379: Why Are Blue-Collar Voters Abandoning the Democratic Party? -with Eric Brakey

In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton by 13%. Fast forward to 2016; they voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40%. Why?
Eric Brakey from Free America Now returns to the program to discuss the blue-collar departure from the Democratic Party, women having to sign up for the draft(!?), and Young American's for Liberty signing up 100,000 college liberty activists!
Eric Brakey: "This is a shift that has been taking place slowly over a long period of time, but has really accelerated to the point where you look at the US Senate... I think that Joe Manchin is perhaps one of the most interesting people of the moment because he is the last blue dog Democrat in that entire body...
...He is a conservative Democrat, not as conservative as I'd like, certainly, but he's been the lone voice there... In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton by 13 percentage points. Fast forward to 2016; they voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40 percentage points. So we're talking about literally a shift of over a majority of the voting population there. So it has shifted, hard red. And why is that?"
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Brian Nichols
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Unknown Speaker
selling is all about really it's we're not selling a product you're not selling a service you're not selling value you're not selling whatever you think you're selling a solution you're selling change Welcome
Brian Nichols
to The Brian Nichols Show your source for common sense politics on the we are libertarians network as a sales and marketing executive in the greater telecommunications cybersecurity industry, Brian works with C level executives to help them future proof their company's infrastructure for an uncertain future. And in each episode, Brian takes that experience and applies it to the liberty movement. And this is why we talk about being the trusted advisor you should be able to help us that expert guidance and all the opinions that I'm sure that you have and help lead them towards not just a decision but the right decision. Instead of focusing on simply winning arguments or being right. We're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and their application in the world of politics, showing you how to ask better questions, tell better stories and ultimately change people's minds. And now your host, Brian Nichols. Brian Nichols, your The Brian Nichols Show, and thanks for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am in fact, your humble host. And today we have a returning guest, the one and only Eric breaky from Young Americans for Liberty. And what an amazing conversation because we discussed number one, all the amazing thing that Young Americans for Liberty has been doing specifically 100,000 Young Liberty activists who've signed up for Young Americans for Liberty over this past year, amazing work. And then number two, looking at some of the interesting things that are happening here in America. Number one, Eric just wrote an amazing piece over the hill, focusing on the blue collar departure from the Democratic Party, specifically highlighting that of Joe Manchin and then also, ladies, did you know that you might have to sign up for the draft? Well, if you didn't, you're going to hear all about it, and you're gonna hear why we think it is absolutely bananas. So with that being said, onto the show, Eric breaky here on The Brian Nichols Show,
Eric Brakey
Hey, Brian, so glad to be on with you. I had you on my program not too long ago. So and you rebroadcast that episode on your channel. So I appreciate I'm coming on yours. And I'm going to rebroadcast this episode on my show. So I guess who shows it anyway?
Brian Nichols
I know honestly, we're getting to that point. And hey, you know what, I'm whatever I can do to help raise up what you're doing over at Free America now, because you're doing great stuff. You're having great conversations. I know, I just listened to the conversation you had with a mutual friend Tim and I have a Gorizia great conversation about her perspective on the Middle East and America's role from foreign policy. So folks, make sure you go over to Eric show free American now give them a check. But otherwise, Eric, what's been going on in the world of Eric break in? How about this, let's also focus on the amazing organization, you work with Young Americans for Liberty, what's going on in your world?
Eric Brakey
Well, so much going on at Young Americans for Liberty, on top of the awesome policy victories that have happened this year, passing constitutional carry, and Texas school choice in Missouri and Kentucky. And just the amazing stuff happened in New Hampshire, where Liberty legislators have basically taken over the House of Representatives with the support of Young Americans for Liberty and our activist door knockers, who helped get all these folks elected, and help keep them accountable when they get there. On top of that, in our campus programs, we just had a great announcement. Earlier this year, Young Americans for Liberty launched what we call Project 1776. And this is an effort to combat you know, some of the historical revisionism that's going on in, in education in college campuses these days, by recruiting 100,000 new students to sign up for Young Americans for Liberty and get involved in the cause of freedom. And, you know, we got two months ago still on the end of the year, and we just hit I say we I didn't personally go out and gather any signatures. This was all our hard working campus activists, talking with their fellow students, getting them to sign up 100,000 New people come into the cause. Liberty is why Young Americans for Liberty, I believe, is the one of the most important institutions in this country for growing the liberty movement reaching people at the college campuses.
Brian Nichols
It's fantastic stuff, Eric. I mean, honestly, what you're doing is it's, I know, it's the catchphrase, but it's making liberty when. And that's sometimes the hardest part is showing people that this is a real path forward. See, I have this way too often, where I will see the jaded, cynical approach to liberty. Well, good luck changing things. It's like, no, no, no timeout, like you need to at least appreciate that we are making a difference. The conversations are changing. I mean, let's let's be objectively real here, we would much rather have pro liberty, whether there are libertarians or Republicans in Congress right now in an era of COVID. versus our for our friends in the far left, right. And that's just an objective reality. And yet, I see that get, you know, poo pooed. And it shouldn't be, we need to really, definitely look at that. But also say, Well, you guys are doing something different. And you're, you're actually winning? How so? Because an Eric, I, I'm gonna give my thoughts and then tell me if I'm wrong. It's because you're talking to people about the issues they care about, versus what you think they should be caring about and trying to force feed that down their throats.
Eric Brakey
Right, I care about the Federal Reserve, I've cared about the Federal Reserve System for, you know, like over a decade, but if that's what I went out and talk to voters about, you know, six years ago, people would have been scratching their head and what we want to get these potholes fixed. What are you gonna do about that? These days, with inflation on the rise, maybe people are starting to care more about the Federal Reserve than they were before. But anyway, that, you know, I just had spike Cohen on my program, and we were talking about this phenomenon how, as libertarians, our instinct is to want to run for the hills not run for office. And as spike pointed out, when we all just run for the hills, what you get is Ruby rich, when we're all just, you know, when we completely disengage from politics, when we disengage from these systems of ironical oppression that are used to take our freedoms away, what happens is, the only people who go in and hold office and become the decision makers are the people who love power. And we get to a very dangerous place very quickly. I mean, that's what's happened to America, that is the story of America, we began as a republic filled with people who loved liberty. And over time, people who love power took the places of those people in the decision making bodies. And now here we are, where Joe Biden's talking about, you know, launching a domestic War on Terror on the American people. So I think it's more important than ever, that we lean forward, we engage, we run people for office, we get them elected, we hold them accountable, and we give them the tactics and strategy to get our freedoms back.
Brian Nichols
And let's look at also how you're doing it and where you're having the success, you're not going out. And just, you know, just shot in the dark, hoping, praying that you will be that one lucky, third party candidate third alternative out there, but rather making tactical decisions on where to have people run, what party to run, regardless of the political affiliation. I know you guys are pro whoever will bring liberty to the masses in terms of policy. So I think that right there that shows that that is the solution that people need to start embracing more because we are facing a really real threat. And You You You hit the nail on the head there, Eric, I mean, the fact that we are seeing the war on terror, air quotes turned inward, so quickly, and what's concerning, amongst some other things, but the number one thing that really it's a big red flag for me is that the people who have been the loudest, especially under the era of Trump, in terms of you know, standing against a fascist government, right, resist resist. Now, they are the ones who are not only, you know, parroting the corporate media narratives, but they are the ones who are championing the idea of a top down authoritarian control government, Biden, his his OSHA mandate gets put on hold by Texas government. He says go forward anyways, keep going as if it was still going through like a normal MIT mandate, mandate, what the fact that this is in the verbiage that we're discussing right now, it's it's terrifying. But there's real implications. Eric, people are starting to, I think, ask more questions in terms of why are we going this route, and we're seeing a big turn from your traditional blue collar Democrat away from the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has really become a party of elitist college white people. And it's turning away that kind of blue collar average Joe middle class American that it built that really built it up that union union job, that union approach that that gone, and it's leaving us Renard over the hill, Joe Manchin and the other blue collar and the blue collar exodus from the Democratic Party dig into that, Eric, what what's going on here?
