Aug. 26, 2023

761: Who is Vivek Ramaswamy & Why does he have the GOP Establishment Running SCARED?

Brian Nichols & @KDCodyTN analyze Vivek Ramaswamy's breakout performance at the recent GOP presidential debate and why his meteoric rise threatens the old Republican establishment guard.

Vivek Ramaswamy DOMINATED the Chaotic GOP Debate! 😱 Here's Why He's Got the Establishment Running Scared.

Brian Nichols and returning guest Kenny Cody dive into the "undercard" GOP Presidential Debate. Political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy came out of nowhere (or did he??) to completely dominate the stage, stealing the spotlight from traditional Republicans with his bold, anti-establishment style.

His sharp wit and maverick stance reminded many of Donald Trump's breakthrough in 2016. But could Vivek actually INHERIT the MAGA movement and become the next standard bearer for the GOP?

Kenny argues Vivek understands the party's base better than veteran politicians like Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. His meteoric rise proves Republican voters are DONE with the old establishment guard.

But not everyone is convinced Vivek is the next Trump. Brian sees key differences in their communication styles that could appeal to disaffected voters seeking substance over bluster.

The debate over Vivek's future prospects gets heated. Will he earn a cabinet position, VP nomination or make a presidential run in 2028? And where does this leave Trump in 2024?

If you want to find out why Vivek's breakout debate is making waves and threatening the GOP establishment, do not miss today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show!


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Brian Nichols  
The GOP debate prove that Donald Trump is in fact the GOP is the only choice. Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Hey there folks, Brian is here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, another episode I am as always your humble host coming to you live from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana cardio miracle your improve your heart health. Stay tuned. I'll talk about that later on in our episode, but for today's conversation returning to the program, I'm sure he's got lots and lots of concerns. In fact, maybe Cody's concerns Kenny Cody, welcome back to The Brian Nichols

Kenny Cody  
Show. Brian Good to be with a brother looking forward to talking to you.

Brian Nichols  
Great to have you back. My man we are officially I think now done with the summer travel season. I mean, granted you're still busy because you not only are you a teacher and Cocke County GOP chair, the youngest ever mind I might I add but also now you're a football coach. Dude, you're doing everything what's been going on in the world, Kenny Cody. They didn't

Kenny Cody  
cover a lot, man. I mean, it just you know, riding football season, of course started backing up. I'm the director of football operations for the Cosby high school football program. So we have a home game tonight. And as you can see, probably by my coaching attire that I have on, ready to go on Cherokee ready to beat the Indians and the Eagles ready to get down to it. But yeah, we're I'm looking forward to it. Man. We're starting school year back up. We're actually about about four weeks in now. So we're we're ready to roll. And I think that's I think we got a lot to talk about lots of luck going on world politics with Donald Trump. Debate, of course, was was interesting to say the least I look forward to talk about it with you.

Brian Nichols  
Yeah, schools back in session, which I know back when I was a youngster. I don't know. I always got that political itch right when it was the election season. And whenever that Chris bear started, which granted today, it was like 98 degrees here in eastern Indiana. But I digress. You still you'd get that kind of excitement knowing that the political season is just around the corner. Now. In this case, it's not necessarily right around the corner because it's more local elections state elections here, this 2023 election cycle, but next year 2024 is right around the corner. And thus we have started the primaries and with that the GOP might as well call it the little kid debate right because Donald Trump, elephant in the room. Pun intended, he is obviously the front runner 40 Something points ahead of the second place. candidate, which I think at the moment of the most recent polls was Ron DeSantis. That may have changed though. Kenny after the GOP debate with one, Vivek Ramaswamy. Doing pretty good catching a lot of people's attention. So lots of a feedback. I've heard here from the debate before we dig into the nitty gritty, and specifically, your opinion that the GOP debate prove that the GOP has been one candidate to look at that as Donald J. Trump. But give us a quick high level of what your kind of feedback was from the GOP debate, the highs, the lows, and some things people need to know as they take away from that debate.

