April 12, 2024

834: AI Apocalypse? - Navigating the End of Work as We Know It

AI expert @JoeGulesserian returns to explore the potential consequences of AI on democracy, employment, and society, warning of a dystopian future marked by mass unemployment, corporate-government collusion, and the erosion of individual freedom, while offering strategies for adapting and resisting in an increasingly AI-dominated world.

Could the rise of artificial intelligence lead to the downfall of democracy as we know it? Join Brian Nichols and his guest, AI wizard Joe Gulesserian, as they dive deep into the implications of AI on our society, economy, and political systems. In this thought-provoking episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian and Joe explore how AI is rapidly advancing and transforming various industries, from customer service to law and programming.


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As AI takes over more jobs, Joe predicts a staggering 30-40% unemployment rate, which could lead to a dystopian society reliant on Universal Basic Income (UBI). The duo discusses how governments may use UBI to keep the population docile and dependent, while trillion-dollar corporations lobby for monopoly profits in exchange for being taxed to fund the UBI system.


Brian and Joe also touch on the growing divide between the political class and the average citizen, as well as the importance of fostering a grassroots movement focused on freedom and liberty. They emphasize the need for entrepreneurs to create innovative solutions that operate outside the realm of the corporate-government autocracy.


Throughout the episode, Brian and Joe explore the potential consequences of AI on our democratic processes and the future of work. They also discuss strategies for individuals to adapt and thrive in an AI-driven world, such as focusing on higher-end technical skills and embracing alternative educational paths.


Don't miss this insightful and engaging conversation about the intersection of AI, democracy, and the future of our society. Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show now and discover how you can navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the AI revolution!


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Brian Nichols  0:25  
Could the rise of artificial intelligence lead to the downfall of democracy as we know it? And, frankly, is that necessarily a bad thing? Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Wow, hey there. So Brian is here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, that are fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host joining you from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Houston, Indiana, The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our friends over at amp America, if you want to go ahead, get the news that really matters without all the extra fluff plus some Dare I say pretty darn good opinion pieces and more. Namely, because I write some of them, head over to amp america.com and join the amp America team. I'm very excited to be powered by amp America and to be part of the amp America family. One more time, amp america.com. Also, The Brian Nichols Show, personally, by the way, is powered by our amazing studio sponsor, and that is the amazing folks over at cardio miracle. Now. I've been using cardio miracle personally for about a year. And I gotta tell you, folks, my life has literally changed for the better in this past year of using cardio miracle. And here's what I've experienced firsthand, better sleep, better pump at the gym. And this is probably the best thing for me, being a brand new dad and really paying attention to my health is my blood pressure has plummeted. And that's fantastic. So I had a family history of high blood pressure. I was nervous about having to take multiple medications. what seemed like forever because I was told, Hey, you got that history of high blood pressure and your family? Not sure there's much we can do you have a good diet, you're exercising six days a week. Let's throw some pills at it. No, I didn't want to do that. And I ended up finding cardio miracle started using cardio miracle and I watched my blood pressure plummet My doctor said what are you doing different and I said, just having some cardio miracle twice a day, morning and night. So that's my personal story. And I know that you will experience something in the world of a positive benefit like yours truly, because I'm not just one story, I am one of 10s of 1000s of other folks out there who are experiencing the cardio miracle difference for themselves. So folks, if you want to jump on board, and see the difference for yourself, head down below in the show notes or you're watching the video version of the show, head to the description, click the link, gonna bring you over to our friends at cardio miracle use code TB ns, it's gonna save you 15% off your order. And by the way, you have nothing to lose because there's a 100% money back guarantee. So again, join the 10s of 1000s of other folks who are experiencing the cardio miracle difference for themselves. I guarantee your heart will thank you one more time cardio miracle.com, the best heart health supplement in the world. All right, folks, your heart is going to be very healthy, and it's very strong. You take cardio miracle, but what about our democracy? How about that for a segue? We've been doing this for a while. Hopefully that worked. But now let's talk about democracy. And namely, right now we're looking at the the genesis of ai ai really hit the market back in the beginning of 2022. And fast forward to where we are today, you know, halfway through 2024. And wow, AI has really blown up. And we've been discussing the advent of AI and how it's going to change the way not only we live our lives, but also the way we govern ourselves and discuss that. And frankly, what's the impact not just of AI that comes to how we live our lives, but also how we vote how we govern how we work together as a community. What's it going to do there to help me discuss all that and more returning to the show, the AI wizard himself? Joe Gullah seryan from the practical book on NBA, welcome back here to The Brian Nichols Show, Joe, how you doing,

Joe Gulesserian  4:24  
Brian? I'm doing fine. And thank you very much for having me again.

