May 29, 2024

854: Why is the New Zealand Government Destroying Beehives?

Beekeeper Steven Brown reveals the shocking extent of government overreach in New Zealand, detailing how authorities destroyed $2 million worth of his beekeeping equipment and products, and then billed him for the destruction, highlighting the dire consequences of unchecked bureaucratic power.

Are you ready to uncover the shocking truth about government overreach and its devastating impact on small businesses? In this eye-opening episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the harrowing story of Steven Brown, a beekeeper from New Zealand, whose livelihood is under attack by the very authorities meant to protect him. Why is the New Zealand government destroying millions of dollars worth of beekeeping equipment and products, and then billing the victims for the destruction? Tune in to find out!



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Join host Brian Nichols as he sits down with Steven Brown, the owner of Spring Bank Honey, to discuss the critical role bees play in our ecosystem and the alarming actions taken by the New Zealand government against beekeepers. Steven shares his personal journey, from managing 3,000 hives and producing 100% organic honey to facing unprecedented challenges imposed by bureaucratic overreach. This episode is a must-watch for anyone concerned about government power and its impact on small businesses and individual freedoms.


Throughout the conversation, Steven reveals the extent of the government's interference, including illegal searches, forced destruction of property, and the emotional toll on his family. He explains how the government's actions are not only destroying his business but also threatening the future of beekeeping in New Zealand. This gripping narrative will leave you questioning the balance of power and the rights of individuals in the face of government mandates.


But it's not all doom and gloom. Steven also shares how you can support Spring Bank Honey and stand againnst tyranny. By purchasing their organic honey, you can help fund their legal battle and ensure the survival of their business. This episode is not just about raising awareness; it's a call to action for viewers to make a difference and support those fighting for their rights.


Don't miss this compelling episode of The Brian Nichols Show, where we expose the harsh realities of government overreach and highlight the resilience of small business owners like Steven Brown. Subscribe, hit the notification bell, and join the conversation in the comments below. Your support can make a real difference in the fight for freedom and justice!



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Brian Nichols  1:06  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Wow. Hey there, folks, Brian, he was here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, have a fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host joining me for our lucky Aarnio miracle Studios here in sunny Eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our friends over at amp America folks, if you are looking for the news, you need to know without all the extra corporate media bias or fluff add to amp Also The Brian Nichols Show and frankly, yours truly is powered by our phenomenal studio sponsor, cardio miracle Now, folks, you've been hearing me just rant and rave about cardio miracle for about the past year. If you want to learn about the best heart health supplement in the world that will help lower your blood pressure, lower your resting heart rate, help improve your pump at the gym and a slew of amazing other benefits stick around later in the episode. We'll talk about that in a bit. But first, let's dig into today's conversation and joining us from basically the other side of the world. We're going all the way down under down under to the country that is New Zealand. It's the day ahead over there because of timezone differences. So that's pretty fun. But today we're going to be talking about in New Zealand why the New Zealand government is trying to force this beekeeper to get rid of all of their bees. Let's talk about that to discuss that and more. Joining us from New Zealand Stephen Brown. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show how you doing? Very good yourself. I'm doing quite well. I mean, first spring bank honey, I think you guys are probably gonna be doing better if you weren't having your entire bee population targeted by the New Zealand government. But Stephen before we get there, do us a favor. Introduce yourself here to The Brian Nichols Show audience and how did we find ourselves in our Dare I say sticky situation we are in today.

Steven Brown  3:06  
Hi, I'm Stephen Brown, who's from make honey and 100% Organic we beekeepers, we have 3000 hives in beautiful New Zealand. We have 10,000 Hit the acre farm up in the mountains, which is mainly covered in Bush and Maruka. We replace most of our bees and we run about 300 head of cattle on the farm. We I've been beekeeping now for 35 years got shipped off to beekeeping to one of my dad's mates when I was 15. And he'd been doing it ever since commercially. It's an amazing lifestyle. It's incredible. You never learn enough about these amazing insects. They are just absolutely a powerhouse of wisdom and interesting things that they do. You need to stop learning apps absolutely incredible.

