811: The Kitchen Table Strategy - Changing Minds Where It Matters Most
Amid despairing predictions, Brian makes an impassioned case that ordinary citizens reclaiming active empowerment through local community renewal centered on timeless truths, not partisan politics, can rescue the fraying American fabric.
Can a New Revolution of Ideas Rescue America from Political Despair?
Studio Sponsor: Cardio Miracle - "The finest heart and health supplement in the world!": https://www.briannicholsshow.com/heart
Brian Nichols dives deep into whether a grassroots movement focused on timeless truths rather than politicians could spark a national renewal. He analyzes the growing feeling of political homelessness across the spectrum and how ordinary folks are losing faith in the partisan status quo. Is there a path forward that transcends the stale left vs right culture wars?
In this solo episode, Brian pushes back on the gloomy predictions he heard from a recent podcast episode. The hosts seemed resigned to an authoritarian tide that cannot be turned back. However, Brian draws hope from the liberty uprising sparked by Ron Paul. If we focus on winning hearts and minds in our communities rather than forcing top-down change, American exceptionalism can thrive again.
The path to healing the fraying social fabric runs through schools, churches, and kitchen tables - not Washington D.C. As the professional political class grandstands, there are openings for governors and mayors to be closer to the people. Brian advocates for empowered citizens over bureaucrats, for activated communities over federal one-size-fits-all policies. Together, we can roll back the creeping centralized power through voluntary civic action.
Grassroots charity beats bureaucratic welfare every time. Ordinary folks are aching to rediscover the lost anchors that once promoted opportunity. Clear visions straight from those facing problems first-hand can emerge to remind Americans our best days lie ahead. This is how we put society back together - through casual conversations that rekindle shared hopes. Brian invites you not to lose hope but to spread useful ideas that better real lives right now!
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Brian Nichols
Can a new revolution of ideas help rescue America from political despair? Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols, here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host. Joining us live from our cardio miracle Studios here in a lovely Eastern Indiana. Yes, The
Brian Nichols Show is powered by amp America really excited to be part of the amp America team. If you want to go ahead and check out some of the awesome articles published over at amp America from news, politics, opinion and more, head over to amp america.com One more time, really excited to have them supporting us here on The Brian Nichols Show. And also, I am very excited to be having our studio sponsor cardio miracle supporting and frankly powering Yours truly, because, yes, seven months into using cardio miracle, the cardio miracle difference, folks 1,000% Real what is cardio miracle by the way, it is a powdered supplement, you put it into a glass of water once in the morning, once at night, take it right before you go to the gym, like me in the morning and then take it before you go to bed at night. And the outcomes the results are just they speak for themselves. I really can't put it into words. Besides saying you have to experience the cardio miracle difference for yourself, better sleep, better pump at the gym, lower blood pressure, better heart health, all of that and more. So if you want to join the 10s of 1000s of other folks like yours truly here at The Brian Nichols Show who are experiencing the cardio miracle difference for themselves. We'll head to the show notes here down below if you are joining us on the video version of the show, link in the show notes. Otherwise, if you are joining us on the podcast version of the show had the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash heart it'll bring you right over to cardio miracle.com where both of y'all make sure you use code TBNS at checkout, it's gonna give you 15% off your order. And by the way, there's 100% money back guarantee. So you literally have nothing to lose. So make sure you go ahead and use that offer today. One more time, Brian Nichols show.com forward slash heart the best heart health supplement in the world. Alright, folks, let's go forward to today's episode. It's a solo episode you and me. And today we're discussing how maybe a new revolution of ideas can help rescue America from political despair. Now, some context for this episode, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day. And they were they were saying some stuffs that I had some opinions on specifically, as we go towards the 2024 elections. I just wanted to start off maybe articulating my thoughts on this podcast episode. But also maybe give a little bit of my perspective in terms of where we actually are heading. So as we're now sitting here, let's see today is the 15th. As a recording of February, we're staring down the barrel of this 2024 presidential election. And if we're going to be honest with ourselves, it's shaping up to be interesting, I guess, is the best word. And as I mentioned this, this podcast I listened to the other day, and by the way, great podcast, a lot of great dudes on the show. Really big fan of it. But they were trying to figure out, let's say, you know, based on where things are today, what do the next couple of decades look like, both politically and socially. And candidly, they were all pretty down in the dumps about where we as a country are heading. But I'm not going to throw in the towel yet, because I grew up cheering for Ron Paul. So I still think there's absolutely hope for more freedom, liberty, focus solutions. So what they did back in this podcast, they kick things off by making 2024 More or less just seem like we have to pick between more of sleepy Joe Biden or we have to go quote unquote, full authoritarian with Trump again. Now I obviously have a little bit of disagreement, I would say very loosely, very loosely, very strongly. I'm not sure how to really frame it here. But the whole idea of going full authoritarian for Trump as one of the options, okay, sure. But if we're going to be real now, is that really everything, everything we have to choose from across the board? I personally I think we're getting a little too simplistic because what we're doing is we're getting this us against them narrative that it doesn't actually capture how, how come how complex how comp cated things across the board have really gotten See, they talked about how polarized things felt yet. Is it just about Trump versus anti Trump folks? or, frankly, is there something deeper here that we're missing something that's actually dividing us below the surface that we're not really paying attention to? Because, and you've seen this, I know, you've seen this, you're a member of The Brian Nichols Show audience, it feels like our politics have just become another front for this like never ending culture war, where you have like, on one side, the progressive establishment elites. And on the other side, you have fields like Heartland populist Republican folks. And I don't know, I just I believe that there is some middle ground out there where we can come together, and it has to be has to be around shared ideas, shared values. And and I think that those ideas and values need to be really built around two areas, freedom, liberty, but also human dignity, right. And here's where their chat when their chat moved more towards the power struggles that were happening inside both parties. And we're gonna go towards how this impacts what a good society would look like. But they outlined really the the two camps that are fighting in the Democratic Party, you got the Bernie Sanders wing, he's causing trouble all the lefties, they're causing trouble for the dems. And on the right side of the aisle, is it really the right side? Probably not. But you have the Republicans, they're trying to figure things out, they have like this three way battle between traditionalist nationalist libertarians. And I think what we're seeing is that by focusing too much on the parts and stuff, it's just keeping us from seeing, like the bigger trend that's here, there. And this is just the reality. There are tons of folks out there, who are just frankly, sick and tired of both sides, and they're leaning more independent. That's why a candidate like RFK is so dangerous. That's why he got such a bump in the polls, after just having one super PAC launch an ad for him during the Superbowl. And if you look to the folks who they are fed up with both sides, they just want someone who's independent. I mean, can you blame them? If you look at the both parties these days, right, the Republicans and the Democrats besides like, what Rand Paul Thomas Massie, Mike Lee, my forgetting someone Justin Amash, he's not in the Congress anymore, Matt Gaetz, maybe, I mean, like, there's, there's really no one in both of these parties, either of these parties, besides those exceptions to the rule, who they stand up for the Constitution, they stand up for fiscal sanity, they stand up for pro growth policies. And yet, and this is the part that drives me crazy is that you have these two parties, who quite obviously don't represent any of that. And yet, so many American families, they they understand that their core, that when government stays out of the way they do better. So the hosts in the podcast, they were they were kind of going through and talking about how they're seeing a lot of political people use that, I guess that that terminology, political people, that they're just they're looking at the political situation, and they're just done, they're checking out, because they don't see that there's any any real momentum or progress that they can take forward to make a change. But, and this is where I, I, I've been there, I'm on that that fence, but I got to ask the question like, is, is checking out the only move? Is it the right move? Or is it actually causing more of the problem? Because when we see people check out that means that the only people who are checked in are those nefarious actors. So if we have like, you know, a fresh wave of people who started to check in, I don't know, I mean, that maybe is a way we can start some type of movement, you know, Spark, some some type of energy to bring people together all these politically homeless and helpless folks. And many build something new, something like what Ron Paul started in 2008, and was continuing into 2012 past the Tea Party years. And, you know, obviously, that fizzled out some, but I think that there's an energy there that was brought forward by the sentiment that helped elect Trump and that is that this, this not being spoken to this being forgotten sentiment, it's missing and it's not being addressed. So, on the podcast, they also touched on how nowadays when you go online, and online culture is a whole different conversation, but how when you go online, it's more about signaling who we are right Rather than having an actual reason, debate, or not even a debate, but frankly a conversation, trying to talk about like what we actually believe and where we have points of disagreement. And in contrast, what we have today is more or less just people going online trying to talk about how great their ideas are, and how wonderful they are. But they don't talk about the actual values. It's like they're losing sight of the importance of character, the values, and instead, they just end up online yelling past each other. And I guess I'm in the mindset of wooden trying to rebuild, our cultural roots work better than waiting for government fixes, or some big leader, some savior, to come rescue us. And some of the folks in the podcast were actually pretty gloomy about where all of this is heading over the next 20 years. And they were more or less expecting things just to decline in terms of both prosperity but also in terms of trust. And I, I heard that, but then I think well, humanity's repeatedly defied collapse predictions by doing what getting back to the moral basics. So maybe all of this division is showing, I don't know, maybe we're due for another revival. Now, they also noted how outsider campaigns have shown that grassroots energy around shared values, it can in fact, catch fire quicker. But does it take civic education and leadership development on timeless ideals, rather than personalities to be successful? Yes, so we have to focus on that now they then went down the road, talking about how Trump's ruining the GOP, he's putting them on debt and right wing populist track, the same tired and true anti Trump rhetoric we've heard and how he's destroying the GOP, but
let's call out the elephant in the room isn't the lefty dominance in culture, and in tech, isn't that kind of triggering some of this backlash. So rather than being sad, we should really be trying to get out and focus on the next generation of voters and of leaders to get them ready to steer not just the country, but their communities in a better direction. See the hosts, they were worried about Gen Z worried about the next generation, because campus culture, you look at, you know, tech oligarchs, who they're pulling the strings with the TIC TOCs, and all that fun stuff. But there's still millions, billions of hearts and minds out there who are up for grabs across their communities. And that rate, there is the answer, who's going to inspire all of these Jen's ears who start to question their programming, who's going to reach out to the home schoolers, and the small business owners hungry for something beyond the stale traditional status quo. Because nowadays, with all of these culture wars, it just feels like it's the loud voices that are demanding we pick aside to has to be either justice or order. But the real path to this national renewal, it, it most certainly isn't through force. Because once you start to use force, obviously, you've lost the moral high ground, but rather, we need to help instill the ideas of voluntary goodness in the communities built by good hearted people, good people who bring out the good in others. And what if alongside inflation, crime, all all of the bad stuff, we also encourage politics, to instead of just focusing on issues focus on what it means to be a good person moral aspirations. Instead of like this federal one size fits all policy that's supposed to, you know, help fix things, but ends up just deeply splitting communities. Why don't we see progress through I don't know persuasion, sales, changing hearts and minds, it's much tougher than changing laws and policies. But when you change hearts and minds that lasts, and local innovation, embodies this idea of each state being a laboratory for liberty. Now, going back to the podcast, the hosts, they were bummed that both parties seem to want bigger government, whether that's through taxes, increased spending, clamping down on alternative voices or dissent, but constitutionally grounded decentralization. It's still our best defense against tyranny. The more DC grandstands and overreaches, the more openings there are for local governors and mayors to help be closer to the people and uphold and protect those basic rights at the level that impact Access the most. And let's remember that grassroots charity, almost always no, it does always beat bureaucratic welfare. So how do we fix the bureaucracy? Well, first of all, we don't need more government bureaucrats. What we need is activated and inspired citizens. Remember, our rights come from God, not from government. And Liberty brought prosperity that has never before been seen in human history, just just look at America as a shining example of what we were able to accomplish versus the literally 1000s of years prior. Now, lots of the current chaos that we're looking at right now comes from forgetting our legacy, the American legacy, the the the ideas, the legacy of freedom. And instead, we've been chasing this idea of globalism, multiculturalism, because the the elites and the establishment and they all think that federalism, local, local decision making, it's outdated, they support more power to the institutions they control. Now, thankfully, that's why we have constitutions constitutions exist, to check excessive ambition that threatens freedom, specifically from those nefarious government actors. So individual sovereignty, the stuff that we have that requires accountability, not to the elites, not to the do good people in government, but to our to ourselves to the people. And that's something that no no distant bureaucrat in DC or we take a global perspective and international bureaucrat over at the Union un, they can't deal with that, that they can't impose the same type of accountability that we can in our own communities. So as we looked at 2024 and beyond, we've got to decide, are we going to continue to surrender our freedoms to these centralized authorities that are completely detached from our local communities? Or are we willing to stand up and reclaim Liberty through reinvigorated citizenship and voluntary action? That's