469: Why This Chinese Immigrant Fears the United States is on a Path to Communism (with Lily Tang Williams)
“I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.”
“I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left.”
Lily Tang Williams was a law school assistant professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China who immigrated to America and became an entrepreneur and an educator.
Born to illiterate working-class parents in China’s western Sichuan province just before Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lily Tang Williams grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos, and Communist indoctrination.
In 1988, Lily Tang Williams decided to study in the U.S., leaving her position with only $100 in her pocket and $1200 in debt to her American sponsor, a Fulbright professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Though she could not speak English fluently she was determined to achieve success in this country, earning a Master’s degree in Administration and Planning from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin.
Is the United States quickly becoming more like the communist state she fled? And if so, how did it get so bad, so fast?
Lily is now seeking the GOP primary for Congress in New Hampshire, with the goal of helping to "Keep the American Dream Alive".
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Brian Nichols
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, happy Friday there, folks. We've made it to the last day of the week. And I am so excited to be sharing an awesome episode with you today. But yes, of course, I am your humble host, Brian Nichols. And today we are joined by our returning guests. But it's been a while since she was last here on the program. And now she's running for Congress. And let's make it a point folks that get this amazing woman elected to Congress as the first Chinese immigrant ever elected Lilly Tang Williams. Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show.
Lily Tang Williams
Well, thank you, Brian. I'm so glad to be back. It has been a few years
Brian Nichols
certainly has Yes. And it feels like it's been even longer in an era of COVID where we've seen everything that we never thought could possibly happen here in America with governments arbitrarily shutting down businesses naming you essential or a non essential worker. And I don't know we're getting to a really weird area now with the VAX mandates. So Lillian, a lots changed in the world since your last in the show. But before we get there, let's reintroduce yourself to The Brian Nichols Show audience you have a heck of a story that has led to where you are today as you're running for office there in New Hampshire. Yes, your story, if you would, specifically how you ended up in this case, if are you are elected, you will be the first ever Chinese immigrant ever elected to US Congress?
Lily Tang Williams
Well, my story's very simple. I was born in communist China. And I grew up in Mao's Cultural Revolution from two years old to 12 years old. And I was living on food rationing coupons with my working class, poor family, my parents, and I went through the entire indoctrination in the government schools Ma was like God to me, I was not allowed to ask any questions. And I said, read Psalms, I only was told to listen to the music they won't be listened to, and where they closely allow me to wear and the live their place, they put us trapped there to live, we cannot just, you know, pack up our back and to live. So I was little slave. But I didn't know that until I woke up years later in this country. And just like today, 1 billion Chinese are like slaves, but with their consent, because they're brainwashed daily by the propaganda. So that's my life story. And to live under that regime for 20, almost 24 years. And when I woke up in China starts to question everything I wanted to flee China, then took me another two years, quietly to plan my scape and come to this country as a nickel graduate student, I was a faculty member of Shanghai law school. So you I cannot even trust anybody to to say, Hey, I'm gonna come here, I'm not going to go back because otherwise I will not allow to leave. So I made to America. And I'm so happy. Now you're looking at American dream, somebody who started with nothing, and I'm running for Congress today.
Brian Nichols
Wow. That's it's it's so exciting truly, to see not only that you get the opportunity to run but the reasons behind why you're running Lilly and I think right there speaks to the importance of your having a voice having this platform, because there has been, I think it was Dr. Malone coined the phrase, the mass psychosis, and the brainwashing that you referred to that took place in communist China under Mao. It's quite real. I saw a study that was done, I forget the name of the study. But what happened was, if you take a bunch of fleas, which everybody knows fleas, they jump very, very far. And you take these fleas, and you put them into a glass jar, and you put that lid on the jar for only three days. And then you take that jar off, and then you put them on the table again, the fleas will no longer jump high, they will only jump as high as the jar lid would have allowed them to jump and they will forever only jump that high. And then they will teach their offspring that that's the only way to jump in. It'll be bred into their society going forward is ruined the entire generations there of of those fleas, and we see that very eerie similarity between what's happened in the 1950s and 60s over in China and what we're seeing happen today. And that's maybe where we can focus while you're running for Congress in New Hampshire is yes, we've seen some things that we never thought we'd see here in America taking place Lily and let's talk about that. What are you Are you seeing right now up in New Hampshire specifically that you said I need to make sure I'm getting my story out there but also leading the charge down on Capitol Hill?
