June 28, 2024

867: Biden's Debate DISASTER | Will Bad Debate Cost Democrats the Election?

The recent Trump-Biden debate exposed Biden's apparent cognitive decline and reinvigorated Trump's campaign, potentially reshaping the entire 2024 election landscape and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos.

Was the recent Trump-Biden debate a turning point for the 2024 election? In this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, host Brian Nichols breaks down the jaw-dropping moments that have everyone talking. What caused Biden's shocking performance? How did Trump manage to come out on top? And most importantly, what does this mean for the future of American politics?



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Brian dives deep into the debate, analyzing Biden's apparent cognitive struggles and Trump's surprisingly disciplined performance. He highlights key moments that left viewers stunned, from Biden's incoherent ramblings to Trump's focused messaging. But it's not just about the candidates - Brian explores the wider implications for both parties and the nation as a whole.


The aftermath of the debate has been nothing short of chaotic. Brian examines the panic spreading through Democratic circles, with some even calling for Biden to step aside. He also discusses how Trump and the Republicans are capitalizing on this momentum. Is this the end of Biden's campaign, or can he recover from such a disastrous showing?


Beyond domestic politics, Brian considers the international ramifications of the debate. How will America's allies and enemies view this performance by the sitting president? He argues that this isn't just about winning an election - it's about America's standing on the world stage.


As the 2024 election landscape dramatically shifts, Brian offers his insights on what to expect in the coming months. Will the Democrats stick with Biden or seek a new candidate? Can Trump maintain his newfound momentum? With the political world in turmoil, one thing's for certain - this election just got a whole lot more interesting. Don't miss this gripping analysis of a debate that may have changed everything.


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🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 865 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs.

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Hey there folks, Brian Nichols here from The Brian Nichols Show.
Now I know what you're thinking, Brian, aren't you supposed to be on your summer vacation?
Well, yes, you're right, but some things are just too big to ignore, even when I'm supposed to be
kicking back with a nice ice cold liquid freedom energy tea. So today we're breaking from our usual
format and actually I'm going to be breaking from my summer schedule to dive into something that's
got everyone talking. That was the Trump Biden debate. Trust me, this was such a train wreck that
I had to put down, you know, all my books I've been reading and I had to fire up the mic. So
even though we are in the middle of our summertime lull here, I couldn't let this one slide. We're
gonna break down exactly why Biden just was so bad and so terrible and how Trump managed to come out
on top and what it means for Democrats going forward, it's gonna be a nice quick juicy episode here
covering the basic. So grab your sunscreen, get your favorite summertime beverage, preferably
our good friends there at liquid freedom energy tea, because we're about to dissect one of the most
jaw dropping at debates in whatever. Yeah, so let's dive into this debate breakdown and really get into
why Biden just totally dropped the ball here and just from the start, no sugarcoating it. This was a
rough watch and the the fallout has been just intense. And from the moment Biden shuffled on that stage,
you could tell like something was off or frankly this maybe is normal. I mean, his eyes had that
glazed over look like he just, you know, wasn't there lights are on nobody's home. And when he
started talking, it was like watching a car crash in in slow motion. And Trump love him or hate him.
He did his Trump thing. He came out swinging. He was sharp. He was focused. And dare I say,
he was in the best message control. And he knew exactly what buttons to push. And then Biden on
the other hand, he looked lost half the time, he'd start a sentence and he'd forget where he was
going midway through. And I mean, frankly, it was it was painful to watch. One of the big issues was
that Biden couldn't handle this open format that had been done in presidential debates. In years past,
years past, there's been the traditional back and forth interruptions, that kind of thing. That's
where Trump really shined. But this time they let Biden, they demanded that was Biden's campaign
demand to CNN. They demanded that Biden speak uninterrupted with Mike's muted. And it backfired
spectacularly. It's like they gave him enough rope to hang himself with. I mean, take the abortion
question that popped up and just spoiler alert for folks who missed it, you know, the live, but
the topic of abortion came up. And this should have been a slam dunk for Biden, because it's a
hugely important issue for Democrats. He should have been able to answer right, you know, for the
base. But when he was asked about it, he fumbled around and he couldn't give a clear answer. Like,
he was he was all over the place. He was talking about trimesters and and and stuff that didn't
even address the question. And meanwhile, Trump's over there giving clear, concise answers that he
knows his base will eat up. But also it bridged a middle ground where I think a large portion of
Americans are actually at. So and by the way, let's talk about Trump's debate tactics for a second.
