Oct. 11, 2021

347: NEW PODCAST! Introducing "Sell Liberty" -with Jeremy Todd

347: NEW PODCAST! Introducing

Meet the new podcast on The Brian Nichols Show!

Meet the new podcast on The Brian Nichols Show, Sell Liberty, hosted by our good friend, Jeremy Todd!


Jeremy joins our Monday episode to dig into his goal for the show, and what you can come to expect as a listener each week!


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Jeremy Todd  
my friend. Glad as always to be back Brian

thanks so so glad to have you my friend and yeah i know i'm sorry i'm coming in guns a blazing celebrated a victory. I know. You're an Alabama fan and

Jeremy Todd  
have a weekend. You know, once every two years. The contract states we have to lose the game so you know, I'll take it.

Hey, you know what, at the same point in time, at least everybody got to have fun.

Jeremy Todd  
Except me.

Yeah, okay. Well, you know what, at the very least, how about this let's let's focus on where we can actually have some wins, right? Because I mean, maybe we didn't have some wins in the football world. If you're like Jeremy, or if you're like me, you did. But here we can have a win. And it's going to be new value. New new content. Yes. Like both daddy daddies are bringing you some content. And it is in the form of promise is not just another podcast. This is specifically a podcast that we have been talking about behind the scenes and this kind of started out with not only you joining the network, but also in our talking with our good friend Brent director there and acquiring his sell Liberty as he's kind of phased out of politics and looking for someone to take over that world. Jeremy, what's happening now this this this talk, I've been talking this podcast, sell liberty, what's going on?

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, so um, well, as you and I have discussed many times, there is a huge overlap in the principles of libertarianism and the principles of entrepreneurship and and salespeople out there in the world. Because what we know is that salespeople really are just kind of tiny entrepreneurs working for another company. And most of them get into entrepreneurship. And so there is this huge market of people who are in the world of sales, marketing, personal growth and development, who have immense skills, talents, training, different things that can help the people in the Liberty movement be much more effective and as you really kind of corner them and if you ever get these people alone and you go Hey, what what what really are your political beliefs, they're going to start saying some libertarian stuff. And so it's a I'm excited to bring in some folks from outside of politics, these are authors, speakers, different people that I know from my past and really pick their brain about What they believe in interacting with people being able to persuade people, and we're gonna learn best practices from some of the greatest out there. And then we're gonna when possible, you know, it's not necessarily every show's not going to touch on politics. But if the guests are comfortable with it, we're gonna say, Well, how would you implement these ideas in the political world?

We talked about it, I forget how many episodes back but you the guests here on the program we've talked about with them I've talked about with you. I've seen it, you're seeing it the reoccurring theme of libertarian themes popping up in the entrepreneurial space and the salesperson space. I just heard I forget who I was talking to they they mentioned how Dave Ramsey basically said, Yep, I might be a libertarian, this might be a way to do things on his show this past week. I know I have all of all the people I know. But he's he's saying that you're hearing people like I just had Victor Antonio, the show a few weeks back, you know, he's a very, very well known sales professional and sales coach. But also, you know, he he's done this before, and he's a rabid, self described objectivist iron Rand capitalist. So we see this, right, there are people out there who are already open to the message. And that's partly Yes, going back to the episode I actually did with Victor, where we talking about the value of, you know, marketing plus sales. This is why what we do with Chris Goyzueta, on the program, from the marketing perspective, is where he is helping us set the ball and tee, and then it's on the salesperson to knock it out of the park. And we need to be able to not only have those conversations and see what is working, but also what hasn't worked. And I think this is sometimes where I get frustrated with the libertarian movement. And this is just across the board is that we too often than not seem like we're trying to reinvent the wheel and way too many areas instead of looking to see who's already done this, and what can we learn from them. And I think we have this mentality because we see ourselves as this third political party that people will never give a shot to for some reason. They're that we're like, Well, you know what, we're not going to take their stuff and try their stuff. Because reasons. Because people in a cynical and we don't like people, and we want to be confrontational. And that's the that's the that's the perception, though, right? That's how we come across. And when we get offered advice, or we get offered help. We're very, very pushy, and we're very, we're very reserved, and we naturally have this inclination to question authority. But also, I think, sometimes to our detriment, question help. And I think this is where you speaking to people who have already done this successfully, they have the skins on the wall, they can show you not just how it can be done, but also what pitfalls to avoid sometimes, Jeremy, I think that is sometimes the biggest thing that we have to pay attention to is not what should we be doing, but what Shouldn't we doing and what have people done in the past that have helped them learn, so we can learn from their mistakes, so we don't make the same mistakes in the future?

