647: The Twitter Files - FBI EDITION (Insights & Analysis)
In this episode, host Brian Nichols is joined by special guest Olivia Rondeau to discuss the latest developments in the world of Twitter.
In this episode, host Brian Nichols is joined by special guest Olivia Rondeau to discuss the latest developments in the world of Twitter.
We delve into the latest Twitter files and discuss the relationship between the platform and the FBI, as well as the various details that have come to light about the inner workings of the company. We also explore the impact that Twitter has on political discourse and the role it plays in shaping public opinion.
We also discuss her new new podcast, "Undoctrination", which is set to launch on January 19th. This show aims to reach out to young people, Gen Z, women, and minorities and promote the message that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to ideology.
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Brian Nichols 0:18
The Twitter files part 7677. I don't know we lost count. Let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, happy to sit there both Brian, you're on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on a horse that a fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host, thank you for joining us live from our Stratus ip Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana. Don't let cyber attack attacks or outdated Business Technology put your company at risk. Learn more at the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash Stratus ip All right. Twitter files. Yeah, I lost count because it seems like every other day we're having a new release of files. But every new release of files tongue in cheek aside, yes is important. A lot of really important stuff coming out in terms of the details between the Twitter of yesteryear, not even yesterday or yesterday month, and the FBI and to talk about some of those inner workings behind the scenes. Joining us once again, good friend of the show, Olivia Rondout. Welcome back to the program.
Olivia Rondeau 1:36
Hello, thank you for having me.
Brian Nichols 1:38
Absolutely. Olivia, thank you for returning to the show. We have lots to talk about in the world of Elon Musk and his Twitter. But before we get there, let's do the audience a favor. And that is reintroduce yourself to the audience. We have a lot of new folks here who have joined The Brian Nichols Show over the past few months since you were last in the show when I think we are talking about how to talk about abortion without killing one another. So a little bit of a topic. But yeah, since we last had you on the show, you're starting a brand new podcast on doctrine nation. I mean, that's pretty darn cool. So talk to us about that know what else is happening in the world of Olivia? Rondout?
Olivia Rondeau 2:14
Sure. Well, yeah, thank you so much for having me back. Sorry. It's been so long. I try. Um, so I've been a contributor to the Foundation for Economic Education for over a year now. And we have been working on this podcast called indoctrination basically like indoctrination, but with you for several months. It's launching January 19. And I'm so excited. My co host is Maggie Anders. So if you don't know check her out on Twitter Liberty Anders. She's the best another great contributor to be really important voice for liberty. And basically I know everyone's like, Oh my God, no, not another like libertarian podcast. But I I think it's something different. I really do. There's not a lot of libertarian podcasts where it's like too young 20 Somethings, there's not a lot of females and libertarian, like messaging on podcast and like show space. And we're I think we're gonna bring something new and fresh to the table definitely want to be catering or show to young people to try and be really relatable to like Gen Z. women, minorities, as well as you know, people who already consider themselves libertarians, but we really want to reach people who may have heard of libertarianism and may be trying to understand what it is and decide if it's for them. And also, you know, I guess for me personally promote the message that there's no like one size fits all answer. So I know there's a lot of people like there's no true Scotsman like, there's so many fake returns out there. You're not a real libertarian. I'm not a real libertarian. I'm more of a conservative terian. So I just want to let people know like, that's okay, you have to fit into a box. I've never put into a box. This podcast is about, you know, indoctrinating yourself because both me and Maggie used to be like, the tumbler kids like back in middle school like social justice warrior. So yeah, I won't get too much in the magazine, because it's hard to tell. But it's really funny. So you guys should really check out the podcast next month.
Brian Nichols 4:06
So talk to us about in your talking about some of the stuff you're doing behind the scenes with reaching out to specifically folks who aren't in the liberty movement, right to begin with. And I think that's something that we have to do better. Something we're trying to do here on the show with sales, marketing, and such is reaching out to people that maybe are already on board, but are in that they're considering alternatives range, which is good, because the biggest competition we're facing is status quo, people just sticking with whatever it is that they're comfortable with. So I guess when you're looking out to those folks, what are some of the main issues that you're seeing Olivia in terms of issues that just aren't being addressed right now by the red team or blue team that we can do a better job of not just in terms of communicating our solutions, but actually having solutions that solve those problems?
Olivia Rondeau 4:53
For sure, for sure. So sometimes I even wonder myself like how didn't even end up in this space because there was hardly any The outreach to get people like me and so I see there are Zoomers, in the space. It's great to see other young people like in Young Americans for Liberty and see, you know, in the in these organizations, but I would say that the people that a lot of these organizations reach historically and that's me even criticizing some of the messaging that I've put out, because I feel like a lot of it did not reach the intended audience. And maybe the problem is that a lot of people don't have Gen Z, or young women or minorities in mind as their intended audience. And that's why a lot of messaging goes to boomers who tend to be the bigger donators, so I get that for a lot of libertarian think tanks, organizations and publishing houses. It's a business decision. But we're going to lose this country if we if we don't market and if we don't cater to the young people. So my, what I think that would just a couple examples, I think would be effective is like, you know, as a young black woman, I feel like I was more drawn into the libertarian space a lot by people like maj Turay, who, you know, have their slogan or organizations like black guns matter that like it's okay. We don't have to be like colorblind, we don't have to be like the boomer Republicans like, oh, I don't see color. I don't care if you're black, green, purple or white? Like, yes. Like, I I'm glad you're not racist, like, uncomfortable about talking about, like, it's okay. It's okay. You can say black, you don't have to say like African American or people of color, like it goes on both sides. But yeah, like, you can provide an agenda, you can provide talking points, so you can provide strategy to black people, you can say things like black friends matter, and it's not alienating. It's not racist, you know, you can you can say you can explicitly say you're trying to reach out to us, and people will respond to that. And I think people are scared of that. And I say, like, look at the Democrats, oh, my God, that, like every time like, it's not really a super Democrat thing, but every time it's like Juneteenth or Black History Month, or something, there's always this debate. And I don't even know like really who specifically it is. But there's always this debate. I'm not saying it's centralized libertarian Twitter, because it's definitely more of a overarching, like, Republican Boomer thing. But like, Why say black? Why not? Can we just have a every everyone day everybody, man, the white people in this room? I'm like, Okay, are you guys really about black? You know, black outrage? Are you really colorblind? Because it seems like you you have issues with that. So for that I'm the minority for I think, like, just be explicit, just say who you're trying to reach, come up with specific plans for specific groups of people. And I understand that libertarians have a knee jerk reaction to collectivist thinking and I empathize with that. But I think where the difference is, is unlike identity politics, collectivism versus individuality, it just acknowledging that race exists and that, you know, it's a thing in our society that we should acknowledge is like, you know, me saying I'm black, or I'm pro black, or I have pro black politics, that doesn't mean I'm a Democrat, Republican, you can't really tell necessarily where I align or what I am or what I consider myself that statement, but saying, Oh, you're black, so you have to vote Democrat, or you're black. So you have to vote libertarian, or you're black. So that's, to me, the true evil of collectivism. And so that that's not what I'm about at all. And so when people you know, on the other sides say, well, like you're stepping out of line because of course, like, you know, I go hard on libertarians and Republicans and conservatives because I feel like I am one of you guys. So it's tough love. But of course, of course, of course. On the other side, I get called like Khun Uncle Tom, like you're betraying your race. So like, don't take this as me like saying, Oh, my God, Libertarians like a black Irish because Democrats second to two Democrats. Second, it's so bad, like I will I it's it's so comical, but I say I'm critical of libertarian and like, you know, Liberty in general messaging because I want it to work, you know,
Brian Nichols 8:51
oh, trust me. I know. That's what we do here. And it's an uphill battle it feels at times. And speaking of uphill battles, talk about a segue. I know. Let's look over at our good old friend there. Elon Musk, the new CEO and owner of twitter.com Oh, my goodness, it's been interesting to see what has transpired over the past month or so. And it's a lot of stuff that I think we all kind of in our gut, and I mean, just by anecdotal evidence and data we knew was happening but now all the stuff that we said was happening from conservative libertarian censorship to the COVID, misinformation air quotes been put down from the government from the top down to now a direct channel with some funds being exchanged between Twitter and the FBI. Olivia, what's been going on this latest dump
