March 21, 2024

824: Rewrite Your Sales Story - Remove Resistance, Embrace Success, & Bring Your Best Self to Every Call

Embrace your authentic leadership voice, harness the power of storytelling, and rewrite your sales mindset to scale your business while staying true to your values, as shared by Justin Janowski, founder of Faith 2 Influence, in this insightful conversation with Brian Nichols on The Brian Nichols Show.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of high-converting sales calls and harness the power of storytelling to scale your business? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, Brian sits down with Justin Janowski, founder of Faith 2 Influence, to discuss how entrepreneurs can embrace their authentic leadership voice and attract clients who resonate with their message.


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Justin shares his journey from selling Cutco kitchen knives to becoming a successful coach, helping Christian entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses. He emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and attracting the right clients by sharing values forward. Justin also highlights the role of emotional state in the sales process, stressing the significance of a pre-call ritual to ensure peak performance.


Throughout the conversation, Brian and Justin delve into the common objections faced by salespeople and how to overcome them effectively. They discuss the power of transferring enthusiasm to prospects and the importance of having a clear mission statement to become known, liked, and trusted in the marketplace.


Justin shares his insights on the misconceptions surrounding sales and how entrepreneurs can rewrite their internal stories to remove resistance and embrace sales as a generous, fun, and transformative process. He encourages listeners to gain awareness of their own stories and intentionally decide on the emotional state they want to bring into sales calls.


This episode is a must-watch for any entrepreneur, business owner, or salesperson looking to improve their sales skills, harness the power of storytelling, and scale their business while staying true to their values. Tune in to discover the secrets of success and take your sales game to the next level with Brian Nichols and Justin Janowski.


Free resource - 10 Step Sales Process and Art of Influence:


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Brian Nichols  0:40  
Are you ready to Discover the Secrets of high converting sales calls storytelling and how to unlock the power of influence to scale your business? Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode, IBM as always your humble host. Joining us from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by amp America very excited to be part of the amp America team. Most recently, I just shared an article over on amp America on some secrets you can learn from an NFL executive who just happened to be on this show here a few months ago. And I go into the details of all you can learn and how to uncover Yes, the one trait that separates the winners from the losers go ahead and check out my article over at amp Very excited be part of the amp America family plus very excited to have our studio sponsor here today. And that is cardio miracle. Now I've been using cardio miracle now for well over seven months I think it is. And folks, I just got to level with you the cardio miracle difference. 1,000% real I was skeptical. Candidly, I had John Hewlett on the show back in March. He's the CEO of cardio miracle and it sounded great. He's talking about this Nobel Peace Prize winning formula that is nitric oxide and you know how it's going to help improve heart health. And I'm like, Okay, this sounds great. Sure, I'll give it a shot. We'll see what happens. Folks, I was floored blood pressure, I had a family history of blood pressure, I have a family history of blood pressure, high blood pressure, start taking cardio miracle within like two months, my blood pressure started plummeting, I went from having consistently above average to frankly, high blood pressure to now the last two doctor visits. Perfect is like right on point 120 over 80 You can't beat that. Plus, I've been getting way better night's sleep, which for me has been a huge win also being a dad of a less than one year old. And by the way, pump at the gym, can't even compare it to where it was before. Like I'm feeling I'm lifting so much more I feel frankly, more energized at the gym. And it's all because of cardio miracle. So I've been ranting and raving now for like seven months during the show about how excited I am not just to have them as a sponsor of the show. But frankly, to be able to see that this this solution actually works. So if you want to go ahead and take part in the cardio miracle difference for yourself, or folks, it's super easy. All you got to do is go right below today's video or into the show notes. If you're listening to us on your traditional podcasts and just click the link click the link in the description. It's going to bring you right over to our friends at cardio When you arrive there, you will have the opportunity Yes, in fact to purchase the best heart health supplement in the world. And you can use code TNS to get 15% off your order. Now, if you are like me, and you're like Brian, this sounds a little too good to be true. You have nothing to worry about because there's a 100% money back guarantee. So yeah, literally you have nothing to lose. Besides the sleepless nights, that little little baby pump you have at the gym plus, get that blood pressure under control. One more time cardio miracle it is in fact, the best heart health supplement in the world join the 10s of 1000s of other folks who are experienced in the cardio miracle difference for themselves. I guarantee your heart will thank you. And by the way, in terms of your heart thanking you How about your brain thanking you and that's gonna be for listening to today's episode. And in the industry. We call that a segue because today we're going to be talking about yes, how can you in fact, improve your sales, improve your storytelling, all while maybe living your values out loud to help discuss that and more joining us today on The Brian Nichols Show. Justin Janoski welcome here to the program. How you doing?