Eric Brakey
You know, this is a shift that has been taking place slowly over a long period of time, but has really accelerated very quickly to the point where you look at the US Senate. I think that Joe Manchin is perhaps one of the most interesting people of the moment in the US Senate, because he is the last blue dog Democrat in that entire body. He is a conservative Democrat, now conservative, not as conservative as I'd like, certainly, but but he but he is I mean, he's been the lone voice there. He has whatever he personally believes he represents a state that has shifted dramatically. In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton, with by I believe 13 percentage points. Fast forward to 2016. They voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40 percentage points. So we're talking about literally a shift of over a majority of the voting population there. So has shifted, hard read. And why is that? Well, I think it started with a number of small issues that we might not initially think are, oh, these aren't labor issues. The whole reason these kinds of union Democrats are there as for labor issues, but there are other issues that have kind of, I think, really gotten under people's skin over the years things that they care about, that are a side side from labor, like gun rights. These are, you know, folks in West Virginia, across Appalachia, and in working class communities across America tend to be more pro gun than where the Democratic Party has gone these days. I know when I ran for, you know, when I ran in May, and I worked with a lot of blue collar Democrats on passing constitutional carry, that was a big constituency there. But the Democrats have embraced Michael Bloomberg has billions of dollars and his anti gun crusade and they've left people behind on this, then of course, you have these people tend to be much more pro life, they certainly don't support by and large taxpayer funded abortion, which the Democrats have jumped all in on. But then that what that if that was only it, as they've embraced the green New Deal agenda, driving up the price of energy, and sending manufacturing jobs overseas, as a result, they've started to really undermine people's jobs. And then, of course, with the overspending the trillions of dollars that are being printed, people who've managed to keep a job, are seeing their wages and their savings just inflated away. And then on top of that, and this is the cherry on top of what the Democratic Party is doing to working class voters. Joe Biden has crossed the Rubicon on what used to be a sacrosanct issue in labor, politics, collective bargaining, he has overridden collective bargaining agreements, union negotiated collective bargaining agreements to impose this vaccination mandate threatening to fire people who do not comply. That is not going well, with a lot of blue collar Americans who have historically voted Democrat across the years. And it's why Joe Manchin has to really start to wonder, is the Democratic Party still for him? I mean, he's actively spoken a lot about unregistering and becoming an independent. He says he would still caucus with the Democrats, but you have Mike Lee and Rand Paul, who have publicly invited him to join the GOP saying that he would have a very important seat at the table. And of course, this would throw the entire Senate into chaos, because it would flip control of the Senate from Democrat to Republican, put Mitch McConnell back in charge, and basically end the Biden agenda. As Bernie, I'll tell you what it would stop Bernie Sanders from being chairman of the Budget Committee. I mean, think about this, where we are today, Bernie Sanders, socialist, Bernie Sanders is the one writing the budgets in Washington DC. Joe Manchin could stop that. And if they keep pushing him the way that they have he very well might,
Brian Nichols
as he should, as he should, I mean, the Democratic Party even back when I was in college, the the people that were in the Democratic Party, you know, the college Democratic Party, and so forth, they weren't parroting this this type of, you know, just hyper, hyper progressive, but more so. It was like, How can we take a broken system and make it more efficient and make it better? That was like that, I like that. And that was the conversation that was like that the extent of it. But now the narratives have changed, that paradigm has shifted so much that it's like if you aren't for this hyper progressive, hyper leftist approach. You don't even get to see the table in many cases. I mean, you had Chuck Schumer go out of his way to endorse the socialist candidate in Buffalo. And I mean, the, the fact that a write in candidate was able to still win and defeat that socialist candidate, that the fact that he went he felt that that was the best political decision to go and endorse the socialist candidate. It speaks to where the temperature of your establishment Democrat is in terms of trying to maintain that power. They don't want to lose that power. So what are they gonna do? They're gonna look to well, who's who's a threat to my power? And how can I count on that person's that, you know, keep your enemies closer mentality? And in this case, I think they they really, they played their hand too far. They've jumped the shark. You had Glen? Glen Younkin, a complete, resounding slap in the face to what's been taking place down in Virginia. You have some just, I'm still astonished. The fact that we even had a conversation about Jack ciarelli Here in New Jersey still blows me away, because I didn't even consider that as an option for Republicans even playing a role and having you know, any consequence of changing the the fact of the election in New Jersey because vote I think was Monmouth poll, they did a poll. I think the week up, and he said he was up like 11 points. Phil Murphy was up 11 points ejection generally ended up less than a nail biter, right? I mean, it's like, how, how out of touch is your average political man, it is so obvious.
