Oct. 25, 2021

361: Let's Fix This Fundraising Email... -with Jeremy Todd

361: Let's Fix This Fundraising Email... -with Jeremy Todd

Ever have someone "oversell" to you?

Ever have someone "oversell" to you?


It's painful.


And yet, that's actually exactly how I felt after reading a recent fundraising email from LP National.


No, this is not a "crap on the LP" episode. This is a "show where the LP went wrong and how they can do better" episode, as Jeremy Todd returns to help me re-write this fundraising email so it's more effective!


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Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, doing great. We just had our second episode first episode of Spike it as amazing as planned, but really blown away with our second guest, Mike Abramowitz. It would be the Saturday episode here. So make sure you go check that out. Mike really, really brought the fire on personal accountability and challenges us to see things in a different way talks about a little bit of his journey in the his frustration with the school system, but talks about taking action and doing it so don't miss don't sleep on that episode with a great dude, Mike Abramowitz and he gives you some free books at the end. So, yeah, I tune in.

It's it's to quote Michael Scott, we have engaged in a win win win scenario. Yes. So you win Jeremy because you had a great guest, Mike wins because he got to be one of the the first guests here on civil liberty and we the audience got to win because it was a great conversation. So thank you. Yes, my friend for that. And here's my fun fact of the day because I know we've been starting off every sales and marketing show we've been doing here on Mondays with a fun football fan because we record on Sundays. That's right. No, did you know this blew me away. So Tom Brady is playing Justin fields who's the quarterback for the bears? Not only is Tom Brady and Justin fields, the largest age differential between two starting quarterbacks in a game in NFL history. But it also marks the first time for Brady where he is playing somebody from Ohio State College he never has played in his entire career. I say that because I know you were watching the the Alabama quarterback to a tag

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, in he said he's never played a quarterback in the NFL from Ohio State. Yes. Brady went to Michigan so what

broke there? Yeah, so in the NFL, but that's that's amazing. Because he's been in the NFL for like, what three years at this point. So um, yeah, there's your fun NFL facts for the day cuz I know everybody's enjoying those little tidbits. But Jeremy, um, let's start off tonight because

Jeremy Todd  
well, let me ask you this. I have missed the point now where a Brady has been in the NFL longer than quarter quarterbacks he's playing against had been alive. Yeah.

Now this kid is like 21 and Brady's been the NFL for 22 years.

Jeremy Todd  
There you go. That's why it's just scary. Yes.

Well, it's scary. But um, hey, we we we see right now that um, you know, time is ticking for Tom Brady, though it seems to be the ever eternal clock and he doesn't seem to change at all. And that's also goes in time with the LPS messaging doesn't seem to really change much either. How about that for a transition?

Jeremy Todd  
That's solid?