Brian Nichols  4:28  
Oh, absolutely. Joe, it's great to have you back on the show you you've been a regular here on the show for the past couple of years. And the audience loves when you come on the show because we always talk about something that is frankly like it's right around the corner and then it's there it is and that is the just continuing advancement of AI we talked last time about AI being used by ministers of propaganda we talked about going all the way back to the advent of well, not necessarily the Advent but at least the more traditional use of propaganda going back to Woodrow Wilson back in then The beginning of the 19th century, or I'm sorry, 20th century and then going forward to where we are today with folks like Joe Biden and his ministry of truth. That was thankfully shut down. Shut down. Question mark. Is it still there in the in the back end? We're not sure. But we yeah, we discussed a lot of that fun stuff, Joe. But before we go into more AI stuff for today, do the audience a favor, who maybe they haven't heard you hear on the show, because peek behind the curtain, Joe, since you were last in the show, we joined amp America, and our audience has been blowing up like literally 10s of 1000s of new folks listening. So who is Joe in this area? And why do you care so much about AI? And how does this going to impact our world as we're moving forward? Okay, so

Joe Gulesserian  5:39  
I'll talk about myself for about 15 seconds, who I am, as I wrote the practical book. It's called the practical and beyond economics. And that came up 2022. I'm currently writing another book, called the gorilla guy for entrepreneurs. That pretty well worked as an entrepreneur for the last 30 years did about a two and a half, three year stint as a professor in management studies. And I've done everything you could ever think of under the sun, I have an extensive sales background as well, a little bit of a technical background. And maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of engineering school, but I did. But so that's the short and long of it, I have an incredible insatiable curiosity, but the human condition, and where we're going, and this whole concept of collective misguidance, and the implications of AI and our society. So yeah, there you go. Awesome,

Brian Nichols  6:33  
Joe, well, let's let's dig into AI, because this is a conversation you and I have been having. And I know a lot of the folks in the audience have been having. And we're seeing AI go from being a really cool chat bot, where you can make it create a bunch of really funny articles or songs to now it's in our daily lives, we're seeing AI creep from what was cool, and you know, magical thinking to now we are seeing it in our day to day lives, you're seeing it become part of your normal operating systems, you're seeing it in your browsers, you're seeing it on your phone. So Joe AI is definitely it's less creeping and more sprinting into pretty much every facet of our lives. And it's gonna change the way that not just we interact as a society, but also how we govern ourselves. And I mean, going back to the way that it's changing the heck the business world, right, like my day job, I'm in the world of contact center solutions, and we're seeing right now AI really help with that low skill entry level stuff that you low level contact center agents we're dealing with. So you know, you're you're calling into your bank, and you're trying to figure out your account balance, and maybe set up a new checking account, I don't know, whatever it may be, you're calling into that, that bank, and instead of waiting on hold for 1015 30 minutes for somebody to pick up the phone, you can talk to an AI chatbot and intelligent voice agent and have a somewhat intelligent conversation, where you can get that basic stuff done without having to go into the nitty gritty of you know, having a real life person on the phone. So we're seeing the change there. Now, on the flip side, what does that mean for some of those low skill agents that are not going to have a job. And I guess that's where we're gonna start the conversation today, Joe, we're seeing now the very real impacts of AI, you're seeing the $15 minimum wage $20 Minimum Wage across the United States, right now we're looking at California, they just put that $20 minimum wage in place for fast food workers. Joe, I'm just seeing the writing on the wall from what I'm seeing in my own industry. I mean, these low skilled workers, they are inevitably going to be replaced if not already being replaced by self service kiosks, which when they add AI is going to make it way more efficient, way more deadly in terms of being accurate and really replacing people. So what's kind of your perspective and seeing AI changing the way that we do business and, frankly, where a lot of low skill, you know, maybe entry level employees are now facing a really big uphill battle, because to get that first job, it's not I'm competing against another person. And now I'm competing against a chatbot or an AI robot. So what where are we right now with the whole AI going into the workplace? Well,