Justin Janowski  4:38  
Hey, I'm doing well. Thanks for having me, Brian.

Brian Nichols  4:41  
Great to have you on the show. Justin I'm really excited to dig into all things sales storytelling, but also living your values out loud. But before we do that, Justin I would love for the audience to get to know you and get to learn your story and specifically in the world of sales and helping businesses with with coaching and such how you're bringing the world of faith of God to the table and also being able to teach while at the same point in time living those values. Justin The floor is yours. Where do you wanna start?

Justin Janowski  5:12  
Yeah, man, I'll start here. Brian when I was 18 I got my first sales job. I sold Cutco kitchen knives. Have you heard of,

Brian Nichols  5:19  
by the way? Oh my god. That's fantastic. Because I think some of the best sales folks I've had here on the show, always start with Have you heard of this company called Cutco. Namely, one of my old co hosts here Jeremy Todd, he's an old Cutco alone he raves about the sales process. So you're already starting off on a great starting point. You're Justin.

Justin Janowski  5:39  
The Cutco mafia, as we call it runs deep. It's like an alumni of people who went on to do successful things in business life. I think that direct sales experience was huge for me. I was there for four years, I hired my first coach while I was at Cutco. How Elrod who wrote The Miracle Morning, which is a pretty big sensation about how to start your days. And as I got exposed to coaching, I thought, wow, this is really cool. This is really interesting. I enjoyed it. And I began to have the idea that someday I could be a coach. I left Cutco when I got in the business business sales, selling packaging for a while. Then I went into financial planning, and was selling insurance and investments and those sorts of things, hired my next Coach Ben scamper. And as I was working with him realized, this is what I want to do I want to be a coach as well. And he said, Well, why don't you start with us? Why don't you come on and be our lead salesperson, we're a startup company, we can use support, and you can learn the business. And so I did that for four years. And then I ultimately decided to launch faith to influence specifically because the company I was with, and this is true a lot in the personal development space. It was very spiritual, but it wasn't Christian. And so it just didn't quite fit with my value system quite fit with my faith. And the divide grew over time. And so eventually, I had a moment where I just realized it wasn't what I wanted to be doing. And I thought I want to like bring my Christian faith, I want to bring Jesus into the work I'm doing, I still want to work with people on sales and business and entrepreneurship, I just want to be able to pray for them. I want to invite God into the space and call him God and call him Jesus and, and use the language that really resonated with me. And so I launched faith to influence and I didn't know what it was going to be like starting out as a new coach, but And what I'd received from a response, you know, when you're looking at the faith piece of it'd be included, but I collected over 250 grand in revenue my first year. And it's been off to the races since then. And I've now focused primarily on helping new Christian coaches launch and grow their businesses, and really overcome a lot of the old stories they have around sales and the mindsets and things that have created resistance to them having the success they could otherwise have. That's so