Eric Brakey
And of course, there was that guy in truck, that truck driver who spent 150 bucks and defeated the long standing senate president of New Jersey, which would I mean,
Brian Nichols
that'd be like somebody literally just running a no name campaign and defeating Chuck Schumer.
Eric Brakey
Yeah, I mean, I wonder I haven't looked into detail on it. But it makes you wonder if maybe there was a name. Maybe there was some more going on there. But But man, I mean, it is a sign of the temperature in this country, that the Democratic coalition is shutting people right and left now I should say in Virginia, obviously, it wasn't just the blue collar shift, though young can manage to keep that Trump Coalition on board without alienating another part of the coalition that he built, which was another sector of Democrat voters that they've lost, which was suburban moms, suburban moms who are concerned about the education of their children.
Brian Nichols
It's gonna say, I wonder why they lost the bourbon moms, huh? Yeah,
Eric Brakey
I mean, turns out, you know, it's not a good strategy to tell to tell parents that the state owns your children and will be the final arbiter on their education, and you should just sit down and shut up. Oh, and that
Brian Nichols
their concerns aren't real when when you bring up the concerns. What are you talking about? These aren't real concerns you're bringing up here go back
Eric Brakey
to gaslighting em from Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So it's it's it's an interesting new coalition. That is one Virginia and I think that we are going to see this continue to build because Democrats have not learned their lesson. They are just doubling down in Washington DC. You have Alexandria Ocasio Cortes out there saying the problem was that they weren't progressive enough. Of course, there's two problems with this right? Her her strategy, her ideas that we need to be hyper progression progressive to turn out the base and the but the problem with this is turnout in Virginia was not their problem. It was the highest one of the highest turnout elections ever. 25% higher than than than the average. And it wasn't that anyone was staying home and not voting on the Democrat side. It said Democrat voters were coming out and voting Republican
Brian Nichols
resoundingly resoundingly Republican too. And that speaks volumes in terms of why I think a lot of Democrats kind of they took a step back when they looked at what happened because I think the the, the narrative was, even though things have been rough for the Biden administration, the let's go Brandon was more of a, you know, behind the scenes kind of feel versus like mainstream. I think Virginia kind of made it real to them that the let's go Brandon mentality is going throughout all of America. And it it really gave me that kind of like the white pill, right, I know, you know, that's that we go by pills. Now. In case you didn't know, determining, determining the future. You had the white pill, the black pill, the red pill, the blue pill, which would you pick? Today I'm saying the white pill as long as it's not a Pfizer pill. That's, and we've lost any monetization. But no, you're Yeah. Did you mean by the way that Thomas Massie just I'm sorry, did
Eric Brakey
I actually screw up your monetization there? Oh, absolutely. No,
Brian Nichols
I'm just teasing. But no, did you see that meme? Thomas Massie he roasted Pfizer they tried to do a meme and it was the the little character tossing the balloon and then the bigger one behind it. And it was like you know conspiracy theories science that Pfizer posted What's it was Thomas Massie doing his retweet, I'll make sure I share it in the show notes. But in the typical sassy with Massey fashion. So thank God, we have Thomas Massie and Congress, by the way, because I don't know what we would do otherwise. But yes, we the white pill that the back to that the white pill is that there are so many people who are in that mentality of I'm done. I mean, canceled culture. Yeah, I was like, what's that thing we all hate the woke canceled culture. Yeah, the woke canceled culture, it's 71% of Americans say that it's gone too far only 29%, according to this new study said that they thought it was a good thing and was actually helping better society. So that speaks to again, the narrowest changed. So what are we going to do in terms of responding from the political lens? And I think it is important for us to take that role because there are more people like Joe Manchin, who they're looking for new solutions. Maybe the GOP isn't the right step for him right now. Maybe he does need to go towards that independent route. Now, is he a libertarian? I wouldn't say necessarily, but I think it's on us to start bringing solutions to the table and trying to show people the the options that exist and bring more people that way. And I think we can we have more people who are like Joe Manchin right now who are looking for something else? Why not? Eric, why not go after those people?