Joe Gulesserian  9:16  
the low skill is the easy part to catch. In terms of what you said, Brian, in respect to your call centers, a lot of that's gone overseas as it is. And then when it gets really difficult, they bring it back to the US or Canada or Europe. So that's gone. That's the easy part. Your your checkout cashiers. There's about 16 million people employed in something to do with retail in that area. They're cashiers and so forth. They're going to be under the gun but that's the beginning part. It works can you get very, very interesting is let's let's just talk about a law firm. Okay. And the law firm usually has Junior attorneys. So these are some of the areas where AI will touch. And I can give you some numbers later, except that some research. And what will happen is that in the old days, you got your junior lawyer, your pay them, you know, they just came out of law school, he paid 2530 bucks an hour or what have you, you build them up to 250. And they'll probably put 100 110 hours of buildings are sometimes 70 hours of buildings into a particular legal case. So what you can do is you can plug the case, you know, via PDF, ask AI to follow the fence or vice versa, or follow prosecution, if you will, or if you're going to be a plaintiff, they'll probably do it in two minutes, then you get a lawyer to massage and clean it up, that might take an hour. So a lot of these junior entry positions in law will be at peril. What will happen is the complexities of and no, I know programmers, and you know, I hang with them a little bit. They're going oh, no, I can't do what we can. But it's just the beginning stage, it's going to take lower to medium programming jobs. If you did a master's in mathematics. I'll give you an example. You can go right now and say I'm having trouble with calculus, and I'm in first year university. And can you please teach me at a very slow pace into go calculus so I can understand it. So really at a slow, slow pace, I wish I had that.

Brian Nichols  11:23  
So I just want to point out something that you're identifying here. And that is, it's not just the low skilled workers, it is, in fact going to be some of these, I guess you'd classify them as like your white collar entry level jobs, where to your point, somebody probably went and spent 10s of 1000s of dollars, heck, hundreds of 1000s of dollars, that they're going up for their their graduate or doctor's degrees. And now those entry level jobs, more or less, are just being completely not just even replaced just like made irrelevant by the advent of AI.

Joe Gulesserian  11:54  
Yes, yes. And, and, you know, if we're still thinking, you know, chatbot, GPT, that's fine. Give me an example quickly in the higher professions that can that law, accounting, the sciences, so you can take, you can do a whole list of all your journal entries, if you will. And, you know, so teach us stuff in college. And you can put your journal entries together and say, create a balance sheet and financial income. So it'll, it'll just map it out for you. And then you can massage it, clean it up a little bit. I'm going to give you another example where we will hit hard and missing all the part, my prediction is I go along with 30 to 40% unemployment that will cause it, and I'll go to the dystopian society that could bring on in a bit. But consider this 165 million theoretically, job market, United States 16 million of those people are drivers from Uber to trucking to you name it. Like, you know, Light Transport on and on and on. So when AI takes a lot of that over, it's going to eventually be safer than what we can do. Of course, the people who don't want that to happen for sex, if that happens, though, probably smear AI for that, but it's gonna take a lot of driving jobs away. And, you know, if you go to an airport, go to Atlanta airport, and there's no one driving the empty, you know, the training, it doesn't automatically that's as proficient. Yeah, no, we have a question. My

Brian Nichols  13:23  
question is, Joe, I've heard, well, this job is going away, we're going to lose a lot of jobs here, this job is no longer relevant. So it sounds like there's gonna be a lot of people. I mean, dare I say, in maybe the millions of folks who all of a sudden, you know, within a few short years, maybe short months, depending on how quickly this technology advances, I mean, they're gonna find themselves out of a job. So what's the option for those folks who aren't there? They're kind of facing uncertainty right now. Like, what what do we do? Do we just, you know, hope that we get, I don't know, like a different job, do we start going and doing some skills training or these there are something like a UBI, from a government standpoint that people are gonna start working to?

Joe Gulesserian  14:07  
We're gonna get to UBI. just tease me on that one there. But you, there's one thing here that just and I'm going to build up to UBI? And answer your question, there's 21% of the US since the same store in Europe and Canada, have some type of government dependency in the United States, okay. That could be anywhere from Medicare, welfare, nutritional supplements, I'm not I'm not judging that visible in the United States, it's worse than Canada. It's approximately 14% of the workforce is and I'm going to lead to the one party state is they work for the government. So there's your first 34% of your vote base, okay. But once we get to 30% unemployment, you know, here's what's going to happen. There's, you know, we can talk about jobs that'll stay your accountants and lawyers. You're not going to go away, you're still going to the people in the technical fields in engineering. But what we'll say is what will happen is a classical career will be debt. And the Luddites will event in the beginning will declare war, war and AI and robotics. And finally, from the mountaintop, the great cope arrives. And the great hopes going to be just as you mentioned, UBI is going to be the Holy Grail, where apartheid, economic apartheid meets the outcome of, you know, this, this great thing for egalitarianism, we're all going to be the same, of course, except for the aristocracy. And there'll be on there are carbon emitted jet planes, cars, and so forth. So once we once I get 40%, even 30% of the people 40% hooked on UBI. Okay. I've got a pretty good voting base, I keep them docile, they've already got their cell phones, they can't get their faces out of that all day and rounded all day long. So pardon me, we've got people in Nice, docile state, because once I feed them every month, we can now start introducing some of the other tenants of technological Tyri. To add to it, but from the mountaintop, again, we'll come AI and again, apartheid will meet egalitarianism. And then we can start getting into, we're going to finally get inclusion, equity and diversity, we're going to be a lot of people hooked on this stuff. And that's how you make them weak and docile. Because after all, Brian, you know, we're in this earth for a while we don't need any purpose, I can sit home and my 15 minutes city, what do I need that for? That's, that's, you know what, that's heresy. In fact, let me tell you something, the concept of working will be equated with heresy, a form of enslavement, the subjugation for major corporations, but we're getting there. I just don't

Brian Nichols  16:57  
get it like from a a tangible value standpoint, right. Like, and I know, maybe it's just the way we're wired. Like, I get value personally, out of creating value, if that makes sense. Like I like being on a call for like a discovery call for a new business opportunity. And I love hearing the problems that somebody has, because then I get to think about ways that I can help them solve those problems. And when we finish the sales cycle, you know, we agree to moving forward with the solution. And then you actually get the solution put into place. And to see the problems go away, it's just a very rewarding moment. Because not just were you able to make the sale in terms of helping somebody see the problem they have, and articulate the value that your solution brings to the table, but then to actually see it put into action and make a substantive difference. That's huge. But as we go away from this mentality, a lot of that value that that self derive value is going to go away. So when we start to look at, where are people going to find value, Joe? And I guess, you know, we go back to this is communist Marxist mentality of well, you know, at that point, everybody can do what they they enjoy doing. I can go write poetry and write songs and you know, just sniff flowers. But where's the value? Where is the the in, I guess, the inherent connection, in what you're doing? And then seeing that thing, whatever it may be, help others to turn into something more beyond just a self serving like this makes me feel good?

Joe Gulesserian  18:39  
That's a good, hard question. And when you see the people like you, you want to create value you want and just a lot of industrious people. As we speak, right? Now, of course there is there going to be? Well, I'm going to kind of go through that. But the valley you're going to start seeing is in the higher end position, I'll give you an example of value. Instead of you know, going through the racketeering of university, I'll give you an example. You could probably study things like algorithms, like I'm talking about a quick eight, nine month course on it. You could probably go to Google University for one year, take two or three of these or maybe study social media marketing for about eight months intensive courses instead of wasting time in university. So some of the if I could have a replay and I've been asked this before, I would have done those three things. I'd be involved in social media, higher end vehicles, higher end engineering. I'll give you another example. If, if you like technical things, and you're the person who's repairing and updating the artificial intelligence, industrial robots, it might be CNC machines may be the more advanced robots we see the assembly lines You're in a good good position there. But if you're at the bottom there, it's going to be tough. So with what you're doing the podcasts the, the, you know, all these new, you know, alternative creative, you know, creators that we see on YouTube and Rumbold, and so on so forth, they're going to be fine, that's not going to be the issue, it's going to be at the lower end. And so government will have to keep them docile as a voter base. I don't mean that in a condescending way this has been done. And don't forget, you know, we can talk about Marxism Leninism. We are going through right now a cultural revolution. And if you don't believe that read the Cultural Revolution during the time of Mao, and that's a story on its own. So what I would say is, the idea is to keep them docile, and government will grow further, because remember, when you have large government, in essence, in any government that's large, it has has a Marxist or at least a socialist or collective ideology. And generally speaking, these governments, the people who gravitate them are some of the most toxic people in history, which we can go through Cromwell all the way to Mao, to Lenin, we can go right, right on so these revolutions don't work out too well. And that's the friendship. So, as far as I'm concerned, as far as Yeah, sort of throw that all Yeah, that's it. As far as I'm concerned. You keep people on UBI they become a good voter base for me. You know, I'll give them free Netflix, out of our, you know, the kneel totalitarian state will save them from the burdens of freedom, right? And you know, every every four years, you kind of left them, you put them on the sidewalk, and go, Look, you can vote now current number one parent to or who do you like more Lucky Luciano, or Al Capone? Take your choice. Do you know who do you like more? You know, more CIA or more FBI? Which one? Do you want more IRS? Anyways, I had to throw that in. I didn't call them names. I'm sorry. So yeah, it'll be very happy, you'll stay at home, we'll even throw in with UBI, some free netflix so you can watch you know, Andre, the giant fighting, I don't know Godzilla for the world championship, you know, we can do it all on animation. And so yeah, people will be happier that way. Because it seems that this whole concept of democracy and freedom, it's too much of a burden for most people. So yeah, it'll I know what you're saying, and I'm with you there. But that's my first feedback on that. And then you might be asking the question later, is where's this money going to come up? How

