Aug. 2, 2024

882: Why are Democrats Trying to Hide Trump's Assassination Attempt? | Week in Review

Former Parler executive @HeyRemso breaks his four-year silence, exposing the hidden threats to free speech platforms and warning of potential dangers to Elon Musk's X, while hosts Brian Nichols and Remso dissect media manipulation surrounding Trump's assassination attempt and the rebranding of COVID lockdown politicians as moderate candidates.

Are you ready to dive into the most pressing political topics of the week? Join Brian Nichols and Remso Martinez as they unpack the latest news and controversies in this gripping episode of The Brian Nichols Show. From assassination attempts to media manipulation, this discussion will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about current events.



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Brian and Remso kick off the show by examining the potential VP candidates for Kamala Harris, including Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro. They delve into the controversial backgrounds of these politicians, particularly their roles during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The hosts challenge listeners to remember the impact of these policies and question why these figures are now being portrayed as moderates.


The conversation then shifts to a shocking revelation from Remso about his time at Parler, the social media platform that faced intense scrutiny in 2020. Remso shares his personal experiences and warns about the potential threats to free speech platforms like X (formerly Twitter). The hosts discuss the importance of creating alternatives to big tech and learning from past challenges.


Brian and Remso tackle the sensitive topic of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. They explore the inconsistencies in the official narrative, the media's coverage (or lack thereof), and the potential implications for the upcoming election. The hosts raise thought-provoking questions about the role of big tech in shaping public perception of such events.


Finally, the episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to stay informed, question everything, and engage in critical thinking. Brian and Remso emphasize the importance of being an active participant in the political process rather than a spectator. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion that will challenge your perspective and keep you on the edge of your seat!



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Brian Nichols  0:06  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on another episode of The Brian Nichols Show. Yes, I am your humble host Brian Nichols joining you from our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in sunny Eastern Indiana today, a different type of episode we are going back into the swing of things with our good buddy Renzo Martinez, we're talking about AP America's Week in Review, Renzo, welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show had been buddy.

Speaker 1  0:43  
It's Friday, Mother lovers is Friday. Thank

Brian Nichols  0:46  
God, it's been a long week, what's been new in your world?

Remso Martinez  0:50  
You know, I started seeing a chiropractor this week. And he actually did what like, you know, the McDonald's chiropractors don't do he actually took x rays. And as he's looking at everything, he's like, you look like your spine is angry. And I'm like, I don't know how I feel about that. But can we make it happy? And he was like, we can do that. And I swear, either he cracked my neck in like the perfect way that I feel like a completely different human being like, you know, comfortable, happy goodwill towards men, or I died. And this is just limbo. And every day feels kind of the same. But I can't tell. Other than that. It's been great. Well, about you. I've

Brian Nichols  1:30  
been good. It sounds like you're living just like rim Zoes chiropractic version of Groundhog Day,

Remso Martinez  1:36  
basically. Yeah, I

Brian Nichols  1:38  
think it's been good, busy. Lots of travel for work. July and August are just, it's supposed to be slower months. And then of course, naturally, like 13 things pop in the calendar that you weren't expecting. That then has you on the road for multiple days out of the week. So let's see. Next week, I'm going to be out in Nashville, and a couple of weeks after that, and we'll be in Salt Lake City. I was up in Northern New York. I was out in Pennsylvania. Yeah, man. It's been it's been a road trip. Very excited, though, to at least have a couple more days settling here in the studio after getting back on the road for two weeks. So yeah, man, it's been busy, but it's been good. And unfortunately, or fortunately, I don't know how to frame that. But a lots been happening despite our being busy a lot here in the world. And that's what we're going to dig into today. I know that's what we call a segue in the industry.

Remso Martinez  2:25  
And then just keep spinning baby. That's right.

Brian Nichols  2:28  
Let's let's do this. We're gonna go ahead and by the way, this is our AMP America we can review so we go through and we outline the amp America pieces that we had here that aired this past week. Now this first article, we're gonna go ahead and check out rim so this is going to the state just the south east of me and that is the state of Kentucky and one governor andy beshear. Now his name has been floated as being a possible VP candidate for Kamala Harris now, our buddy TJ Roberts, he's a writer over at amp America. He also is he's running right now running for State House in Kentucky. And he's got some personal beef with Andy Beshear dig into this forest for him. So why why is TJ Roberts so against Andy Beshear not just being governor of Kentucky but stepping foot into the White House?

