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Aug. 30, 2024

894: Why Are Voters Leaving The Democratic Party?

894: Why Are Voters Leaving The Democratic Party?

America stands at a political crossroads as centrists and moderates wake up to the deep state's overreach, sparking a potential revolution that could reshape the nation's future.

Is America on the brink of a political revolution? Are we witnessing the death throes of the Democratic Party as we know it? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols dives deep into the shifting political landscape that's reshaping America's future.



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Nichols uncovers a startling trend: centrists, moderates, and independents are waking up to the reality that the upcoming election isn't just about policy - it's about the very infrastructure of Washington D.C. itself. He exposes how the status quo's relentless expansion of the deep state and federal bureaucracies has led America down a perilous path for generations. But is there hope on the horizon?


The episode reveals a growing schism within the Democratic Party, with disaffected Democrats flocking to a new coalition on the right. Nichols breaks down why figures like RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and even Wall Street bigwigs are shifting their allegiances. But what's driving this seismic shift, and what does it mean for the future of American politics?


Nichols doesn't just diagnose the problem - he offers a prescription. He outlines three crucial action items for building a coalition that can save America from the brink. From focusing on big-picture freedom issues to avoiding bad faith actors, Nichols provides a roadmap for those ready to fight for the country's future.


Is this the most important election of our lifetime? Can we really turn the tide against a century of creeping government control? Nichols makes a compelling case that we're at a crossroads, with the direction of our country for generations hanging in the balance. Don't miss this eye-opening episode that will challenge your assumptions and inspire you to take action. The fight for America's soul is on - are you ready to join it?



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Alright folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host joining you from our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in sunny Eastern Indiana.

Today, we're diving into a topic that's been gnawing at me for a while now - the state of our country and the upcoming election. Now, I know we usually do a Week in Review with Remso, but scheduling's been a bit wonky. So instead, we're gonna talk about where we are as a country right now, and specifically the folks in that squishy middle of the political spectrum.

You see, there's been a shift happening. The centrists, the moderates, the independents - they're waking up. They're starting to realize that this election isn't just about policy outcomes. It's about the very infrastructure of DC itself. For too long, the status quo solution has been to keep growing the deep state, to keep inflating those bureaucracies, to keep expanding the federal government across the board. 

But here's the thing - people are catching on. They're seeing that this mindset, this establishment thinking from both Democrats and Republicans, it's been leading America down a terrible path. We're talking generations of damage here, folks. From Woodrow Wilson to today, it's been a century of creeping government control.

Now, the folks waking up to this, they're not your die-hard conservatives or your bleeding-heart liberals. We're talking about your Blue Dog Democrats, your centrists, your independents. They're the ones saying, "Hey, wait a minute. This isn't working."

On the flip side, we've got the left-leaning folks who are still buying into the bullshit. They're still all-in on these big, do-good progressive governments and bureaucracies. And let me tell you, they're getting louder, but their numbers are shrinking.

What we're seeing is a schism in the Democratic Party. You've got the old guard, the establishment types, and then you've got this growing group of disaffected Democrats. These folks are looking at their party and saying, "This isn't the party of JFK. Hell, it's not even the party of Bill Clinton anymore."

I mean, sure, Bill Clinton spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2024. But folks, that convention looked about as much like the ones from '92 or '96 as I look like Brad Pitt. The left has taken over, lock, stock, and barrel. They've got control socially, culturally, politically, on policy - you name it.

And here's the kicker - they're not just destroying our country. They're destroying the credibility of the Democratic Party itself. That's why we're seeing this influx of former Democrats, former progressives, into this new coalition on the right.

Now, when I say "on the right," I don't mean they're all suddenly becoming card-carrying Republicans. No, what we're seeing is a coalition building between these centrists, these moderates, these independents, and the folks on the right. They're coming together because they see we're at a tipping point. They understand we need a change of direction.

That's why you're seeing folks like RFK Jr. and his VP pick Nicole Shanahan cozying up to the populist right. It's why Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard have shifted rightward. Hell, even Jamie Dimon from JP Morgan Chase is entertaining the idea of voting for Trump. When's the last time you saw a Wall Street big wig even consider that?

Now, the only thing keeping the Democrats and Kamala Harris in the game is their grip on the media. They're still using it to push their narratives. But here's where it gets interesting - there's trouble in paradise.

See, when Kamala replaced Biden, there was supposed to be this deal. The media would anoint her as the chosen one, and in return, she'd give them access. But then the Harris campaign and the Democratic establishment realized something - she's an idiot. She can't string two coherent thoughts together.

So what did they do? They reneged on the deal. They're not making her accessible to the media. And let me tell you, the media is pissed. They're starting to hold her feet to the fire a bit. You've got the New York Times saying "No, joy is not a strategy." You've got CNN finally doing an interview, even if it is with establishment mouthpiece Dana Bash.

But here's the problem for Kamala - she can't distance herself from the Biden administration. She IS the Biden administration. The Afghanistan pullout? She was "the last person in the room" for that decision. The border crisis? That was supposed to be her job to fix. Inflation? She's out there touting "Bidenomics" like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And let's talk about that border crisis for a second. We've got millions of illegals flooding over the border, taking over cities and towns across America. Just look at Aurora, Colorado, where Venezuelan gangs are literally taking over apartment complexes. This isn't some far-off problem anymore, folks. It's happening in our own backyard.

Then there's inflation. Kamala's out there saying Bidenomics are working. Really? Tell that to the folks watching their grocery bills skyrocket. Tell that to the families who can't afford to fill up their gas tanks. Bidenomics aren't working, they're hurting America.

So, where do we go from here? Well, I've got three action items for you.

First, we need to focus on winning issues, specifically big picture freedom issues. When you're talking to folks on the progressive left who prioritize medical freedom, build coalitions there. Talk about how the government perverted science during COVID, how they used "expertise" to push narratives, how they censored anyone who questioned the official line.

This isn't just about COVID, folks. It's about bodily autonomy. It's about the right to make your own medical decisions without the government breathing down your neck. We saw how quickly they were willing to throw our rights out the window in the name of "public health." We can't let that happen again.

Second, we need to stop trying to build coalitions with bad faith actors. We saw this in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter protests. People tried to jump on board without realizing the organization itself was ideologically left-leaning and self-avowed Marxist. We can't make that mistake again.

This doesn't mean we can't work with people who disagree with us on some issues. But we need to be smart about it. We need to make sure we're not aligning ourselves with folks who fundamentally oppose our values. Because at the end of the day, if we compromise our principles, what are we even fighting for?

Third, as much as we need to point out what's wrong, we need to promote what's being built, what's better, what we can do together to make things better as a community and as a society.

It's easy to be a critic, folks. It's a lot harder to be a builder. But that's what we need right now. We need people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of creating real solutions. We need to show people what a free society actually looks like, not just tell them why the current system is broken.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Brian, this sounds great, but how do we actually make it happen?" Well, that's what we're gonna dig into next time. We're gonna talk about how to articulate these ideas to the voting base, how to build those coalitions, and how to actually make a difference.

Because here's the thing, folks - this isn't just about winning an election. It's about saving our country. It's about preserving freedom for the next generation. And that's a fight worth having.

We're at a crossroads right now. Down one path, we've got more government control, more debt, more erosion of our basic freedoms. Down the other, we've got a return to the principles that made this country great in the first place. The choice seems pretty clear to me.

But we can't just sit back and hope things work out. We've got to get involved. We've got to start having these conversations with our friends, our family, our neighbors. We've got to be willing to stand up and fight for what we believe in, even when it's not popular.

Because let me tell you something - the folks in DC, they're not gonna give up their power without a fight. They're gonna kick and scream and call us every name in the book. But you know what? Let 'em. Because at the end of the day, we've got something they don't - the truth.

So here's my challenge to you, folks. Get involved. Start those conversations. Share these ideas. And when someone tries to shut you down with the usual leftist talking points, don't back down. Stand your ground. Because remember, we're not just fighting for ourselves - we're fighting for the future of this country.

And let me tell you, the stakes have never been higher. We're not just talking about one election cycle here. We're talking about the direction of our country for generations to come.

So what's it gonna be? Are we gonna roll over and let the socialists and the deep state bureaucrats run this country into the ground? Or are we gonna stand up and fight for what's right?

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to fight. I'm ready to build those coalitions, to reach out to those disaffected Democrats and independents who are sick and tired of the status quo. I'm ready to take on the media establishment that's been feeding us a steady diet of lies and half-truths.

Because at the end of the day, this isn't about left vs. right. It's not about Democrat vs. Republican. It's about freedom vs. tyranny. It's about whether we're going to let a bunch of power-hungry politicians in Washington decide how we live our lives, or whether we're going to take that power back for ourselves.

So let's get to work, folks. Let's build those coalitions. Let's focus on the issues that matter. Let's offer real solutions instead of just empty rhetoric. And most importantly, let's never, ever give up the fight for freedom.

This is Brian Nichols, signing off. Remember, it's not enough to just win arguments - we need to win hearts and minds. So get out there, spread the message, and let's take this country back, one conversation at a time. We'll see you next time on The Brian Nichols Show.