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July 10, 2024

872: The BIG LIE About Biden's Brain | What You Need To Know

The corporate media's desperate attempts to cover up Biden's mental decline while attacking Trump have eroded public trust, ushering in a new era of independent journalism and critical media consumption.

Has the corporate media's credibility finally crumbled under the weight of its own deception? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the media's struggle to maintain relevance in the face of Joe Biden's undeniable mental decline. How are they attempting to balance their anti-Trump agenda with the reality of Biden's cognitive issues? What does this mean for the future of journalism and public trust?



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Brian Nichols pulls no punches as he exposes the media's high-wire act of covering Biden's deteriorating mental state while simultaneously trying to keep Trump at bay. He draws parallels to a recent conversation with Andrea Sampson, highlighting the irreparable damage done to media trust and the desperate need for honest, unbiased reporting. Is the corporate media playing checkers while the rest of the world has moved on to chess?


The episode delves into the shifting landscape of information consumption, exploring the rise of independent journalists, podcasters, and content creators. Nichols argues that this democratization of information is both beautiful and chaotic, posing significant challenges to traditional media power structures. How will the corporate media fight to maintain its influence, and what does this mean for the average consumer of news?


As we approach the 2024 election, Nichols presents a compelling case for why media literacy is more crucial than ever. He challenges listeners to become active participants in their information consumption, advocating for critical thinking and deeper investigation beyond headlines and sound bites. Could this crisis of trust in media actually be an opportunity for positive change?


Finally, Nichols offers a glimmer of hope amidst the doom and gloom. He emphasizes the power of storytelling and the role of alternative media sources in reshaping our information landscape. As the corporate media grapples with the Biden-Trump dilemma, Nichols empowers his audience to reclaim their right to make informed decisions based on facts, not feelings. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that challenges everything you thought you knew about media trust and the future of information in our society!