Brian Nichols  7:41  
cool, Justin, I mean, just to start out, right, like that's a really cool niche that you have found success in and, and we talk about this a lot here on the show, the riches are in the niches, and you have found a very new, very important niche to go after. And that is not just folks who are looking for some help in sales, but I love the fact that you're tying in the faith base, right? And you I come I'm a PK I'm a pastor's kids. I've lived this life, I know exactly what you're referring to, you know, you want to be able to target this this demographic of folks. But on the other side, there's the house a fear, but maybe it is fear, right, the uncertainty of do I do I want to bring this personal side of me into the professional world. And I see this, you know, in the corporate arena, you know, I'm in the corporate sales arena, I see it every single day, folks who are like, Hey, are we offline? Hey, really quick, and then they'll go and they'll tell me what they actually think. And I'm thinking, you know, it would really mean something more if, if I was able to hear this during our normal conversations, not just the aside conversations. But I think Justin, I'd love to hear your your thoughts here too. Like I'm finding more and more that people by and large, either they believe what we believe or they are kind of like same church different pew, they're just afraid to verbalize it. Like I'm having this happen right now. Going back and forth with some of my alumni for my college is like we're writing a letter, talking about how po we are with the way that the college has been embracing some very backwards, you know, ideologies in going back to the genesis of the 2020 COVID pandemic and where we are today. And I was blown away at the feedback I got when I'm reaching out to some some classmates and folks who were either you know, in the same world, or at least they were in the kind of same area as me at college. And you know, it's a smaller college. So everybody kind of knew everybody, but I never thought that these folks would be I hesitate to use the term on my side, but like, we never really think about that because the the idea that's promoted is that there is a status quo mentally speaking for everybody. But the reality is that I think the real status quo is quite deep below the surface compared to what people present themselves as in one perfect example before I turned over to you Justin is in this exact situation. I'm talking about my college. I'm looking at one of the people I reached out to and she she came from Eastern Europe. She was an immigrant. She was in her like, you know, I think like, young teens when she came to America, went to college, and she saw how the college embrace this, and they call it like, it's the DEI stuff, right? That diversity, equity inclusion, really embracing that. And she's like, wait, what? Like this? I'm from Eastern Europe. Like, why am I a bad person? I am supposed to be the the, like the new person coming to the table and bringing my values but no, no, you're not. Those aren't the right values we want to promote. And she's just like, Are you kidding me? And she kind of stayed quiet for a while. And then I started talking to her and find out shit, she's going crazy behind the scenes not being able to speak out loud what she believes. So I say all that Justin, here you are, right. You're you're not only speaking what you believe, but also you're teaching others how to do it. So let's kind of walk through what that looks like. You're working with folks who obviously have some some religious, you know, religious fervor, you know, they're leaning that that mentality, what does the traditional outbound look like for you when you're trying to find new folks? And what can we learn in the just traditional world of sales, despite it being in your world, and much more targeted niche, but still some of the basic principles and fundamentals that we can take away and apply to just traditional outbound?

Justin Janowski  11:21  
Yeah, well, what I know about sales in business is that we're going to attract people who are like us, right. And so if we simply embrace who we are in our own authentic way, we find our authentic leadership voice, we share our values forward, we're going to attract the people who are interested in what we have to share. And at least in the entrepreneurial coaching space, there are so many people in the world, there are all I need is 1020 30, great clients, and I'm going to be wildly successful. And that's true for almost every single coach, you just need to find your 1020 30 people who really resonate with you and your voice and your message. And so if you try to sound like everybody else, you're just going to blend in, then you notice this politically and in the marketplace in different ways that people who are polarizing are incredibly successful. And on both sides, people who are more extreme, oftentimes attract more people who really resonate with their message. And so it isn't to say one things are more right than another. But it's just to say that we ought to be ourselves, we ought to show up in our authentic leadership voice, and be prepared to attract the clients who want what we have to share. And if we do that, we're going to enjoy our business more. And we're going to attract people who really want to work with us who we have fun working with, as well.

Brian Nichols  12:35  
So it's always good to work with people that you want to work with. This always drives me crazy, I hear sales people are like, Oh, I had to go sell to this type of ICP, or ideal customer persona. And I'm like, Yeah, cuz that's who's buying your stuff, man. I don't know what to tell you. Like, if you don't enjoy what you're selling, or take it a step further, right? The people you're working with are selling to maybe it's time to reevaluate your choices and what you're doing for an occupation. But let's actually go back towards the actual fundamentals of sales here, Justin, I really want to dig into some common objections you hear, because in the world of sales, right, we talk about, you're gonna hear objections, and I like to teach my team Let's prevent objections by diffusing or overcoming those objections in our pitch. So what do you traditionally see as objections when you're reaching out to small business owners, or you're reaching out to to new, you know, folks who are looking for some added coaching? What are those initial objections? And do they end up playing any type of role when it comes to the faith? Or is it more your traditional objections we'd get in a normal sales process?