Brian Nichols  22:48  
did you know? How did you know? Because to that question, right? Not only are there gonna be people who are not on board with this, but dare I say, there are people who are going to be actively against this Joe, who I could see, you know, especially just looking for libertarian, you know, more freedom oriented camp, there's gonna be folks who will go out of their way to not just actively stand against this, they're gonna build solutions, build systems that are going to try and destroy this. And with that, you know, yes, the government's gonna be trying to get get their hard earned money from the people who are actually working hard to earn it. So where's that, I guess that schism going to really rear its ugly head in terms of the people who are trying to build something different, versus the government trying to get their money from the actual hard working taxpayer? To them build this UBI type of utopia? Okay.

Joe Gulesserian  23:38  
And I will answer your question, because you're right, there's going to be an industry, the industrious people, you know, with your mindset that will work and will be a base for at some level for government, and some of the occupations we talk about, I won't go into the weeds with, but your other base is going to be the emergence of course, you know, government itself has a monopoly on tyranny. But you're going to have the introduction of trillion dollar corporations, I'm not talking in valuations only. I'm talking about in revenue, and we're not there. I do not believe we have a trillion dollar company yet. So we have these trillion dollar companies, you know, you can talk about the world and Silicon Valley may be Google. May be, we can go on Google, Facebook, meta, so on and so forth. But you know, the whole gang in the Silicon Valley cabal there. And so you have these trillion dollar corporations. I'm running for election because as you know, I have a you know, I'm going to run I'm going to be president, prime minister, I have a very cosmic view of things. So when I run for elections, I will point that those greedy trillion dollar corporations, the ones that give me my seed money to run right that lobby me and what I will do is tax them and in exchange they'll have monopoly profits to offset that. So that's how they're going to do this. So the question become, what's going to happen to the smaller and medium sized businesses and a lot of them will get sacked. Okay. Or let's say there's certain industries or a certain line extensions, perhaps that Google is not interested. It's just too small for them. And you can see there's businesses and Procter and Gamble, Unilever, so on and so forth. Where do you know some of those brands are only producing 100 or $60 million a year. So you give it to some, some, you know, smaller business that can handle that kind of stuff. And the ones that toe the line of the Cabal autocracy, which we went through in the last show, that toe the line occasion when people go, you know why this large corporations running this country, but none of them will extinguish that intellectual thought, what we'll do is occasionally someone who's reading off the script, and we'll be elevated to the higher ends of royalty, we'll just kind of show them go look, what kind of nice they're doing. And you know, if you kind of look, obey and read off the script, maybe your company will become a very large corporation, but you got to read off the script. Who isn't reading off the script right now? Is Mr. Elon Musk? So? Oh,

Brian Nichols  26:14  
yeah, well, and really quick, Joe, I want to actually show exactly what you're referring to. In an example we just heard come out from Sage Steele. Now, Sage still used to work at ESPN. And I think it was in 2022 or 2021. Before she was let go by ESPN. She did an interview with Joe Biden. And she, I think, was on Steven Naismith podcast just last week, articulated how not only was when she had the interview with Joe Biden, not only did it have to be screened and approved by ESPN executives before she could even sit down with the President. But the President's administration made it abundantly clear to ESPN, that these are certain questions you are allowed to ask you are not allowed to deviate from these questions. And if you do interviews over interviews done, and she was like, what, okay, now at the point, she was a employee of ESPN, and she went to work and she had to do what she was told by her bosses. But she articulated after the fact saying, Yeah, that was one of the moments where I realized like, Oh, this isn't real, that we are being told what to say. And I'm, I'm being allowed to say certain things within this Overton window, right, like, here's my allowable opinion, only within this, this confines. And as soon as she started to get outside of that box, and you see as across the board in media, whether it's her Ben Swann, Lera Logan, from CBS, I mean, all these folks who have left them your traditional media entities, and then the flipside, folks like Keith Olbermann, whose brains have turned to mashed potatoes completely. You see this split, there are folks who are saying, no, because this is what's happening. And then there are folks on the other side who are saying, I want more of this, and we talked about this earlier, it's gonna be usually the folks who are much more I guess, in line with whatever argument or narrative is being promoted by the government. So Joe, I say all that to say this sound like we're at a crossroads. Where do we go? What What options do we have on the table to build futures? Beyond what path we're currently on this UBI technocratic one size fits all Kabbalah autocracy? How can we start to maybe build some different solutions? And heck, let's leverage some of the tools like AI to help build these these these different societies, when we know that our opponents are also gonna be using those tools. So how can we use that to help us maybe has some equal footing but also putting people in a spot that they can be successful, have freedom, have liberty, and still have those incentive structures in place?

Joe Gulesserian  28:43  
I think what you described there, Brian is the Neo totalitarian state, right? We're in the West, a soft totalitarian state we're in we're, unlike, perhaps China, which is a little bit of a harder, totalitarian state. So what can you do? I think a free thinkers in I know, You've made me heard this, go back to our communities. Go back to keeping our minds clear, in the sense that once you know your mind is liberated, and you understand the toxicity of central government, I think that we can perhaps at best become a nationhood of communities that respects other communities. The I think the in I hate to say that the concept of mentioning this to my wife earlier yesterday, the concept of nationhood where there's such disparity of thinking and understandably so, I'm wondering if this was an experiment gone bad as we currently know it because there's very little in common with let's say, one person from one state and one person from California. And that's fine. I'm not going to say nothing there but you I think we have have to work as entrepreneurs, we have to create inventions, products, ways of doing business that fits under the radar of all these multiple trillion dollar corporations because they are joined at the hip with government, right? And so, we're going to have to what can I say? Walk with dope. I think that's the best word that gives away my age, I think we're gonna have to rope a dope, catch our breath, and go into areas that these corporations are too large and sluggish to get into as entrepreneurs, bring our skill sets up. Yo, stop. You know, stop sending our children to scam universities and most of them are scams for the most part. I'm heartbreak, of course. Yeah, you know, what I'm getting at, you might be taking a course in business might be social media. And then you know, and then they fill in about four or five basket weaving courses in there, and you're paying 1000s of bucks for that. I used to teach I you have in I don't want to get off base. You have faculties in universities. I'll give you one for social studies, so on and so forth. You know, you're not going to get a job there. They know they're not but they protect their department like a mafioso. That's what they do. So what I don't know if I answered your question thoroughly, but you're going to see it from the grass roots up right now, I'm going to lose this thought. So I will tell you, there's you describe to me in my opinion, Brian, the perfect chasms, the gap between the political class and the plebeians, they are not interested in what we have to say. They're not interested because they're compromised with a combination of corporations. The intelligence agencies are sometimes not that intelligent. Some of their coo they tell us don't work out too good. Some do, though. But there's that chiasm there. And when the political class completely ignores its subjects, the citizenry of the country, that chiasm will start get getting into, you'll have a tumultuous, you'll have a very shaky environment. And that happened. Exactly when, when that happens, people will do one of two things, okay? They'll finally turn around and go to someone who's charismatic and is going to create a great hope for them. Or they're going to turn around and vote for tyrant, right? One or the other. You know, someone's got to come in there. We're going to clean up Washington, no way. You know, if you brought Marcus Aurelius out, and the second coming of the Messiah and went to Washington, they leave eat him alive. The place is a corrupt cesspool, not just Washington London, same idea. In Ottawa, all the Western capitals, you know, who are countries that are preaching democracy and freedom, they think they need to look in the mirror very carefully because they're clueless Okay, and nobody's looking up to us anymore to lead that way. So I mean, that kind of gets out of the sphere but I think you can kind of see or see that but in Cromwell in the in the British Civil War, he turned into a dictator when when King Louie the 60s was overthrown we got raspier and then of course Napoleon and it got really you know, toxic there so these revolutions are too good either. So again, I like to committee life better and you know, if we're if we're in the mortgage nation of communities with respect to with respect each other that within the country if you will, we're okay there. People are people are messed up, Brian. Oh, I'm a Democrat. I'm a Republican is basically two sides of the same Merce, isn't it?

