498: How to Talk About Roe v. Wade /Abortion without Tempers Flaring (with Olivia Rondeau)
The conversation towards abortion/Roe v. Wade has always been a heated discussion... but does it have to be that way?
The conversation towards abortion/Roe v. Wade has always been a heated discussion... but does it have to be that way?
Returning to the program today is Oliva Rondeau, who joins us to walk through this often difficult and delicate subject, and how we can best avoid the usual demonization.
"The answer lies in communities, how these communities take care of their pregnant women and pregnant teens who are in a tough situation, and how we view these pregnant women and pregnant teens and try to end the stigma.
Because people make mistakes, it takes two people, like... we're all adults here. So let's let's kind of end the, 'us versus them',
As we go more and more polarized and more and more separate, you'll see that, as we demonize each other, the situation does not solve itself."
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Brian Nichols 0:04
stead of focusing on winning arguments we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.
Well, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show and thank you for joining us on of course, another fun to build episode I am as always your humble host. And today we are kicking things off. Oh, man, we're gonna be getting all sorts of people excited, mad, angry, in agreement in disagreement across the board. And we're gonna be talking about Roe versus Wade. I love your rondo. Returning to The Brian Nichols Show. Welcome back, Olivia.
Olivia Rondeau 0:48
Hey, I thought you're gonna say that people are gonna be excited about it. I agree that I was coming back and I was like, Oh, okay.
Brian Nichols 0:55
Like not Olivia. Not again, please. For the show. Why are you wasting your time over in Brian's program? Good god,
Olivia Rondeau 1:02
I'm very charitable person. So I like to toss toss some buttons here and there.
Brian Nichols 1:08
Well, Olivia, you've been you literally everywhere. It seems over the past few months. Now. You've been on the show. I think couple times at this point, you had one of our our solo, one on ones you did with the audience back a couple months ago as well. So the audience has gotten to know you. But candidly, we've been growing left and right here at the audience for for The Brian Nichols Show. So we've been reaching a lot of new people who had not had the chance to meet you. So let's kind of do this before we dig into. Yes, this greater Roe versus Wade debate with that little brief that was released behind the scenes there from the Supreme Court. But let's introduce you again to The Brian Nichols Show audience Olivia, who are you and what got you so I don't know intertwined, where you don't seem to have a moment to spare in this grid or Liberty world we find ourselves in.
Olivia Rondeau 1:52
Okay, so for those who don't know, I'm Olivia Rando. I am a quote unquote, Liberty activist Kennedy on Fox Business actually kind of coined that term for me. So I started, like, I adopted that. And now I call myself that, but ideologically, I'm more of a conservative terian. You know, I've supported Republicans, I've supported libertarians, I'm really about ideas and individuals over parties as a registered Independent. So that's kind of where I've lived my I would say, My perspective is coming from, you know, in the political sense, I got into politics at a young age. It was the 2016 election, I'm gonna date myself here. I was in high school. So it kind of started off as me being like, Oh, my God, like these Trump supporters, like I had friends who were Trump supporters, I went to like a rural, you know, white high school, and like Southern Maryland. And I was like, Oh, my God, like, all my friends who are not racist to me, who have always treated me nice. I was on the wrestling team. So the friends were like, basically a lot of white dudes, essentially. And I was like, how are these people, you know, talking about Trump and supporting Trump and so I go home, talk to my dad, I'm like, Ty, like, all these kids at school are talking about Trump. You know, I don't know what to do. Because I was told, you know, I was told on social media, you know, by my peers and classmates, some of them who are not on the wrestling team, some of them you know, I wasn't like a bunch of humanities classes. So you know how that goes. But humanities is theater kids and stuff are like no other races. So you know, I had an internal conflict about it. And my dad's like, what are you like, what are you talking about? Republicans aren't racist. Trump isn't racist, like I'm voting for Trump and my dad, you know, but that's a black guy. So it that started the gears turning in my head. So I was like, okay, clearly, I've been lied to because all these people I know, like, respect, love our friends with our, you know, right wing Republican, and I'm now just figure out that Republicans don't have to be racist, that they can support Trump for completely economic reasons, or social reasons that are completely, you know, doesn't have anything to do with race. And I believe that's the truth for the majority of Trump supporters is that it's not because they hate Mexicans, not because they hate black people. No, I think that the white working class, you know, the majority of Trump's base has been kind of slandered as as racist. And I almost fell for that, you know, I was I was a kid when this happened. And so I I'm like, Well, clearly the Democrats are lying to me that identity politics is really not working out for the black community. So I do some research into Hillary Clinton first because you know, 2016 election like, well, what's the other side putting up? And I was like, no, like, we cannot I was like, 16 years old looking at like Benghazi