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Brian Nichols  0:06  
Have the corporate media's lies finally caught up to them? Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Wow. Hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host. And yes, returning to our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our friends over at amp America. Go ahead and get the news you need to know without the corporate media bias or fluff which yes, we are going to be talking about in detail during today's episode. Also, The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our phenomenal friends over at cardio miracle who also are phenomenal studio sponsors. Now cardio miracle folks, I've been using it for well over a year and a half. And you've heard me say it time and again, the cardio miracle difference is real. So if you want to learn how cardio miracle can help lower your blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate while increasing your pump at the gym and improving your night's rest of sleep. Stick around. We're going to talk about cardio miracle later in the episode. But for today, we are talking all things. Media bias. Yes, elephant in the room, it has been exposed, there is no hiding. And the culprit for helping destroy the cult or the corporate media's trust. Really put that final nail in the coffin is Joe Biden's very obvious mental decline. So let's dig into that chore today's episode. So let's face it, the corporate media is in a bind. On one hand, they're desperately trying to prevent Trump from reclaiming the White House and on the other. They're grappling with the undeniable reality of Joe Biden's declining mental health. It's frankly, like watching a high wire act without a safety net. And the tension is palpable. So for those of you who've been around the show for a while, you know, I've been talking about Biden's cognitive issues for years at this point. I mean, go back to the 2020 Democratic primaries, the signs were all there clear as day but the corporate media, they swept it under the rug faster than Biden could say, Come on, man. It's full of malarkey. They prop up Biden like Weekend at Bernie's, and they were hoping that we wouldn't notice that they were the ones helping pull the strings. But then there was that debate, the debate with Trump this past this past summer and who it was bad. It was bad Biden, he shuffled on the stage, looking like he would rather be anywhere else. Frankly, he didn't really look like he knew where he was. He had the glaze over, you know, lights are on nobody's home look. And when he started talking, it was just it was a car crash in slow motion now. Trump, Love him or hate him. He came out swinging, he was sharp. He was focused, he was on message. Meanwhile, Biden look lost half the time he was starting sentences and forgetting where he was when he was midway through. And for anybody who was watching. I mean, it was painful. And suddenly, the media, they just couldn't ignore the reality anymore. The Emperor's New Clothes had finally been revealed. And it wasn't a pretty sight. And now the corporate media is in a bind, they are in a pickle. They've got to cover up. Biden's very obvious mental decline, but they're trying to do so without giving trump any positive coverage, or, frankly, any real good focus coverage at all. It's like they're trying to thread a needle while also riding a roller coaster. Not necessarily the best way to make things happen. But when you think about this whole situation, it actually reminded me of a conversation we had on Monday with Andrea Sampson back when she was on the show. We were talking about the depth of trust when it comes to the public's perception of the corporate media. And Andrea, she made a great point saying that the corporate media has so undermined trust, that once you get rid of the trust, you can't build it back. Right. Like there's no technique that fixes the lack of trust. And that is the problem. And this is so true when you're looking at where we are right now with the corporate media and the Biden situation. I mean, the media has been playing fast and loose with the truth for so long. They've dug themselves into a hole deeper than what the Marianas Trench they've misled us. They presented information in ways that was not conducive to the future we want and now they're reaping what they sow. And as we always say in sales Trust is everything right? Once it's gone It's almost impossible to get back. And the trust in the corporate media, it's not just gone. It's It's packed its bags, it's moved to a different country on a different continent. So what's the corporate media to do? They're trying to walk this tightrope covering Biden's mental decline, while at the same time trying to keep Trump at bay. It's in his latest, some really weird coverage. I mean, one minute, they're reluctantly admitting that maybe, just maybe Biden might not be at the top of his game. And then the next they're reminding us that Trump is basically the Antichrist, and it's giving all of us whiplash. And let's not forget the grilling whispers that Biden is probably going to step down. And the idea of him being replaced by someone like Kamala Harris, is starting to pick up traction. But Harris isn't exactly a beloved public figure figure either. I mean, her approval rating is lower than Biden's so the Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place and the media. They're right there with them. So let's circle back to something in our old episode with Andrea that she said, where she said, we need people who are willing to tell truths, and haven't been undermined by the whole world. And I think we need to have a collective voice that's building a vision for the future we all collectively want. That's what Andrea said. And isn't the crux. And isn't that the crux of the matter? We're all starving for some honest, unbiased reporting. We all want truth, not some watered down version of the truth that's spinned. By you know, the media, but the corporate media just seems incapable of doing that. Now, the whole situation is a perfect storm for the death of the corporate media as we know it. What they've done is painted themselves into a corner, and now they're watching the paint dry while the world moves on without them. It's like they're playing checkers, while the rest have moved on to chess. And let's break this down a bit more. The media's coverage of Biden has been a masterclass in cognitive dissonance. They've been trying to convince us that this man who can barely string together a coherent sentence is fit to lead the free world. It's like, trying to sell a bicycle to a fish just doesn't work. And then there's the coverage of Trump. Now, I'm no trump cheerleader, listen to the show in any stretch. And you'll hear I've been very, very critical of Trump. But the bias is undeniable, the media is so focused on painting him as the next Hitler, that they're missing the bigger picture. People are resonating to his message, whether the media likes it or not. So by ignoring this reality, the media is just further eroding what little trust they have left. And this brings us to a very crucial point, the media's role in shaping public discourse and opinion. And for decades, the media has seen themselves as the gatekeepers of truth of information. And they've decided what was news and what wasn't. But in the age of social media and alternative news sources, podcasts, YouTube has a monopoly on information, it's gone, right? It's it's completely gone. People are waking up to the fact they don't need to tune in to CNN or Fox news to tell them what to think. They can actually go and find that information from a variety of sources and form their own opinions without being told what opinion needs to be. And it's got the corporate media shaking, because they see the writing on the wall. It's like back in the episode when Andrea said, we need to focus on creating our own truth. Not what the corporate media says is the truth. Like we need to empower and encourage people to continue turning away from that traditional corporate media infrastructure. And instead, yes, find alternative voices that resonate with their experiences and values. And this shift is fundamentally changing the media landscape.

I mean, we've been seeing a rise in independent journalists, podcasters content creators who are out there, filling the void left by the corporate media's failures, which, in turn, is a democratization of information. And it's, frankly beautiful to watch. But here's the thing, this transition isn't going to be smooth. The corporate media, much like the bureaucracies that are fighting back against the chevron doctrine overturning by the Supreme Court, they're not going to go down without a fight. They're going to cling to this power and influence with every bit of strength, they have left every bit of manipulation they have left. And we're already seeing this in their attempts to discredit alternative news sources and independent voices. So let's circle back to this 2024 Election here. I feel like Jen Psaki let's circle back, which by the way, she was at least decent at her job, not not not Corinne, John Pierre, anyways, the media's handling of Biden and Trump it this is going to be the litmus test for their relevance going forward beyond 2024. Like if they continue down this path of hyper biased reporting, and selective truth telling, they're gonna lose whatever shred of credibility they have left. And think about it, how can we trust the media that's been covering up for Biden's quite obvious mental decline? For years? I mean, how can we trust them, when they're very clearly more interested in pushing their narrative than reporting the facts? Like, it's trying to trust the used car salesman who's trying to sell you that rust on the car is actually a feature, not a bug. And let's not forget that this loss of trust isn't just affecting the media, it's actually spilling over into our political system as a whole. When people can't trust the information they're getting, or you know, what information the corporate media is telling them is real, how can they make informed decisions at the ballot box, it's 100%, a recipe for chaos. And we are already seeing the effects. And this brings me to my point that I think is probably the most crucial and that is the need for media literacy. We need people to understand how to critically evaluate the information they're consuming. Like it's not just enough to read the headlines, and then watch some 32nd clip on the nightly news. We need to teach folks how to dig deeper, cross referenced sources. And of course, think critically about what they're being told not just taking what they're being told at face value. It's like what I'd like to teach in sales, don't just take the customer's word for it, do your due diligence, the same principles all apply here. We can't just take the media's word for it. And we need active consumers, in this case, you the viewers, to be active participants, not passive recipients. Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, Brian, this all sounds very doom and gloom. Is there any hope. And to that? I say, Absolutely. This crisis of trust in the media is also an opportunity for us. And it's a chance for us to reshape the way that we not only consume information, but also how we share information. We're seeing a rise of citizen journalists of grassroots, grassroots news organizations, and independent voices who are all committed to telling the truth, no matter how uncomfortable or unpopular it might be. And let's not forget, as we talked about, with Andrea, the power of storytelling, storytelling is one of the most powerful tools for conveying complex ideas, and connecting with people on an emotional level. So we need more storytellers who can cut through the noise and help us make sense of the world around us. And this is where podcasts like The Brian Nichols Show comes in. We're not bound by the same constraints of the traditional media, we can actually dive deep into topics, have long form conversations and explore ideas, not just from one perspective, but from multiple angles. And as we look ahead to 2024, it's very clear that we are we're going to be seeing this conversation continue forward, because the corporate media is going to do everything it can to maintain their grip on power. But here's the thing, we don't have to play their games anymore. We don't have to play these stupid little games, we have the power. And that power is to give us the chance to find alternative sources of information, to think critically about what we're being told and to form our own opinions based on facts, not on the media spin. It's like I always say here in the show, we need to meet people where they're at, on the issues they care about. And right now people care about the truth. They care about honest reporting. They care about having access to information that isn't filtered through some establishment corporate lens. So as we watch the corporate media struggle with the Biden Trump dilemma, let's remember that at the end of the day, we're the ones who have the power to change the narrative. We have the power to demand better from the media institutions. And if they can't, or they won't give it to us, we have the power. And we are doing this creating our own alternatives. So in the end, this isn't just about Biden isn't just about Trump, or 2024. In general, this is about the future of information in our society. It's about reclaiming our right to make informed decisions based on facts, not feelings. It's about building a media landscape that serves the people, not the corporate media interests. So as we navigate these very rough waters, remember think vertically and seek out different perspectives. And of course, don't be afraid to question the narrative question everything, the death of trust in the corporate media, it's going to be painful, but it's also an opportunity for us to take a really good step forward and changing the way things will be in the future. So, hey, who knows maybe from the ashes of the old system, we will build something bigger, better and something more honest and actually serves the people so I think that's where we're gonna leave things for today. Folks, if you got some value from this rather short and succinct solo episode, please do me a favor head down below. In the comments. Let us know your thoughts. Also, please go ahead and give today's episode a share when you do tag yours truly at be Nichols liberty. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Also, you want to go ahead and check out The Brian Nichols Show on your favorite video platform YouTube, Rumball, Facebook and we are uploading the video version of the show in its entirety or for the audio version Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube music wherever it is that you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. Just do me a favor hit that subscribe button and of course, head to Brian Nichols Leave us a five star rating and review that helps us reach more people and help more people find The Brian Nichols Show. Also one final plug and that is to please support the folks who support us our phenomenal sponsors like our studio sponsor, cardio miracle, our main sponsor amp America plus some other great sponsors like equals CBD, liquid freedom, energy, tea, and more. So that's all we have for you today, folks. With that being said, Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show. We'll see you Friday.

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