Olivia Rondeau 9:48
files. First of all, don't you feel so vindicated? Like everything we've been saying
Brian Nichols 9:54
is true. All those conspiracy theorists who just ended up being turned into kids Here's the truth. This I don't know, like, what are we now? Because everything we said was right. We're the
Olivia Rondeau 10:04
truth tellers. I don't know how to say it. But yeah, so it's crazy that the Twitter drop have been most paying attention to the last 24 hours is one that dropped yesterday that basically share showed that $3.4 million since 2019, I believe, was shared from the FBI to Twitter for basically handling their requests, you know, so when they said, Hey, can you take down this tweet about the Hunter Biden laptop story? Can you ban this account? Can you ban this account talking about, you know, misinformation, or COVID? That's they were getting paid to do that, with our taxpayer dollars. So it's horrible. And, you know, we've been saying this, we've been alluding to this, we have been outright calling for investigations into this for some time. And, you know, I commend Elon Musk and I and it's been crazy. It's been a wild ride. And he's made some other really interesting drops. You know, like Twitter flagging certain conservative and like, right leaning accounts and stuff like that. And it's, it's all bad. But to me, this was probably the worst is, is the government using our stolen taxpayer dollars to censor information related to the son of a government official? In order to cover up crimes like that is a crime. It's a horrible crime. So yeah, I am feeling very vindicated, very validated. But the question is, Will something come of this? Here we go, you know, so I've been like trolling the mainstream media, looking at their pages, who's talking about AI? Let's see, who's sharing the Twitter files. Already. Barry Weiss has turned against Elon. So we know it's not like you know, even some of the lefty journalists who are more moderate and independent who Ilan trusted are like, you know, your, your unearthing a little bit too much here. You're flexing too much power here. And I think it's a cop out. I think it's a cop out. They don't want to acknowledge it. Yeah, it's, it's sad. So I mean, we'll see what happens. But I'm, I'm trying to, I'm trying to come out of my black pill phase recently, I was gonna say this before we went live. But I've been like, part of the reason why I've been like, kind of having a rough time like this, because I'm black pilled. So I really, I really want to believe something will come out of this. And I'm really trying to rise above and take the white pill. But we'll see. We'll see. I'm hopeful I'm gonna try to remain hopeful that something of this.
Brian Nichols 12:28
And I get it right, it's so it's so tough. And you look around. And there are so many Americans out there who not only want to be told what to do. But in many cases want to be the ones telling others what to do. And it almost goes inherently opposite to our ethos as libertarians because we inherently believe, say when they folks don't hurt people and don't take their stuff, which by their nature make sense. And we're on board with that. But the problem is that there is a a core group of other people out there who they don't care about that not only do they not care about that, their philosophy is to harm people and to take their stuff. And they will use government to do that. So I guess this opens up the conversation we've seen right now to you. This is beyond the Twitter files, but you just the general conversation between libertarians versus conservatives. And we're seeing this on I think it was just over on Tim cast between Michael Knowles. And who was it over there? I forget who else was on the podcast? Was it Ian Bateson was that? Yeah. But basically, they were going back and forth between it was Luke, it was Luke. Yeah. And they were going back and forth between Oh, you know, what, what's the answer right now? Is it is it? Do we, as a society, do we use government force when it's trying to enforce our societal good, right, in terms of when you just had some things
Olivia Rondeau 13:55
that always corrupts it just always correct. Right. And that was the
Brian Nichols 13:59
libertarian argument, but then like, there's like the well, what about the stuff you're like, but that's just like common sense. And they use the example of a little old lady, you know, for example, he was getting hit by a bus or something like that, versus like giving somebody 100 bucks, like giving somebody 100 bucks just obviously is a better thing to do. But you you would look to say like, well, how can you prevent the little lady from getting hit by the bus and like, do everything you can in your power to prevent that. So And to your point, though, right, it always goes down into this this downward spiral this this slippery slope, right? It is a slippery slope. I remember back in college being told the slippery slope argument was wasn't real, right? That's a logical fallacy, and Oh, no. 2023 2020 10 So oh my god.
Olivia Rondeau 14:43
I really hate that it's real because I really I didn't like when conservatives would start to harp on gay marriage and be like, Well, look, we let the gays have marriage and now there's like, trans kids and drag queen children and that of that of that. And I'd be like, Yo, like my Every gay person is like that. But then I thought about I was like, Well, I don't think they're necessarily saying that they think every gay person was like that, because that would just this is a nonsensical thing to say. So, anyone who's arguing good faith when I believe that or argue that, but if you look at how fast society began to accept things that were just not acceptable 2030 years ago, like, I don't even know if I would be considered a conservative in the year 1990 For believing the things that I believe, which is like, you know, don't give you a sex assignment. reassignment surgery to a child, don't strap and put on a drag show where there is money being thrown and men and thongs in front of a child like to seems like common sense. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.
Brian Nichols 15:57
But seriously, like, what why is this? Why is and I guess, is it the Overton window has been switched so much, Olivia, like, I look back to even when I was in college, too, when I was in high school, and just the pendulum has swung so far, where what was considered just normal, jokey conversation is now considered hate speech. And I mean, Mindy Kaling from the office saying that the Office couldn't be made now because we're too or too sensitive, but also in the way in choosing endorsing that behavior that and that kind of canceled culture. And it's like, no, no, we we, I can still watch the office, we can still watch the office and laugh to quote Michael Scott, there is no such thing as an offensive joke. That's why it's called a joke. Like, we have to be able to get back to be a society that can laugh again. But it starts with us looking and I think also acknowledging what just happened, like the gaslighting and the the constant fighting back and forth. Who was it? Tim Robbins? Yeah, Tim Robbins. He just came out and basically said, Hey, sorry for you know, saying that if you didn't get vaccinated that you're like, one step to the right of Hitler. Yeah, we were. We were little incensed, and tensions
Olivia Rondeau 17:12
were high. And then people like that I like thank you actually apologizing, hurting
Brian Nichols 17:16
the conversation at least having some means of having at least I'm not asking for anything of financial recourse, but at least like some societal recourse of like a non relocation get
Olivia Rondeau 17:27
reparations, though.
Brian Nichols 17:28
Well, we could go on and on. That's another podcast
Olivia Rondeau 17:33
COVID reparations.
Brian Nichols 17:35
That would be a whole different podcast we could do. And that definitely sparked some, some conversation there. But seriously, like, I think we are at a point now where back to your original point with, you know, on doctrine ation. But also, this kind of goes hand in hand with Twitter files here me how I frame this. There are people who are now opening up to the the idea and the possibility of doing things differently politically, whether it's folks who they've experienced something over the past name, how many years whether it's been through the COVID and Sandy, whether it's been through the you know, the Black Lives Matter and Sandy, whether it's been through you name, the social uprising and upheaval we've had over the past 20 3040 5060 years, whatever it may be, that now all sudden, they're on board or they're opening up a way of doing things differently. They're on board. They're what let's have conversations with them, but also the people who are seeing what's happening with Twitter files, and they're like, Oh, God, that was a dumpster fire now, are there folks on the left that are gonna be like, Yeah, this is nothing. This is a big nothing burger. But there's a lot of average people who are like, whoa, what that's it there are and back to you getting away from the black pill and taking that white pill. Thank you for that. I appreciate you wanting the optimistic side of things, because I think there is a chance because once we talk about this a sales Olivia. Once people see it, they can't unsee it, regardless of how much they can ignore it and pretend they didn't see it. Once they see it, they can see it. So I think as many seeds as we can plant as many people as we can expose truth to, we're going to have more success because yes, we are the truth tellers.
Olivia Rondeau 19:16
I you know, I'm actually in the middle of writing a piece right now, which I'll post the link and stuff when it's published. But it's about my steps to beating the black pill and I acknowledge I'm not perfect, I go through periods of time where I'm like, I'm scrolling on Twitter, you know, when it gets to like the desk role, where it's like, it's 1am you should be asleep, you got work in the morning. You're just online consuming. All this information is like an overexposure to everything bad is happening the world, including, you know, seeing what's behind the curtain, you know, what's behind the smoke and mirrors in our own government and you feel like, at least for me, I get this feeling that society is so broken and so gone and so helpless. And I started these kind of mindful activities like feeling great one, feeling grateful. I think that's the most important part is realizing that we're living in the best time in the world, and arguably the best nation in the world. For me, you know, as a young black woman, I'm like, there's really no better time for me to have been alive in America than right now. So I'm like, starting to feel gratitude. Think about the progress we've made. recognize yourself a long way to go. And, you know, it is what it is you can't give up. And so I think that when you, you know, when you really take the black pill, you, you end up giving up and we just can't do that. We can't afford to do that.
