333: How To Effectively Prospect (And Get Results!) -with Jeremy Todd

How can being a master at prospecting make you a master at sales?
How can being a master at prospecting make you a master at sales?
Jeremy Todd returns to the program to discuss that, plus how your referral network can become a goldmine for new business.
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Trust the experts we're all in this together. If it saves one life, raise your hand if you've heard any of those tiresome phrases over the past year and a half I know my hand is firmly raised millions of people across. Dozens of industries were labeled on essential and forced the lockdown with livelihoods and futures crushed in an instant and as government has continued to expand its power and leverage fear to turn neighbor against neighbor a group of filmmakers have taken a stand and are determined to help set the record straight on the importance of following the actual science of the pandemic follow the science on lockdowns in Liberty from the sound mind create a group is a brand new docu series highlighting the stories of those negatively impacted over the past year and a half by ineffective government policies enacted in the name of following the science with noted experts like Nick Hudson from panda the pandemic data analytics organization healthcare policy advisors like Scott Atlas and telling stories of business owners families and just your average everyday person harmed by these government mandates follow the science on lockdowns and liberty has given us a chance to make sure the true stories of the pandemic are told so please help us at The Brian Nichols Show in supporting the sound mind creative group with noted figures in the Liberty movement like Dr. Tom Woods donating 1000s of their own dollars to this project you know just how important this project is. So head The Brian Nichols show.com forward slash follow the science to donate and catch their brand new trailer to the docu series one more time. That's Brian Nichols show.com for slash follow the science we can become great at doing the the things that we do well the things that we focus on like I'm I think our audience is great at selling Liberty I think we have been amazing at doing that. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show Your source for common sense politics on the we are libertarians network as a sales and marketing executive in the greater telecommunications cybersecurity industry. Brian works with C level executives to help them future proof their company's infrastructure for an uncertain future. And in each episode, Brian takes that experience and applies it to the Liberty movement, you start to ask questions that pique his interest and get him to feel like okay, this guy's actually got something that maybe can help me out. And then you're asking him questions and trying to uncover the real problems build that natural trust. I know it wasn't a monologue there, man. Instead of focusing on simply winning arguments or being right, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and their application in the world of politics, showing you how to ask better questions, tell better stories, and ultimately change people's minds. And now, your host, Brian Nichols, Show Well, Happy Monday there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. Yeah, for you YouTube listener. You're like his studio change. Yeah, we whole story. We'll dig in that in a second. But yes, I am your humble host, Brian Nichols. And thank you for joining us on today's funfilled episode of The Brian Nichols Show. And of course, either Monday or every Monday that is we either do a sales episode or a marketing episode. Last week we heard from the professor himself Chris Goyzueta. This week, returning to the program, the one and only Jeremy Todd sales extraordinare welcome back to the program, my friend.
Jeremy Todd
Hey, Brian, thanks for having me back. Ah, how are you friend?
Well, I was teasing in the intro there Yeah, I have a little bit of a new air quotes studio had a little bit if you you know that whole hurricane Ida thing that went through lots of RAM here in the northeast. Yeah, my house was one of the places I got hit. And apparently we found a leak that ended up going in from the roof slash where a nother edition meets the house long story short, the floor in my studio ended up getting nice and soggy. So yeah, having having hopefully somebody coming in looking at that soon, and hopefully be back into the studio sooner rather than later. But hey, we're making it work. We have a makeshift studio right next door. That's right. Yeah, hey, we're gonna make sure we're always getting folks and awesome episode seven days a week, my man and by the way, you've been killing it with your solo episode. By the way,
Jeremy Todd
yeah, a lot more fun than I thought I would honestly. And I'm looking forward to kind of what that is going to evolve into with our new acquisition.
Yes, so he's teasing it. And we've talked about this a little bit, but we can officially announce Jeremy that you and I will be along with our good friend Chris Goyzueta. Taking over the the realm. That is one sell Liberty from our good friend Brenda Reiter. Now, Brent ended up deciding to take a step away from politics, and honestly in the world that we're in right now, who can blame him, but he had built up a great entity that was called sell liberty. And really the idea was to focus a lot on the things that we talk about every single day. And that is the ideas of building value, becoming the trusted adviser solving problems, building solutions, versus trying to focus on winning arguments and really bring it to the one on one individual in the later the greater Liberty world, showing you the tools and the steps that you can take and you can practice to become the best advocate and really the best salesperson for liberty now, this isn't the the used car salesman approach to Liberty we've heard in the past. This is truly a solutions based sales approach and this is something that we've been talking about, like you're in the program as a way to really grow the movement. So now that we've absorbed this entity, and I was thinking who better to really help me with carrying on this mission that Britain had really started, then then Jeremy, and also Jeremy, you've been doing such a great job, not only with those sales solos with the one on ones, I've been hearing great feedback from those as well. And this is something I think we're going to see, especially in the next, you know, two to five years as we hit these different election milestones that this is going to be an area more and more people are going to be saying, I need help. And we need to be able to give them the tools to say, hey, it's here for you if you want to take the help. But what are you looking forward to right now, Jeremy, in terms of being able to start this new venture and celebrity?