looking at the Clinton Foundation. I was a week not elect this woman. I don't care if she's a woman, like, by this time, I'm done with identity politics. I don't care about feminism. I don't care if we're gonna let the freshman the president. I'm just like, she is an evil woman. She's a nasty woman. Like, that's it. And so from then on, I kind of gotten known like around the school as like, Oh, she's that conservative that could serve a girl that black conservative, whatever, whatever. And it was kind of controversial. I got kicked out of the Black Student Union actually my freshman year of high school, as I you know, start down this journey leading up to the 2016 election. And I felt super lonely felt super isolated. Like there were conservatives at my school, but they didn't look like me. You know, there were people, a couple of people that looked at me like me at my school, but they kicked me out the Black Student Union. So I really felt like I needed to reach out to more people who were similar to me in that they didn't fit into that identity politics box. So I start going on social media, you know, I make a Twitter account, and then it just blew up, it really just blew up almost immediately. So I created it, I think I'm like, February 2018. And by like, April, or may already had like, 10,000 followers, and I was still like, I think 17 or 16, or 17 at this point. And it was a lot for me to deal with and handle. So I was like, What am I going to do with this platform. So I started making videos, some comedy, videos, commentary, you know, usually related to politics, and I got a lot of hate for it. So locally, you know, the local when the logos first on your page goes crazy, I don't know if the locals find your page yet, Brian, but they were like, trying to post my address and me death threats, and they're gonna pull up on me and kill me, like, people were really hating on me for being at the time, which is very controversial, like a minority, Trump's supporter. And, you know, as I got older, a couple years older, and my, my platform starts to grow, and I become more connected with people. I'm like, Hmm, this whole time, I thought that, you know, when I turned 18, I was just gonna be, you know, registered to vote Republican. But, you know, some other people have great ideas as well. And I found myself supporting a lot of libertarians and I, you know, without social media, I would have never heard about what libertarian is or what it means or what the Libertarian Party is, like, I just would have never heard of it. It's not taught in schools. And, you know, I took like AP government, all that in high school was not taught in class. So without Twitter, I would have, you know, I probably would have remained just kind of like your average Trump supporter, no tea, no shade, like, if that's your opinion, that's your opinion. But I've come to the point where I will be a, I frequently critique Trump on some of his decisions on policies and endorsements, especially now these days, from a more of a right wing libertarian or conservative libertarian, or liberty, Republican, like all these different names, they all kind of apply to me, I am an independent. But like I said before, I support a lot of libertarians and Republicans as well. And I'm friends with people on both sides that I work for, and with people on both sides. So I kind of still don't even fit into a strict political box. But going on Twitter, and just connecting with so many different people has definitely aided my political growth and ideological growth and even personal growth, it's made me more confident, like, I feel like I can, you know, I can just talk freely about my politics now, which, you know, four or five years ago, I would try to hide it and try to avoid the subject just to, you know, avoid the ridicule. And so now, of course, as I'm about to hit 90,000 followers on Twitter just a couple years later, and you know, I'm on Fox and Fox Business, like every week or so, and, you know, going on podcasts like yours, and shows, like your origins and stuff, I get to connect with a lot more people, my audience has grown, you know, pretty wide. And I try to be the person that I needed as a teenager, like the person that did not fit into a political box, like, you know, I have so many, this isn't the best demographic of followers I have. I have like a huge demographic of like, gay teenagers who are like either Republican or libertarian who gets so much hate and they all follow me, they'll flock to me, it's crazy, but like I get so I get a huge diverse group of like, you know, LGBT people, black people, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, and white people as well, because I'll stick up for the white working class like a lot of people don't like Democrats don't, you know, and even the Republican base sometimes let the white working class get slandered as racists and scary bigots and stuff just for Trump supporters. So I just try to be that person that makes those people with controversial views and controversial opinions, especially related to their their identity. I just tried to reach them and make them feel more comfortable, you know, speaking up and speaking out. So I always like am encouraging people you know, make a social media page or create your organization on campus or, you know, do something get active you know, I've worked on a bunch of different campaigns I've written you know, freelance writing staff writing for a bunch of different places, mostly like libertarian and conservative places, but really any method I can use to get the message out I will so I'm basically done like every different medium. It comes to like with politics and work that like every different level, when it comes to like running a campaign or just all the way down to door knocking, like basically everything.
