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Sept. 9, 2024

898: NSA Whistleblower on Israel-US Relations | Hidden Rooms & Shocking Secrets

A former US intelligence operative exposes alleged American betrayals of Israel, from withholding critical intel before the 1973 Yom Kippur War to possible repetition in the 2023 Hamas attack, challenging the foundations of US-Israel relations and raising alarming questions about ongoing deception in international intelligence.

Was the US intelligence community complicit in one of the deadliest attacks on Israel in recent history? In this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the shadowy world of international espionage and alleged betrayal. Bruce Brill, author of "Deceit of an Ally," shares his firsthand experience as a former US intelligence operative and drops bombshell revelations about American involvement in critical moments of Israeli history. Could the same deception that nearly cost Israel everything in 1973 have played a role in the devastating October 7, 2023 attack?



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Bruce Brill takes us behind the scenes of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, revealing how he, as a low-ranking American soldier, knew about the impending attack days in advance while Israeli intelligence remained in the dark. He exposes the existence of secret "Jew rooms" within the NSA, where information detrimental to Israel was allegedly hidden from Jewish personnel. But the story doesn't end there - Brill suggests that similar tactics may have been at play in the recent Hamas attack, raising alarming questions about the true nature of US-Israel relations.


The conversation takes a startling turn as Brian and Bruce discuss the potential involvement of Mossad in high-profile American scandals. From Sean "Diddy" Combs to Jeffrey Epstein, they explore the murky waters of international intelligence operations on US soil. Could these sensational stories be just the tip of the iceberg in a much larger game of global espionage?


Brill's book, "Deceit of an Ally," comes with a unique distinction - it's been reviewed and approved by the Pentagon itself. This official scrutiny lends credibility to his claims while simultaneously raising questions about what information was deemed too sensitive for public consumption. The redacted sections of his book serve as tantalizing hints at even deeper secrets lurking beneath the surface.


Don't miss this riveting episode that challenges everything you thought you knew about US-Israel relations and the hidden forces shaping world events. From the Yom Kippur War to modern-day conflicts, Bruce Brill's insider perspective offers a rare glimpse into the complex and often troubling world of international intelligence. Subscribe now and prepare to have your assumptions shattered!



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Brian Nichols  0:02  
All right. And with that joining me here on The Brian Nichols Show really excited for today's guests. He's joining us all the way from Israel, which is a little bit further away than where I am in continental United States right in the dead center in Indiana. But you know what? The advent of modern technology? I'll take it Bruce brill, welcome here to The Brian Nichols Show. How are you?

Bruce Brill  0:24  
I'm not bad. You know, here in Israel, we're on the edge of our chairs, because we're expecting an attack from Hizbollah from Iran. And so everyone is a little bit nervous, but at the same time, somehow confident that we will come out of this healthy and happy. It's

Brian Nichols  0:51  
so I hate to use the word fascinating, Bruce, it is just the discrepancy of where we are in America versus the average everyday citizen anywhere in the Middle East. And let's laser focus in Israel today. I mean, we America, the the worst thing that people have to really worry about is like, well, I get stuck at the red light for more than two cycles through the red light today? Or will I be able to hit all greens on the way home? Versus will we get attacked by terrorist groups outside of our country inside of our country just lobbing rockets, it's a little bit of a discrepancy relative to what you've experienced, and what a lot of folks Middle East, this is just every average day to them. So before we dig into the meat and potatoes of today's conversation, which we're going to talk about your book, Bruce, I just I think it's important for folks to get an understanding right now, boots on the ground, what life is like in Israel, I just talked to a gentleman named Jasper Mocenigo. He lives down in Kenya, we're talking about fossil fuels in Africa, and the context of his life and his family's life relative to the just stop oil protesters who are trying to destroy priceless works of art, like he and his family are literally going out from eight in the morning until 678 At night, just like thrashing wheat and stuff like that. So the context again, is just so night and day, do us a favor and just set the stage right now. Middle East, Israel, and specific what what is a day in the life look like right now?

Speaker 1  2:25  
Okay, first, I think I'd like to just say something to your listeners, about the United States of America. I think Americans don't appreciate what they have. And I think just as when I was growing up in America, there was a draft because it was during the Vietnam War. And many of us were required to spend time in the military. I think it should be incumbent on each and every American citizen to spend a couple of few months abroad so that they can appreciate what they have at home.