Remso Martinez  3:15  
The short answer is that TJ actually sued Andy during the lock downs of 2020. And he won, which is worth noting. But the long story is that every one that I call like the reverse D I hire, everyone that Comala is looking at is like a straight white male. She's looking at, you know, Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona. She's looking at Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania, and she's also looking at Bashir and the thing is, is that right now you have something I think Cliff Maloney called it like the great theft of 2024, which is this concept that these radical radical leftists are actually trying to rebrand themselves as moderates, I guess to be a leftist. You just have to be I'm sorry, I guess to be a moderate, you just have to be a elected Democrat in a rural southern state, or, you know, just a rural working class state or Rust Belt states. So what does that qualify that qualifies Bashir in Kentucky and Shapiro in Pennsylvania. And you know what Cliff had mentioned, I think it was on the Tom rotten show out of Philadelphia last week and what TJ really brings up in this article and TJ goes into depth, GJ is like, don't forget it. If you don't know this, man, I'm gonna go ahead and lay it down for you like I'm laying the law like things are getting things are getting hot and heavy here because I'm about to tell you what's going on. That's how TJ would have put it if he had more gangsta and embodies gangsta enough, however, the thing is, is that Democrats have somehow been able to pull this giant giant smoke screen over just everyday voters who, at this point I'm I'm pointing to the voters saying they're responsible. And Republicans certainly didn't help in 2022. And they just completely like ditch the lock downs and all the COVID mandates and all the COVID tyranny. And they tried to focus on inflation, which I thought was weird because they were just as responsible for that, as the Democrats between 2020 and 2022. So, you know, what TJ lays down in this article is like, listen, he saw what he did when he was in power. Imagine how this guy would be if he's not only speaking directly to the president, but God forbid something happens. And he becomes president. Because VPS do that sometimes. You know, this is this is the type of thing that we're looking at. And he doesn't just go into that he goes into the, you know, men and women's sports type stuff, the radical trans agenda, the alphabet, Mafia, that whole thing. It gets to the point where he's just really laying it down. It's like, if you believe this, you're willingly accepting a narrative. And it's this narrative that these people aren't as bad as they say they are. It's this narrative that they have actually helped working people across this country. And it's this narrative, that they're not as radical. When their own records, their own rhetoric, their own actions have shown that when given the opportunity to do horrible things to American taxpayers, to American families, they're going to absolutely do it. The fact that we're having this conversation about people, and I mean, Mark Kelly just got caught being on the board of a company, which apparently he also helped found that was responsible for creating the Chinese spy balloon that was going ahead and flying across the country on its, you know, fun joyride back in 2023. That's a national security threat. Like it just gets, it just gets weirder and weirder when you really look at this. And it's just like, what's bad, the fact that they think they can do people like us about this, or the fact that there are people out there, they're gone genuinely believable. Shapiro's not that bad. It's like, Dude, I know that you left Pennsylvania, because of the lock downs. I was in Pennsylvania hiding out for a little bit in October of 2020. And, like, it was weird. Like the amount of state troopers that were out and stuff like that, either ignoring things in certain parts of the state, like the southern part of the state, or they were like really enforcing the COVID stuff, you know, towards like Philadelphia, New York and all that stuff. It was really a case of people are either gonna completely ignore it because they know it's bullshit, or they're going to completely push it because the governor is pushing it. And Shapiro pulled out every mandate possible. Same thing went for beshear but sure ran as a working class Democrat against Matt Bevin, who was a previous Republican governor failed governor. And you know, he said that he was going to be better and that he was going to be you know, like pro union pro family, maybe tax cuts and that type of thing. But he still had like that lefty populist message and he's just turned it to another shit lib liberal.

Brian Nichols  7:49  
I gotta warn, so this is this is my, my plea to folks specifically in the Midwest, or, or more red areas. Remco hinted at this I moved out of Philadelphia, PA after living there for about seven years. And during COVID Just the shit hit the fan, right? It got weird. It got bad. And I was listening to a podcast here we're recording Friday morning. This is live by the way. So if you're in the in the stream, please head to the comments. Let us know your thoughts. But this is one of the things for me. I just feel a calling to keep this top of mind because there seems to either be a memory holding or just an outright not realizing of what actually happened and I was listening to a podcast here in the Midwest, a mutual buddy of ours who has a podcast and they were doing it was the Veep stakes, they're talking about who could be the next VP candidate for Kamala Harris. So I'm listening and I'm hearing them go through that the names we just listed here. Andy Beshear, Paul are Paul Pete budaj edge. Gretchen Whitner, Whitner Whitner Whitmer, we have heard Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania, all those folks, right that the list and as they're going through those names, there's there's almost from the the host and the co host standpoint, it was just like either a complete ignorance to what they did to their their respective states, or just a tacit okayness with it, and the context of how bad things got during COVID Not just from like, I know, the medical side of things that turns into a whole debate like did the VAX work did it not work? That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the the tyrannical just approach to controlling everything. I remember listening to Josh Shapiro's predecessor, Tom Wolfe, back right when COVID hit and doing the whole Alright, we're gonna determine who's essential and who's not essential. Listen, I get it. If you lived in Indiana, you only had to deal with this stuff for like two weeks. Three weeks, whatever it was, and then by the summertime, it was over. In more of your blue states, this stuff went on for over a year, up to two years in certain areas. And it wasn't just like that the conversation kept going, or that it was uncomfortable and awkward. It was like, No, you're not going to have access to polite society, you want to go to your favorite restaurant, bring your vaccine card, Oh, you want to just walk outside, make sure you put that mask on, or maybe double mask. And that was just the status quo. And that doesn't even take into consideration the people who lost their jobs. The businesses that were for shut, that people who are who suffered from and are I'm guessing still suffering from mental health health issues that were due to the severe isolation and the severe shutting down of our society, kids who are going to go through and went through two years of at home remote education, and fast forward to where they are today, they are at least two to three years behind their peers at similar age groups because they didn't get the education they needed. Like, I just need to say this to my friends on the more political right, who are just completely out to lunch when it comes to what happened over the past four years. This is a big fucking deal to paraphrase our current sitting President Joe Biden, like this is a big deal when it comes to not just what happened. But the overall impact that was to your average person. And I hear this all the time. Ramsey people say, Well, Brian, we gotta move forward, we got to paint a picture. People aren't interested in the COVID thing anymore. I don't care if you're not interested in the COVID thing anymore, because what you're doing, not you but the folks on the left, specifically, they're propping up the names from yesteryear, who were the champions of the COVID restrictions, the COVID policies that impacted very real Americans to their detriment for years. And the fact that these names are being tossed out like Josh Shapiro like Andy Beshear like Gretchen Whitmer. I'm just like, have your heads been underground? Do you not see what has happened. And by the way, if you're in the Midwest, or you're in a red state, and you didn't have to really go through the COVID, and Sandy, and you just don't get it like what the big deal was? Talk to somebody who lived in a blue state who experienced it firsthand. Like, let them tell you their story. It's insane. Listen to the nurses who lost their jobs, who once they were heroes during the first year of COVID. Then when the COVID mandate for the jab came out, they were all of a sudden the enemies in their hospitals because they didn't jump on board, listen to their stories, listen to the first responder stories who were kicked out of their jobs because they didn't get a shot. Listen to the folks who lost their businesses, because they were told, hey, just hold on two weeks to slow the spread. We're all in this together, sing your little kumbaya song. Oh, I'm sorry, your business clothes? Oh, that's too bad. What are you gonna do? Oh, you don't have any Plan B's because you didn't expect your business just be arbitrarily shut down by governing bodies. Oh, that's too bad. That's what happened. Right? And again, we just need to stop living in this fantasy world and acknowledge the elephant in the room of what actually happened, how dangerous some of these people actually are.

