here for another Brian's briefing today, we're going to talk about two video clips I recently saw, and specifically how they can help teach libertarians how to better sell our ideas, but also how to communicate with your average person. Because elephant in the room. We do a really bad job at that. So let's go ahead, jump right in first. I'm going to go ahead and show you a video. It features a gentleman trying to sell Grant Cardone a glass of water. There's a lot we can learn. Let's take a listen.

Speaker 1  0:57  
Good morning, sir. How are you good? I'm here on behalf of Bev water distributors right here in Miami, and what I would like to interest you in one of the new water brands that we have to offer for for, say, retail or personal use at home. Would you be interested? I'm good on water. Let me tell you about the benefits of the water. Not only is it very good tasting, but at the same time, it has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and there's a lot of benefits to it. If you look here, I can show you it has, it's high on minerals, vitamins, and which is very, very beneficial for your health. How do you think you did not good, horrible. Honestly,

Brian Nichols  1:42  
you do not have whatever it takes. Are you tired of paying a fortune for below average coffee? If so, you're not alone. Big brands charge premium prices for quote, unquote, organic labels. But where's the flavor? It's time to stop settling for overpriced disappointment, introducing clock 'em craft coffee, born from a road trip epiphany and perfected through hundreds of roasts, enjoy top quality, organic coffee without breaking the bank. Clock 'em craft coffee, real flavor, real value, roasted with real passion, and as an exclusive offer for Brian Nichols show listeners get 10% off with code BNS, 10 clock 'em, craft, dot, coffee, link in the show notes, and now let's get back to the show. So what did this guy do? He just starts going towards the features, the benefits. And this is exactly what libertarians do, and this is where we lose, when you just start going after the the idea, right? If you're trying to just sell the idea from the onset, non Aggression Principle, your your don't hurt people, don't take their stuff. Don't get me wrong, that's a great idea, and it's something I still believe in and I support, but it itself is not it is not selling an outcome, and this is where libertarians lose again. We have to get better at selling outcomes. If you don't sell an outcome, then you're just selling the features and benefits. And that's exactly what this guy does here on this guy starts going out, and what does he say? He says, the water has great minerals. It's good for your health. He didn't ask a question, right? Like, if maybe start with, I don't know, hey, Grant, Are you thirsty? Right? Do you want a drink of water? Would you like a drink to help quench your thirst? He didn't ask anything. He just started going in and show it. It's show up and throw up. Show up and throw up. I can say that and that right there. That is where libertarians, across the board, we have to get better at that, because when we just show up and throw up based on features and benefits, we're not actually addressing the actual like problems that people have. And here's the best part across the board, is that when we look at the problems that people have, we predominantly have the right solutions, so let's promote those solutions. I don't know. Doesn't that make sense? Let's, let's actually go ahead and promote the solutions. But you don't know which solution to promote until you know what problem it is that your your prospect. In this case, the person you're talking to who you're trying to either convince that they should be a libertarian, trying to get into a vote for a libertarian, whatever it may be. Like that, right there is where we have so much of an issue like we just have to be able to understand that people do not buy the feature and benefit the feature and benefit the thing you use to help make this sale. All, but it in itself, is not the sale the cell, the cell is, is you're, you're helping solve a problem that somebody has. And what happens is when we just start focusing on, and I call this when I teach my sales teams, it's shiny object syndrome. So when you're just like, ooh, ooh, the the principle, ooh, ooh, ooh, the ISM, which, by the way, I think we've all been, we've all been guilty of, I know I have. I've definitely been guilty of this. Like you. You are intoxicated by this idea, and this idea is libertarianism. And what we end up doing is we take this idea and we we get so we get so in love with it that we sell just the idea. And again, going back to what I started with, you don't sell the idea. You sell the solution to a problem. And the idea is, is where your solution is rooted. It's not though, the idea itself that you're selling and your ideas. Again, I said this on a Brian's briefing previously. If your ideas lead to negative outcomes, negative solutions, then you need to reconsider the idea. And if you're just stuck on selling ideas, and people see your idea and it's just the idea rooted in something that's a negative outcome, a negative solution. They're going to discredit the idea and subsequent solutions you'll bring to the table down the road. And also, what happens when we just start talking about the texts and the specs, right? And I know there's a lot of libertarians that this is just, this is who we are at our core. This goes to another clip that I saw and I wanted to address here. This is from Theo von. Let's take a listen. Are you concerned about preserving your liberty and wealth in these uncertain times, then you don't want to miss this year's expat money summit taking place online from October 7 through the 11th, hosted by expat consultant Mikhail forup. This summit brings together over 40 experts to share their insights on international diversification. You're going to discover how to quickly acquire a second passport, diversify your finances offshore, invest in international real estate and get an in depth geopolitical analysis from thought leaders like Dr Ron Paul and Doug Casey. Tickets are completely free. Just head to to reserve yours today, take control of your future at the expat money Summit. That's And now back to the show.