Kenny Cody  
I think some of the lows of course. I mean, nothing the establishment base is out of touch with the American people. I mean, when you're looking at Mack pants you saying, you know, Asa Hutchinson, or ADA Hudson was Trump calls and Nikki Haley. Chris Christie. I mean, these are the guard of old this is the old guard that was on that debate stage. And unfortunately, with the GOP excluding people like Perry Johnson and Leia Taylor from the debate stage people who have taken on the national populist mindset and trying to appeal to GOP voters and the rules and picking and choosing which polls counted, they decided to even on the lower tier candidates get those establishment candidates to be all the way in there they couldn't deny the vague Ramaswamy so I'm learning that learning to pronounce his name correctly reminds me when Jarrett guarantano was the guarantano was the Kutaisi quarterback we had to learn how to pronounce his name correctly

Unknown Speaker  
vague like fake Yeah,

Kenny Cody  
I love that he's he's made that statement cuz I'm sure people know who he is now and you know, my my main takeaway from the debate was for one I mean, I think that DeSantis if we're gonna talk about him, I know you brought him up as the lead post there the lead polling gal and debate stage and it was just unnoticeable to be quite honest with you Brian I mean was just didn't really have any standout moments. Now I figured out it's decent. I guess it's decent news that he didn't really get attacked much and he was kind of just there and said what he needed to say but, you know, it's kind of you need a big jump at this point, dude, like, you've got to take the means and if you're not the number one guy on stage, whether you're getting attacked or you're not, you've got to be that front runner as well. front runner in the base stage. Of course, we know he's 40 to 50 points behind Donald Trump, but you have to be the the Challenger and it seems like that Ramaswamy being as Trumpian as he was, I felt like I was watching a, a hint, a Hindu younger version of Donald Trump while I was watching the vape Ramaswamy. And it's insane that he came out never having a debate spirits before. Besides, I think he was a bit like a national champion in college, which as a former collegiate debater does not surprise me at all. But for him to get up there and destroy, I think six governors and a United States senator was insane. Like, you'll look like legitimately insane. He got up there and dominated, got attacked. And I think that's probably the most important point got attacked more than anybody else. Not chris Christie, not Rhonda Santas, not even Nikki Haley, or Mike Pence. He was a target was a target. And that that stood out so much to me, and it tells me everything I need to know about how much they fear the dude, because he is Donald Trump. He is he's a Trumpian nationalist populist. And I think I mean, he's a spoiler tech kind of I mean, he is everything that people I think, don't want it Ron DeSantis to be and DeSantis just is not doesn't have a chance at this point, in my opinion, because of that debate performance.

Brian Nichols  
Tell me more about why you think Vivek represented Trump there on stage. Because I think to a point there, there may be some merit to that, Kenny, I, I think that there, there is a distinct difference. In my humble opinion, between Vivek and Trump, Trump seems to say what he needs to say, and says it in a blustery fashion. Whereas when Vivek speaks, it seems everything he's articulating is well thought out. And when you hear him, especially on long form podcasts, let's get outside the GOP debate here for a hot sec. But specifically on these longer form podcasts, he gets into hyper detail as to how he's arrived at the positions. He's he's at currently, and I've heard many folks say that he's a flip flopper. What I what I I've heard actually is him explain how he's evolved his positions on certain issues. And he's grown on certain issues. But also, I would take it a step further, where Trump was kind of that bull in the china shop, or is it vague seems like he is calculated, he seems like he's a surgeon, right? He will go in and execute as necessary. Whereas Trump just kind of would smash and grab as much as he could, regardless of if it ended up helping him accomplish his goals, or to the contrary, so I guess my question is, where where do you kind of see those similarities to the point that you you kind of felt the vague was, in essence, a representative a surrogate of sorts for Trump on that GOP debate stage a couple months ago, a