Brian Nichols  3:59  
Well, and everybody has that knee jerk reaction, right? They see bees and they're like, Ah, they're gonna get stung. No, that's not the No that's that honey bees here right folks now. Evil Ones, the wasps the yellow jackets. I've been very much acquainted with some yellow jackets in many years ago and now I'll tell you it wasn't that fun but honey bees right honey bees are not just the little critters that help create honey and pollinate flowers but also help our agriculture help us as human beings create the ecosystem that we have today but so many folks let's just start here Stephen. So many folks I think just don't realize how important and integral bees are into our way of life and they take it take for granted right can you articulate that for us? Well,

Steven Brown  4:45  
you you don't realize that you post mammals has once I'm milking the coffee latte day it came because the bees pollinated it. You want your avocados again this because the bees pollinate it. You You want a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruit That's because the bees pollinated it. The bees, even your cattle out on the farm, the visa pole pied the alfalfa out and the paddocks that we've got the grass to grow, you don't hit the beach, you're not going to get there. So the bees make a massive, massive difference. They've always gone on about if you lose the bees the human population is doomed within the next like 10 years afterwards. So there is so much that happens purely because of these. And because of raw might nowadays you need the beekeeper. Once upon a time the bees would could live without the beekeeper, but nowadays you need the beekeeper and basically honey subsidizes the honey sales subsidizes the beekeeper both here in New Zealand and in the US to do the amazing things. And we need people to buy more jars of honey. The just to keep the bees going you want you want the fruit. As a rule, the beekeepers don't actually get paid for much pollination. Other than like almonds, most of its free. The beekeepers that in the beef pollinate for nothing. But to actually look after a beehive you need people to be buying honey.

Brian Nichols  6:11  
So let's talk then Steven about bees and New Zealand and where you are today because my awesome cohort behind the scenes here Chris, he has been helping get some guests here in the show he raised up your story and it kind of took me by surprise because let's let's just address the the elephant in the room, if you will, when it comes to bees we've been hearing especially in the States over the past I'd say 510 years, the honey bee crisis, honey bees are going extinct. We need to do what we can to help improve the the ability for honey bees to be successful and thrive. But also, I've seen you know, a really big change in the social implications of people how they approach bees. And yet, Steven, as we go down under to where you are over in New Zealand today you're joining us and telling us the story of how the New Zealand government is actually going after your BS. Talk to us about that what's going on here. We

