Feb. 7, 2024

808: Bill Maher EXPOSED as FAKE "Libertarian"

Biden's reckless spending fuels historic inflation that crushes families, while Bill Maher's fake libertarian virtue signaling is exposed by Patrick Bet-David's principled consistency.

Will Bidenomics cripple Joe Biden’s chances at a second term? Plus, why is Bill Maher still saying he's a "libertarian"?


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On today's episode, host Brian Nichols is riding solo as he dives into the Biden administration’s economic policies and how they have led to rampant inflation that is squeezing American families.

Nichols highlights how the excessive government spending and expansion of the national debt under Biden have directly fueled higher prices. He slams the White House for refusing to take accountability and instead trying to paint a rosier picture of the economy. The administration touts ideas like “Bidenomics” while avoiding the true economic pain happening across the country.

The episode then shifts to an appearance Patrick Bet-David made on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast. Nichols plays a clip where Maher tries to defend his “libertarian principles", but ends up exposing himself as more of a partisan Democrat. Nichols argues that Maher uses the label for edginess without understanding what it truly means. He contrasts this with the consistent libertarian principles espoused by Ron Paul.

Nichols ends by emphasizing the importance of believing people when they tell you who they are. He says many so-called “David Boaz libertarians” on Twitter fail to meet voters where they are on the issues. In contrast, Nichols positions himself as a “Ron Paul libertarian” focused on real solutions instead of virtue signaling.

If you want to hear a no-holds-barred critique of Bidenomics and fake libertarianism, be sure to check out this episode of The Brian Nichols Show! Nichols brings his signature wit and wisdom to analyzing the critical economic issues impacting Americans right now.


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Brian Nichols  
Will Biden nomics cripple Joe Biden's chances at a second term? Plus Patrick bet David was over on club random Bill Maher's podcast where Bill Maher says he's a libertarian and explains why. And yeah, we got to talk about that instead of focusing on winning arguments. We're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us on of course, on another fun to build episode I am as always your humble host. Joining you live from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana cardio miracle. Yes, folks, the cardio miracle difference is real. What is that difference? lower blood pressure, better sleep, better pump at the gym, all that in more things I've experienced myself because I've been using cardio miracle for about seven months now. And yeah, I've seen the cardio miracle difference for myself. So if you want to jump on board with the 10s of 1000s of other users of cardio miracle like yours truly, and experience the amazing benefits of nitric oxide, we'll head to the shownotes and click the link it'll bring you right over to our amazing partner cardio miracle. And be sure to use code TBS at checkout where you're going to save 15% off your order. And by the way, there's nothing to lose because you have a 100% money back guarantee. So one more time link in the show notes or in the video description or just head to the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash heart start your heart health journey today with cardio miracle. And yes, The Brian Nichols Show we are in fact powered by amp America thank you to the amazing team over an amp America really excited to have them as a part of the team and also very excited to be a part of the amp America family. So please go check out amp America over amp america.com And for today's episode a little bit different Evan episode first we're gonna start out talking about Biden omics, which has been touted, it was at least by the Biden administration as being something to be proud of this booming economy, booming economy I keep on hearing about I don't know if booming is the right word to use. But we're going to discuss that plus over on Bill Maher's club random podcast a familiar voice in the more right leaning political world one Patrick bet David joined the podcast and it was a little bit of a contentious conversation. Candidly, and frankly, I think Patrick bet David ended up coming out of that podcast looking like he was the host, and Bill Maher was the guest. But there's one very interesting part of that conversation. I wanted to highlight today where Bill Maher has actually pushed on his libertarian ideas, his libertarian so called Principles and we get to actually see

