May 11, 2022

500: 5 of My Favorite Episodes From Over the Past 500 Shows (feat. Brian Nichols)

After 4 and 1/2 years, we've hit an incredible milestone at The Brian Nichols Show. Not only have we hit the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, but we have just reached our 500th episode!


Today, I'm sharing 5 of my favorite conversations from the past 500 episodes!


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Brian Nichols  0:07  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, Happy Wednesday there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thanks for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always, your humble host, and today, a little bit different of an episode. And it's also a special episode, Episode 500. I can't believe we've made it here, Episode 500 here on The Brian Nichols Show 500 episodes over four and a half years it has flown by and I kind of sat back and I was thinking, Well, what do we want to do for Episode 500, I was thinking about having a super special guest. But hey, we have pretty super special guests on quite frequently. So I thought you know, let's do something a little different. Let's go back. And more recently, we'll look specifically at some of the more YouTube friendly episodes that we've had here when we started the YouTube channel back in early 2021. And I want to go over five of the more memorable episodes and ones I've really, really enjoyed here over on The Brian Nichols Show. So what we're gonna do today is we're gonna take a step back, enjoy some of those older episodes. And if you have enjoyed what you've been seeing here over The Brian Nichols Show, as you've been joining us yes for 500 episodes will please do me a favor as we're wrapping up today. Please go out of the way and please give us a share. And when you do, make sure you go ahead and give yours truly a tag. But with that being said, our first episode, we're going to go to Episode 458. We're going back to March of 2022. We sat down with Jacob Beckley from the Beckley foundation talking about how we can fight pediatric cancer with cryptocurrency Take a listen.

Jacob Beckley  1:59  
You know, cryptocurrency is an asset, you know. So it's a tradable asset, just like you would have like Bitcoin or Aetherium, Cardano Solana, you know, and also it's like a stock, for example. So, so what people do is they buy a piece of this, just like you would buy a share of a company, and you know, it fluctuates in price, the more people that buy it, the price goes up, you know, the supply goes down. And out of that every single transaction, there's a 4% transaction fee that goes directly to the foundation. And what I'm proud of is that our foundation is $1. And dollar out, you know, it's not a foundation as scaled so large where, you know, dollar in and 20% of it goes out to people in need, or the actual mission or the cause. So dollar in dollar out. So 4% of that is, is accumulated quite fast. You know, we were at a point where we were at a $56 million market cap, and with the foundation was pulling in about $10,000 a day, which is not an insignificant amount of money considering, you know, the year prior, it was it was so difficult to even, you know, raised the grant, you know, so it's a it's a big shift. So the challenge that we've had, though, is because this is a tradable asset. You know, when people in cryptocurrency, are really only out about making money, they want to double their portfolio, they want to, you know, increase, you know, how much money they actually have, you know, so they're always looking for new projects, new cryptocurrencies to get involved in, that's been a challenge for us. Because what I've tried to do is tap into those, those people with that mindset, but try to get them to think differently, you know, you can make money, you can, you know, put your, put your dollar out there, and hopefully it'll, you know, double or triple, but at the same time, you can actually do some good, you know, or you go to bed at night and think you know, what I'm actually helping out, you know, I'm actually making a difference. And we've made a significant difference in the past five, six months here, in the amount of research, we've been able to fund the amounts of direct family support that we've been able to help out with, you know, you know, getting a child with cancer isn't a choice. You know, it's not like you opt into it, it's something that just happens and more times than not, when you have a child diagnosed with cancer, you immediately go into financial burden, you know, and you can't pay sometimes your mortgage or your rent, you can't pay for care or your car payments, things like that. And, and we connect with with hospitals throughout the US and now now in the world, which we've never been able to do before. And find these families connect with social workers and, and make a difference, you know, whether it's paying a car payment, you know, fixing a air conditioner, you know, building a ramp, outside of a house, whatever these things are, that we can help support to ease that burden so that the families can can have a better quality of life. That or not even better, just consistent quality of life that they may have had prior. That's what we're trying to do. And you know, even so far as you mentioned, lymphoma. There's been a few families that we've supported, where the children had been diagnosed at such a young age in their whole world, the kids and their families. Their whole world revolves around cancer the whole every year. Part of their their existence. And these families haven't been able to, like, for example, ever take a vacation, you know ever. And so we granted a few a few trips to Disney World with a charity out there called Give Kids the World and we were able to grant chips trips to these families and create memories for them, you know, and something that they're going to remember forever cherish. So we've been able to do a lot. And then I'm just excited about where we've gone, what's what's on the horizon, and just all the great things that we're gonna be able to do here in the future.

