Dec. 11, 2023

791: Cancelling Cancel Culture - How this Baker is Living Her Values Out LOUD

Cheesecake shop owner Jen Jacobson Brusa shares her story of grit, conviction, and perseverance in keeping her Oregon business open against lockdown orders while discussing parenting, generational differences, and following her values over seeking man's approval.

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What does it take to stand up for your rights and keep your business open during government lockdowns? Jen Jacobson Brusa shares her incredible story of grit and overcoming adversity.


Jen started her cheesecake business, Beloved Cheesecakes, in Oregon right before the COVID lockdowns began. As a single mom of 3 boys, she knew she had to stay open to provide for her family. Even as the only business defying lockdown orders in her town, Jen stood firm in her convictions.

Facing backlash but seeing God provide, Jen shared how her business ended up on Fox & Friends. Now, after 4 years, she has moved to a much larger location. Jen explains how letting go of caring what people think and finding freedom through following her values empowered her.

Diving into parenting styles, Jen contrasts indulgent parents doing everything for their kids with her approach of discipline, consequences, and not sheltering her boys from reality. She shares how through God's faithfulness, her kids have their own strong relationships with Him.

Jen and host Brian Nichols explore how lack of grit and tenacity is a major issue with younger generations today. They discuss the entitlement mentality and need for problem-solving skills versus being handed everything. Jen emphasizes that overcoming challenges grows character and determination.

Want to order amazing cheesecakes yourself? Jen talks about Beloved Cheesecakes' holiday flavors and nationwide shipping! She also shares where you can find her business on social media to order cheesecakes online!


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Brian Nichols  
I don't drink the Kool Aid. I have beloved cheesecakes and so should you why because they shipped nationally. Yeah, let's talk about that instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there folks, Brian was here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us on Tom course, another phone bill episode. I am as always your humble host going to you live from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely, lovely Eastern Indiana. Are you struggling with fatigue and a weak heart? Well, cardio miracle is your solution with special ingredients that help increase nitric oxide, it will improve your heart circulation and function. And with added benefits like better energy and sleep, you got to try cardio miracle now. So head to the Brian Nichols forward slash heart or you can go right to the show notes or the video description. Click the link it'll bring you over to cardio miracle where if you use code TNS at checkout, you will get 15% off your order. And folks, you quite literally have nothing to lose, except for those sleepless nights the lack of energy, because yes, there is a 100% money back guarantee. So join the 10s of 1000s of other folks who have started to improve their heart health by heading the Brian Nichols forward slash heart start your heart health journey today and use code TBS at checkout for 15% off your order, or maybe cheesecakes are kind of in your your realm which if that's the case, oh, do I have an episode for you today? Because returning to the show, Jen Brusa formerly Jen Jacobson from beloved cheesecakes. Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show.

Jen Jacobson  
Thank you for having me, Brian.

Brian Nichols  
Good to have you back on the show. Jen. I gotta confess, it's been very hard not to have a Freudian slip being from Philadelphia for seven years. cheese cakes, cheese steaks, I'm like right there on the edge. But no cheese cakes, beloved cheese cakes, looking forward to having you back on the show and discussing all the great stuff you're doing, helping bring not just some awesome of food options to the Liberty lovers out there. But also you're fighting the good fight as it pertains to the other cultural battle out in the west coast. So Jen, for the folks who didn't get to check your last appearance here and The Brian Nichols Show, do us a favor, reintroduce yourself and of course tell us about beloved cheesecakes. Okay,

Jen Jacobson  
um, well, I started beloved cheese cakes on Well, first of all, I'll just let everyone know that I'm out here in Oregon. And the armpit of Hell is what we call it. But I opened my shop up in 2009 teen August 2019, eight months before the lockdown, and then everything was going great. Then the lockdown happen. And at that time, I was the sole parent to three boys. And I'm essential to them. So I chose to stay open. And at that time, I was in a small little town in Oregon called Silverton. And they did not like that I chose to stay open. Got some backlash, and but it's God's business he provided for it. And we ended up on Fox and Friends not purposely it was unintentionally but just because of my stance. And now I have grown it's been four years and I just moved into a much bigger location in Albany, Oregon. And it's been going fantastic. That's awesome.

