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July 19, 2024

876: Chaos in America - Assassination Attempt on Trump | What You Need to Know

A veteran rescue expert explains why America must lead on the world stage, dissects the recent Trump assassination attempt, and argues for prioritizing American lives abroad while maintaining global engagement, challenging listeners to reconsider their understanding of national security and foreign policy.

Is America's leadership on the world stage more crucial than ever? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Bryan Stern from Grey Bull Rescue shares his unique perspective on recent events, including the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. As a veteran with extensive experience in global rescue operations, Stern offers a thought-provoking analysis that will challenge your views on American foreign policy and national security.



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Stern dives deep into the complexities of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, revealing shocking details about security failures and the psychological aspects of such incidents. He provides a rare insider's perspective on protective services and raises critical questions about the state of our national security apparatus. This discussion will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about high-profile protection and the challenges faced by world leaders.


Later, Nichols compiles Stern's views and introduces his "Uncle Ben Doctrine" of foreign policy, arguing that with great power comes great responsibility. Stern makes a compelling case for why America must continue to lead on the global stage, even in the face of domestic challenges. Stern's firsthand experiences in conflict zones around the world add weight to his arguments and offer listeners a unique glimpse into the realities of international relations.


Grey Bull Rescue's mission to save American lives abroad is explored in detail, with Stern sharing heart-pounding stories of rescue operations and the challenges they face. He raises important questions about why there seems to be more support for foreign causes than for American hostages abroad, challenging listeners to reconsider their priorities and engagement with global issues.


The episode concludes with a powerful message about unity and the importance of putting American interests first, while still engaging with the world. Stern's call to action for supporting organizations like Grey Bull Rescue will inspire listeners to get involved and make a difference. Don't miss this eye-opening conversation that will change the way you think about America's role in the world and the challenges we face as a nation.



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Bryan Stern  0:00  
cup of coffee love in a cool mug please.

Brian Nichols  0:38  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on our course. Another fun filled episode. I am as always your home as I was joining you from our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in sunny Eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our phenomenal sponsors and America, folks don't support the corporate media and their bias and their fluff. Go to amp America and get the news you need to know news articles, opinion pieces, podcasts, and more. Yes, we are doing some very in depth coverage as we go through the 2024 election season head to amp Also The Brian Nichols Show and yours truly powered by our phenomenal studio sponsor, cardio miracle Now, folks, I've been using cardio miracle for about a year and a half now. And yes, the results are in the cardio miracle difference is 1,000%. Real. So if you want to learn how to lower your blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate, while at the same point in time, increasing the pump at the gym, increasing a restful night of sleep Stick around, we're going to talk more about cardio miracle. And it's amazing, amazing powers I will say that help improve your heart health. But we're going to talk about that later. First, we're going to go ahead and talk about all that's been happening in the world. I mean, a few things been going on what else? Oh, yeah, that's right, an assassination attempt on one of the leading nominees for President of the United States and just happens to be a former president of the United States in Donald Trump. So I think there's a little bit to unpack there, plus a couple other cool and some I say housekeeping items to discuss with our guests for today. So to do all that and more returning to The Brian Nichols Show from gray ball rescue. Brian Stern, welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show. How you then

Bryan Stern  2:36  
thanks so much. It's great to be here. I just got back from Beirut. So I'm happy to to be in Florida.

Brian Nichols  2:44  
Right whenever we have a conversation, I always love what you start out like, Yeah, I'm just got back from one part of the world three hours ago. You know, just settling in. I'm like, I've been hanging out in Indiana. So yeah, it's good. It's good to hear you're doing great. And obviously, some stuffs changed for folks who are longtime listeners here, The Brian Nichols Show, they've heard you as a part of a different organization. And now they're hearing Wait, Brian stern from great bull rescue. What's going on there, Brian? Yeah,

Bryan Stern  3:10  
we, my team and I, my team and I have separated from Project IMO, when we launched a new effort called Graebel. Rescue Graebel is the next step. When When I launched Project Dynamo in my living room in August 2021. It was designed to be a temporary solution to a temporary problem. We were watching Afghanistan on TV, and wanted to do something but I had this thing called a job back then I had this other thing called a life back then. That's, you know, three years ago. So Dynamo was designed to be a startup status startup was never designed to be a long term thing. If you would have asked me in August 2021, would I have been breaking people out of jail from Russia in 2022? are doing option Sudan and 2023 are doing helicopters in Haiti and 2024 or rescuing kids from Gaza or, or just coming back from Beirut? I would have laughed at that. But what we've learned my team and I, backed by a bunch of real amazing admirals and generals and real sacred cows in the Special Operations and intelligence community is that a sustainable answer is needed. The world is is getting less safe. Geopolitically more Americans are in captivity today than the last 45 years. There's no reason to believe that tomorrow or even after November or even after January, if there's a political change in this country, that all of a sudden, all the bad guys are going to find Jesus, that's probably not going to happen. So grayble is really the next step. It's the the sustainable answer as a nonprofit, to rescue Americans but in wherever they may be. Moreover, they may be in trouble that the US government For one reason or another can't get to, either because it's a policy thing or even a geography thing or what have you, frankly, we don't really care. And you know, an old lady trapped in a hurricane from Georgia is still an American citizen is just as an American as an old lady trapped in Russian occupied Ukraine that needs help, but doesn't matter to me, frankly, I kind of don't distinguish between the two to be honest. So we just came back from Lebanon. We just came back from Lebanon, making preparations there if if things go sideways there which I think that they do, the Israelis are, are making rumblings that they're going to target a route, specifically the airport. If that happens, the airport will close. Therefore, airspace closes, and 1000s of Americans are stuck there. The Embassy may evacuate. They may not unknown. They have been attacked a few times already by Hizbollah and ISIS. So if they evacuate, and the airport closes, and you're an American, you're kinda you're kind of without options, but good news. You're you do have options. You're registered with us. You call us you hit our website, and we'll come get you we have some really good infrastructure built the Lebanese Government is, is absolutely wonderful. They they are our friends. The Lebanese Government are our friends. Most people don't realize that 30% of Lebanon is actually Christian. In their law in their in their constitution after the Civil War. It's a requirement that the president of Lebanon is required to be a Christian. And so they're their people here in Lebanon, they think of terrorists hanging from the trees. That may or may not be true, but the Lebanese Government are absolutely good allies and friends, the United States, the people are great, the food's great, the weather's great. There's just, it's just an act of conflict zone, which is really, really, really sad. So we went we went over to, to set conditions for if that if there's if there's evacuations need to happen for Americans.