Justin Janowski  13:41  
I think I'm receiving the traditional objections that people are used to getting, they can't afford it, or they don't have time for it, or they want to talk to their spouse, or they, you know, they're not sure if it's for them, in many cases, an objection that doesn't come outwardly spoken. But I know is true is that people are wondering if they're good enough. And so they they think when I'm helping people, as entrepreneurs grow successful businesses, oftentimes the internal objection is sure I understand that's worked for other people. But am I really good enough to do this? Can I actually have success doing this? Will this actually work for me? And you know, am I willing to commit and do the work and follow through and get the result to make sure I'm getting an ROI on my investment? And so oftentimes, the objection is something different than what stated out loud. And so when I teach an objection handling is to ask good questions, and to find the root of the objection, and then also to help people take ownership of the truth. So as a simple example, if somebody says that they want to talk to their spouse, I get that and if I'm making a high ticket offer, a 10 and $20,000 offer, I'm going to allow them the opportunity to speak to their spouse, but I want to help them take ownership and they're part of the decision prior to talking to their spouse. So I'm going to ask, cool, I understand. I probably talked to my wife about a decision like this too, but I want to ask this question. Have you made your decision for you yet? If she says what You think babe, I trust you? Do you know what you want to do? And help them answer that question first?

Brian Nichols  15:04  
Do you ever get the point where you're like, Hey, listen, I totally hear it. But like, what objections Do you think your wife would have? Like if she was here right now? Like, what do you think she would say? Or do you actually just go more towards the you personally? What do you think? Would you be your your choice? And then subsequently have that what my wife would say? conversation?

Justin Janowski  15:22  
I really want to focus on them first, and the part that they own the part that they have control over? Which is like, are they in if they're like I'm in? Well, then when they go talk to their spouse can be completely different conversation

Brian Nichols  15:33  
for Justin, really? Why is that important? Why is the AI in part so important in sales?

Justin Janowski  15:38  
Because it's, it's how they approach the next conversation? If they have committed that they're in and they want to do this, then they're just getting like a green light and support from somebody who already when they've already made their decision, or, Hey, I really want to do this, just want to run it by you first, versus hey, I want to get your opinion on this thing. I'm not sure if I want to do it or not? Well, their spouse is in no position at all to help them make a decision to do this thing. When they haven't heard anything about it. They don't know me, they haven't talked to me. And so they need to go with a firm decision. And they need ownership and sovereignty over their own over their own decision. And then yes, as a marriage, a married couple, I believe that they should make a decision together, they should both be on the same page. But they need to make that decision first and take ownership first. And that's way more important than the objection their spouse is going to have one thing

Brian Nichols  16:23  
I want to point out, right. And it's funny because we see the world so there's b2b sales, and there's b2c sales right? Folks playing around in the home game b2b Business to Business b2c Business to Consumer. And I hear a lot of sales folks try to make it like there is some ginormous chasm between b2b and b2c. But at the end of the day, I think that's not only completely, you know, completely wrong, but actually, I think that there's a lot we can learn from both the b2b world when selling b2c and vice versa from b2c, when selling b2b. And specifically, one thing I want to highlight here, Justin, you painted the picture. And maybe it was used to help drive it home, it's when when, when I when I'm talking about the person being personally sold, we want to know that the person is excited, we want to know the person is all in. Because in when I teach my sales team, one of the things I like to to articulate is, when you're when you're doing sales, or you're going through a sales cycle, the number one thing we're trying to do beyond trying to get them to ultimately buy our product or service is to help transfer enthusiasm, transfer the emotion, right. So me, the salesperson, I love my product, I love my service, I love my solutions. I know, it helps solve the problems of my customers. But it doesn't matter how great I know my product is or how many amazing solutions it can help bring to the table or frankly, how many awful problems it can help sell if I don't convey that to my prospect. And with that, get them excited, because when it's B to C, in this situation, you're gonna go back and talk to your significant other, right, and I want them to be the salesperson to their significant other in this case to their wife, right? I want them to come home and say, Honey, I just talked to Justin. And he's got like this amazing idea he got me really excited about and get him to tell her how awesome it is. Just like if I'm selling b2b, which I do all the time. If I get you know, an IT director or a CX leader on the call, and I'm talking to them, I get them all excited, I want them to go back to their team. I want them to be excited when they're talking to their other folks in leadership. Like I said, a CEO from a golf company on my on a call the other day, and to hear him how excited he got after the call. And then I'm not even kidding, like within 10 minutes, Justin, I'm seeing like 10 email addresses pop up on the next calendar invite for folks he was inviting internally, literally 10 minutes after our call. So that transfer of enthusiasm like that is one of the unsung like necessities for successful sales is you have to get the person you're working with your champion, right, in this case, to be that enthusiastic seller internally, take the energy that you're giving them and then disseminate it to the other key stakeholders and other key individuals in the buying process who you need to get on board as well. So I just want to highlight that enthusiasm is so key and having successful sales. Yeah,

Justin Janowski  19:20  
generally speaking, emotion is contagious. Yes. So that's why when we watch a movie, if it's really sad, or we see people cry, or the dog dies, we cry if we see people laughing We are

Brian Nichols  19:29  
in Maine has always been off of my list because of that spoiler alert, folks spray

Justin Janowski  19:34  
emotions really contagious. And so one of the things the first step of our sales process that we recommend is before the sales call begins getting a pre call ritual and to get yourself in a peak emotional state. When you're feeling really good, you're gonna get better results. So if you're enthusiastic, you're happy, you're excited, you're hopeful, you're peaceful, whatever, you're gonna get better result.

Brian Nichols  19:54  
I'm laughing Justin because you're talking about doing a free call ritual. I do a pre show ritual. Yeah, so before you hopped on here, right, your peek behind the curtain folks, I have a piano in my studio, I'm over there, I'm rocking out to piano, I'm listening to a little empire, their son singing high and low playing along with it, toss on some level 40 to someone about you like, yeah, that's what gets me going gets me in the zone. And I love that I didn't really think about that kind of being like my ritual, but you're right, it gets you in the mental state you need to be in,

Justin Janowski  20:26  
yes, if you feel nervous, scared going into a sales call your prospects gonna feel nervous and scared, they're not gonna want to make a big decision. If you're feeling enthusiastic to your point, they're gonna feel more excited about what's going on. And so preparing your emotional state is one of the big biggest and most important things you can do and can be done through prayer can be done through music, it can be done through standing up or sitting down meditation, there's all kinds of different ways to get there. Some people are going to do push ups, but finding your equation to get into a peak emotional state is going to help you make more sales. Love

Brian Nichols  20:53  
it. So Justin, we know in the world of sales, people do business with who people they know who like and they trust. So how do we get on the radar of folks to to know us to like us, and ultimately, to trust us? Now, I have my thoughts. I think storytelling is key, you know, being able to paint the picture for someone to not just hear how your solution works, right. But how it worked for someone like them. I think that's so key. But beyond that, I mean, I mean, maybe you want to dig into more of the storytelling, Justin, but what are other areas you found to help really build that know, like, and trust,

Justin Janowski  21:31  
yet, to me, I feel like the most important thing is having a very clear mission statement. And if we can't become known, if we don't have real clarity, and who we work with, and what problem they solve, if we're a generalist, we're not going to get referred, people aren't going to know us, they're not going to remember us, they're not gonna be thinking about us, we want a very clear mission statement as entrepreneurs, business leaders that says I work with this person solving this problem. And this is why it matters. And if we're very clear on that, people should actually be able to remember us by a single word. For me, I'm known by the word sales. So when people have a problem around sales, I come to mind right away. Other people are known for the word marketing, or podcasting, or whatever it is, you should be known. And so if you're not known, liked trusted enough, if you're not memorable enough to get referrals that you're not asking for, it's probably because you're not succinct, clear enough about who you work with and what problem you solve. Or it's not a meaningful enough problem for people to care or remember it. And so we need to be very clear in the mission statement, the target marketing, after that, everything else becomes a lot easier. So that's honestly most important to me to be known, liked and trusted. I've got more I could go more. But I know we could do this for hours. But that's that's that's the key. That's the most important thing. Well,