The guy is a natural salesman. And it shows he kept hammering home on simple messages.
Biden's destroying the country. I'll fix it in 24 hours. That was a bad Trump impersonation. But
you know, that was that was his thing. And it doesn't matter if it's true or not. That's what
I literally heard nonstop was he's, you know, in the coverage afterwards, he was a liar. He's a liar.
Well, it was memorable. It was punchy. And it's going to stick in people's heads. And then Biden,
on the other hand, he kept getting bogged down in policy details that he couldn't even remember,
which sure, I mean, that yes, policy is important. But in a debate, you need to be able to articulate
your ideas and quick, concise sound bites, you need to be clear. It's gotta be simple. And it's
gotta be stuff that people can latch on to. And not only Biden couldn't do that, he couldn't form
coherent sentences. And like, let's be real age was just one of the biggest, if not the
largest elephants in the room. No, Trump's not a spring chicken. But next to Biden,
he looked downright spry. Like Biden seemed frail. He seemed confused. Like, he was just
struggling to keep up mentally. And there were moments he would just trail off mid sentence,
or he would just be staring blankly off camera, like not even to the moderators or to the camera
or to Trump, he would be just staring off into into nothingness. And it was just uncomfortable.
It was painful to watch. And and here's the thing, this wasn't just a bad night for Biden. It was a
bad night for the entire Democratic Party. They've been trying to brush off concerns about Biden's
age and his his mental acuity, a Q&D for months now. But I mean, after this debate, the cats out of
the bag, and it ain't going back in. And the panic, the panic that that's in Democratic circles is
real. I mean, I'm talking their full on hair on fire freakout mode. It's the the little guy that
was the this is fine dog when the fires around him. Only now he's on fire. And it's not fine.
Like people who've supported Biden for years, they're suddenly wondering like, oh no, did we make
a terrible mistake? And now they're there even being seriously floating around the idea of like,
hey, should Biden step aside? Like maybe the Democrats need to find a new candidate. And like,
we're not talking about fringe voices here, we're talking about major players in the Democratic
establishment, elected officials, governors, elected congressmen, senators. And it's not just
diehard Democrats either. I mean, moderate voters, independent people, people who might have been
on the fence. I'm seeing like NFL players, they're all looking at this debate and saying like, can
can this guy handle four more years in the White House? Can can he handle the next like five?
Because he's broken like he's not there. And the contrast, the contrast between these two candidates,
it was so so visible. Like Trump for for all of your faults, right, that you could you could
pin on him. And of course there are many. But I mean, he came across as energetic. He came across
as forceful. He was in command. He was on message. And then there's Biden. He just he looked weak.
He would he looked confused. He looked just completely out of his element. And in a presidential debate,
elephant in the room, again, optics matter. And the optics here were just catastrophic for Biden.
And let's break down some specific moments here that really highlight this problem. So early on,
when they're discussing the economy, Bart Barton, Biden, he starts rambling about his child in
Scranton. And it was like, he doesn't even know what question he was asked. And then Trump, meanwhile,
he was actually rattling off some statistics, granted some were definitely questionable. But
that's a whole separate issue. But he was painting a clear economic vision that was branded around
his make America great promotion. And and and yet, and well, how about this? Then we go to the
foreign policy section. I mean, Biden, he's supposed to be, you know, he's the experienced
statesman here, right? Like he mentioned that 400 times on stage. And then he keeps mixing up
countries, getting dates wrong. At one point, he referred to Putin as the guy in China. And what
is Trump do he he instantly calls out the mistakes. And he just makes Biden look completely incompetent
and out of touch. And look at the social security conversation, another bad, bad area for Biden.
I mean, that should have been a strong issue for for the Democrats, because as always, they are very
focused on social security, you know, Medicare, Medicaid, that's a big selling point for Democrats
into their base. But he he couldn't articulate not only a clear plan, he couldn't even articulate
a simple sentence. He kept going off on tangents, he was talking about Medicare and prescription
drugs, but wasn't tying anything to any points. And then Trump, again, he had a simple message,
Biden will destroy social security. And again, it doesn't matter if it's true. It's it's
clear. It's scary. And it sticks in voters minds. And I mean, let's not for man, let's not forget
the closing statements. This was was Biden's last chance to pull together to to leave voters with
some type of strong positive message. And instead, he just he rambled. He stumbled on his his own
words. He lost his train of thought like seven times. And then Trump, on the other hand, he he
was punchy. He was focused and he was hammering home on those key points time and again. And
again, we just we got out we got to talk about this aftermath here from this debate. Because
I mean, this was just brutal for the for Biden and for the entire Democratic Party. Just go
into social media. It's been flooded with clips of Biden's worst moments. Just the there's one
part where Biden rambles off incoherently and Trump just turns and says, I don't know what he
just said. And frankly, I don't think he knows either. And every I think everybody in the audience
is just like, Yep, yep, definitely feel that yep. I mean, John Stewart, he was having a field day.
I mean, Republican, ad makers, they have enough material to last them through November. They're
already having clips come out of just Biden's incoherent ramblings. So it's and by the way,
we have to call this out too. Because I've seen this come up after the election, quite a
the debate quite a bit. You know, this this is a one time thing. No, this is this is not just
this debate. This absolutely horrendous debate performance has reignited all of the concerns
that have been there from 2020 and beyond about Biden's age and his mental fitness. And these,
by the way, it was just it was said on I forget what organization, but this has been talked about
by right wing media. No, it's been he's been ignored by the corporate media. It's all been there.
It's been simmering in the background for months. You guys just ignored it. And now you're seeing
a call for Biden needing to step aside, democratic leadership needing to stand up and say, we need
to find a different candidate. And what it's done on the other side of the aisle, it's it's emboldened
Trump and his supporters, who I think they're even more confident now than they ever had been
that they can win in November. And I actually think it converted a lot of independent moderate
middle of the road voters or voters who just are apathetic to the political process to look at
what happened and say, this was bad. And and he can't have another four years Biden can't have
another four years. And this turns into now the real question. What are the Democrats going to do?
Are are they going to stick with Biden? Are they riding with Biden and hope he can turn things around?
Or do they try to nudge him to step aside? And if he does step aside, who steps up? I mean,
Kamala Harris isn't exactly beloved by anybody. She's got worse favorability ratings than Joe Biden
does. And there's no real clear front runner waiting in the wings. People talk about Gavin
Newsom. But I mean, let's be real. People are moving out of California in leaps and in bounds,
because he's destroyed the state. So I think there's a clear argument against him. I mean,
guys, this debate, I mean, am I as well be remembered as the ultimate, and I just turning point for the
2024 election for president, but for the entire way the nation's going, because I forget who it was
on CNN last night after the debate, they had like their quick analysis come up. And the guy
was saying, I mean, Bob Casey was probably throwing up watching that debate because he knows,
you know, in his reelection in Pennsylvania, that if he's standing next to Biden, he's going to lose.
And he's right, because Biden was just that terrible. And it exposed Biden's weaknesses
in in such a way that it cannot be ignored. It cannot be explained away. Like, we talk about it in
sales, right? Once you see it, you can't unsee it. So I mean, it's given, it's given Trump a just a
huge boost of momentum. And it's it's thrown, not just the entire Democratic Party strategy, but like
the entire Democratic Party into chaos. So I mean, looking ahead, the Biden camp has serious damage
control that they need to do. They're going to need to find a way to reassure Biden voters that
he's still up for the job. I don't know how you do that after what happened there last night.
They need to really come up with a strategy for for dealing with his mate, his age and his mental
acuity concerns head on. And they need to do it fast because you can bet Trump and the Republicans
are going to be hammering home on these points every chance they get. And who can blame them?
I mean, that was just an abomination that was horrible for the Biden camp. And for Trump, this
debate, it was it was a gift. I mean, he came in with low expectations and he exceeded them by a
mile. He looked presidential. He stayed on message. And he effectively highlighted Biden's weaknesses.
I mean, his campaign, they're going to be riding this wave for months, for months,
looking at the betting averages. I mean, Trump just skyrocketed after last night and Biden
plummeted. And in the media, I mean, they're they're going to have a field day with this as well.
And you're already seeing it expect the the endless analysis of Biden's performance and
and you know, his speculation about his fitness for office. Like,
it's going to dominate the news cycle for a long time because there is a big question right now
to be answered is, will Biden be the nominee for the Democrats in 2024? I don't think that
answer is very certain right now. And and let's not forget this, by the way, like,
let's take a step back from the politics. And let's talk about this from an international perspective.
America's allies, as well as our enemies, they they were watching this debate.
And what message does it send when the current president of the United States,
he can't string together a single coherent sentence? Like, this is not just a political
party issue. It's not a conversation solely about domestic politics. This has serious implications
for how America stands on the world stage and how our allies and our enemies view us.
So like, in the end, this debate, it may as well be remembered as the moment when the 2024
election truly like it, it had a turn because it reset the entire playing field through
conventional wisdom completely out the window. And it opened up a whole set of new possibilities
and challenges, frankly, for both parties, because Trump's got to maintain this wave.
And the Biden team, if he is still going to keep on keeping on, they got to figure out how to
stop the bleeding. And again, for Biden and the Democrats, the road, just the roadblocks ahead
looks a lot steeper, a lot steeper than I did just a short 24 hours ago. They're going, they're
going to pull off just one hell of a comeback to recover from this. And again, for Trump and
their Republicans, they have the win at their backs, but they really got to be smart about this.
They can't be overconfident. There's still a long way to go until November. So I think we can all
agree. One thing's for sure, the 2024 election just got a whole lot interesting, more interesting.
Yeah. And if this debate is anything to go by, we are in for one wild, bizarre, interesting ride
between now and November. So I guess buckle up folks, because it's going to be,
oh, it's going to be a bumpy one. Yeah. So that's, that's our episode for today. I know that was a
little bit of an impromptu summer episode. And I, I hope you enjoyed this little break from your,
your solo beach reading as well as we dove into this Biden Trump debate. Now I'm going to go and
get back to the pool. But before I do, remember to please keep up with all of our content here.
Yes, we are still going to have a week of content, much like episodes we did here today over
on the Brian Nichols show. So make sure you're following me on social media. You can find me
on Twitter and on Facebook as well as Instagram. I keep forgetting we are on the Instagrams at B
Nichols Liberty. And hey, if you're looking for something to watch while you're hiding from the
sun, trying not to get too cooked and sunburned like I did, don't forget to subscribe to our
YouTube as well as rumble channels and Twitter and Facebook. Yes, we are uploading the video
versions of the show in their entirety over on those respective channels. And as always,
I want to thank you, you amazing listener here of the Brian Nichols show audience for tuning in and
even during these lazy summer days. Yes, I want you to know your support. It means the world to me.
And it's, it's what keeps the show going. Even when I'm supposed to be on vacation. So we will be
back to our regularly formatted show. Once my little break here is over. So until then, be sure to
stay tuned in. Of course, educate and lighten in form is what we talk about here. And oh, yeah,
don't remember politics doesn't take a vacation. So neither do we. Well, not entirely. So that's all
we have for you. See you next week on our continuing episodes for our summer vacation series here of
at the Brian Nichols show. We'll see you later. Thanks for listening to the Brian Nichols show.
Find more episodes at brian nickelsshow.com.vvHey there folks, Brian Nichols here from The Brian Nichols Show.
Now I know what you're thinking, Brian, aren't you supposed to be on your summer vacation?
Well, yes, you're right, but some things are just too big to ignore, even when I'm supposed to be
kicking back with a nice ice cold liquid freedom energy tea. So today we're breaking from our usual
format and actually I'm going to be breaking from my summer schedule to dive into something that's
got everyone talking. That was the Trump Biden debate. Trust me, this was such a train wreck that
I had to put down, you know, all my books I've been reading and I had to fire up the mic. So
even though we are in the middle of our summertime lull here, I couldn't let this one slide. We're
gonna break down exactly why Biden just was so bad and so terrible and how Trump managed to come out
on top and what it means for Democrats going forward, it's gonna be a nice quick juicy episode here
covering the basic. So grab your sunscreen, get your favorite summertime beverage, preferably
our good friends there at liquid freedom energy tea, because we're about to dissect one of the most
jaw dropping at debates in whatever. Yeah, so let's dive into this debate breakdown and really get into
why Biden just totally dropped the ball here and just from the start, no sugarcoating it. This was a
rough watch and the the fallout has been just intense. And from the moment Biden shuffled on that stage,
you could tell like something was off or frankly this maybe is normal. I mean, his eyes had that
glazed over look like he just, you know, wasn't there lights are on nobody's home. And when he
started talking, it was like watching a car crash in in slow motion. And Trump love him or hate him.
He did his Trump thing. He came out swinging. He was sharp. He was focused. And dare I say,
he was in the best message control. And he knew exactly what buttons to push. And then Biden on
the other hand, he looked lost half the time, he'd start a sentence and he'd forget where he was
going midway through. And I mean, frankly, it was it was painful to watch. One of the big issues was
that Biden couldn't handle this open format that had been done in presidential debates. In years past,
years past, there's been the traditional back and forth interruptions, that kind of thing. That's
where Trump really shined. But this time they let Biden, they demanded that was Biden's campaign
demand to CNN. They demanded that Biden speak uninterrupted with Mike's muted. And it backfired
spectacularly. It's like they gave him enough rope to hang himself with. I mean, take the abortion
question that popped up and just spoiler alert for folks who missed it, you know, the live, but
the topic of abortion came up. And this should have been a slam dunk for Biden, because it's a
hugely important issue for Democrats. He should have been able to answer right, you know, for the
base. But when he was asked about it, he fumbled around and he couldn't give a clear answer. Like,
he was he was all over the place. He was talking about trimesters and and and stuff that didn't
even address the question. And meanwhile, Trump's over there giving clear, concise answers that he
knows his base will eat up. But also it bridged a middle ground where I think a large portion of
Americans are actually at. So and by the way, let's talk about Trump's debate tactics for a second.
The guy is a natural salesman. And it shows he kept hammering home on simple messages.
Biden's destroying the country. I'll fix it in 24 hours. That was a bad Trump impersonation. But
you know, that was that was his thing. And it doesn't matter if it's true or not. That's what
I literally heard nonstop was he's, you know, in the coverage afterwards, he was a liar. He's a liar.
Well, it was memorable. It was punchy. And it's going to stick in people's heads. And then Biden,
on the other hand, he kept getting bogged down in policy details that he couldn't even remember,
which sure, I mean, that yes, policy is important. But in a debate, you need to be able to articulate
your ideas and quick, concise sound bites, you need to be clear. It's gotta be simple. And it's
gotta be stuff that people can latch on to. And not only Biden couldn't do that, he couldn't form
coherent sentences. And like, let's be real age was just one of the biggest, if not the
largest elephants in the room. No, Trump's not a spring chicken. But next to Biden,
he looked downright spry. Like Biden seemed frail. He seemed confused. Like, he was just
struggling to keep up mentally. And there were moments he would just trail off mid sentence,
or he would just be staring blankly off camera, like not even to the moderators or to the camera
or to Trump, he would be just staring off into into nothingness. And it was just uncomfortable.
It was painful to watch. And and here's the thing, this wasn't just a bad night for Biden. It was a
bad night for the entire Democratic Party. They've been trying to brush off concerns about Biden's
age and his his mental acuity, a Q&D for months now. But I mean, after this debate, the cats out of
the bag, and it ain't going back in. And the panic, the panic that that's in Democratic circles is
real. I mean, I'm talking their full on hair on fire freakout mode. It's the the little guy that
was the this is fine dog when the fires around him. Only now he's on fire. And it's not fine.
Like people who've supported Biden for years, they're suddenly wondering like, oh no, did we make
a terrible mistake? And now they're there even being seriously floating around the idea of like,
hey, should Biden step aside? Like maybe the Democrats need to find a new candidate. And like,
we're not talking about fringe voices here, we're talking about major players in the Democratic
establishment, elected officials, governors, elected congressmen, senators. And it's not just
diehard Democrats either. I mean, moderate voters, independent people, people who might have been
on the fence. I'm seeing like NFL players, they're all looking at this debate and saying like, can
can this guy handle four more years in the White House? Can can he handle the next like five?
Because he's broken like he's not there. And the contrast, the contrast between these two candidates,
it was so so visible. Like Trump for for all of your faults, right, that you could you could
pin on him. And of course there are many. But I mean, he came across as energetic. He came across
as forceful. He was in command. He was on message. And then there's Biden. He just he looked weak.
He would he looked confused. He looked just completely out of his element. And in a presidential debate,
elephant in the room, again, optics matter. And the optics here were just catastrophic for Biden.
And let's break down some specific moments here that really highlight this problem. So early on,
when they're discussing the economy, Bart Barton, Biden, he starts rambling about his child in
Scranton. And it was like, he doesn't even know what question he was asked. And then Trump, meanwhile,
he was actually rattling off some statistics, granted some were definitely questionable. But
that's a whole separate issue. But he was painting a clear economic vision that was branded around
his make America great promotion. And and and yet, and well, how about this? Then we go to the
foreign policy section. I mean, Biden, he's supposed to be, you know, he's the experienced
statesman here, right? Like he mentioned that 400 times on stage. And then he keeps mixing up
countries, getting dates wrong. At one point, he referred to Putin as the guy in China. And what
is Trump do he he instantly calls out the mistakes. And he just makes Biden look completely incompetent
and out of touch. And look at the social security conversation, another bad, bad area for Biden.
I mean, that should have been a strong issue for for the Democrats, because as always, they are very
focused on social security, you know, Medicare, Medicaid, that's a big selling point for Democrats
into their base. But he he couldn't articulate not only a clear plan, he couldn't even articulate
a simple sentence. He kept going off on tangents, he was talking about Medicare and prescription
drugs, but wasn't tying anything to any points. And then Trump, again, he had a simple message,
Biden will destroy social security. And again, it doesn't matter if it's true. It's it's
clear. It's scary. And it sticks in voters minds. And I mean, let's not for man, let's not forget
the closing statements. This was was Biden's last chance to pull together to to leave voters with
some type of strong positive message. And instead, he just he rambled. He stumbled on his his own
words. He lost his train of thought like seven times. And then Trump, on the other hand, he he
was punchy. He was focused and he was hammering home on those key points time and again. And
again, we just we got out we got to talk about this aftermath here from this debate. Because
I mean, this was just brutal for the for Biden and for the entire Democratic Party. Just go
into social media. It's been flooded with clips of Biden's worst moments. Just the there's one
part where Biden rambles off incoherently and Trump just turns and says, I don't know what he
just said. And frankly, I don't think he knows either. And every I think everybody in the audience
is just like, Yep, yep, definitely feel that yep. I mean, John Stewart, he was having a field day.
I mean, Republican, ad makers, they have enough material to last them through November. They're
already having clips come out of just Biden's incoherent ramblings. So it's and by the way,
we have to call this out too. Because I've seen this come up after the election, quite a
the debate quite a bit. You know, this this is a one time thing. No, this is this is not just
this debate. This absolutely horrendous debate performance has reignited all of the concerns
that have been there from 2020 and beyond about Biden's age and his mental fitness. And these,
by the way, it was just it was said on I forget what organization, but this has been talked about
by right wing media. No, it's been he's been ignored by the corporate media. It's all been there.
It's been simmering in the background for months. You guys just ignored it. And now you're seeing
a call for Biden needing to step aside, democratic leadership needing to stand up and say, we need
to find a different candidate. And what it's done on the other side of the aisle, it's it's emboldened
Trump and his supporters, who I think they're even more confident now than they ever had been
that they can win in November. And I actually think it converted a lot of independent moderate
middle of the road voters or voters who just are apathetic to the political process to look at
what happened and say, this was bad. And and he can't have another four years Biden can't have
another four years. And this turns into now the real question. What are the Democrats going to do?
Are are they going to stick with Biden? Are they riding with Biden and hope he can turn things around?
Or do they try to nudge him to step aside? And if he does step aside, who steps up? I mean,
Kamala Harris isn't exactly beloved by anybody. She's got worse favorability ratings than Joe Biden
does. And there's no real clear front runner waiting in the wings. People talk about Gavin
Newsom. But I mean, let's be real. People are moving out of California in leaps and in bounds,
because he's destroyed the state. So I think there's a clear argument against him. I mean,
guys, this debate, I mean, am I as well be remembered as the ultimate, and I just turning point for the
2024 election for president, but for the entire way the nation's going, because I forget who it was
on CNN last night after the debate, they had like their quick analysis come up. And the guy
was saying, I mean, Bob Casey was probably throwing up watching that debate because he knows,
you know, in his reelection in Pennsylvania, that if he's standing next to Biden, he's going to lose.