Brian Nichols  
We'd love to hear that. And especially because you faced such a I guess not backlash necessarily. But I mean, really you you were you're experiencing what 1000s of other business owners experienced during the past few years during the COVID Insanity and that was being told Sorry, Jen, you're not essential. Right. But to your point, of course you're essential. Why are you because your job is not just essential for making cheesecakes, but also for helping support your family supporting your community supporting your staff. There are so many like there are so many different areas that folks just didn't think about when it comes to the consequences of just arbitrarily shutting down half of our businesses because we determine they're not air quote essential What the heck

Jen Jacobson  
yeah, I don't know how businesses complied and went with it. I actually know a lot of them that did comply they are shut down completely they have closed completely. And I it's so maddening what happened and heartbreaking what happened to small businesses and I hope that we all learned a lesson that if we all band together, you know there's strength in numbers and if we all chose not to comply, what can they do? You know, Yep,

Brian Nichols  
no, absolutely. Let's talk about that, Jen. Because you obviously have had success, right? You've just moved to a new, larger location, which is telling me it's telling the audience that you're doing something right, despite facing this adversity as it pertains to, yes, your local government trying to shut you down. And I think there's a lot to be said, in terms of folks looking to what you are able to do over the past few years in saying no, and sticking with your convictions and keeping your doors open. There's a lot that folks can take away from that. What's been your experience as being a business owner? Who who did stand up to the government and say, No,

Jen Jacobson  
I'm well, I mean, it's been a ride, for sure. And it hasn't been easy. But I have a sign in my shop that says if you stand, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. And I don't know who that quote belongs to. But it's really the truth. And so taking that stand, and standing on our constitutional rights, you know, it's, it's opened doors for me in ways that I wouldn't have even thought and like I said, I was on Fox and Friends. I've had Kirk Cameron come in my shop, I tour with the reawaken America tour, I mean, all these opportunities presented themselves, but I, I really hope that people have learned not to succumb to that. It's our society is so concerned with their social acceptance and being that social approval and following the masses, I guess, I don't quite understand it, to be honest. And who was I listening to the other day, it was a really powerful message. Just talking about how you have to it was Tucker Carlson. And he was talking about how you have to get to a place where you don't care what people think. And the only people that you do care are those in your inner circle, which would be your family, your kids, you know, your spouse, your kids, maybe your whatever, your core group, but that's it, and you don't care about anyone else's opinion. And that is so powerful, because that's where I've stood this whole time.

Brian Nichols  
Yeah, I just had this conversation yesterday, with Olivia Rhonda on the show. And we were we were digging into how we've gone from this idea of like social justice and the word justice being used very loosely to now it's like social death, right? You if you don't toe the line, not only will you be canceled, not only will you be ostracized, many folks will try to destroy you. So there is no room for redemption, there is no redemption arc, nothing like that is allowed anymore. And yet to your point. And I just want to re emphasize this, if you put the blinders on. And you tune out the the nonsense, right? Because in going back to what we talked about, on our last show with Olivia, we weren't as human beings meant to communicate one to millions, and then subsequently have millions to one communicating to us. It messes with our head, it makes us feel that we are a drop in the ocean versus having a real strong role in our communities and our families. And when you go down to what actually matters, it is the local community, it is your family. It is that core group of friends. So Jen, I would love to hear what was the experience for you when you're talking about that close group of friends, family and community that truly matter? I mean, what was that like having to go from a world where we do look for a lot of the the outside validation, right, looking to the masses for our support, but realizing that really, it does come down to this core group of individuals who really matter.

Jen Jacobson  
Absolutely. Well, I mean, I'm grateful that I have a core group around me that are like minded, but it was definitely being the Lone Ranger in the town that I was in because I was the only business that did stay open and didn't comply and didn't require mass and let people dine in. And I was very prior to COVID The whole town. They loved me they loved beloved cheesecakes. You know, everyone loves an underdog story and I was an underdog and I was succeeding and overcoming and so everyone was rallying around this, you know, sole parent to three boys and doing it and then boom, I you know, doors are everyone's closing doors, and I stay open. And I I'm really grateful. I went through a really hard challenge in 2009 2010. And that really stripped me of that social approval and I realized that that was an idol before me was seeking human approval. And so that got torn down On, which prepared me for such a time as this, so I wasn't looking for any man's approval, I was looking for one approval, and that was Jesus Christ. And basically, I told God, you're gonna have to audibly tell me to put on a mask, you're gonna have to come and audibly tell me to close my doors. And, and that's the only thing is I'm gonna obey you over man. And you never told me that. So. And I'm really grateful for the support that I had the few that were around me, you know, but I don't know if I have any, you know, big words of wisdom or anything like that. But I just, if you can get over caring what people think and really putting your approval from one person which me I prefer that to be gone. In your life will, you'll be so much freer. You know, you're not gonna care. And you're not gonna get I mean, not that things don't come at you and stab at you or, you know, try to get you down. But at the end of the day, you're, you can go back right to well, God, I'm looking for your approval, not man. And

Brian Nichols  
I mean, you have your three kids, right? And I'm sure it must be hard for you seeing their world in just I mean, the world of Gen Z nowadays, everything is online. Right? So how do you help them balance? What really matters versus what their generation is telling them that matters?