Kenny Cody  
couple things. First, I liked the distinction of him, trying to not make him be a flip flopper, because I think it's very important, the guy was 38 years old. I mean, I would ask to put a, for example, a 18 year old mean, like, you know, I like how my political evolution has evolved. I mean, I used to be a, I've told you before, bronies be a neocon, traditional conservative, you know, just like just like pants, or Haley or anybody else. But I evolved and I became the Republican that I am now the libertarian, conservative, populist nationalist that I am, currently and how I relate to Vivek Ramaswamy. So I mean, I think that that criticism is just very, I don't know, it's very lame, very, very cute and not very calculated. And the reason not to compare, I'll get you say, a vague to Trump. Well, he had that moment. He had the moments when he raised his hand and then waited on everybody else, I think even twice, like I went for ribs once or twice, I think in the in the Ukraine, raise hand and then the Trump raise hand. I mean, the moment is death to me the most when Vivek automatically went like he automatically raised his hand and said, I would support Donald Trump if he's the nominee. And then I would deny and oppose Ukrainian aid, like both times. And then you see somebody like Ron DeSantis, who sits there and looks around the stage soon everybody else is doing and then slightly, like raises his hand a little bit like that. that stood out to me, because it reminded me of when Trump was the was running into debates in 2016, or 2015, I guess, for 2016. And he was asked, would you support the GOP nominee and commit not to run a third party? And he was the one person to say no, like I would I get it these these guys on stage? I don't trust them. So of course, I wouldn't support them. I'm not going to be outright honest. But I'm going to be right and honest about that. I'm saying I'm saying no, I'm not going to support them. So in that same way, yeah, that clip right there. And then you see, you're on the stand, just look around and then the hand goes up, right. So I think that the thing that stood out to me the most was the madness of I'm not sure if that's even a word right? Like Maverick. He is not bought and paid for by corporations. He owns one. He does not need it in the same way. Trump didn't need the donors Because you heard him out again, brown, you heard that Haley supporters and the DeSantis supporters every time they would speak, you hear a round of applause. Even though Haley is fourth or fifth and polling for some reason she was getting applause in her opening statements and everything she said about Ukraine, even though majority Republicans doesn't believe in sending any more aid to Ukraine and polling. For some reason, it got cheers over vegan in the foreign policy debates with his little spat between him and Haley. Like, it's obvious. It's obvious what he's doing. He is tapping into that Trumpian base because they hate these people. They Malga base the current Republican Party hates corporate corporations and corporate donors controlling what politicians say they hate that. The sad is that a walk back is Putin comments whenever he's asked about Ukrainian data and our intervention in the Ukrainian war. He hates people hate that Nikki Haley is going up there and say an American needs Israel or Israel isn't isn't in America. America needs Israel. For one that's not diplomacy that is purely funneling bullying money. If we want that kind of relationship, that's called a parasitic relationship, when it comes to Ukraine, when it comes to to any other country that we have to have when you say that we we need another country. And we know our country that need us, we need another country, and I'm a supporter of Israel. I've said that on a multitude of different occasions. That's the one relationship that I believe is beneficial to both parties. But the very fact that the Ukrainian debate us funneling money and saying only 3% of our military budget is being donated to Ukraine is ridiculous. And he's the only man who stood there and it was the Maverick and said, No, I don't believe in this. I support Israel. But this is the we cannot compare that relationship to Ukraine. And I think that the fact that he is the one guy who stood up and said, you know, corporations have not bought and paid for great phrase, not bought and paid for it, and it pissed off everybody else in that stage. He was also the guy who quite literally said one of the best foreign policy comebacks even probably more than Donald Trump had in 2015. Besides on the on the Iraqi war stuff with George W. Bush said, I look forward to your future seeing how your future is going to be on the boards of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The very fact he named dropped those corporations that fund the military industrial complex and called Nikki Haley out for that. It reminds me of that taking on establish titmus establishment terian ism that Trump Donald Trump took on 2015 Are they exactly similar? No, I don't believe they're exactly similar. But I think that Maverick black personality that Maverick lack a nig Matic personality, the vague Ramaswamy has was so it reminded me like I was watching Donald Trump again, it really did. And I think that somebody had to fill that role if Trump was not going to attend, he had to concentrate on being arrested last night, and getting the mug shot that made the made rounds around the world, getting all that done returning to Twitter, I think he had bigger plans, instead of attending a vice presidential debate. But we are now at a point where I think the reason that the vape has succeeded is because the way the current GOP base feels, they they're not inspired by the scientists, they may lock him in like what he did in Florida. That's not the way you you run a campaign. You don't run on the past, you remember what you're going to do and the scientists cannot get past that point and get Nikki Haley pants, Christie and all these other other politicians that are on that stage, could not connect with the audience, because all they were trying to run on was not to use foreign policy. Now teen 19 and 2000, early 2000s economic policy and not being willing to take on the culture wars and tell tale them and I love that they did this too. We are in a dark moment. We America is not good right now. I don't know why pants got so offended when the vacancy said that. But he realizes the reason any of them are running is because we are in a dark area of American politics. And we're in dark area as a country. And and that's the that's the entire reason that Trump ran in 2015. He saw a problem not with not with the Democrats, not with the President. He saw a problem with the country. He saw a problem in his party. And he wanted to run and say enough of the corporate donations. And that's what the corporate corporate a corporate is control. And that's establishment control. Let's actually run on a campaign built for and by the people. And I think the event is trying to tap into that. And I see it so much. And I and I know there was all the news reports that the fake is a Trump plant, or he's a Soros plant, whatever. I just think he was inspired by Maga and I think he's inspired by populism and is carrying the same thought that Donald Trump carried just 15 over 2023 Especially when Trump's on that debate stage.

Brian Nichols  
And he says you know and again, right we're taking him at his word for this but he says he's a former libertarian back in his his college days. So it's not that he's not unfamiliar with the the conservative philosophies. It just seems that really much like a lot of folks and it seems really for him. It was 2020 when he really was activated, if you will, when you have folks realize that the government was not only willing to turn on them dime when it came to the whole COVID conversation. Then the whole Black Lives Matter protests which turned into riots and And the the almost unilateral groupthink that was expected Dare I say demanded by your peers and to say, I don't feel comfortable doing this and then to be chastised to be ridiculed. I think that what Vivek up and it will allow Americans up. So with that being said, it seems like vache Yo, he's 38 years old, as you mentioned, right? He'd be the youngest person ever elected President of the United States. Does it look like he's gonna be president this year? Probably not looks like Donald Trump. unless something happens behind the scenes that we are completely unaware of. It looks like Donald Trump is in fact going to be the that nominee. But then I guess the question goes to well, what's the future? For vape? Kenny, before we go ahead and get your answer, we gotta go ahead and talk about today's sponsor, and is our studio sponsor, cardio miracle. I am a huge fan, huge fan of cardio miracle. I've been using it now for about three months. And folks, I gotta tell you, if there is one product I've had here on the show that I I can rave the most about, it's got to be cardio miracle. And here's just one thing that it hits home for me why I've been taking cardio miracle now I take it mostly for before we go to the gym, before and after, you know, the rather before for the day starts for the gym. And at the end of the day, you take it before you go to bed. It helps with nitric oxide throughout your system helps with your heart health. But for me personally, I like it because it helps combat heart disease and heart disease is the number one leading cause of death. In America. I had my grandfather passed away from a massive heart attack back when I was a kid. And I mean with that being said, I knew how important it was for me to take care of my heart health. So what I want to do when I had John Hewlett who's the CEO of heart health of cardio miracle and on the program was to learn more about how this particular product can actually help improve your heart health and I learned so much so I'm gonna make sure I include that link. To that episodes, you if you want to learn more about the specifics of cardio miracle you can, but it's going to help support not just better blood flow, oxygen levels and blood pressure, but it's gonna help overall better heart health, it's gonna give you better sleep. My sleep has been absolutely incredible since taking cardio miracle, and I'm a notorious notoriously bad sleeper, better recovery, especially after those hard lifting days, better energy, I've been feeling very energetic and I've been actually finding I've been drinking much less caffeine than normal, and overall a better use. So if you want to go ahead and take part in the cardio miracle, head over to Brian Nichols forward slash cardio miracle Oh, go over right to our shop, where you can find cardio miracle and you will find an exclusive discount link where it will give you 15% off your order or if it's easier, just go to cardio and use code TBNS at checkout for that 15% off your order cardio miracle is a fantastic fantastic product 53 Whole Foods bioavailable nutrients delivered in one serving one hole serving it's affordable, it's less than a cup of coffee a day. And by the way, it's back with a 100% money back guarantee. But I promise you're not gonna be asking for your money back. I've been using cardio miracle now for months and I promise you is now a staple of my my supplement regimen. So go ahead and get your order at cardio use code TBS at checkout or click the link here in your show notes one more time cardio miracle formulated to support immune and heart health for a better you. All right, Kenny. Let's get back to Vivek remise whammy as I'm sure Trump has inevitably called him behind the scenes. What do you see in a remake? Do you see Vivek being maybe Trump's VP pick on in Trump's cabinet? or dare I say 2028. Right. Is this opening the door for Vivek kind of taking over this Trump Magga 2020 2016 2020 movement? And I guess maybe bring it next step forward. Maybe being that coalescing figure to help bring in the disaffected libertarians or the disaffected conservative Aryans, in the GOP. Kenny, I said a lot. What are your thoughts?