Jeremy Todd  
Absolutely. I remember, one of the most valuable pieces of information ever told to me was there's there's two ways to learn something, there's a hard way, in an easy way, there's a from y o e, which is your own experience. And that takes a lot of failure, it hurts a lot, or there's someone else's experience. And that's really easy. You just pick up a book, you listen to him and you don't do the same mistakes that they made, right. And that that's something that we really hope to bring with this. And it's gonna be a wide variety of things. Not everything is going to be about Okay, here's how you have an effective conversation to sell liberty, a lot of this stuff is going to be how do you just become a more effective and successful person? Because as as we've discussed a few times on the show, you have to be some you, they have to look at you and see, okay, they've got something that I want. You know it if a homeless man is telling you about libertarianism on the street, you're probably gonna go well his ideas probably don't work that great, why wouldn't they work for him? Right? And really,

I mean, I don't mean to interrupt your train of thought I want to let you go. Like this is partly why I've always had issue with the vermin supreme approach to things I get this playing the satirical role, and I get poking fun, but then there has and he did this right during the debates at the very end, this past election cycle where he took off the boot which for your average listener, that's the thing who didn't know that but he took off the boot he usually wore and he stopped pretending to be pony man and actually started being libertarian person and I think that the pony roll you know, the the vermin supreme roll has. It has the role to poke fun, almost like that court jester mentality, but in terms of actually being in an authentic communicator, and to actually get people to move from the Okay, I'm laughing at the court jester because I see it being silly. And he pointing out the contradictions and the hypocrisy is I get it. But now I need somebody to actually show me the way. And I think that's sometimes where we have gotten stuck is that we we've embraced that homeless guy right approach to, we have unfortunately, a lot of people who do not have a lot of the unfortunate a lot of clout. And that's just the sad reality. We have to have people who not only care about the stuff that we're talking about, but are going to be able to get other people to care, too. Didn't mean interrupt, Jeremy, continue my friend.

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, no, it ties perfectly in. And so how do you build and create your own cloud for your community, and it's it to go Jordan Peterson on your make your bed, clean out your car. But also, you know, what is your morning routine look like, we're going to hopefully talk to some people who are experts in all of these fields that help you sharpen your axe, because as we know, iron sharpens iron. And if we are not constantly sharpening our skill set, we can have all the will and the knowledge in the world. If we can't deliver it effectively, we're not changing the hearts and minds, and we're going to be outnumbered. But by those that oppose freedom, and what I fear, we're going to lose it if we don't start winning. But in order to win, it's about who you become in the process, right. One of the things a lot of football coaches say is it's not about X's and O's as much as it's about jimmies and Joe's. And so if you don't become the right player, the X's and O's won't work at a certain point, skill, and talent has to play a part. And that's what we hope to do with this is bring some stuff to the table that is going to improve your skill set, improve the skill set of the movement, so that you can be more effective when you do those things for liberty.

So how I know that's a tough question. I'm asking a very loaded question. So I apologize at the onset, Jeremy, but how will you figure out if you're having success? And I asked this question, because I know it's tough. But this is something I think a lot of people don't think about, when they're starting off on a new venture, they think I'm just gonna do this thing, and it will go where it goes. And then within, you know, if it's a podcast, 10 episodes, they're burnt out, their audience hasn't really grown, they're done. Or if it's, you know, a new publication, they do it for a month, they get like, you know, a little bit of traction, but they get burnt out, they're done, you know, what are we gonna see? And I would love to hear it, you know, is it metrics? Is it KPIs and

Jeremy Todd  
KPIs here? Yeah, you know, obviously, I think behind the scenes, you and I will, will monitor some things. But ultimately, it's, we're the guests engaged and excited to talk about the show, because we're going to be bringing on some folks that have different platforms. So these are not going to always be, and we will bring some folks in from the Liberty movement, who also work in this arena and have a specialized skill set. But we're going to be working with people who don't talk politics. And so my first metric is, are they willing to tell their audience Hey, I was on the show, and you need to go watch it, that'd be number one. And number two is when we have more people providing you and feedback about, Hey, I learned this technique, and it helped me do x. That is the sort of feedback that I'm going to, because that's when you know, you're you're having an impact on people. And if you've ever done it, if you've ever flipped somebody into a libertarian, right, where they maybe didn't believe it before, but after a couple conversations and stuff, they go, you know, maybe I am a libertarian, I'm starting to agree with and see a lot of the things and you can see it in conversations. Those people who flipped them are very excited to tell the world they did so and so hearing that we played a role in that will be one of the measures of success for me.