I tried to scare me. We we've been getting these emails from LP national and yeah, hey, you know I so let's start off we discussed this before we hit the record button. This is not a crap on LP national podcast in the slightest. This is a LP national, we're going to give you some advice. So LP sends out fundraising emails on the regular, we just got one here it was for let's see, October 19. So five days ago as we're recording so six days as you're listening to this, and it's discussing the topic of inflation, I'm gonna go ahead and add this here to the YouTube. I'll read this email very quickly for your your audio listener and we'll go through and then we're going to just dissect this Jeremy. So we'll start out here, everywhere you look and remember this is from the LP national. Everywhere you look, the threat of government action in the economy looms large over our heads. Whether it's the ever growing list of infrastructure issues, creeping inflation or anti cryptocurrency rhetoric from Republicans and Democrats, our elected officials seem determined to double down on wrecking an economy that has already been abused by record amount of government intervention. Let's start with the Americans jobs plan. In all bold President Biden's original $2.25 trillion. One size fits all attempt to fix the economy, rebuild our infrastructure, fight climate change, and maybe even make you live forever is jam packed with a wasteful and disastrous spending. More than half of the overall plan will encompass human infrastructure projects, aka programs that have never been considered infrastructure before the year 2021. These programs are made up of both nonsensical government studies and both political handouts all wrapped up inside a 2700 page bill. The plan also includes many Biden backed by American regulations, giving us the latest example of a president who was confident you can use central planning to control the economy. The economic problems of today were caused by decades of government infrastructure building a bloated bureaucracy. Likewise, the American jobs plan and other misguided central planning seems like it are certain to lead to more economic hardship in the future. With more spending on the way to help expedite our inflation and further damage the value of the US dollar, many Americans are turning to crypto and other alternative currencies to better retain value. However, threatening the federal government's monopoly on money could come back with pushback. Democrats and Republicans have gone on record against cryptocurrency to defend the US dollar with no accountability for their misguided intervention into the economy having severely damaged it. This is why the Libertarian Party stands out crony against crony capitalism and all other intervention approaches to economics in favor of a free market. Libertarians understand the real solution is simple. But it's also one the old party's refused to accept. We need to stop, invent, invent intervening in our economy and allow people in communities to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. When that happens in a free market, the possibilities are endless. We cannot stand by any longer support the libertarian party's messaging and candidates today and help us fight for economic liberty and prosperity, both now and in the future. Jeremy Todd as I take a breath, because that was a marathon to get through. And everybody who listens to this show knows that I don't like to shut up. So the fact that that was a mouthful for me to get through is going to kind of start off with number one. This email is 5,000% too long. Um, I started out. Now again, the reframe this, we're not crapping on an LP national button. Let's start out from the onset. Jeremy. I said it. I think everybody felt it. That was at least five paragraphs too long. Where should if you're trying to frame an effective sales copy? Should we start? And let's look at this email. Where did LP national go wrong?

Jeremy Todd  
Well, I will, I will answer that by telling you a story from a little bit earlier today. So we are my son having turned seven months old today, it is time to, for us as a family to start considering flu shots. And, you know, I'm by no means an anti Vaxxer I've had all my vaccines except the new one, which we shall not be named. And so as my family, my son is right on schedule with all of his, and we were just exploring some of the unique things that have to do with a flu shot some of the things that could potentially cause adverse what what what is the anti Vaxxer really argument against this? And so we started exploring some alternatives and there is a, a new word version out there. But as I started reading the, the information and the data on it, I was like, Okay, there's, you know, there's a lot of words here, I don't understand. So I handed it to my wife, who is a doctor and I said explain these words to me and what they're saying. I needed it to be translated because I am a normal person. And I needed to put in normal real world terms. And I needed an expert to do that. This email reads like a pharmaceutical company explaining the pathways in which their drug works. And what really stands out to me is they do that with the problem. Which is, is fundamental this is this is what's important. Okay, so we got 1234567 paragraphs, yeah, 677 ish paragraphs on focused on the problem. And going into massive detail on the problem, there absolutely has to be conversations about what we remember, we don't, you don't sell the product, sell the problem your product solves, okay. And that I want to applaud the effort in trying to do that. The problem is we've out we've over talked, one of the things that is extremely important when selling is ground the problem emotionally, in real world terms, so everybody can understand it. Okay, and this, I'll use a really, really silly example. But it works. Donald Trump went on immigration, because He basically took the South Park approach, they took our jobs, right. And that's something that's build the wall. Immigrants take jobs build the wall, very simple. It lands on a lot of people emotionally. And people bought that problem. And solution because it was simple. This is not simple in reading, it doesn't land effectively on the average person. And this is what happens when you have experts and economically literate, we've got to understand that our we're speaking to other you know, highly educated economist and things like that this is. The second part is when you have a sale in the bag, there is a tendency of bad salespeople to continue talking. So the the the correct way to do a process like this would be here's the problem in very simple terms that everybody understands. Here's how we provide the solution. Help support, boom, boom, boom, crystal clear. The problem is when you go, here's the problem. Here's the solution. Oh, also it does this. And also there's this and also there's this and also there's this, well, if you had them sold it that you are not going to sell them more on the also there's this also there's this also there's this, when you keep adding on talking points, the only thing you're ever going to do is lose people not gain people. Does that make sense? Because you had them at sold. And if you keep talking, they're not going to be more sold. Sold is 100%. It's done. It's over, you're finished? Right? So as they continue talking in this email, they hit, they continue to find things that people might go, Well, I don't necessarily agree with that. And that allows them to discredit the entire email. If they were able to read it entirely, effectively, because of its length. What are your thoughts, Brian?