Brian Nichols  3:09  
Agreed. Agreed. Let's dig into that. So what we have at home versus folks who are American, right, the rest of the world, what does that difference look like? Bruce, you've seen both you lived here in America. I'm sure you still have family in America. And now you find yourself living in Israel. So what what does that difference look like in your lens? Right.

Speaker 1  3:30  
And I'm not just speaking of the material difference, where the standard of living is higher in America than elsewhere. I'm talking about the freedom that most Americans take for granted that you don't see in other countries. And my experience here in Israel accentuates that. Because Israel is a democracy, and we pride ourselves in freedom. But it's not the same freedom that you have in America. I'm sorry to say that I'd like to see American style freedom here as well. Sounds like a knocking my adopted country. I'm not. But there's nothing like America. That's all I'm saying. Oh, by the way, Bruce,

Brian Nichols  4:26  
just what are some of those freedoms that you wish Israel had that America does have?

Speaker 1  4:32  
Well, it's something that's very hard to define. But if you live in America, and then you live abroad, you sense it because there are things that are somehow hard to categorize, and measure. There's no barometer there's no freedom barometer, but you feel it You know that in America, there's much more freedom where the government is not out to get you. Whereas in other places, you have to be on your best behavior, not to get in trouble with the powers that be. Now, having said that, again, Israel, by comparison to her neighbors here in the Middle East, is extremely free, by comparison to the governments that around us. If you look at Lebanon, that is ruled basically by a terrorist organization, Hezbollah, and Jordan, which is ruled by a monarchy of a family, that's not indigenous to the area. They're from her jazz, the Hashemites. And if you look at other entities, I have friends that are Palestinian Arabs, that voted for Hamas in the last election that was, I believe, close to two decades of go speaking of democracy. And they voted for Hamas, because they saw the corruption of the Palestinian Authority. That's why they voted for from us, not because they were necessarily supportive of the terrorist organization. And talk about the Hamas in Gaza. The poor Arabs that are living there, under the thumb of Hamas are living under anything but a free society. So that's what we see around us here in Israel. So you might ask yourself, so why did I adopt Israel? That's

Brian Nichols  6:57  
a great question. It's like something that the interviewer would ask Bruce, yeah, hit us with that. So

Speaker 1  7:02  
I'm 45 years ago, and the reason that I gave up America to come to live? Well, actually, I didn't give up America. But I did choose to live in Israel. The answer is given in the book that I wrote, because I was an American soldier during the early 1970s. This is the Hebrew version of my book, by the way. And it depicts the first day of the Yom Kippur War. You see Sadat here. And you see troops crossing the Suez Canal, and you see wounded Israeli soldiers on the first days of the war, because I that's a new improved version of me with headphones on monitoring what was going on on the first days of the war, because I could just both Arabic and Hebrew, and I was looking down on what was going on on the battle front, as if I were in heaven, looking down on it, and what I discovered on the first days of the war, was that the intelligence that we had in the US Army, US intelligence, was somehow not delivered to the Israeli soldiers on the front line. And this is something that bothered me from the first day of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Because we, in US intelligence, we knew days in advance we knew definitively, and we knew on what day the Egyptians and Syrians were going to invade Israel. We knew all this. And the Israelis somehow didn't get the intelligence that we should have delivered to them because the Israelis are America's ally. So something already on the first day of the war, when I realized this, something smelled. And I, it troubled me for decades. And about a half a dozen years ago. I met with the head of Israeli military intelligence back then. And I'm sitting across the kitchen table from general Ellie's euro and he confides in me that he got an intelligence assessment from his American car colleagues that Syria and Egypt are you sitting down Brian trying to Egypt, we're not going to attack on or before October 6. This is 1973. And I said, You're in general, you're the head of Israeli military intelligence, celebrated intelligence services. You're sitting across the table, from someone who is simply an enlisted man. My rank was a specialist, fourth class. That's hardly a buck sergeant. And I knew that the Arabs were going to attack Israel. I knew days in advance. I knew it for certainty. And I knew it was going to happen on October 6, and you didn't? Because you relied on an American intelligence assessment. That was a false assessment. That's why I came to Israel.