And that will be a referral partner that you can then build upon. I mean, think about that, as my camera goes crazy. And I'm like, that will be something that we could then and you can then Jeremy Natalie use to help grow what we're trying to do here as reach more people to have more of an influence. But when you're going out and you're trying to actually give tools to people, and they're looking for, you know, some case studies, if you will, or something that they can take away and see, yes, this not only is a great idea, but this works. That's where the magic happens. I know some of my best customers I've ever had are almost all referral customers. Absolutely. And that's just because from the very nature that they're already being almost being pushed into the conversation that somebody in their circle has already been having. And they're being recommended because they likely are already having that same conversation and it takes a lot of the guesswork out of our efforts. I mean, I know whenever I'm starting out the new salesperson, one of the hardest questions They always think that they had to overcome as well, where do I start, because it seems insurmountable who I go after. And if you can start to go after the people that you already have connections with. And in this case, it's people like us, like the salespeople, on the sales professionals that we've already networked with, already looking to those relationships, and leverage those already built up, established levels of trust. And then to be able to dig into those problem points that if you're already experiencing, they're likely experiencing to now we can flip it also to any other issue. But specifically, from the sales perspective, this will be great, because now we can take this and really get rid of the the micro, and we have a micro, which is great, you know, goes through an individual sales cycle. But now we can start to apply it on a greater perspective. And that's why I think having these these more grand first conversations, it does give context. And I think that's where we've missed out. And in some cases, Jeremy, not you and I specifically, but as a greater movement is the context of what we're trying to do. Versus, you know, what we're actually doing? Is it one thing to feel good, and validated that you won your argument online? Or is it another to actually see your community get better, and objectively feel better, because now number one, things are getting better, the problems are getting solved. But also number two, you're certainly surround yourself with people who not only have the shared lived experiences, but now shared values, and hopefully shared goals. And that's where we're going to start to see a lot of success is when people start to surround themselves with those not only just focused driven individuals, but good people, genuinely good people, because that will inevitably bring out the other, the other good in other people as well.

Jeremy Todd  
Absolutely. And that's the kind of people we want to bring onto the show are individuals who have committed in some way, shape, form or fashion to bringing out the best in others to helping others become the best version of themselves. And I think the end goal is it's pretty simple. We look around our movement, and we can name a handful of very, very talented, smart individuals. But then, I don't know about you guys, but I consider myself to be fairly average, I know my stuff when it comes to this. But in this world, when you get out into the arena of business and personal growth, these are, these are extremely successful people. And I hope to introduce them, not only to our audience, but our audience to them, and grow the next generation of leaders so that I can be replaced, because I shouldn't be in this spot. Right? We should not be here leading we should. JOHN, when we look back on, you know, john, what was it was it john adams capitalism, or john Locke, I can't remember. But the original capitalists and stuff we, we are standing on the shoulders of giants. And so we have to put the emphasis on growing the next generation to be bigger giants than we are. And I feel like maybe it's a fact that previous generations failed us. But we're not going to fail the next one. And we're going to focus on these things that get results that make an impact that grow individuals, so that we can pass the torch sooner rather than later.

And we're focusing on winning. I think that's the ultimate difference, because in the past, winning wasn't really something that was valued. It seems we right and this was the old argument you know, I've been going through I'm doing my throwback episodes here on the Saturday Saturdays that we don't have a Sunday candidate highlight series, which we'll be picking up sooner as we go into the the midterms here in 2022. But one of the reoccurring themes I'm finding is some of these conversations were well what's the approach of the party should it be to actually win elections or to educate people and part of sales and I this is kind of I think, what sparked the the initial like I need to go into the sales like approach for liberty because part of being an effective and one of the top level sales pros is not just helping solve the problem, which will inevitably lead to closing the deal, but also educating your buyer along the way. You like I think, I think that our first episode Jeremy, we did together remember we talked about the trusted advisor and like yeah, it's cliche at this point, I think they'll just be becoming the trusted advisor what does that mean but it truly means that if you're able to articulate and effectively go through the steps of building empathy, building that natural trust and actually uncovering the real problems after that, right, then after that, they will see not you as the person trying to make that you know that pen to paper deal happen. But you are the person who cares about their their success, but also their Being in a better spot going forward, it's not as difficult if you're able to now have these conversations with other people who have already done this, and they can bring what they're doing to the greater Liberty world. Again, it's just more for us to learn from so how about this? Well, I know we're only at 18 minutes, but I want to really make this a focus on your new show. So Jeremy, we're going to be having a here on The Brian Nichols Show. It'll be part of our seven days a week rotation. So specifically, dig into where folks can go ahead. And what is your new show? I guess that would be good to dig into right? And number two, where can folks go ahead and make sure they follow it so they're not missing it?

