556: Meet the CYPHERPUNK STOCKBROKER Running for US Senate in New Hampshire!
Bruce is running on a platform of privacy, decentralization, and digital freedom. In this episode, we talk about his campaign and how the principles behind those ideas can change our world.
On today's episode, I'm joined at Young Americans for Liberty's Revolution 2022 by Bruce Fenton, Republican candidate for US Senate and cyberpunk stockbroker!
Bruce is running on a platform of privacy, decentralization, and digital freedom. In this episode, we talk about his campaign and how the principles behind those ideas can change our world.
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Brian Nichols
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Right and welcome here at The Brian Nichols Show. I am your humble host, Brian Nichols. Today we're doing things a little different reporting live from Young Americans for Liberty revolution 2022. Today, I am joined by US Senate candidate for the great state of New Hampshire, the Free State live, free or die, Bruce Fenton, welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.
Bruce Fenton
Thanks a lot. Thanks for having me.
Brian Nichols
Absolutely. Looking forward to this conversation. And thank you for obviously, putting your name out there running for office, one of 11 Republicans running for office in New Hampshire, you got to talk to me, Bruce, what got you saying you know what, I'm gonna put my name out there, and you're coming from the Bitcoin community to put your name out there ran for political office?
Bruce Fenton
Yeah, it's crazy. I can't believe I did it myself. But I just looked at the way the world is right now. And I think we're in an important time in the way the world is. And we're either gonna go down a path of tyranny, or down a path of freedom, and I figured I have to be there, I have to be there, there's gonna be a lot of important things happening over the next six years. And I didn't want some kind of socialist tyrant in that office for another six years.
Brian Nichols
So when you you're sitting out, you're on the sidelines, and we've seen over the past two years, especially things have gotten really rough. And I've seen this myself, where some folks who traditionally didn't enter into the critical conversation, they there was like, one thing that really triggered it, for a lot of them, it was COVID. Was there anything that kind of like, was the I guess, the launching off point for you that moment? That was like, Yeah, you know what, I have to take a step and get politically involved. Yeah,
Bruce Fenton
the and I always make a point to make sure it's, it's not COVID. It's the reaction to COVID COVID didn't cost a single job. COVID didn't lock down a single business COVID didn't cause a single problem, it was the reaction to COVID the politicians reaction was the problem. And that that was one of the biggest things, I've always been big on freedom, and against tyranny against government control against centralized powers. And to see what they did, I never believed in my country, that we would have a scientist have the ability to tell you, you can't work or tell somebody, they have to stay home from their gym, or somebody needs, it needs an injection in their arm, these things are totally foreign in a free and moral society and total and should be totally foreign in America. So I couldn't believe that that happened. So that was kind of like, I'm gonna leave me alone as type of person who just wants to be left alone. But Enough is enough. And they've pushed us too far. And now we need to send a message back and write this, this mess that they've made.
Brian Nichols
Absolutely. And one of the things I think it's inspiring is that we're seeing, I'm gonna call you an average person, because you're not average by any stretch of the imagination. And I think we're seeing the more people like you, that entrepreneurial spirit folks who they've pretty much gone along with what's been going on for a while. But now, again, there's that moment, you're like, you know what, it's time to get into the fray. And I've seen, you know, people hear moms who have been arrested for defending their kids in school. Over the past few years, you've seen parents, school boards, who have gotten the federal government going after them. So to even stand against the narrative, it's not popular, and yet you're taking the stand. Obviously, I mentioned earlier, you're coming from the background in the Bitcoin community. So let's kind of rewind a little bit and go back to there. What was your experience in the Bitcoin community as you're you're kind of building up your experience and then obviously, bring that to running for US Senate in New Hampshire? Yeah, there's
Bruce Fenton
a lot of overlap. I originally found out about Bitcoin from the Free Staters, the Free Staters in New Hampshire, the Erik Voorhees, Roger vere and Charlie Shrem, way back in 2013 2012. They were they spoke at pork fest about about Bitcoin, and talked about how it was an alternative to the broken fiat system. So there's always been in our earliest roots in you know, 2012 and the, you know, those early era when I got into Bitcoin, it was it was almost all libertarians and AMCAP it was, it was people who understand money, they understand Fiat, a lot of Ron Paul fans, and then little by little, it became, you know, a bigger and bigger community. So there was more and more people that, that, that that got involved with it, but that those Liberty roots, those roots of voluntary interaction and peace, I think are really a core and important part of the Bitcoin community. And and what Bitcoin is all about this is uh, this is a way to have a better form of money. It's a it's a form of money that you don't need that tyranny and central control that we have with the broken fiat system. This is a voluntary type of money that the people can decide what has value which is actually the way it's been for 1000s of years. You know, there was no fed 1000 years ago telling anybody that gold was worth something that people figured out that gold was worth something, and it was borderless, just like Bitcoin.