Brian Nichols  5:30  
Yeah, well, it's one thing to to actually talk about solutions. It's another thing to build solutions and that's what Jacob Beckley was doing over the Beckley foundation. What an awesome conversation with Jacob. And you know, I talked about this on that episode. This is a personal, personal topic to me and my family. You know, I have a little cousin who's currently battling cancer. And you know, he just went in for some tests to make sure fingers crossed that he's Yes, still in remission. But this is an it's a topic that's impacting a bunch of families and we want to address the problems we see out there in the world. But it starts with us building this solution. So that was a great episode. And I really enjoyed sharing that with Jacob Beckley. And also we had his his cohort there. Jim Nasser, we talked about it was in his a later episode, I think, maybe a week or so after the episode here. And we really dug into beyond what he's doing here over at the CureCoin. And that is talking about the cure chain and how it's helping innovate research and technology across the board for innovation in the healthcare sphere. So thank you to Jacob. And hopefully you guys enjoyed that episode, Episode 458. Back to Episode 295. We're going all the way back to August 2021. I say all the way back. It's about a year ago. But this was revolution. 2021 I couldn't make it there. I got stuck because it was part of the whole spirit debacle where they had a situation where I don't know what ended up happening. But a bunch of flights got canceled, as they were supposed to be heading down to Florida towards the end of 2021. So I ended up trying to improvise. I had Chris Goyzueta on the scene. He ended up carrying me around on a laptop, which was fantastic. And I truly must say it was a lot of fun. And I got to meet a lot of great people see a lot of great friends, including some familiar faces and voices here. Over on The Brian Nichols Show. We were joined over at y'all revolution 2021 by Eric brakey Yes, the renegade statements statement himself and tammana debit gauzy Take a listen. Yes. Oh, Sup dude.

Unknown Speaker  7:39  
Are you broadcasting now? Are we like live?

Brian Nichols  7:42  
We're recording it. We're gonna do it for the patreon to start, but it'll be later dude. How you doing, man?

Eric Brakey  7:47  
I'm doing Wow, it's been a blast. I mean, it's been nearly nearly perfect. The only thing missing is Brian Nichols. Yes.

Brian Nichols  7:54  
I heard you had some fun last night with a Mr. Ron Paul.

Eric Brakey  7:58  
Yeah, that was when we did a whole fakeout I was going around, you know, some of the activists here to help. We're so looking forward to seeing Ron Paul's health. Didn't you hear? Right now he's going to be coming in like live like, like, like Edward Snowden. But like, did the night before but you know, Ron doesn't fly anymore. TSA like he's got the metal knee that we got to work out. But it was it was an awesome fakeout we were blown away.

Brian Nichols  8:25  
So awesome. Dude, I'm so glad.

Eric Brakey  8:28  
Yeah, we talked with Tom Woods was like, and I'm here to introduce Ron Paul, who's going to be coming in like, and it was like, Yeah, Ron Paul. He's gonna we're going to be getting him on the video hookup. What?

Brian Nichols  8:43  
That's so awesome, though. I mean, like the fact that you're able to get him plus the other. I mean, just your entire crowd you had it was phenomenal. And the fact also I keep on just whenever I see people, I'm raising the fact that you can get like a crowd of like, 1400 20 years, some things that just like go wild and crazy. And he's like, 85 like, that's just wild.

Eric Brakey  9:00  
Yeah. You know, we were talking about this because we had a we had a talk back last night. So we showed the 2008 documentary on for liberty on the 2008 Ron Paul campaign, you know, all these new young folks who weren't around I mean, maybe they were around but maybe they're like six years old. And we got Tom Anna here, Tom. Tom, and that was a surprise Tom and it was so I lied to the other day about Ron Paul not being here. She was heartbroken

Unknown Speaker  9:26  
but, but you know what happened? Sean just grabbed me and took me to the speakers. You remember like

Brian Nichols  9:36  
every sound of that tweet you had with the like when you found out that Ron Paul was there and you're just like you're just pure joy. It was so genuine.

Unknown Speaker  9:45  
He just walked on the stage. Oh my god. It's happening like really happening. So yeah.

Eric Brakey  9:53  
But we had an awesome talk back after the showing of the documentary with Tom woods and Jack Hunter and also Michael Moresco. I don't know if you know Mike Moresco, but he was the Liberty rider in 2008. He, he rode a bicycle across America handing out pocket constitutions and featured heavily in this document. And it was a personal mentor to me when I was first getting involved in the movement. And like 2011. But it was, you know, the thing came up. It's, it's, you know, people think of who won the Republican primaries in 2008 and 2012. Who say, John McCain, Mitt Romney, but did they really win? None of them ever became president. And were students from Mitt Romney were students for John McCain. They don't exist. Ron Paul was the winner because he's the only one with a lasting legacy that continues to change America

Brian Nichols  10:41  
ideas. last

Eric Brakey  10:44  
idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government. Run said some version of that last night. It was a it was a nice. Anyway, it was good to have run people who were chanting and the Fed and Ron was like, wow, I guess I came to the right rally.

Brian Nichols  11:02  
Did you go to the wrong convention hall? Yes.

Eric Brakey  11:08  
Through like war war in Afghanistan. French shock thing that was cringe.

Brian Nichols  11:16  
Oh, God, so bad. So but it was great to see the like he's

Eric Brakey  11:19  
getting so ratioed. Like, it's great to see the whole conservative movement, like piling on Dan Crenshaw, and yeah, for this, like, it's premature to pull that up. 20 years or more in Afghanistan, you don't even have a damn t shirt to show for it.

Unknown Speaker  11:39  
It's true. Well, that would be a topic you and I, because I don't necessarily agree with that. All right. Well, we'll

Eric Brakey  11:45  
have to get blessed to get Brian Nichols to moderate on the Lions of liberty podcast to me in Termina. On the war in Afghanistan, we're going neocon on

Unknown Speaker  11:55  
me. Well, come on, girl. I just I also love to challenge Eric sometimes, because he's such a good debater. And I just love to kind of like, just, you know, take it all in. And I want to see what you have to say, quizzes and get information out.

Eric Brakey  12:14  
Sometimes I do think you know, there is value in taking the things that we most firmly believe to be true. And occasionally putting a question mark, at the end, we should always challenge your own assumptions and make sure that they're right. But not I would say, yeah, we've never gotten to Afghanistan. All right, we'd love to see a future episode. Coming soon. Is the preview teaser trailer.

Unknown Speaker  12:39  
Yeah. Make a lot of office references next time.

Eric Brakey  12:42  
And make that against like, why would anyone listen to some person with pink hair? Geez, why did you go pee on the left or something? And attacks are mostly based

Unknown Speaker  12:55  
on just another white dude telling you what to believe. And over here,

Brian Nichols  13:00  
when does your show start? Because this is fantastic banter.

Unknown Speaker  13:04  
You guys are great.

Eric Brakey  13:07  
We, you know, we are working to get our our show up and go Uh, well, Tommy, I'll be guest on the show sometime. But we're talking about getting a real show production of some kind launched with Young Americans for liberties that I'll be hosting and that before the end of the year, hopefully even sooner than that. But we got some details we forgot everything was just going into making sure the revolution 2021 was totally lit. And now we'll finally have some breathing time. Oh, I don't know what this is.

Unknown Speaker  13:37  
Well, maybe you should check out young voices because we have a bunch of very wonderful individuals on stage that would be able to come on your show and talk about literally any Okay, well, I'm open to that. There you go.

Brian Nichols  13:50  
Wow, what are you talking about? Like a sales? Like right there. That was perfect. And you heard a problem. You heard an opportunity that you can help solve that problem. And you entered into the conversation there because already having quite literally,

Eric Brakey  14:00  
I don't know who any of these people are in this brochure, but they look young and they look like they have voices.

Unknown Speaker  14:05  
I started my career for that guy. He doesn't look very young. Oh, no, that's a Glenn Beck. Yes,

Eric Brakey  14:16  
it looked like Glenn Beck. It also looks a little like profile like Colonel Sam.

Unknown Speaker  14:19  
No, no, that's Glenn Beck. And this is Robert Young was

Brian Nichols  14:23  
just splitting hairs. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  14:25  
So you know what, why I was able to make that pitch. It's because I was trained by Young Americans for Liberty when I was a baby libertarian just entering the world of politics. So I actually started with Young Americans for Liberty and here I am.

Brian Nichols  14:40  
Told you I make good good sales. You listen to The Brian Nichols Show. You join Young Americans for Liberty, man, you're on the right path. Amen.

Eric Brakey  14:49  
Ryan right. It's good to see it's like you've been here at revolution 2021 All all along.

Brian Nichols  14:54  
Hey, my spirits been there the entire time. I've been there with you guys in heart and I seriously been watching guys online. and it's been great to see everybody having such a great blast. So next year, we'll be there. I promise.

Unknown Speaker  15:04  
This is why it's so cold here. Because your spirit is here. What's one thing you specifically Yeah. This conference was that Orlando is the permanent,

Brian Nichols  15:15  
it was so great to see our friends over Young Americans for Liberty, yes. Even though it was remotely, Eric and tamponade. And we talked to so many other people out there as well. So the episode is up there, if you want to check out 295 over on the podcast, as well as YouTube, by the way, wanna take a timeout, and point you if you haven't had the chance yet, head over to the Brian Nichols And sign up for our morning sales HUDDLE, where you will not only get the morning sales huddle sent to your inbox every single week. By the way, this week, we're going to be talking about storytelling. And I'm going to be using the example of Billy Madison and the puppy who lost its way. So make sure if you haven't had the chance yet, head over to Brian Nichols, sign up for the morning sales huddle, and you will also get a copy of my ebook, four easy steps you can implement now to help sell liberty to friends and family. So two organizations will rather one organization mentioned young voices, great organization Timna brought up I cannot recommend them enough. And also Eric brought up one of the organizations or entities that turned into his own thing. It's free America now the awesome podcasts are yours truly His grace. And we have promoted here on the show many times. So it's great to see what Eric started out as an idea turned into not just a great podcast, but he's been killing it lately. So awesome stuff there over at Young Americans for Liberty. Next episode, I wanted to share his episode 304. And this is with our good friend who helps sell the ideas of school choice to the masses, Cory de Angeles, and we were helping people by school choice. Again, Episode 304. Let's go ahead and hear from Corey

Corey DeAngelis  16:59  
asked the individual family what they want. I mean, that's the best evidence that there is when when families have the opportunity to choose an alternative. They do it in large numbers. I used to point to the scientific evidence on this a lot. But I've come to start to realize that the more powerful argument is that families know more about their children's needs than bureaucrats sitting in offices hundreds of miles away. Regardless of what the quote unquote academic studies say on the topic, families shouldn't need to use academic studies to prove why they should be able to choose their children's education, the burden of proof should be on the other side for the government's to try to argue why families should not have the right to choose their children's educational environments. So I mean, just look at the waitlist for charter schools all across the country, there's consistently hundreds of 1000s of student names on charter school waitlist. So there's just families begging for the opportunity to get away. Look at what the teachers union say, whenever you proposed allowing families to have an exit option, their first responses, oh, my goodness, you're trying to destroy public education, you're gonna destroy our public schools. That's the best evidence we have, that the providers of our children's educational services, the monopoly understands that they're not doing a good job, and that families are not satisfied with the product that they're serving. So I think that's the best evidence there is. But I mean, I've talked about this on the previous podcast, probably that there are 17 random assignment studies that show that look at the the experiences of kids winning a lottery to attend a private school through a voucher program, compared to those students who lost the lottery, and who, for just based on random chance were stuck going to the traditional schools. The kid 10 Out of the majority of those 17 random assignment evaluations find statistically significant positive effects on academic outcomes in either math or reading for some or all students. And all of these studies find these outcomes at a fraction of the cost because the voucher programs are written in ways the bills are written in ways to where the kids using the voucher get a lot less than they would have gotten in the traditional schools. So for example, in DC, where I live, we have the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program. And the DC public schools spend well over $30,000 per child per year, according to the US Census Bureau. And if you want to look at National Center for Education Statistics, there's pretty clearly documented they spend over $30,000 per kid. The voucher students only received about $10,000 per kid in the latest school year, and so they get about the same outcomes academically in DC, and much higher reports of satisfaction and safety at a third of the cost. Of course the media is going to focus on the test score results which are about the same between the two sectors. But oftentimes the media will overlook the fact that the satisfaction rates are much higher, the the attendance rates are much higher, the reports of safety are much higher, all at a third of the cost, which, which is just a win win scenario for taxpayers and the users of the program as well. So yeah, but like there's there's tons of scientific evidence suggesting that students using voucher programs are more satisfied. There's about 30 studies on that topic, almost all of them if not all of them find the students using these programs are more satisfied than they would have been. They report higher levels of safety. And they, there's also six studies linking school choice to crime reduction, and all six of them are peer reviewed and find statistically significant reductions in crime, which goes to show you families are choosing these schools based on a lot of different things that aren't always going to be measured by test scores, they might be measured by something captured in these reports of safety that aren't measured by math or reading test scores. So it could be the safety of the school, it could be the gang activity in the school, it could be these other noncognitive environmental outcomes that are improved, that that can't be captured just by a math or reading test score. But again, I'll just go back and say, Look, you don't know better than this family knows for their own kid, they should be able to have that choice. And if you if you think otherwise the burden of proof should be on you as to why you we should force these kids into schools that are failing them.

Brian Nichols  21:43  
And that old studio there. Oh, my goodness. That's the old Philadelphia studio. But don't worry, we're over here at Studio 77. We're happy in Indiana, so no more East Coast shenanigans. But no, we're lucky to have corps de Angeles on our team. He's fighting the good fight helping get us focusing on funding students, not systems that actually it was one of the inspirations for our fun students. Not systems line over at proud libertarian. I'll talk about that more later. But yes, you can go ahead, check out that episode with Cordy angels episode 304. We have two more episodes here, folks. Welcome to Episode 337. This is when I sat down with Adam kriegler from the curricula show and we talked about the superpower that is being a good person. Take a listen. Yeah, well, let's talk about that lack of purpose for a second because you said that and a light bulb went off in my head. So I'm from upstate New York originally and very, very rural. I, you know, four and a half, five hours more north. Okay. New York City, like

Unknown Speaker  22:47  
far up there.

Brian Nichols  22:48  
Oh, yeah, Canadian border. And we've seen in the past 1015 years. Number one, just severe, severe increase in obesity. I think it's a third of the people now in upstate New York are considered either obese or morbidly or morbidly obese. That's number one. Number two, alcohol alcoholism has been skyrocketing through the roof. And then the third part has been drug overdoses, specifically the opioid epidemic. And I'm thinking

Unknown Speaker  23:15  
now it's not just upstate New York, I

Brian Nichols  23:17  
know, it makes sense. Now, I'm thinking why was it upstate New York in my context, and a lot of the people who are getting hurt or those old, it would have been your, your blue collar industrial worker, or your farmers. And it's just gone, those roles are no more. And it's really sad, because what we saw was this old mentality of you were, and as you were saying, You were your job, you if you worked in the factory, you were part of the machinery, essentially, that's what your job was. And that was the value you brought to the table. But now that that value can be literally not only replaced overnight, but then exponentially increased in terms of what else it can do in the future, just by the thing doing the thing that it does that is AI and learning and getting better. I mean, we use a voice transcription tool here for the show to transcribe the episodes. And it learns my voice every single time better and better and better and picks up on phrases I use. So then you might see, you know, the very beginning of some of the episodes back in the very early days, some of the words will be off here and there. But as it gets better those phrases, it will start to figure it out. Oh, that's what he's saying. And it's fascinating because I could have hired somebody to do that. And that was somebody's job to do that. But now that's just completely taken over. And what does that person do? You have to figure out what can I do my feature or benefit? How can I put that into a package that creates value? And I think it is that value creation that breeds that success we are talking about and then helps marry that sense of purpose and because people have not been able to attach themselves to that sense of value. They themselves selves feel they don't bring any value. And it leads to this depression, we see the increase in suicides, the increase in alcoholism, I mean, I've lost way too many good friends who are under the age of 32 suicide in the past five years, and a lot of them are either a because of drug related incidents. So either car accidents from drunk driving, overdoses or suicide. And it's, it's tragic, because a lot of the situations could have been avoided. Had we saw. And I really don't want to point fingers. But I think we really have to look at what's happened. You see an education system that doesn't Foster, like, true learning and curiosity, it tells you how to take a test. And if you it tells you to think, right, and if you get out of school, and that's what you know, but you don't know how to apply it to critical thinking in real life. Suddenly, it's like, okay, where's the next test to take? There is no next test to take? What are you doing for adding value to the world? And then they just kind of get stuck doing whatever job it was. And I'm sad, because I think that there, there needs to be more opportunity for those people. So I mean, Adam, what what would you say to those people who they feel that they don't have that sense of value? I mean, what should they be looking to do to make a change in their lives?

Unknown Speaker  26:19  
Helping others? I think that that is it. I mean, it's, we bring it back to community, you know, we have gotten here by helping each other. Right. So what what can we do? It's like, you can find some sort of something, I mean, stop focusing on you for a little bit. I mean, I if you I have man, like, really, I gotta just say, like, I don't have the answers, right? This is I'm not, there's no answer for anything. You know, it's, it's not so easy. And it's not going to work for everybody to just go out and start helping others. But it feels good. When you go out and help someone else. You get a feeling of, I don't know, positive energy, like you help someone you're putting out positive energy into the universe. And that is a start. Right? You said you you can't just eat an elephant with in one sitting, you have to eat what's one bite at a time. I've never heard that phrase. But it makes sense. Like, start right, do something. Life is overwhelming. Life is a pain. And it's tough to really make your dent in the world. And some people never do. And that is a truth that we need to learn. From a young age, we're not taught that we're taught that we can do anything. That's not true. We can do, we can be who we want to be, but we have to work hard. It is not an easy thing to just like, become insert whatever you want to do, you know, you got to work for it. And people nowadays, are spoiled. Like we don't have to work that hard to get certain things. Some people are really lucky. But one thing is true. We we aren't at this quote, it keeps popping in my head, it's popped in my head a couple of times. Those who worry about micro aggressions have never had to deal with macro dangerous, we have taken care of the macro dangers in life. Now what is it now that what is a macro danger, okay, hurricane may be if it hits your town, a tornado. I don't know a plane crash, or I don't even want to say war because I don't want to jinx us. But my goodness, we finally got out of the war that probably shouldn't have been in in first place. But that's neither here nor there. What is what is the macro dangers that we deal with? We don't we don't deal with them. People don't understand how good we have it. And that now that that's the new baseline. Now they're getting entitled. Now they're being offended by stupid things. That's why this whole where we are with like the PC police and the push called SJW movement. It's like they are needing a purpose. Because they don't have it. We talked about purpose. So they're finding purpose in this new rage, right? Anger is addictive, right? They, man. I'm like, my, my mind has always been working on the problems in society. It's kind of like, because I do my daily show. I'm always I'm my eyes are glued to the news. I'm reading what internet's angry about what, you know, news is poppin and these people just are so angry. But then I look at them and what they're doing in their lives and they're not focused on themselves to focus on others, and they're focused on being a victim. And that spoiled attitude that we, since we got rid of all the macro dangers has led us to here. And then now those people are having kids, and that those kids are even more entitled and more like, you know, the world isn't helping me. And then you haven't mentioned it, you know, education education systems, teaching them to hold their hand through life. Like, let me hold your hands with All right, good luck with life. No, like, what is this? This isn't easy. This is your fault, because it's not easy. No, it's it Life is not easy, you got to work hard for life. Life is tough. If you don't work for it, you're gonna be left behind. And they're getting left behind. So I have end of rant.

Brian Nichols  30:44  
That was a good conversation with with Adam, I really enjoyed that conversation because it focuses on things we talked about. Quite often we focus in this on the morning sales huddle, and I brought this over in the episodes here, on the podcast, not so much in the YouTube. But this is over on the the podcast, a podcast exclusive. But the idea of surrounding yourself with good people, because good people bring out the good in people. And I think it's super important for us, especially in a world where we have seen so many people lose their way to define those who are grounded, who have the principles who are rooted in not just good ideas, but have rooted themselves in communities that are shared in those values. I mean, partly, that's why I moved out here is because I wanted to get away from the lack of values, the complete apathy for one another that was that was over in the northeast, I just, it's not, it's not conducive for a comfortable living arrangement, especially when you are so outside of the mainstream way of thinking of people in that area. So yeah, the superpower of being a good person, I would say what we learned here is to not only find the value but also to to do good to go out and do good to others to help others. And it's difficult because we have to have our own house and our Jordan Peterson guy go have your own room in order first. And that's something that we all have to focus on individually, but it's okay to ask for help. So a great conversation with Adam curricula. And now yes, we're going to wrap things up with the one and only Dr. Adrian Buchon. Now we had him originally back it was July of 2021. And that we are talking about and also the inspiration for a shirt it's funny we had our good friend accordion just mentioned the fun students not systems we also have Dr. Adrian bidjan here become the inspiration for the freedom is nature shirt that we have in in freedom is science shirt that we have also the other swag over the proud libertarian shop as well. But here, we're gonna go ahead and check out Dr. Adrian bidjan. Freedom is nature here back in July of 2021. Take a listen.

Dr. Adrian Bejan  32:53  
Well, thank you for bringing up the F word the call freedom. The well. I'll begin with your answering your earlier question about how I was thinking and while keeping my mouth shut when I was growing up. That was, of course the ideas that became more and more concrete in my in my mind because obviously we have brains in order to, to make sense of what we observe. We have brains. And in order to think. So my thinking was helped greatly from observing what was happening to my parents. I mentioned what happened to them. But my parents who have been educated, when Romania was free, that was before before the war were were brilliant and free, free individuals unafraid. And my father was a gifted veterinarian, he is the one who got me to be interested in animals. And as you'll hear from my, my little story now, and he was out of prison. So he was free in the sense that worst they they could not do to him. So at home, he was speaking freely and I knew the difference between the discussion at home and the teachings in school number one, I also knew from home that is important to be quiet about what I knew. And one day my father was arguing in the Wall Street was in fact, in the same boat as my parents discussing with a neighbor and and asking his neighbor rhetorically. Listen, listen, the neighbor had a dog Romania the dogs are one chain guarding their house. In other words, in Romania, a poor country, dogs are not pets, dogs are working for a living. So my father says to his neighbor in the middle of the street, loud list, whatever his name was, listen, sorry, look in the eyes of your dog. Your dog is telling you, I want to be free. Yes, that's the story I was, I was there. And that was the lightbulb. Bingo. The answer to all these things that are horrible, is, in fact, the same answer that my father was, was hearing from the dog and obviously heard it from the horse and from all sorts of other communicators, who is veracity could not be questioned. You see, that's why the animals move. That's why they migrate. That's why they, they defend themselves, or why why they attack other predators and on and on and on. So, so that's that was the beginning of that. Now, jumping two decades later to

my studies, it occurred to me that this is now in, in the making of contrivances. For example, the engines or whatever vehicles, even traveling in the city, it occurred to me that the reason why these designs these flowing architectures are getting better from one year to the next is because they the configuration changes, it does change back in the days before the internet, we had the telephone books in in motels. And if the books were old, then you saw a difference between the the map of the city where you happen to be, and the actual traffic pattern in the city, because it had changed during the the 10 years that have passed. So well. In engineering, it is very, very well known that in order to change something, that something must possess the degrees of freedom, meaning directions in which to be to be moved or or bent, or whatever. Without freedom, there is no change. One does not have to explain this to to an engineer, you say. So that's the other thing, which is that when it comes to the society in which I was raised, the reason for all that poor performance where very little movement was happening, I'm talking about no automobiles, carriage pulled by by a horse on a street in the center of town, a town of 150,000 people imagine in the 50s? Well, it was meaning the answer was lack of freedom to to change the world, the web design or the movement. But the bottom line is, is a lack of freedom and lack of freedom. Already an idea of my mind, meaning from the dog from the eyes of the dog, was in a 100% contradiction with the propaganda, which is constantly praising the elaboration of Romania from the fascist yoke, whatever that was, because in fact, the Romania was fascist that during the war, so what yoke is that your other victims to the to the the regime, but that's another another topic that requires something else with which I will conclude this discussion, asked me please at the end, what, what, what makes a better science? So that's pretty much the reason why I decided to champion the use of this word. Why and my most recent book, the title is freedom and evolution. Clearly, what I should say obviously, obviously, without without freedom, there is no evolution. Meaning that of course on this campus famous here at Duke University, everybody is Gaga about evolution. Or they mean of course Darwinian evolution I'm that that can be their bag. But as I pointed out with a river basin and with the city traffic revolution, evolution is not a, let's say, an invention from biology. Evolution is in fact a very old Latin word of all involve array, which means to roll out to all fours. And it captures the image of the birth of an infant out of his or her mother. And in the same ancient culture, the mother was not thorough she nature she who gave us or gave birth to everything? Well, it's pretty good. It's a pretty good culture, the one that captures, let's say, what is so succinctly. And so, evolution is, is accepted as spoken, or hardly controversial. And, to my astonishment, when I was trying to get this book published the freedom and evolution I had detected in the anonymous reviews, the uneasiness of reviewers and editors and literary agents to to touch this thing you say? Yeah, that's right. So the more uneasy they were, the more determined I became. Not to shut up.

Brian Nichols  41:15  
I like that. That's a good thing. That's a good thing. Well, yeah, there we go is Dr. Adrian bidjan is easily one of my favorite recurring guests. And he's out there in academia fighting the good fight, which is brave and dangerous, because we've seen so many professors who have put their names and Careers Out There, ultimately, face getting cut or or reprimanded in some way, shape or form. He's a Jordan Peterson, Brett Weinstein. This is not uncommon. So thank you, Dr. Adrienne John, for being out there. And leading with the fact that yes, freedom is nature. So there you go, folks, there are holy cow 500 episodes. And this is just five of the 500 I hope you enjoyed the quick overview of some of my personal favorites. And if you did, I would love to hear about it. Please give me a shout. Email me, Brian at Brian Nichols. And by the way, if you enjoyed today's episode, then you're gonna really enjoy our most recent episode, we had Michael cipher here, actually go ahead and share the screen again, we had Michael cipher on the program. And they want Michael, he is the CEO and founder of public square, and they're creating a parallel economy that's helping defeat wokeness helping connect business owners and entrepreneurs. I will include that link here. As we wrap up the video, I will make sure I see you there. But with that being said, Folks, one last reminder, if you have not had the chance to head over to the Brian Nichols and check out The Brian Nichols Show shop where you can go ahead and find not only our freedom is nature swag that Dr. Adrienne berjon had helped inspire. But also you can help find our fun students not system swag. We have shirts, garden flags, big flags, stickers, and more. So head over to the Brian Nichols Ford slash shop and be sure to use code TBNS at checkout for 10% off. But with that being said, thank you for joining me on. Yes, today is episode 500. I appreciate each and every one of you, you have helped us reach 10s hundreds of 1000s of people and I would dare say with our appearance over on Tim Poole millions of people. So that's just absolutely incredible. I cannot thank you all enough. And please, if you continue to get value, all I ask is that you continue to share the episode. Please continue to reach out to me, give me a shout. Let me know what value you're getting from the program. And hey, if you want to go ahead and suggest topics for future episodes, you have questions that you want answered on future episodes, The Brian Nichols Show, head to the comments here on Youtube. Give me some ideas or give me some questions. Or if you want go ahead again, email me Brian at Brian Nichols But with that being said, thank you for joining us on today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show. With that being said it's Brian Nichols signing off for episode 500. That's right. We'll see you next time.

Unknown Speaker  44:13  
Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols

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