Brian Nichols  11:09  
So let's, let's break that down, Bruce, because I'm not saying there's a contradiction here. I rather I want to maybe hear more of the context, because you mentioned, you look at America, and you wish that we had all the freedoms that we have here in America, over in other countries. But to your point, you're right, it sounds like America likes to say one thing, and then on the other side, do another so they promote the idea of increasing freedoms at home, but then, you know, maybe we'll do some not so free things or not. So ethical things on a global stage. So okay, where do you think that discrepancy comes from?

Speaker 1  11:46  
Brian, you first have to define what you mean by America. The America that I know and love, and the America that I believe you know, and love is not the same America have hidden rooms that existed and may still exist within the National Security Agency NSA, in Fort Meade, Maryland. These are rooms that are secret within the agency that are taxpayer funded. And that work against America's ally, Israel. So that's the corrupt America, it's actually more a cancer inside America, to you, America that we love. And Bruce,

Brian Nichols  12:40  
really quick just to that, and this is where I think there it's so fascinating, because in our political discourse right now, you hear literally the exact opposite from a lot of folks where they will say, America is nothing more than the lapdog for Israel. And to your statement today, you're saying actually, it's it's more or less the opposite. America is actually working against Israel behind the scenes, so help square that round peg into that square hole. For the folks who they're saying, no, no, America is the lapdog for Israel. Okay.

Bruce Brill  13:13  
Again, I have to confront you. You say America is where America isn't. There are elements within America, that work against Israel. And these elements happen to be had been, I don't know if they still exist. But I do know that they existed 50 years ago, and 40 years ago, and 30 years ago, and probably 20 years ago, whether they exist there today or not. I don't know. It seems like they do. Because what I learned 50 years ago, was that these rules do exist. And the title of my book, deceit of an ally. It sounds somehow unAmerican. But it's not because the deceit was caused by these secretive rooms that work against stated American policy. What could be more unAmerican, then a cabal within the intelligence agency that works against publicly stated American policy to be an ally and supportive of Israel. And they worked against Israel and Israel almost lost that war. They lost the first couple of weeks of that war because they were caught with their pants down. Because these groups the secretive groups arranged for the generals that Elysee Iraq was in touch with the American generals, to give general Elissa era a false intelligence assessment that the Arabs are not going to attack. So it's not America that did that. It's these an American, maybe even anti American cells within the intelligence community that performed these dirty acts. And so you can't say it's America who did it. But it's cancerous element within the American intelligence community. So

Brian Nichols  15:43  
Senator structure there, Bruce, because I mean, everything in life has incentives. Right. So what would be the incentive structures in that in that regards to the let's go your verbiage here, the anti American folks in these intelligence agencies? Where where's that incentive coming from? Is it from enemies America had like at the time the Soviet Union, is it something with our, you know, the Arab countries that were in the Middle East competing against Israel with our entangling alliances, they are something they're in? Well, I

Speaker 1  16:11  
know, I know that one of the intelligence advisors of President Biden happens to be a Muslim Arab. So he's, he's on top, I would assume that if what John Loftus who wrote the book, the secret war against the Jews, which I highly recommend, he interviewed people who belonged to what was defined as the Jew room within NSA. And he said, it's a total misnomer, because it's not one room singular. It's rooms plural. And Jews are not only not allowed admittance to these rooms, but they're not even supposed to know that they exist. And they work against Israel. And according to John Loftus, they also work against American citizens who happen to be Jewish. I recommend his book, because I discovered that there were rooms that were off limits to me, because I was a Jew. How did I find that out? I found it out because the head of one of the major departments of GE six, got drunk at a social event. And he confided in me, because as the alcohol goes in, the truth goes out. He's a good person, I knew him personally. I believe His conscience was bothering him. And he told me there are rooms in NSA that I can't get into, because I'm a Jew. So that's how I discovered them. It was thanks to alcohol. But I wasn't supposed to know about them. So again, it's not America. It's this cancer within the intelligence community, that I am assured by my congressman, who happens to be a right wing congressman, my ex congressman, because I I changed my residence recently from California's first congressional district, to Florida's 11th congressional district. But he assured me that he checked out that the Jew room no longer exists. So I asked him, that must have quelled your

Brian Nichols  18:46  
fears, Bruce? Yeah, well, number

Unknown Speaker  18:49  
one, it confirmed that it did exist and

Brian Nichols  18:53  
acknowledging that doesn't exist, they're acknowledging it did exist. Gotcha.