Kenny Cody  
Potentially? I think he didn't matter what the next steps are. I mean, I think he definitely has a cabinet position locked down and he wants it. To be completely honest here. And this isn't a bad comment towards the vague or his heritage, his ethnicity or anything else like that. I find it hard to believe he'll be a VP pick solely because of his name. I mean, there's hardly any name recognition and Ramaswamy just doesn't mesh well, in terms of like you hear all these like Trump, Pence Biden, Harris Clinton, Kane, I mean, and then Trump knowing him or whoever he might end up picking is it doesn't doesn't doesn't flow very well made even by Trump. Kennedy is a little bit better if you want to go back to RFK Jr, being a cross party VP choice. So just it's the same thing as like that first name and last name be on the top of the ballot of the ball on the ballot. I just don't see that him being a paper absolutely and for a cabinet position with as chief of staff or Secretary of State or Ambassador to India or any of those positions come and float around with his name attached to the MCC, it's absolutely see that and let alone 28 kind of ramping up depending on who he chooses as his VP, because more than likely, if Trump wins the primary and the general election, of course, the VP for the next president more was more than likely going to be the GOP nominee if he wins in 2024. But I think the VEC the vache has a motive a very, very high chance of a lot of success in his party, I think he has realized that the National populist movement is the way the party is going to need to need to move going forward. I think he can tap into the potential. I mean, he has more charisma. I mean, my friend, Glenn Jacobs said he's one of the most charismatic people that he has ever met. Regardless who you like him, dislike him, agree with him, support him, whatever, doesn't really matter. But he controls the room when he is there. So I think he can he can get the right amount of donors, he gonna get the right amount of grassroot organization, he can get the right amount of support behind him for a position in the future. I think it's going to be very hard and difficult to defeat Donald Trump in a primary right now, which is why I think he has kind of aligned and defended Trump in a very good way. I think it could potentially set up his future. You know, in an interview and Newsmax Trump said, You mean, this guy's running against me? You know, I mean, Todd is reflecting upon, you know, how much he has cognitive Trump and saying that he's the reason that I'm, you know, he's the best present 21st century. He's the reason that I'm running. He's the reason that I got involved in politics. I mean, the vake has made comments like this. I mean, the first time he voted in a presidential election, which is one of his is probably nifty criticisms was in 2020. And, but I think a lot of that is because of Trump. I think a lot of that is because of them, seeing him seeing that the anti elitist, anti, Deep State class of the GOP and moving in the GOP, it really is happening, and we are the anti war party. Now it seems like at least for the most part least more than the Democrats at this point. We're the Populist Party, we're the ones who listen to the working man, we're the ones who are fighting the culture war to keep our children safe. We are the logical choice this point, if you are a sane person wanting to get into politics, and they'll have to kind of join this party that is embracing charged genital mutilation and higher taxes like that. That's what the Democrat Party currently is. So what I see in the future, I see Vivek either being a presidential candidate, I mean, potentially, maybe b2b choice if we go against my political philosophy of, you know, I last name mattering and an integer election maybe could be like Trump of the vague, you know, that that that could sound decently. I wouldn't be just shocked if he was the VP choice. I'd be a little bit surprised that it wasn't somebody like Christina lamb. But I would suspect that the Vic has a very, very, very high likelihood of success in his party regardless who decides to do he lives in a swing state like Ohio. He could always be a senatorial nominee, he could always be a gubernatorial nominee period. So I think I think he has absolutely future because I think he hits on the route issues. I think he's the best communicator, probably that I've seen, like you said, are the promises Ronald Reagan when it comes to explaining policy positions? He's one of the best that I've ever seen. I think the GOP is done with establishment politicians. I think they're done with the old guard GOP. And I think the vague represents the new era of the Republican Party now. I think he has a very, very high likelihood of success in this party.