And he's right, because Biden was just that terrible. And it exposed Biden's weaknesses
in in such a way that it cannot be ignored. It cannot be explained away. Like, we talk about it in
sales, right? Once you see it, you can't unsee it. So I mean, it's given, it's given Trump a just a
huge boost of momentum. And it's it's thrown, not just the entire Democratic Party strategy, but like
the entire Democratic Party into chaos. So I mean, looking ahead, the Biden camp has serious damage
control that they need to do. They're going to need to find a way to reassure Biden voters that
he's still up for the job. I don't know how you do that after what happened there last night.
They need to really come up with a strategy for for dealing with his mate, his age and his mental
acuity concerns head on. And they need to do it fast because you can bet Trump and the Republicans
are going to be hammering home on these points every chance they get. And who can blame them?
I mean, that was just an abomination that was horrible for the Biden camp. And for Trump, this
debate, it was it was a gift. I mean, he came in with low expectations and he exceeded them by a
mile. He looked presidential. He stayed on message. And he effectively highlighted Biden's weaknesses.
I mean, his campaign, they're going to be riding this wave for months, for months,
looking at the betting averages. I mean, Trump just skyrocketed after last night and Biden
plummeted. And in the media, I mean, they're they're going to have a field day with this as well.
And you're already seeing it expect the the endless analysis of Biden's performance and
and you know, his speculation about his fitness for office. Like,
it's going to dominate the news cycle for a long time because there is a big question right now
to be answered is, will Biden be the nominee for the Democrats in 2024? I don't think that
answer is very certain right now. And and let's not forget this, by the way, like,
let's take a step back from the politics. And let's talk about this from an international perspective.
America's allies, as well as our enemies, they they were watching this debate.
And what message does it send when the current president of the United States,
he can't string together a single coherent sentence? Like, this is not just a political
party issue. It's not a conversation solely about domestic politics. This has serious implications
for how America stands on the world stage and how our allies and our enemies view us.
So like, in the end, this debate, it may as well be remembered as the moment when the 2024
election truly like it, it had a turn because it reset the entire playing field through
conventional wisdom completely out the window. And it opened up a whole set of new possibilities
and challenges, frankly, for both parties, because Trump's got to maintain this wave.
And the Biden team, if he is still going to keep on keeping on, they got to figure out how to
stop the bleeding. And again, for Biden and the Democrats, the road, just the roadblocks ahead
looks a lot steeper, a lot steeper than I did just a short 24 hours ago. They're going, they're
going to pull off just one hell of a comeback to recover from this. And again, for Trump and
their Republicans, they have the win at their backs, but they really got to be smart about this.
They can't be overconfident. There's still a long way to go until November. So I think we can all
agree. One thing's for sure, the 2024 election just got a whole lot interesting, more interesting.
Yeah. And if this debate is anything to go by, we are in for one wild, bizarre, interesting ride
between now and November. So I guess buckle up folks, because it's going to be,
oh, it's going to be a bumpy one. Yeah. So that's, that's our episode for today. I know that was a
little bit of an impromptu summer episode. And I, I hope you enjoyed this little break from your,
your solo beach reading as well as we dove into this Biden Trump debate. Now I'm going to go and
get back to the pool. But before I do, remember to please keep up with all of our content here.
Yes, we are still going to have a week of content, much like episodes we did here today over
on the Brian Nichols show. So make sure you're following me on social media. You can find me
on Twitter and on Facebook as well as Instagram. I keep forgetting we are on the Instagrams at B
Nichols Liberty. And hey, if you're looking for something to watch while you're hiding from the
sun, trying not to get too cooked and sunburned like I did, don't forget to subscribe to our
YouTube as well as rumble channels and Twitter and Facebook. Yes, we are uploading the video
versions of the show in their entirety over on those respective channels. And as always,
I want to thank you, you amazing listener here of the Brian Nichols show audience for tuning in and
even during these lazy summer days. Yes, I want you to know your support. It means the world to me.
And it's, it's what keeps the show going. Even when I'm supposed to be on vacation. So we will be
back to our regularly formatted show. Once my little break here is over. So until then, be sure to
stay tuned in. Of course, educate and lighten in form is what we talk about here. And oh, yeah,
don't remember politics doesn't take a vacation. So neither do we. Well, not entirely. So that's all
we have for you. See you next week on our continuing episodes for our summer vacation series here of
at the Brian Nichols show. We'll see you later. Thanks for listening to the Brian Nichols show.
Find more episodes at brian nickelsshow.com.