Eric Brakey
Yeah, you know, the the liberty movement right now there are so many people who are public who feel politically homeless, alienated from the Democratic Party, and some many people feeling alienated from the Republican Party. I feel alienated from the Republican Party many days. I just want to know, try to try to steer it into a better place. Yeah. But but this is a perfect time for the liberty movement to come out. Talk to the people on these issues that they care about. I mean, the fact that we're having a national conversation about school choice right now is an amazing, libertarian moment.
Brian Nichols
Thank you for de Angeles. Thank you.
Eric Brakey
Yeah, actually, I'm gonna have Cory de Angeles on Free America. Now. We're recording a video episode this Monday, which will come out sometime in a week or two after that. So that's something to look forward to. I'm looking forward to speaking with him. But yeah, he's done amazing work on school choice. And now this is becoming this is becoming the one of the biggest mobilizing issues for Republicans for building a, a broad coalition, and it's on a liberty issue. This is something to celebrate. I mean, this was people forget, school choice is why Ron DeSantis is governor of Florida right now. Yes, he, he won on school choice because of, you know, mothers in the African American community who had enjoyed the benefits of school choice for their kids and Democrats were talking about taking it away. They
Brian Nichols
were and were you on my show when I talked about this. Um, so Philip Stutz was on my show, Philip Stutz. He wrote the book, The undefeated marketing system, and he has a company and they do marketing, or like, like marketing for political campaigns. He was the marketing arm that helped Ron DeSantis win in Florida by doing that exact thing, Eric by helping with school choice folk like he they went after school choice moms in specifically exactly minority moms, black moms, there was a there was a private school that they had, and it was this poor kid. They told the kid that his school is gonna get shut down if become the Democratic candidate. Forget the gentleman's name. Oh, goodness, who DeSantis column got? Yes, that's right. Again, get them Andrew gallons, right. And the kid goes into crocodile tears, because he realizes that, you know, the private school that he'd been going to with our charter school has been going to excuse me was gonna be closed. And you know that right there that helped Andrew or Ron DeSantis rather go over the finish line and get to your point. Because it was such an important issue on the the fact that you're going to mess with my kids. And I think the next mess with my kids might be the vaccine of kids too. I'm hearing more parents being like, you're gonna vaccinate. Good. Good luck. And I'm I mean, who are you? coworkers? I've never been like that, like, who are you? And good for you? Yeah.
Eric Brakey
I have to say it is so crazy in me that we are even talking about mandatory vaccination for kids with the COVID vaccines. I mean, I understand I understand the other vaccines that have historically been in place the traditional vaccines, requirements for kids to attend schools. I understand it. I have my disagreements on you know, I don't like making anything mandatory. I think if you can't convince people with logic and reason, you know, using the force is not the best answer. But but at least there was a there's a case to be made with those those traditional vaccines about herd immunity. But with the COVID vaccine, not only are the kids not at risk of You know, a severe reaction to COVID. But also we have studies that have come out showing that the the COVID vaccines do not create herd immunity, they are beneficial for the individual and reducing your own individual risk of getting a severe case. But they are not effective in the medium to long term at preventing infection and spread of COVID. So we're getting all these kids vaccinated for what they're already at incredible low risk, and this isn't stopping them from spreading the disease. It's why are we doing this? It's for
Brian Nichols
the parents they want to feel it's they're doing isn't this isn't this America, Eric? Like the idea that you're just doing something and feeling that it's helping, like, I see this more often than not so many government programs that are out there. And you'll have some Democrat who will be upset that you know, the idea of a cutting program, I'm like, what, why do we have this program? Could could it not be done more efficiently, if like, and I'll go through, and I'll give a specific example where let's say that they were a donor to a nonprofit, right? Like you have a direct tie, knowing your money is going towards the mission of the nonprofit. Whereas if you're a taxpayer, you're forced to pay for this service, whether you like it or not, whether it's good or not, and then it's taken from you. And then given to some faceless bureaucratic organization that maybe