Lily Tang Williams
Well, I have been a to cater for past five years to go into schools and colleges, high schools and to teach kids about horrors of communism, and Natoma know what even going on in today's China under one party dictatorship. It's not something they hear from their teachers in schools, and not something they're taught. But the only last two years COVID shutdowns, I was even more terrified to say, the rise of authoritarianism in not just the United States, in all of the free democratic countries supposed to be the free world. It's like the if we were really a free world as to why they're all taking the tactics out of the Communist Party's playbook, to make people live in fear to control the media and social media narratives and politicians and, and embed with a big tech to inform kind of talking points, and the why then we had so called, you know, 2020, riots and new things and, you know, burning going on, I was having PTSD during 2020. I saw all that Red Guards, like young people burning down our cities, and the just fight a new thing. And when they help bureaucrats come out to say, to go out to protest join the BLM. And it's not a threat to the spread of the virus. It's like oh, virus is political. And they depends on choose and likes of unelected bureaucrats. I was just totally and terrified because I saw the waging of society like this before under Mao, I saw the total chaos and even include defund the police like this in Mao's China. I saw people torture to death, going through struggle sessions, apologize for their past for their families, and who were born so called Black class families. And if you're black class, you are the enemy of the people, but actually enemy of the state. So this kind of arbitrary division of our citizen is happening here. That's why you have the whole country's so divided. It really saddens me people cannot see the writing's on the wall. This is the communist cultural revolution happening on American soil. I call them a second Cultural Revolution. That's why I said I got to do more to save the country I love so you will not become like the country I left.
Brian Nichols
Well, there you go. And that's exactly why we're having you on the program because we got to have more people out there like you, Lily, and let's focus on what you're focusing on. And that would be if you had the opportunity to serve New Hampshire out in in the Capitol Hill, what would that look like from a lily Tang Williams perspective? As you approach governance, what are you seeing as the top of mind issues that need addressing immediately?
Lily Tang Williams
Well, just imagine somebody who survived communism and Mao's cultural revolution on the floor of US Congress to call out progressive socialist agendas. And the policies are going to make us in poor equally slave and dumber and need for more unfair, that's the typical communist associated tactic. We offer you some free stuff rely on government, even though they will print money inflate money without any sound economic policies, policies, to to offer free college, and free health care, childcare, all that stuff to get you on their wagon to go down the socialist country paths. That's what a mall did promise you something. You never can you temporarily make you feel good once they have total control. And our country a free country will be gone. And, and I'm the best person to do that. You know, there is a huge Progressive Caucus in the House right? And you know, LC is part of it. And they want to sell people, they failures, central planning socialist policies, green new deals, more government control and regulations and demonize capitalist and profits. And, you know, just like their policies cause lots of issues today, but they want you to blame on wrong reasons. And I will call that out. I will never vote for any of those bills that I don't even have time to read. I will not vote for them. I will call them out to say hey, you know what, that's what they did in China.
Brian Nichols
Yeah, we have to we have to pass the bill before we can read it. I think those are the famous last words of Nancy Pelosi for the first the Affordable Care Act. And you you actually read exactly where my head was going, because you see this right the squad, the progressive members down in Washington. And I mean, literally, I don't want to speak for you, but it must drive you mad to hear them promote these just not only failed policies, but policies that you've experienced firsthand.
Lily Tang Williams
Wow, that people just don't know once. Once they have that kind of economy and government control, guess what, there'll be no more middle class, and we'll all be equally poor preys on gonna live on food rationing, gas rationing, and you totally rely on government. That's how they do it. They were taking away you individual initiatives and framework capitalism, and the government were coming to dictate economy, and to control the industries in the name of equity and social justice. Those are communist terms, equity, there's no way you can have equity equal outcome, without government use of force to take away from productive citizens to redistribute wealth, you know, people who knows history, they know, that's not gonna happen. So equity is a Marxist term, why to our college students buy into that. And I see today's Kancil, culture, silence, Dissident Voices, and marginalized parent, all rights are all the same thing I saw in China. And so I'm the best person to give people personal stories, and make the comparisons and stop that kind of agenda. We have to win over the people in the middle, and especially our young people who are not putting great aware who bought into lefty agendas, who bought into demonize America critical race theory, or judge people on their skin color and race. I say no, because that kind of division. And the divide and conquer is just typical, their tactics. It's not about skin color, or race. It's about a revolution, the Cultural Revolution to destroy our country, our institutions, our education, and the industrial order us so they can have total control of a greatest country on Earth. If that happens, the word will fall into very dark place, and the Chinese Communist Party will be very happy.
Brian Nichols
We've seen over the past few years, there's been a resurgence. And it hasn't really been talked about. It's always been focused on Russia, which, you know, obviously, we've seen the culmination of that Russia conversation to where we are today over there. But when you look at what has actually been taking place, behind the scenes, China has been the one really going out of their way to meddle more in American affairs. I mean, I think it's funny, how is it funny, or is it tragic? how short the memory is of your average american where we had a sitting congressman, who I think was on the foreign affairs committee, if my memory serves me, correct, who had a Chinese Communist Party spy on his staff that he was sleeping with? I mean, I think that might be a big red flag no pun intended, but here we are. And yet it doesn't get talked about Lily and is it do you see this being more of a it's is it over anymore approach to get the the failed communist policies of yesterday, your interaction today or something else?
Lily Tang Williams
Well, the CCP has been allowed to infiltrate into United States and other Western democratic countries like Australia, and Canada and EU way allowed Confucius Institute under Obama to come to into our country funded by CCP to go to our high schools and colleges and their teachers trained by China to go to our schools and to promote China. How wonderful glorious China Yes. And they if they take their money, they have to comply with China laws. And there are so many spies in this country. Recently five spies indicted by department justice in New York, a one girl 25 years old Chinese and the killer human rights lawyer in New York City. It the infiltration in so deep not just our Congress men sleep was fun, fun, but also our elected officials are feminists making deals with the Chinese government, our walk corporations afraid to call China what the instead of making money in the world largest second economy. The thing is, though, people want to make profits. I understand that But the thing is, so China, take advantage of that and bully people into silence you, they're not to call them your human rights abuses. If you want to make any deals, you know, to sell anything into 1.4 Chinese consumers, Russia economy is 1.8 training China's economy, it's 18 training dollars. So how are we going to deal with China, we need to, you know, start to put the strategies together. Now, if they invade Taiwan, what are we going to do if we're still continue to rely on China for their supply chains, and he bought his materials and the market to make you money, like include Hollywood's social medias and, and all the, you know, corporations will be in deep trouble. Because, you know, we do have a kind of global economy now, but they're not reliable partners for international trade for anything. Instead, they actually use their money, we, you know, allow them to expand to every word, and to expand the government to expand their power. She has China joined by to 2030. He would like to say China to be the number one dominant power in the world. And think about that everybody is subject to Communist Party rule. How scary is that? Time to wake up time to ask a questions.
Brian Nichols
Time to ask a lot of questions. And I think that starts with and you mentioned this in one of your earlier responses. The education system, Lily, we've seen, you know, of all the the insanity over the past few years with COVID, one shining, little beacon of hope has been parents waking up and saying, my kid was learning what in class, because all of a sudden, everything was brought home right now, instead of having the teacher talk to the student in the the privacy, the protection of the classroom, air quotes there. Now all of a sudden, it was right there on the Zoom screen. And parents were getting angry. Now I say why haven't you been angry and paying attention for? I don't know the past how many decades but hey, at least you're paying attention now. And we're seeing parents starting to fight back. So you mentioned academia, we've seen the conversation obviously drift towards critical race theory over the past few years. And I think that is a conversation that I never thought would actually be on the cop the stage in the playing field that it is, but I'm actually thankful that we're having the conversation. Do you see similarities literally when you're talking about critical critical race theory, CRT and we're seeing it being if if not talked or taught in schools, but talked about in schools and similary to what you experienced back in Mao's China?
Lily Tang Williams
Of course, I I've been talking about this cross the country, more divided people into oppressor versus oppressed. Sounds familiar, right. And then under oppressor there are five black classes like land or rich farmers rightist bad influencers concrete revolutionary who define those arbitrary terms. Of course, the party under the under press is like a five red classes you talk about workers peasants and, and revolutionary soldiers, party officials, heroes, those kinds of artificial arbitrary division is a basis for him to use the you urban use Red Guards to torture those black class families, make them go through struggle sessions apologize for themselves. If they don't do that, right. They go to, you know, labor camps. 20 million people died during his 10 years Cultural Revolution. And, and what are we teaching our kids, it's also something is not based on individual merit after civil rights movements, America has moved forward. And I have lots of friends from all walks of life beezee pursue their American dream and starting business. And they even gave me grades trying desperately to come to this country to living American dream. But not it's not what our teachers are teaching our kids. You got the question? Where do they get their curriculum and who approved those curriculum and NEA wants to teach 14,000 School District push for critical race theory? And is that good for our country? Is that good for separation of people based on their skin color that's going backward, excellent new racism. And I told him to reject that because you know, like you said, the parents are waking up because of the two years shutdowns and some Sodor curriculum on you know, homeschool, like on computers like a What are you learning? And so they call me shadows woke up lots of parents as a giant group now fighting this all over the country, but the teachers Union's NEA is pushing back remember the FBI now could identify you as domestic terrorist. And if your parents are angry show up and school board meetings. I have somebody told me she show up a school board meeting and somebody you know, like complain about her therapist licensed so she could lose her job as a therapist because she went to school board meetings against his transgender ideology push our kids like a K to third grade in Florida, they passed this bill to say you cannot teach transgenders, this sex subject to evil kids. They even don't know who they are yet. And but then they control the word to say next quarter don't say Gabrielle. It's a parental rights do not know case name mentioned it, but they control their words. So that's exactly Commons tactic. You control the words, you control the narratives. You control the media and classrooms. Guess what, that's how you lose a generation of people and support their agenda easily. We got to wake up to that tactics and call them out.
Brian Nichols
You awake yet, folks? I certainly hope so. Because I mean, we're at a point right now where Yeah, stuff is hitting the fan, and Lily's sounding the alarm not just because she wants to sound the alarm because she's experienced this firsthand. And literally, that speaks to why I'm just I'm so impressed with you going out and taking the step to actually lead and not just lead but now tried to go to Washington and bring some sanity back and join our friends like Congressman Thomas Massie and Senators, Rand Paul, where they so desperately need the Allies right now. So let's set let's do this as we go towards the tail end of the conversation, I want to give you the platform here to paint the picture. You have the opportunity, like we mentioned, to be the first Chinese immigrant to be elected to US Congress. And I think folks will tell that that you'll be an absolute firebrand if elected. So let's go towards November Lily Tang Williams, you are elected to Congress. And what
Lily Tang Williams
like you said, I will one person cannot do much in Congress. But if I team up with the good congressman, Congresswoman and the senators together, then we they will need the reinforcement because my Congresswoman right now in New Hampshire has been there for 10 years. And she votes with Pelosi 99% of time. And she has been there as I said 10 years and not people complained by her policies and what she did to New Hampshire people, so I need to go there to reverse their trend. You know, Congress rating is really low. And of course, violence is very low to weather this sunny, so let people elect their representatives to in line with our values. So what I will do is to work with those Liberty minded Republicans on our side, and to push for, you know, sound money policies, and stop spending out of control spending, and printing money, inflate money, people come piling up by inflation. They happened before the Russian invasion of Ukraine gas price only toppled that time. And they are you know, everything is cost is going up. And people are suffering with an end that can offer you some stimulus checks and to pay you to stay home by high unemployment and premiums. So you don't have incentive to work. Those kinds of policies are so bad for our economy for our jobs, also create a government dependency. So they get to totally control plus we don't have the money we're gonna rely on China to continue to to like a borrow to print. That's not sunny Columbia policy at all. The energy independence is very important. I you know, I'm already calling my state of New Hampshire and the Congress suspend all the federal and state level gas taxes, which ends up like 46 cents per gallon to reduce the working class, you know, the gas pumping right now, and education. I totally support parental rights, and totally support school choice, educational freedom of Concord, New Hampshire is doing great. What are the teachers union Democrats and trying to repeal that? And they also tried to repeal our state law to say you cannot teach debating you cannot teach you know, critical race theory divisive concept like they're in our schools, and they're lying about this, oh, you don't want laws to teach history will control their work and media life? It's not about history. You teach slavery, you teach you racist history of the United States, you know, which is That's our price part of our history, or the how or the teacher MLK civil rights movement. They teach hoard of communism. So there are lots of reasons they can teach, whether they say so and they control the narrative. Lots of people who vote for them just buy into their narratives and never to research on their own. So we got to constantly tell people that choose and also stop this canceled culture, big tech censorship. We got to figure something about this a civilian censorship just like a Communist Party, do. They they control all the narratives all the media, all the press, and they are funneling money into United States to support their own kind of right kind of media and corporations, even social media? They're trolls everywhere, who told me even so we got to figure something to do with that. But if we cannot have free speech, guess what's gonna happen, we're gonna lose this country, we have to rely on our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves. But I prefer we use our free speech ideas and thought to win people over to support the civil liberties that we need to protect.
Brian Nichols
There you go, folks, well, if I have not heard a better call to action in recent memory of Oh my My mind is definitely going to be restarted here. This one because a heck of a call to action. So folks, if you enjoyed what we heard today from Lily Tang Williams, we're gonna ask you do me a favor, go to your podcast catcher, click the artwork, it'll bring you right to Brian Nichols show.com, where you can find today's episode, including all of Lily's social media links, including her website, Lilly Tang williams.com, which for you video watcher as you're scrolling at the bottom of your screen, and also we'll have the entire transcript of today's episode as well. But folks, please again, do me a salad when you go out and if you enjoyed this episode, please give it a share. And when you do, give yours truly a tag as well and make sure you go ahead and tag Lily Tang Williams as well. But with that being said, it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Lily Tang Williams. We'll see you next week. Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols show.com
Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Lily Tang Williams
Lily Tang Williams was a law school assistant professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China who became an American entrepreneur and an educator. She is currently co-chair of the New Hampshire Asian American Coalition, elected Supervisor of the Checklist in Town of Weare, NH. She has been married to John Williams for 31 years and they have three adult children.
Born to illiterate working-class parents in China’s western Sichuan province just before Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lily Tang Williams grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos, and Communist indoctrination.
She learned to work hard, persevere, and be grateful for the opportunities she was given. Eventually, she graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai with an undergraduate law degree. After graduation, she was selected to continue as part of the law school faculty, as well as practice corporate law in Shanghai as China began to rebuild its economy.
In 1988, Lily Tang Williams decided to study in the U.S., leaving her position with only $100 in her pocket and $1200 in debt to her American sponsor, a Fulbright professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Though she could not speak English fluently she was determined to achieve success in this country, earning a Master’s degree in Administration and Planning from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin.
Subsequently, Lily started work for Wyoming Home Health as a medical social worker, and later she worked as an executive for corporations in both Hong Kong and t… Read More