Jeremy Todd
Well, the the two big things that I'm really looking forward to is getting out to conventions, to state parties, to county parties, to affiliates, and really providing some of the training that Brent himself did and created. So if you are involved in a state or local affiliate, and you'd like some training, contact myself or Brian, and we can arrange a way for us to come out to an event or a meeting of of your affiliate and provide you with these concepts, this training. And yeah, so that's the first thing i that is being on platform is the most exciting thing to me, when teaching people these ideas and concepts of training and really going through it. The second thing is, with the biweekly episode of sell liberty, I am very, very excited to bring on a lot of people from outside of politics, and people that have been very influential in my sales, growth, teaching and development and getting to have conversations with them about what it is that what's their favorite topic. What are they especially skilled in and we might get into politics, but we might not and right ultimately, that is the the the skill set development that I'm excited to bring to our audience liberties a
means to an end. And I think we have to go back to remembering that it's not the only thing it is a means to help us accomplish. And this is the the Larry Sharpe approach our ultimate personal happiness. Now, you know, we're recording here on Sunday, tomorrow, Monday, I'm going to be recording with one of my favorite sales legends and that is one Tonio so excited. And I just found out by happenstance and listening to his shows that he's a rabid capitalist who is a big fan of iron Rand, and I just, I kind of sat there. And I'm like, there's an entire market of people that overtly are avoiding talking about this stuff every single day. And they're actually building solutions out in the private sector. But they can help us. And they're the allies that we need to be building bridges with, to bring their solutions into the political world, not to help bring it to the public sector, but rather, to show that the solutions that those folks who are trying to leverage the public sector to accomplish that they can be solved in that private sector solution and to have people like Victor who have shown Not only is it possible, but you can build a heck of a career doing it. That is the the thing that we're missing, and it's why we have to be able to not only effectively communicate, but to know who we're talking to. So let's start off Jeremy, because
Jeremy Todd
we want to segue, right? Yeah, one way,
because you talked about this, when you sent over the notes, and I I was like, Why? Why do we do this? Right? At the end of the day, it is we end up talking to people who agree with us, and who are already talking about the things that we agree on. Great. But what does that accomplishing? Is that growing our actual size of the conversation, or rather is it just reaffirming the people who already agree with us, but rather Jeremy, to your point that you said beforehand, let's start focusing people who actually have the problems that we can start to solve.
Jeremy Todd
Yeah, yeah, totally. And that's what is really cool about these skills. And like, what you're talking about is, it's going to give us opportunities to get in front of people who don't talk about libertarian politics all day. And it gives us new audiences. And one of my favorite ways to introduce these ideas and is to get in front of people provide value to them, and then the old, hey, by the way, and then bring up what do they really want to talk about? Yeah. So yeah, let's dive into prospecting a little bit. Now I know this is your expert arena, being the leader of a business development team. So what would you say are some of the big keys and finding the right person to sit in front of.