Unknown Speaker  7:44  
Commentatory, I'm Francis Foster,

Unknown Speaker  7:46  
I'm Constantin kiss, and

Speaker 2  7:47  
this is a show for you if you want honest conversations with fascinating

Speaker 3  7:52  
people. Our brilliant guest today is already taking the piss out of us. It's the amazing American comedian Theo Vaughn. Welcome to trigonometry. You

Speaker 4  7:59  
guys have we call it autism. I don't know what you guys call it, bro, but we got it over here. So like,

Brian Nichols  8:10  
we got it we got it over here. And this is not to poke fun at libertarians so much as it is to we have to address our flaws. And I'll give you a real life example. I've worked with a company. I'll keep that company's name out for this conversation, because they're, they're a great company, but they are, definitely, are a third tier company, we'll say, relative to their competition. And I've been working with them, and we, we have to acknowledge where they they they lose, right? And with that, understand that we have to address that elephant first and make sure it's not part of our, our our strategy in trying to secure new business, don't go towards areas that you are you're losing. So we libertarians, let's first address where we've been losing, and that is leading with this mentality. And again, I apologize for folks who might take offense at the use of the term autistic, but that is in this conversation, the term we're going to use, because it does come through when we have people who present as Theo von the autism right? That we have here in America as our torch bearers, it comes through to the average person that we are so fixated on the idea that we cannot get past the idea if it's not working, or if we're not resonating with your average person, right? We think that the idea alone being as good as it is, as true as it is, as as great as we feel from the idea that that alone should convince somebody to to buy our idea. And this is why I've told libertarians many a times, stop, stop throwing books at people. Throwing books at. People does nothing. It does nothing. It just, just pisses people off. Because, first of all, people's gonna say, I'm not gonna read this book, and, second of all, I don't have the time. Third, what, what am I reading the book for? What is this book solving for me? And we call it with him, or it's your favorite, everybody's favorite radio station, W, i, f, f m, what's in it from or W, i, i, f m, there we go. I can get it right. What's in it for me, you're with him. Statement, and this right here, is what we have to get better at answering. The idea is not a value prop. The idea is not something that gets people excited. The idea is something that we use after the fact to justify and rationalize our solution, right? It's, it's the thing that the person after they make the emotional buy that they're using the facts, the figures, the logic, the reason to justify and rationalize afterwards when they're trying to make sure that that emotional trigger that ended up saying, Yep, okay, we're gonna buy today, that that's that's justified. So Theo von hits the nail on the head. When you have people who talk and present like nerds or like the autisms, it doesn't play well. And we have to acknowledge that we have, for many years had that type of profile be our torch bearers. That's again, and that is not to say that there is anything wrong with those types of people. I know I definitely have the autisms about certain topics, specifically sales. I love the like, the actual like, science behind it, but like, we can't have that be the torchbearer. The torchbearer has to be, yes, a messenger, but a messenger to selling the specific outcome of value, right? You, you, I, we need to be better at putting people in positions to be the torch bearer who know how to communicate the ideas from a solutions standpoint and and make it about the voter, the customer, because that's who the voter is. The voter is a customer. So that's my Brian's briefing. Briefing, Brian's briefing, Brian's briefing, we're good. I can say that three times fast we made it work. That's gonna be my Brian's briefing for today. I did not have any emails that we're gonna go over today for listener emails. We did not have any challenge of the weeks this week. This is a little bit more of an informal Brian's briefing. And namely, because I've we're in election season, I've been seeing this a lot in the libertarian world right now, of and again, Theo von autistic approach to selling Liberty, we will lose, and we will continue to lose, as we have been losing, if we if we continue this approach, we have To lead with value. We have to sell based on solutions, not features and benefits, and those solutions are based on the problems that we uncover. I feel like I'm Kamala Harris. You can't see down here. I'm talking with my hands. I'm not Italian either, but the value that we uncover of our solution relative to the problem we're solving, and that problem that we're solving is uncovered based on the questions we ask. So there are multiple pieces here that we have to get better at, and when we're talking about how we can not just only get better at asking questions, but specifically to not sound autistic in the questions we ask. It comes to understanding your lane, if you're if you're the tech inspect dude, and that's your thing. You love the idea. And I'm sorry I can't sell beyond the idea. I just I love the idea so much. That's fine. Just when we bring people the sales people, bring people to you. Don't scare them away. Help them now understand why they're buying the solution, right? When they have questions, you're the one that we're going to ask to help answer those questions. And if they they're a little apprehensive at first, don't push them away. Help them understand. Help them. Help them. This is where you can say, hey, we'll check this out. Check this book out, because they've already made the purchase, right? They've made the emotional buy. And understand that if you're if you're not someone who can help somebody make an emotional buy, that's okay, because there's other value that you can bring to the table. You can bring the autism with value for the movement, and that is to help. When we bring people to you, to help them understand, don't scare them away. So with that, that's gonna be my Brian's briefing. All of our sponsors here in the show, please go ahead. Give them some love. Cardio miracle, our expat money, Summit, clock 'em, craft coffee and yeah, we have some new sponsors coming down here in the next quarter, so be on the lookout there with that being said. Brian Nichols, signing off for our. Brian's briefing. We'll see you later. Thanks for listening to the Brian Nichols show. Find more episodes at Brian Nichols

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