Brian Nichols  33:57  
You're spot on, you're spot on. In fact, two sides of the same artist, and some may even say that might be why one of the logos for the rest of the top two parties is a donkey. But that maybe is a little mean. No, it's not. It's accurate. But really quick, just to go back to something you raised up here as we're going towards the end of the episode. And that is the idea of grassroots, right? And I'm actually hearing an opportunity here, and I want to articulate my thoughts. I want to hear what you think of my kind of solution. So Larry Sharpe, he's been on the show a couple of times. Yeah, he hails from New York State and Larry talks about coalition building. And I agree from a political standpoint, in order to actually get your cause to move forward. It's going to be tough to have your niche cause make it somewhere on its own because traditionally, the niche cause has a niche audience of people who care about it. So in order to help raise awareness for that specific cause, usually you'll see these niche causes coalesce together. and formed some type of an organized movement right to help raise a collective awareness of their issue now, you hear these words collective unionized, mobilized all that stuff. And it sounds very progressive left leaning in the the terminology. And yet what we actually see is that in order for these these core niche movements that let's just say are in this idea of freedom of liberty, of personal value and bringing value to the table outside of this, this Cabal, autocracy, this this corporatocracy, let's really work together, build some coalitions with people in like minded approaches, and build something different in the grassroots. And from a political standpoint, one no look no further than what we've seen over the past 1020 years, it worked here in the United States, the Tea Party movement, you had Occupy Wall Street back with, you know, pick whether you supported it or didn't support it, you had the Hands up, don't shoot movement, Black Lives Matter movement from 2015, through 2020, you had the folks who stood up and said no to the insane vaccine mandates and the insane COVID regulations, there was a coalescing of different movements across political ideologies, during all of those different examples. And they had success both politically as well as societally. So I say all that, Joe, do you see that there might be an opportunity for us in this grassroots world to to work together to build different solutions, and frankly, better solutions, versus the one size fits all Corporate Solutions we see or government solutions we see being force fed down the throats of your average citizen? Do you think that maybe us doing it better will inevitably lead to more and more folks saying, I don't want this one size fits all government approach, I actually do support freedom, even though maybe I personally didn't think about it in a freedom sense or a political sense. But now I'm seeing the direct impact of policy or rather not having good policy. And it's changing my mind without me having to even think about the ISM behind the the actual policy or the position. Does that make sense? It

Joe Gulesserian  37:09  
makes sense to me that what you're saying is very intellectual. But it's very clear to me, it's very clear what you're saying. Your question.

Brian Nichols  37:16  
By the way, that was a smoke you saw coming out of my ears. That was the intellectual part of my brain trying to fire up so yeah,

Joe Gulesserian  37:21  
you're doing good. Okay, I told you earlier, I drank for jokes at coffee to catch up with you. Sir, time on your lovely show, I got to drink enough coffee. But again, earlier, I made a comment about the burdens of freedom, but basically human history. Free markets are not perfect. Large government and freedom can't coexist. Democracy is a separate concept and freedom. The two are not correlated, right? This is my view, and we'll get there. But there's really three stages of human history that we've gone through, we've gone through freedom and disorder, tyrants eating disorder, and tiring eat and order. The American Express experiment, originally was freedom and order, and that's what's gone bad. It has not worked. It's worked in stages, but certainly not since Woodrow Wilson. Not Not at all, but maybe President Hardy, but certainly not during and after the Great Depression. It's game over there. We had government meddling, so people need to say, okay, but you know, they got to come up for air. I mean, Brian, Have you ever talked to people that actually watch television? Have you watched television since? You know, the Michael Jackson Thriller album came out? I don't know. It's

Brian Nichols  38:44  
all streaming. Joe. It's it's Netflix, Hulu, its YouTube name, the streaming service of choice.

Joe Gulesserian  38:50  
Have you heard people who watch TV how they speak, they mimic the CNN ABC Ministry of profit, the propagandist, you know, even in the Soviet, I've studied storied history, even in the Soviet Union during the time of profit up during the Soviet Union time, they had more shame than what we have in the Western media. And they don't get mad at the reporters. They're just they're just, they're just Hopalong Cassidy's, okay. They're just getting paid to tell the story. And you know, they're compromised. So you have to either splash people with cold water, do some of the things you do at community, on a community basis. And let's ask ourselves, What is freedom? And what can freedom produce can produce a great industrial society that can build and produce? Or are we going to sit there and flip options? Or we're going to be rent here society or finance, society doesn't produce anything. And that's what all that is all about. That's why we're on China because they're an industrial society, and we become a rentier society. We buy sell, rent, whatever, but we're not actually producing any Think so? Again, we need to get people addicted to freedom. And we use the word addicted, as opposed to the toxic addiction of large government. Love