So like, we're looking at the page right now. This is why need to be on YouTube. Folks. If you haven't been on YouTube, go ahead. Because you get you're missing out on the the video content. But now for the audio listener. So you look at the page right now you have the banner, Libertarian Party of principle, so you know what's coming from, you got three paragraphs, a second paragraph, you got the bold type, and then you have the $2.25 trillion graphic here. Like right about at that end of that $2.25 trillion graphic. That's how long the email should be. There's no reason that this extra gobbly gook the extra three paragraphs underneath the 2.2 5 trillion needs to be mentioned. And to your point. You do see this a lot with unfortunately, bad salespeople is that they do, oversell, you can make the argument up here about the issues that people are experiencing. You don't need to convince people that inflation is happening. They go to a grocery store and they experience it so tell that story. Because who's reading this? It's not going to be your your to your point. Well, it might be that maybe it's the problem too, is that we're going specifically after people who already agree with us now people who we need to be trying to reach out to but then and this. This is the part that drove me the most crazy and I think I even sent this to you when I first had Jeremy Rundu This is an episode is the very last part of the the actual email the call to action, support the libertarian party's messaging, and candidates. So the first part that I'm seeing is the messaging part. But if I'm a savvy salesperson, and I'm looking at this email, I'm saying, Why am I supporting messaging when the messaging looks like this, number one, and then number two, it's unfortunate because you want to support the candidates, you want to go out and actually actively help support those individuals who are out there running to make policy better. But this is not appealing to the candidates themselves. This is trying to appeal. And this is where we lose people. This is trying to appeal to the hoity toity economic literate person who knows what the issues are, they know the policy, and that's well and good. But that's not our market. And candidly, we know from the data that we're not going to win alone by going after those people. So I got equally frustrated, because this email, it completely missed the mark, not only in terms of what it was trying to do me if you're going to try to educate somebody, at least make it so you can see the coherent, you know, here we are, here's the pain. Here's how we're going to see that pain get agitated, here's how we're going to show that there's a path forward. And here's the solution. This didn't even really pink that that Well, this was very convoluted. I mean, the middle part of where we started going into the dirty details of, you know, many Americans are turning to crypto, you know, looking at the American jobs plan, like it's almost like you're getting so far into the weeds, that now people are getting confused. What am I supposed to do here my learning here? Is this a sales? Email? What am i What's the call to action, and when you see the call to action, it doesn't make sense. And it has no coherent in really line with anything you read beforehand. So it frustrated me Jeremy. Um, so let's, let's look at this. And not just be the people that we complain about. And that is the people who who just yell at, you know, angry man yells at Cloud, let's actually show the way forward, how could we have done this email better, and when we're looking at this email, so the theme was in the subject, inflation and central planning is Biden's plan for infrastructure. So if I'm a prospect in this case, in this case, I'm trying to get people to donate to the LP, what in that is going to help lead me to when we see the problem in the email actually start off with a okay, I might want to go ahead and donate money here. So Jeremy, let's paint that picture I mentioned, you know, saying to the average person who's going to the grocery store and seeing the bills going up and up and up as a maybe better way to start off what are your thoughts the betters tell the story

Jeremy Todd  
100% There's no emotional connection as you read through that, and it doesn't. So people don't care about facts, data information, and things like when you speak in general terms of here's what's happening in the world today know what they feel is what's happening to them. So rather than talking about money, printing the Fed, that all of that is further down the road. Right? What you have to connect with people on is what they are experiencing, this is what spike says when he says meet people where they are, where people are, is not reading the Wall Street Journal about rates and fit. No, what they understand is that within just the last six months, life has become much more affordable for us. We can't find people to hire my my company over 10 locations is looking for 40 people. And these are good paying jobs. And we were at a loss. We're we're we're just what do we do? And these are the things that people feel they're working harder, they're working longer, and their money doesn't go as far as it used to, until you actually encapsulate the pain in which they're feeling. They don't give a crap about the why, like, what's causing it? What is behind it? Because they don't know what okay, how am I supposed to feel about this problem? Right? It's not their world. Exactly. Yeah. Well, that's where we lose them. misses the mark to begin. Yeah. And you took the words, right, my mouth, Jimmy, that's where we missed the mark. Because we are so focused on trying to get people to care about our issues, like, we want them and it's so obvious in this email, we want them to care about a 2700 page bill, and the policies that are bound up in it. We want them to care about bloated bureaucracies want them to care about the Biden by American plan, that's,