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah. So SEL liberty is going to be the show, you'll look for sell Liberty on YouTube, we're going to go live on Thursday nights. Time still TBA because I am on the west coast, which screws everything up. And makes it difficult because seven o'clock for me is 10 o'clock on the east coast. So but time is, is TBA, but we'll be going live. And we'll be again bringing in guests from outside the Liberty world to talk about what their, their passion projects are, what they're specially talented at, what their big idea is, what their big secret is, and how we can apply it in our world of politics. As far as that goes, I believe we have. So it's cell Liberty on Facebook. And then on Twitter, I believe it will check. So yep, at sell Liberty on Twitter, is where you'll be able to follow

the show. Perfection. I'm so excited my friend because I mean, this is this is why we do what we do. Because we know it's making a difference. And I know I'm already seeing the change and listen, like I think we've I've said this a million times on the show at this point, I want to reiterate it because the community we built here we are making a difference. And we're seeing the conversations change. And we're seeing people win. And that's cool. Um, yeah, and like let's, let's focus on building something even greater than what we thought we could ever possibly do. And this is one mentality I think we just if I could leave us on a you know, where we should be in a mentality and a mindset going forward is Dream High. Like, yes, don't set expectations. average to above average, like we should have lofty goals. I forget it was Grant Cardone you dream big, it's it's still free. In like, that's true, because absolutely average person will easily dollar eyes that dream and tell every reason in their head, why they can't do it. And, and they'll be like, I not worth that. And right there, I'm not worth not worth thinking that big. And that goes back to what we were talking about before this, this doesn't have to be the approach doesn't have to be armed. It's not good enough. anybody's good enough, but you have to take the initiative, it's going to be hard, you have to do the hard work, but the reward, not just from the outcome, but how you'll feel and how you'll be effective across the board not just in the sales and marketing and communicating the ideas of liberty, but just as a person.

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, yeah. 100% it's that idea which I'm certain somebody is going to want to explore about the growth mindset that you know, I have, I live in a world of abundance and I can go get and create anything that I want to or do we wake up every morning and we believe that there's a cap on our head that there's a limit to what we can do and we can accomplish and typically the gap between those two is motivation and skill and so we're gonna bring in people who hopefully will help you discover that motivation and teach you that skill so that you can wake up every morning and go No, you know what this group this world that we've created can go accomplish these big things. The punk rockers in politics can actually go you know take number one on TRL to eight to date myself here right so for those who don't know that was like a top 10 countdown show when I was growing up, but you know, blink 182 hit number one on that against the Backstreet Boys and and Britney Spears. So hey, punk rock can win sometimes. And that's that's what we're we intend to show how you can win as a person and how you winning as a person can help us win this movement.

Chris Goyzueta smiling as you listen to this episode, because I think his first time he's ever on the show. He said he wanted to take the punk rock approach to libertarianism. And I mean, that was his whole marketing career was built on helping those bands out there. Build up Their names and build up their entire networks and super fans. And I dare say he's done an amazing job because if you go to his website, by the way, making with Chris G, you will find so many amazing bands. You're like, Oh, I know that band. I know that Dan, and I know that band and and then us are going through you're like, and Chris worked with all of them. So yeah, go ahead and give Chris some love. But also back to your point, Jeremy. Right, right now there are resources to people if you want to go ahead and just start right now looking at options. I mean, number one, over on the Patreon, we have one on one consulting with yours truly, as well as you know, Jeremy's gonna be doing that as well. So if you're interested, Brian Nichols Show comm forward slash support, you can go ahead and sign up for either quarterly or monthly for that. And then like we are mentioning celebrity will becoming its own individual entity as well for organizations to come. And, you know, not only seek help, but specifically from the sales and marketing perspective in the Liberty world. So we'll make sure you have resources for not only those organizations and affiliates, but candidates to that's going to be huge, as well. Um,

Jeremy Todd  
yeah, Jeremy, it by the way, it just starts with a show. And what you're talking about is something we haven't touched on here is that then it's kind of done, the goal is to make it a network. And I may, I may be the expert in one or two things, but in those other things, we're going to connect you with the experts in this movement, who are great at those things and, and network in that way. So that when you need, for example, new marketing material for your campaign, or even your company, you go do I know somebody? Oh, yeah, I have this network here called sell liberty. And these are people who are great at it, that I can support it because they believe what I believe. And they think how I think so that is what this will be growing into, very quickly. So we're excited to take the first step.