Brian Nichols  22:45  
and I want to quickly just go back to the the idea of you mentioned marketing, right, like some folks think of themselves as marketers, some folks think of themselves as salespeople, consultants, I think, you know, when it comes to being effective at sales, you have to, you have to wear many different hats. And that's not just for the follically challenged like you and me, it's for folks out there, who they they're small business owners, they need to be able to do all of the different things in order to have success in the world of sales. So if you are a salesperson, you also have to be a marketer, right? You also have to be a storyteller, you also have to be and again, go down the list because it's not just a one, you know, a one size fits all approach. There are so many different avenues to successful sales that I think people just frankly, Justin, they they don't realize is is really part of the equation, right? They think of, oh, I have a good a good product or service. People are gonna want to buy it, right? Isn't that how it works? It's just not. And then you go into the world of politics where you know, some of the audience during the shows from, like, you know, libertarianism, that's kind of the stick that we hear a lot of folks want to sell here from The Brian Nichols Show audience, but like, it doesn't matter how great the idea is, the ISM is, if you don't know how to convey that to your average person. So I say all that Justin, like, what are some of the common misconceptions you see from either entry level sales folks, or frankly, just business folks who they they have a great product and they're struggling selling it? What are some of those main issues that you see when you first sit down? You're kind of walking and talking through stuff and you say, Ah, here's your problem. What are those usually look like? Well,

Justin Janowski  24:23  
I've got two in mind. One is the stories you talked about storytelling. So I'm going to actually think about this in a different sense. Yes, storytelling to others is really helpful. But storytelling to ourselves is incredibly important. And so all of us have stories running around our heads. We call them soundtracks, and they just play over and over and over and over again. And if you've got old stories about what sales is and you your story, you say that sales is pushy, or sales is greedy or sales is manipulative, or sales is dishonest or sales is bad. And you don't believe that you're dishonest, manipulative, sleazy, etc. And then you're gonna think, well, I can't be a salesperson then and a lot of People have this old story about sales being something bad that's done to the other person. And because it feels bad, they resist sales, they avoid sales, they are less transparent than they should be. They just try to make friends and then maybe a sale will come up later. But the truth is, we should be pre framing our sales conversations as a sales conversation from the beginning, and getting consent to sell and being really clear, and not hiding behind sales or avoiding it. I know entrepreneurs and coaches who are revising their website for the fourth or fifth time, they've got zero clients, because they're doing everything they can other than get on a sales call, which the thing they need to do, it's because they think sales is bad, or making money's bad or evil or something like that. It's just not true. And so we need to rewrite the stories that we have about what sales is about what money is, and make sure that we remove resistance and trash that's going on in our own heads. That's preventing us from selling. Just I'm

Brian Nichols  25:51  
going to channel my inner Jordan Peterson, right, like clean up your own room, damn it like that. That's what it comes down to. Right. We want to change the world. But have we changed ourselves? And I mean, I look around the answer is quite obviously no, right? I look at I moved out of Philadelphia, PA, I saw the writing on the wall, like, ya know, there's a lot of people who don't get their crap together. And not only that, but they into your point, right? They tell themselves, the stories that frankly, just completely aren't true. And a lot of is based on on misconceptions, or the very least old ways of doing things, right. Like I think back to the old the old smile and dial, you know, knock on 400 doors a day kind of salesperson, it was it was all just activity. And that was back when you know the sellers had power, because the sellers had the knowledge. And like, I mean, you go to where you are today that's flipped on its head. Instead of you, the salesperson being the resource of knowledge, your customer can go onto the internet search anything they want advent of AI, I mean, they can ask for context now, right? So you as the salesperson, it's not so much that you're the the one point of contact for the info, but rather, you're the point of contact to bring it all together to make it real, make it so it's not just an idea. And it becomes a solution. And that's where I think so many sales folks, they do to your point they get in their own way they they tell themselves, these fake stories that they made up for themselves and what a salesperson actually is or what they think a salesperson is supposed to be versus actually going out. And at the very base right? problem exists, I have a solution, help paint the picture of how it can help solve that problem, transfer the enthusiasm to the to the respective individual, and then close the business. Right? And you do so based on a mutual understanding that yes, this will help you and your intern going to pay me based on the value you're going to derive from my service or solution and that that's as simple as it is. And yet so many people make it way more complicated than it needs to be Justin, you know, we're talking about today. It sounds easy. Where are folks? I mean, where are they? Where are they missing it? Why why is sales get so poorly?

Justin Janowski  27:59  
Well, it has been used the wrong way in the wrong hands. Over the course of history, there have been a lot of negative experiences around sales, there have been a lot of dishonest salespeople. That's all you see in movies, that's all you hear from your parents, like the used car salesperson is a known commodity, you say used car salesperson, everyone knows what you mean. And it's got a negative connotation to it. But I believe that we can be a part of changing what sales feels like in the marketplace. And you might recognize that sales in the hands of somebody doesn't have to be what it is in your hands, you have an opportunity to make it completely different. And so you just need to rewrite the story of probably begins sales with me is and I believe sales with me is fun sales with me as generous sales with me as simply making it as easy as possible for the right people to say yes, sales with me helps people get what they want to become more of who they were created to become. It's a really good thing sales me feels good, whether people buy or not. It's coaching with an invitation at the end of it. And so if we rewrite the story for ourselves, and we tell ourselves the truth about what sales is with us, then it's going to be different. And then we can show up differently.

Brian Nichols  29:02  
Justin, I just looked at the time, we're already at the end of the show, it went too fast. So you know what this means? It's a part one conversation, we're gonna have to have you back on the show for sure. So how about this as we go towards the tail end of today's episode, remember, this is just part one, folks. So you're gonna have to make sure you hit subscribe so you don't miss next time Justin's on but Justin, as we do wrap up today's episode like pink paint a picture? Put a nice bow on this episode, like what do you want the audience to walk away from today's episode? Really, you know, being able to take and then put into action? Yeah,

Justin Janowski  29:35  
I think the first thing that somebody could do, just going off the conversation we're just having is make that decision to gain awareness of the stories and soundtracks they're telling themselves and even how they feel the emotional state that they're bringing into a sales call. Awareness is the first key so if you get an awareness of okay, I've been telling myself the story that sales is this or I've been showing up on my sales calls feeling this way. Well, then we can begin to transform it and you can intentionally this side, what stories you want to tell yourself, and what emotional state you want to bring into the sales call?

Brian Nichols  30:06  
Justin Janoski is faith to The number two link will be in the show notes. But it's been an absolute pleasure having you on the show. And I love talking shop, this is stuff that I personally get some value from. And frankly, I know the audience does, too, because whenever we do these sales conversations, the numbers skyrocket. So I'm really thankful to have you on the show today. And I'm really appreciating the fact that you're walking that line, right? You're you're living your values out loud, while also still being able to help people and help them actually sell their solutions, their services. I think that's something that we need more of, we need more folks like you out there, helping folks be able to bring these ideas to the very real problems we see out there. And, hey, if we're gonna go to the the, you know, the core mission of this show, it's how do we empower entrepreneurs? How do we empower business owners to bring solutions to the table, when we do see these very real problems? And say, Listen, we don't need to sit and wait for three months at a city council meeting, to get heard to talk about a problem, we can collectively just look at a problem, say, here's the problem, hey, I'm a business owner, I'm solving this problem, hey, you're an owner, business owner, you're solving another problem similar to this problem. Maybe we can work together and not need to go through and you know, say, Hey, mister city councilman or Hey, Mr. Congressman, can you please give me the money I need in order to actually solve this problem? Oh, well, if we do, we're gonna bring in the people we want. And we're gonna have all these different loopholes you have to go through and different regulations. It's like, no, let's just solve it, right. And that is what we do. That is why we talk about sales so much here in the show. Because when you're trying to sell a product or a service, or hack your politics, at the end of the day, you still have to make sure people see that there's a tangible solution that can be brought here and actually put into action. So thank you, Justin, for doing that. Thank you for showing folks how Yes, you can live your values out loud and help, you know, in the world of traditional business and not have to worry about it being a conflict. And also thank you for sharing the importance of telling us you ourselves the right stories, but as much as we tell folks stories outside so with that being said, where can folks go ahead, reach out to you on social media, if they want to continue the conversation? And I mean, hey, beyond just going to your website, I know there's a lot of business owners who listen to the show if they want to reach out to you Justin looking for some help. We're gonna go ahead and do that.