let's see, are they trying to make it like, kind of nationalist? Yeah, they're trying to be a little nationalist. So like, you see that there was an attempt here to target a specific person. The problem isn't that specific person isn't the target market. It's not actually hitting somebody in terms of Oh, I see this to your point, the emotional appeal that this is me and if We're gonna just talk in this completely, you know, hoity toity mentality, you know, from our ivory towers, your average person will not resonate with a message and they will look to somebody else. And that's where Trump won. And I get so pissed when I hear libertarians who go off on Trump, you know, oh, he's an idiot. Oh, he was the worst. Like, timeout, Trump was a brilliant marketer. And he knew how to speak to people on issues that matter to them and make it seem whether it was real or not, that he cared about those issues, and he was going to take care of it for them. This speaks nothing to that. This just speaks like to your point. And not an article as a commercial. You'd see. There you go. I'm from like, a prescription drug company. I mean, yeah, good grief. There's no,

Jeremy Todd  
I wouldn't even put it on that level.

I would actually feel more afraid. It's more like, yeah,

Jeremy Todd  
it's more like a white paper that they that the drop off, right? Yes, this is a this is a white paper on libertarian philosophy. And that is not where we win people, in spikes words itself, people do not give a shit about what is libertarian and what isn't. That is not how they care about what is happening in their everyday lives. And how can we help? So the correct way, if I were to redo this email would have been over the last 18 months government has forced us to be locked in our homes decided whose work is essential and whose isn't printed money to give out to everybody. And now we feel the consequences of it. Well, now, what do they want to do? They want to double down and increase that two fold. Well, what do we think the outcome is going to be this time, all it's going to be more of this, if you'd like to help us prevent that, we will put out messaging in support of alternative currencies like Bitcoin, we will put out messaging and we need to be direct about the things we're going to stand against and the actions we're going to take. And then your call to action to ask for money, and then you shut up.

And we could take half of this email and put it into some type of video content, like yes, the fact that every email I get from LP always a text email is so frustrating, because video is the future. And if you're not using video, then what are you doing? Like go out. And I say that as somebody who was not using video until Chris Goyzueta slapped me across the head that can begin the year, like that is so apparent that if we are not taking advantage of the video medium, especially in our fundraising emails, because then you can take the individual stories and take the story we're telling about the person who is feeling the pain, and actually have somebody who is feeling the pain now, it's not just, oh, this is a story. Now it's a real human, it's a real connection. And that will build up much more of an emotional appeal, which actually is the thing that people make the decision on, when they go to that call to action. So yes, Jeremy 1,000%, we do have to do better. And I think looking at emails like this, it's again, not just trying to crap on it and crap on LP national, but trying to show a better way forward. So I think we did that. I go ahead. Sorry. Yeah,