Brian Nichols
Yep. Well, in the audience here at the program, they just heard this conversation we had with Joe Bishop back last week, where we were talking about was government done to our money and we talked about the history of government involvement in the monetary policy and how that has just over the past 200 years, led to the exact problems that was identified back when we founded this country and why there was such a push back originally for central banking And why Thomas Jefferson was so against the idea of a central bank. It's why on his deathbed, Andrew Jackson said one of the main proudest moments of his presidency was the fact that he was able to end the central bank, once again, I think is the third iteration at that point in time. So we see that this has been something that has been warned about and yet you look back with Woodrow Wilson, really starting off with the Federal Reserve, and then really 1971 was a combination of that with getting officially away from the gold standard entirely with Nixon, that now all sudden, our money is essentially dead. And bitcoin is serving as a real alternative. And a lot of people are starting to say, okay, and people again back to people who were on the sidelines not paying attention, your average person and tell their money's not worth what it used to be. So now Bitcoin is a real alternative. So help us here The Brian Nichols Show, can we talk about sales and marketing help us make the sales pitch to your average person about Bitcoin help it make sense. So I can maybe get my grandma on board with the idea of looking at Bitcoin versus using US dollars for the grocery she pays at the grocery store?
Bruce Fenton
The first thing I recommend to anybody and looking at bitcoin is to understand money first. So I asked people, what is money? And that's a simple question. We would think that's a simple question. But if I say what is money and what makes good money, good? And what are the properties that makes one form of money better than another? Why are the you know the notes from the Weimer Republic? Why did those become worthless? Why does people a lot of people in finance like me, I don't have it with me, but I carry around a trillion dollar Zimbabwe bill, it's it's a lot, lot a lot. I bet I bet that there's 100 people at this conference who have it, people who would be pleased to it's a thing that a lot of people who understand the the negatives of Fiat do. So what you want to do is understand money first. And there's properties of money in principles of money that have gotten better, you're unchanged for centuries long before Bitcoin, money has to be scarce has to be acceptable has to be divisible. You know, these are these are standard principles and property. So if we, if you understand that first, then you can start to compare and say, well look at this thing that they have that they call money. Now, this is just something that's a scam. And if it was in any other situation, we would, it would be much more clearly obvious a scam. But they fool us with their fancy marble offices that they pay for with worker wages and their fancy titles, you know, Fed chair and Treasury secretary and these kinds of things that are designed to fool you, and all of the, you know, parade of economists on CNN. But at the end of the day, it's just a scam. It's any five year old, would love the power to have a magic wand and say, I want to make money from thin air. Well, that's exactly what these politicians want to do. They have the mentality and the narcissism of a five year old, and it's too tempting. And this is why the Fed keeps coming back again. And again. It's too tempting to be able to print money from thin air without accountability. And accountability is a really important thing. They don't have it, which means they can do all kinds of evil and horrible things. So it's really, really bad. And we've got to stop it.
Brian Nichols
Yeah, head over the Brian Nichols show.com Ford slash shop, you can find exactly where the money comes from Magic money tree, and it's all from the Fed. Yeah, so let's talk about New Hampshire now as well, fast forward to specifically New Hampshire issues, because I know we have a lot of folks listening today joining us from New Hampshire they want to hear specifically Alright, Bruce, what are you going to do differently than the other 11 Republicans who are running for office? Why is Bruce Fenton's approach going to be different? And how is it going to stand out in terms of actually making people's lives better?