So at the end of the day, we have to know, how does the decision get made. I almost like to reverse engineer in terms of saying My goal is to help get this person to to, you know, end up selling me selling my solution to them is to help them buy a solution, right? So to go through and figure out, number one, how does this person's role fit into the buying process. But number two, who else helps them in this process. And more importantly, the third part is who helped in this process in the past, so in your research and digging into your, your company, and your prospects of who you're reaching out to, you should be able to figure out your general buyer persona, and that's usually the person that you're going to be talking to, and in my world, so talking about my day job, that's going to be more of the Chief Information Officers, your for your more strategic visions long term, if you're going more operational day to day, your it directors, so being able to know who that person is, but then what are the likely number one the goals that they have. But number two, and this is going to be the thing that we really should focus on, when you're calling in especially you're trying to pique interest in that initial cold call outreach, or email outreach, wherever it may be, is what are the problems that they likely have to accomplish or rather solve in their day to day, or the strategic goals that they're setting forth? They're going to solve problems from a company wide standpoint, because they're working with those other C level executives, if they're in the C level. So in that world, how can we help them do that and help them obtain their ultimate goal that is security, that idea that I have done my job, and I'm safe, right? So if going back to how can you make sure you're talking to the right person? is in the questions you're asking. If you can ask more of those long term strategic goals to a C level executive and you're getting the long term strategic vision answers, then you're you're on the right path in terms of who you're talking to. But if a person you're talking to has no concept, no vision, no idea in terms of well, you know, I don't know, in terms of when this could actually get implemented, but it'd be nice to have, you can tell that they're more of a day to day kind of person. And that's okay. But what's important is, if it's a larger entity, where you have a lot of key decision makers who have, you know, their opinions that are very influential in this process, it's important to have a dialogue with all of them that and try to figure out what are those key operational day to day moving pieces that need to get answered, that will help address that long term strategic vision because if you can almost become the person who's echoing back the the wants of those day to day people to those sea levels, strategic vision people, then you're, you're, you're almost doing two jobs at once, you're helping solve the problem. But you're also helping be an advocate to get them to they're better, they're better future, right? And you're helping those those people along the way, in that day to day world, because at the end of the day, those are the people who are actually gonna be using the solution in my world. If a cybersecurity attack happens, yes, the C level executive is the one who has to strategically be able to move maneuver through that entire situation. But in terms of actually dealing with the attack, and the immediate fallout of that attack, it's it's that day to day person, it's the network admin is the security admin, it's the the IT director, it's whoever had that, you know, immediate initial triage that did not, they didn't do their job. And that's a sad reality, that it could be avoided. But a lot of times they're left out of those conversations. So to answer your question, Jeremy, across the board, it's to know number one, your customers by doing the research, I hear this a lot in my sales team, they'll always look for that magic bullet, you know, there's there's got to be a secret pill, right, Jeremy for that, that magic diet pill, we've always heard that it will just make you lose a million pounds overnight, that one pill that will make you get a million sales overnight. It doesn't exist, you have to put in the work. And you have to truly go out of your way and figure out not just who your customers are, but what are the common problems they have? And how are those problems, stopping them from achieving their goals? And then dig into that persona? Who is the person you're talking to? And not just based on that, you know, who they look like as a CIO and IT director not just that buyer persona. But going back to what we talked about empathy, who are they as people, what are those driving motivating factors in that world? If you can go in with those two? Those two questions answered in terms of the company and the problem you're solving, helping them reach their goals, and then the, the person you're speaking to, and not just their overall driving factors for their careers, but their overall security and goals for their their life, and how you can help them obtain that and achieve that. Then you're doing better than what 90% of the other people who are out there doing what smile and dial right. Yeah, I see this too often. Sit down, do 150 200 phone calls and smash your freaking head against the wall hoping that you're gonna get into People to pick up, you can shoot your pitch once, and then what you hope that they they say yes to an appointment or you can work smarter, learn about the person you're talking to, and make sure you're reaching them in a way that's easier for them to communicate, catch them at a good time, make sure you're not taking time from them, and show them the value of what you can do to help solve their problem. So that's where I would start.
Jeremy Todd
Yeah, I and I think you you say a lot of good things. And the main takeaway for me is, again, what you had echoed earlier, you're the person you need to be targeting is not somebody who is necessarily in your arena, who understands what you're selling, who is talking, but somebody who is currently dealing with a problem that you know, and you have confidence and conviction, you can effect let me give you a real life example. Because this, this is
this helps make it so it's like not just pie in the sky. I'm currently working right now for my day job on a very intensive solution for as a contact center for a healthcare company. And I spent a good deal of time sitting in their contact center, learning the day to day of the person actually using the solution, I could go and talk to the CIO about the different disposition codes that his contact center reps are using, and how that would integrate with, you know, their CRM and stuff if they were to go forward and become an actual registered appointment. But he didn't really mean anything to him, right? But for me to be able to take away okay, here's a problem that occurs if somebody calls their contact center, and all the contact center reps are on hold. Where does that person go? Right? That's something now I can start to articulate in a different way, even though he has no confines of what is going on in the actual call center. And then to flip it, do you think the call center person has any idea in terms of the actual text behind the scenes that make what makes it work? No. But again, tell me what happens when something doesn't go right. And what that does in terms of them, stopping them from doing their job?
Jeremy Todd
Yeah, absolutely. And the main key is keeping that focus on problems. So when you're figuring out okay, who do I want to pitch liberty to? Right? Um, I think I am an absolutist when it comes to Liberty, I think it's good for everyone, I think everyone in the world is better with more liberty. However, we, you know, kind of 8020 rule, you want to spend your time with the 20%, who are you are going to be most effective in your pitch when you do your prospecting. So who is that it's somebody that currently is dealing with a problem, that very simple Liberty principles can solve and very simple Liberty principles, what I mean is, reduce the authority of government, reduce their control over our lives, increase freedom amongst, you know, consenting people. And so what groups are currently dealing with that with encroachments on that, those are the people who we have to target when it comes to this. Um, so you, you mentioned a lot about sea level employees, and I understand in b2b, you're, you're selling to an entire boardroom, when the final pitch kind of happens. Is that do you always start at sea level? Or can you discuss a little bit about how maybe you sell the people on the ground and then sell up through them? And in a better question would be who in? Who in like, if we're pitching Liberty? Who is that sea level person in the real world? Who holds that kind of influence? And what can we possibly equate that to?
Oh, that's a great question, Jeremy. So when you're looking at the sea level, I always aim high. Reason being is if I get that see levels interest, and here's so I'll go back to I was referring to strategic vision, versus your more operational day to day. So your strategic vision people are five to 10 years, where do we see the company? Right? Right, the day to day people are the more that people who make the things happen. So if I enter into a cold call or cold email, a LinkedIn message wherever it may be, to a C level executive, and I'm addressing a hot topic, a top of mine issue, that is either a problem they have seen that is holding them back from achieving that long term vision, or it's going to be that's something that they have on the agenda. If it's something that they know, they need to start looking into, but it's something that they just can't address right now. 100% of the time, more often than not, I will get bumped down a level. They'll say, Hey, listen, this is something we're going to be looking into. Go talk to Bill, he's the IT director, he's the one who actually handles this every single day. He's the one who's having the issues with the contracts, go talk to him. I get benefit from that. Because, again, I can now fit. Bill now has to talk to you. Yeah, well, the bill does have to talk to me. But I can figure out more of those day to day problems that bill experience. And this is just the reality of the sea levels is that they often are more so taking it, there are filters of the problems that they hear from people, but they have to disseminate not only what is important and not important, but based on the context of what's what's been addressed as their top goals, right? Or what are the top threats that they have to go off and make sure that they're preventing against so yeah, there is value in going out and talking to those lower level folks. And then to almost kind of go back the other way, Jeremy, you can almost crowdsource, if you will, your way into a company, I've seen this happen, I myself haven't done it in a little bit, because I myself haven't been directly doing sales for a hot sec. But one of the things I would do, and I'm looking at this one opportunity, it's funny how things work out, I lost this deal done referring to this health health care company that I'm working with for their call center, I lost this deal in 2018, I started working on this deal in 2017. And I maintain contact with the CIO for that entire time that we lost it, and we lost it entirely on price and that hurt to hear because you should never lose on price. And I was very, you know, very humbled at that time being an up and coming kind of, you know, brand new sales guy, I felt pretty good getting to this massive account is going to be ballpark, you know, 25 MRR per per month. So that's, you know, for the Predictable Revenue kind of approach, right?
A lot of these companies run for their their modeling for their revenue. But anyway, so the the fact that I was able to really work with him from a, okay, here's the deadlines, here's the timelines, and when things are going to come up, but then I can work with the call center manager, I mean, there's actually there's one major supervisor and she had three under supervisors that we work with different shifts, you'd work with them, you'd work with the IT guy, in terms of what he actually has to do from the day to day to make sure that it's integrating properly with the various systems they had, or the various cloud based applications they had, I had to work with our network team to to make sure from a bandwidth perspective that what we were gonna be bringing in as a solution would be able to be supported from their 17 locations. So there's all these things that I was making sure that we were taking care of, but I didn't have to require my prospect the sea level to do it for me. So it made it a lot easier when we are going towards the end of the solution going through and painting how we would make this work because now I had worked through all these different areas that were pertinent to the the solution being successful. So I would say from the actual going through and building a solution, there's multiple different ways but it really depends on the size and scale of the companies you're talking to a some worlds, the C level executive is the IT director, especially for your more small to medium businesses, right? And if you apply this to the Liberty world, I'd say Who are your sea levels? They're going to be those more large movers and shakers I would say think of the people who people pay attention to it could be your your political podcast, or it could be your pastor at a church it could be a business leader, it could be a real estate mogul, it could be a TV star. These are the people that other people take direction from for better for worse in in the world of politics. So how do we influence the influencers is a great book just came out cannot recommend it enough called the wind Fluence by Jason falls. And the entire idea is to focus on not being an influencer, where you're just getting the likes, and you're getting people to talk about you. But how can you actually get people to say, I'm going to follow what this person says to get them to not just see the value in what I'm doing. But they themselves becoming almost that superfan by doing the very thing I'm doing themselves and echoing it to more people. That's when to the I think it was probably two months or so ago you would said Jeremy, what if every single libertarian just went out and got one other person to become a libertarian? The number of libertarians doubles overnight, instantly. Yep. I think if we were all to challenge everyone to do that this week, like make that your goal for the week, go out and talk to five people, five liberty, people that are their liberty curious, okay, but they're not on board with libertarianism yet. Go talk to them and have the goal. What 20% one out of five of those you think you can you can get if you were to shoot your shot, right? And again, messaging matters. So make sure that you craft the right message but one out of five people and if we were able to get you to change one person's mind per week, that's four people a month. All of a sudden that's How many people a quarter that's 12 people a quarter, that's, that's 24 people, every six months, that's 48 people by the end of the year that you've convinced to be a libertarian, now, it's not by really convincing them. But it's really by just showing them. And this is the ultimate way that you can make sure it wins is by just saying, does this makes sense. and nine times out of 10, Jeremy, if I'm in a solution that I've been going through, whether it's in my day job, or if it's in this world of politics, if I can get the person to a level that I built up enough rapport, I know who they are, as a person, I understand the moving desires that they have, but who they are as individuals, that empathetic approach, and then also applying what the solution we bring to the table and solving the problems. It should just make sense. And if it does just make sense, then it's no longer You make me uncomfortable saying, okay, sign your name on the dotted line. Rather, you're just helping them by you're just helping them through a process that they were already going to be going through. Regardless if you were there or not. Now, you're just the guy there, helping them throughout the process, telling them hey, that dress does really look pretty on you. By the way, you should go ahead and get that and by the way, get the shoes as well. Yeah,
Jeremy Todd
yeah. And I think, man talking about those influencing the influencers, that that played such a huge role when I go back to my first sales job. And in selling Cutco in that we only worked off of referrals, we didn't cold call, we didn't go door to door, that was all kind of weird. It was all about finding that right person. And then being not interesting, but being interested in them. And one of the best tips I learned was rather than asking for referrals asked to be introduced, yes. And so in your entire realm of people, be normal, be likable, treat people like friends, and politics is on the side, right? And so then you get the opportunity to introduce or be introduced. And that is incredibly valuable. Because now you you kind of get to piggyback their influence when it comes to those things. So who are some people and these are just some ones that come to mind that that could be influential, I think he listed some really good ones. But even more directly in our world. We haven't exactly embrace the bitcoiners. I know there's a lot of crypto people in the Liberty movement, but there's a majority of crypto people outside the Liberty movement. And they are short term investors. They are, you know, kind of entrepreneurial, spirited kind of people. That is that is a group of people who understands freedom, because that's exactly what crypto does. It is a freedom type solution with privacy. So if you know like when you got that friend whose way into crypto but doesn't talk about politics, and they are ripe for the picking another one and I'll go ahead and tell you this is my attempt at influencing the influencers. I am trying to become better and better friends with Mark Snyder. I think that libertarians and the Libertarian Party should increase in what include become inclusive and embrace the nuclear industry. These are people who are very passionate about what they do. It's a solution that can help us push back on government tyranny when it comes to things like the green New Deal. And it is ultimately a free market solution. It just happens to be the best one we've got right now. And so I'm I've continued to try and spend time and build relationships with people like that. And because of that we get to enter some of these political conversations sometimes Yep. And the key when providing these political conversations is to remain consistent. They are paying attention they do see your posts on social media they do. They may engage they may not. But when you remain consistent what's funny about libertarianism is that we are consistently correct. A lot of people try and dunk on like at the beginning of the pandemic. There are no libertarians in a pandemic rah rah rah, here we are 18 months later and everything we said what happened has come true. We are consistently right. It is an ideology, paste in facts and correctness. We don't we and that is what's powerful, Brian about our product is that right now, we may be the underdogs, but it has nothing to do with the ideology. The ideology is correct. The ideology wins, our product is perfect. We are imperfect messengers. And if we want to continue and the other thing what's really so important for me about
prospecting and you mentioned the idea of when one person And over there. We've discussed this earlier, but there is a tipping point on that curve. Where if enough people buy in and believe what you believe the evidence itself is that more people believe this. And that's one of the things that I get kind of fussy with the people who make fun of us for voting. I'm like, Look, I don't think we're going to vote in the answer. I understand that. But if we can put up real numbers, and put up real evidence that people there are others out there like us, we are not the crazy people on the fringe. We are gaining ground and making progress. Those numbers mean our influence increases the word libertarian increases in influence. And so that social power of getting more people on board, it's social proof. Social proof is so powerful, not only in this, but in prospecting. Because of the ability to gain referrals, who are they going to let you into the circle of and it's like it when Joe Rogan comes out and says, Yeah, voted for Joe Jorgensen. When Tim Poole is having libertarian after libertarian after libertarian on the those are social proof to those audiences that these people really have great ideas. And so the more we can do that, I think is it makes selling easy when you have advocates for you, which might the bottom idea
I had for people for people that I really haven't talked to since like, high school, I think it was, and they're more squishy lefties. But they messaged me, saying, you you were just mentioned on Tim Poole because there was my tweet I had done about the lumber prices that went viral that Rob Schneider retweeted that Tim Poole had brought he mentioned it on his show, and he pulled it up on screen. And they're like I saw I saw that that was you. You were on Tim Poole. And I was like, yeah, that was me. Isn't that cool? Yeah. And and like, they're like, yeah, that actually was cool. And they started paying attention more to my posts, and I see them now liking things on Twitter. And I'm like, you weren't there before. But now you're paying attention. And there is an idea. It goes into the ideas of persuasion. And he says, you know, Rob Chow Dini wrote 101, right here, you start to show trends, if you can. So I forget this exact phrasing. But it's like, one data point is that a data point? Two is an occurrence. And then three is a trend. And if you get to the world of a trend, and you're showing that things are happening, it instantly shows that more people want to jump on board for the fear of missing out, they don't want to miss out. So of course, if everybody else is getting on board with this brand new thing. I want to check it out, too. So let's show them that liberty is the brand new thing. It doesn't have to be it's a it's a solution really is oldest time. But it really is a solution that I think people are almost new to,
Jeremy Todd
which is sad. Yeah, I
guess. And a part of it, Jeremy is that we don't have to tell people until we're blue in the face that we're right. He said this earlier, and I want to make sure we say it again. Our ideas will always win in the battle place of ideas. We know this Yes. So instead of trying to go and just win in the battle place of ideas, because we're just going to be wasting our time doing that. Just go out and do it. Go build the solutions and make those naysayers irrelevant. make their their you know, their arguments, just that arguments. I don't really care about people bad arguments, especially when they're not in positions of power, right? I don't care if you know, a company is doing a terrible thing in terms of screwing me over by up charging me 90% if there's a company right next door that can sell the same product at the market price. I'm going to go over there if you remove the monopoly on violence, and you create a true free and open system where we can go ahead and have our ideas actually win right because they're not being thumbed down by the the authoritarians techno giants that of course will probably go ahead and nuke this episode at some point in the near future. But we know we have an uphill battle like let's not make it harder on ourselves by doing the things and focusing on the things that don't yield results I'm sorry like it we see it all the time. Jeremy right. How many people can we instantly think of who spend all day on Twitter? Just saying well what does it mean to be a libertarian to you? I'll tell you what it means to be to me it's like yeah, nobody cares what it means to be a libertarian to you what they can see will your ideas actually number one mean something in real life? And number two help me in my real life Yes, yes or no? And if it's a no I'm gone and other conversation Oh, but no, here's why ideas are right. They're gone. They're not paying attention to you anymore matter.
Jeremy Todd
Yep. And feeding your and there's that we touched on this. Two weeks ago. Victor brooms theory of expectancy and motivation. When you set yourself up to lose constantly, you lose motivation yourself. So if I've got a product and I constantly am trying to call on people who don't need that product, who don't believe my product would help solve their problems, and I continually fail over and over again,
or who actively hate your product, they will tell you to your face. I hate you. They're not your target market. I'm sorry,
Jeremy Todd
yeah, stop trying to change their mind, right? It is going to defeat you, it is going to waste your time and you are going to look bad in front of everybody else. So the key to prospecting is who has a problem that you can solve? Don't try to the way you defeat our naysayers, because our product is correct. Alright, so if I have the best product, the way that I defeat the naysayers is not by going into battle with them. And defeating them. The way you defeat your naysayers is to make them irrelevant. Make them the minority go out and win the hearts and minds to where your idea takes ground. Theirs loses it and they become irrelevant. Push them into a relevancy major issue.
You're turning me into Jerry Seinfeld over here. Ah, Jeremy, you're right. I can't. Yeah, no, seriously did like this is this is the thing about why we're doing what we're doing. Let's just okay, folks, like breaking the fourth wall, we're talking to you, Jeremy. And I could have 10 more 10 times 1010 more followers, we get to 10 times more followers. If we did the easy thing, which is to go against the path of least resistance, do what we've always done. Just Attack, attack, attack, complain, complain, complain, build your echo chamber, build that echo chamber up in terms of monetization, and then just that that's where you live, you live in your little echo chamber hive mind, and that's yours forever. And then that becomes what people identify as libertarianism. Instead, what we're doing is we're doing the hard work and that is going out and talking to people who don't think like us already. That's uncomfortable, guess what, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, it's gonna suck, it's gonna be awkward, but that's how you get better. I used to weigh 385 pounds, I couldn't run a quarter mile, let alone thinking of running a 5k but if you start to put in the work and you put in the quarter mile, then the half mile then the mile all of a sudden you start to add up week after week, month after month, all the repetitions that you have done and it makes you better it makes you stronger so when you actually get to running that 5k which I did two years after dropping 180 pounds I was able to actually do it but that's the thing is that if I had just got off the couch and said I'm going to run a five gate today I would have fallen on my fat ass probably on the first five steps because I wouldn't have been able to do it and I would have been defeated had I tried to do it so you have to make sure that you're being realistic in your goals in the context of where you are in the context of where you want to be but also you have to put in the work it's never going to just be happening overnight there is no silver bullet there is no you know magic pill you have to go in put in the blood sweat and tears I mean I know you're not a big NFL fan but one of my favorite NFL players of all
Jeremy Todd
time. The NFL I just don't root for a team. Okay, fair yeah so Jason Witten
is one of my all time favorites tight end for the Dallas Cowboys and he retired a few years back but when he did there was it was showing on his all or nothing on Amazon TV and one of the last bits he was supposed to retire that season he technically did and then came back and played the Raiders but that's we're just gonna pretend it didn't happen last year yeah that last year the Cowboys man and he said this one thing where you know it's in the dirt it's it's where all on the field you know, it doesn't matter what your your your draft status was, doesn't matter how much you're paid. If you want to earn the right to be a Super Bowl champion in the NFL, you earn it by going out in the practices by spending all the time out there doing the drills and doing you know, the Think of all the hot summer training camps Jeremy that you had to go through back when you play like it's just it's a nightmare to think of all the things you put forward. And if you just look to say like, oh, I'll never get that though. Back to your point, right? If we're not in this winning mentality of like, it's never possible, but also to say not only is it possible, but how did other people get there? It's not by just sheer luck. Some cases it is in some cases it's they got there and then they've created unfair systems on us. But extract just don't win, right? Like we need to go ahead and just we have to win. We have to go ahead. Yes. Don't say, you know, let us talk, we start talking about us together, we're gonna start talking about us. They already are talking about us, Jeremy. So with that being said, my friend, we are, unfortunately already hard pressed for time. So let's, as we wrap up, I want to housekeeping in terms of what to expect, though. So yes, we will be introducing very soon as we get this mapped out here. Jeremy will be doing a brand new show on the network, and it will be all focused on cell liberty. So to the point Jeremy have been doing more of what he's been doing with these one on one sales. But yes, having conversations with some of these noted Liberty movers and shakers, particularly in the selling Liberty world, and also of course, we will continue our conversations with Chris Goyzueta. doing his marketing extraordinary self stuff. And otherwise we we've been having our awesome conversations we just had here back on Saturday with our past guests. Kimberly Ross was our most recent guests, Ram Remo Martinez, returning to the program coming up here on this coming Saturday. So yes, it's great to hear from our past, past guests, and also our throwback episodes has been great to have, you know, some of these past voices, you know, even people who are no longer with us, you know, this is one of the things about why I love that we're able to do this, because people like the late great Steve Horwitz, I had him on the show in 2018, just recently passed away from cancer, and to be able to have that conversation we had saved for posterity sake, and is truly one of those great, educate enlightening foreign episodes. Like it was one of those ones, I still share it to a friend if they have a question about why does the minimum wage not work? Check out this episode with Dr. Steve Horwitz, Professor of Economics. So yeah, it's great to have these conversations. And that's what we'll be having as we move forward. Yes, still seven days a week. But Jeremy, let's do this. Let's go ahead and give you the final thoughts here for the audience. What do you want them to take away? from today's I would say you took the role of hosts a little bit today I like to answer some of these questions. So what do you what are the thoughts for the audience today?
Jeremy Todd
A be comfortable getting uncomfortable, speak to people prospect. Be smart about who you target in that conversation. Don't waste your time with people who you don't solve their problems, or actively hate you that will force you to lose motivation and look bad in public. Instead, focus your energy on people. And then I think our last point, which was just a great rant by you, is that no one is born, an NFL player, no one is born, a surgeon, no one is born, a salesperson. These are skills that if you learn will make you more effective at virtually everything that you do. Because they they make you a better father, mother, sister, brother, friend. person, persuasion is a powerful thing that is useful for everybody. And while we may be on the front lines, you even having one or two conversations can make a huge difference in the future for us, and in our future generation. So yeah,
Jeremy timer. Always, as always, my friend it's great having you on the program on the network, you bring a treasure trove of not only information and knowledge but just a great way to communicate it And right now, as we wrap up here, this is this is how we will get better as a movement. This is how we are getting better. You know Spike's going around, talking to different chapters, you know what we're doing here in the program, what Brett was doing, and handing us the keys for sell liberty, we saw change happen and it's funny how things happen, you know, I'm going through my my office here is we were ripping it apart before we have to have people come in to fix it up. And I found one of my old is like an old folder. I had a little thank you note. And I sent this out back when I started my show in 2018. I did a bumper sticker said it was like a fundraiser for the program to help investigating Mike and such. And if I have a little letter that I'd send with these, these bumper stickers, and in my letter I had sent one of the the paragraph said it's very tough help, effectively selling and marketing liberty. And I hope that this helps. And it hit me for a second I was like I was 45, almost five years now removed from where I am today. And what we're doing in the show, I had no vision that this was going to be the way that the show took in terms of approach to selling and marketing Liberty effectively. But to think that I almost kind of did in the in my saying here's a problem. It's tough. It's tough marketing and selling liberty. And in my saying that in my letter, not even realizing it and reading this now fast forward as we get to 2021 I'm like, Ha This is the number one issue that we have been facing. And and whether we say it out loud or not. We kind of all acknowledge it. And that's why we're doing what we're doing. That's why we're winning. And that's why we're going to let's be real That's why we're scaring so many of the other establishment folks because they're seeing what we're doing. Winning they're seeing when Michael malice has a reply on a tweet that his tweet is getting more traction than the original blue checks right there that that's that maybe it doesn't mean it like Twitter's out real life, but it definitely is giving them an insight that it's not the world where everybody believes me exactly as it's supposed to be because I'm the one in universal truth. Brian Stelter is no longer the truth, right? no longer the Walter concretes of the Dan rather's of the world now there's people like us who know how to effectively communicate and sell to people and we have the means and the tools to utilize that insight and help other people do it as well. So we say all that folks, if you want to learn more how to do this effectively, and really have a deep dive one on one with you yourself. Yours truly are Jeremy, head to our Patreon Brian Nichols Show comm forward slash support you can go ahead and get one on one coaching with yours truly we have I think it's only like six or so left per month coming up here for either quarterly or monthly. So head over there if you guys are interested. This is how you if you're running for office, if you're you know helping grow an affiliate or even if you're just a business owner, and you're looking to get more effective in communicating and selling your services, your solutions to your customers. That's where we can help so Brian Nichols Show comm forward slash support but otherwise, folks, thank you for joining us on the episode coming up tomorrow you have Jeremy Todd he's going to be doing a quick solo short on sales. Jeremy, what's the topic tomorrow? Do
Jeremy Todd
you think? phenomenal question. I don't know yet. I usually these come to me in a moment of you know, it's kind of a shower thought for me, even though it's not in the shower. They pop in me. Yeah,
that's even better, folks. Because if you want to make sure that you don't miss what Jeremy showers episode will be. Here's that Yeah, shameless plug. Make sure you hit that subscribe button. So you're not missing a single time. Our brand new episode goes live. But with that being said, Jeremy, where can folks go ahead and follow you if they want to go ahead and continue the conversation?
Jeremy Todd
Yeah, at Jay Todd 601 on Twitter and J. Todd for L nc.com. is where you can find my campaign for running for libertarian National Committee.
There we go. And folks if you want, by the way, if you want to go ahead and do me a favor, head over to our amazing, amazing team of the guys over the sound mind creative group. They are building an amazing docu series, please, if you can go We're at a fundraising push right now. November 1 is our deadline. And our goal is 300k. I need your help. We as a greater Liberty movement have to go out of our way and help make sure that we do whatever we can to get this docu series made. We've had folks like Tom Woods invest I think he did like 10k or something like that. Like there are folks out there who are doing the part and they're helping lead by example but we need more folks. If so, if you are a business owner, if you are a sales professional, if you are a on essential worker right. And you were impacted by the COVID-19 lockdowns if you are a health care workers, you'll go down the list of people who have been negatively impacted. And you want to make sure that the actual stories of the people who've been hurt by this lockdown and government authoritarian mandates have been in response to the covid 19 pandemic. please head over to The Brian Nichols Show comm forward slash sponsors go to follow the science go to their fundraiser page and make a donation and when you're there click on their awesome brand new trailer that they have for their the docu series. It's so great, and I cannot again support these guys enough sound mind freedom group, follow the science on lockdowns and liberty. But that's all we have for you folks. So with that being said, Thank you for joining us on our amazing sales episode with Jeremy Todd. So that being said, it's Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show. We'll see you tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker
Thanks for listening to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at Brian Nichols show.com.
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Jeremy Todd
Born and raised in Alabama and a salesperson from an early age Jeremy brings his Libertarian view of the world with a persuasive southern twist. He has led multiple sales teams to record breaking success in his career and is currently a gubernatorial campagin manager and candidate for LNC Rep at Large