Speaker 1  18:58  
I told him even though I have residents in California's first congressional district, on this point, I'm from Missouri. Show me prove it to me that these rooms don't exist. And if they don't exist, when did they stop existing? And he couldn't give me answers to either of those questions.

Brian Nichols  19:25  
I have a follow up for you. It's not necessarily challenging, but I just I need help bringing this together. I hear you that it's not the America it's these cancerous folks in intelligent intelligencia. But at what point does all those folks and intelligencia actually represent the American policy? Because if they are, in their role, American representatives on a foreign scale, then Does that not mean that despite their kind of being their own row group, they are enacting American policy because of their very nature of being policymakers or administrators. Does that make sense? That

Speaker 1  20:09  
makes good sense. It makes total sense. And it's something that's been bothering me, not only since October 6 1973, but October sevens 2023, because it seems like a repeat performance. And I've been trying to get confirmation. But there's someone who ran for Congress from the 11th Congressional District of Florida. A firebrand named Laura Loomer, who claimed that American intelligence knew in advance about the October 7 attack and didn't share the intelligence with Israel. Now, I don't know if what she's saying is her imagination. Because I asked her for confirmation. I haven't gotten it yet. And I don't like to go off on deep ends, about what happened 50 years ago, I'm living proof that we had the intelligence and we not only didn't pass it to Israel, but we passed false intelligence. That was exactly the opposite of what we knew to be true. So I know what happened 50 years ago. It's all documented here. But I don't know if the same thing was a repeat performance on October 7 2023. It sure looks like it. And of course, because I'm living witness to what happened 50 years ago, it's my first suspicion. And then you are right, then the secretive cells within the intelligence community can actually not I wouldn't say Define American policy. But I would say define on American policy. Yeah,

Brian Nichols  22:12  
Bruce, I have a follow up question. And this is maybe taking a little bit of a different path, and we've been going down, but this kind of it all rhymes, you'll hear how it comes together. So I've actually, I'm semi familiar with what you're referring to here with your book this you have an ally. And for my understanding this maybe set the stage for the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad really starting to say, Okay, we got to make sure that we're covering our own backs here. And that means we're gonna start doing some of the stuff that the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, that they're all doing internally in America, we're gonna start doing that on our own, and to make sure again, that we're putting ourselves in the best position. And with that, there has been a growing speculation that the Mossad got its hands into a lot of very powerful people here in America. I know right now we're talking about Sean Diddy Combs, P. Diddy. He was he's the hip hop guy here in America. He's going through a bunch of stuff. And there's reports that he had a mansion full of cameras and stuff that was capturing all these very high noted individuals in American society doing some not so great things. And was he being funded by the FBI, the CIA, and then go now, a few short years ago, what was taking the internet by storm, Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself and there are growing concern and I guess a conspiracy that Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent trying to more or less leverage his role in American high life to get these politicians get these individuals have noted credibility or noted figure in society, catch them doing some icky things, and then thus be able to control American policy. So Bruce, wasn't Jeffrey Epstein, a Mossad agent.

Speaker 1  23:55  
Well, you're asking the wrong person, because I was hoping you had 50

Brian Nichols  23:59  
years the NSA, you'd have like some super document, Bruce. No,

Speaker 1  24:03  
I'm, I'm, I'm zero. I'm zero resource for anything related to Jeffrey Epstein.

Brian Nichols  24:12  
Well, if you had to give me your best guess I mean, you you lived in the NSA world for 50 years, right? You've seen the things that we do now?

Speaker 1  24:20  
Two years, oh, two years. I enlisted in the American army during Vietnam, right for four years. Four years, and we will give an option of a year early out. And all of us took the year early out, Oh, nobody passed up that opportunity. So my first year was basic training was security training, was language training. 47 weeks language training in Arabic. Wow. And so I was only two years in NSA, not not decades. Okay. Two years, but I was He's in the right place at the right moment. So how about any of those? I think I might have been the only Jew in uniform in all of G six. Oh, wow. Wow, there's another two out there listening to this, and it was in uniform during 7374 Please contact me. So I don't want to say something that's not truthful. But I think I might have been the only Jew in uniform.

Brian Nichols  25:28  
Okay, well inverse. And my apologies for the misinformation there. I didn't mean to say you're the NSA for 50 years. But how about this? Let me just take a little bit of a step back. You're at least you're interested in this stuff. You've talked to high level individuals, both in American intelligentsia as well as in Israel, Israel intelligencia. So I guess that's where the wheels were turning is like, I was hoping maybe you'd talk to someone or heard something behind the scenes, but if not, that's okay. Look,

Speaker 1  25:56  
I visited Elissa era, he invited me to his home twice, which is very unusual, and he was very close mouth. But he did confide in me that he received this American intelligence assessment. You don't have to worry. Egypt and Syria are not going to attack that he confided in me. All right, Lee, actually a protocol was released in 2021. From the Israel, the IDF archives, a protocol of Moshe Dayan, which said the same exact thing. Moshe Diane's protocol says 12 hours, 12 hours before the attack began, he received an American intelligence assessment, that the Arabs have no intention of attacking 12 hours before the attacks began.

Brian Nichols  27:08  
Wow, Bruce, there's so much like we talked about iceberg selling with one of our past guests. And he says, you know, you go to the iceberg, and you see the tip of the iceberg. But then below the surface level, the water, there's so much more there. That's what your book is, which is again, deceit of an ally. And we're going to include that link in the show notes for folks that pick up their own copy. If you want, we're just going to hold your version up right there so the audience can see it again.

Speaker 1  27:34  
This is the English version. There's also a Hebrew it was translated into Hebrew.

Brian Nichols  27:40  
There you go. So multiple versions.

Speaker 1  27:44  
I regret. I regret that my Hebrew version didn't get out in a big way before October sevens, and didn't get to the attention of people in Israeli intelligence. Because, obviously, 50 years ago, the head of Israeli intelligence, relied on a false American intelligence assessment. And if that happened, this past year, on October 7, my book Getting out, could have prevented October 7. It could have all right, over that to certain I know,

Brian Nichols  28:33  
well, well, how about this, we're gonna put a pin in this conversation. I know we're getting hard pressed for time here. But Bruce, this is again, a recurring theme that we've seen over the past 50 years of the constant back and forth between America intelligencia, Israeli intelligencia and they're in some, something's not connecting, right, whether it's America having some some folks there in our intelligence agencies, as you've outlined today, who are more or less to use your words a cancer of our intelligencia, or, Hey, maybe there's stuff behind the scenes in Israel that we're not familiar with, that it's still like the iceberg itself. underneath the surface level. I guess that's going to be part two of a conversation. And hopefully, we'll get some more context. But Bruce, any final words or thoughts you want to leave the audience with today?

Speaker 1  29:18  
Yeah, just to confirm my belief in America. I sent my manuscript before I published the book to the Pentagon. And they reviewed it, not once, but twice. So this book has the unique distinction of having been reviewed and approved for publication by the Pentagon showing demonstrating that there are good people in the American army services. And here's an example of what they required that I redact sections of the book and throughout the book. There are redactions In which I left the black out in to show that I'm a good American. And I listened to the folks in the Pentagon, and I want to be legal, I don't want to go to the states and be thrown into jail for violating my secrecy oath. And so I got their clearance to publish my book. And it also shows that there are good people in the military in America.

Brian Nichols  30:33  
Here Here we had a our good buddy there, Brian stern from grayble Rescue, he'll tell you, more or less the same thing. And a lot of our allies overseas as well and how we have to really not if we don't agree with the policy itself, we still have to lead. And that I think speaks to where America is right now. We're in a very, very weird place on a global scale, will we lead or will we not?

Speaker 1  30:55  
Brian, if you invite me back, I would like to talk about two other topics. One is the RIA slime ification program that I authored. It's based on the D not suffocation program that was imposed on Germany and Austria after World War Two, from 1946 to 1952. And also the great humanitarian solution to the Gaza problem. And you probably don't know who the great humanitarian is. And I won't embarrass you by asking you, because 99% of Americans don't know who the great humanitarian was. And he was an American. And he was an American president. And his heart went out to Palestinian Arabs, back in 1946, back in 1949, his name was Herbert Hoover, and he had a solution to the plight of the Palestinian Arabs that I'd like to share with your listeners.