Jeremy, I'm pumped to have you on board helping us grow this year at the network. Because I mean, back to the point, I've said it once, I'll say it again, I'm gonna say it again, the future we are making a difference. And we wouldn't be doing this if it was just explicitly a labor of love you because at the end of the day, we all ask that question, what's in it for me? And that's okay. And what's in it for me is I'm seeing the substantial difference in the conversations that we were having in 2015, when I joined this movement, and where we are six years later, in 2021, it's night and day, the approach to actually getting things into action is night and day. And we're actually seeing things advanced to the point that we're having an impact on the national discourse to the extent that things are actually happening and people are starting to ask more questions. So let's let's just pedal to the metal increase the the intensity as much as we can right now because we are making that difference. So let's go ahead and do it even more Jeremy Todd, as always, my friend. It's a pleasure. Where can folks hear on the audio version? Go ahead and follow you if they want to go ahead and continue the conversation?

Jeremy Todd  
Yeah, absolutely. At Jay Todd six I was on Twitter, running for libertarian National Committee at large representative and Reno in 2022. My website is Jay Todd, the number for L nc.com.

And folks of course if you want to go ahead and follow Jeremy because he can't remember that you're driving didn't take the notes down No worries. Hit the artwork in your podcast catcher I'll bring you right to today's episode over on The Brian Nichols Show comm where you'll find not only all of generating social media links, including his a link there to His Excellency Ron Yes, looking forward to that Jeremy Reno cannot come soon enough, but also right in tow. Oh, indeed. And an entire transcription of today's episode, as well as all ready for this 370 plus episodes in total Wow, of The Brian Nichols Show, which can all be found. Brian Nichols show.com. That being said, let's see today's Monday. So that means tomorrow is Tuesday. And we will have of course a solo short TV dlb either a one on one with yours truly, or with our good friend there. Chris, Professor Goyzueta, who is as I've reiterated one of many times, very, very, very busy. This term has been overwhelming, I'd say for in terms of a time perspective from him. But my goodness, he is just absolutely killing it. So yes, we are so excited for when Chris is able to have some of his time back so we can steal it back from him. And yeah, yeah, sorry, kid in wife. No, Jeremy and Brian, want Chris back here. So I know just using that being said any final thoughts here for The Brian Nichols Show audience as we wrap up today?

Jeremy Todd  
None just make sure. Tune in Thursday. It will be on audio on. Will this be on audio Fridays? We'll see we recorded Thursday. Yeah,

yeah, we'll figure it out. Man. We'll figure it out. We will be live

Jeremy Todd  
on on YouTube and Twitch on Thursday night TBD. Make sure you follow the accounts to see about the time but tune in. Got it got a very exciting guests who just published a book. Get a double check on times, but I feel feel good about this.

And that's call a teaser if I've ever heard one. That being said Brian Nichols signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Jeremy Todd. We'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at The Brian Nichols show.com. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe. Want to help us reach more people? Give the show a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to find us at Brian Nichols show.com and download the show on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow me on social media at V. Nichols liberty and consider donating to the show at Brian Nichols show.com forward slash support. The Brian Nichols Show is supported by viewers like you. Thank you to our patrons Darryl Smith, Laura Stanley, Mike olema, Mitchell megabits, Cody, John's Craig Acosta and the we're libertarians network. Trust the experts we're all in this together. It saves one life Raise your hand if you've heard any of those tiresome phrases over the past year and a half. I know my hand is currently raised millions of people across dozens of industries were labeled on essential and forced the lockdown with livelihoods and futures crushed in an instant and as government has continued to expand its power and leverage fear to turn neighbor against neighbor a group of filmmakers have taken a stand and are determined to help set the record straight on the importance of following the actual science of the pandemic follow the science on lockdowns in Liberty from the sound mind creative group is a brand new docu series highlighting the stories of those negatively impacted over the past year and a half by ineffective government policies enacted in the name of following the science with noted experts like Nick Hudson from panda the pandemic data analytics organization healthcare policy advisors like Scott Atlas and telling stories of business owners families can just your average everyday person harmed by these government mandates follow the science on lock downs and liberty is giving us a chance to make sure the true stories of the pandemic are cool, so please help us at The Brian Nichols Show in supporting the sound mind creative group with noted figures in the Liberty movement like Dr. Tom Woods donating 1000s of their own dollars to this project. You know just how important this project is so head The Brian Nichols show.com forward slash follow the science to donate and catch their brand new trailer to the docu series one more time. That's Brian Nichols Show calm for slash follow the science

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Jeremy Todd Profile Photo

Jeremy Todd

Born and raised in Alabama and a salesperson from an early age Jeremy brings his Libertarian view of the world with a persuasive southern twist. He has led multiple sales teams to record breaking success in his career and is currently a gubernatorial campagin manager and candidate for LNC Rep at Large