Brian Nichols  40:12  
it. All right, there's our call to action for today, and that is to help get people addicted to freedom. I'm on board. I think the audience is on board as well, Joe. So thank you for articulating today. Yes, the very real consequences of AI both good and bad, and how we need to be really paying attention to this from a grassroots perspective. A lot there in our episode, do impacts of folks, this is absolutely one of those episodes, hit that heart button, like keep it in the archives, listen to it every now and then. And I'm curious to like, if you listen to this episode, I was gonna say two years, give it two months in the future. I want to see where things are going to be heading as well. So yeah, go ahead and give this episode some love. And also give it a share. When you do please tag yours truly at be Nichols. Liberty, Joe, where can folks go ahead and reach out to you if they want to continue the conversation?

Joe Gulesserian  41:06  
Well, I'm on Twitter, I if you look up my name or practical NBA, I'm on my YouTube channel. And also on LinkedIn some very, very easily access assessable. Of course, any one of those three social media mediums I'm around. Yeah. And I've got my book, The practical MBA in economics, and I hope sometime in June, mid summer, I'm bringing up my new book called The gorilla guide for entrepreneurs and love it and finishing touches on that. Yeah, there you go.

Brian Nichols  41:35  
There you go. And that is exactly the type of solution we need for you know, when talking about grassroots entrepreneurs are at anything, they are the market solution for grassroots organization. And that is, you have an idea, you think that there is a demand for this idea of specifically, if it solves a particular problem, let's, let's test it, let's bring it to the market. And that is exactly what we need more of. So we'll have to keep an eye on that book when it comes out, Joe, and obviously have you back on the show. And really excited by the way to have you as a part of The Brian Nichols Show recurring guests, I know the audience always gets a lot of value out of our conversations. Heck, I get a lot of value out of our conversation. So I'm really, I'm really looking forward to doing some more stuff for the show. And I know the audience does as well.

Joe Gulesserian  42:18  
Thank you very much. Thanks for having me on your show, Greg. And they wish you and all the audience all the best.

Brian Nichols  42:23  
Awesome. Well, folks, there's our episode for today. So if you got some value beyond going ahead and giving it a share, please go ahead and subscribe to the show. You can follow us on your favorite video or podcast platform YouTube rumble sovereign Facebook x.com, hack, podcast, YouTube, music, Apple podcasts, Spotify, wherever it is, you consume your content, just do me a favor number one, hit that subscribe button number two, hit the like button because that actually helps our channel more than you would know. If you want to go ahead and leave a question or heck if you want got some some stuffs to say, head down below in the comments. Let us know your thoughts. And then one final thing and that is if you are in fact watching or listening to us on the podcast version hit download all unplayed episodes and the reason being not only his job and on the show a couple times here, but we have over 830 episodes, The Brian Nichols Show dating way back to January of 2018. So we've had some phenomenal guests here on the show from the world of economics, business, you really NAME IT, Finance, AI technology, Blockchain, we have had just a plethora of guests, who I guarantee if you go through the archives, a few of those conversations should leave you educated, enlightened and informed. And one final asking that is to folks, please support the folks who support us and that is our amazing sponsors. So we have some really phenomenal sponsors out there like a cardio miracle like the wellness company like Indy emporium and their brand new Michael Scott 2024 shirt, so please go ahead and give them some love because they're the ones who give us some love. Otherwise, that's all we had for you today. Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Joe Gillis area and we'll see you next time.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Joe Gulesserian Profile Photo

Joe Gulesserian

He is an Author- A former Professor-Entrepreneur-Consumer packaged goods
He has spoken at Companies including Sun Life, has appeared in the media including Wayne Allen Root Show- Andy Tanner’s Cash Flow Academy- Greg Krino- Todd Schowalter, Brian Nichols...
He is the Author of the Practical MBA on Economics- What they do and don't teach you at Business school.

"In his upcoming book, 'The Guerrilla Guide for Entrepreneurs,' due out in Joe Gulesserian takes the reader on a fascinating and indelible journey to the boulevard where old school meets AI cumulating in a wealth of knowledge that delivers results. With a blend of humor, insight, and occasional wit, he presents a quintessential unique perspective forged from 30 years as an entrepreneur and insights of a former professor of business management.
This book not only enriches and sprinkles the reader’s mind with hard-earned wisdom but also stands as an “essential reference in any library."
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