Jen Jacobson  
Yeah, I'm really grateful. I have some pretty amazing boys. And I think because of what we've gone through coming, I came out of a domestic violence situation. Almost nine years ago, my boys, we went through hell. And so and then they started beloved cheesecakes with me. So they, I would say that they're my driving force. They were the eye opener for me, because they were listening to Charlie Kirk, before I was. And they're like, Mom, you gotta listen to this guy. And so they're not your normal, typical Gen Zers. They actually are very old themselves. And my oldest son who's 21, he really got a lot of flack because he was in a program. Mission. I won't name the name of it, but he was doing mission work. And he was so strong. And you know, his belief of this is wrong, what is happening? And he was telling, he was being told that he's not being compassionate, he's not being loving. And he's just like, No, this is not right. This is you read your Bible people. So

Brian Nichols  
how did you get three boys who are so willing to look at their generation and say, This is insane, right? Because, frankly, Gen. That's the exception to the rule, it seems. So you obviously you're doing something right? And I would, I would dare to guess that that probably has something to do with having some guiding light that you're referring back to. And in this case, it's more likely than not your relationship with Jesus Christ and God. Do you think that your boys are kind of basing their their moral and philosophical, philosophical compass on that or something else?

Jen Jacobson  
I definitely. I mean, they all have a relationship with God. So I'm sure it's that. But one thing I did as a parent, I mean, I'm an old school parent, you know, I spanked I had discipline, there were consequences. My kids had chores. They had to buy their own, you know, if they wanted something special, they had to save and buy it or purchase it. They didn't get all the handouts, I guess. And I mean, my mind father was a meth addict. And I didn't grow up. My mom wasn't in my life. And I have no siblings. So I grew up, I was raised really, really rough. And I could tell you a lot of stories. And so I never hid that from my kids. I was always taught because he died. My dad died when I was 14. And he was 39. From a brain aneurysm from all the drugs you did. And so I would tell my kids look, this is what reality is, you know, when people aren't, they're trying to fill a void. They'll go to drugs, they'll go to alcohol. I, you're you're being robbed of having your grandpa because, you know, drugs destroyed his life, and he chose that path. And so I didn't hide. I didn't shelter my kids so much, I guess I I don't know. And I'm a first generation Christian. And so I, I don't think I did it perfectly. I didn't force God down my kid's throat. They just saw what he had done for me and how I didn't force them to go to youth group. I let them make their own choices and forced them to get baptized. It was just like, you can't have My relationship with God, you guys are gonna have to have your own experience and encounter with God. And that's all I prayed for. And God's been faithful. And he's encountered each of them in their own unique way. How

Brian Nichols  
much do you think that this idea of helping your your sons realize the context of reality? How much do you think that's played a role in in terms of their development? And my context for my question, is because you see so much of Gen Z, and now with Gen Alpha coming up, that their world is more often than not built in this fake online space. It's not based in real life. It's not based on real consequences of your actions. There's a reset button when you're on online versus in real life, you get one shot, right? You don't get to have like the Oh, yeah, there's a checkpoint, it didn't go back and try again. This is real life. So do you think that that maybe has played a role in terms of how not just your son's in their world, but I guess, when you look at the difference between some of these Gen Zers, who are much more conservative, or at the very least, you know, they're more right leaning versus their peers?

Jen Jacobson  
Yeah, um, I don't know how my kids ended up that way. I mean, I do think you're, when you go through the school of hard knocks, and you don't have everything handed to you, I will say in my core group of moms, because I was a stay at home mom, with my boys. I was the only one, I think there was one other mom that was like me, where she disciplined her kids, and she had chores for them. But with most of them, the parents just did everything for the kids. And I just don't think that is beneficial. I don't think that's teaching your kids anything. It's teaching them entitlement and my voice, they're very annoyed with their generation of that entitlement mentality. I mean, my 18 year old runs the shop here. And he gets frustrated with kids that come in who are 1618 years old, who can't even speak, can't even order for themselves, it has to have their parents order for them to order a slice of cheesecake. So I don't I think the lack of discipline and doing everything for your children and giving them everything and not making them work for anything is detrimental to them. Yeah,

Brian Nichols  
I forget what podcast I was just listening to. But this conversations been coming up more and more, it's that we're how do we get here? Right? How did we get to a point where the younger generations are so conditioned to expect everything handed out to them? Right? So you almost have to like, stop the mentality of like, oh, those little Gen Zers are just the way it used to be all those millennials, and instead go back to say, like, how did they get to here? Like who? Who raised them? Yes, the curious podcast host. And that is a question that maybe requires a little bit more introspection from some of the older folks in our audience and looking at you boomers. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. But that's how we learn is that we look to and Jen, you hit the nail on the head when you had so many parents just hand things out to their kids. They never, and not just physical items, but like helping them overcome challenges or obstacles in life. Like

Jen Jacobson  
everybody's a winner in the games in the School Games. Right? Exactly.