is Bill Maher a libertarian? I think the answer will not surprise many of you. And for some of you out there who maybe were defending Bill Maher, as a libertarian will hold on don't know. Yeah, don't get your hopes up. Let's just say that. So to start things off today, we're gonna go ahead and discuss Biden omics. And let's let's kind of dig into why this is a topic of conversation because the Biden administration may have been facing increasing criticism over their handling not just of the economy, but frankly, the manner in which Americans are having to struggle facing high inflation and soaring costs. And yet, the White House is attempting to paint somehow a rosier picture through this idea of Biden omics. This is the new what has been the new thing that they've been promoting, as, I guess some way of saying things aren't that bad, actually, things are going pretty good. But let's kind of be real here. The facts on the ground contradict the administration's claims that things are getting better, because one just needs to go to the grocery store and see that costs have remained elevated for the most basic of goods as inflation hovers near 40 year highs. What does that mean? Millions of families have seen energy and fuel prices surge over the past two years. And this is the part that is insane. Gas is costing more than 60 to 70% per gallon when compared to January of 2021 interest rates they've they've spiked, meaning what car payments and other finance big ticket purchases, like a house now are considerably more expensive today, versus just a few short years ago. Simply put, folks ordinary Americans are feeling the pinch across the household budget items across the board at that but the Biden administration wants to gaslight people into believing otherwise. through this promotional gimmick like Biden nomics, obviously playing on Reaganomics, but the reality is that it's the reckless government spending and money printing policies pursued by Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress that have directly helped fuel higher inflation, because their answer is to now expect American families to shoulder the burden and pain needed to get rising prices under control the rising prices directly caused by their policies. And we can't of course, forget everybody's favorite, the Federal Reserve, which has been now raising interest rates aggressively in order to help rein in inflation, which yes, is absolutely necessary. However, the side effect is that policy tightening also slows down economic growth, and makes borrowing much more costly both for the business owners but looking at consumers as well. So here's the reality, Americans are not only having to deal with Sky High grocery bills, sky high electric bills, sky high heating bills, and gas bills, but now they're having to do so completely at the whim of misguided federal government policy. So now the very interest rate hikes that are required to correct the policy mistakes are also going to restrain people's ability to finance major purchases going forward. So that means home loans, auto loans, credit card rates, will all steadily rise thanks to by and large the Feds actions. So while the Fed certainly is recognizing the economic pain that this is going to continue to inflict on typical households, they have really little choice if runaway inflation is in fact to be contained. by flooding the economy with all the stimulus checks back at the beginning of COVID and ramping up spending to unprecedented godly peacetime records, the Biden administration made this painful monetary policy remedy inevitable. So what is perhaps most frustrating to most, if not all Americans is that the Biden administration's refusal to take accountability for this economic calamity that they have unleashed? And at no point has the White House even said or hinted at the fact that the excessive spending that Democrats continue to support and the expansion of the national debt have all backfired and in fact, led to the economic catastrophe we are facing today. Nor are they admitting that the giant tax and spending bill that they're passing year after year, look at the inflation Reduction Act lol how those have failed to reduce inflation whatsoever. Instead, Biden and Biden administration officials are angrily defending themselves when pressed on by these clear, obvious policy failures. That's what they are their failures. Or they try to offer some distraction tactics by claiming that well, we're fixing all these supposed problems that they don't really exist. I don't know all the while avoiding the true economic pains that are happening across America in reaction to this crazy high inflation environment. So the administration continues to push this narrative that wage growth is strong. While yes, it's true that hourly earnings have increased soundly on a year over year basis. It's overlooking two critical points. First, the majority of pay gains enjoyed by workers have been gobbled up by inflation, or they actually remain below the rate of inflation. So the actual buying power and real wages that employees have, at best, it just keeps pace for certain segments of the labor market. And for many other workers, the actual purchasing power has declined as the pay hikes still lag, rising consumer costs number two, by historical standards, the current pace of wage growth is actually quite typical. In the late stage of an economic expansion when the labor market is exceptionally tight. It's actually not at all uncommon to observe like a five to 6% annual pay increases when the unemployment rate is as low as it is now. And the wage growth seems slightly better than usual. Because there's actually what 10 million job openings right down in the country that allows workers greater leverage to find higher paying job or negotiate better terms with current employers. So that's the set things off here. Why this is such a calamity when you're looking at the Biden ministration. And they're promoting of the idea of Biden nomics and inflation but also there is a growing rejection of Biden as a credible leader. And I think there's also more to this where it's signaling that, yeah, we're seeing another establishment political dynasty falling out of favor with voters. Names like Biden, Clinton, Bush, these names they've they've wielded enormous power and influence in Washington DC, and frankly, within the two major parties for what decades at this point, and yet, now all of them are facing backlash after years of perceived, dare I say exposed corruption, self dealing, and, of course, political dishonesty, while in those halls of power, and younger generations seem especially fed up with this pattern of former presidents and senators and other high ranking senior officials all cashing in through six figure speeches to Wall Street banks and foreign governments and all of a sudden, just getting massive book deals once they leave office. Yeah, the status quo of doing business is now broadly seen as more or less enablement for the rich and privilege, and really for only those who are well connected, with more political competition being driven by populous outsiders, combined with a far greater access to unfiltered information online. Your average american of all ideological Stripes is actually starting to appear ready to move on. From these entrenched establishment families, these political royal dynasties, the reality or even just the preconceived reality of the quid pro quo between long tenured politician and special interests carries a stench that voters have signaled a 1,000% Want eliminated. So whether it's nostalgia and name recognition, that's going to be enough to carry Joe Biden into his second term. That remains to be seen. But the bigger picture here suggests that the sun is in fact finally setting on a lot of these, what multigenerational political dama dynasties that have dominated national affairs in the United States for decades on end. So that's my thoughts when it comes to Biden, inflation Biden, nomics, and also the political dynasties and now we have to go ahead and talk about Yes, Bill Maher and Patrick bet David PBDs appearance over on club random I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen here and we're gonna go ahead and check out this clip that I want to share. Here we go. And let's check this out here.

