July 29, 2023

752: Bidenomics EXPOSED - Inflation, Rising Costs, & Energy Crisis

Steve Hayes from @FairTaxOfficial exposes the truth behind Bidenomics, delves into the game-changing Fair Tax proposal, and uncovers the shocking developments surrounding Hunter Biden's plea deal rejection.

Join host Brian Nichols and special returning guest Steve Hayes in this explosive episode of The Brian Nichols Show, as they delve deep into the world of Bidenomics and its impact on the American economy. Discover the truth behind the marketing facade, as they reveal how inflation, rising costs, and soaring energy prices are silently crippling hardworking Americans.

But fear not! There's a glimmer of hope on the horizon—the Fair Tax proposal. Get ready to be blown away by this revolutionary plan to eliminate the income tax, personal corporate tax, payroll tax, and even the IRS! Imagine taking home 100% of your paycheck without any deductions! The proposal introduces a national retail sales tax on new goods and services, providing individuals with a prebate to cover fair taxes on essential purchases up to the poverty level for their family size.

This tax reform promises a more effective system that benefits everyone, regardless of income level. Say goodbye to reckless spending and hello to a brighter, economically stable future.

But that's not all! This episode also uncovers the shocking developments in Hunter Biden's plea deal saga. The implications of Biden's involvement in business discussions and the possible impact on his decision-making process are explored, along with the pressures mounting on his party's nomination.

Discover how the once-glistening name of the Biden family is losing its luster, causing a seismic shift in the political landscape. Learn about the growing demand for transparency, accountability, and an end to the corrupt practices of lobbyists.

Support The Brian Nichols Show and its mission for truth by using code "TBNS" for 15% off the Magic Money Tree Shirt.

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Brian Nichols  
Today we're digging into all things Biden nomics plus Hunter Biden rejecting a plea deal. And we're going to learn about the fair tax. So let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian, here on The Brian Nichols Show. Thank you for joining us for another fun filled episode. I am as always joining you live from our field here in lovely Eastern Indiana and joining us today from Thayer x.org. Once again, the one the only Steve A's. Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show,

Steve Hayes  
Brian, it's such a pleasure to be with you. I love your excitement, and I love your enthusiasm. So it's tremendous. So I'm happy to be here.

Brian Nichols  
Steve, we're so happy to have you back. Thank you for returning to the program. And obviously, I'm looking forward to digging into all things, not only topical news, but also talking about fair tax and all the great work, you guys are doing a fair tax.org. Now since we last spoke, Steve, candidly, between you and me and everybody else out there listening, we've actually been growing quite a bit here at The Brian Nichols Show audience. And with that, we're getting a lot of new listeners who maybe are unfamiliar with some of our past episodes. So for those new listeners, Steve do as a quick favor, reintroduce yourself and reintroduce FairTax. At org,

Steve Hayes  
I would be delighted to Brian, thanks, and congratulations on the new listeners and viewers. Basically, my name is Steve Hayes. I'm the chairman and president of Americans for fair taxation. And our website is fairtax.org. But we're working to do is to eliminate the way we now fund our government through the income tax, corporate and personal and through the payroll tax, where the government is requiring you to fill out all these forms where they take money out of your check before you see it. And where you end up with an enforcement agency that at best is tolerable, and at worst is very, very corrupt and abusive. And that's the IRS Internal Revenue Service. What we're proposing is that you eliminate the income tax, personal corporate, the payroll tax, and the IRS. And you do that with putting in a national retail, under underscore retail sales tax on new goods underscore new not the used car, not the used goods, but new goods and retail services, retail services or like haircuts, things of that type that year to retail level that you're getting, you get 100% of your paycheck. But you get a credit which we call a prepaid, which allows you to make purchases up to the poverty level for your family size. And using the typical family of four. The prebate means that the first $39,400 of retail new retail goods and services will not be subject to the fair tax. So you'll be able to get those products, do services up to $40,000 and pay no fair tax, then you pay the fair tax as you go above. Now, when you go to the store, Brian, you don't go to Walmart and say, Okay, I'm entitled to a credit, not gonna work that way. What you do is you go to Walmart, and let's say you're a family of four, and you have 12 months and spending roughly $3,300 a month and you go to the Walmart, you're gonna have your $3,300 not reduced by payroll tax or income tax. But that full amount of the check. And you're going to have an additional approximately $900 from the government, which will pay the fair tax on that $3,300 You're going to spend so you'll have it in your account before you go. You'll go to Walmart and say you spent all your money there. And you're going to be charged fair tax on everything you buy. Charity got the money to pay it. So you're going Be in the tax paying group, whether your income is 39,400 or 439,400, everybody's going to pay the tax is just that up to the poverty level, you're going to be reimbursed for the tax are actually pre inversed. So you don't have to pay it out of your spending money. So your family's not affected up to the poverty level. Anything above that are new goods and retail services, you're going to pay the fair tax sample collected by the states, who already have very efficient sales tax collection mechanisms in place. No IRS, no forms to fill out. You pay your taxes as you go. You don't ever have to look back. It's very simple.