Jeremy Todd  
yeah. And no, this is this is great on the email. But your video brings up another recent thing. I, when when Joe Biden announced his mandates, I started a fire on Twitter, and I did some swearing, but I basically said run an ad, we need to be running an ad, this is our moment to seize right here. And I got a lot of pushback from state parties that said, oh, what money you got money for an ad and go I have seen this community raise that money. And that we ended up raising $30,000 In three days. But then the canned got kicked down the road to a month to where we missed the the interval. And we had to hire some outside company, who probably wasn't very libertarian in their belief system to put together and an end. And it was better than maybe I would expect but for it hadn't. It didn't compare to the free media that came from spikes team and the system is down podcast and smarts and the content that he put out for free in in ours. Okay. We have too many hands. In the cookie jar. We have too many people signing off. We have too many people we're trying to please with this process. And that is what I think happened. That's that's how you get messaging and emails like this is that everybody gets together in a room and they go well, it should say this, well, it should say this, well, let's just say this. And the only way you reach happiness is to just say it all. And that's a problem. There's democracy is bad is that you need leadership. We need people who can step up and say here's what our principles This is why companies have CEO structures. But as boards get bigger and more involved, things tend to go off the rails and companies lose focus That's why small privately owned companies can be laser focused and execute, we have to change the way that we do this, we don't need 20 people signing off and having creative control over the information that goes out about the party, we need to decide, okay, so we can be agile and quick and to the point, and that this just reeks of bureaucracy. This letter reeks of bureaucracy. So we have to do a better job of removing that bureaucracy from the equation.

And know your lane. Like Jeremy, I don't know if you know, this, I suck at math, maths, like been always my just biggest, you know, biggest issue trying to get through trig in high school like Good grief, like, oh, nightmares, and believe it or not, I never really volunteered, whenever, you know, we're going through in business meetings to do the math, I look to my, my SE. And I say you can do the math, Jeff, have fun with the math. And then he can he can do the network stuff, you know, he can do all the bandwidth, you know, calculations and such, because that's what he's good at. And he likes doing that. And he does it really, really well. So that's okay, because that's what he's good at. And I'm good at selling. So I say that because we see in the LP, people who maybe shouldn't be the sales folks are out there trying to sell and you don't have to, it's okay. Like, we're at a point now where we have enough people in this movement, who are, I would say, above average to you know, pretty darn decent sales folks who we can we got this we can we can lead forward with an effective message. We need you though, to help make this stuff work. So, you know, go ahead and run, you know, the the back end notes for the party meetings and stuff, like whatever it is that you need to do to feel that you're doing something valuable. Go ahead and do it. But it doesn't have to be the thing you're not good at. And that's okay.

Jeremy Todd  
That because we suck at that,

Unknown Speaker  

Jeremy Todd  
I'm terrible at it. i That is my downfall. I am not detail oriented on these things. Right? It great salespeople aren't usually there are different lanes and different personalities, and we need to be okay with supporting each other to get in that lane dominate that lane. But we have to stop putting attorneys and lawyers and accountants in charge of our messaging. They're not that's not what they're there for. They're important, right? And if so, then the question comes, Well, what if people disagree with the messaging? It's very, very simple. It's one question, Does this meet the standards of our party platform? That's it. If it meets the standards of our party platform, let the good salespeople put the content out? Only if it does not meet the standards of the party platform? Should there be a discussion? It's that that's where that's the beginning and end of it for me as the party and if that discussion wants to escalate to the point of changing the platform, there's a process and a procedure for that. But if it just just put one or two people in charge, let the if it meets the standard of the party platform, go run be agile, let the best communicators be in charge of communication. All right, that's fine.

Firing Jeremy Todd is my favorite Jeremy Yes. Ah my friend. This is why we were doing we're doing man and hey, what we're doing over at cell liberty by the way, I know your video watchers here they're seeing you got your your cell Liberty background that you rock there on Thursday evenings live on the Facebook. Um, yeah, like Oh,

Jeremy Todd  
point out Eminem. There you go. Reading How to Win Friends and Influence People, baby.