Brian Nichols 9:52
Yep, they all need to be done. Honestly, like, if you want to be successful in any way, shape, or form, whether it's politics, sales, anything you have to go out and actually put in the blood, sweat and tears, but you brought up a couple of things, and I wrote them down. So one, you brought up these controversial views. I wrote that down, I put it in quotes, because I don't know, Olivia, it's so much controversial views as it as it's been stifled views. I think what we're seeing, and you brought this up, and it hit me because I've seen this a lot to where you've seen people be afraid. For the past four or five years, I was over on Tim Poole, back a month or so ago, and I was talking about this about, you know, sales leaders and business owners who are so tired, and they're now starting to stand up and speak out. I just had my program here, Steve Harrison, he wrote the book can't sell won't sell. He's from United Kingdom. And he's talking about Adland all your advertisers and marketers out there who have been just completely co opted by the leftist group think over in their corporate world, who now they're seeing a complete revolution, a complete fighting back from people who have been just ignored the people who are actually out there doing the grunt work. So we're seeing more people now actually think starting to engage in the conversations that, frankly, they were too afraid to engage with in the past. And one of these conversations, one of these hot topics that I think has been really elevated to one of the most just dangerous topics to discuss, and that is the abortion debate. And we're seeing this come to a head right now the leak of the Roe v Wade ruling which it appears that the nine members in the Supreme Court Justice will be ruling five four in a conservative leaning towards Yes, reverting Roe v Wade. Now, so it's no longer going to be a federal issue on abortion, but rather now we're gonna go back to the states the way I mean, frankly, I think a lot of us would be okay with I thought we would be okay with that. It seems that's the best step forward, at least in my world versus big, gigantic national divorces, at least let each individual state decide, you know, whether or not they're going to have abortion, and whether they're going to have different restrictions on abortion, like, if you're going to have that conversation. Let's not do a cookie cutter approach for entire United States of America, let's at least bring this down to the states and then let individuals decide. I mean, I just moved from Philadelphia, PA out to Indiana, there's a reason for that. It's not just because I'm a big fan of corn and flat land and really, really nice people. But also, the fact that values out here are very different than the Northeast. And the values matter, especially over the last two years. We saw it I think we're seeing right now the conversation of values, morals, it's coming to the forefront, parents are pissed off, they saw what their kids are learning in school, they're standing up and fighting back you have business owners who just saw that their businesses could be closed down on a whim versus what's essential versus not essential. They're pissed off they're ready to go ahead and fight back and also I talked about you have sales pros executives, entrepreneurs use go across the greater business world people who quite literally are having in some cases half if not more of their income taken away and then use by government to do god knows whatever whatever it says government do good programming is actually supposed to be doing. But in reality, we all know that the money is going towards some tactical bomb is going to go ahead and bomb some poor little kid over in, you know, Afghanistan, Pakistan, somewhere over in the Middle East. So you can't feel good about your tax dollars going to fix the potholes on your road now your dollars are going overseas. So we're seeing across the border, Libya, people standing up and fighting back now let's go to the topic at hand today Roe versus Wade right? This is such an intense conversation because I think part of the problem has been and I promise this is where we come full circle back to the point in the quotes the controversial views it was labeled controversial for a really long time to be pro life to be pro life was considered outside of the mainstream by the people controlling the microphone and I think what we're finding here especially in an era of more and more decentralized platforms is actually not only do more people not stand in the position of being just overtly pro choice but as a matter of fact even those who are pro choice they do have some reservations to the late term abortions the the you know anything past the second trimester they get a little weary of it I I think that speaks to that there is a very large moral ethical conversation that we're not frankly having because if we start to have that conversation, then we're going to have to come to some some lines right we're gonna have to decide, okay, what is life and what is worth being protected if it is life, and and all of a sudden that will make it so you can no longer hide behind the isms? Now, reality becomes reality unless, of course, we go back to the will I'm not a biologist, but Olivia that's me on my soapbox, what are your thoughts?
Olivia Rondeau 14:51
So first of all, the way that the draft opinion got leaked, I was I was just floored that that was allowed to happen. I I'm so floored that nothing I don't really see anything being done about it. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that they have identified the leaker officially or have done anything to bring them to justice, whatever that may be. Yeah, that to me is insane. The fact that as a result of that people are gathering outside of Justice Alito, his house and some of the other justices houses I believe, and you know, at their personal homes, throwing garbage and shouting at them and megaphones. And all those kinds of things like this is not going to persuade anybody to change their minds. And this is like the stupidest way to intimidate somebody is to show the other side of the aisle that you're immature, you can't handle, you know, other people's opinions. And you just are disrespectful, you're disrespectful person showing up to somebody's personal home. So there's that, first of all, I don't think that their strategies to, you know,
make it so that roe is not overturned, or really failing and really fall short of, you know, accomplishing their goal, which is, to me, it's a good thing, because I support overturning Roe v Wade, I support the decision going back to the States. And what I find hilarious is that there's a lot of people around here like I'm outside of DC and Maryland as a lot of people around here, and I spent half my time in LA as well, who are freaking out protesting all the kind of stuff I'm like, you guys realize that if it goes back to the states, California is not going to things happening. I don't understand why in all these liberal states, people are freaking out, like they're literally losing their minds, I really don't understand that part. As for the pro life versus pro choice thing, I've never seen it really as black and white. I you know, not to be ironic, but I am literally not a biologist, so I can't really give you an exact dates when like, the heartbeat starts or something like that. But, you know, my, my unscientific opinion is that, you know, life ends when the heartbeat stops. So I my philosophy is that that's when it starts. And so I don't support a like a sweeping ban of all abortion, I don't support these bills that are coming up where there should be no exceptions whatsoever, I find those to be very black and white, something that very few people would really agree to and people are going to continue to protest if that's the way that things are going. I understand that certain people have their religious beliefs and may believe that life starts you know, even before conception that you know, God has planned every soul and all that and that's a very, you know, righteous virtuous pleased to have but I don't think you should push that on other people. On the flip side, you know, often the heart starts beating I do believe that's alive. And you know, abortions are very medically different I have done a little bit of research on this abortions are very medically different from you know, the, the from within the first couple months, you know, from the first nine weeks, to onto the second and third trimesters, they look very different. One of them involves literally ripping off limbs, and crushing skulls and vacuuming out pieces of a mother's uterus. So to me, that's really disgusting. Um, whenever I go on, research it and stumble across, like, you know, graphic images I want to throw up, it's very, it's very hurtful and harmful, I think, to the mother and the baby. Because at that point, you know, when there's brain a heart, you know, arms and legs, I'm just like, No, can't can't feign and I think that he should, people should generally be more responsible. And that's what it comes down to. Because, you know, the vast majority of abortions are not for not for the baby, you know, threatening the life of the mother or they're not for rape or incest. So at the end of the day, people should be more responsible. So going back to the states, again, California, places like Maryland, DC, you know, where I live out, nothing, nothing really is going to change here. I mean, in Maryland, they have proposed a crazy bill that would basically let an a baby that survived and attempted abortion to basically die, you know, on the operating table after the mother delivers it. So it is I do have some strong feelings about late term abortions. Early term, I think that people should be able to come to a compromise on it. But I also understand that's pretty realistic, because we have the religious right, who believes generally that you know, life begins at conception, there should be no exceptions, regardless of rape, incest, you know, things like that, which I very much disagree with. And then there's the far left that believes that a fetus is a fetus is basically a clump of cells until it exits the mother's birth canal. So you can you should be able to abort a pregnancy you know, a week before you give birth a day before you give birth and it's that disgusts me just as much as you know, forcing a teenager to carry a rate baby so it just, it is a very very difficult situation where I don't know if there's an answer. I really don't know if there's an answer to that's why I supported going back to the States because at least people in these localities, like, you know, in the Deep South, where a lot of people are very religious, they don't want abortions or state. Okay. You know, make your law make your law, I can't stop you if that's what you vote on it. And that's what your support, but a big federal sweeping legislation one way or the other is not the answer.
Brian Nichols 20:25
No. And I think I do actually maybe have a solution. And it's the solution we try to promote in the greater Liberty worlds across the board. And that is to make the problem, no longer a problem by inherently presenting better solutions outside of the confines of public policy decision making. If we are able to create a situation where abortions are no longer the desired tool, or practice to solve the problem, and that is in this case, and I can't believe that the words come in my mouth. But the problem air quotes is either a to the point you made the the very medically rare situations that we see, or those extreme circumstances, or B, and this is the part that is heartbreaking that the vast majority of abortions who are simply unwanted, unplanned, unprepared for pregnancies, and we can have, you know, a conversation about the morals ethics of that. But regardless of that, if we're able to go out and start to build better solutions, that help either medically create alternatives, societally create alternatives, or yes, just change the conversation, then I think we're able to make the conversation. I mean, this is the part I think people forget. And this blew me away. Oh, actually, I heard this that abortion has been declining precipitously over the past 510 years, because as medical advancements have now grown, and yes, there have been downsides to those those medical advancements, especially from a cultural standpoint, but we've seen the need for abortions to decrease. And as such, we've seen the number of abortions decrease. So we have seen that when we are able to put our best foot forward with actually bringing real solutions to the table outside of the confines of government beyond just to your point, Olivia, and I think it was very well put you having the black or white? Yes, no one size fits all approach for in this case, the entire country, you know, I think we're gonna be in a much better spot if we can start to build those better solutions. And if we can do it from a state level, right. And this, I think, will help, you know, especially from a legal standpoint, in ergonomy, not legal but a political standpoint, and it goes into the legal is it will eliminate a lot of the barriers that maybe have been presented from people entering into trying to build these solutions. And I think there's one area we need to focus on. And we shouldn't frankly, be raising up more just like Cory Daniels is doing with school choice is going around educating lawmakers on what what holds people back from engaging in acts like adoption, what it holds people back from engaging in alternative forms of contraception. And, you know, before abortion becomes something on the table, what can we do medically to help innovate research to help with these very terrible rare forms of name, you know, the birth defect here? And how can we help change the conversation? So, as a Oh, that Olivia, I think this is a conversation in a topic that frankly, it will never get easy, it frankly, should never be easy, because the topic that we're discussing is just is a very uncomfortable and frankly, is dealing with those who are, I would dare say are the most vulnerable in our society. And that is the unborn. You're right there with children. I'd say the unborn, whether you think it is a life or not, they are the most vulnerable. There's nothing they can do to defend themselves. We are literally their caretakers. So with all that being said, That's me again on my soapbox for the day. I know there's a very, very heated conversation right now across the board in our country. So I hope I hope people can take this away and learn how to engage in a more civil conversation in a civil dialogue. Olivia so let's do this as we wrap things up, what would be your recommendation for folks to be able to take what we talked about today and then bring it to real people engage in a conversation and actually find some common ground?
Olivia Rondeau 24:18
So I believe and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the number one reason for an elective abortion so meaning that it's not you know, for anyone's danger or health is poverty. So when people talk about, oh my god, this, you know, this pregnancy is unplanned, you know, rich people can deal with unplanned pregnancy, they may not want to, but they have the capabilities to and so, you know, a leftist response might be well, let's give everyone free childcare. Let's give everyone free food, free education, free, free, free, free, free. But you know, us as rational minded people, we kind of think a little bit differently and say, Well, what is stopping that mother? What is stopping this family with an unplanned pregnancy? You know, From being financially stable, let's roll back these regulations, let's tax them less, you know, let's stop sending their kids to a whatever random School is in their zip code, and provide charter school options, private school options, like we can change the culture, we can change the economy, we can change the jobs, but really only if we take an anti government approach, because government, you know, through all its trials and tribulations trying to get abortion down, I don't think they've really contributed to the actual number that you know, abortion is decreasing. I think that with the creation of more modern technology and modern career types, such as working from home, or doing contract gig work, such as, like Uber, and, you know, UberEATS, things like that, where there's a lot of flexibility, I think that that has kind of contributed to kind of a way for people to climb more out of poverty, but we're still not there yet, with all the government regulations, they're coming down on gig workers now, under the guise of trying to get them to all the full time employee benefits, but that kind of ruins the point of being a gay worker with a flexible schedule, and they're just gonna get taxed more on top of that. So we really have to kind of, you know, for all intents and purposes, ignore the government. And in real life, you know, if you're listening to this, and you're in, you're facing something like this, or if somebody in your life is facing something like this, help them you know, people who get a board or people who get abortions, I don't think are necessarily evil people, I don't think that the majority of people who get abortions think that it's murder, I don't think that these people should be thrown in jail, like some people are, you know, suggesting I think these people should be helped. So help that teen you know, that that pregnant tune in your life, you know, help that pregnant woman in your life who whose you know, husband just ran off, you're like, You got to help these people. And we need to create more communities. So small government, limited government at the very local level, I think would be the best way to tackle this problem enough with the federal sweeping federal things like Roe v. Wade should have never even made it to like the Supreme Court in the first place. Like it's not abortion is not in the Constitution, these decisions should be made at the very, very local and small levels by communities who vote on these, you know, vote on these policies and vote for people to represent their views and ideologies. And so I think that in short, the answer lies in communities, how these communities take care of their, you know, pregnant women and pregnant teens who are in a tough situation, and how we view these pregnant women and pregnant teens and try to end the stigma because people make mistakes, it takes two people, like, you know, we're all adults here. So let's let's kind of end the, the, you know, us versus them, you know, people are like, Oh, these women, these feminists are baby killers or baby killers. Um, I think that that would have to that turn would have to go to the abortion doctors who know exactly what they're doing. They know that they're pulling apart a baby with limbs, and, you know, a heart beating and things like that. So let's stop demonizing each other, let's try to come to a compromise. I think it's very unlikely that we will in this time period, but hopefully sometime in the future. Also, I would recommend that people, if you're into books, like dystopian futuristic type, sci fi things, I have a book recommendation. It's a series called unwind. And it's basically setting the future of America where the abortion debate has gotten so crazy that there's a whole civil war over it. And at the end of the war, they come to this conclusion that okay, abortion, federally illegal sweeping illegal, but as a result of this, the, basically the value of life has dropped. So parents have basically taken to unwinding or killing their children and selling them for parts basically, it's really, really crazy serious. But, um, I think it provides a lot of perspective because if you ignore the crazy sci fi part, you kind of realize that oh my god, we're like in the beginning stages of a crazy, dystopian future. So the left thinks is going to be Handmaid's Tale. I don't agree with that. And the right thing is that we're just going to be, you know, chopping babies heads off in the streets. I don't believe in that. But as we go more and more polarized and more and more separate, you'll see that, as we demonize each other, the situation does not solve itself. And one more thing, I would like to kind of reiterate one of my points so people don't take it out of context, or context. I'm not pro abortion. When I say that I want the exceptions for rape for incest, you know, for very, very early abortions. If we solve these social issues, you know, I obviously don't want raping incest to happen. So therefore, I don't want these abortions to happen, but in those instances, I find that they may be necessary for that mother if she chooses to make that decision. So if we lessen the social problems if we lessen sexual abuse, if we let it lessen child abuse, if we, you know, curb poverty, poverty, you know, as we do live in kind of like a poverty industrial system in this nation, we will see a decline in abortion, and we'll continue to see that decline. So that's kind of all I had to say on that, sorry for being on a soapbox tangent as well. But, ya
Brian Nichols 30:23
know, this is the soapbox central here today, and it's a conversation. We're gonna keep having right Olivia and this is something we need to you brought this up at the very end, I thank you for this is that, you know, we need to be able to get out of the demonization, you know, we have to be able to look at each other as people who have to share this, you know, this floating rock through space for oh, it seems like eternity right? until something happens where we're no longer on this floating rock through space. We have to be able to coexist, you know, TM, their little trademark and not going in cheek like actually be able to live together. Otherwise, what's the point? Like, what are we doing? And if we can't do that, then I think we're in a really sad place. But I think there are enough people we're seeing this right now more and more people are starting to engage in the actual discourse who weren't engaging before that I think right there will help change the tenor of the conversation from the polarize the demonize few because when, when those loud voices are now no longer as amplified, because there are more voices in the middle who are speaking out, and just by sheer volume, they outweigh those loud voices. That's going to be a really, really interesting time that we're going to be in. So with that being said, they're gonna go ahead and keep along the ride with us, Olivia, they can go ahead and follow me over at being Nichols liberty, where can they go ahead and support you
Olivia Rondeau 31:48
on Twitter? I'm at Rondo Livia, that's aro N D au li vi a on Instagram. I'm Rondo dot Olivia. I also have a YouTube channel as well. I'm trying to find the time to really start back up again. But you can find my channel on YouTube at just my name. Olivia. Rondo.
Brian Nichols 32:03
Perfect. How about this folks will make it easy for you. We'll include all the links there in the show notes. All I got to do. Go to your podcast catcher that you're enjoying right now and click The Brian Nichols Show artwork. It'll bring you to today's episode where you can go ahead and find Yes, all Libya's social media links plus will include the entire transcript of today's episode for you. Why not? And also you can go find almost ready for this Olivia almost all 500 episodes here of The Brian Nichols Show. Is that crazy episode 500. It's right around the corner and by like right around the corner. It's on Wednesday. So yeah, stay tuned, folks. But otherwise, with that being said, it's Brian Nichols signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Olivia Rando. We'll see you tomorrow, listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols show.com
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Olivia Rondeau
Hazlitt Fellow Member of FEE Staff
I’m a political science major at the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, where I’m also a member of the wrestling team. In addition, I am an independent political commentator and social media influencer with many conservative and libertarian leanings. I do freelance writing, video, as well as political grassroots work.