Brian Nichols  
So much from our meritocracy of a society. But also it's created a generation of wimps. I mean, whenever I see people in, I'm in the millennial generation, but I see some of the younger or I guess, yeah, younger millennials and some of the older Gen Zers. That they like, get hit with some type of obstacle, some type of roadblock. And it's just like, they throw their hands up. They're like, I don't know what to do. I can't do anything. I'm stuck now. And I'm like, my man, where's our problem solving skills? Oh, you were never taught to have problem solving skills. You were just given the answer. I see it now. And then that kind of makes me sad. We

Jen Jacobson  
have lost um, someone told me the other day they've known me. Oh my gosh, well, my son is 21. So they've known me for 22 years and they've seen everything that I've walked through and how it hasn't been easy. And they just said, You know what, Jen, what you have is you have grit, and that is what people are lacking. They're lacking grit. They're not fighting, they're not holding on. They're not persevering, and they're you know, you just have that and I started like, I'm gonna research this word grit, you know, because that is what I think a lot of society has lost. We've just, I can tell you stories with employees, I want to do a business Comedy Hour sometime because I had this one person working for me. And then it wasn't going well. She went home sick one day. And so I was like, You know what, just don't bother coming in tomorrow. And then the next week, it was, do you do predictability pay? And I was like, I've never even heard of what predictability pay is, and she's like, Oh, obviously not then. And so she said, I was like, Well, can you explain what that is? And she's like, Oh, well, when you're on this schedule, and then you told me that I didn't need to come in that day. And so she wanted to be paid for. It's, it's, it's an interesting time that we're in, but it's that grit, you know, and I do have grit.

Brian Nichols  
I'm just kind of stuck on this predictability pay. She's okay. Well, that would have been nice to know back when I was younger. No, I'm just using well, and right there, Jen, right, like the grit side of things that the tenacity that has been just completely lost in our, in our society. I mean, as soon as the going gets tough, everybody seems to get going. And it's, it's like, where are we going? Oh, straight off a cliff. Great. That's, that's wonderful. But when you look at how strong, prosperous societies form, it is through grit. It is tenacity, it is through overcoming adversity. And really, that's missing right now, right? Like there, there are a handful of people like Eugen who've gone out of their way and overcome adversity to, to put yourself not just in a good spot, but in a much better spot than you were previously. But to the others out there, they look at you and they're like, I wish I didn't do what Jen, Jen did, you can and I guess for my final thoughts, it's that if you're looking to overcome all the challenges and the nonsense that you've built up in your life, the first place to start is to walk into the bathroom, and address the person in the mirror. Because until you're able to look at yourself and acknowledge that you are the sole reason for the way you are today good, bad or indifferent, you will never be able to move forward because you have to be able to deal with the fact that you are the direct result you are the direct impact of all outcomes in your life. Now yes, there are things that will happen to us that we do not have control over but we can control how we react to those those different instances. So Jen, I guess you know, for my final thoughts, I will say grittiness, tenacity, resilience, overcoming adversity. Those are absolutely skills that anyone who wants to be successful needs to be able to maintain and You've obviously done a great job over at beloved cheesecake. So that's my final thoughts for us. Jen, what do you have horses wrap things up today?

Jen Jacobson  
Um, well, of course, I'm gonna plug my business so beloved, we ship nationwide we are America's favorite cheesecake. And we are growing and expanding and it's very exciting. So we have your holiday cheesecake. We have white chocolate peppermint right now. And we can ship fights or we have like cheesecake bites movie or mini cheesecakes, whole cheesecakes. We can do samplers ultimate samplers where you get one of every slice and just look online at beloved and get your holiday cheesy. It's a perfect gift for those who have everything. That's what I say. I'm

Brian Nichols  
just gonna say it. Jen has the best gluten free cheesecake I've ever had in my life. I think it was the peppermint cheesecake that you sent me last year. Oh my god that was out of this world. And yeah, you're over in Oregon. And you sent that to me in little old Indiana. So yeah, you can ship anywhere. And by the way, it arrived completely frozen solid. So no worries about like, oh, I live all the way over in Maine. It's not frozen. No, it'll be frozen, I promise. And I guarantee it will be delicious. So if you want to go ahead and get your beloved cheese cakes, we'll make sure we include all those links in the description in the show notes. And also, if you're joining us over on the YouTubes I mentioned earlier, Jen was on the show before telling her story. So you if you stick around right about here, you should be seeing the episode pop up. Make sure you stick around and we'll continue over there. So you can learn a little bit more about Jen story. But otherwise, folks in terms of where you can follow the show you can follow us on all your favorite video platforms YouTube rumble, we're uploading the entire episodes to and also we are uploading our show to Ben swans, sovereign s o g r e n great independent media entity which by the way, if you are watching our episode over there, congratulations. You're seeing today's episode before anybody else that's your sovereign exclusive. And then if you want to go ahead The follow yours truly on social media you can follow me on Twitter and on Facebook at be Nichols. Liberty Jen, where can folks go ahead support you? And beloved cheesecakes they want to reach out on social media. Yeah,

Jen Jacobson  
we're on all all the ones that we don't like, but we have to use as a business and Facebook and Instagram. We are on truth social and I need to make a Twitter account. That's for sure.

Brian Nichols He's doing great work over there, Mr. Elon Musk. Yeah. And now He lets us upload like full video episodes there. So that's pretty darn cool. Yeah. Very cool. So yeah, go ahead, support Jen. We'll make sure we include those links in the show notes as well. And then one final thing if you're looking for the podcast version of the show, you can find us anywhere you consume your podcast content, YouTube, YouTube music, that is Spotify, Apple podcasts truly anywhere, just hit that subscribe button, hit that little notification bell, and of course, download all unplayed episodes, we have ballpark like 800 Total episodes for you to go back through our content library and consume so I guarantee you're gonna find at least a handful of episodes that you will enjoy and I promise we'll leave you educated, enlightened and informed. And one last plug folks do you want to win one of our don't hurt people don't take people's stuff bumper stickers. Of course you do, head over to the Brian Nichols And leave a five star rating and review once you do. Take a screenshot of a sad review. Email it to meet Brian at Brian Nichols And you are instantly entered into our giveaway but that's not all. That's right. That's not Oh, but wait, there's more. You also get entered into our $100 Proud libertarian shop giveaway. We have this awesome, don't hurt people don't take people stuff. Snap back. I'm rocking our Michael Scott 2024 40 day plan shirt. We have snapbacks T shirts, hoodies, bumper stickers, regular stickers, all that and more. So if you want to enter to win the $100 sweepstakes giveaway, one more time five star rating and review over at Brian Nichols And of course, if you want to support the show, go ahead and give us a donation links over at Brian Nichols forward slash support. That's all I have for you today. Jen, any final words for the audience as we wrap things up?

Jen Jacobson  
I'm just gonna say Merry Christmas, everyone. And thank you, Brian, for having me. Absolutely.

Brian Nichols  
Jen. Thank you for joining us. And of course, folks, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all that fun stuff in between. And if you want to make your holiday season, particularly sweet, we'll make sure you go ahead and order some cheesecakes from Jen over at beloved cheesecakes and of course, make sure you tell her that Brian said Jeff with that being said Brian Nichols signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Gen Brusa from beloved cheesecakes. We'll see you next time

Transcribed by

Jen Jacobson Profile Photo

Jen Jacobson

Owner aka Cheesecake Therapist

Jen opened her shop Beloved Cheesecakes 8 months prior to covid/ lockdowns/mandates…she was a single mother at that time with 3 boys. She attempted to go along at the beginning, however quickly realized she is ESSENTIAL to her boys. So she didn’t close her doors, didn’t enforce mandates, and kept her business going. She is a lover/ believer of Jesus Christ, and fears God, not man. Staying open she became a target of hate. However the Lord protected her and His shop. Jen received 6 OSHA complaints, and she didn’t skip a beat. Her town went from loving her to hating her because of her stance. She had someone give her name to FOX news, she went live for an interview explaining her stance, and she was blessed with an outpouring of support from the FOX viewers. She began educating herself on our Constitutional rights, hosting freedom rallies with our church around the state, became a Precinct Committee Person for the GOP, and supported countless candidates that were running for office in Oregon, by hosting many meet n greets and Q/A events for the community.
Jen’s title is “Cheesecake Therapist” and has won best dessert of the Willamette Valley 3yrs in a row and has only been open 3yrs.