the choice and the arrogance in thinking that these enlightened elites can better run our very complex modern society rather than the free people who collaborate on their own creatively through what families markets, civil society that they can do better? How dare those those average people think they can do better than us elites. Less than we've seen, housing projects make crime worse, we've seen as zoning rules actually create and spark more homelessness, the true path, the true path forward to national renewal, runs, not through Washington, DC, not through your State Capitol, but through our towns, our churches, our charities, and our communities. There we can nurture our empowered citizen, right, the person that we can speak to, on the one to one instead of one to many form responsible families and communities that make much of our government's so called do good policies, more or less irrelevant. See, governments often expand to displace civil society, whether there's some crisis COVID or or, you know, they had this well, we know best hubris, trust the experts. Remember that. But real change starts not from government, but from our actions, living out our values in our communities, and frankly, setting an example for others to follow. So when you compare to the prosperity that freedom brings, big government promises, they ring hollow. See, we need to remember that the timeless wisdoms that often guide us are way better than modern scientism, or chasing the next shiny technological thing. Humans don't live on subsidies and smartphones alone, folks, we live on legacy, we live on on values, we have an opportunity and an obligation to set a future for our future generations to live, dignified opportunity rich lives as well. And some cynics say our doom to choose between just these binary choices, order justice Red Team Blue Team, and never balance them out. But tradition and freedom can live together in peace. Both vigilance and idealism can help make ethical useful progresses faster than either one on their own. See the podcast hosts on Yes, one of my favorite podcasts. They couldn't envision restoring America past this past consensus where despite vigorous debates, there's an underlying unity of purpose that persists. But our history is full of surprises, maybe the very chaos and the loneliness that we're we're seeing right now, and causing all this national anxiety is actually going to lead to more people starting to say something's broken. And we need real answers. So like looking past all of the professional politicians and the talking heads, who are frankly removed from real people's struggles, clear visions are going to start to emerge straight from the folks that are facing the problems firsthand. In schools, in churches, around kitchen tables, where the unpaid bills are piling up. And as people's dreams are starting to collide with harsh realities, regular people are aching for some type of meaning, some purpose, not just coping, but engagement. Coming together, rebuilding families, rebuilding neighborhoods and systems that work. There is a longing to rediscover the Lost anchors that once gave real opportunity and mobility across are fraying societal fabric, and starting to put society back together again, in casual conversations that spark shared hopes that rise above partisan nonsense. That's step number one. See, this is the path to renewal. Ordinary people taking back the responsibility from way, way off distant rulers and bureaucrats. And instead sharing useful skills, pitching, tangible, realistic ideas. That's how you can make a difference in real people's lives right now. And it's this kind of grassroots activism, not the big time showmanship we see in the political stage. But that is what we can use to remind Americans that our best days are still ahead. Going back to my favorite podcasts, the hosts reflected on past political waves like 20th century populism or 20th century progressivism that shook and in some cases broke the system. But the Liberty uprising that was sparked by Ron Paul, it has continued to grow because it wasn't centered around an individual or an election cycle, but rather it was centered around timeless truths. See, the quiet revolution continues advancing one heart and mind at a time, having ties that are strengthened by small communities that are joined by love, instead of rules can show purpose, even when people are feeling that they're alone. See here, pieces of broken things come together to support causes that frankly, make life worth living. For some people a single candle lights the way right shining of new life seeping through the cracks show hopes, not a disaster, but hope is on the way. So I say to you, don't lose hope. The force is ripping our society apart also weigh heavy on the hearts of the folks wanting to belong, even if they can't really quite figure out where. So healing this American experiment happens. Yes, one changed mine and one open heart at a time. And as people wake up, they can start to kindle the sparks of that Conscious Light that flares and is the fire of freedom. So don't just conform to whatever is trendy. Stand strong. Have courage. Of course stand up for what you believe in, just like VeggieTales taught and don't fear the truth, because the truth is what sets people free. That's my thoughts for today, folks, I hope you got some value from today's episode. If you did, please go ahead and give it a share. Tag yours truly at BU Nichols Liberty can also find AP America over on your favorite social medias. For sure, check out Twitter x.com as well as Facebook. We're doing some great work over there. Also, please support our sponsors here at The Brian Nichols Show. 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