will go and do something with it. That's good. But more likely than not, the money will just go and be lost in administration waste. So you see right there, if it was your money, which it is your money and the difference is that they were so sneaky with the income tax, I say sneaky, they did it by design, to take it out of your paycheck from your employer every single paycheck. Oh, isn't that fun? How that happens. Versus you pay every April 15? Which Happy Birthday to me, that'd be a great paid, you know, birthday, the pain of paying my income tax every single year. one lump sum, right. But that would be the pain, which people should feel they should feel that that this is real. There's a big simple sum of money that's being taken away from you, every single year. And you have no say no, say I mean, maybe you think you have a say when you go to the ballot box. But do you really have a say, in where that money goes? Whether it was Trump in the White House, or Biden in the White House? I mean, maybe different people go into different positions, but they're all the people who say, Well, we've always done things this way. So not only we're gonna do the things we've done this way, but also with that scene from the office where Oscar is trying to explain to Michael, how a budget works and how at the end of the lemonade stand, he has to have less or more money that he would need otherwise, because otherwise the parents will think that he didn't have enough money for the lemonade stand. So the exact same thing, you have the incentive to pay off everything. And to use all the money, whether it's useful or not, it ends up being wasteful, people end up wasting the money. And it's not their money. It's our money. It's the taxpayers money. You don't get a say there. So what happens we have people who think they know best, and they think that they know what they can do better, not only with your money, but with your lives. And Eric, as we go towards the final story today. It's I'm just astonished. There's even a conversation in 2021 that not only are we still talking about the draft, but the fact that now it's sneakily gotten through Congress and might clear the Senate, females being forced to sign up for the draft. What,
Eric Brakey
you know, this, and thank you for bringing up this story. It is stunning to me that this has not gotten more attention. The House of Representatives has passed in the National Defense Authorization Act policy to require women to register for the draft. This has gone to the Senate. It looks like it might even have strong bipartisan support in the Senate, it could pass there could pass the 60 vote threshold, and Joe Biden is already on the record supporting the policy. And here's what's crazy to me, is that proponents of requiring women to register for the draft are saying this is somehow an advancement of women's rights. I'm all for advancing women's rights. I'm all for, you know, equality under the law, and you know, a good way to achieve equality under the law with the draft to just abolish it completely. The last time we had a military draft in this country 58,000 of America's sons were killed senselessly in Vietnam. And what about the recent history of this country would lead anyone to believe it's a good idea to give the Washington War Machine an extra line of credit to the lot to the lives of America's daughters? This is absurd. We should be abolishing this. This is one of the great libertarian accomplishments of our movement, Milton Friedman, when he was on in the Vietnam War, the President's Commission for the studying of an all volunteer military. You had General Westmoreland, the commander of US forces come before that that commission and say will not command an army of mercenaries to which Milton Friedman quipped back general, would you rather command an army of slaves, because that's exactly what conscription is. And we're we are not supposed to be expanding slavery in this country, we are supposed to be abolishing it written branch, every place we find it.
Brian Nichols
Oh, goodness, Eric, it's time I think we have a change in his country. And I think the more people start to wake up, the more likely it is that change will happen. And I know that the term wake up gets used a lot. And people kind of roll their eyes now you're like, Oh, we're going to wake more people up. Good job. But now you do have the ability to change people's minds on issues that they either they were convinced they were right, or issues that they didn't really think about until it became real to them. How many people really thought about the Fed? Honestly, up until this past year, when inflation got real for them? Not many. Yeah. And the reason being because it didn't really impact them. I mean, yes, it did, but not in ways that really hurt. I mean, maybe they'd watch the stock market go up and down and be like, okay, like, I don't see that connection. Okay, how's the housing market is better housing markets worse? What's that to do with anything.
Eric Brakey
And when we're at just 2%, inflation, they've told us for the longest time, that's normal, it's normal for them to steal 2% of your money every single year. And this is just how, you know the market works. That's it doesn't make any sense. But they told us this is normal, we've accepted it, it's kind of like the frog in the pot, they were just turning it up just a little bit. Now. It's gotten out of hand to the point where people are realizing something very not normal is happening to our money.
Brian Nichols
Yep. And the the, I think the part that's better, I don't know if it's, I'm saying this very carefully. It's not better for us because the outcome is going to hurt like if the left gets their way and they're able to enact this just just insane leftist monetary policy that they've been trying to get in place and get all these these spending bills passed that they looking to get in place. It's gonna it's gonna just destroy destroy the dollar. And they're like, they're gonna be people. So many people hurt by that. And I don't think a lot of like yours hyper progressive leftist realize that they're not. They're not thinking that way. They're thinking about No, because now everybody, everybody's gonna have a raise, right? Because Because in order to keep up with inflation, you have to least get like a one to $5,000 Raise a year to stay afloat. What did you see that to you, by the way that the rate of inflation if you got to raise this past year, on average, it was didn't keep up with inflation? That's just, Oh, yeah. Why don't and I guess now, nowadays, people are starting to realize, and that is, why we're doing what we're doing. Eric, that's why we're having conversations here in The Brian Nichols Show, why you're gonna be able to have this conversation rare over on Free America now, because we need to reach more people and have these conversations and show them how, number one the information, how about this will go back, give them the information that they need to be able to have when they're having these conversations, but also the how and and that's where I was going originally was how to have these conversations, because too often, the approach has been monetary policies important. You want to why? And then they go through and they spit out facts and figures and all this historical gobbly gook and your average person glosses over because they're like, Dude, I just, I'm shopping at the grocery store, like Leave me be versus the person at the grocery store then saying, oh my god at you know, they're in the meat section. Why is this T bone steak, triple in price? And they audibly exclaim that and you being the astute listener of The Brian Nichols Show in the Free America now can enter into that conversation. Say, I know isn't inflation awful? Yeah, let's talk about that. And then it no Creature from
Eric Brakey
Jekyll Island. But like, hey,
Brian Nichols
let's be real, you're gonna have a conversation with everybody looking at T bone steak in the butcher, I'll probably not, but let's just pretend that you're weird like me and you do. In that case, you can then have a different conversation with that person. And you're not trying to convince them to become a Liberty advocate overnight, but rather what you're trying to do is plant a seed that will stick with them. It's kind of like, like, almost like guerilla marketing of sorts, like, just by going on having the conversation and getting the person to be like, Hmm, interesting. Didn't think about that before. That is the best starting off point. So anyways, with that being said, we're already over time, Eric breaking we want to make sure folks can go ahead and follow you. I've already shouted the name of your show a million times here but one more time, Free America now go ahead and subscribe folks if you haven't yet. But with that being said, Eric, where can folks go ahead and follow you if they want continue the conversation?
Eric Brakey
Well, you can always find me on Twitter at Senator breaky or on Facebook. You can find me under my name there. You can also follow Young Americans for Liberty and all the same places or go to our website why a liberty.org learn about all the great work our activists are doing to make Liberty win on college campuses at ballot boxes and across America.
Brian Nichols
Oh Eric you're doing amazing work my friend and thank you to the amazing team of Young Americans for Liberty for keeping yes the lights on of liberty because the flame has been flames been struggling here a little bit. It's like the end of that Pokemon episode where Charmander his tail is just just struggling to keep on I'm not sure like half the audience is like what the hell is he talking about? The other half was like, Oh my God, my heart just broke. Yes, that is where we are at and they never forget Chairman Undertale There you go. Yeah, and thank goodness for young American Young Americans for Liberty folk out there who are helping us yes make liberty when that being said Eric breaky Free America now. Thanks for joining us here on today's episode, The Brian Nichols Show.
Eric Brakey
Thank you Brian.
Brian Nichols
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Eric Brakey
Senior Spokesperson
Eric Brakey is the senior spokesperson for Young Americans for Liberty. He served two terms in the Maine Senate and as the 2012 Maine State Director for the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign.