May 5, 2021

241: To Sell Freedom, Tell Better Stories -with Matt Kibbe

241: To Sell Freedom, Tell Better Stories -with Matt Kibbe

How can telling better stories help #SellLiberty?

Matt Kibbe returns to the program to show how storytelling is a crucial tool in the toolbelt in helping illustrate our ideas and our solutions to a market of non-libertarians who are looking for answers.

Back in January, I joined Matt Kibbe on his program to discuss the failures of libertarians to effectively market ideas.

We know that the best way to communicate with people is not to tell them what you think they should know, but to listen to their problems, answer their questions, and establish yourself as a source of trusted information others can turn to in times of doubt.

During that time of answering their questions and establishing trust, telling stories is a crucial tool in the toolbelt in helping illustrate our ideas and our solutions.

Matt now returns to the program to help show how best to tell stories that inspire and drive people towards "buying liberty" as a solution to the problems in their lives, and how he and his amazing team at Free the People have been helping tell amazing stories that show how libertarians are problem solvers.


Find Matt & Free the People Online-
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Find “How to Love Your Enemy: A Restorative Justice Story” on YouTube.

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