Speaker 1  
Why are you a libertarian model? Well, libertarian is a label you said I'm just saying because you said earlier you're I mean, well, libertarian on issues that are I think appropriate for libertarians. I don't I would never say that anymore. I'm a libertarian because there's a Libertarian Party and they take it too far.

Brian Nichols  
The libertarians and the Libertarian Party they take it too far and wait to hear how far they actually take it.

Speaker 1  
They believe in you know stuff like well, they shouldn't have meat inspectors. If I get E Coli from this meat it'll get around and then no one will buy this type of meat again. Thank you free market really stupid shit.

Brian Nichols  
See now he says really stupid shit. That is a really stupid shit of a straw man argument because that's not what libertarians are saying as a matter of fact now bill is tongue in cheek hinting at the free market reality but nobody wants E Coli in their meat there is an incentive in place not to get your your your customer your consumer sick so even though he's poking fun and trying to build this straw man it's just like that stupid joke used to hear it was like I was iron Rand Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into an unregulated bar the bartender gives them their drink and they die because it was laced with like arsenic because it was an unregulated bar and it's like supposed to say you know tongue in cheek who who will look at those stupid libertarians they don't realize that without laws that everybody would be killing everybody because that's how it works that's how things have worked for literally generations after generations government or not, we just go out and we kill each other with the items that we sell because that's what happens when you you sell a product or a service is that you want to harm your consumer can't

Speaker 1  
stop me from going down the road unfettered. Who needs traffic lights? I want to throw like an eagle right through the windshield you know, they just it's

Brian Nichols  
it's it's so stupid. And this is the part people like Bill Maher that just really irritate me is that he thinks he's so clever in this he thinks that this is so it's so it's so witty it's so highbrow like look at me I'm so much smarter as as a you know what I define as a libertarian versus these actual libertarians who they believe what they say Can you can you stomach the fact that these libertarians actually believe in libertarianism that'd be like saying that those silly communists actually believe in communism watch Say it Ain't So Bill

Speaker 1  
just became fringe and they're just they're not making things better and and by the way most of it has been just co opted by sensible people pot was, you know back in the day was you know 30 years ago when I was first

Brian Nichols  
one by the way this is why Republicans used to say that our no was the Democrats you say that libertarians are just Republicans who like pot right this is why because people like Bill Maher would promote this that like this, this is the libertarian thing making pot legal. That's it. That's that's that's libertarianism, right? Just do my own thing. Don't hurt people don't eat their stuff. That's it. That's all it is. Is it

Speaker 1  
on television pot was much more a libertarian issue because it wasn't legal anywhere for any reason? No, that's so different. I used to be paranoid about traveling with it. Now, I don't worry at all, because if they bust me in Oklahoma or somewhere, they will be embarrassed, not me. So that's a big change. So in a lot of ways, Libertarians achieved a lot of what we wanted other ways, you know, Fourth Amendment stuff. No, I mean, the privacy issues are paramount in my mind. I'm sure they are for you, too. I mean, especially as a businessman with I'm sure you have stuff that if it was hacked, would be not good. Or am I wrong? Now? Of course, no question about Yes. You know, I don't have a shirt like that, because I'm not dirty. What do you got? No,

Speaker 2  
I'm not worried about it. But you know, so So based on that, you would say you're more Democrat than a libertarian. Okay.

Speaker 1  
I mean, again, these are, these are labels, I

Brian Nichols  
these are these are labels, but labels are important to Bill, especially when you're the one self assigning the labels in this case, Bill's the one who used to say, I'm a libertarian, it's like but you're not bill you're using the word because at the time it was it was what I say is politically sexy because never been sexy to be a libertarian, but it was it was edgy, right? You weren't a Republican, you weren't a Democrat, you were on this thing. I'm a libertarian, and you didn't actually look to understand what it meant. By the way this this greater podcast, go and listen to the greater podcast here between PBD and Bill Bill Maher, because during the podcast, I couldn't believe how PBD was able to expose how unread and not up to date Bill Maher is on so many important issues like talking about Gavin Newsom as governor of California and bill saying he's a winner. And he could be a great president or at least he could win for the the nomination as as president and Peabody saying, Well, what are you defining is great, like how, what's your metrics for winning? And building? Oh, I don't, I haven't really paid attention to it. You just went out saying I think the guy is great. And now you're going to excuse away saying I really haven't done any research. That's just a cop out. It's so easy to to make this grand declarative statement. And then to hide behind while I'm just a comedian, I didn't really actually do much research out while you asked me all the details, because details matter when you're the one going out and making the grand statement. So unless you want to actually talk details don't make the grand statement. Ever.

Speaker 1  
I don't belong to a party. I assess every candidate individually. To does that,

Brian Nichols  
by the way, wait to hear the candidate that he would have voted for. And as a libertarian, your eyes are gonna roll to the back of your head.

Speaker 1  
Is that resulted in me voting Democrat just about every time? Yeah. Because I just generally thought, oh, Bill Clinton, way better than George Bush, way better than Bob Dole. Al Gore. Yeah, better than Bush. Yep.

Brian Nichols  
Most people have no clue then in 2023. The best way to make money on Amazon is not with physical products. It's Amazon's other company, Audible. Audible.

Speaker 1  
John Kerry. Yes. Better than Bush. Obama better than McCain. Yes. Better than Rob, you know, just down the line. Trump and it got easy. Trump, Hillary Trump, anybody got so easy. So, but, you know, I would I always look. I will always shop around. I could have voted for McCain. If he had like, the 2000 McCain. I think I could have voted for him. Why is that? He ran in 2000. He was things were just not as partisan. I mean, there were things that he did that I loved that were very nonpartisan. I'm

Brian Nichols  
gonna stop there. I just when when when people tell you who they are, believe them. Right. We do. Final thoughts here in the show when we have guests on? No guests today, just me. But I'll do a final thought. When people tell you who they are. Believe them. Bill Maher telling us who he is. He's not a libertarian. He's a Democrat. He said as much when he's going through and outlining why he's a quote unquote, Libertarian, it's not because of libertarian ideas. It's because he was looking to be against the current thing. And he even kind of articulates this much earlier on in the podcast where he talks about all the times he's been canceled or his times he's been fired, because he's more or less just trying to say the most outrageous thing at the most outrageous time. Listen to Biden, when Biden tells you who he is, and you listen to the administration tell you who they are and what they believe. Believe them. They want you to be gaslit into believing the economy is great. They want you to believe and be gaslit into thinking that bionics is actually coming here to save the day. They want you to be gaslit into believing that the prices you're looking at at the grocery store. They're not real. Those are fake evil grocery store prices brought to you by Russia. Yeah, though. That's folks at the end of the day, what we need to take away from this episode, when folks tell you who they are, believe them. When you have some libertarians. I'm going to use the word libertarian very loosely here. Maybe we'll say classically liberal as they self identify themselves, folks on Twitter saying I'm a David Bowie's libertarian, believe them, believe them. And that's okay. You won't be that. That's, that's cool. I know where your priorities are. Right. That's why I'm a Ron Paul libertarian. So when people tell you who they are, believe them. We are we are Ron Paul libertarians here on The Brian Nichols Show. Why? Because you look back to what Ron Paul has been saying for 4050 years. It's all been right. It's all been shown to be correct. Ron Paul has a track record. I would put against any politician in DC over the past 50 years, guaranteed, no questions asked. So why am Ron Paul libertarian and Because Ron Paul actually handed in a platform to message what libertarianism was. You have all these? David boas, libertarians? Who question where's my platform? Why are people listening to me, because you're not meeting them where they're at. You're meeting yourself where you're at, and all the people around you think like you do. Great, that doesn't solve anything doesn't actually accomplish anything. And frankly, it's why the Libertarian Party has been relegated to third place for 40 plus years. Because when you do the same thing over and over and over again, guess what that is the definition of insanity. So what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna keep doing the same thing and hoping for a different result? Or are we going to try things a little differently, and we're going to try to meet people where they're at on the actual issues they care about, not what we want them to care about. Issues that are priorities to them, not what we feel should be priorities to them. Stop telling them what they need to care about, and start asking them what they care about. That's where we win. And that's where you if you're saying you're wrong, Brian, that's where you will continue to lose. So we'll wrap things up there. Thank you for joining us on today's episode, I got a lot of value. I hope you did as well. If you did, please go ahead. share today's episode when you do tag yours truly be Nicholas Liberty can find me on x.com formerly Twitter as well as over on Facebook, where we also are sharing a lot of reels, YouTube shorts, all that kind of fun stuff. So go ahead, give us some love over there. And also, if you want to go ahead and find The Brian Nichols Show Yes. On your favorite video platform, go to your YouTubes your rumble Ben swans, sovereign S O V. r e n or x.com. You can catch The Brian Nichols Show in its video format in its entirety on all four platforms, wherever it is, you're watching The Brian Nichols Show, please hit that subscribe button click that little like button and hit the notification bell so you don't miss a single time we drop a new episode or go live if you like your shows in the audio format. Well, no worries Brian Nichols show is wherever it is you consume your podcast content, YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple podcasts, I like podcast attic, wherever it is you get your podcast. Do me a favor, do yourself a favor. Beyond hitting that subscribe button. Go and download all unplayed episodes. Besides helping support the show and helping boost some numbers there, you're also going ahead and getting a chance to dig through over 100 episodes that are in the archives with some amazing guests ranging from elected officials, economists, business owners, and more and all that in between and what are we talking about when we have these folks in the show? We're talking about the specific problems that we're identifying and bringing real solutions to the table. Yes, sometimes through the the realm of government predominantly through private sector solutions in a manner that doesn't need a vote by some air quote, democratic body now we are able to do these things right now being you know, solutionary is out there to give some props to her Good friend, Maj. Tori. So, folks, please if you are enjoying the episodes, beyond sharing the episodes beyond obviously listening and supporting the show, please support our sponsors, because those are the folks who support The Brian Nichols Show. So with our amazing sponsors over at cardio miracle eagles, liquid freedom, blood of tyrants, BNC, technology advisors and more, please go ahead and support the folks who support us they help us keep the lights on where we have our studio space, pay for all of our streaming, get the internet, all the stuff that goes into Yes, actually producing a nationally syndicated podcast and the YouTube channel. So, folks, with that being said, I have had a great conversation today with you and I hope you've enjoyed the conversations as much as I have enjoyed giving it to you. That's what she said. With that being said, Brian, it was starting off, you're on The Brian Nichols Show. We'll talk to you next time. Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols show.com

Transcribed by https://otter.ai