Brian Nichols  7:05  
And let's actually dig into that a little bit, Brian, because I mean, for for folks who are listening here to the show, the past three weeks, particularly when it comes to the news, have very much been focus, you know, within our domestic politics. You know, you start out with the Joe Biden Donald Trump debate. I mean, that was just horrifying on so many different levels. And then you fast forward to the just nonstop clamoring from folks in the Democratic party saying please, Joe Biden could get out of the way. And then you fast forward to this past weekend and the attempted assassination on Donald Trump. There's been a lot of stuff in domestic politics that's been just leaving the news headlines, but you're talking about Lebanon, you're talking about Israel, possibly striking Lebanon striking the airport, a lot of this stuff is flying no pun intended under the radar here Bri so I mean, I don't mean to get into the weeds, but can you give us a more context of what's what's going on with the Israeli Lebanese conflict? Is this just a carryover from what was happening in Gaza? Or is it something different?

Bryan Stern  8:06  
Yeah. So Israel's sworn enemy is Hizbollah, and his bow was sworn enemy is Israel. Hizbollah is the largest states is a as a as a terrorist group. By all accounts, from our perspective, certainly by and certainly justified. They're much more than that, though. His bowl is a global enterprise. They're think of think of al Qaeda meets the mafia. There, they're there. They have businesses they have, they run hospitals, they do all kinds of social programs. So his bullet is much more and they're very organized and very well resourced. So back entirely by Iran, but there's a large presence of his bullet guys in America. So when we talk about these issues, it seems like an over there kind of a problem. And to a large extent it is, but it is absolutely a clear problem too. And the reverse is true. In Lebanon in Lebanon, the Lebanese people don't want war. They most of them have no problem with Israel. But Israel is attacking Hizbollah, which is based in Lebanon. So they're sought from the Lebanese perspective, their sovereignty is under attack, specifically around the southern border. And the Lebanese perspective is very simple. Your southern border is under siege and you're not happy about it. You're a sovereign country. We're a sovereign country to our sovereignty is just as valid pursuant to the Vienna Conventions and the Geneva Conventions and the United Nations. Lebanon is a sovereign country. We have an Embassy in Beirut, the Lebanese have an embassy in Washington DC Lebanon has a seat at the UN, so it's a real country. Hizbollah is kind of like a state within the state though, so the Israelis targeting Hizbollah are also conducting income combat operations inside Lebanon, which make the Lebanese upset. I get that. Now flipping the script completely. The debates I was in Lebanon during the debates in Lebanon engaging with the Lebanese government, who are our allies, they are our friends, these are these are good folks who we kind of discount a little bit, and we probably shouldn't. The debate was a hot topic in Lebanon. So while we're not paying, paying a whole lot of attention to their politics, they're very much paying attention to our politics. Every meeting I went to, I was asked, so who do you think is going to win it? Or did you see that? You know, what do you make of this? Because they don't really know many of us. They don't, they don't really know many of us, just like we don't know many of them. So my point is, is that this over there problem is very much a hearing problem. And our problems are very much felt over there, too. So the world, which is seemingly humongous, and very far away, is actually very small. And the challenges part of Grable, one of our core values is that we're unabashedly apolitical. I frankly don't care who the president knighted states is I don't, I could care less actually, I don't care if it's Joe Biden, I don't care if it's President Trump, I don't care if it's, if Biden should drop out, and it's President Harris in a few months. So be it. I'm an American, so be it. What I care about, though, is the impact of being the leader of the free world, and us as a country, our leadership is desperately needed, desperately needed. Without the leadership of the United States of America, the world goes a little sideways, it just does. And what happens is, someone else I promise will fill the void. That turns into Russia, China or Iran. And that is bad for us. So it doesn't matter whose president really doesn't. We are Americans, our core values are our core values, we can kill each other and argue about every little thing and every little social issue, and from gun rights to abortion, to whatever and all those things are certainly valid. And there's all worth arguing and deliberating and debating about, certainly. And it's our God given rights in the Constitution from the Founding Fathers, we are a country steeped in conflict. The Boston Tea Party by today's standards will be a terrorist event, right? So that's okay. But what we can't do is let the world go bananas, because we we don't do our part as leaders. This is true. If you're a squad leader in the army, if you're a platoon leader in the Marine Corps, if you're a general at the Pentagon, it doesn't really matter if you're the CEO of Ford, it doesn't matter leadership is a is an active sport. It's not passive. And I would argue that the way things have gone down in our country for a long time, not just under President Biden or not just under President Trump and not just under President Obama and a lot of important ways. decisions have been made, that are either smart or stupid, or easy to understand or hard to understand. None of that matters. The result, though, is how we are perceived on the world stage and the impact of that on American citizens globally. Today, there are more I say all the time there are more American citizens in captivity today than the last 45 years. Wow, that's a that's a mistake. That's a mistake. And if we go back 45 years as a country, if we turn back the clock, we had a contentious election between Carter and Fort Carter and Reagan, Reagan. The economy was in shambles. There was civil argument all over the place gas prices to the oil embargo went through the roof. Well, the parallels are parallel. We had a very congealed Republican versus Democrat stuff. A lot of parallels between then and now. However, no matter who you were, no matter who you were, Republican, Democrat, black, white, purple, gay, straight, whatever you were. On the TV on the nightly news, there was a ticker with all the names of the hostages in Iran. There was a counter for how many days they were being held. everywhere you looked there was yellow ribbons tied over every little thing. Schools in the project's private schools in Beverly Hills. Everyone seemed to care. I would argue that today I drive around Tampa. I don't see yellow ribbons anywhere. If I ask any American citizen name me a single American that is in captivity somewhere today. They got nothing. There are Americans locked in closets as I talk to you right now, and no one seems To notice, that's a problem. That's a failure of us, I would argue that's a failure, failure of us as Americans. And for me, this is what I think about all day. And all night long. This is what grayble is all about is if you're an American, and you're stuck, and the people don't seem to notice, and the government doesn't seem to care, or maybe they do when they can't figure it out, or whatever, my team, this is all we care about. I'm not a colonel trying to become a general, I'm not a governor trying to become a president. I'm not President trying to stay president. I'm not an ambassador answering to the Secretary of State. I don't have conflicting policy issues. I'm not worried about trade, or commerce, or semiconductors, or any of these other issues. None of that. Those are all worthy issues. So there's all good things to worry about, that there's certainly not silly, they're good things to worry about. I don't have that problem, though. I don't have that distraction. My team and I are laser focused on one thing and one thing, only saving lives. And that's it. You know, the the biggest problem we have is that we're donor funded. Shameless plug grayble. is our is our website, we're entirely donor funded, we get Not a penny from the government, I don't even get a thank, you know, from the government. And we've rescued more Americans from behind enemy lines, and every single SEAL team combined in history from 1960 to the present. So we don't need we don't need awards. We love what we do. Don't tell anybody on you know, London don't tell you it's a big secret. But I'm actually having the time of my life. I've been doing I did this sort of work for my entire life, and was always restricted by by policy and decision makers and colonels on a power trip or generals who want to do it, but they can or all kinds of reasons. Now, my team and I answer to one person and one person only. And that's to the poor American who's stuck wherever they're stuck. The only person I really care about those those nameless people. So

Brian Nichols  16:56  
Bri back in the day, I used to weigh just shy of around 400 pounds, I was a big, big boy. And I I've been having this this conversation quite a few times with the folks where I like to talk about where I was at that time. And there's the you know, well, how do I lose this weight? There's the Oh, you the one answer that makes sense. You go you go to the gym, you work out, you eat, right, you get active calories in versus calories out, right? With the understanding of where I was starting out 400 ish pounds. Then there's the other folks, it's like, well, you don't get fat in the first place. I'm like, Okay, that would have been very helpful. But you're right, you're right. But that's not where I am. And I see this conversation kind of, you'll hear ongoing, it kind of morphs into other conversations when it comes to political or brother public policy. So when we're talking about like, our foreign affairs are our interventions over over our history, you see the very much where you guys are, and hey, American citizens are in dangerous way right now. And much like me, when I was 400 pounds, you got to get them out, right? You got to lose the weight. But then there's the other side saying, Well, why are we over there in the first place? Why are we playing the world's policeman? Are we spread too thin? Have we taken too much of a role? I mean, you look at Maui getting $700 per person. I think we actually talked about that a few months ago, versus you go over to Ukraine and they're getting $200 billion folks aid Why can't that money focus here at home first before going overseas so bright? I say all that to the people who in the audience are saying, well, Bri, we shouldn't weigh 400 pounds to begin with. We shouldn't be the world's leader. We shouldn't be the world's policeman to those folks. And by the way, very much from a, I'd say a small l libertarian non interventionist perspective, what's in you? Um,

Bryan Stern  18:58  
what I would say is, is that we don't have a choice. We are a superpower whether we like it or not. It's, you know, my, my dog, my dog passed away while I was in Haiti. Sorry, he was a big us a big, you know, 135 pound American Bulldog. If he was in the army, he'd be a cook. He was not a bright shining light of a puppy. And a really gentle giant, he couldn't hurt anything or anyone. He was the worst guard dog that ever was. But if you looked at him, he was scary. He was better. I wear a size 16 shirt. He had a 22 and a half inch neck. Right? He's a beast of a puppy. When I would take him out if a little small dog picked on him, and that will and this actually happened. We had a dog a dog bit him and he growled, and that dog ran into a fence and knocked and basically knocked himself out. And my dog got in trouble. Because he's the big dog. He Here's the big, scary dog.

Brian Nichols  20:01  
I say that, by the way, is why I'd never gotten fights back in high school because I was six foot five, pushing 400 pounds, and everybody else wasn't.

Bryan Stern  20:10  
I mean, this is it right? Now. If you are a big deal if you are a leader, and we claim to be, and I believe that we are, we put a man on the moon, we invented email, right? We have had to football, we've had to baseball come to that. So, you know, we were a country that is tremendously capable. There's a reason why people are coming from Guatemala, you know, a dump in flip flops, and putting themselves at risk to walk through the jungles in the desert to come to this country. It's not because we suck. It's because we're amazing. We're the best country in the world. If if this was, you know, 500 years ago, you know, or whatever, you know, you know, if Socrates were alive today, he'd be proud of the democracy of America. Right? We are a good country. We're an amazing country. And with that comes responsibility. It just does. He just does a cornerstone of our foreign policy. Our entire national security policy and foreign and foreign policy is predicated on two very, very important concepts. One, we are surrounded by a moat, called the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Right? We are really hard to invade, which is why that what's going on at the southern border is such a crime, because we're pretty easy to defect. We're, we're we're we're you know, yes. The Ukrainian still tell you hard, you know, they have problems. We don't We shouldn't have those problems. We're surrounded by a moat. Number two is friends. Our alliances are the ability of our our ability to make friends and help other people, keeps them our friend. And having friends is how you win wars. That that's that's what prevents wars. That's the purpose of NATO. That's what the soul, that's what the Soviet Union was, and what Russia wants so bad. The Russians and the Chinese have taken a page out of our playbook, and they're making friends to say wind, if they wind up with more friends than we have friends, becomes a real problem. So you could be for you could be six, five and 400 pounds, and me versus you, that's a little scary. If I'd get 10 friends that weigh 400 pounds on a six foot five, you've got the problem now.

Brian Nichols  22:31  
Yep, different conversation.

Bryan Stern  22:32  
Now you went from I'm the big guy to, oh, we got off to the wrong foot, little man, we should, we should actually just reset this conversation. I thought I was a big guy actually. Turns out, you have bigger friends than me. You have friends my size or bigger, that can actually eat my lunch. And this now you go from, you know, that fall is a lot harder, right? It's a lot harder. So, you know, we I would argue that as the United States, we have a responsibility not to be the policemen of the world. But we owe it to our own national security, to protect ourselves, to have friends and alliances. It's so important. Without them. We got big problems because these other countries, they need friends, and they're looking to be our friend. If we turn our backs, they'll find friends somewhere else. This is how ISIS started. This is what happened with ISIS. This is exactly what happened with ISIS. Bashar Al Assad in Syria were murdering summarily all the Sunnis the Sunni rebels ask us for help. If we recall, John McCain went over. President Obama was the president of time at the time, John McCain has small delegation went over begged the president to get involved. He said, No, we let them be slaughtered. And this ragtag group of people showed up and said, We are the caliphate. We're Sunni, you're Sunni. Yes, the Americans for help. They said, No, we'll help you. From there, you get ISIS, which becomes the cancer of the world for years that we're still dealing with for years. So, you know, little, little, you know, these decisions really, really, really, really matter. People and countries that need alliances that are looking to be our friend, it is in our national interest to be their friends, not about helping them. The I'm not, I'm not worried about you know, the third, you know, the 1/23 mess kit repair battalion of the Chinese army parachuting in to New York, you know, you know, you know, and all of us having to do wolverines and stuff. Um, you know, I'm not I'm not worried about that at all. But the reality is, we have equities overseas. We have equities in Asia. And if our friends that we We rely on economically, we turn our back on them, and they're forced to go towards China. Well, then an iPhone just became worth $200,000. I like having an iPhone. I don't want to pay $200,000 for an iPhone, that's important to our economy. I have a MacBook, I have a MacBook Pro that I'm talking to you on. I don't want to pay half a million dollars for a MacBook because that's entirely controlled by the bad guys. I don't want that they'll strangle us, they'll Stranglers and that's really their goal. China's China's goal is to defeat us without firing a shot. They don't want to engage in kinetic war with us. They want to engage in economic war with us. Right.

Brian Nichols  25:39  
So I think we're we're going to call this Bri I'm going to call your foreign policy, your this is the uncle Ben doctrine. The the great power comes great responsibility Allah SpiderMan, like 2001. So that's our new, it's our new foreign policy approach the Uncle Ben doctrine. Now, with that you mentioned ISIS, you mentioned actually a lot of world problems that did. If they didn't start during the Obama administration, they at the very least reared their ugly heads during that administration. And then come 2016 Some stuff changed. Namely, we had a different president named Donald J. Trump. Now fast forward to where we are today, he is now trying to get back into the White House to replace the guy who took him out of office, Joe Biden, and I'm seeing right now there is almost it's funny, the the arguments have flipped a little bit. It used to be in 2019 and 2020. You want to vote for Biden for this return to normalcy, right? And now I'm looking at the Donald Trump campaign. I'm hearing a lot of folks using that same verbiage when they're talking about a foreign policy from a Trump perspective. So obviously, that's that's turned into a lot of our conversations. And I'm sure it's also turned into a lot of the the push back to someone like Donald Trump, which I'm guessing probably played a role in his attempted assassination over this past weekend, as we're recording here on the 18th of July. So, Brian, you've been in this world for pretty much your whole life. And to see someone, a former president of the United States, have their life attempted to be taken during a campaign. I mean, this hasn't been seen in 40 plus years. So talk to us about just the gravity of this situation. And let's just elephant in the room if something had happened, where Trump had moved an inch to the left, versus when he had turned his head to read that screen. What where would we be as a country going into the year and beyond? Well,

Bryan Stern  27:34  
I think it's important to highlight that if if, if the same scenario happened to current President Biden, it would also be catastrophic. Yep. It's not just oh, President Trump almost got popped. You know, people are calling this thing a, a fail, you know, failed assassination attempt only failed in the context that he's still alive. But from what I see a sniper got into a sniper's perch that he shouldn't have had access to, and fired off a series of rounds, one of which connected with the President. So we, you know, when Reagan was assassinated John Hinckley, on the Reagan assassination attempt, people talk about oh, Reagan was shot. People People don't know they're don't know the details. The bullet that struck Ronald Reagan bounced off the car, the shooter, John Hinckley didn't point his gun and, and succeed, so to speak. He was getting all screwed up a bullet, he fired his bullet fired his gun, and it bounced off the car door. And that's what actually hit Reagan. So you know, this is the the assassination or an attempt of an assassination on a former president, a current president as soon to be president and presidential candidate, that those those those these incidents reverberate, globally. We need to remember this is the first presidential assassination that was ever caught on social media. And then imagine if this was 1963. And it was a JFK assassination. We wouldn't know who killed JFK, right? No, no, no

Brian Nichols  29:20  
debate, no grassy knoll? No, it's the guy over the bush. None of that, you know,

Bryan Stern  29:25  
what would Oliver Stone and Kevin Costner have done would not have been able to meet JFK the movie, like, what would they talk about? Right? There's the Pruder film wouldn't be the Zapruder film, because it'd be Billy Joe from Texas, saying, Hey, Paul, you won't believe what I got on my phone. We would know. So, you know, when we talk about this. And you know, I've been doing a lot of talking about this. I've done this kind of work for a long time. I've done hundreds and hundreds of security assessments and site surveys and threat assessments for venues just like this. All over the world. There's some fundamental problems that have nothing to do even with the shooter, frankly, right? That that are that, we need to ask some very, very, very, very, very hard questions of a 20 year old punk kid without anything who's probably who was probably a breadwinner and wore a tinfoil hat and was, from what we understand a weirdo, which is what all these shooters ultimately become. That's what happens. Right? That's what happens is Hindsight is 2020. And you get all the random people that knew him always knew he was nuts. Well, thanks for letting somebody know, I appreciate it. Right. That's how it always happens. But, you know, this is a 20 year old punk kid who, you know, watched some things on YouTube and wasn't too sharp and is a middle student. Not a bright shining light, not an activist of any kind, seemingly not passionate about hardly anything. If he was able to get to 143 yards of the President with with you know, with with a magazine fed air cooled direct impingement gas operated ar 15 rifle from DPMS, which is a nice way of saying a crappy gun and successfully connect with the President. unmolested. That's a problem. That's, that's, uh, you know, if you're the Secret Service to if you're the FSB agents that protect President Putin, you're going you're looking at the Secret Service going guys, what are you doing? Right? How do you know when we talked about the distance 143 yards for both a football field the half? Well, while ago you went better. If you're a radio host. For the in the Wisconsin Army National Guard, you're a cook in the Wisconsin Army National Guard. That a sniper, not a Special Forces guy, a cook, basic, basic combat support soldier combat service support soldier. If you're a finance guy in the army, you qualify at 300 yards at least twice a year. double the distance. So let me understand this right if I'm a cook she twice the distance so I can't be in the army. How does that doesn't track? That sounds really terrible to me. Imagine if the kid wasn't a bad weather punk kid. Imagine if he was a disgruntled veteran who is angry about whatever. PTSD galore. Yeah, I mean, things happened when the Air Force kid set himself on fire in front of the White House last year. I mean, I forgot about that. You know, everyone's everyone thinks the veteran community that we're that we're all like these like beacons of normalcy. Newsflash, we have just as many whack jobs in America, in the military as the civilian population. It's where we come from people, you know, Leavenworth military prison. Every single person in there is a veteran, every single one of you. So, you know, the military community has its fair share of problems to imagine if that was a veteran who had lost the plot, that veteran would have been for center mass. He would have gotten three shots off in record time. They all would have connected. You know, yesterday, yesterday, I was asked by another group. They asked it was kind of a we call it the Pepsi coke challenge. Right? They said, Well, you film Will you will you not like reenacted. But will you show us how hard or easy it is. So we took a two liter soda bottle of Dr. Pepper, we put it on a pole, and we walked it out 243 yards, took it took a civilian ar 15 I've got I happen to own an AR 15 that I haven't touched. This thing hasn't been cleaned in like 15 years, I haven't seen this guy to go dig it out of my gun safe. It was like buried in the back. Right? with iron sights at 143 yards. And we had to sort of model was all the balls but the size of a human head. It's not hard. So the question is, if we say the maximum effective range of upon a point target with an AR 15 or an M for is 650 meters in the army manual, Google it. Well, then why was the perimeter so close? That's makes no sense. The director of the Secret Service said yeah, we considered putting snipers on the rooftop. But the slope was not good for whatever. Well, it was good for the shooter. It was he made it work. It worked for somebody worked for somebody. So that dog doesn't hunt too well. So all kinds of things. There's all there's all there's all kinds of issues. You know why? When when when he got head he went down he did exactly what he was supposed to do. President Trump handled himself beyond all the fight, fight fight stuff, just from a Protectee perspective. We we spend when I've done this work, we train or protect us on what to do when things happen. And, you know, we tell them, you have a choice. You could do what we tell you to do and train and we can train you to do some things, or I need to be right up on you and invade your privacy at all times. Almost always they go well, yeah, tell me what to know. They play an active role in their survival. The shots rang out, he gets hit, what does he do, he goes right to the ground. Exactly how he was trained to do he's made his silhouette smaller, created an angle between him and the shooter, knowing that the shooter is going to have to adjust his sight picture, all the things that we it was it was as a Protectee. He was forget about all the political stuff in the fight, fight, fight and all that stuff. But as a pro tip D He did eloquently. It is scary to be shot at. Anyone who has been shot at that says it's not a big deal has never been shot up before. We need to remember where everyone's talking about the snipers. This is the first time in the history of the Secret Service from 1901 that a counter sniper from the Secret Service engage the target. Wow. never had before. We've never had a sniper attempt on a president before never happened. So everyone's like, Oh my god. Can you believe what the this is the first time for a lot of people. First time for the President first time for the snipers. First time for everybody. There's a lot of psychology that goes into this stuff. That you know I if I'm if I'm a Secret Service, Sniper, I'm behind the glass. I'm kind of not believing what I'm seeing at first. But how? How am I looking at a target 143 yards away with a gun. Right? Right now in that building, where Pennsylvania State Police er T snipers, which adds insult to injury. Right? They were below to shooter. And they're probably wondering why everyone's so excited. Because they're on different radios. They don't know what's going on. So imagine you're the Secret Service sniper and you're told, be advised we have a shooter I'm building to and you've been briefed that there's another sniper team at building to I can see it. Oh, yeah, that's our guys. Some civilians saw it didn't know what they're looking at. That's the other sniper team. Well go kinda look. Oh, wow. I can't really tell. See the gun. I kinda, you know, hey, Joe. Is that one of our guys? Or what is that? Because how the hell did a sniper get on the roof at 143 yards. So that's got to be the other team. I can imagine the dialogue. That's not hard. Now imagine if they were wrong, let's say then the headline would be United States Secret Service blows away Pennsylvania State Trooper at Trump rally. Yep. That, that that doesn't so, you know, there's a lot of hindsight is always 2020. But if you kind of put yourself in the shoes of some of the some of these folks, the agents, the bad guy even you kind of go through this stuff. Yeah, the psychology behind this, you know, why did he miss? Everyone's like, oh, well, he whatever. I'll tell you right now he was aiming for here. He wasn't he wasn't aiming for headshots. He had a crappy gun with crappy ammo and no optics had a little junky red, red got no magnification. I'll tell you right now. He was aiming for the for Trump center for center mass. And he missed. He missed a six foot three dude. And, you know, now why? Because it's hot. Number one. He's been engaged by law enforcement already a cop saw him. So he knows he's on a clock. And he's about to assassinate the former president knighted states. What his what he looked like on that rooftop.

His adrenaline was through the roof. His blood pressure was pegged in the red, right? I've been I've been in the field with Navy SEALs, who have frozen stiff, just from complete emotional and chemical overload of just getting shot at being in a gunfight. So this is a punk kid. This isn't a steely eyed killer type. This is a dumb kid who watch too much tick tock. He's, you know, no girl, notice how his former girlfriend hasn't come forward to say Oh, and you know why? This kid doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that's exactly Mr. Donilon with the ladies. Doesn't doesn't? Doesn't seem to be right. He doesn't seem to be was the chin that gave it away? You know, right. So, you know, we need to think about the psychology of some of this stuff. But lots of failures happened. How come that How come this the Tonto the spare vehicle wasn't right at the stage? Yeah. Right. It was 1000 degrees outside 30 I read somewhere. 30 Something people went to the hospital that day when heat exhaustion. Forget about the sniper. What if the president who would have the presence is overheated? And he went down? You're telling me that they're gonna leave them on the stage for your five minutes until they back the truck up? That truck always when you do this stuff? The name of the game is get your Protectee your principal Hold off the x as soon as possible. And behind something bulletproof as soon as possible. What if there were two shooters? Right? In in sniper land, we never work alone. Snipers never work it Yeah, at least always have a spotter including the Secret Service. Right? You always have you always have multiple guns and it's just like a field of fire. What if the what if somebody had smuggled in a hand grenade or a homemade explosive? And the sniper shooting was just to get everyone looking this way? While somebody lobbed a hand grenade that way? What if so, there's a number of failures that happened here that have nothing to do with the slope of the rooftop, or the just communication failures to procedural failures. There's all kinds of stuff that goes into this. Bottom line is, it's a miracle. Thank God he wasn't it. Thank God, not because he's President Trump or because he's a Republican because he's an American Americans being killed aren't. You know, I, I wrote, somebody asked me, somebody asked me this morning. If you were a speechwriter for President Trump, what would you have him say tonight at the RNC? What would you have him say? And I wanted to be to be a little different. Right now. I'm flamboyant. Sometimes when I go nose to nose with the Russian intelligence service, and I have a Hizbollah flag that I stole, I gotta right here. I stole his bowl of flag from Beirut. I've been known to be a little flamboyant. Just to be goofy, right? My answer was very simple. He needs it. We everyone's saying that he needs to talk about unity, and bringing the country together, not just bringing the republican party together, but bring the country together. You know what I would say if I were Donald Trump, I will get on the stage. And when everyone's going nuts in rah, rah, rah and fight, fight, fight and all the things I'd say Calm down, everyone, if I'm President Trump, President Trump and I went to the same high school, right, where we have three distinguished alumni, President Trump, John Gotti, Jr. And me, were the only ones that ever did anything noteworthy, frankly, right? So we're all from Queens, and we're all from Queens just so happens. If I were president Trump, and everyone's going bananas as he loves, I tell everyone calm down, calm down. I'm here to you. I'm here. I'm here. I'm proud to accept the nomination and all the things that he needs to say. And what I would say is, I'd like to talk about gun control. I am the first president, who is the victim of mental illness and gun crime. I, the I'm a proud supporter of the NRA, I will always support the second amendment. I do support the second amendment. I've keynoted. Every NRA national convention that I've been invited to, I will continue to do that. I'm not coming for your guns. This is not what this is about. But as a victim of gun crime. I understand. I understand. No president can speak about being the recipient on the receiving end of gun violence, like I came from an air 15. I don't know what the right answer is. But I'm here to tell you, if you elect me as President, I want to have a conversation with all parties. All people, both sides, far left far right, the NRA, the ACLU, the Boy Scouts of America, the rifle team of the B'nai Brith. But I understand now about this whole gun control gun violence thing, I get it, I get it. And I'm not here to tell you, I'm gonna do anything. I'm not here to tell you that I can solve the problem. I don't know what the problem I don't know how to solve the problem. But I'm here to tell you, I understand the problem. And there's no one on this stage, or on this ticket that understands this the way I do. If you said it that way. You know, the far left anti gun people out there would be hanging themselves, they wouldn't shoot themselves because they're anti gun, but they don't be taking pills though or something. Right. You know, you know, if you're if you're a far left, far left anti gun, you know, the world needs slingshots kind of a person, right? It's a unifying thing. He's speaking the truth, a lot of truth to it a lot of truth to it. And I think that he would secure I think that he'd secure votes. I think that I think that people that are kind of on the fence would see a humble side of him that most people don't get to see. I've seen it personally. You know, Donald, Donald Trump's a funny guy. He's a he's a practical guy. He's he's he can be a goofball a little bit sometimes, you know, but but there's a human side to him that most people don't see, and looking death in the face, the way he did, and the way he carried himself and the way he comported himself. I've been in dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of situations. was exactly like President Trump. I can't think I'm a purple heart recipient. I mean, I've been I've seen a lot of war. I've been blown up. I've taken artillery fire. I've had Pitman training kill me. I've been all kinds of stuff happen to me. Personally. I can't think of a single time where I thought to go, Oh, yeah. I, I, I, every time I've had a close call on my life, I think God that that I was quicker than they were or they were slower than I was. And then I'm still here and there's still not every single time. So to see how he carried himself, I think was was as a country. We talked about leadership. And I'm unabashedly not political. I don't I say it all the time. I don't care who's president? I really don't. I really don't whoever it is, it is, you know, when I first met Barack Obama, President Obama, and I'm a I'm, you know, I'm a pro gay rights, pro gay rights gun toting American, whatever that makes me is what I am, right. When I met President Obama, and I had a lot of problems with President Obama's foreign policy, President Obama's policies, I can make an argument killed, killed a lot of my friends, and made life very difficult for a lot of people in a lot of ways that that I really had a real personal problem with. But when I met President Obama, I saluted him, you know why? Because he's my president. If I don't like it, I can move to Guatemala. He's, we, he's still the president. So, you know, hopefully, we have good elections. Somebody will, when the sun will come up tomorrow, and somebody will get elected president, I promise. It's, it'll happen, whether, you know, it will be when it will be. And whoever that is, all I asked of them, as the commander in chief and the leader of the free world, is to think about how I just asked them to lead. I just asked them to lead. And there's no such thing as passive leadership. That doesn't exist. Leadership is an active sport, sometime a combat sport. Sometimes you gotta fight for what you believe in, even, even if you're surrounded by people who don't believe in you. But But you know, being the man in the arena, that comes with the job, if you're not prepared to fight the good fight, and you're not prepared to lead, you probably shouldn't be precedent here here where you should you should, you know, go work at the DMV or something, you know, you should go do something else. Not doesn't make you a bad person doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't make you better. Good. But if being the leader of the free world, we see the Commander in Chief Commander mean, something, that's not just the titles, that actually mean something. I would argue that the way President Biden is perceived, at least overseas perceived. I think there's there's some real challenges with the perception of his leadership. I don't know him i i don't know what he's like behind closed doors. I'm not in the secret meetings. Maybe he's this Lex Luthor guy who?