Remso Martinez  13:18  
I'm waiting for the DNC and a couple of weeks where they'll probably bring on a bunch of celebrities and, you know, sing imagine again, it's like, imagine COVID never happened. We were fine. Your time jail. Think of all the trans kids. Were putting parents in Guantanamo Bay. It's, it's just like it is it's 1984. It's straight. 1984. Don't believe what your eyes and your ears informs you of this is what happened. And the fact that in just a couple of weeks, not even four years completely, we have just completely just allowed so many people to go I mean, I've been saying we need Nurnberg trials for COVID Tiryns 100% iron, so the fact that so many people like in Maryland, like the Board of Supervisors in Maryland are one of the first and the East Coast to do contact tracing for restaurants and stuff. And they only targeted restaurants. That was a that's a whole other story. But there's a reason why they only targeted restaurants. I mean, those people got reelected. That's the thing that blows my mind. It's like you saw what happened and you still reelected them. Like this is this is some American Nightmare stuff.

Brian Nichols  14:31  
Alright, Ramza we are going to move on to a topic that's kind of around the same time during COVID. But it actually transcends to today and it's going back to a social media platform that we have some inside exclusive access to what actually happened behind the scenes. But first, that's called a segue. We're gonna go ahead and get a shout out to one of our awesome new sponsors here The Brian Nichols Show and that is the ex Pat money Summit. REMSA. What is the expat money Summit? I'll tell you I'm glad you asked. Here's the world's largest offshore event taking place entirely online. So anywhere you live, you can have access to this entire event from October 7 Through October 11. The summit is being put on by our mutual buddy McHale Thora from the expat money show and a highly sought after sought after expat consultant who has spent over two decades of experience helping people craft ideal international lifestyles, which you look at America right now. Rimu maybe not a bad idea to start just looking at your options. So look pretty good. Yeah, maybe maybe we'll reach out to our buddy McHale and see about Panama. So when you're talking about looking at the expat money Summit, you're gonna discover everything you need to know about crafting your perfect plan B Yeah, because Plan A looking too great right now. So that includes how to quickly acquire a second passport, how to diversify your finances offshore, invest in international real estate and get in depth insights to geopolitics from world renowned experts. Like who Oh, I don't know how about people like Dr. Ron Paul, Doug Casey, Scott Horton, Tom woods, Mike Faber, Tom Lugano, and more. So if you want to go ahead and get your Are you ready for this? Free, free tickets head to x Pat money And you can go ahead and grab your tickets starting today. The Summit starts October 7, and runs through October 11. But yes, the virtual seats are limited. So act fast. Get your tickets. Today, one more time ex Pat money. really excited to have them as a sponsor here on The Brian Nichols Show. All right, let's move forward here. Renzo, let's talk about this old social media platform. Apparently, we have a former executive from this, this old social media platform, this platform was called rams have you heard of this parlor back in the day? Talk to us about that.

Remso Martinez  16:53  
I was at Freedom Fest earlier in July. And I haven't been to too many conferences since the pandemic, I've been to a couple. But the first one I went to post pandemic was in 2021. It was state policy network conference in Orlando, Florida. And I noticed that people treated me different. It was it was different. When I used to go to conferences, people used to run up and hug me and High five me and stuff like that. But 2021 was different. And I wondered why and that kind of stuck with me for years. And then when I went to Freedom Fest, it's like people were happy to see me again. And I thought it was gonna be kind of treated like last, I'm just gonna be ignored. The crazy thing, however, is that most people remember me, not for the cool stuff I've done. But they remember me for parlour. And it just so happened that within the last couple of months parlor was bought out a third or fourth time by some folks with some previous affiliations with it, and they plan on bringing it back. So that caused some rumblings and people were asking me about it. And I want to state now that I have nothing to do with it. However, you know, we're getting to a point where I'm seeing a lot of the same interactions the same way that people are treating each other online. I'm starting to see what's happening now, given their political climate remind me of what happened in 2020 and 2020. I mean, there's a reason why I tell people like I went on the run, you know, for almost a year, it's because I was involved in a national witch hunt against a platform which was falsely accused, yet later vindicated by the FBI, of not committing any wrongdoing whatsoever. You know, I was afraid that I was going to be pulled before the House Oversight and Reform Committee and the Jan six committee and the FBI was at the time saying that, you know, parlor was, you know, complicit and all this other shenanigans and stuff. And later that year, after all the poverty by

Brian Nichols  18:50  
the way rooms, interrupt but I mean, behind the scenes, we, in my day job and this your day job, we were actually talking about some business stuff together for like technical side of things. And this was an all this shit hit the fan?

Remso Martinez  19:02  
Yeah. So you know, all these politicians raised money and fear mongering and tried to drive you know, the competition that big tech underground. And let me I mean, the alternative technology underground. And, you know, it was later in 2021, that the FBI came out in their official reports and said the parlor did nothing wrong parlor was totally abiding by the, you know, by the letter of the law, but frankly, that has never been discussed. And, you know, my my biggest thing that I was grateful for is that I was able to escape that with my life and my reputation, because that was a very scary year for me. So I have not spoken publicly about it in four years. And because of how things are because of changes in my life because of just where I see we're going in the country. I wanted to speak to a journalist that I trust. So I went ahead and reached out to Tim sharp and I said, Tim, I'm ready to sit down and talk about this. So I not only talk about a little bit about you know my history of parlor and when I saw going on of the company and how I ultimately feel that led the road to Elon Musk. Purchasing Twitter and transitioning it to the best free speech up online. But I also put out a warning, which is, I think what's going to happen is before the end of the year, they're going to drum up accusations or some thing against either x itself as a platform, either they will go ahead and, you know, pull a red flag, you know, a false flag operation and blame, extra being complicit in some type of terrorist attack or some type of like, you know, widely publicized crime or scandal, or they will go ahead and gin up something against Elon Musk and try and put him in jail before November. I do strongly think they're going to do that. Because these are the people who will absolutely do anything they can to sway the narrative for this election, we saw it with the Hunter Biden laptop, we thought we saw it with Shadow banning, we saw it with the deep platforming of conservative thought leaders and public figures online, I don't think that just because things have changed a little bit in the pieces and the players are different, doesn't mean that the tactics are the same, you can give me two different chess boards, and I'm still gonna play the same game. So I went ahead and basically, you know, explained what happened, you know, some of the stuff I couldn't go into too much detail on because of ongoing NDAs. And while a lot of the terms of that have expired, there were some, you know, majorly spiteful individuals in that company. I've thought about writing a book about it, eventually, one day, I think I might wait for some people to die out before that happens. But largely, it's like, you know, this is my life. I'm tired of being afraid of what happened. Because I did nothing wrong. And you know, that my my crime, if anything, was that I fought for free speech online, a lot of people talk about it, they put it in their Twitter bios and shit like that. But the thing is, is that nobody has had their lives completely up ended, because they were trying to do something good. And it was a platform that, you know, was a threat, we were taking away market space. And they took us out, they took us out in the largest D platforming in history. And it is trauma that I have had to deal with over four years. But I felt like if I want to own my truth, if I want to go ahead, and, you know, Stop the bullshit. So people remember me for the good things I tried to do. And not because of what the media tried saying that's a that's a tough thing. To get above that. I mean, I'm just a small fry in a big world. But I don't want people to forget that the things that they did then is what they could do now. And I greatly fear for Elon Musk safety. Yep.

Brian Nichols  22:34  
Well, and by the way, I mean, just elephant in the room, that this is also why I find that these conversations are so important is because again, people have so memory hold what actually happened to him. So and I'm in this libertarian Facebook group, and I like to ruffle some feathers here and there. Because sometimes I see, pardon the expression, the autism just way too much in that group, you need to really bring it down to real life level. So when I talk to folks, though, in that group, there just seems to be a lot of anger at folks who are, dare I say spectators in their own life. So by that, I mean, they see all the things happening around them. And they feel more or less like they have zero control. They're just kind of along for the ride. Whereas I kind of view what you're talking about with your role at parlor and some of the other stuff that you and I have been doing behind the scenes obviously with what we're doing an amp America, but you know, our other vendors we've done you know, behind the scenes as well. Like we're we focus on creating something different, creating something better creating something of value. And whether it's, you know, what we're doing your app, what you were doing at parlor or something they're in, it's actually like leading the charge versus just sitting back and waiting for things to happen and then reacting as those things both good and bad happened. And I think that right there speaks to where there is such a discrepancy between the political activist and the political spectator. The political activist is somebody who's actually going out and being active, they're making things happen. They're making change, whereas the political spectator, it's somebody who sits there watching what's going on, you know, Monday morning, quarterbacks, I would have thrown the ball here. Okay, well, you want to play quarterback and go throw the ball there. I got tap dance lessons, whatever it may be. Okay, good. You're just gonna sit there and bitch and moan. I understand your role now. Okay, gotcha. I'm not gonna take you seriously probably like, I'm just gonna look at you as a silly billy. I'm gonna go about my day. That is where I'm at rim. So like, I'm looking at the folks who who are the activists who are the folks actually putting the money where their mouth is, folks like you folks like me folks like Elon Musk. Yes. I will lump us in the group with Elon Musk. Absolutely. Because I mean, dude back in 2020 you guys a parlor we're doing the thing that Elon Musk was gonna do. Three years later, two years later when he took over Twitter and He was able to eliminate some of the red flags that ended up putting parler in danger. And that's huge. There's stuff we can learn from that. And by the way, this is the one thing, I'll get off my soapbox with this room. So I hate when people will look at one specific use case that didn't pan out, like parlane, that's a si, si, why you wasting your time is stupid. Just use the things that are there, or why you go spend your time in more productive areas. And I say this, for every parlor situation where shit hits the fan is a learning opportunity to see what worked and what didn't work. And what does that do gives us a foundation to build on for the next great thing, which is what Elon has done and what's happening over at truth social, instead of saying, Oh, we have Amazon web servers, and they can be shut down like that. How about we decentralized and we own our own servers? How about that, and all of a sudden, you're changing the conversation you're learning along the way. So to the folks who think that just because you have one use case that doesn't turn out the best way it's supposed to, don't worry, you can learn you can adapt your GTM your go to market strategy will change. And that's okay, so So with that being said, let's go to our last in America piece before we go to our special contribution piece. And that is today we're going to talk kind of about this is like taking the conversation rooms that we've had today. And going a little tangential to the the cultural side, where how did we as a society get to this point where it is so heated. And now we're in a position where people are openly questioning and some folks openly supporting the idea of assassinations on former political presidents and our buddy, Austin Peterson, he wrote an article over amp America called stochastic, I said that right? Remco stochastic, I hope so. I am the product of a public education. So I'm not to share stochastic terrorism how the left's rhetoric, nearly got Trump assassinated. This is obviously being recorded here in August of 2024. I pray this is not any foreshadowing of things that come Remco beyond all the horrible things have already happened. So talk to us about Austin's piece here, what's kind of the thesis that Austin lays out?

Remso Martinez  27:15  
Essentially, you know, the left's biggest power is projection, what they do is they take the things they're doing, and the insecurities they have, and they project it onto their opponents. And, you know, I can't look at a single interview that Trump has done with the leftist media, where they don't bring up his rhetoric where they don't bring up something. And they hold him to account for that. And they look and micromanage every word and, and for people who are like, I don't know what you're talking about. It's like if you've been living under a rock since 2015, when he announced he was running for the 2016 general election. And, you know, while this could be a, you know, quid pro quo, you know, he said, he said, she said, you know, tit for tat type of thing. But the thing is, is that Republicans never go to this length. And I want to mention that when Trump was shot in July, no cities were burned down. No people were murdered, no businesses destroyed. It's this idea that they always go back to January 6, which was not, which was, like, I don't even know if we can call it a riot anymore. Each time we get more information about what really went down, everything just begins to trickle down. It was a I would say it was a bad mob rush on the capital. But I don't even know if I would say riot, especially when you look at the cities that were burned down by BLM and Antifa. And the businesses, the black owned businesses that people murdered the hunt somebody the assessment of it, the hundreds of millions of damages across the country for an entire summer. I mean, frickin wasn't at Seattle or Portland, which was like, overrun by like a warlord or something like

Brian Nichols  28:51  
yeah, they have their own little like pseudo city inside of a

Remso Martinez  28:55  
chop. Yeah. And they were just like, well, that's just completely normal. That's the summer love. And it's just like, what's wrong with you, people? The left has been talking and I mean, even, you know, like rhinos, like Rick Wilson from the Lincoln pack, you said, you know, we got to put a bullet through them, and things like that, like they keep putting this this mental image of assassinating Him into the world and the list of liberal commentators, MSNBC, CNN, you name it, who have put this idea that you know, he's the biggest existential threat to the world, somebody, somebody after, after Trump was shot in the air when I hadn't said, Oh, look at all the people sending prayers to Hitler. It's just,

Brian Nichols  29:35  
oh, by the way, Dave Smith had the quote, he's like, Yeah, I think it was like all the folks who were like wishing Donald celebrities the Obamas the Biden's the Clintons, wishing President Trump a speedy recovery and he goes, Well, what is it? Is he Hitler? Are you wishing him a speedy recovery? Because you don't wish Hitler's speedy recovery?

Remso Martinez  29:54  
That's, that's it right there. Yeah, I mean, they've been they've been projecting And this for years and the fact that nobody takes responsibility for it is ridiculous and I mean people need to need to stand back for a minute. This isn't the first time this happened. Look at Rand Paul. Rand Paul was physically attacked he how long popped he broke, I think five or six ribs rant. He was attacked in DC I forget about that. Steve's Steve Scalise was shot at the Republican practice for the congression wherever Rand

Brian Nichols  30:27  
Paul is, don't be because it seems that bad shit happens. you're mowing the lawn get tagged by your neighbor, you're doing a baseball practice gets shouted out bad, crazy leftist walking from dinner to like the I forget where he is walking to in DC get swarmed by a mob of angry progressives like, run. If you see Rand Paul on the street run. Sadly,

Remso Martinez  30:50  
it's at that point. And I mean, other Republicans I used to write for a site called the political insider and 2022 through 2023. And one thing we categorized with a number of Republican Councilman Republican mayors, Republican candidates who had their homes broken into and dry, there was a congressional candidate in South Carolina, whose house was shot up by a liberal who did drive by I mean, and those things never get picked up. But you know, you want to talk about political violence in this country, the political violence among the left, you know, I actually consider putting a Trump van sticker on the on my Toyota. And my wife said, No, and I was like, okay, just curious, like, why? And she's like, because I don't want someone to vandalize our car. Only in in this country. Is it just like an open fact, and I agreed with her after that, and like, we're not gonna put it on the car. It's like, you can almost expect that if you're going to put a Republican bumper sticker and you live in a Democrat area. I'm on like the border between Waukesha County and Milwaukee County. If I'm in Waukesha County, I'm good. If I drive into Milwaukee, I don't quite know whether or not somebody is going to vandalize my car or not. When I used to have a key I used to worry about that for different reasons. But you know, it's almost just like, Yeah, you know, leftists will do that, because that's what they do. And leftists can go ahead. I mean, you're seeing it with these Hamas protesters and stuff like that, you know, doing what they do best to facing public property, threatening people. You know, like to believe that this is this is the America where it's like, you're going to go ahead and prop up a terrorist state. And I want to separate two things real fast. I pray for the people of Palestine every day. And I think the problem in terms of that is not the Palestinians it's Hamas. I think people need to really look at the difference in Palestine, Hamas, I think what's happening against Palestinians is horrible. It's primarily because of Hamas. But, you know, it's this idea that we're going to go ahead and attack cops, we're going to go ahead and attack you know, Jewish students on college campuses, only the left can get away with this, you know, all this all this, you know, all these sorts of like white supremacist going around the country and stuff like that. It's like, Okay, show me. I don't like white supremacy either. I'm a mixed race American, I don't like any type of racial supremacy, show me the threat, not believe it. But the only people I see a costing people setting things on fire, threatening folks, like it's all on the left. And Austin is accurate when he says it's like, they take no responsibility for what they say they deny it vehemently. And this is this is the climate they they have created and they do so intentionally this idea, and I think Marco Rubio said this about Barack Obama in 2016. He said, don't think that Obama is stupid, Obama is not stupid, he's intentional. The left is not stupid. The left is very serious people. And they know exactly what they're doing. And they will, you know, they are strapped to the hilt with all the tools and things that they need to do and the vindication that they feel that they have to go ahead and do illegal criminal and just harmful things. And

Brian Nichols  33:59  
they have from a strategy standpoint, they have so well mapped out how to get these coalition's of groups that frankly, have nothing to do with one another, but get them mobilized to vote for one to vote for one cause and one leader look no further than gays for Palestine, right. Like you highlighted the difference between Palestine Hamas, but let's just be transparent here. homosexual behavior is not exactly looked upon really highly in more, I will say, conservative Muslim culture.

Unknown Speaker  34:33  
So I'll learn how to fly.

Brian Nichols  34:35  
Better learn how to fly real quick, especially if you're visiting our friends over in Saudi Arabia, but that might be a different conversation for a different day. But like right there that you look at how they've been able to mobilize this would

Remso Martinez  34:45  
like to go ahead and say that I respect the Saudi royal family and if you want to fly me to Riyadh to watch Mike Tyson fight somebody I would totally appreciate that opportunity.

Brian Nichols  34:55  
Rambo is going to get his his VIP room in that new Wall city that they're building there in the desert. You're just gonna have like a penthouse suite overlooking the middle of nowhere. So be great.

Remso Martinez  35:07  
I tell people all the time the real the real political divide in the world is not right or left or whatever you think it is. It's are you Team Qatar, are you Team Saudi Arabia? They're now governor was asking the questions. Yeah, that's that's a whole other thing that goes into it. But I saw this video

Brian Nichols  35:24  
this guy's like in Dubai, we do not go to gas station gas station come to us. And he like goes to an app and pushes a button, his exotic car, and a fuel truck shows up at his like, random spot. He was sitting and just fills his car up right there. I was like, that's pretty nifty. But um, all right. Going back to my point, you're bringing up

Remso Martinez  35:43  
all my favorite boxers. I was like something's going on.

Brian Nichols  35:48  
And by the way, I've been seeing folks drifting in and out of the stream here. I know we're early today. We're an hour earlier than we were last week. That was just scheduling stuff. You see Ramza looking all fancy. He's got some stuff to do today. So we're recording a little early. Have no fear. We are going to record this at our normal 6:30pm Eastern time. So if you're joining us right now, and you're like, oh, no, I missed the first over half hour of the episode. Don't worry, we're going to have all of it airing at 6:30pm as well. So you can go ahead and check that out. But just going back to my point, Team beach ultimate Thank you, Mr. Coville not sure what were the references, but uh,

Unknown Speaker  36:20  
I love it. All right.

Brian Nichols  36:21  
So with that the coalition's right, Obama understood in a way that like after that OA election, he was in trouble. What ended up happening was the the Tea Party revolution, the Republicans took back the House and the Senate by force in 2010. I mean, it was a bloodbath. Am I allowed to use those words anymore? I don't know. But then you look in 2012. What happened? First of all, 2012 was really like taking the the first ever real internet election and Oh, eight. And like just laser focusing it from an effectiveness standpoint. So Obama said, okay, we can now market to these specific coalition's of folks. So if I want to go after the trans black of oppressed, minorities, whatever it may be group that I want to target, I can directly target that group. And if I want to go after the white wine drinking cat moms who are in their mid 40s, I can go after them to hate me like JD Vance go for, they can target now all these specific groups of people. And with that, now they can mobilize very different groups white drink, or white wine drinking moms in their 40s are not the same demographic as like blue collar labor union guy who's a car manufacturer out in the Midwest, right? But Obama was able to bring this group together, and it propelled him to victory saying if I can take, I can take all of your issues and all the problems you have, and I'm gonna make my campaign. That's what we're gonna do. And that's what he did. He used that to propel himself into the election and to win in 2012 win reelection. And that's been the Democratic Party strategy. That's been their playbook for the past like 10 years, eight years, basically is how can we take these very different but very, very active groups of cause issues and make this like for them feeling that my issues are being represented on a large national stage now, there will inevitably come a time where I'm so where the rubber will meet the road where gays for Palestine, or queers for Palestine are going to have to meet the actual Palestinians or the actual Muslim folks that they're supporting, and then have a real guy operation

Remso Martinez  38:27  
that won't be so that won't be so far away. That's happening right now. And I will

Brian Nichols  38:32  
pay to see those conversations, I want to hear what the dialogue looks like I want to hear when we know that the rainbow flag caring person will respond to somebody saying the truth of what they believe when,

Remso Martinez  38:42  
when all those Afghan refugees came to the United States after the withdrawal of US troops in Afghanistan, they actually came over to, you know, my, my area in Northern Virginia. And they had a problem because as they tried to put these, you know, the the children as they tried to put them in, you know, public schools, the parents were actually pulling them out and having problems because they're like, We will not let our children be lectured to by these people. And it was, it was like, What's your problem? It's like, they're pushing the alphabeta agenda, and the homosexuality pushing on children. And they're letting boys and girls rooms and stuff like that. And it's just like

Brian Nichols  39:27  
hey, sometimes you get what you wish for. Now, you might not necessarily end up actually wanting what you wished for.

Remso Martinez  39:35  
Realism pushed is not necessarily the best thing you want, in most cases, when you bring the third world into the modern world. And this

Brian Nichols  39:43  
is the thing Renzo This is where public education is so fucking dangerous. Pardon the language we're having fun today. On a Friday I dropped the F bombs this is yeah, we're gonna have some fun but like this is where it's so dangerous because we were taught when we were kids. cultural assimilation is welcome like that's What makes America great, we were taught the E Pluribus Unum from many one, which, yes, but there was also like a very different world, there's different standards, the context was different right now. We're literally just flooding in millions of people like the context of the number of people who are coming over our border right now versus what it was back in the 1900s. Give me a freaking break. Torture is different undocumented

Remso Martinez  40:26  
immigrants alone that have crossed our southern border or double the population of Wisconsin. We're talking, just just just seeing it again, when we're talking about undocumented immigrants over the last year flooding over the southern border are twice the population of Wisconsin. And we don't know who they are. We don't know where they are. But that's

Brian Nichols  40:47  
not a concern. That's not an issue. Don't you dare bring that up. You racist. This is what happens. Right? Sorry for noticing. Sorry for calling out what's actually taking place.

Remso Martinez  41:00  
Sorry. I'm sorry. I like my country with laws. And like, and by the way, rems Oh,

Brian Nichols  41:05  
this is the argument that is so frustrating for me is that you can't like and I see this from libertarians a lot where they'll be like, you can't talk about a thing. Because if you do that means you hate whoever you're talking about. It's like no, it means we're talking about a thing because it's real and exists like stop pretending that we live in this utopian idealistic world. It's like, well, my libertarian like nap world it exists, I'm so happy. No, it doesn't exist your your perfect world where everybody's a libertarian and lives exactly by the same values and principles you do not only doesn't exist, it will never exist. I'm sorry, I need to be that person to tell you this. But there are bad people in the world. And there's going to always be bad people in the world who are overtly not libertarian, meaning they don't give a fuck about your principles, they don't fuck about your values, they will go out of their way to go after your values, attack your values in the name of promoting and defending their value. So stop pretending that you can change somebody's mind, I sell contact center stuff in my day job, I am not going to go to one of my competitors and convince them, hey, you're wrong, our product is better, and you need to just sell our stuff instead. Because we're better. No, because they're my competition. They're going to sell against me. That's their job. That's politics, there are people who are going to sell against us. That's their job, stop trying to argue with the people who are selling against you instead, go to a market of people who are looking to buy what you're selling, and are actually seeing church but maybe different view than you are and sell to them. I just It drives me crazy that this is the narrative that people bring to the table and Remo I just need to drive this point home. This is folks who literally like the people you're trying to convince. In many cases, they don't like you. In many cases, they don't care about you. And you look to the and this is our last article, we're gonna drive this point home. So we saw Sheetal she steps down the at the time secretary or Secretary that the head of the Secret Service she steps down, and she's replaced by the acting director, Ronald ro. Okay, we have a different guy in there should be better. Right? Um, yeah, you'd think except turns out that our acting Secret Service chief, he actually retaliated against agents who had security concerns at the Trump event. And that's according to a new whistleblower claim. We're reading this from The Daily Caller. From Rebecca Szell Szell Zeljko There we go. See I haven't. Language is hard for me apparently or names at least. So the whistleblower allege that secret service acting director Ronald Rowe personally cut security resources, and quote, retaliated against agents with security concerns leading up to former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13. According to a letter released Thursday, I mean Renzo this, this sounds kind of important.

Remso Martinez  43:56  
Everything that conservatives have been saying about how Congress has treated the Secret Service and what the Secret Service is really doing. The past four years has really been vindicated. Because we were saying the entire time what they want to do is they want to go ahead and take Trump's Secret Service protection away, they want to put them in jail that was just basically a soft paw approach to trying to getting him killed. And what we definitely know and we saw this with, you know, Congresswoman Jackson, who died recently, former member of the squad you know, she was pushing to cut and she actually got cuts made to the Secret Service budget regarding, you know, prior presidents. So who are we dealing with right now? We're dealing with Bush Clinton, I highly doubt that they had less protections because of this. What they were trying to do was they were trying to go for Trump and Trump has a supplement his security sometimes himself so what we know is that you know, the the opportunity for drone was denied that they said that the reason they didn't go up on that roof was because it was sloped and that you know, Nobody can go ahead and do that the most trained bodyguards in the world couldn't do that. We learned that, you know, some of the people there on scene who were wearing suits were not even Secret Service. They were local law enforcement and stuff like that. So they basically had to supplement local law enforcement in for Secret Service. The more we learned about this, the more and I, you know, I really went against people saying, Look what they did to Trump. And I'm like, no, look what one person, one horrible sick person did to Trump. But now things are just starting to look, I'm not I'm not pushing anything. But I was very much of the mind that says Don't say they did it because Democrats didn't try and do it. No one tried to do it one person, look at the shooter, look at the shooter. However, I saw a report recently, I don't know if it was on Newsmax or somewhere else where you had several ballistics experts. Go ahead. And, you know, basically, they examined the footage, and they examined the audio of the audio files of the firearm of the AR 15. Rifle. And what they're starting to say. And my wife was actually the one who brought this up to me is that it sounds like there are multiple shooters. And yesterday, and by

Brian Nichols  46:16  
the way, runs out I mean, your train of thought, but did you see the video that was released where they showed the shooter I flew for 15 minutes beforehand?

Remso Martinez  46:24  
Well, I saw one literally yesterday where somebody in the crowd behind Trump is Trump and you can see them on the roof running. Yeah. And I'm

Brian Nichols  46:33  
just they didn't see that. But but the Secret Service didn't see that the snipers on the other roofs, they didn't see that they don't look for that kind of stuff. That's not a red flag. Yeah.

Remso Martinez  46:41  
And the sky has no social media and he didn't exist. And you know, one minute he's a republican the next minute, he's a drag queen and all these other things I'm like, I think this is I'm not saying I believe this, but I'm starting to think that maybe that guy didn't shoot Trump.

Brian Nichols  47:04  
That's breaking newsrooms, though.

Remso Martinez  47:06  
I am like, just just from all this, like, you cannot have that many problems at the same time. And the one time somebody actually is able to pull a trigger at the president. And remember, this is the second time somebody shot Trump. The first time somebody tried to shoot him, they tried to shoot him in 2015. And luckily, either the gun masters or somebody else's Secret Service rushed him this is when Trump was running for president in 2016. against Hillary Clinton, somebody got very close. And luckily, he had Secret Service protection at the time. So we know that secret service can protect him. But this time, he pulled up the other comment, I want to read that real fast. That was one of those that that guy was one of the seriously injured that capture the video, the shooter running on the roof. It's like the guy who actually

Brian Nichols  48:03  
was videotaping the one you mentioned rooms that when the guy was running across, you will see him. That guy who recorded that was somebody who actually got hit with the bullets when they came in at Trump.

Remso Martinez  48:15  
Yeah, this this whole thing, like the more that comes out, it's like two weeks ago have been like, it's one person. It was just the worst, unintentional circumstance ever. Now, the more that's coming out, I'm like this

Brian Nichols  48:27  
Oh, and then you add in Renzo the weird stuff that's happening as well, where like, you go to Google, and you type in like, assassination of President, and you hit the letter there, the letter T, and you know, how Google does the auto complete and it fills the rest. They're not doing that for Trump there. It's like it's giving you answers about other past assassinations on other past presidents or articles about Kamala Harris pop up. And people like Elon Musk are drawing this to attention saying, is this election interference? Isn't this how this works? Isn't this the game we play that this is technically election interference? Because if I'm an average voter, and I'm trying to learn about what happened with the assassination attempt on Trump, you're probably gonna go to Google you're probably gonna go to Facebook and you're gonna look this shit up. And if you go to start typing assassination attempt on President and then nothing's popping up Am I missing something? Did Did I miss read something did did he actually get shot at? And that's the stuff that gets planted? It's not this is the plausible deniability on behalf of the big tech companies gonna be like, Oh, it was an update. We didn't mean for this to happen, but the damage has been done, right? It's like once the truth gets out, the lies already traveled halfway around the world, and then some, whatever the expression is, but like, same idea, if if Google can do something where they have you stopped a search result from going out the way it was supposed to, that person doesn't have the full dose of information that they're supposed to have when they're trying to be an informed voter, and that's entirely due to go Google manipulating the search results. It's due to Facebook censoring videos and censoring pictures about Trump's assassination attempt. Guys, this was two weeks ago, two weeks, and it's already off of social media, like go to your social media right now. What are you gonna see? guarantee you're gonna see stuff about the Olympics, you're gonna see stuff about Comala being the next best thing in the world. Like she's the new female Obama, you're gonna see JD Vance is weird. How many things are gonna count about Trump? Literally two weeks ago, the 45th President of the United States, almost losing his wife actually getting shot having blood pouring down his face. nowhere, nowhere to be seen. It's like it didn't even happen. And that right there rams out it. That's the scariest part to me. Because we're seeing this happen in real time. This is a two week period. What's gonna be like in two years, man, what's gonna be like, in 20 years when our kids are reading history, and they're like, Okay, and there was a shot fired at a rally. Like, okay, that's it. Cool. Move on. No, not that Trump actually literally got shot. There's blood pouring down his face. Well, here, let me go look, and we go into Google's house. He then the Google's, I don't think it actually happened. Right. And that's how it starts. So I know, we're getting hard pressed for time here. Renzo, we're gonna go ahead and wrap things up today. With our final thoughts. My final thoughts are simply this. Ask questions. Don't just take the corporate media's promotion of truth at face value, you got to ask questions. You got to be curious, right? Always be curious. That's one of the best assets of any salesperson. And I daresay any just critical thinker in our world today, Gods always ask questions. If something doesn't make sense. Just say, Tell me more. What, why helped me understand, make sure that the person that you're asking can actually, I don't know, backup the claims that they're bringing to the table. So that's my final thoughts for today. Renzo, what do you have from your end?

Remso Martinez  51:52  
Don't get comfortable, the selection isn't over a lot can change. And, you know, the history and start yesterday, these things have happened. And it's only gonna get worse as if we continue to treat these politicians like they can just get away of things over and over and over and over again. You want to get rid of them. It's at the voting booth. So make a plan. Get ready, go vote.

Brian Nichols  52:12  
And I will leave us with this was another comment from Mr. Coville, question. Everything here here. If you want to get your question everything sure how to Brian Nichols. forward slash shop use code TV and s you'll get 15% off your order Renzo, we're gonna go ahead and wrap things up today. Thank you to all the folks who joined us today for our livestream. Apologies again, that we are about an hour or so early than normal. We're going to be fiddling around with this time, probably nine or 10 o'clock in the morning on what are on Wednesdays on Friday mornings, we'll do this live stream and then yes, it will re air at 6:30pm Eastern so the folks who are night owls like me, I'm a night owl and a morning bird or an early bird so I'm just always tired. I guess that's my lot in life. But I digress. Yes, go ahead. Support the show. Give us a thumbs up if you're watching us on what is it Now give us a repost. Give us a like if you're on Facebook, give us a comment. Give us a heart all that fun stuff. It helps the show reach more people gets the show into more people's timelines and promotes the show to more and more folks as well. Also, please support our amazing sponsors like the expat money summit links in the show notes as well as our good friends over at cardio miracle. And, of course, our phenomenal sponsors here for the show. And frankly, we're Renzo and I spend a lot of our time as amp America so please go ahead support amp America the news you need to know without the corporate media bias or fluff amp With that being said, Go find yours truly on Facebook on Twitter on Instagram at B. Nichols Liberty you can find Renzo at Hey, Ramsey on X on Facebook and Renzo we're gonna go ahead and find you on Instagram is at go Ramsey

Unknown Speaker  53:51  
no Ramsey

Remso Martinez  53:52  
I just hit my mic. It's go Rambo on Instagram, Gio ra MSO on Instagram, it's Hey, Renzo H EY RM so on X, find

Brian Nichols  54:00  
the show on your favorite podcasting platforms, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube music, or for the video version of the show. Yes, you get to see Rambo and my lovely faces this early in the morning, head to YouTube, head to Head to facebook, Rumble wherever it is you consume your video content, hit that subscribe button, hit that little notification bell and of course, head down below into the comments. We want to hear your thoughts on our AMP America Week in Review. With that being said we're going to wrap things up here. Have a great weekend. Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show ama America Week in Review. We'll see you next time.

Transcribed by

Remso W. Martinez

Digital marketer

Digital marketing expert and podcaster.