Brian Nichols  
All right, Kenny, time to go towards our final thoughts. I will kick things off first and foremost, as we're recording today, happy birthday, Papa Nichols, my dear old dad celebrating his birthday today. That's number one. Number two, and I guess this is more of a, I don't know, a critique or rant of libertarians, which I have seemingly been having more of recently. I'm sure it'll mess up there. Sorry about that. So really, what I want to focus on here is when we're talking about the vague, right, Libertarians need to get out of their own way and embrace success when it happens. If Vivek in his current form had been let's say, the Libertarian Presidential nominee in circa 2012. Heck, even 2016 Right. Not only would many libertarians I would say darn near most libertarians, be okay with some of his flaws from a policy position. They would not only be okay with it, they would enthusiastically support him. Because to your point, Kenny, he is easily one of the best communicators. We've seen here on on the political stage when it comes to articulating kind of this bridge between the Maga Trump world, the Libertarian world and this conservative Aryan, kind of disaffected, disaffected, conservative world. So there's there seems to be a real heating up of this vague approach to politics. And libertarians could learn a thing because the vague more or less is promoting well, not a 100% libertarian philosophy. It's darn near the closest One we've heard from a GOP politician outside of what Rand and Ron Paul, I mean, who else has been promoting this much of a true small l libertarian approach to governance? Not many. And I think right there libertarians need to stop trying to let the pursuit of perfection be the enemy of just some type of progress. In this case, embracing the fact we have a guy on stage who's promoting border line, libertarian principles, if not overtly, in many cases, overtly libertarian principles, getting lots of support from people, not only in the GOP, but also folks I've heard outside of the GOP saying, Who was this vervaecke remise RAM guy? And I'm like, good question. Let's have a conversation because he's getting people to ask questions and getting people maybe who had been sitting on the sidelines to get involved. Heck, I've heard people who are excited the fact that he is 38. He is a millennial. He would be the youngest president ever elected and many people are tired of our government being run by what octogenarians. So maybe it's time for some young youth into young youth. That's double right there, some youth some young blood into the political establishment. So that's kind of my final thoughts as we wrap things up here, Kenny, what do you have for us on your end? And also where can folks go ahead find more awesome content like today's article over at Townhall?

Kenny Cody  
I'll promote a little bit first thing go into my final thoughts so you can find me on at Katie Cody, TN. I know I have a picture of Donald Trump's my profile picture because I'm standing with him after last night's booking but that is me. I promise you. I'll turn back to my my profile picture very soon. But my final thoughts, also, Muck rack is where my article archive is you can find me on there McCracken, Katie, Cody, my final thoughts a little bit common on the libertarian thing. I think that's what you know, Brian was saying the hesitancy to be a purist and not accept somebody's past, you know, comments or whatever it might be and embrace somebody that actually has that he is. I think a perfect example, probably one day Smith's not running for the Libertarian Party nomination for president out there. I think the the Libertarian Party has chased him off. And that's very unfortunate. I think Dave is one of the most influential libertarians that Republicans let me enjoy and would consider supporting, depending on the least supporting running for the Libertarian Party nomination, I can't promise that I would vote for him. But I would at least want the Libertarian Party to have a voice in that regard, because he is so good at what he does and as good as as good communicator as anybody for the Libertarian Party has been in the last 2025 plus years. But anyway, going into the vegan future in the party. You know, I think that there's a reason that the GOP voters have embraced this guy like he came from absolutely nowhere. I had never heard of who Vivek Ramaswamy was in my life before he ran for president. And now he is sticking in my mind as I can say right now for sure. Sure. 100% certain if Donald Trump was not running for the presidential nomination for the GOP, I would be voting for that Gomez saw me without a doubt in my mind, there isn't any any hesitancy that's who I would be voting for without a doubt in my mind. And I think because if somebody like me, who is I guess a libertarian ish, I mainly identify as a nationalist, populist, Republican, but somebody who has gets him out on a podcast like this because of the shared ideas that I share with the Libertarian Party, and that was shared with who those who embrace the libertarian ideology. I think that the future of the party is strong because somebody like Vivek, who is who is running absolutely nowhere. He is just different from the establishment. And that is exactly why he's succeeding. The Old Guard, the neoconservative establishment era of Republican politics is dead and gone, and it will stay that way. Hopefully, it may take a while for us to fully go away, you will always have your stragglers like Haley DeSantis, pants and others. And like I said, DeSantis was a great governor. But you're seeing this rejection in the scientists campaign, especially somebody who even tapped in a little bit to to the old guard, like saying I wouldn't be enough of the old guard to appeal to into modern Republicans. The GOP has resoundingly said it's not your time yet do you were influenced far too much by those in the background by the establishment Aryans that want to control our party and it is we've decided it's not your time. Sorry. We like to some somebody like perfect more. That's why the bidding Ron DeSantis if you remove Trump off of our polling and remove him and then ask you they want to support they say vague because he is tapping in to that to that base. So I think that the GOP is heading in the right direction. I again, I'll reiterate as I do every time on this podcast. I am a Trump man. I'll be voting and I've never been more inspired to vote for a man than I was last night when they when he released that vote. When they released that mugshot, I'm gonna be casting my vote for the political prisoner. That is Donald Donald Trump by by federalized, weaponized government. And I'm proud to be doing that. And I will re emphasize that every single time that up here on a podcast and I encourage you By us to do so, but I think the UK has a very very bright future in the party because he taps into the same base that inspired me to be Maga in the first place.