So what's he reading with little good? Honey? Come on, man. Yeah, come on, man. The few little Little Joe Biden today. But no, like the fact that what you're doing and what we're doing here with Chris in the marketing shows, our solo shorts, the conversations. And I've said this a million times. I'm gonna say it again. Because this, this isn't necessarily us so much as it is our audience now at this point, because the community that we're building up here, of people who are taking away what what we know works, we see it working in the professional business world. And these are just, I mean sight. I look at sales, and I hear people say it's a science. I hear people say it's an art. And I say, well, you're both right. But also You're both wrong, because I actually think there's a third part too. It's an art. It's a science. It's also a performance. And you need to master all three different aspects of it. And we're seeing the the community that we've built up, I see them out there actually mastering it in action on social media, in the conversations they're having. We have a brand new sponsor here on the program, the Nomad network, part of Jason Stapleton, his program, the conversations on they're all high level sales, business conversations. So the conversations have changed. And now it's a matter of what are we going to do with it? Are we going to use the conversations that have changed more to building these solutions and not ignoring the political realm? but rather embracing it as part of the overall solution, or are we going to fight amongst ourselves about stupid nonsensical things, which, candidly, I think we are all at the point. We're tired of it. I'm just so tired over the past two years, especially, I don't have time in the day for useful idiots anymore. We have to do something different. And it starts with what we have been doing what our community has been doing. So kudos to you, Jeremy, for helping me with this entire change. Thank you, Chris. Goyzueta, for you helping with this entire changes. Well, sales and marketing go hand in hand, both in the business world but also in the political world. And yes, politics is sales and marketing. Hands down, no questions asked to pretend otherwise is to be ignoring the truth. That's my rant, Jeremy. So that being said, I love cake, continue the conversation, we want folks be able to go ahead and follow you. Obviously, you're still running for the LMC at large position, Jeremy. So where can folks learn more and support you along the way?

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, LMC at large in Reno is what I'm running for. So that we can put some voices like mine of leadership in the room. And my goal and mission is to address some of these bureaucracy issues to make the process of saying the things that libertarians need to say, better, smoother, more effective, to hold leadership accountable to in some of the backhanded shakiness that's going on over the last six months and potentially longer. But ultimately, my goal is to create a culture within the LP where I get voted out in two years, because I am no longer the most qualified in it to do my job. I want to create a culture where we are bettering those around us to a point where the best can take the next step and pass the torch on. We have to be focusing on developing our constituents or members to a point where they can lead and be the best version of themselves in their in their community. So yeah, that's that that's it. So Jay Todd, the number four LNCs website where you can see my platform all about that. So liberty on Facebook, it's just cell liberty. Would love to have some help with subscribing on cell liberty, YouTube. And check that out. We go live every Thursday night at it's 9pm. Eastern 8pm Central. And yeah, that's also fun. Oh, can we give a shout out to proud libertarians?

Always Yes, please probably carrion has been doing phenomenal work. You can see it right there. Jeremy's rockin What is it the fight? So like

Jeremy Todd  
this sister? Right? Yeah, if Yeah, so here's the shirt. So for everybody on video, if for everybody listening, if you don't know, one of the leaders in the liberty movement, just recently had a baby boy, Dave Smith and his son immediately had to go into open heart surgery, which for a tiny dude to go through that holy cow, the fighting spirit got to be strong in him. He's doing well. He's at home now. And I just found it really inspiring not only their sons fight, but they named him Victor. Because they knew he would be a victor of both over this and in life. And so that inspired me to make fight like a victor shirt. In the honor of that little guy and all proceeds from proud libertarian. On the fight like Victor line, we have men's, women's and little baby onesies. All proceeds will go to St. Jude's Children's Hospital to help out other children who may be in Victor's spot and have to fight way too early. So yeah, go go pick up a fight like a victor. shirt or onesie.

Yes, head over to the Brian Nichols show.com Head to proud libertarian the link right there on the show notes. Jeremy Thank you my friend. And folks if you want to go ahead and continue the conversation with yours truly will please go ahead and follow me at be Nichols liberty. Otherwise, please go ahead and share today's episode. Yes, we will make sure we share this over on the cell liberty as well as Brian Nichols show Facebook page and over on Twitter where you can go ahead and follow yours truly and Jeremy as well. That being said, coming up tomorrow we're gonna have one of our past guests join the show who's gonna beat I don't know yet. So standby. I call that a teaser I've ever heard one. With that being said though, it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Jeremy Todd. We'll see you tomorrow.

Unknown Speaker  
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Jeremy Todd Profile Photo

Jeremy Todd

Born and raised in Alabama and a salesperson from an early age Jeremy brings his Libertarian view of the world with a persuasive southern twist. He has led multiple sales teams to record breaking success in his career and is currently a gubernatorial campagin manager and candidate for LNC Rep at Large