Steven Brown  7:10  
had the New Zealand government they have. We have American foulbrood in New Zealand. And so this is all to do with American elbowed and basically control. We have new people running the plan of how to eradicate it and deal with it. New Zealand's been a little bit always a bit weird, then like an America where you just get antibiotics to it. They burn a hive, they find American foul brood, and you have quite strict policies around how you have to care for the BS and some of the steps what to do over the years. They got taken over. Like a lot of government departments used to be basically run by people who knew what they're doing now it's run by people who live in an ivory office and they decided that you could learn everything you need to know on a computer. So they brought in the Liberal government on a computer. And amazingly that meet the disease just went absolutely rife. Amazingly, you can't learn some of these practical stuff just sitting on a computer, you actually need to get out there, get your hands dirty, and learn it from Mother Nature. And from hopefully a few experienced beekeepers. So they've had a disease problem. The way to deal with it just went absolutely ballistic. So suddenly laid off control over anything, I was just doing everybody out. And anyone who complains about us, we'll just get rid of them by nature. So they had been a we've had a few really big, new beekeepers start up we didn't know what they were doing, and caused a bit of problems. And we got American fabric from them, which we told them about and we're quite open and going, hey, you need to deal with these problems. So this order, we knew we're going to have an issue with some ISP, and they went near like Nazis, basically, doing swab tests. Now you can find the spot for the average American honeybee has 178 spores in its stomach. So it's the spores right through New Zealand right through it as basically a worldwide disease. It doesn't kill them. It's like having a stomach bag. It's only that the numbers get horrendously high that suddenly you'll get an outbreak of disease. Well, they came into our sheet broken we see you're not legally allowed here. They say oh, we can do whatever we want broker and took swabs. Six of them came back negative two of them came back with some spores and they go right we're just gonna burn this. You've got seven days and match it and they they went to some dead hives that we've had strep. So in the shear if you can imagine our shed, it's not small. It's quite large. It's we had over probably about 20,000 boxes in the sheet. And that on pallets we're we're not a small beekeeper. So we're palletized we shrink wrapped our boxes we, we have traced back systems were organic and we traced back to wherever that honey comes from in your jar, we can show you how I got your jar, what hives, it came from, where those boxes went, everything is traced. And they went in a check some boxes from some deedat hives, they swapped them, and then we write everything behind them, which was stacked up honey supers from the season, we're going to burn the whole lot at the back of the shed was brand new boxes. And in 12 years ago, the government removed just quietly on the side, they removed the right of excuse. So you know how you have a right should have a right to freedom of speech, you should have a right of objecting to things and having the right avenues to think they removed that quietly from the law 12 years ago. So suddenly, we got thrown with an our opinion and illegal demand. And they say oh yeah, but by the way, even though we're illegal, if you don't obey it, you're gonna go to prison. So we decided that I don't really want to go to prison so that we will literally obey the thing and then find it afterwards. We've already been standing up for some little guys. I did a ring around some big old beekeepers, who I trained with and they said, Stephen, this is happening all the time. They themselves told me that they were doing one a week. I mean, you got to be kidding, what are you doing? There's not a beekeepers as it is and going around once a week to try and destroy us. And they're all too scared because no one wants to go to prison. And we went well, we'll make sure that everybody knows, because no one knows about it. It's like we got miss my wife that message last night, they did this to master years, we don't want anyone to know they completely destroyed our business. They went into our sheet and burned all the boxes, please help and you go, this should be non like, they are literally anyone who stands up to them or sees what they're doing wrong. They just burn up, we just destroy the business and then they're out of the industry. Another little side note is that they have empowered a few of their friends. So their friends were commercial beekeepers, or amateur beekeepers, and they've given them a warrant, like a policeman. And they're the ones who did all our checks are the ones who did the swab. So my competitors, we compete for B sites where compete the sales, the honey, they're the ones who actually did this, then one of them actually came to my shed to my facility spat in my face said we can do whatever we want. And the police are on our side, they have more power, they've given themselves more power than the police service in New Zealand, before they come into your building of yours, something you own, they have to have a war, they have to have a warrant just like an America from a judge to say you're allowed to do it. That made these people because it's quite a disease. We can just do whatever we want the fact there's this disease only affects baby bees. That's a very low infectious disease. We're not talking son and it's gonna kill you. It doesn't want to think any of the half a dozen think adult bees. And you give someone this kind of power is just blows me away that anybody has power without checks and balances. Like Well,

Brian Nichols  13:12  
let's let's talk about something you just raised up there, Stephen, because an elephant in the room for you guys. New Zealand, right, like during COVID. And as bad as things were here in the States, oh, Minister, oh, my goodness, she she was like little petty tyrant. Like might as well given her a little mini moustache underneath her nose because he took that authority. And we went ham, right. And by the way, you you mentioned that this, this new approach to just people being able to walk in saying we're gonna burn your BS, because we say we can because we say well, this is a disease, that right there that that's a little spooky, because I can almost guarantee that they didn't have the testicular fortitude to say, well, we can just come in and do anything we want because of disease until COVID-19 came in 2020. So let me ask you this, how much of all of what has happened over the past four years played a role into the government now using these powers to come in and say, Hey, we're gonna mess up with your bees because we're afraid of bee bee flu, basically.

Steven Brown  14:22  
Absolutely. Without COVID And wouldn't have happened. It's basically COVID set them up on a plate away to take our rights and away from us. They went, Oh, we got away with it in COVID. So let's get away with it now. And I'm jumping up and down. And I'm trying to get everybody to know about that. Not only do I don't want it to happen, I want the powers that they do this to to be stopped. All the stuff that they took away from us in COVID needs to be given back. It's absolutely wrong to shut people down just because some bureaucrat decides that we should be left alone to run our own businesses our own lives. And if we choose to do this that's on us. They of course want to tell you how to blow your nose how to eat your dinner. They are literally but remember that also billing you for this. It's not free. Like we're going to get a bill for this. This organization builds us so well we pay sending them a check for six grand next week. Everything the New Zealand government does they send you a bill for so not only do I burn my own stuff, I hidden it chatter. It's like the the communist you that used to shoot the person is in the family a bill for the bullets. This is what it feels like here that I'm literally paying to be destroyed. None of the ministers in government I have run we have got one backbench nobody MP who's politician who's responded, everybody else has just said all the bureaucrats are looking at it, we'll be in touch. You and I keep going. But no one's being attacked like this. No one really wants to know everyone wants to keep their heads down, hoping the new cycle goes away hope that we disappear. And I'm going well, we're not going to disappear, the new cycle, we will not let it change. And we're just going to keep jumping up and down until there is some change till something happens till there is some compensation like we want our $2 million back. We want all the people have been burned for no reason their their livelihoods back. It's just absolutely wrong. They targeted an old guy. He'd been beekeeping for 60 years. And they threatened him and said, Oh, because you stopped someone coming into your home. That was broke the rules because you obstructed them the fact they didn't have the power to do it, they didn't care. And if you say anything, we'll send you to prison for three months. It's just you're just rounding up all your opposition and putting them in prison.

Brian Nichols  16:51  
Well, and Stephen, it's not just opposition. It just sounds like anybody who doesn't toe the line,

Steven Brown  16:58  
like I'm saying.

Brian Nichols  17:00  
And that right there is the scariest part like, and I'll just speak anecdotally from what we saw here in the States during COVID. But it wasn't so much that the people that I was saying, like we're not okay, so whenever people would say like, Brian, why are you so vehement about what's happening right now, in your response? Like, it's a pandemic, man, take a break, I think there's a lot we don't know, trust the experts. And I'm like, listen, I understand that you're scared, I understand that. Like, there's a lot that we don't know right now. But the idea that we're just going to arbitrarily surrender all of our freedoms, and liberties to the government and assume that they're gonna give it back to us. Like, I'm not on board. And I didn't look at the people who were saying, like, hey, let's just get over this thing, right, as my opposition, but rather, I just kind of looked at them as people who were scared. And when you fast forward, what happened was more and more of those people who were in and I'll just again, use the term opposition just for generalizations here. But the folks who weren't, you know, afraid of government response to COVID, they were jumping on board to get their COVID vaccines. And that's fine if you wanted to do that. But what we've seen is that the government has continued to push that line, more and more forward. So right, more folks who wouldn't be considered, you know, on my side of the argument, all of a sudden found themselves somehow on my side, because the government lined up with so far. Yep.

Steven Brown  18:24  
Well, we're the same. So people that they know their history, the founding fathers, the reason the Founding Fathers had the war, they didn't want the War of Independence, like the War of Independence was how they did it, because all their rights have been taken off them. If you actually dive into why they wanted freedoms, why they wanted to get away from England, they wanted away from the bureaucrats are controlling every part of their lives. And we fit under COVID We just gave up when everyone's fought for weed because we're so far removed of what was done for us by our ancestors, we forget that they paid a heavy price so that we could have freedom. And now these bureaucrats and people want to take it off as they did take his office and COVID and then they want to keep it and keep moving and the distraction of anybody who stands up against them as absolutely a massive they're quite an A it's the state they're not using as like their political arm. It gets my political argument. They're using the resources of the government against us. So when it's not a fair fight, it's literally a David and Goliath thing. You've got this massive thing funded by our taxes to destroy us and we're fighting against them and everything seems to be on the side and they keep on changing the rules to the benefit and they're willing to lie they're willing to treat so you say to trust the experts, but they're quite happy to lie if it suits them. So we got a piece of paper back saying from one of the ministers had been told by his his bureaucrats that the vaccine doesn't work. So there's a vaccine American has developed this amazing vaccine to this one disease, and actually does work reduces on the vaccine won't work. And we go, Well, it does does this does stop the transmission, there is other ways of doing it. But even all this is it shouldn't be our decision. It should be our right to choose. Not just some big brother going with a stick going, if you don't, we're seeing you the president. Like, that's just unbelievable. And what they literally ran the place of please ring me and said, Steven, if you don't obey them, we're just going to go, you got to be kidding. You've got no warrant, you've got not they, they've got this piece of evidence we were going to do I said, Well, it's wrong. But the piece of paper just telling you what they're saying they've got these rights, they don't have these rights. Oh, well, we're just going to do it anyway. So you're going to argue from prison, if you say anything, hence we burn $2 million with the stuff because we go well, if I don't, I'm gonna be arguing this, trying to do this interview from a prison cell. And you go well, I can actually argue from a prison cell. So hence, I'm doing this now. And I am blessed in one way because it's awesome here, not spring, because if this was Spring, it'd be an absolute complete disaster with all my boxes are burnt for these hives. So I hope have got at least three to four months ahead of me going to be damn busy winter trying to make up the boxes that we've just lost. And the worst part is at the back of the sheet, they'll brand new boxes, were due to do a new expansion, we've been sure to star so we hadn't done an expansion. We wanted to increase our hives to 4000. So we had brand new gear at the bat brand new never been on a beehive. No disease, you couldn't say it Ed disease? And the answer was, oh, yeah, this is a bit extreme. But you need to do extreme things. In some cases. Yes. And if you stand up, they're willing to do extreme things against you.