Brian Nichols 20:34
So traditionally, we do like Final thoughts, but I don't know that was a pretty good way to wrap up a final one. So I think we're gonna leave the actual meat of the episode there. Olivia, thank you for joining us. And how about this? Instead? We'll go ahead and we'll direct people to where they can go ahead and find you continue the conversation, social media, and obviously where they can go ahead and subscribe to the new podcast on doctrine nation over from fi.
Olivia Rondeau 21:01
Yeah, okay. So go follow me on Twitter at Rando Livia, that's aro N D, au li vi A, and then go to feed.org/indoctrination It's like how you spell indoctrination, but with you and sign up for updates, so you can get the emails and all the articles rewrite. And then also the YouTube channel, same name. There's nothing I don't think Yeah, but subscribe. The first episode will be coming out January 19.
Brian Nichols 21:26
January 19. Right around the corner. Well, folks there you go ahead. There's your call to action. And beyond that, if you could do me a favor, go ahead and give today's episode a share. When you do tag Yours truly, and tag Olivia as well. And by the way, if you are one of the 95% of the other folks out there who are listening to us on the podcast version of the show, going to make it easy for you to go to your podcast catcher kick kitsch click there we go the artwork there in The Brian Nichols Show artwork, I'll bring you over to our website, where you can find today's episode, Episode 647. One. And you can also find all the transcripts as well as all the show links that we mentioned here for finding Olivia as well as the new podcast. And by the way, folks, did you know that right now Candidate School is open? Yes, starting in January Candidate School will officially be starting. So if you are running for local office, you're thinking about running for office, and you're looking for help. Listen, I get it. political consultants live it. I mentioned this earlier, it's like a incestuous game in party politics where it's 10s of 1000s of dollars to get somebody to help you out. So I said, You know what, we're gonna get rid of that barrier to entry. You know, we're gonna do 995 a month. How about that 995 To learn the basics of fundraising, messaging sales strategy for political campaigns? How do you have an effective fundraising call? How do you go ahead and build effective messaging for your voters and actually focus on the issues they care about, we're gonna have elected officials who won their elections, but we're also gonna have candidates who lost their elections because Olivia, I believe you can learn just as much from those who lost as you do from those who won. So if you're interested, folks, it's for our candidate school head over the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash Candidate School link will be there at the top of the homepage at the website if you go that route. And then other things. One last thing, I swear I'll shut up after this video version of the show. Yes, YouTube, Rumble and Odyssey wherever it is that you go ahead and consume your video content. All I asked you to do hit that subscribe button, and little notification bell so you don't miss a single time we go live five days a week with awesome guests like we have here with our good friend Olivia. Rondout. Olivia, thank you for joining us. Any final words for the audience today?
Olivia Rondeau 23:39
Um, take the white pill.
Brian Nichols 23:41
Take the white pill. I love it. All right, Olivia. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. And to you, our amazing audience of The Brian Nichols Show. This is our last interview for the holidays. And that's it's gonna be a couple of one on one episodes where you're yours truly. And you're the audience talking about some sales tips and strategies. So beyond that guests will pick up in the new year so other than otherwise, please do us a favor hit that subscribe button so you're not missing a single episode. But with that being said, Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Alinea. Rondout we'll see you later.
Disembodied Voice of Matt Ultan, Vocal Artist Extraordinaire 24:11
Thing to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols show.com
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Olivia Rondeau
Hazlitt Fellow Member of FEE Staff
I’m a political science major at the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, where I’m also a member of the wrestling team. In addition, I am an independent political commentator and social media influencer with many conservative and libertarian leanings. I do freelance writing, video, as well as political grassroots work.