Bruce Fenton
Well, you know, it's about being a disrupter. It's about who the right person is for this job. At this time. We're in this epic change, a fourth turning, the whole world is changing, systems are changing borders are changing. Money's changing who people trust change. You know, CNN and the New York Times are on the decline and Joe Rogan and Tik Tok are on the upswing. You know, the old IMF and the World Bank are on the decline and bitcoins on the upswing. The world is changing. And it's and it's very, very, very shaky now, and we've got to understand that, that these are epic times that we're in. So it's especially crucial to have an understanding of liberty and the principles and we've got to send the right person down at the right time. This is not 1996 And it's not 2019. This is a time you send a message. This is a time when the people of America and the people of New Hampshire say Oh, really? You're gonna pull this on us. You're gonna do this on us. Fine. We're gonna send Bruce Fenton down there, we're gonna send a message down, you're gonna send me a leave me alone, who's a disrupter. I'm not an order taker. I'm not a rubber stamp person. I'm a disrupter. I've been a disrupter my whole life. I'm a disruptor, in Bitcoin, been a disrupter in my career. That's what I do a cause trouble. I shake things up. I thrive on chaos. And that's exactly what we need the other day for a demonstration in honor of the the filibuster which Joe Biden wants to and he doesn't want the power of one voice to be able to speak. I did my own filibuster in Manchester, New Hampshire. I went and opened it to the public. At the even hotel. I started at I think it was seven in the morning. I wanted to break the record set by a Democrat Strom Thurmond, who spoke for 24 hours on the Senate floor. I made it what I make it 33 hours, 18 minutes. So I beat Strom Thurmond by nine hours. I just did that for fun. That's the kind of thing I'll do every week if I have to, to stop this tyranny. I'm not messing around. I'm not down there to make friends. I'm not there to serve on boards with Pelosi. I'm not there to line up my next job for the private sector. I'm there to fight for liberty and freedom. I don't really even want to go down there at four Beautiful children in a wonderful, beautiful home in New Hampshire. Last thing I need is to go down there and leave my career on hold to go down there, but I will if the people want me to, and they send me down there, I'll go and I'll do exactly what I say I'll do, which is fight for liberty and fight for freedom and fight against tyranny with absolutely no compromise.
Brian Nichols
See, that's exactly I think what the people from New Hampshire want to hear. And let's talk about the issues that they're bringing up to you. Because I know when I talk to candidates on the show, I always hear at least, you know, two, three issues that are consistently coming up as you're going out speaking to constituents face to face. So talk to us, what are some of those main issues right now you're hearing, you're speaking to fellow members of New Hampshire? And what do you think are going to be some actual prescriptions you can bring to the table to help solve those,
Bruce Fenton
you know, the big thing that a lot of people, a lot of people are talking about their kids and CRT and schools and these kinds of things, school choice, a lot of people are talking about inflation, economics, the all the pollsters will tell you, that's the number one issue, you got to talk about hidden inflation. I think it's a little deeper than that, that inflation and economic problems are caused by this broken money system. And there's a bigger issue with that that in turn is related directly to this COVID tyranny. So to me, the number one issue is tyranny. It's the tyranny of a centralized control. It's this tyranny of the state. And it's the idea that people in fancy offices in Washington think they know better than us, and they think they can print money from thin air, and they think that they can regulate the temperature of the Earth. We wouldn't even trust them to want to watch our dog. I asked him a little while ago, if anybody would trust a federal department of dog watching. Nobody would, we wouldn't trust them to do anything. And these people want to regulate the temperature of the earth. And they want it they want to decide how much money there is, and they think they know what money is. Why on earth would Chuck Schumer know what money is any better than my brilliant Bitcoin friends? I mean, Bitcoiners are some of the smartest people I've ever met in my life. And to be honest, a lot of the members of the House and Senate are not some of the smartest people we've ever met in our life. So the idea that these people can tell us what money is, is absurd. We don't need them to do it. The people can do it.
Brian Nichols
So when were you mentioned CRT and we've seen this brought up a lot over the past, especially two years, when parents all sudden got a complete snapshot into what their kids were actually learning in school. A lot of parents weren't happy about that. I've had folks Tiffany justice, from moms for liberty in the program, talking about parents across the United States rising up at their school boards and actually fighting back. Talk to me about what you are seeing in New Hampshire, specifically, from the education standpoint, do you see school choice being something that's being more embraced in a state like New Hampshire? Yeah, I
Bruce Fenton
just tweeted about school choice today, because I mentioned it at a meeting last night. And I support people like Cory de Angeles and others who support this. I think that it's especially a fit in New Hampshire, a lot of people do care about these issues. I was one of those people at school boards, I was mainly fighting the masks, I got removed by police five times I went to eight school board meetings. I thought it was total tyranny. And I think it's a political signal, just like the the diversity, equity, inclusion positions and other things. It's a political signal. And in our case, they were school board members who were going around in public without a mask. And I went to the meeting I said that's, that's a political signal. You're not doing it because of help. You're doing it to show that you're in the church of woke, you're a member of a church of woke in a in an epic time of epic change like this, you have new religions, and we have this new religion. I call it the church of woke. It sounds funny, but it's not funny at all. Because what that religion is, and it is a religion, it has high priests, and it has heretics. And it has an incessant dogma that that is an enemy of logic. And it forbids discussion, and it has every other hallmark of a religion. And there are some religions that have been extremely, extremely damaging in history. Usually cults, usually state driven religion, when you when you have a state that wants to get rid of family and conventional religions, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, they don't want them and that the mist is exactly the model you see in communist China. They they take Muslim Uyghurs and put them in concentration camps because of their religion and harvest their organs. They take Christian churches, and they take down the cross and put up a picture of President chi, because they want the state to be worshipped. What we see in the United States is this broad thing that I call the church of woke and it includes CRT and ESG, and destruction of the family and destruction of traditional faith and values and morality, and it seeks to replace it with this state driven statism state warship kind of system, which is very, very dangerous and very broken. It's a broken ideology that doesn't have any place here. So So I think that's a big issue and I and it's, it's it's bigger than anything we've faced in our lifetimes. This isn't a normal issue about schools or taxes or something like that. This is the very soul of our nation and what we really believe as Americans, have
Brian Nichols
you met our friend there Lily Tang Williams by chance. Yeah, she's great. Lily is awesome. She's a good friend of the show. I know I gave her a shout out and Tim Poole We'll show right there under primary night we got her over the hump for fundraising bonus deadline she had. So that was pretty cool. Cool. Lily will talk all day long about the horrors of Mao's China. Yes. And she experienced it firsthand. Yes. And did you see she's seeing the echoes of what she experienced back when she was a Maoist China today, and then try and give some warnings, just people saying like, this is something that you need to be aware about, and raises a lot of red flags, and a lot of folks aren't paying attention. And you look, you mentioned this as well, the ESG scores being mentioned. And then the next impending doom, climate change, of course, and we've seen over the past few years, the lock downs, I'm gonna almost guarantee are going to be used as precedents of why we need climate change locked down. So how do we fight back against this this ESG globalist approach to controlling business controlling action? And really, it's, I want to say it's fascism, but that's essentially what it is. It's government using private corporations and using it through a a almost a subsidiary pseudo type of way to then dictate policy without actually having, quote, policy to refer back to
Bruce Fenton
you're absolutely right, it's an exercise to try and control business ESG through the SEC, and other means they want to control everything. ESG is environmental, social, and governance, that's everything. That's how you use your electricity. They want to make judgments, what software you run, whether you run this or that and what they can make a judgment on anything, whether who your board members are what color skin may have all of these these horrible things, which enable incredible control, incredible control by the government. And then that is totally unacceptable. And the root and the way to recognize this, we have to step back and recognize the times we are in because we are in such epic times, these are not normal times the playbook of everything we knew in our world went out the window in 2019. And that world is gone. Yep. And it's never coming back. So we have to recognize that these are epic times. And this is real evil that we're facing. That's what we need. We need to we can't look at this as classic political issues and use classic political tools. We've got to look at this and say this is actually evil. The types of ideas that are being exported from China are actually evil, they lead to real death, and real destruction and real destruction of the human spirit.
Brian Nichols
Yep. Well, and one thing that's it's exciting to see in an event like this is that there's 1000 Plus young folk who are awake, they're aware, and they're active, they're trying to fight back. They're mobilizing across the United States, much in states like New Hampshire, where you're seeing the success of organizations like Young Americans for Liberty, make liberty when actually getting state and local legislators into office. And what does that do that impacts real policies. And that's why frankly, you're able to to have the success I'm sure you're having up in New Hampshire is because it's a more free state. It's why I gotta have a state like Pennsylvania, and specifically a city like Philadelphia, and moved out to Indiana because it got really, really bad over the past two years, like you said, 2019, the world before that is completely gone. And frankly, it's been shocking to see how many people from 2019 They're gone to like they the rationality, the logic that I thought a lot of people had, also, no, it was blatantly obvious that people can really just completely abandon their rationality, you can abandon their logic, the moment that fear strikes, and, and the uncertainty that that fear brings, as well, and then deferring to this overarching government body to protect us to keep us from being harmed from another emergency. So I know we're getting close to time here. So on to as we go towards the tail end of the conversation, you know, as you're looking in, you're speaking to voters in New Hampshire. And obviously, there's I'm sure lots we talked about today. That is the tip of the iceberg that they're bringing up. What would be though, the main takeaway, that you want the voters from New Hampshire to not just take away from today's episode, but specifically, when they're they're looking down on that primary in September? That's September 12 13th 13th. I was I knew as ballpark there. So right there, there, they have 11 choices for the GOP, why Bruce Fenton should be top of the list.
Bruce Fenton
Yeah, it all comes back to liberty in our Constitution, you know that founding fathers went through a lot of pain and a lot of bloodshed. They saw their friends killed, they saw horrible things, and they saw the the power of tyranny, and they saw the drawbacks of central control. And they thought it through very, very carefully. We don't get people who sit in a room for 4550 days and solve problems anymore. I mean, the best you're going to do is an hour on a zoom call if they if so, if we if politicians today were tasked with writing the Constitution, you'd have a whole bunch of special interest. You'd have a few zoom meetings, you'd have some, you know, Pelosi would do a press conference to make it look like she was working. Nobody would actually sit these people have nobody's had a conversation more than an hour. You know, they don't they don't get in rooms and sit there and talk for 910 hours, let alone nine or 10 days. But that's what the founders did. They actually thought through these issues, and they thought about checks and balances. They thought about the proper role of government and the proper use of force. And when violence is is acceptable by, by the government, and they thought through these things in a moral way in the best that they could, and I think they did a great job. Today, we don't have that we have willy nilly nonsense people going out there and ready fire aim and doing things that are completely unworkable, like putting a scientist in charge of who can move where, you know, that's just not a thing that works. And the founders would have would have never supported that we've got to go back, we've got to recognize the magnitude of what's going on. And we must go back to those core values. And I'm the person to do that. So that's what people should keep in mind, looking at where we are in the world, what the magnitude of what is happening, we're fighting real evil, and we need, you know, real fighters and disruptors who are going to go in there and get our country back on track.
Brian Nichols
Bruce, unfortunately, we're already hard pressed for time this, this conversation could keep on going. But here, what we're gonna do is make sure we can direct folks the right ways, and they can go ahead, learn more about your campaign support the campaign also they want to go ahead and invest some of their hard earned dollars or there's a Bitcoin to your campaign. Is that possible? For
Bruce Fenton
sure? I hope so. Of course, we absolutely accept Bitcoin. I put 85 of my own Bitcoin in there, and we welcome yours as well. Bruce fenton.com, br use E f, e n t om, that's my official website. That's the only place to donate, you can donate filthy Fiat, or your Bitcoin. And that's also my same handle for Twitter and YouTube and other things. I'm quite active. I really recommend people take a look at my videos. I don't have consultants or anybody telling me what to say. What you see is what you Get. And if I'm the candidate for you, I'd appreciate your support. I appreciate your vote.