Brian Nichols  48:08  
Smart attack, right. Smart attack?

Bryan Stern  48:11  
Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. But I could tell you that on the streets of Beirut, on the streets of Ukraine, on the streets of Russia, on the streets of Haiti, on the streets of Maui, on the streets of Israel on the streets of Gaza. All places I've been the last couple of years. The perception at least, is is not that. And that is not just about President Biden, that touches all of us. President Biden President Biden's a good man, he does. President Biden doesn't wake up every day and say, How do I screw things up? He is trying to do it's a tough job. It's hard to be president. I mean, you know, hard to be president. Very hard to be good at it. Right? Very hard to be good at it. You know, President Trump isn't the Savior who's going to you know, write in on a white unicorn that barks rainbows, and, you know, you know, poops glitter, you know, he has his own his own challenges, too. But, but we as a country, we will suffer if we don't lead as a country. That's true for Congress. That's true for governors. That's true for your county officials. That's true for us as Americans. I talked about the Yellow Ribbon thing all the time. How do you explain to me that there are more Hamas and Hizbollah flags shown in America, then there are yellow ribbons for American hostages. How does that track? I don't get that. I don't get it. And I'm a pretty creative guy. Now I could see his bowl of flags and Hamas flags all over the place. I get that people are pissed off at the Israelis and what what they're doing in Gaza, having been there is very brutal and very terrible. It's worth talking and arguing about certainly But it's about us first though. I care about Americans way more than I care about the people in Gaza. They're all people. I you know, I rescued we my team and I have rescued over 7000 people. Wow. 7000 people since August 2021. Okay. About just over a third of them are Muslim. Wow. I don't care iversity Jews, Christians, I've rescued gay people, straight people, people who don't know if they're gay or straight. I've rescued people. I rescued a one legged piano player who knew that was a thing in a wheelchair. I don't care. But I but you gotta prioritize a little bit and we come first. I care about an American citizen in captivity way more than anyone else, to be honest. And that sucks. But if I was Mexican, I care about Mexicans first, if I were from Bratislava and care about Bronislaw Ivan's first, I happen to be American. So I care about us first, and it's incumbent on us to nothing wrong with protesting the part we we are a country, the First Amendment. We talk about it with like, like, it's nothing. The First Amendment the purpose of the First Amendment is so that we can argue with each other. That's the purpose that the Founding Fathers said Americans are jerks. Americans are jerks. Our next generations the next area are going to be bigger jerks than we are right. We are revolutionaries. By today's standards. George Washington is one step away from a buenas Roloff Hizbollah he, he was a revolutionary, who fought against the government and tyranny and oppression. Those are the same words that Ms. Rollo says, right. I mean, there's a talking points. But we as Americans are as we're a part of our DNA is to fight each other. That's fine, based on the implied task that we also carry about each other too, though. That's it, what the First Amendment says, you can say whatever you want, about me, to me, that I vehemently disagree with and scream at the top of your lungs. And you have to stand there and listen to me say the exact opposite. Not only can you say it, you can listen to me too. And we can agree to disagree. That's still an agreement. That's what the First Amendment is all about. But it's based on the idea that America comes first. It's that's the baked in part. If you talk to, you know, the founding fathers of Guatemala, they would tell you Guatemalans come first to nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that Guatemala is a terrible country filled with human traffickers, drug dealers, the number one feeding feeding country of human trafficking into America, all kinds of crazy stuff. Guatemalans still care about Guatemalans though, how come? I'm not saying that people shouldn't protest and carry Hamas flags. I think that's crazy. Personally, I don't get it. But I do say they have the right to do it, though. i That's okay. I hate it. But as an American, they're allowed. No problem. What I don't get is How come there's not more yellow banners around more yellow ribbons around? More more? You know, how come illegals are given better better services than our veterans? You know, none of that makes sense to me. Not make sense. All of that is failures of leadership. And the world because of iPhones. See it? Yep. That's the problem. Because because we're so connected. The world sees it. Now. We may have always been screwed up. Maybe. But you know, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln famously said, Better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Because of iPhones. And everyone's a reporter. You know, it's amazing. The amazing I'm watching TV, I'm doing media on the assassination thing, right? A month ago, everyone was a school shooting expert. Then everyone became a Ukraine expert. And everyone became a right. Then everyone became a debate expert. Everyone became a cognitive ability expert. Then everyone became a drone expert. Right? The drone experts, right. And you know, now everyone's a bodyguard expert. And everyone's a secret service expert. Now everyone's a sniper. Everyone's a sniper. You know? It's a It's amazing to me, right? You know, I spent 25 years in the intelligence business. We know about a lot of things. If you ask me what it's like to be a Navy SEAL. I don't know. I'm not a Navy SEAL. I don't comment on it. I don't know. And I served on a SEAL team for years. And I still I don't carry telephone poles I fly business class. I'm not that kind of guy. You know, but it's amazing. Every time I look what I got on my thing, therefore, I'm an expert because I recorded something you know, I don't know So for us that grayble Our perspectives are based on reality. I'm on the streets. I talk to these people personally, personally, people have asked me, So tell me about President Biden is a true what we hear. Is President Trump really anti Muslim? Is your southern borders really open? These are questions I've gotten this week in Beirut, Lebanon. And as we talk about Israel, notwithstanding the fact that there's 15 to 20,000, Hizbollah guys in the United States of America, that's a real problem. That's a real problem, Director ray of the FBI, he was testifying not that long ago. And he said that there are 18 times don't quote me on the numbers, but it was something like there's 18 times more active terrorist cases in the United States right now. Then we have FBI agents in the FBI. Wow. And we have presidents being sniped by 20 year old breadwinners almost successfully, there's a problem. There's a

Brian Nichols  56:10  
big one, a big one at that bar. I hate to do this, but we are hard pressed for time, which means now we must do the part of the show must be sad. And that is to say goodbye. So with that being said, I want folks to please go ahead support the amazing organization that is grateful rescue. Um, so just, Brian, my final thoughts for today, I'm just so thankful that there are people like you, who you see the writing on the wall, and you're not sitting there saying, I really hope somebody can do something about this. You're the one doing something about this. And and it's on us to be the change we wish to see in the world. And I just go back to what you were talking about with America needing to lead. I agree, we do need to lead I very much am going to take on this, this Uncle Ben doctrine as we're moving forward here for the show. Because I do believe we need to be able to not just have the the great power, but also use it responsibly and to help maintain that, that infrastructure that we've built up, but also doing so understanding where we've been how we got here and where we're going. And looking at the world right now. It's a scary place. But you know, you mentioned the iPhone generation, being able to record all the negative things on the same same point in time. Let's flip flip it over, you can also record all the good things, and there's a lot of really good people doing some really good things right now. And you guys are one of them. That grayble Rescue. So thank you for what you guys are doing. I'm so very thankful we can have this conversation, talk about the great things you guys are doing. And to my audience, please support grayble Rescue because at the end of the day, again, it is folks like Brian and his team who are going out there putting themselves in harm's way. But they're doing so because there's a bigger purpose here. There's a bigger calling, and it goes back to I will just reiterate this again. We are not just a no Red Team Blue team left, right you different colors, different religions, we're Americans and that's okay, that means that Okay, that should be celebrated. And what's the expression e pluribus unum from many one, we need to go back to that mentality. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you just because we think different ways doesn't mean you you as the enemy. So with that being said, Brian stern from great bowl rescue thanks for joining us, where can folks go ahead support the organization and if they want to reach out and continue the conversation we're gonna go ahead and do so.

Bryan Stern  58:27  
Grable with an E Grable with an E, we had a big gunfight over E versus a I won't bore you with that story. grayble is our website you can also find us on social media, we're on all the all the things that I don't know how to use LinkedIn and Twitter or x or whatever, and Facebook and Instagram and all the things and we need your help. We need your help these these operations are cost effective from a government perspective, but they still cost money. Helicopters don't fly themselves and I wish I had my own but I don't. If ever if you have a listener out there that was donated a helicopter or an airplane it will go to good use. But we're here for we're here for all of us. Not just for you. Not just for me, not just for your neighbor. We're here for all of us. Your passport looks like my passport and you're in trouble. And they won't come. You're not without hope. We will come we will come

Brian Nichols  59:21  
there you go. All right, Brian. It's been a pleasure. Thank you for joining us and folks, if you enjoyed today's episode, you know the drill Go ahead, give it a share tag yours truly at bead nickels, liberty, all of the social media links Affer mentioned will be included in our show notes. Otherwise gray bull gray with an E. That link also can be found in the show notes and folks for the podcast or video version of the show. I ask please, wherever it is, you're consuming the show. Just hit that subscribe button hit that little notification bell and head down below to the comments. Let us know your thoughts. We want to hear them. Do you think that America is playing too much of a role on the national stage? Do you think that the assassination on Donald or attempt rather on Donald Trump's life is in fact a big red flag in terms of how our systems are starting to break down here in America. Continue the conversation, YouTube rumble, wherever it is you consume your video content or for the audio version of the show, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube music. And one last plug. Please support the folks who support us our amazing sponsors like amp America cardio miracle eagles, CBD liquid freedom, energy, tea, and more. All those links for our sponsors can be found at the Brian Nichols Bri. That's been a great conversation. Any last words any wrap things up today for the audience? No,

Bryan Stern  1:00:35  
I'm good. I got a raging headache and of jetlag so I got a little ranty but this is important stuff to rant about. 1,000%

Brian Nichols  1:00:42  
Brian, I really appreciate the time. With that being said it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Brian stern from gray bow rescue. We'll see you next time.

Transcribed by

Bryan Stern Profile Photo

Bryan Stern

Chairman and Founder of Grey Bull Rescue

Grey Bull Rescue Foundation was founded by Bryan Stern, a Multiple-tour combat veteran of the United States Army & Navy, courageous 9/11 first responder and purple heart recipient. Bryan has over 25 years of military experience focused on special operations specializing in Hostage Rescue, Counter-Terrorism, Counter- Proliferation, Critical Technology Protection, and Unconventional Warfare.

When Bryan saw Afghans struggling and Americans trying to escape the Taliban after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, he decided to act. Together with a team of former special operations and intelligence veterans, he led swift rescue missions amid the chaos. On their first mission, they saved 117 stranded Americans in one day. This effort led to the creation of the Grey Bull Rescue Foundation. Since then, Stern and his team have deployed on 616 missions, saving more than 7,000 lives. This includes missions in Ukraine, Sudan, Haiti, Israel and Gaza, along with operations in the United States during the Maui wildfires and Hurricane Ian.

Stern is a frequent contributor to global media, academia, and geopolitical security forums. He aids U.S. and allied governments, along with commercial and financial sectors, to address and manage geopolitical crises. He holds positions on various boards dedicated to strategy, technological innovation, and foreign policy and is a member of several professional organizations including Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and Business Executives for National Security (BENS).

Stern is the sole U.S. Navy Officer ind… Read More