Brian Nichols  
And for everybody out there who is now a really shaking their fists at their TVs or cursing at their earbuds Kenny where can folks go ahead find you if they want to tell you exactly how they feel social media links hit us with it. Where are they? Where can they go ahead and reach out to you.

Kenny Cody  
You can send your hate mail to at Katie Cody T and on Twitter, Kenny Cody on Instagram and follow me on Facebook and you can you can always comment if you create a Newsmax profile or a townhall profile all the stuff that I encourage you to do so the national polls all those websites. Give us a subscription. Leave me a hate comment and I'll blow you kisses while you're going away.

Brian Nichols  
Kenny Cody it's always a pleasure, buddy. Follow me on social media And yes, that's that's Twitter folks and Facebook. You can follow me at BEA. Nichols Liberty also. Yes for the podcast itself. Where can you go ahead and find this amazing show? Well, we have video version of the show YouTube rumble and Ben swans, sovereign s o v r e n which, by the way, if you are watching us over on sovereign you're seeing today's episode before anyone else as a sovereign exclusive, but if you are joining us on the more traditional video platforms like your YouTubes Well, no worries. Go ahead. Do me a favor when you're here, hit that like button, but also hit that subscribe button if you haven't yet. And also if you want to go ahead and tell Kenny why you think he's crazy. Go ahead and reply in the comments here. We love seeing the comments from our fans. It's always great to hear your thoughts. And also folks if you did enjoy the episode, hit that like button actually helps the episode reach more folks in the algos, it helps more than you would know helps more than I actually understand. So thank you for doing your part there. And by the way, yes, we are an audio version of the show as well, which is over on the podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube music, wherever it is you consume your podcasts, just hit that subscribe button. And actually, if you want to go into the archives and catch over 760 other episodes of The Brian Nichols Show well, all you got to do is hit download all unplayed episodes, start with episode one, get to Episode 761 where we are today, and I guarantee you're gonna have hundreds of different guests, from economists, to elected officials, to political consultants to folks like Kenny, and of course yours truly and more who will leave you educated, enlightened and informed. So that being said, thank you for joining us. And of course one more shout out to our amazing sponsor, cardio miracle and by the way, if you are checking me out on the show right now you see me wearing our freedom is science Shermer. Go ahead and share that on the screen right about now. Go ahead and grab yours at Brian Nichols Forward slash shop freedom is sciences as Dr. Adrienne bidjan great guest here on The Brian Nichols Show, he talks about constructal law and how actually yes, Freedom actually is science. The idea that things want to move more freely is supported by science. So go ahead, get your freedom in science shirt today over at Brian Nichols forward slash shop hosted by our great supporters over at proud libertarian. Alright folks, that's all we have for you. So with that being said, Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show from our cardio miracle Studios. We're Kenny Cody. We'll see you next time.

Transcribed by

Kenny Cody Profile Photo

Kenny Cody


Chairman of the
Cocke County GOP.

Columnist for and

Representative-at- Large for The Tea Party Project.

Economics & English Teacher @ Cosby High School