Brian Nichols
Awesome. Well, folks, there you go. If you enjoy today's episode, we ask you do me a favor, go ahead, give it a share. But also specifically, if you are up in the Free State, please go ahead, support Bruce's campaign make sure you share today's episode with friends and family who could hear the message and yes, please go ahead. If you have some bitcoin. Go ahead and spare some with Bruce. I'm sure he would greatly appreciate it. So with that being said, we do have a different type of week this week. Obviously, I'm out a revolution 2022 So we did not have an episode yesterday because I was flying all day. So what we're going to do is tomorrow we're going to do a live conversation around the vendors booth over at the dining hall. meet all sorts of different vendors here at Young Americans for Liberty, and of course we're gonna meet some pretty amazing people. But with that being said, it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show live at revolution. 2022. We'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes, the Brian Nichols show.com Enjoying the audio version of the show, then you'll love our YouTube channel. Be sure to head over there and subscribe. If you're new to The Brian Nichols Show, be sure to head to your favorite podcast catcher and click download all unplayed episodes so you don't miss one of our nearly 500 episodes that we'll be sure to leave you educated, enlightened and informed. If you got value from today's episode can do me a favor and head to the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash support and leave us a $5 donation. And by the way, have you get on the show a five star review yet? If not, head to Apple podcasts and tell folks why you listened to the program and don't forget to tell your friends to subscribe to follow me on social media at be Nichols liberty. And again, if you'd be so kind please consider making a donation to The Brian Nichols Show at the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash support. The Brian Nichols Show is supported by viewers like you. Thank you to our patrons Darryl Schmitz, Michael Lima, Michel Mankiewicz hodi John's Trek the caster and the we're libertarians network. Faced with an uncertain future many business owners and technology professionals don't have time needed to invest in their business technology strategies and as a result are afraid of their technology getting outdated and putting their company and customers information at risk. The digital future is already here. But with all different choices in the marketplace, it's difficult to know which one will be the best fit for you in your strategic vision. Imagine having the peace of mind that your business is backed by the right technology investments that are tailored for your specific needs. Hi, I'm Brian Nichols and I've helped countless business owners and technology professionals just like you helping you make informed decisions about what technologies are best to invest in for your business voice bandwidth, cybersecurity, business continuity juggling all the aspects of business technology is messy. Let me help at the Brian Nichols show.com forward slash help and sign up for a free one on one consultation with yours truly to dig into where you see your company headed and how we can align your business technology towards those goals. Again, that's Brian Nichols show.com forward slash help to get your simplified business technology started today.
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Bruce Fenton
Bruce FentonBruce Fenton, CEO Chainstone, Cypherpunk Stockbroker, US Senate candidate
CEO at Chainstone Labs
Managing Director at Watchdog Capital
Founder of Atlantic Financial
Co-Host of The Satoshi Roundtable
NH Farm Owner
Free Market Economics
Open Source Contributor
Angel Investor
Investment Banking
Father of Four
Read the story of how I became an investor
My wife Carolann and I have four school-age children.
We started dating in high school. We’ve been together ever since.
In 1990 I graduated from Wilbraham Monson Academy to join the US Navy. I served as a Hospital Corpsman (medic).
When I came home I initially went to bartending school and tried to get a job as a bartender. My mom had retired as a financial advisor but helped convince me to go into finance.
In 1994 I started my own firm, Atlantic Financial and worked in many different areas of finance over the next 20 years.
We moved to Durham New Hampshire in 2017. We’ve now lived in Durham for 6 years, and have no plans to leave this beautiful state.
We are entering a new age for humanity. Our world is changing rapidly and we have to get it right. I’m running for United Staes Senate because it is more important than ever to have a Senator with solid values of peace, freedom and the Constitution.