Brian Nichols  21:54  
Cow, Steven well, and like $2 million worth of product, it just it at least again, I am not going to excuse the government here in the United States for what they did during COVID. But like, at least, they pretended that they understood that shutting down society arbitrarily for indefinite time periods was a bad thing. And we had the PPP loans, like they're like, hey, business, if we shut you down for two months, and we say that your employees are considered non essential. Yeah, I guess that would probably put you out of business. So we'll, we'll send you you know, whatever we need to send you in terms of cash to keep you afloat. And at least they made that argument. Stephen is the government in New Zealand? You're shaking your head? No. So they're just like, sorry, Stephen. You're out $2 million? is what it is. Ah,

Steven Brown  22:45  
we will literally get a bill for us the work that came in debt. Wait, wait, wait, hold

Brian Nichols  22:50  
on. So not only did they destroy your product, they charged you for doing it. Correct. Holy cow.

Steven Brown  22:56  
Literally, we're gonna get the seat the chip bill for the bullets that they did. And I go, this is the most terrible thing you could do. How can you build me for destroying me? Just absolutely blows your way. My children. So we're a family business. So my four children helped me with the range from 14 to 19. They all help in the business. We speak the worst thing so the burn those hives. We started on cell Friday, we worked all the way through to Sunday night to duty to finish the day, my kids absolutely devastating. My poor kids, one of them had a nervous reaction. It was just absolutely my other daughter is actually covered and expert because of the stress. Just pull breaks your heart they like they because they because I needed help. And then I inspect and speak this to make sure I've done it the very next day to check that everything was in was all done so that we've had to come and charge me not. So you, the whole family has just ripped apart saying that we have pulled together but they're all destroyed the night's sleep. They just weren't what's the next step. In fact, they've actually announced only a feed. So theoretically, you have privacy, but that actually announced that there's more to come in the next seven to 14 days. So my kids are going dead, what else they're going to do to us what else they're going to burn, what are they going to destroy? Where they're gonna go, because of course, they've gone completely everywhere on our farm. And now we're waiting for them to come about our facility on the other property to see what they're gonna do to us here. And my kids are petrified.

Brian Nichols  24:41  
So, Steven, I know we're going towards the tail end of the episode. I hate to end the show on a negative standpoint, but I got to ask the question, what are you guys gonna do? Like what what can you do? And by the way, to that question, how do you guys stop this from happening again?

Steven Brown  24:59  
Well, on this question I have my brother is a barrister. He is today in a law library going through trying to find loopholes and ways that we can stop what they're doing. He normally doesn't do this sort of law has normal clientele are quite unsavory. But anyway, so he's spending the day and then I've got another lawyer having a look at that I am trying to get the word out to everybody. I am trying to show them that people do actually clear that they have gone on to our website or gone on to Instagram that subscribe, but they actually got joined, like joining forces so we can actually go to them. People do care about this, people are interested in this, we would really appreciate people buying a pot of honey guide onto Amazon or onto our website. And it's free shipping, get a pot of honey, how basically that help fund the legal expenses, help fund the replacement of gear, but basically, so that we can put our time into fighting the government. It's just like, the old men that came and see me two days ago came in, he's in his 70s. And he said, Steven, this is just destroying me. And you go, if people don't stand up, and said that a righteous man doesn't stand on the wicked rise to power, well, no one has wanted to stand up to these people. And there is problems, but we all have to do our bit to stand. whether here or in the US, there is bad things happening that the government doesn't need to be pushed back and told to stop what they're doing. They need to tell given them a kick in the ass and tell them to settle down. They're there to serve the people. They're not there to destroy the people. They're not there to take all our stuff. So we would really appreciate people buying that going and buying a pot of honey, telling your friends about it. Let people know that this sort of thing is happening then if you don't in the US actually be on your guy you will be due having the same thing happened to you don't think that these governments don't talk to each other. They are all in communication. Don't think this is just an isolated thing in New Zealand. So New Zealand is often the trial ground for lots of horrible things that happen in New Zealand. Before they happen to you, they'll often have already happened to us, I'll see if it works. Because we're in the bottom of the world. Can we get away with it? What can we make these people do? What can we take from them, and then they'll roll it out to places like the US. So if you would help us stop it here that will help stopping it to happening to you. It's probably nicer that not only do you make it feel good that New Zealand will be a better place to come and visit. But it'll stop it happening in the US because they definitely do they go to the World Forum conferences. They all sit around the table and go Well, we're going to do those poor suckers today. And that's don't think they're not going to think that they don't have an agenda. They do you have an agenda. They're quite happy to tell you they've got an agenda. And what are the next steps? Here you go, you've just blown away. We live here. The police revealed to me that we let the druggies, the murderers the rapist at they won't let them keep them in the prison. But when we go to lock up people who complain about what the government's doing, you got it completely wrong, like one blocking up the bed people. People are still in that everyone should have the right to free speech, whether I agree with what they're saying or not, I don't care. Everyone has a right to free speech. That's what keeps the community free. The right to be around you need that. So New Zealand, you have a look, we had the the mosque shooting in New Zealand, we know. And he's one it's illegal even to see the video. If you watch the video, what happened, you can go to prison, people have gone to prison. So we don't even know what happened in this country. The event happened in New Zealand, no one he knows about it, then they locked up the guns they literally placed bought up most of the guns destroy them. It's really easy to keep a population down when you remove all the firearms, all the control, and you won't even allow them access to what's at night. And if you speak up against them, it's hate speech. And all you're doing is saying things that everybody should be saying. This isn't just a thing that one person should be saying we all should be saying government should get off it get out of here. We don't want you to not only will it save my taxes because our tax rate, they just every year find another thing to texture up. The prices just keep going up. And then you find it most of us actually tax fu is like three times the price of your fuel. You want to run a business where everything is taxed. Just yeah, it's devastating. It's hard to be in business in this country. Because I

Brian Nichols  29:51  
just gotta say, right. You're not a radical. You're a normal person from 20 years ago. And this is this is the the L In the room for today's episode is that we've watched as government has increasingly inched closer and closer towards tyranny across the globe. And much to your point, Stephen, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, all these entities were all the great movers and shakers of our societies come together and talk about all the wonderful things they're going to do for the world. No, no, as a matter of fact, it's testing grounds for the worst things in society much like I mean, you mentioned New Zealand is the the testing ground for what's happening in America, I think you're the testing grounds for what happens in Canada, and then Canada is what they bring down to the United States. And overall, I'm watching right now my northern border, you know, my family members that live up in Canada right now, basically, trying to flee the country because of how dystopian it has gotten just in a short five year period, not even talking about the past 20 years. But how do we get here, right? It's the boiling pot with the frog scenario, right? It's like,

Steven Brown  31:04  
can I go to a somewhere in the states that I'm going to be free with or not, they're going to the state's going to defend me not attack me. That's what we're looking for.

Brian Nichols  31:14  
Well, Stephen, at the very least, the audience today is now aware of what's happening down in New Zealand and hopefully it wakes them up because, yeah, we don't want this to happen here. But to your point, it is happening in New Zealand and we want to support you so rumor is, as you hinted there earlier, it sounds like folks listening today could actually go ahead and purchase some honey from you, despite being probably halfway across the world. Is that right? Well,

Steven Brown  31:40  
we have honey stored so we had our depot in Utah. We had our honey sitting in Chicago and Amazon. So we both our website, it's all free shipping. It's all based in the US. My brother, Baldwin was married to an American, she's an American Jew from Georgia. So we are also doing a lot of work in America. And you can go on buying you can buy drinks, it shipped to you you get three days shipping from anywhere in the US coming straight out of our depot in Utah and all you get it from Amazon and I'll get I think it's getting shipped out of Chicago area. Right across the states. It's organic. It's 100% organic. Is the name of the brand was selling in the US because it is 100% Organic from our farm. It has no berries it is completely natural. It's raised naturally on all the hives of wax and wood there is no wet plastic frames, but you can have in a squeezy jars there's a whole range of products and we've got more coming out in the next thing So our business is actually God has really blessed our business our business is actually doing amazing me my wife would tell you that her belief is that every time God blesses us there's another wave of math that comes in against us but we have been really blessed our the business is booming actually been doing it's just as every time we get $1 There's another $2 Going out to pay for legal expenses. I've paid out $180,000 So far fighting the government so you just literally watch every dollar you earn disappeared down the throat of the the lawyers and the people fighting it. So we would really appreciate people buys money. It is awesome product. And it's available to you really soon. Stephen

Brian Nichols  33:35  
we're gonna go ahead and include that link in the show notes. You and I are going to have a chat afterwards as well. Folks, please go ahead support spring bank, honey, they are doing amazing work. They're fighting back against tyranny. Despite all of the insanity the nonsense that they have had to face. Stephen and his team are standing up and they're fighting the good fight. So please, links are all going to be in the show notes. And folks if you enjoy today's episode, you want to raise awareness to what Stephen and his team are facing and all the other beekeepers down in New Zealand are facing and you want to make sure this doesn't come to our backyard, head to the show notes or head to Brian Nichols Please share today's episode with your friends and family when you do please tag yours truly at B. Nichols Liberty Steven where can folks go ahead and support you continue the conversation but more importantly, stay up to date and what's happening with us. Springbank honey down in New Zealand?

Steven Brown  34:27  
Well they go to Instagram and subscribe to Instagram they will get coming in all it's not all negative. It's got some amazing stuff there from our farm. And what we do so if they go on there, they can buy honey from 100% organic, they go to Amazon, they can buy it's all sitting there on the store. It's at our website at Springbank That's a website in the US and they can purchase them from there and they will get if they subscribe. They will get sent information. There

Brian Nichols  34:58  
you go. Awesome. A subscription service. I love it. All right, Steven, thank you for joining us in folks. Again, we really appreciate you taking some time out of your busy schedules to join the program. And with that, we want to make sure that you understand how much we appreciate you joining us. So we have some phenomenal sponsors here in the show, and they give us some awesome discounts. If you use code TBS at checkout on any of our sponsors, whether it's cardio miracle, the wellness company, evals, CBD, and more, you're going to get some type of discount whether it's 15% off on cardio miracle 10% off all services from the wellness company that includes doctor visits evals, you can get I think it's 10% Off 15% Off here and $5 off there, wherever it may be use that special discount code TV NS because yeah, our sponsors are the folks who helped support us and keep the lights on. So we please want to go ahead and support them. And also, if you're looking to share the show, and you're thinking, Well, I know some folks like to watch the video versions of the show and other folks like the podcast, what should I do, Brian? Well go ahead and share about you can find us over on YouTube on Spotify or iTunes, I'm sorry YouTube rumble, Twitter and Facebook for the video versions of the show. For the podcast versions of the show Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube music, I like podcasts addict wherever it is you get your podcast, just hit download all unplayed episodes. Reason being, we have over 850 episodes of the show over at Brian Nichols, which Steven is the only place you can find all 850 episodes because yes, big government and with that big tech have made it a point to go after any narratives as you've seen in New Zealand that don't tow the line. So we had some of our past episodes where we dug into the COVID hysteria nuked over on YouTube. So if you want to check out all those awesome episodes from yesteryear, those are available at at Brian Nichols in the archives. But if you are joining us on the video version of the show, regardless, hit that subscribe button, hit that little notification bell so you miss a single time we have a brand new episode go live and of course, head down below into the comments. Let us know your thoughts. Is this insane? I think it is the fact that they're going after bees and destroying $2 million with the product. Yeah, not that good. Steven. That's what we have for the audience today. Any final words as we wrap things up? We're

Steven Brown  37:15  
just so grateful to be on the show. We're so grateful to be able to hear. Please subscribe. Please tell people about it.

Brian Nichols  37:21  
Absolutely. No, Steven, this is I'm sure a part one of a continuing conversation here on the show. We need to hear what's going on down in New Zealand so we'll make sure we keep that conversation going. But with that being said, it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Stephen Brown from Spring bank honey. We'll see you

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