Justin Janowski  32:19  
Yeah, absolutely. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, you can also go to good sales If you want a copy of our 10 Step sales process and our art of influence, some of which we've discussed today. Good sales It's our gift to you for free.

Brian Nichols  32:37  
I love it. Look at that Brian Nichols show audience exclusive There you go, folks. So we'll we'll make sure we include that link in the show notes for sure. And with that being said, Thank you, Justin for joining us and folks if you enjoy the episode beyond going ahead and giving Justin some love, please go ahead and give the episode some love when you do please tag yours truly at be Nichols liberty, you can find me on Facebook as well as on Give the episode a share. And you know in terms of what kind of way you want to share the episode we have the audio version as well as the video version. So YouTube rumble sovereign Facebook, we're uploading the entire video version of the show. If you're watching us on sovereign or YouTube, please do me a favor hit that subscribe button. Hit the little notification bell of course you'll miss a single time we go live and also please head down below in the comments. We want to hear your thoughts. Are you a small business owner? Have you been really facing some struggles when you're trying to sell your product or solution? Did today's episode help? If so let us know down below we want to hear your thoughts. Also, if you are joining us on the audio version of the show, whether that's Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube music or elsewhere, hit download all unplayed episodes of The Brian Nichols Show. We have over 825 episodes here of the program. And we've had some amazing folks in the world of sales, entrepreneurship. I mean, goodness, I have like four or five books behind me. And I'm pretty sure I've had all the authors here on the show from Lee sales to art subject to what Victor Antonio and more all those in between some sales icons in the industry. Go ahead and give those past episodes some love. I guarantee a handful are going to leave you educated, enlightened and informed. And one last thing for me, Justin, that is folks, please support those who support us and that is our sponsors. So the amazing folks over at cardio miracle, we have a brand new sponsor that wellness company, we have also some amazing sponsors in liquid freedom energy tea blood of tyrants, wine, eagles, CBD and more. So please go ahead support them because they're the folks who support us. That's all we have for you, Justin, any final thoughts or final words here for the odds as we wrap things up today? Just

Justin Janowski  34:43  
thank you so much for having me. I hope this was helpful and let's do round two.

Brian Nichols  34:48  
Absolutely. Round two is going to be on the the books here soon folks. So make sure you hit that subscribe button to The Brian Nichols Show so you don't miss a single time we go live or frankly have Justin back here on the show without being He said Brian Nichols signing off you're on The Brian Nichols Show for Justin Janoski from faith to influence we'll talk to you next time

Transcribed by

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Justin Janowski

Justin Janowski, High-Integrity Sales Coach @ Faith2Influence

Justin Janowski has helped hundreds of coaches build their dream businesses from the ground up. Driven by his faith, he founded Faith2Influence to help people learn what it takes to turn coaching into a profitable business venture. Justin has guided Christian and non-Christian coaches alike through the rewarding process of optimizing business models, pricing, and sales strategies so that they can scale their income alongside their impact. He has a passion for sharing this process with emerging Entrepreneurs to help them simplify and grow their businesses the right way. Justin currently lives in Milwaukee with his beautiful wife, Kara, and their playful kiddos, Grace and Gavin.