Brian Nichols  32:07  
There you go. Okay. So there is part two of our conversation. Bruce, we're gonna make sure we have you back on the show. For sure. But yes, unfortunately, we are hard pressed for time. So we're gonna put a pin in this conversation, and we'll pick that up next time Bruce Brill does see have an ally links in the show notes. Thanks for joining The Brian Nichols Show.

Unknown Speaker  32:23  
Thanks for having me, Brian.

Brian Nichols  32:29  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Wow, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host joining us from our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our amazing sponsors like amp America, folks go to amp For all the news you need to know without the corporate media bias or fluff, news articles, opinion pieces, podcasts, and more all found at amp Also, The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our phenomenal studios sponsor cardio miracle, which yes is the best heart health supplement in the world, bar none. So if you're looking to improve your restless nights of sleep, you're trying to lower your blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate all while improving your pump at the gym, and a slew of other amazing benefits stick around. We're going to talk more about cardio miracle later in today's episode, but first we're gonna dig into all things, I guess really Israeli American history specifically going back to the 1973 Yom Kippur war, did America not tell Israel have specific intelligence that maybe would have prevented the attacks during the 1973 Yom Kippur war on Israel. And then fast forward to 2023? Get America do the same thing when it comes to the October 7 Hamas attacks. There's a lot to unpack here specifically in the world of American intelligencia versus Israeli intelligencia. And let's go ahead and talk to somebody who was literally boots on the ground back in the 70s. And has played a very, very important part in this conversation from I would say, both in American perspective and now also an Israeli perspective. So joining us here on the show today, author of deceit of an ally, Bruce bill is joining us on the show. So with that being said, Bruce, Bill, welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.

Alright folks, that's going to wrap up our conversation with Bruce bill. I hope you got some value and if you did, please go ahead. Give it a share. When you do You tag yours truly at be Nichols liberty, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Also for the video version of the podcast, you can find it on your favorite video platforms. So YouTube rumble, Twitter, Facebook, we are uploading the video version of the show in its entirety over there. So please go ahead and give us some love on your favorite social media platforms. Or if you're like yours truly and you'd like to listen to your podcasts on the go, you're at the gym, you're in the car driving. Go ahead and subscribe to The Brian Nichols Show on your favorite podcasting platform like Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube music, podcast addict, wherever it is you consume your podcast content, just go ahead and give The Brian Nichols Show some love. And when you're there, hit download all unplayed episodes, we have over 880 episodes here of The Brian Nichols Show that I guarantee will leave you educated, enlightened and informed. One final plug please support the folks who support us and that is our amazing sponsors like our great sponsors F America, our studio sponsors cardio miracle plus our other sponsors like liquid freedom energy T equals CBD and more. With that being said, we're going to wrap things up here today. Thank you to Bruce for joining the show. You want to go ahead and catch your copy of deceit of an ally link in the comments. But with that being said, Brian, go signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Bruce bill. We'll see you next

Transcribed by

Bruce Brill Profile Photo

Bruce Brill

Bruce Brill ---Brief Biographical Sketch
Bruce’s story begins by his enlisting in the US Army in 1971. Trained as an Arabic interpreter, he was assigned to NSA in Fort Meade, Maryland. On the first day of the October 1973 Yom Kippur War, he had an epiphanic experience: while he and his NSA comrades knew of the planned Arab attack against Israel days in advance, he was astounded to hear the front-line Israeli soldiers were caught by total surprise. At that moment he became an “instant Zionist” and came to Israel upon his discharge from the Army in 1974.
General Eli Zeira was then-Head of Israeli Military Intelligence. In 2017 Zeira confided in Brill that the general had received an American intelligence assessment just prior to the attack, that the Arabs were NOT going to attack.
This false assessment resulted in Israel being caught with her pants down and losing over 2600 soldiers, most unnecessarily. General Dr. Yaakov Hisdai, an investigator of the post-Yom Kippur War Agranat Commission of Inquiry, asks:
How did this befall us? … To this very day we don’t have a clear answer.
Brill’s recently released book, “Deceit of an Ally,” finally gives answer to this question.