Brian Nichols  
Very simple. I think a lot of folks listening here just had their, their ears definitely perk up a little bit, because it's a different approach. And it definitely puts more money back in the pockets of hard working American taxpayers. And speaking of which, we now turn our attention towards Biden nomics. Isn't this fun Steve biodynamics, which I mean, I don't know where on earth they would have gotten this amazing, amazing marketing ploy to try and get people to believe things are okay, from an economic standpoint, despite the fact that majority of Americans are resoundingly unhappy with the Biden administration's response to the economy. And here they go, again, trying to PR and market things away and make it look like things are actually getting better. Now, I don't think that's really the case. Do you think your average American will be as much to say as much truly because they go to the grocery store, they see the inflation still hitting the, you know, the shopping cart, they see the rising costs across the board, the rise in energy costs, you mentioned fuel, it's hurting your average person. And I think that's speaking to why so many people do not approve of Joe Biden and this Biden, Biden nomics, which again, I still just can't wrap my head around why they thought this was a good approach. But Steve, talked to us about what what Biden's trying to sell Biden nomics as and why it's not framed correctly?

Steve Hayes  
Well, I, I think it's, you know, frankly, it's not a typical for a politician, to try to make things appear to be something they're not, you know, it's the old adage, are you going to believe your lying eyes or me. And that's what Biden and the politicians want you to do. And part of it comes out of the arrogance sits in DC on both sides of the aisle, not just Biden, that thinks that people like Brian and Steve and all of the people listening and watching them, that we're just not quite smart enough to understand when we're really well off, they need to educate us, they need to tell us that we're doing well, because if they tell us we're doing well, then we're going to say, Oh, we must be doing well, we're not going to pay attention to the fact that we're paying more as you pointed out the grocery store, we're not going to pay attention that we're paying for gas. And so what 60 70% More per gallon, a buck and a quarter, a buck and a half per gallon more than we were paying two years ago, we're going to ignore that, you know, we're not going to worry about the fact that interest rates have gone up. And so when we try to go buy that car new or used and finance it, which most of us have to do, we're going to pay another 50 to $100 a month in car payments that we wouldn't have had to pay two years ago. We're going to ignore all that. And we're just going to say, oh, because these people smarter than us tell us it's okay. It must be okay. But remember, these are the people that brought you inflation. And they did it because of policies in DC, which have the idea that as long as you throw money at people, they'll shut up. And they don't realize that when you start throwing money at people, the natural economic progression is that you're going to have inflation. And we've had a lot of inflation. And we've had some prices go up that are never going to come back down. I mean, do you think for a minute that the companies that put fewer jellybeans in their bag, are going to charge so they could charge the same amount are going to increase the number of jellybeans and example but it's all over when you go shopping? If you look at it, that 13 ounce package you used to pay $1.50 for is now 11 ounces for $1.50. That's not going to change. That's their new packaging. And so what they've done is they've created this idea that Brian, we're supposed to believe that I'm not what we see. But the thing that's very aggravating to me about this is that even though they created the problem with reckless spending and reckless management of the spending, they want the American people to correct it. And here's why. Here's how they want it. They want the American people to feel pain, so they won't spend as much money. They want American people to not get income increases, sufficient to meet inflation. They want American people to have higher unemployment. They want people to lose their jobs, because obviously, if you've lost your job, you can't spend as much. All of these things are intended to make the economy worse. And what does that do to the ordinary American It's like that old saying, if Harry Truman's when your neighbor loses his job, it's a recession. If you lose your job, it's a depression. And this is something that is so incredibly wrong, Brian, that they should expect the American people to pay their bill, because they're the ones that created the bill. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve is not totally stupid. And they have put on the brakes to keep inflation down from looking at the cost. Look at what it's going to cost ordinary Americans, a lot of which is never going to go back to where it was. So this is Biden nomics. It's telling you, you're better off, but not showing you how you're better off. Because whenever they're asked to show you very seldom do they come up with an answer, unless it's well, people are getting more raises now. Okay, but how does that compare to inflation? Over the last few years, does that raise it may be okay for inflation this month? But what about the cumulative effect? Over the last two years? That's out of their conversation? And when the press secretary has asked questions like that, she moves on? Because he's I've already answered that. No, you didn't. You answered a different question. And so that is quite, I think, is a lot of the problem with by nomics, it'd be the same problem if Trump was in office, and he was doing the same kind of reckless things. With the spending, I'm not trying to just say it's only Biden, it's anybody that follows that idea that you can provide something for nothing. You know, they don't tell you that the spending on interest on the debt has gone up almost three times in the last four years. Because of the increase in the borrowing costs for the federal government, you've got t bills, that used to be one and a half percent that are now almost five and a half percent. And so you've got a situation where a lot of the money in the budget is being crowded out. I mean, some of the things that might have been really good, like rent repair,

Brian Nichols  
okay, infrastructure work, the things that government pretends that they're supposed to be actually taking care of,

Steve Hayes  
are some types of defense work, you know, but they are seeing that become less available because of the increased interest. So it's really a nightmare. Biden, nomics is being detest tably, named, you know, junk, because it deserves it. Because people are not as stupid as they want us to be. And they realize that things are not going well. And that we need to change radically. The direction we're going.

Brian Nichols  
Speaking of not doing well, what a transition this as a Hunter Biden, not doing too hot. So apparently, a judge rejected the plea deal. So now he was actually forced to plead not guilty. And apparently, his team is furious. And this all goes back to some of the charges that have been standing here. I think there's a gun charge some drug charges, and then it was also connecting to him, not registering as a foreign agent. So Steve, give us a little context here. What's going on with this whole Hunter Biden plea deal being being axed? And what does it really say it for the Biden's in general? Is this opening the door? For more, I guess, more eyeballs to start focusing in on the Biden family?

Steve Hayes  
I think so very much. So. I think that what's happened here is and I'll make a prediction a little while and tell you what I think may happen. But what's going to happen is that, you know, Biden has already walked back. His thing about I was never involved in any of this businesses. discussions or whatever, to now that I really wasn't involved in the business, you know, but and then she refuses to answer that it's different because it is. But I think what you're going to find is that more and more is going to come out in particularly when this gentleman testifies. On Monday, I think, where he was on the board of Burisma, which is the Ukrainian company where Biden was on the phone when they threatened to, in fact, Biden was supposedly threatened to if you don't fire this prosecutor, we're not going to give you all this us money. And so you've got situations that are going to be coming more and more exposed. And Biden, I believe, it may be a situation where Biden is going to have trouble running. And I've said this before. There's two parts about this, either. He's totally lying. And I think to some extent, he's certainly misrepresenting his row by or the more disturbing, actually, is that he doesn't really know that he's distorted, and he doesn't remember Brian, he doesn't remember that he was in these meetings. And that's the scariest part, because now we have a man who is running our country who has very, very heavy issues, mentally, that could impact any type of decisions that he makes. So it's very scary. And maybe even more scary is the fact that if he were to step down, or to be found to be incompetent, which is possible, perhaps, who's gonna step in right now, that's probably more scary to most people than Biden. So you've got a situation where I think this was going to be like the drip drip drip on Biden, and it's going to create a huge problem for him being nominated by his party. I think he may decide he needs to cut back but I think before he quits, because he wants to be the people, propping him up, want him to be president for their own reasons. And what I predict is that hunter who had in his plea agreement, most people don't know this. But in his plea agreement, not only did he get a play that you and I would not have gotten never charged with no jail time, no nothing. He got a waiver of immunity for lots of other things that were not even dated. So it would have been impossible after that plea agreement to go after him for any open payments. Like for example, according to the whistleblowers, the statutes still open on payments that he made to prostitutes that he wrote off his business expenses

Brian Nichols  
that go honus on him to think he could go ahead and do that.

Steve Hayes  
Yes, that's, that's because he's privileged, you know, politicians believe that because they're public servants, that their family is entitled to lean. And I'm not talking about just buying. I could name Republicans, Democrats, Krantz who play this game, their wife works for a company and gets paid three or four times what they should be paid. Why? Because she's married to a member of Congress. You know, their charity gets like the Clintons, you know, all that money that was donated to their charity, when she was Secretary of State, come on, you know, look at what's been donated, since she's out of office, like 1% of what it was when she was in office, there was a reason it was being donated. So it's not just the Biden's. But what I actually think is going to happen, Brian, is you're going to see Hunter Biden, in the next, maybe soon agree to a plea deal, which involves six months or a year of prison. It's going to be at a country club. But I think he's got to take one for the team. Because if he's willing to do that, and the judge accepts it, then a lot of this will go away. And even though he got away with yours being closed, that shouldn't have been on his tax evasion. There's still enough points in there, that if he does that, and he pleads to it and he pays money back, he's gonna pay money. He put some money back, then, I think it could stop the drip, drip drip, turn off the faucet, because Biden says, you know, my son paid the price like all Americans, he went to jail, they he'll go to a country club, you know, you'll be there eight, nine months, a year, you know, 10 months a year maybe and probably play tennis mostly, or whatever it is that they do play golf. And he'll dry it out and hopefully come back, you know, a better person. But I think that's going to be the way that they try to stop the drip and protect by whether that's actually going to protect him between now and the nomination. I don't know. But I know that's what they want. The reason that it hasn't happened more pressure, in my opinion before this, is because of who's in the wings? Yep. You know, he had a very smart thing. He picked the one candidate that was running, that nobody wanted to be president. The Democrats and I too. So if they went, they got me they have tomorrow, and a lot of them aren't gonna take him. I mean, I'm serious. You hear about this being talked about different things. They don't, they're more afraid of Tamala than the people managing Joe. While camallo would really hurt their party more than Biden was.

Brian Nichols  
And that's why I think there's so much there's so much focus on who else could be the nominee. Right. I think that's why there was such a focus on RFK juniors campaign. I think that's why you see, folks like, as we talked about here today, right? You have folks like Gavin Newsom, for example, who's who's kind of paying attention, Kamala Harris, who's paying attention. I've heard even people have mentioned Michelle Obama, right. So like, the Democrats, I think they definitely know that the Biden name, it's losing it's, it's losing its luster, right? Because Because now once people see it, they can't unsee it. And it looks really rough, right? I mean, your average person hears this story, and they're like, ooh, that's dirty. And it really does speak to, in this case, the Biden name, and how about this, we'll do this as last or final thoughts here. As we're getting toward the end of the episode, I'll kick things off, Steve. Like this speaks to the old political establishment kind of like it really just getting the one last gasp of breath and then coming down in a blaze of glory with the Biden family. In this case, we've seen dynasty after dynasty where there was the Biden's the bushes, the Clintons really fizzle out over the past few years and lose their control on the American political system, relatively compared that is, especially to what it used to be. And that speaks to not just where the political parties are, but where the electorate is. The average American voter, both on the left and the right, I believe are done with these establishment figures for the most part, especially as we're getting closer to Gen Z really getting more involved in the political process. And what will that do to the political process? Lord only knows we've had folks in the show who've outlined the pros also outlined the cons. So there's a lot that we need to pay attention to. But with all that being said, it is interesting to see that despite all that change, you do see that one of the constants in the change is a rejection of the establishment a rejection of the status quo, and frankly, a rejection of the corruption that stems from being you know, the son of a politician, or, you know, the best friend of a politician. It's, it's corrupt, it's dirty, and people are tired of it. That's my final thoughts. Steve, what do you have on your end?

Steve Hayes  
Well, my final thoughts are, you've got, you've had lobbyists, as long as you've had government, you know, you had lobbyists to the French castle for Louis, the 14th. And all the way through that. And so you're gonna have lobbyists trying to get something for somebody from government, as long as government has the ability to pass out favors. You know, it's called rent seeking. It's very common, and it happens. But what I believe your point is, and I think it's really good is that we've got so much more communication, and so much more awareness of what these people are doing, that there's something fundamentally wrong with most Americans thinking that you're going to sell your position to benefit your family, or someone else when you're supposed to be there working for the American people. You're not supposed to be there going in as a poor man and walking out, multimillionaire and a lot of these people have done exactly that. You know, they've owned parts of a business that their family owned, and their family business suddenly got all these government contracts. Ha ha ha. You know, Harry Reid, in Las Vegas was famous for that. All these casinos, all these building contracts his family got while he was Saturday, and he walked out a very, very wealthy man, when he'd come in with nothing. So people are Seeing that the reporting is up, there's a bill in Congress right now, bipartisan, it may not pass because they're just scared to death of it, which forbids members of Congress to trade stock while they're in, even to a blind trust, because so many of them make money effect effectively going ahead of us because they have information about changes that are take place that we don't have. So they're insiders. And even though maybe not technically, insiders, from the SEC point of view, they get an unfair advantage. So their family money grows, whereas we may end up being on the other side of it, and losing money in our 401 K, or IRA. So it's a system that's going to change. And that's why the FairTax is so frightening to them also, because we take the power out of their hands just out of a bureaucrats hands, they can't assess the tax, they can't grab the money. Before Brian gets it. Right and gets the money. He decides how much tax to pay by how much he spends. So we get power back to the people. We take power away from the federal government, we let the states collect it and pay the federal government. We change the way Washington works. And we make lobbyists have to hustle to figure out a new way to extort money from their clients, because he won't be able to tax.

Brian Nichols  
The organization is the Americans for fair taxation fair tax.org. Steve, it's always a pleasure having you on the show. And folks, if you enjoy the episode, well, you know the drill, please go ahead and give today's episode a share. When you do, please tag yours truly at B. Nichols. Liberty, Facebook, Twitter is where you can find me, Steve, where can folks go ahead and find you, they want to continue this conversation over on social media.

Steve Hayes  
Well, on social media go to fairtax.org. And all the links are there. And but I reason I say go to vertex.org, you can go to our Facebook vertex page as well. But if you go to fairtax.org, we've gotten a lot of information. We've got some short videos that really helped explain the concept and answer any questions they may have. And we'd love for them. If they look at it, and they like it, to join us to sign up, get our newsletters, you know, become a contributing member, obviously, everybody wants you to do that. But we want more people are aware of this so that when we get the opportunity to go to Congress, next election, we want to have a lot more people asking their member, Congressman, so and so are you in favor of the IRS? Do you believe we should have an IRS? Or do you believe we should eliminate him and collect taxes a different way that's better for us. And that's what we need to do to get change.

Brian Nichols  
All right, Steve, we're gonna have to go ahead and leave things there. But as always, this is just another pin in the conversation, we will always be happy to have you back on the show. Always a great conversation. And also folks, by the way, I know I saw all of you out there. You're watching us. You're on the YouTube show. And you're like, what's that shirt that Brian's wearing? Well, that is my magic money tree shirt, which you can go ahead and find over at our shop at Brian Nichols show.com forward slash shop because yes, the magic money tree is in fact the fed with our magical unicorn and leprechauns. So if you want to go ahead and get your shirt, we'll head over to our store one more time. Brian Nichols show.com forward slash shop use code TBNS at checkout 15% off your order. And if you're joining us here on the YouTube version of the show, I will include that link in the description as well. And by the way, yes, I did mention YouTube but we're also on rumble and we're on Ben swans, independent media sovereign s o v r e n. So if you want to go ahead and supporters over there, not only will you be supporting independent creators, but also you'll be able to see today's episode before anyone else as a sovereign exclusive. So I will see you guys over there. But if you are joining us on the traditional YouTube as well please do me a favor hit that like button number one number two, hit that notification button and hit the subscribe button so you don't miss a single time we go live and as a reminder, the episodes Yes, we are a podcast as well. So whether it's Apple podcasts, YouTube, Music, Spotify, wherever it is, you get your podcasts. Do yourself a favor, hit that subscribe button, but also it download all unplayed episodes. Why? Because we've had hundreds of guests here on the show, over 750 episodes of the program. So I guarantee that just like today's episode, one of them if not more, are going to leave you educated, enlightened and informed. So with that being said, that's all we have for you today. Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Steve Hayes. We'll see you next time.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Steve Hayes Profile Photo

Steve Hayes

Chairman & President

Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the 1st organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways & Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums.

Steve Hayes, Esq. Profile Photo

Steve Hayes, Esq.

Tax Attorney & Chairman of Americans For Fair Taxation - FairTax.org

Steven L. Hayes - Florida
Chairman & President

Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the 1st organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways & Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums.